Trump fans eventually break out in "send her back!" chants directed toward Ilhan Omar, a Somali refugee who serves in Congress who Trump viciously smeared.— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) July 17, 2019
The crudeness: Trump, in his original tweet and later statements, was asking about the failure to leave and noting their option to leave. They are free. "Send her back" is not a question. It's an imperative. And it's not about the individual's option to leave. Someone — the group as a whole, Trump as President? — is told to do the sending, which sounds like an overriding of the individual's freedom — a deportation. Trump hasn't ever talked about kicking a Congresswoman out of the country. So the crowd has gone beyond Trump's idea and re-understood it as a harsh exercise of power against the will of the individual and in retribution for exercising the most basic American freedom, the freedom to speak in criticism of governmental power.
The precision: They said "her," limiting themselves to Ilhan Omar as Trump was talking about her. Trump's tweets were addressed at "'Progressive' Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all)." He didn't name anybody individually, but he used the plural, and it's been assumed that he was talking about the set of 4 Congresswomen who have grouped themselves together, the so-called "Squad" of Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, Pressley, and Tlaib. Once you make that assumption, Trump looks like he's made an assumption — that nonwhite people came from another country. From there, Trump was open to accusations of racism (which, of course, he got, like mad). But only Omar is an immigrant. By chanting "Send her back" (and not "Send them back"), the crowd arrived at a greater accuracy than Trump's original tweet.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 372 of 372@Fen:
I don't find your criticism to be honest.
Blah blah blah...if someone makes a disingenuous argument for free speech, does that make free speech a bad idea? Even if I didn't believe a single thing I said, it would make no difference to whether or not what I said was true or not. Try to get that through your thick skull.
Trump has gotten more done to secure the border than any other President.
Illegal immigration has been worse under Trump than any previous president. You are simply living in a delusional world.
But they folded at the first threat.
The result of their folding has been to reduce illegal immigration (for the month of June) from nightmare levels to godawful levels.
And your complaint is that it's not happening fast enough?
No, my complaint is that Trump is being a dithering doofus. We have Never Trumpers and we have Ever Trumpers, the opposite of Trump Derangement Syndrome. The people who will bend themselves into pretzels to defend his failures at every turn. He's playing 4D chess! Meanwhile, try reading the people at V Dare and Taki's and The American Conservative and Numbers USA who have been on the immigration issue for years.
Either way, your criticism of Trump's commitment to the issue is suspect.
Either way, I don't give a fuck what you think is suspect or not.
"He didn't name anybody individually, but he used the plural, and it's been assumed that he was talking about the set of 4 Congresswomen..."
I didn't see it as him talking about the four.
I think he chose the plural simply as a means to reference Omar without specifying her. It's a verbal tic like how he talks about himself in the third person. And he wasn't going to punch down *specifically* yet in this case so he didn't single out Omar; that might be seen as a bit too overbearing and unseemly at this stage of the match. But Omar keeps pushing the boundaries and Trump's buttons. So Trump set up the match for others to do the takedown for him. The plural was a generic way of referring to the situation.
A teacher in a classroom will do the same thing. Knowing that an individual is the cause of constant disruption in the classroom, some teachers elect to punish the entire class by tying them to the individual who is disruptive. "Since the class is unable to be quiet while working on this assignment, we will have extra homework tonight." The class members who know how to behave know who the problem is and will work to censure the problem themselves to avoid group punishment - while putting other potential problems on notice.
J Farmer. Unlike you, I'm not an ethnic-centric. I really don't care about skin color or nationality. I want secure borders and strict control over immigration for the following reasons: (to name a few) These reasons apply to all.
If you "really don't care" then go live in Latin America. Because that is where you will be living in a few years.
'Compare those poll results with these conservatives who are denouncing the chant.'
Pretty much the same bunch of whiners who declared just earlier this week that Trump had failed miserably with his tweets directed at the Jihad Squad.
Inga- Do you still have your Peter Strozk blow-up doll? He is after all, a hero to you.
J Farmer-
What Does "ethno-centric" mean to you, exactly?... How do you define it?
"whites only"?
I would very much like for the US to solve the illegal immigration problem it has.
But only if it's done in the King's English?
1941: "I agree with need to stop the Nazi menance, but these recruitment posters demonizing them as monsters is going to throw cold water on Americans like me who would liberate Europe"
Also, slightly off topic but interesting:
"Trump — like Elmo and Bob Dole before him — is known for referring to himself as Trump. The act of referring to oneself in the third person is technically called illeism, a term initially used to describe the way Julius Caesar wrote about his Gallic campaigns in the third person. While psychologist Dr. Keith Albow explained in a 2005 New York Times article that talking in the third person can indicate an identity disorder, especially in teenagers, overall the habit is thought be good for people — even if it’s annoying to everyone else.
