July 12, 2019

Told ya.

"Acosta Resigns as Labor Secretary over Epstein Plea Deal" (NYT)("Mr. Trump made the announcement as he left the White House for travel to Milwaukee and Cleveland").

ADDED: Where did I tell you? On July 10th, with lots of pushback in the comments, I said:
... I do think Acosta should resign. When it mattered most, the cries of a wealthy man overwhelmed those of ordinary people. That's not what belongs in the Labor Department.
That was early in the morning of the 10th. Later that afternoon, Acosta did a press conference (reportedly because Trump "instructed" him to), and I wrote:
If Trump forced Acosta to do this press conference, presumably Trump is watching and judging. If you're watching, how do you think Acosta is doing? I tend to accept a calm explanation, so I'm not a good test of how well Acosta is doing. Trying to look at him the way I think other people do, I suspect he sounds too flat and matter-of-fact. Too mechanical. Not enough empathy. So I'm going to guess Trump isn't seeing what he wants.
So I told you so. It's because of all the pushback in the comments that I have to gloat.

IN THE COMMENTS: Annie C. says:
Good. Now get Scott Walker in there.
Annie C. was also there in the first July 10th thread (and, unlike most commenters, agreeing with me):
And yes, Althouse, these attempts to get Acosta off the hook don't work for me either. Just reporting what I read.

Personally, I think he should resign and Trump should appoint Scott Walker as Labor Secretary.


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Inga...Allie Oop said...

Katie Johnson’s testimony

Believe what you want.

Fen said...

"When it mattered most, the cries of a wealthy man overwhelmed those of ordinary people. That's not what belongs in the Labor Department."

That's a nice sentence. Very Soviet too.

But is that really what happened? Do you actually believe Epstein manipulated Acosta in any way to get a light sentence? Or that Acosta allowed himself to be manipulated by the cries of the wealthy delivering truckloads of money to an offshore bank account?

Big Mike said...

Influential Democrats AND Republicans. If you are so naive to think that only Democrats were involved, [typical Inga ad hominem remark deleted]

For a change Inga is close to being right. Republicans who have proven themselves occasionally useful to Democrats can also slip through now and again (though not always -- c.f. Bob Packwood). But it's mostly influential Democrats -- you can tell how influential they are by how serious a charge they can skate on.

Why are you so sure Trump won’t be touched by any investigation into Epstein? Because he’s so powerful? Because you think he’s as pure as the driven snow?

Ah no, it's because Trump took the necessary steps to bar Epstein from the Mar-a-Largo resort after Epstein was alleged to have sexually assaulted one of the resort's female employees, and, further, I understand that Trump took steps to find justice for the girl. No true Democrat would have done that, much less someone Epstein could have blackmailed.

Even Presidents who engage in rape of minors should be brought down.

We're in full agreement here, but even Presidents whom Inga does not like are allowed to defend themselves from spurious charges. Let me spell it out for the poor, befuddled nurse who destroyed her brain by stealing pain relief drugs from elderly patients to have her own personal high. An allegation is not proof of guilt. Let me reinforce that. I allege that Inga, while a nurse, accepted bribes from the relatives of elderly patients to murder them by withholding medications. That's a serious allegation for sure, Inga, and it is so serious that surely you must be guilty -- at least by the standards you wish to apply to Donald Trump.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“We're in full agreement here, but even Presidents whom Inga does not like are allowed to defend themselves from spurious charges.”

Who is saying the don’t have a right to defend themselves?

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

*** Breaking News ***

CNN is reporting that prosecutors plan to charge President Donald Trump in the drowning death of Mary Jo Kopechne. They will also opening an investigation into his role in setting up Hillary Clinton's illegal email server.

TJM said...

I see delusional Inga is still posting here. I guess she missed the news that Trump banned Epstein from Mar-a-lago and cooperated with authorities over 10 years ago, vis-a-vis Epstein. The Big Horndog and his "wife" will be the biggest losers here along with other select Dems

Big Mike said...

Inga (3:30) admits that she accepted bribes to murder elderly patients by withholding life-saving medication so that relatives could inherit more quickly.

Gary said...

David Gerrold came to a similar conclusion at the same time. I often read you together, Gerrold and Althouse as the opposite ends of "sensible" American political opinion today.

purplepenquin said...

"I allege that Inga, while a nurse, accepted bribes from the relatives of elderly patients to murder them by withholding medications"

Have you notified the police and/or any other authorities of this? Or are you one of those scared/weak people who remain silent while great harm is being inflicted upon others?

(Didn't another commentator say how they were too scared to say anything when they saw little girls being raped by a social group they belonged to?)

Tank said...

Bruce Hayden said...

Here is something that I don’t know - Was Acosta forced out because of Epstein? Or was that just the reason given, and the real reason was his performance as Sec of Labor

This occurred to me too.

cf said...

scott walker for labor secretary is exactly the kind of role I hoped for when trump won the presidency. Oh, what that man might be able to do for America!!!

Leland said...

