"[M]any Democrats see Pelosi as the thin blue line — albeit in fiery orange and hot pink hues — standing between them and a lawless Trump...."
From "It’s Nancy Pelosi’s Parade/'If the left doesn’t think I’m left enough, so be it,' she told me" by Maureen Dowd (NYT). I'm just highlighting the colors... because they jumped out at me. Much more at the link.
Also, I think it's funny to talk about Pelosi as the line between order and chaos just as she's breaching the line between my plate and yours — and so agressively: stabbing the potatoes.
The old, wrinkled speaker. The old wrinkled columnist.
The old song and dance.
“If the left doesn’t think I’m left enough, so be it”
“If another Muslim doesn’t think I’m Islamic enough, then I can be killed and my being killed will be pleasing to Allah”
Doesn't take much thinking to project out the lines, Ms Dowd.
Nancy’s standing between something all right. Who da thought crazy Nancy would be stopping the nuttier elements of her caucus from going full retard?
You get more votes being the most left in a multi-candidate leftist party. The others must divide up smaller pieces per person.
How is Trump lawless?
Besides being a Russian spy.
Hillary and Bill are actually lawless. But no matter.
The Mafia keeps order out of chaos too, the better to steal from everybody under their Protection.
Donald Trump has now been President for 2 1/2 years. In what way has he been "lawless?"
We're in the midst of an interesting and possibly tragic real world psychological experiment. A good bit of the anti-Trump population in America, and an even larger segment of anti-Trump thought leaders, are genuinely delusional. They exist in a manufactured fantasy where Donald Trump is this epic catastrophe, a simultaneously incompetent yet incomparably dangerous authoritarian strongman who is leading American to disaster in every way possible.
That's not reality. It just isn't. Donald Trump, for whatever thematic, cultural, political, or policy criticisms you can make of him, has had a relatively successful Presidency so far. None of the disasters we were promised have happened, Trump has achieved successes we were told were impossible, and many of the things that have gone wrong, like the crisis at the border, are the responsibility of Trump's critics as much or more than Trump.
No matter how you try and deny it, reality always wins in the end. Sometimes explosively. Sometimes grindingly. But reality always wins and the anti-Trumpers will eventually be confronted by the reality of Donald Trump. Maybe when it'll be when he wins re-election in 2020. Maybe it will be after they defeat him and are forced to realize they have no answers for any of the problems that produced the Trump Presidency.
The cold shock of reality might snap people back to their senses. It could also produce a psychotic break.
Lefties sleep soundly in their gated communities because the Botox Brigaide standswatch, martini in hand.
Mitch Ryder:
Fee, fee, fi, fi, fo-fo, fum
Look at Nancy now, here she comes
Wearin' her wig hat and shades to match
She's got high-heel shoes and an alligator hat
Wearin' her pearls and her diamond rings
She's got bracelets on her fingers, now, and everything
It's interesting that the top rated comments are from leftist crazies. The Sulzbergers sure destroyed that newspaper.
I appreciate the details of her wardrobe.
Maureen cares.
Hey Maureen, care to discuss how Antifa-thugs have managed to take over your party?
"No matter how you try and deny it, reality always wins in the end. Sometimes explosively. Sometimes grindingly. But reality always wins and the anti-Trumpers will eventually be confronted by the reality of Donald Trump. Maybe when it'll be when he wins re-election in 2020. Maybe it will be after they defeat him and are forced to realize they have no answers for any of the problems that produced the Trump Presidency.
The cold shock of reality might snap people back to their senses. It could also produce a psychotic break."
I fear that given the great immaturity of the TDS crowd that it will be "psychotic break". This is what concerns me the most since the avoidance of the pain of maturation leads to such delusion and, sometimes, psychosis. I think that "social media" allows for reinforcement of this worldview, which is exploited by politicians. I don't think Speaker Pelosi will maintain the "thin blue line" since exploiting psychosis appears the path to victory currently chosen by the Democrat party.
Pelosi behaves like a typical socialist, stealing from your plate rather than buying her own damn fries.
"...in fiery orange and hot pink hues..."
Or is that because she's preserved in amber like something from the Jurassic?
With a purple umbrella and a fifty cent hat
Livin', lovin', she's just a woman
Missus cool rides out in her aged Cadillac
Livin', lovin', she's just a woman
Alimony, alimony payin' your bills
Livin', lovin', she's just a woman
When your conscience hits, you knock it back with pills
Livin', lovin', she's just a woman
The Left didn't think Nikita Kruschev was Left enough...
“What’s mine is mine, what’s yours is negotiable... Including the home fries.” It was ever thus with Congress, our only native criminal class.
I think you meant "The trim Speaker" in the post title.
Hard to accomplish anything when your only mission in life is to get rid of President Trump, sad..........
...a simultaneously incompetent yet incomparably dangerous authoritarian strongman who is leading American to disaster in every way possible....
If only SNL were funny and could come up with a skit.
They might even have a Girl Scout in it.
And a chalkboard.