In a widely cited study published in 2017, psychology researchers from Michigan State University and the University of Michigan determined that talking in the third person can actually help you control your emotions, especially if you do it during moments of stress. In their study, published in Scientific Reports, they showed study participants images of neutral and disturbing images while scanning their brains and then interviewed them about the images afterward. People who referred to themselves in the third person during those interviews, they showed, had a rapid decrease in emotional brain activity, suggesting that they had gained better control of their emotions."
Gates meets Trump with some psychological analysis
Hoax Collusion/Hoax Dossier Cultist Inga reverts to a Godwin's attack in the face of the complete collapse of the entire pack of transparent lies she was fed over the last 3 years.
She has nowhere to go but to return to the dems 1-play playbook.
Sad and hilarious at the same time.
One pictures our Inga as Madame DeFarge who, instead of cackling, is screaming because the threads in her scarf are spontaneously combusting 1 by 1 faster than she can knit new lies.
So much fun to watch the flailing.
I notice that while many commenters have offered criticism of the people who want to send Omar back to Somalia, no one has attempted to defend her attitudes or actions. So that's something. At least we all agree that she is a disgusting excuse for a human being who should never have been allowed into this country.
“Why are you here?”
No dissenting voices allowed, sez Fen! As IF Fen has a say who gets to comment and who doesn’t. Did the Althouse blog comments section turn into a the shrine of trump?
Hahahahaha, what a doofus.
'At least we all agree that she is a disgusting excuse for a human being who should never have been allowed into this country.'
I'd like to agree with this, but I don't wanna be accused of putting words in your mouth... ;)
The powerline / pj media is amazing.
David Steinberg author is the same person that many blamed for Cantor’s loss...
I went and read the Powerlineblog article. I suggest everyone read it.
I've also read older articles by the same author showing Omar married her brother.
Here is what I think is likely true based off of the facts presented.
1) Omar's last name isn't really Omar. Her family attached themselves to another family in order to immigrate to the USA.
2) half of Omar's siblings made it to England rather than the USA.
3) One of those siblings is the man she married.
4) Omar's father ought to be prosecuted for lying to obtain his US Citizenship. If proved, he then should be removed from the USA. Deported.
5) Omar shouldn't be deported because she was a minor when all this happened and isn't responsible for the fraud.
6) Omar should be prosecuted for other crimes, like tax and marriage fraud, and if convicted should have the book thrown at her because she is a congresswoman who subverted the law.
I sincerely hope an investigation is opened because as the reporter on this story has pointed out, many documents aren't available to him because he needs a warrant to obtain them.
Farmer: Either way, I don't give a fuck what you think is suspect or not.
Sure you do, else you wouldn't have defended your position with a point by point rebuttal (which I didn't bother to read).
Regardless, I ask again: why are you here?
If you want to give up, fine. But why spread your poison to everyone else?
There is a stark difference between abandoning your post out of despair and hanging around the lines to spread your hopelessness and discontent to the rest of the unit.
What is your real purpose here?
I gas wrong again. We should keep a list.
How’s that Rusdian collusion Steele Dossier going?
Let’s not forget believing Hillary that Benghazi was because of a video.
She probably believed in Peak Oil, too, and Obama when he said we can’t drill our way out.
I agree Ray. It is amazing.
Fen, what the Richard Spencers of the world want is for positive forces against globalism to be silenced. The more the country decays, the more they feel people will be open to their inferior message. When President Trump is wildly and obviously more successful at promoting the anti-immigration agenda, they tend to be equally dismissive of his rallies as liberals are. This is part so both groups can conceal their increasing failure, and partly due to both groups being of roughly similar intellectual class.
They may be safely dismissed. In fact, I take some pleasure in thinking that people dumb enough to follow Richard Spencer or similar figures will be put to the torch by both sides of the conflict. By the left for obvious reasons, by the right because the 'your rallies are so gauche, you simple proles' attitude will wear thin very quickly.
So for semi-obvious reasons I need to carefully confine my response to this comment to Rep. Omar, solely...
7/18/19, 9:22 AM
Blogger Michael K said...
Omar can't be sent back. She's an American citizen.
Is her citizenship application fraudulent ?
because Omar committed immigration fraud by marrying her brother to get him in the US.
I'm not an immigration lawyer but it is an interesting question.
There are good and well-documented reasons to doubt, and even investigate, Rep. Omar’s marital, residential and tax histories.