So did Althouse predict Coats would be out too?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

"I allege that Inga, while a nurse, accepted bribes from the relatives of elderly patients to murder them by withholding medications"

“Have you notified the police and/or any other authorities of this? Or are you one of those scared/weak people who remain silent while great harm is being inflicted upon others?”

Indeed he should notify the authorities! What a coward.

Lydia said...

I guess she missed the news that Trump banned Epstein from Mar-a-lago and cooperated with authorities over 10 years ago, vis-a-vis Epstein.

You can watch a video interview with Bradley Edwards, the lawyer who represented Epstein's victims, in which he said this about Trump (5:33 point):

The only thing that I can say about President Trump is that he is the only person who in 2009 when I served a lot of subpoenas on a lot of people or at least gave notice to some pretty connected people that I wanted to talk to them he is the only person who picked up the phone and said let's just talk I'll give you as much time as you want I'll tell you what you need to know and was very helpful in the information that he gave and gave no indication whatsoever that he was involved in anything untoward whatsoever but had good information that checked out and that helped us and that we didn't have to take a deposition of him.

So do you know if there's any truth to James Patterson's claims that Trump kicked ...

I've definitely heard that. I don't know that it was Trump himself as opposed to a manager there yeah Trump I've heard the rumor that Epstein was kicked out of there for allegedly trying to pick up somebody's daughter or something like that but I think I did chase that down as far as I could and never was able to confirm it.

Drago said...

"Indeed he should notify the authorities!"

What for?

It's Milwaukee and as soon as they figure out Inga is a lefty loon who still believes in the hoax dossier they will let her off without so much as a warning.

They will also begin looking for any republican in Inga's orbit who can be targeted to shift the blame.

SOP in democrat controlled areas.

Freder Frederson said...

Inga, do not respond to Big Mike's libel other than to demand he delete the comment immediately. If he doesn't, email Ann and have her remove it. It might take a couple days. Also have her delete any comments that refer to it. Make sure you tell her the time of the comments. I know this from personal experience.

We may throw, and take, a lot of shit around here, but his comment is too much.

narciso said...

was this brought up:


Milwaukie guy said...

I just started reading this thread. After a bit, I searched for "loyal." Didn't come up.

I think Acosta was allowed to state his case. Then, because he's a loyal team player, he resigned so the Acosta issue wouldn't be a distraction. Good on him and it will be noted.

Inga...Allie Oop said...


I don’t think anyone with an ounce of intelligence believes BM. I’m not going to bother emailing Althouse and ask her to remove the content. From my experience she won’t and doesn’t appreciate being bothered by this sort of stuff. It’s obvious BM thinks he making some sort of point, but he only makes himself look like a fool.

purplepenquin said...

"SOP in democrat controlled areas."

It takes a special kind of paranoia to beleive something like that. But you've always been a special kind of commentator, haven't ya?

Jeff Brokaw said...

Ann finally takes a stance on something, and then feels the need to gloat for reasons that are clear only to her, since she can read minds.


BTW, you know what else Scott Adams does besides make predictions? He criticizes mind-readers.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“It takes a special kind of paranoia to beleive something like that. But you've always been a special kind of commentator, haven't ya?”

I like to refer to Drago as the Jon Voight of the Althouse blogs comments sections.

Freder Frederson said...

I’m not going to bother emailing Althouse and ask her to remove the content. From my experience she won’t and doesn’t appreciate being bothered by this sort of stuff.

This is different. He has accused you of a very serious and specific crime. The comment, and any that refer to it, need to be deleted. I don't think she hates anyone as much as me, yet she removed comments when I requested it in a similar situation, and was actually rather gracious about it.

Fen said...

Freder: Inga, do not respond to Big Mike's libel other than to demand he delete the comment immediately.

It's not libel. He is doing to you EXACTLY what you do Trump - assuming guilt based on allegations - to see how you like being held to your own unethical standards.

Interest how both you and Inga recoil when what you do others is done to you.

Inga: I’m not going to bother emailing Althouse and ask her to remove the content. From my experience she won’t -

Seriously? You guys whine to Althouse every time the mud you sling gets thrown back at you? And you had an expectation of being taken seriously? That's hysterical. Thanks.

Inga...Allie Oop said...


I’m retired and my nursing license is spotless. If any of the nonsense BM accused me of were true I’d be in jail and wouldn’t have kept my career in nursing for over 35 years. Thanks for your concern, I’ve had worse comments and accusations launched at me by right wing nutcases here in these comments sections. I will give your advice consideration, I’m glad you had a good experience with Althouse with a similar situation.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“It's not libel. He is doing to you EXACTLY what you do Trump - assuming guilt based on allegations - to see how you like being held to your own unethical standards.”

I know FULL WELL what he thought he was doing. It doesn’t take your special sort of genius to figure it out Fen.

Freder Frederson said...

assuming guilt based on allegations

Except he made up the allegations, asshole.

If I made up allegations against Trump, my comments should indeed be deleted.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

And Fen, what BM accused me of doesn’t bother me in the least, I think it’s obviously stupid.

Fen said...

Pruple: (Didn't another commentator say how they were too scared to say anything when they saw little girls being raped by a social group they belonged to?)