Nancy Pelosi is smart and disciplined, and she has a very pragmatic sense of what is possible. She doesn't spend a lot of energy on bombast and self-promotion, and she does a pretty good job of disciplining the herd of Democratic cats who are more interesting in running their mouths than taking advantage of their majority in the House of Representatives.
Instead of disparaging her attire or habits, why not give the woman the credit she deserves?
Pelosi is wealthy, corrupt, old hag. But now she's the Greatest Woman Ever because she stopping the immigration laws from being enforced.
stabbing Maureen Dow's potatoes maybe was a way to show/stablish dominance, like Trump with the two scoops of ice cream as oppose to everyone one else getting only one scoop.
Every time AOC sends out a tweet, Speaker Pelosi loses a left wing feather.
To win the House in 2018, 31 "moderate" Dems won seats in Swing States.
They get very little press, but carry much more weight than inept, inexperienced AOC and her 3,ditzy colleagues.
"This is what concerns me the most since the avoidance of the pain of maturation leads to such delusion and, sometimes, psychosis."
My analysis of what is happening always leads me back to our educational system. 2/3's of young adults go to college, where they are inundated with anti-American propoganda. Probably 50% of them come out unprepared for adult life. Social media reinforces and extends this sad state of affairs. This is the demographic shift that Howard keeps gleefully pointing out. AOC is a symptom, not a cause. To think that Pelosi can be a bulwark against this is denying reality.
Lefties see lots of things that aren’t there
The GOPe had totally lost contact with its voters, so Donald Trump was able to come in from the outside, register as a Republican and "steal" the Republican nomination for POTUS without spending a prohibitively large portion of his personal fortune.
The Democratic establishment is somewhat in the same position, but Hillary! sits across access to the establishment money and Pelosi/Schumer guards the congressional delegations, so even if the Democrats had a potential Donald Trump, the odds just does not look that good for him/her - if indeed such an individual exists.
So it is The Donald versus the clown car of midgets.
To the Dems, 'chaos' is whatever they can't control.
Bad writing.
Yes, Speaker needs to be capitalized in that sentence- it is Pelosi's title.
The Donald has the approval of 85-90% of the Republican voters - and now apparently quite a few traditional Democrats as well.
Only women feel entitled to eat off other peoples' plates, uninvited.
It's very annoying. And they get sore when you complain about it.
Tells you something about the Dems in Congress when Pelosi is the sane one.
Says mccullough: The old, wrinkled speaker.
While I don't like Nancy Pelosi, I think she looks fabulous for her age. Show me a male member of Congress who looks as good at 79.
Yeah, but 79 is 79, and Pelosi is a relative youngster in the Democratic House leadership.
Mockturtle said..."While I don't like Nancy Pelosi, I think she looks fabulous for her age."
Botox works wonders. But is there such a thing as botox poisoning?
She’s actually the thin blue line between the whackos in her own party and the two grownups in the room, one of them being Trump, the other being Pelosi. But there are readers to coddle.
"My analysis of what is happening always leads me back to our educational system. 2/3's of young adults go to college, where they are inundated with anti-American propoganda. Probably 50% of them come out unprepared for adult life. Social media reinforces and extends this sad state of affairs. This is the demographic shift that Howard keeps gleefully pointing out. AOC is a symptom, not a cause. To think that Pelosi can be a bulwark against this is denying reality."
When my kids were early teens I would tell them that the purpose of college for very many was to extend their childhood. They would laugh at me. Now that they are in their twenties they don't laugh.
The purpose of college is to gain credentials that are the next step in the "joining the club" mentality. I love the nickname "Occasional Cortext" because it describes this culture of immaturity: she's cute, childish, and petulant. I bet she would be insulted if she heard herself described as a "cute little girl" yet that is the identity that she has chosen. Using people is evil, even if done by the education industry.
Walls are immoral.
Wall Thinking is immoral.
Your fries? Your plate? Boundaries?
I'm from the Government and here to help [myself to YOUR Fries on YOUR plate on YOUR side of the table].
Be thankful I did not take them all, you useless idiot.
You have to repeat the “lawless” lie often enough so that people accept it without examination. “Of course he is lawless....”
If he broke any laws, I think that hard evidence would have turned up by now. I think what “lawless” means is that he ignores the wishes of Democrats and goes ahead and enforces laws anyway, you know, like immigration laws.
Who is more lawless, the people who want to shut down ICE, or the people who want it to do the job of enforcing the duly passed laws of the United States? This is all gaslighting. They know they are the “lawless” ones. What’s a “Sanctuary City” but a lawless place?
PIcket lines are sacrosanct, borders are immoral. Scabs cross picket lines to do jobs at lower wages, a different Democratic Party, one that looked out for American workers, would call illegals what they are: scabs.
"It's very annoying. And they get sore when you complain about it.”
If that bothers you, it’s probably time to end the relationship.
Agreed. Nancy is one damn hot Octogenarian.