But by no accounting do those things have any bearing on her immigration status as a Somali refugee. In other words, her status as a naturalized citizen has nothing to do with the questions being raised about her in the media (about marriages and taxes and residences). Her alleged sham marriage to her brother would have been after she was naturalized. That was the whole point of her being part of it, if indeed it was a scheme to use a sham marriage. To use her pre-existing citizenship.
All this chatter about her having fraudulently applied for citizenship is nonsense. Guy Benson of Fox News tweeted how he has resolutely questioned Rep. Omar, but her own citizenship status is not and should not be doubted or ignored.
People need to be careful about words and their meaning and usage.
Jon Boy wants all you Cultists to make sure you get into the big lineup at 12noon for the daily kool aid. Today’s flavor, orange. Do not be concerned, it’s only water, artificial color/flavor and sugar. It’s good for you!
Inga: No dissenting voices allowed, sez Fen!
It's not about dissent. Farmer is not opposed to stopping illegal immigration. His position is that Trump isn't making progress fast enough so he is giving up on America.
If it wants to quit, fine. Why is he still here whining about it.
As for dissent, Inga. You are free to express your opinion, and I am free to express that your opinion is bullshit. That's how free speech actually works.
JAC: Compare those poll results with these conservatives who are denouncing the chant.
I don't know what your point is here. Are there still people at this late hour who are unaware that the average "Althouse hillbilly" and Conservatives(tm) like Justin Amash or Ben Shapiro don't share the same space on the political spectrum?
Are there some hermits or something out there who might have thought that the latter would *not* be out there "denouncing the chant"?
What is your real purpose here?
To say what I think.
D*mned if I know. That probably qualifies me as a political consultant.
Angle-Dyne, Samurai Buzzard said...
Are there some hermits or something out there who might have thought that the latter would *not* be out there "denouncing the chant"?
7/18/19, 11:23 AM
I'm annoyed that Ben Shapiro's existence is practically meme fuel for the anti-Semitic claim that Jews control the world's media. How else can a talentless nebbish that literally pushed ethnic cleansing the West Bank keep his job? Considering his prodigious lack of charisma, it should be an issue that the left and right are united on.
Yep Fen, we all get to say what we think. And I think you people sound like the Germans of 1934.
Chuck: All this chatter about her having fraudulently applied for citizenship is nonsense.
Chuck, I think(?) Micheal's question is whether Omar's immigration fraud puts her citizenship status in some kind of legal jeopardy. The question might be based on the assumption that immigrants may have their citizenship revoked for certain acts:
Although rare, it is possible for a naturalized U.S. citizen to have their citizenship stripped through a process called "denaturalization." Former citizens who are denaturalized are subject to removal (deportation) from the United States.
Grounds for Denaturalization
Falsification or Concealment of Relevant Facts: You must be absolutely truthful when filling out paperwork and answering interview questions related to the naturalization application process. Even if the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) fails to recognize any lies or ommissions at first, the agency may file a denaturalization action against you after citizenship has been granted. Examples include failure to disclose criminal activities or lying about one's real name or identity.
Membership in Subversive Groups: Your citizenship may be revoked if the U.S. government can prove that you joined a subversive organization within five years of becoming a naturalized citizen. Membership in such organizations is considered a violation of the oath of U.S. allegiance. Examples include the Nazi Party and Al Qaeda.
His position is that Trump isn't making progress fast enough so he is giving up on America.
No, my position is that Trump has been a giant diasppointment on immigration, and his behavior over the last several years has given me little hope that he will do much better with how many ever years he will have left.
Peter Hitchens writes: "The subject was the incompatibility of multiculturalism with Britain, and once again I had to explain that I am an obituarist of Britain, not a resurrection man trying to dig up a dead country and revive it."
I have not quite reached Peter Hitchens' levels of pessimism, but I am getting there quickly. Trump fans may feel like his presidency is like riding in a sports car with the top down. I'm just trying to point out that brick wall we're all heading for.
J Farmer-
What Does "ethno-centric" mean to you, exactly?... How do you define it?
"whites only"?
A country in which whites are the uncontested majority.
Inga shares her familiarity in selling and gulping koolaid.
Collusion Cultist Inga: "Jon Boy wants all you Cultists to make sure you get into the big lineup at 12noon for the daily kool aid."
Inga only lines up for hoax dossiers.
Funniest Factoid: Inga STILL believes in the hoax dossier. To this very day. Even after all the culprits had admitted under oath it was completely unverified and the NYT goes so far as to say its likely Russian disinformation!
And this is on top of the reporting by John Solomon today (and backed up by other congresspersons who are aware of it) that there exists an early spreadsheet created by the FBI with every single assertion made in the dossier listed out with the "proof" of each assertion...and the proof columns are all blank because none of the hoax dossier could ever be proven!! Duh.