No, I talked about how I risked everything I had to go after the perp - my life, my marriage, my savings. The actual sexual abuse happened years before I learned of them. And I ended up going to the FBI, since the multiple incidents spanned Maryland, DC, Virginia and North Carolina.

And I can't stress enough sick it is for both you and Inga to turn the rapes of young girls into a prop to use for cheap shots at people who disagree with you. You are using them as tools to pleasure your own ego, just like Epstein.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Indeed, whatever allegations I’ve posted against Trump, haven’t been made by me. They are documented in court records. No one YET knows if they are true or false. These women need their day in court to be heard, if Trump has nothing to be afraid of he wouldn’t behave as he has when it came to the 20 allegations against him.

Fen said...

what BM accused me of doesn’t bother me in the least, I think it’s obviously stupid.

Right, tell us more about how it really doesn't bother you.

I know it's a waste of time but... do you even comprehend that the "allegation" directed at you is simply mimicking the allegations you directed at Trump, to show you why it's unfair to do such a thing?

The fact that you and Freder are still whining about it proves you think it's unfair. What is it about you two that you'll do unto others what you don't want done to you?

purplepenquin said...

"He is doing to you EXACTLY what you do Trump"

Big Mike made his own allegations about Inga. While I have seen Inga say she beleives some of the allegations made about Trump, I haven't seen her make her own about him.

If you seen such a thing, please link - would like to read it for myself.

Jim at said...

This is different. He has accused you of a very serious and specific crime.

Guilty until proven innocent.
It's all the rage on the left these days.

Deal with it.

Fen said...

Except he made up the allegations, asshole.

Just like the women who made up allegations about Trump.

You are going to respond we don't know if they just made it up. To which I'll respond: we don't know if he made up the allegations either.

Do you two have such situational ethics that you can't even keep to the same standard of proof in the same paragraph?


That's right, pound on the table. Lose your temper to distract from your poor reasoning skills. Maybe you can make ape-like noises, beat on your chest and fling poo. At this point I doubt it would hurt your position.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

Oh poor Fenny, did Inga hurt you somewhere? Point on the dolly where Inga hurt you. Fen is so earnestly trying to stir up outrage that anyone dare post any allegation against Trump. Sorry dummy, but they are all in the public sphere, including court records and last I looked this blog’s comments section isn’t a shrine devoted to Trump worship.

Fen said...

Purple: While I have seen Inga say she believes some of the allegations made about Trump, I haven't seen her make her own about him.

Oh you want to play that game. Sure:

I heard that while Inga was a nurse, she accepted bribes from the relatives of elderly patients to murder them by withholding medications. But I'm not sure if I believe it.

Maybe I should innocently remind everyone in every new thread?

(btw, I avoid using "sic" when I correct spelling mistakes of the people I'm quoting, I simply correct it for them and move on. But if people are going to use multiple accounts to defend themselves, it would sneakier if you all didn't keep misspelling the same words)

MayBee said...

These women need their day in court to be heard, if Trump has nothing to be afraid of he wouldn’t behave as he has when it came to the 20 allegations against him.

You know, not every accusation needs a day in court, or gets a day in court. Women who have made accusations against Trump have every opportunity to get their accusation brought legally to court.
How does he behave when it comes to the 20 allegations that show he has something to be afraid of?

Please don't say...he won't go to court to prove his innocence.

Michael said...


Simple matter. Prove you didn’t.

purplepenquin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

Inga: anyone dare post any allegation against Trump

No, as several others have already explained: we are trying to teach you that an allegation is not proof of guilt.

But I knew using Reason with you was a waste of time. At least I tried.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Please don't say...he won't go to court to prove his innocence.”

“Trump has dismissed all of the allegations — which include ogling, harassment, groping, and rape — as "fabricated" and politically motivated accounts pushed by the media and his political opponents, and promised to sue all of his accusers. In some cases, he and his lawyer have suggested that Trump didn't engage in the alleged behavior with a certain woman because she was not attractive enough.

"Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign," the Republican nominee said during a 2016 rally. "Total fabrication. The events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over."”


So why hasn’t he sued them yet? Of course he wants to stay out of court.

Freder Frederson said...

You see where this is going? This needs to stop now.

Birkel said...

Anybody else excited about The Plague coming to Los Angeles?

MayBee said...

I mean Epstein's victims deserve their day in court obviously. And the story of why they didn't get that is Nation-wide and doesn't stop with Acosta, I don't think.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“No, as several others have already explained: we are trying to teach you that an allegation is not proof of guilt.”

Fen you little dummy, you couldn’t possibly teach anyone anything. If Trump is innocent, why hasn’t he sued these women as he threatened to? Because he’s scared shitless of going to court and testifying under oath.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I mean Epstein's victims deserve their day in court obviously.”

So do Trump’s victims.

MayBee said...

Narciso- When I hear about stuff like this I do think about pizza gate. I don't think Comet Pizza was involved in anything, but those emails from the Podestas were absolutely weird.
I also think about the Las Vegas shooter, with his guns and his money going to the Philippines and his brother who was into child porn.

purplepenquin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MayBee said...

