July 25, 2019

"Two sources tell News 4 that [Jeffrey] Epstein may have tried to hang himself, while a third source cautioned that the injuries were not serious and..."

"... questioned if Epstein might be using it as a way to get a transfer. A fourth source said an assault has not been ruled out, and that another inmate was questioned. The inmate who investigators have talked to in Lower Manhattan facility has been identified as Nicholas Tartaglione, according to two sources. Tartaglione is a former police officer in Westchester County who was arrested in December 2016 and accused of killing four men.... The attorney for Tartaglione denied all the claims that his client attacked the financier, saying his client and Epstein get along well.... 'They are in the same unit and doing well,' said Bruce Barket, an attorney for Tartaglione. He said any claim that Tartaglione might have assaulted Epstein 'is absolutely not true.' Barket said Tartaglione and Epstein have been complaining about conditions inside the MCC including flooding, rodents and bad food."

From "Jeffrey Epstein Found Injured in NYC Jail Cell After Possible Suicide Attempt: Sources/Epstein was found semi-conscious with marks on his neck, sources said and investigators are trying to piece together exactly what happened" (NBC New York).

Add it all together and the most plausible theory seems to be that Epstein, wanting a transfer to a nicer jail (or release on bail), got his new friend Tartaglione to strangle him enough to make it look like a suicide attempt.


Birkel said...

A pimp who sells children may not last long.
And the people he could implicate probably wouldn't mind Epstein's expiration.
I would sell Epstein short.

David Begley said...

Epstein probably paid the guy.

jaydub said...

Vegas has set the over under for comments on this post at 12.

Gilbert Pinfold said...

An outing to Fort Marcy Park would seem to be on the short-to-medium term schedule.

J. Farmer said...

Suicide is probably unlikely. More like self-inflicted injuries to get a transfer to a medical unit. I've seen that ploy pulled dozens and dozens of times.

narciso said...

Tartaglione could snap his neck without a second thought, did you look at the link I provided last night?

MikeR said...

Child molesters are said to be at the very bottom in the prison hierarchy. Even vicious criminals hate and despise them.
Plus, there are a lot of people still on the outside who may be very afraid of what Epstein might do to them.
Lot of plausible theories.

Bob Boyd said...

It was probably just a hickey.

Birkel said...

Vegas is going to suffer a brutal beating.
Worse than Epstein, even.

rehajm said...

When does Bil Clinton get indicted?

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

got his new friend Tartaglione to strangle him enough to make it look like a suicide attempt.

What? How could a strangling look like a suicide? If that's even possible Althouse has found the perfect murder plan.

Seeing Red said...

Jussie Smollett comes in all shades.

gilbar said...

wasn't this Tartaglione character wearing a MAGA hat? and wasn't bleach involved ?

henry said...

Epstein seems addicted to his cushy (and highly illegal) globetrotting life. An attempt at a better prison once any and all legal (dare we add failed attempts at bribes?) avenues failed him. I agree with our host on this one, the old "safety" ploy.

Ann Althouse said...

"What? How could a strangling look like a suicide? If that's even possible Althouse has found the perfect murder plan."

Maybe if you were a former cop -- like Tartaglione -- you'd know how to stage it. I would think you'd use a rolled up sheet and make it seem as though it had fallen to the floor.

The article says Epstein "was found semi-conscious with marks on his neck." I assume that means he was found lying on the floor. Just get "marks on his neck." Obviously, you don't want anything looking like finger marks. Use whatever an actual suicide would use.

The "semi-conscious" part could be acting by the fake victim. All you need is marks on the neck.

Ann Althouse said...

And don't try that at home.

Howard said...

Auto-erotica gone a smidgen too far?

Howard said...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...

And don't try that at home.

David Carradine couldn't be reached for comment.

Johnathan Birks said...

Yeah, I'm putting my money on autoerotic asphyxiation. Seems right in his wheelhouse.

libertariansafetyguy said...

Cop from Westchester County... who else do we know from Westchester County who might want to suicide Epstein?

narciso said...

Comey live up that way,

libertariansafetyguy said...

Btw, Ann, medical folks know how to tell if someone is faking unconsciousness - they run their thumb up the bottom of their foot. There’s an involuntary response to become alert unless there’s a medical condition. My dad, a fire fighter, used it on me a couple times when I was pretending to be asleep as a kid.