Yes but it's carlos slim, the Mexican oligarch that gives them their allowance, just like bezos does for the post, so the likes of david Ignatius, a prince of the realm, (his father worked for Katherine graham) will insist mifsud is a Russian agent, despite having spoken at his link campus,
This brings to mind a news article I saw the other day:
Restaurant with ‘My Girlfriend is Not Hungry’ menu item goes viral
A restaurant called Mama D’s, in North Little Rock, has been serving a menu item known as the “My Girlfriend is Not Hungry,” which adds “extra french fries to your entrée, and fried chicken wings (2) or fried cheese sticks (3).” (For $4.25)
Univision, which picked up nick dentons broken toys, after chuck harder smashed them, and spent on the fusion channel, that promoted amnesty and pot not necessarily in that order, is going up for sale,
The Democrats won the House because an unheard of 55 Republicans retired. Usually about 90% of all incumbents get re-elected, so you can see what damage all those retirements caused.
So why did they retire? Simple. They couldn't keep the con going. When Obama was in Office or the D's Controlled the Senate (as in 2006-2008), they could sit back, bellow a lot of hot air about how they hated Obama or were going to do XYZ, and then....DO NOTHING. Then Trump spoiled everything by getting elected. Now, they had to Govern and pass conservative legislation, build the wall, and enforce the immigration laws. But that meant going against the Chamber of Commerce and the Koch Brothers. So, they all left to become lobbyists and work on Wall Street. The reward for being globalists cucks.
Paul Ryan will go down as the most useless Speaker of all time.
from a certain point of view, he accomplished a great deal, he bottled up reform legislation and offered a paltry tax cut,
People here are still engaging in a fantasy, that Nancy is the "Adult in the Room" who's going to control all the Left-wing crazies. Look at the legislation they've already passed. Look at her refusal to help Trump secure the border or do anything to enforce the immigration laws. She's a crazy leftist. She's just not stupid.
Nancy knows she needs a Democrat President to pass all her leftwing crazy legislation. Until then, she'll pretend to be somewhat normal.
rcocean: I concur completely about Paul Ryan. He was useless.
Nancy always makes you people soil yourselves.
Show me a male member of Congress who looks as good at 79.
Are you just baiting titus to show up?
"Show me a male member of Congress who looks as good at 79."
Or in high heels.
Nancy always makes you people soil yourselves.
Howard, your comments made me go back and review all the prior comments again, thinking I must have missed something. Nope. Your comment is completely unrelated to anything on this thread. WTF are you talking about? Use examples. At least hint at the time-stamp if you’re too pussy to call out the comment(s) you are referring to in your fay swipe. What triggered your tripe?
A rich Dem stealing something from somebody? Naaah, never happen.
Howard is a Boston pussy who wishes he had been invited on Epstein's plane.
Go away, Howard.
“Your comment is completely unrelated to anything on this thread.”
Yep. He’s a troll doing what trolls do. I admit he sucks me in from time to time, and sometimes he can be funny, but at the bottom of it, he just throws shit out there hoping someone will bite.
“Show me a male member of Congress who looks as good at 79.”
Biden’s pretty proud of his, it would seem.
It used to be I would never wish death upon anyone... used to be.
There's nothing that says "servant of the people" more than showing up to lunch in a pair of Manolo Blahnik shoes.
This is just another example of wink-wink, nod-nod to the NYC upper crust bitches who seem to make up a large fraction of the NYT's readership. "Nancy's one of us, girls. Really, she is, head to toe.".
mockturtle said...
To the Dems, 'chaos' is whatever they can't control.
They intend to create chaos over anything they don't control so they can attempt to take control of it.
Howdy Doc Mike: No need to stop being a lady. Quit worryin! You'll be back on your knees in no time!
MJB Wolf: Grow up, it's a little embarrassing for you to be handing out homework assignments. It's a stupid little blog, not a Thesis defense. It's beyond pathetically needy of you to care so much about it to go back and review comments.
Go away Howard. Too many trolls here, anyway.
Only women feel entitled to eat off other peoples' plates, uninvited.
I was in my teens before I ever ate a sandwich without a bite taken out of it. My Mom used to eat off of our plates also until my brother stabbed her in the hand with a fork one night.
Did MoDo order the "My Girlfriend's not Hungry" lunch?
Inquiring minds want to know.
I've never had anyone eat food from my plate without asking. Maybe even with asking. I cannot recall another person's utensil nearing my plate without my offering something.
I find this happens often when I'm dining out with a friend [any one of several]: I order dessert and she doesn't. But count on her to always want 'just a taste' of mine. :-( Honestly, I only have one female friend who doesn't do this.
Why is it that when women try to pose as powerful and intimidating, they always overplay it like a tranny attempting to be sexy?
This is how it's done.
Admiral Kane is an almost perfect example of leadership, but unfortunately they had to make her a lesbian, as if women can't be strong unless they couple like men do.
Shaw is the better example. Great character arc. No Mary Sue, no sexing it up, no over-compensation to mask insecurity. The clip doesn't do her justice, so if you want to get a good example of outstanding female leadership, watch BSG: Razor
Blogger Nobody said...
If he broke any laws, I think that hard evidence would have turned up by now.
Perhaps they should get a law enforcement agency onto that, if he is lawless. Oh, wait...
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