So do Trump’s victims.

Do they? And are they being barred from getting that somehow?

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birkel said...

The Plague.
In Los Angeles.

Let's talk about one Labor Secretary replaced by another.

Do you people even logic?

purplepenquin said...

"I heard that while Inga was a nurse, she accepted bribes from the relatives of elderly patients to murder them by withholding medications."

Did you hear that from anyone other than Big Mike?

And wtf is up with accusing me of this "props" bullshit? You're the one who first brought up those girls in the SCA, not I, and you've brought 'em up multiple times.

BTW, since you brought it up: I am not using multiple accounts to comment with on this blog. Also, please stop misquoting me - or at least make note of the fact that you are changing what I actually said when you feel the urge to "correct" what I am saying. Thank you.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Do they? And are they being barred from getting that somehow?”

Indeed they do. Witness tampering, threats of violence to her and her family are reportedly what caused Katie Johnson to drop her rape case against Trump and Epstein.

Birkel said...

Royal ass Inga:

Do you believe any part of the dossier is true?
Do you believe the allegations about Trump?

Birkel said...

And do you believe the Fucking Plague is more important?

Fen said...

You're the one who first brought up those girls in the SCA, not I, and you've brought 'em up multiple times.

That was Howard's line when I brought up my dead father in discussion, speculating that children of alcoholics develop skills to read a room or a person because their safety depends on it.

And I didn't use raped girls as props like you and Inga have. I brought up the child predator victims in the SCA to recount my experience of how difficult it is to stop a pedophile when the officers you report it to are in on it or have a motivation to cover it up. And also to warn people that you are likely to be stonewalled/threatened/silenced by people you admire, trust and respect.

no matter which name you're posting under.

We've been over this a few times too. This is Mary's allegation. But I have never posted under a sock account in the 13 years I've been here and Meade can easily prove it. When I first started I may have used Fenris and then later changed it to Fen, but never both at the same time.

Weird that you attack along the exact same angles as Howard and Mary...

Ironic too. As you were just claiming it's wrong to make wild allegations about Inga. But then you turn around and make wild allegations about me. That's another commonality (other than the same misspellings), these situational ethics you'll clutch your pearls over but then violate not 5 minutes later.

MayBee said...

Indeed they do. Witness tampering, threats of violence to her and her family are reportedly what caused Katie Johnson to drop her rape case against Trump and Epstein.

I mean.....that's pretty interesting considering that's exactly what Lisa Bloom was doing to Weinstein's accusers at that moment in time.

An accusation cannot be enough to bring a trial. Surely you agree with that.

MayBee said...

Birkle- what is this about the plague in LA?

MayBee said...

It's fascinating that this has turned into a Trump thing.

Michael K said...

Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
“I mean Epstein's victims deserve their day in court obviously.”

So do Trump’s victims.

Oh, Hillary will get her day in court if there is any justice in the world.

Birkel said...

Yeah, The Fucking Plague is in Los Angeles.
Apparently the rat population is just about past escape velocity to really spread the disease.
Dr Drew Pinsky had an article on it.

The homeless and the drug usage and the rats...
And we're in the ever-loving Dark Ages because of Democratics.

narciso said...

that was allegedly what black cube was doing, to Weinstein's victims, so I haven't checked is miss Watkins, still filing based on her special skill sets, Vicky ward, seems to be the reporter who glommed onto this story first,

Fen said...

Inga: If Trump is innocent, why hasn’t he sued these women

What are the odds that if Trump sued the accusers, Inga's soap box would be all about witness intimidation via lawfare?

I called Vegas but they refused to give me odds.

Michael K said...

So why hasn’t he sued them yet? Of course he wants to stay out of court.

Do you swat every fly you see or just shoo them away? Stormy found out what happens when he does go to court.

I remember a case in California where a shyster law firm hired a guy in a wheelchair to sue all sorts of small businesses alleging they violated disability law. The businesses settled for $10k. Cheaper than a defense. Pretty good racket.

And then they sued Clint Eastwood. Bad mistake. Not only did they lose in court but they got disbarred.

Followed Avenatti's career lately ?

Francisco D said...

Inga said: "Believe what you want.

That statement epitomizes your philosophical approach, Inga. It allows one to have opinions that are devoid of facts, logical reasoning and a philosophical foundation.

Ayn Rand had great contempt for such characters and saw them as a precursor to the demise of Western civilization.

That seems to be a feature for today's leftists.

Fen said...

Purple: at least make note of the fact that you are changing what I actually said when you feel the urge to "correct" what I am saying.

I'm not changing what you actually said, I'm changing a word to it's correct spelling. Here's an example of what I mean:

Purple: I like to whine about baring false witness and then bare false witness
Corrected: I like to whine about bearing false witness and then bear false witness.

But it's curious that the person accusing me of sock-puppetry has the same poor read comprehension skills as Inga. I wouldn't have thought you could find two people that sub-par in the same room at the same time.

Gosh. What a coincidence.

Do you understand that an allegation does not establish guilt? Or is your answer going to be strangely similar to Inga's?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Do you understand that an allegation does not establish guilt?”