Wince said...

Been there, done that.

"...it's got to hold the weight of a pig."

- Tuco

Bay Area Guy said...

Epstein comes off like a degenerate sleezebag. He is already a convicted felon.

But I do hope he isn't killed in prison. it would be better to get to the bottom of what he did and how he operated.

"Due process" even for sleazebags is a better route.

Birkel said...

Bay Area Guy:

PRO TIP: Never use the phrase "get to the bottom" when discussing a pimp who dealt in children. Or really any pimp.

tcrosse said...

Considering the number of rich and powerful that presumably Epstein has dirt on, this could be the work of a committee, as in Murder on the Orient Express.

Howard said...

Blogger EDH said...

Been there, done that.

"...it's got to hold the weight of a pig."

- Tuco

Bravo! How long did you have to wait to finally be able to play that card.

gspencer said...

Inclined to believe hoax. Probably to get better incarceration conditions. Epstein has lived a life of ease; what he finds himself in now is so discombobulating that he's become desperate.

Fernandinande said...


Those Tucos are giving the name Tuco a bad name.

Stephanie Delmonico said...

jaydub: I would like to cancel my subscription to your tout sheet.

M Jordan said...

Speculation on TheDonald (reddit) is he got “Arkancided.”

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Banging 16 year-olds probably doesn’t put you in the prison Short Eyes category. More like high-fives all around. He knows too much about some powerful people. There’s nothing wildly conspiratorial about thinking they want him gone.

Qwinn said...

I actually very much doubt Epstein survives 2019.

He's got megadirt on waaay too many people, and some of them managed to get the word "Arkancide" added to the language.

My favorite was the close Clinton associate who was found beheaded. Literally beheaded. And his death was ruled as "natural causes".

William said...

Epstein is a master manipulator. I don't think he will find the prison system an insurmountable challenge. Madoff apparently doesn't....That said, there are quite a few people equally adept at manipulating the system who sincerely hope for his early demise. We'll see how it plays out, and, however it does, I wouldn't give odds on justice being the clear winner.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Over/under on Epstein’s number of days remaining on this Earth?

I’m going with 39.

Tick, tock ...

bbear said...

The Man Who Knew Too Much was a 1934 British film featuring Peter Lorre and directed by Alfred Hitchcock. In 1956 Hitchcock remade it in the U.S., this time with James Stewart and Doris Day...

n.n said...

He exploited children for pleasure and progress. This is one social boundary that most people will not go along to get along. He has a twilight future under Planned Pedophile.

Bay Area Guy said...

I'm not trying to defend Epstein, he's a degenerate, but I do think it's important to let the justice system run its course, and make a proper course correction from that sweetheart deal he got.

For example, Epstein likely blackmailed people and had some important confederates. I'd like him to sing to get those folks too.

paminwi said...

I read this cop in the cell block was found with an illegal cell phone 2 days ago.
I think Bill & Hillary paid a guard off to get the cop the phone.
Got the cop to relay a message to Epstein you behave, keep your mouth shut or said cop will "take care of you"!
This so-called suicide was the first message of many to come!

404 Page Not Found said...

Epstein should be in solitary confinement for his own protection. People inconvenient to Bill and Hillary have a habit of being found dead, and Epstein has information on even more powerful people than them.

Marcus Bressler said...

Did he say, "Choke me, Daddy!" first?


rcocean said...

He's just trying to get out of jail. This is standard stuff for Wealthy Crooks. Quit being naive.

bagoh20 said...

If you help someone do that, what is the crime: attempted murder, attempted suicide, battery, obstruction of justice, or like Trump's assumed crime: obstruction of injustice?

bagoh20 said...

I think we can assume that especially someone like Epstein will do whatever is possible to get out of this. Someone is digging a tunnel from the nearest house right now.

walter said...

So his cellmate saw nothing?

hstad said...

LOL - somebody, in Epstein's book, does not want their name to be disclosed publicly.

Ann Althouse said...

"Btw, Ann, medical folks know how to tell if someone is faking unconsciousness - they run their thumb up the bottom of their foot. There’s an involuntary response to become alert unless there’s a medical condition. My dad, a fire fighter, used it on me a couple times when I was pretending to be asleep as a kid."

What about faking semi-consciousness?

Ann Althouse said...