Fen, Fen, Fen you poor benighted fool. No one has asserted that an allegation in itself is proof of guilt. That is so fundamental one would think that should be obvious.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

Fen likes to restate simplistic obvious observations that most people already have figured out and tries to make it sound like it was his original idea.

Fen you are an intellectual child.

John henry said...


I think Big Mike was citing the what the Mueller Report said about Inga. Seems like citing an official govt document should be fair play.

Inga earlier told me I should believe who I want. Hmmm....

The reasoned words of a dispassionate former FBI head with oodles of investigative resources at his fingertips.

Or the semi-hysterical, self-serving denials of a fantasist. (Inga)

Hmmmmm.... who to believe. That's a real toughie.

John Henry

John henry said...

Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I mean Epstein's victims deserve their day in court obviously.”

So do Trump’s victims.

Of course they do. But they never seem to ask for one, do they?

So how have they been denied their day in court.

The one rape case you mentioned, Kathy Johnson, was pretty much laughed out of court. She withdrew all charges a few days after the election.

Any other Trump accusers been denied their day in court? Who? How?

John Henry

purplepenquin said...

You bring them up...repeatedly...yet when mentioned once (in the form of a question, asking for clarification) you claim I am using them as "props".

*rolls eyes*

That nonsense aside, earlier you claimed it could be proven by Meade that you don't use multiple alias instead of simply saying you don't - which was an interesting way to phrase it (not to mention flat-out wrong.) Comments like that makes it hard to now take your denial seriously, but your pleas of innocence are noted.

And since you brought it up again: This name is not a sock-puppet for John or Mary or anyone else (nor vice-versa). In fact, not only is it the only name I have posted on this blog with, but "Purple Penquin" (or just "Penquin" for short) is how I'm known to many-many in the non-cyperworld as well - by co-workers, bosses, friends, colleagues, band mates, acquaintances, old lovers, and many people whom I've had the pleasure to meet - and have been for the past 2 or 3 decades. It has been an online name for almost that long as well.

Obviously you are trying to play the ol' I know you are but what am I game, but the casual readers who know me IRL are most likely having a chuckle at your expense.

Aussie Pundit said...

"Told ya"

Well done. Gloat away. Few things in life are more satisfying than a well-earned gloat, and you earned this one.

FullMoon said...

Well, all right ! Gol-dang it, Inga had got the comments back to normal.

Can ritmo be far behind?

Here is my copy/paste contribution, all in fun, as usual:

Ann Althouse said...

Inga, you said something awful and got people talking, then you published — what? — 16 MORE COMMENTS JUSTIFYING YOURSELF.

It makes NO SENSE for one person to publish so many comments in a thread. You said something that sounded hateful and really wrong to me and to many other people, and yet you don't apologize, you just keep responding, comment after comment, as if you've got a lot to say and it's really interesting. Show some goddamn restraint.

7/23/18, 3:38 PM

Inga said...

Althouse, you are so transparent. You respond to Chuck and now to myself in this fashion while ignoring Drago and others who you are aligned politically with. Ugh, what a disgusting forum you provide and contribute to.

Ugh disgusting place. Yes it’s time I removed myself

purplepenquin said...

"I'm not changing what you actually said"

Bullshit. What you quoted me as saying is different than what I actually said. If it was a typo on your part, that would be understandable. But not only did you change the word, you said you did and explained why you didn't see any reason to show that you did.

Again, I am politely asking you to make a note if you are intentionally changing what I wrote.

"I'm changing a word to it's correct spelling."

It was/is spelled exactly how I wanted it to be. If you can't resist the urge to change my words into what you perfer them to be, then at least have the common courtesy to indicate that you are changing what I had actually written.

"Do you understand that an allegation does not establish guilt?"

I didn't say it did. What leads you to think I have?

All that aside - earlier you said you heard that Inga is accepting bribes to murder her patients by withholding medication. Have you heard that from anyone other than Big Mike? Do you personally beleive those allegations to be true?

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Can you enlighten me, please?"

You feed trolls, oreos. Otherwise what would you do? Certainly no young people could use your guidance or expertise. They will just figure stuff out, while you really get your point across at the Althouse blog.

It means something, comments here on the Althouse blog.

It does, it really does. At this place, it does.

You aren't a mere older, more successful version of the video-game saturated slacker. You just aren't. You are productively here speaking truth to some ... thing. But it is at a Prof Emeritus' kinda salon, not a barber shop or public house with alcohol.


FullMoon said...

All that aside - earlier you said you heard that Inga is accepting bribes to murder her patients by withholding medication.

Inga said...
(PP), I may have zero proof that (it) happened, but you also have zero proof that it didn't happen.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Ha, they said that phrase "states rights" (as if_), so that confirms my unstated suspicion they were Nazi all along.

I knew it.

I knew.

I really knew it..

purplepenquin said...

"Inga said..."

I can't find where she said such a thing in this thread. Can you please provide a link to where she did? I would like to read it for myself.

(Funny to see ya pop-up now FullMoon. Fen had just implied that I'm a sock-puppet for you. Or you for me. Or something like that. Hard to keep up with his antics sometimes.)