"He's got megadirt on waaay too many people, and some of them managed to get the word "Arkancide" added to the language."

"Arkancide" has been in Urban Dictionary since 2008.

Michael K said...

What about faking semi-consciousness?

We had a goofy guy come in the ER one time when I was a medical student. He was seizing, or looked like he was.

A resident who had seen him there before, started to intubate him. He jumped up and ran out of the ER.

That works every time. There are some weird Munchausen cases out there. I've seen a few.

FullMoon said...

Banging 16 year-olds probably doesn’t put you in the prison Short Eyes category. More like high-fives all around.

Age of consent by state

FullMoon said...


"However, in the United States in 1875, each state determined its own criminal law and the age of consent ranged from 10 to 12 years of age. It would not be until after the 1930s that the term “jail bait” came into use in America as the age of consent laws changed."

Bruce Hayden said...

For example, Epstein likely blackmailed people and had some important confederates. I'd like him to sing to get those folks too.

Here is a question for everyone - why was Epstein arrested now, instead of sometime over the last decade, and by the Feds, nonetheless? Part of it was the result of some very good, dogged investigative reporting, but...

Yesterday, I think, I read about the falling out between Epstein and Trump. Apparently, a bit over a decade ago, when Trump was yugely underwater financially, Epstein apparently went to Trump with a deal that he was interested in. He wanted to flip this Florida mansion, and thought that Trump was safe to ask advice from, because he owed so much money. Nope. Trump went to the big German bank and borrowed that much from them, plus another $5 million, that he used to top Epstein’s bid. Then, a year later, after some work, Trump sold it for more than twice what he had in it. In retaliation, Epstein appears to have gone to the police alleging that Trump had engaged in financial irregularities. And Trump May have been the one to then drop the dime on Epstein for his sexual adventures. And hence maybe Epstein’s arrest, prison time, and level III sex offender status.

Which brings up the question of why, now, was Epstein arrested? And the answer may be that Epstein is close to, and almost assuredly has blackmail material on a number of powerful people led by former President Bill Clinton, husband of Crooked Hillary, who hired Fusion GPS to attack Trump, and their (fake) information formed the basis for the two year Mueller investigation. The Clintons more than likely had some sort of hold over Obama to get her the Sec of State gig, then let her skate on her use of her illegal private email server while Obama was in office (the orders to not prosecute her seem to have come directly from Obama himself). But with the Dems now out of power, why not indict Epstein earlier? I think they may have been blackmailing AG Sessions a bit. Or, maybe it is all coincidental. The motivation may be that the Clintons just cost Trump two years of his Presidency, with the Mueller investigation at least partially based on the Clinton funded Steele Dossier. Could this be the beginning of payback?

gilbar said...
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gilbar said...

CDC: People With Dirt On Clintons Have 843% Greater Risk Of Suicide

Michael K said...

Bruce, maybe the final eclipse of the Clintons removed the last toehold Epstein had on them. Nobody cares anymore if Bill goes down hard. They are not worth it anymore and Epstein loses his last grasp on immunity.

Lawrence Person said...

Despite appearing on the poster, Lorre is only a supporting actor in the 1934 version of The Man Who Knew Too Much; Leslie Banks was the star, in the Jimmy Stewart role (or vice versa). Lorre was the heavy.

The 1956 color version is superior in almost every way, except that there's an absolutely wonderful chair-throwing fight in the 1934 version...

FullMoon said...
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gerry said...
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gerry said...
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gerry said...

A resident who had seen him there before, started to intubate him. He jumped up and ran out of the ER.

I understand urethral catheterization can induce the same kind of behavior from fakers.

RobinGoodfellow said...

Arkancide—failed attempt.

I think a double-tap to the back of the head is the surest way to commit Arkancide.

Michael K said...

I understand urethral catheterization can induce the same kind of behavior from fakers.

I haven't tried it but you re probably correct, I do know from sad experience as an intern that passing an Ewald tube (a nose to stomach tube the size of the thumb) will not cause an overdose to wake up. Some however will fight and vomit on the hapless intern.

Kirk Parker said...


I'm trying to understand the point of your 11:31 AM comment. Surely you aren't asserting that the prison population is such a stickler for malum prohibitum law that, even though 32 states set the age of consent at 16, if they find you did it with a 16yo in a state where the age is 17 they will Dahmer you???

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