Guildofcannonballs said...

Look, the great Bu Bu knows more than everyone here combined.

Except for me.

So Trump won because the influence of TV, not like you were taught and not like Henry wants to weirdly sell oreos on behalf of, is.

And it will be for the due future.

And Trump owned and owns it, more than the stewards heading whatever they call themselves and their scheme now.

That is why. Like Reagan and film and other activities. Which is why they met. As proud Americans for proud reasons.

And no matter how bad it gets, remember this: They fooled GHWB into nominating the greatest Justice and the greatest American of all time, Justice Thomas, to the greatest position imaginable.

Oft evil doth mar evil.

CIA Bush thought "oh this guy ain't that smart, he'll just play ball" not become the greatest originalist jurist of all time.

If it is, that o oughtn't be capitolized.

Narayanan said...

What are Acosta career and life prospect now?
? not book deal or TV gig ?

Who else heard *Rich man's cries*
How were these specific cries brought to Acosta attention?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Loook anyone not obsessed with politics knowing what we know would have certain simple logical questions:

If we can and have and do listen to everyone, why are there bad guys?

That is all.

Because "good guys" and Democrats in general are bad, is why we don't know, and only me cares here at the Althouse blog, why bad guys go on being bad billionaires and ...

Rabel said...

If I had confidence that Inga clearly did not commit serial murder, I would say so.

Not not guilty.

Narayanan said...

With MAD magazine ceasing to be ...

Spy vs Spy have moved to thread here!?

Don't Spys have paymaster?

Drago said...

Inga the Collusion/Hoax Dossier Cultist: "Fen, Fen, Fen you poor benighted fool. No one has asserted that an allegation in itself is proof of guilt."

The entirety of the left pronounced Kavanaugh guilty of being a gang rape leader for decades.


No caveats.

In the future you might consider not making assertions that can be so easily disproved by very recent examples.

The list of other accusations that the left asserts are true without evidence is endless.

The kangaroo courts setup on campuses across the nation by leftists are designed to proclaim the guilt of the accused and assign guilt to them without any due process.

After all, since when did Maoists need evidence to pronounce guilt and inflict punishment?

Guildofcannonballs said...

I remember reading Mona Charen's "Useful Idiots" and I can't help but gloat. Every single last argument she maid against that old foe know now goes toward Trump and those who would lower themselves so far so as to actually support him.

The worst thing that could be legitimately about Buckley said would be he was no Clarence Thomas. It was it was a kinda pyramid scheme, with a man like Ronald Reagan, an actor, winning the potUS arraignment*.*unique

Remind me to talk about the great Mike Rosen.

I called him, he wasn't on air too much longer. Good man.

I don't think anyone had ever asked on air "with a Clinton in office the deficit rises even though Congress (House in theory but since that cunt the 17th was passed the House means shit) with Newt control the spending. With a Bush GOP potUS he says he has to accept whatever the Lib House gives him because no veto power override and just no, no options whatsover. So why do the GOP campaign on limiting the spending of the ultra-whacko libs when the want and desire to just spend more more more.

Bunch of fucking bullshit.

Like TX patent lawyers. They are the ones. Responsible. Ridiculous to ignore. $**$

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Well, you're the greatest artist ever, but you didn't sell, why not then? Did the market fail"

Only your market son.

FullMoon said...

(Funny to see ya pop-up now FullMoon. Fen had just implied that I'm a sock-puppet for you. Or you for me. Or something like that. Hard to keep up with his antics sometimes.)
No, he didn't.
And Inga's quote is a blast from the past, as collusion was coming unraveled. But, you knew that, you sly dog.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Althouse's power comes from the realization people assume.

So she invites assumption as if starvating for it.


But,,, then all the side benefits. Do people really have any idea what they are revealing about themselves forever to Google, The Host?

Or the shitter of course. Sure would be fun to kick a guy whose been down for two decades. Mark Steyn's buddy Kaithy Shaidle made that foremost a while back at the Taki thing. Interesting.

I didn't know I need to be fulfilling all the reasons for being so blessed back then, but I indeed do find attractive the intimations.

Drago said...

Really beautiful day in the CO mountains and a fantastic day on the lake.

Plus, as Birkel mentioned, todays left has reintroduced plague from the middle ages.

Guildofcannonballs said...


Like R. Lee Ermay didn't want Marines but Killers, so does our Host want Kanye.

purplepenquin said...

"No, he didn't"

Yeah - he kinda did. He has a theory that misspelled words by different people proves that they are all sock-puppets or something like that. Quick google search shows you & I both have spelled that particular word the same way.

And actually, a quick google search also shows that of the 5-6 times that alleged quote from Inga has been used on this blog it has mostly been in posts made by you. The only other poster who said such a thing was "anonymous", not "Inga".

FullMoon said...

And actually, a quick google search also shows that of the 5-6 times that alleged quote from Inga has been used on this blog it has mostly been in posts made by you. The only other poster who said such a thing was "anonymous", not "Inga".

Correct, I re-post it for fun.
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together

Guildofcannonballs said...

The system didn't care they chewed him up and spit his cheesy WI ass out.

But David Lynch did, I think.

I respect him. He was a man named Farley, and he isn't forgotten round these parts.

Any one of us could have ended up not healthy and happy and with 2000 reasons why the suffering should only be white men 'till they die so our utopia realizes what eschaton is.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Hillary would have minions crimenalizing all but Althouse.

Last time I create .. those words together rowed.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Talking about being a Doc that performed abortions while writing as if Judge Smails from Caddyshack was too little like Marty Augustine from "The Long Goodbye" while acknowledging the downfall through the most solid metric of all, footsteps away.

Or miles driven or whatever.

Doc and I have a long way to go. I hate Chicago for reasons he can't fathom. They aren't the same reasons he hates what it's become. "it's" as it has not non geriatric posettion fo vowels and pronouns and whatnot

FullMoon said...

The only other poster who said such a thing was "anonymous", not "Inga".

Good job. No doubt you saw the responses by commenters quoting "anonymous" used Inga's name. Kinda disingenuous to pretend otherwise,doncha think?

Gahrie said...

That kind of speech is very unusual for me. And it got a big reaction from commenters, who are perhaps used to me refraining from taking a side.

Yeah, she didn't take a side on the Kavanaugh hearings, or the Phillips/Sandmann confrontation.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Most people that lead a decent life don't, and shouldn't, have to worry about security.

The amount of money though is a crime eo ipso.

Contained, Buckley William F. Jr., taught me.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Recall when Michael Avenetti accused Kavanaugh of running a rape room ring.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Was there a worse book caused conflagration than "Liberal Fascism" by Jonah Goldbergh.

Seems in hindsight he is everything he accused Ann Coulter of being.

And Donald Trump superceded on many, many levels.

The levels that Donald Trump beat Jonah and his mom Lucianne is astonishing.

So I, part American-with-proud-Irish decent, hope God sincerely blesses us all.

Even those thay hate me.

The learning will expound to all.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Inga is a Maddow - *by any lie necessary* bitch.

Narayanan said...

Blogger Tank said...
Bruce Hayden said...

Here is something that I don’t know - Was Acosta forced out because of Epstein? Or was that just the reason given, and the real reason was his performance as Sec of Labor

This occurred to me too.

Tetes Avon peuple ...

New bones to be exfossillated ( my coinage, is it in OED?)

This is now Obama hold over!

Pizzella past being scrutinized.

Nichevo said...

purplepenquin said...
"I heard that while Inga was a nurse, she accepted bribes from the relatives of elderly patients to murder them by withholding medications."

Did you hear that from anyone other than Big Mike?

I heard that too, from some purple guy, or maybe it was a little German-Irish character from Metropolis.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Ross Kominski is abig fan of Justin Amash.

Gave the MI GOP* Freedom Caucas member more money than any other.


Justin is really, really smart. He spends his time reading Von Mises and Hyack or whatnot.

Really, really smart guy. So smart he knows his good buddy Ross fucking K in Denver won't ask Justin why China must win for Justin to get more of that CHinas' money Ross likes.

Ross in Denver couldn't ask about Justin Amash from MI calling for Trump's impeachment because, like, duh, like, uh, that question has like already like dugh been and asked and stuff.

Duh, ohterls millionsm alrealy asked that very question.

The Vault Dweller said...

Althouse has clearly been watching the US woman's soccer team with this unsportsmanlike behavior of spiking the football.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I'm not 100% on this, but didn't Steyn reference sum' 'ting 'bout Sinatra was thrown in a maybe antebellum but we don't know for sure o' nuttin' trash bin?

THen the featus Sinatra was fished out and then ya know the best Moon River French Horn I ever heard, Sinatra.

Big Mike said...

Sorry to be offline for so long; we have house guests. I see that Fen and others who are right of center got what I was trying to do; Inga and Freder did not. Inga and Freder are hard core anti-Trumpists.


Fen said...

purplepenquin: "I heard that while Inga was a nurse, she accepted bribes from the relatives of elderly patients to murder them by withholding medications."

Did you hear that from anyone other than Big Mike?

Nichevo: "I heard that too, from some purple guy, or maybe it was a little German-Irish character from Metropolis."

You might have gotten it from WaPo. There's an article citing an anonymous source about a dustup on a legal blog based out of Wisconsin or Illinois. Something about a retired nurse who is off her meds, or maybe she stole them from dying patient? Not sure cause I only scanned it, but I hope they sentence her harshly. That can't be allowed to stand.

Fen said...

... got what I was trying to do; Inga and Freder did not.

Oh I think they got it. They can't be THAT stupid.

Which actually makes their behavior worse - they are ginning up false outrage to get you in trouble for revealing their hypocrisy...

Inga and Freder are hard core anti-Trumpists.

...because that's how anti-Trumpists roll.

Bruce Hayden said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bruce Hayden said...

“Oh I think they got it. They can't be THAT stupid. “

“Which actually makes their behavior worse - they are ginning up false outrage to get you in trouble for revealing their hypocrisy...”

I don’t read them that way. Freder, in particular, has been around here a long time. He and Cook are the two resident leftists here who have always come across to me as fairly honest and earnest, but very misguided, and not nearly as smart or knowledgeable as they assume themselves to be. I can easily see Freder completely missing the humor in this, and earnestly being offended for Inga’s sake. I think that we have seen a lot of leftists just as humor impaired over time. Many of the Communist, as well as Nazi, true believers were just as earnest and humorless. There seemed to be a running war within the Soviet block between much of the populace, who used black humor to cope and survive, and these true believers who never quite got that humor, but somehow knew that they were always being laughed at through it.

Inga, on the other hand, almost seemed to miss having been the subject of a joke, until Freder got offended for her sake. She sometimes almost comes across as a bot, as shown so humorously the other day by, I believe, Fen, in his fill-in-the-blanks Inga script.

Or maybe it is false outrage. But I think that takes a lot more cynicism than either one of them is capable of.

Fen said...

Purple: He has a theory that misspelled words by different people proves that they are all sock-puppets or something like that.

Again with the lack of reading comprehension? Just like Inga. Really?

The theory doesn't PROVE anything, it's just an indicator of a coincidence to be aware of in the future. When those coincidences start piling up into a pattern then the theory has merit. Only Meade can actually prove anything (assuming he can look at IP addys)

Here are some examples of coincidences (or tells) you should try to avoid:

1) your sockpuppets should not routinely make the same spelling and grammatical errors

2) your sockpuppets should not be automatically aware of conversations you've had with your target, especially if they have shown no online presence for months.

3) your sockpuppets should not attack your target in the same tangent, for example: if you know that picking on Althouse's gay son gets under her skin, avoid using your sockpuppets to likewise attack her where you think it hurts - they shouldn't know her soft spots the way you do.

4) your sockpuppets should not all be best buds, they should have different friends/enemies than you and also each other. And some of them should not get along. Here is your chance to argue online with all those voices in your head. Indulge yourself, but take care not to skip any medication you should be taking.

5) your sockpuppets should not suddenly appear to defend you. Purely hypothetical, but if some sock named "Purple Penguin" suddenly appeared out of nowhere after a long absence (see #2) to defend you, it looks hinky.

6) your sockpuppets should avoid projection, they are not as clever as you think. Again, purely hypothetical, but if a sock named "Purple Penguin" suddenly appeared to randomly accuse people of being sockpuppets, out of nowhere and with no apparent cause, it looks like he's attempting to immunize himself from similar accusations by doing it first.

Again, none of these "tells" proves anything, although taken together they start to form a pattern that warrants a closer look.

But I would advise you against using sockpuppets altogether. It's just a matter of time before you slip up, and it will destroy any credibility you have (Lefties can ignore this advice). Because what you are doing is creating a fake profile to say things you are too chickenshit to take personal responsibility for.

Fen said...

But I think that takes a lot more cynicism than either one of them is capable of.

That's fair. I may be engaging in the fallacy that because Freder is smart enough, the only explanation for his behavior is deceit and corruption.

Fen said...

Here are some examples of coincidences (or tells) you should try to avoid:

And those were all just "purely hypothetical" examples. Not a list of things I've notice over the last week from people like Howard, Mary, Inga, and Purple Penguin.

Pinkie swears.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Oh Inga understood what you and BM THOUGHT you were doing. What you were really doing was being stupid. Inga daily gets a chuckle or a laugh out of you rightists here, especially the ones like BM or Fen, or even Jon Boy, Drago. You people are jokes and it is you who don’t realize that we on the left laugh at you or end up shaking our heads in disbelief that you could be that stupid and gullible.

I don’t bite on every ridiculous thing you idiots throw my way anymore. It’s wasted energy and it’s apparent that cultists such as yourselves don’t think like normal people anymore, so why bother?

blnelson2 said...

Out of all the complaints, the state grand jury apparently came back with only minor charges of assault, for which the state's attorney was going to let Epstein off with probation and community service. He would not have had to register as a sex offender. At a time when it was nearly impossible to prove sexual abuse/rape/pedophilia (anyone younger than 50 and not involved with the legal system, probably does not remember those bad old days), Acosta came in and got a guilty plea (that forced Epstein to register as a sex offender) and jail time. A judge does not have to abide by a sentencing recommendation in a plea agreement; so it is not clear that it was not the judge who only imposed 18 months - even if that was the recommendation, it is finally up to the judge how long the sentence will be, so the judge has some responsibility for the lenient sentence. Because today everyone in the past is judged by the standards of today, Acosta is the scapegoat who had to be sacrificed over the alter of outrage.

gadfly said...

So Annie C. thnks that Trump should appoint Scott Walker as Labor Secretary? It takes "two to tango" and that is unlikely since Trump ended Walker's political career by involving Wisconsin and Walker in the Foxconn confidence game in 2017.

Walker will not play toady for Trump just to be rewarded by becoming a part of the log list of White House department heads that couldn't get along with Trump.

Birkel said...

gadfly believes Walker should not serve his country, if called, because Orange Man Bad. #SAD

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