And mind you, this was BEFORE the FBI sought and received 4 FISA WARRANTS to spy on the Trump team based on this hoax dossier!!
Poor sad sack Inga.
And the SDNY announcement probably drove her back into her funk. I would not want to be a patient under her care requiring removal of a catheter after that announcement!!
Trump must be on Nancy Pelosi's payroll
Inga: And I think you people sound like the Germans of 1934.
Because you are a loon.
I actually risked my life to keep Somali kids from starving to death. We patrolled the country, stalked and killed the Somali thugs who were stealing UN medical and food relief, we deilvered grain all over the northern region centered around Baderra, Somalia.
And you have the gall to compare me to a Nazi? LOL you're a piece of shit.
Team Anti-semitism/OMAR/TLAIB Inga: "Inga...Allie Oop said...
Yep Fen, we all get to say what we think. And I think you people sound like the Germans of 1934"
I guess that's why Israel is naming towns and stations and roads after Trump!
It's a good thing Inga is here to set those Israeli's straight!!
The old playbook isn't working and poor, sad little Inga cannot figure out why. Nor is she capable of ever understanding. A perfect lefty cannon fodder foot soldier.
Really he writes for town hall and has a pod cast, now Friedman kristof Cohen are all in davir of getting rid of the settlements, which eventually means eliminating Israel
Howard: "Trump must be on Nancy Pelosi's payroll"
Howard is going to stay in pretend world a little longer. It must be nice and comfortable in there.
Meanwhile, lefty talking heads everywhere are screeching for the dems to stop going over the cliff.
Or, of course, you could believe Howard has his finger on the pulse of things.........LOL
Yeah, not so much.
(which I didn't bother to read).
That helps answer the question "Why are YOU here?"
Farmer: I'm just trying to point out that brick wall we're all heading for.
If you want to quit, no one is stopping you.
You are here trying to influence others to quit too.
"A country in which whites are the uncontested majority"
Why is that important to you?
And how do you define "white"? Only pure-blood or are those of mixed-races yet can "pass" also considered white?
Are people of the Jewish faith considered "white"? Some say yes, others say no...what say you?
Blogger Fen said...
And you have the gall to compare me to a Nazi? LOL you're a piece of shit.
7/18/19, 11:34 AM
That's been the Democrat playbook since Roosevelt declared war on Japan. Why stop now?
One thing that has to be remembered between 1933 and now: in 1933, the Nazi Party was doing its best to suppress all other political thought in a top-down system while going all out to inflame their base. Yes, yes, hurrr libs are the real Nazis, that isn't my point. By contrast the most violent sentiments on the modern right are percolating at the level of the base, but rarely make it up to the level of politicians and media. Even "SEND HER BACK" was the demand of the crowd to Trump, not the other way around.
If Trump falls, especially through treachery by Congress or a CIA gunman, the left's problems are just getting started.
Again I emphasize; that while I share some doubts about Rep. Omar’s history with her brother’s immigration, and other matters, it has nothing to do with her own status as a child refugee. How much clearer does that need to be made? There is simply no legal basis to forcibly/legally “send her back.”
And thanks for helping with my comment-count today.
What is your real purpose here?
Farmer: "To say what I think"
To what end? You've already said there is no point, America is over.
Are you here just to vent about it? That I could understand.
Why hang around and argue with people who still want to fight for America?
Yesterday at Trump’s rally, those loons who were chanting “Send her back!”and Trump standing there soaking it in, will be in the news reels of the future and will be looked at with the same disgust as when Hitler was standing there just loving the hate of Germans for the “untermenschen” of their time. Those who learn nothing from the past will likely repeat it. I’m sure you’ve heard something like that before. Can any of you people who are not in the trump cult up to your eyeballs see any reason to be concerned? Anyone? At all?
If you want to quit, no one is stopping you.
Quitting doesn't even make sense in that context.
You are here trying to influence others to quit too.
No, I'm here pointing out that Trump has been ineffectual in stopping illegal immigration.
To be right.
Why is that important to you?
Because if you replace the people of Country X with the people from Country Y, Country X will cease to exist. I don't want my country to cease to exist.
And how do you define "white"?
People whose ancestors were living in Europe 300 years ago.
I asked you this question before, and you didn't answer it. So I'll ask again: what are you doing "to fight?"
Oh yay! 1/2 of me doesn’t qualify!
Because there are things to be "seriously pessimistic" about. If you look at the current political landscape and feel optimistic, then you and I are seriously living in different worlds.
Yes, I think we are.
Some modest grounds for optimism.
It gets worse. Democrats recaptured the House in 2018 because 40 moderates took seats Republicans won in 2016. If the party is deemed far-left in 2020, Democrats could lose control of the House and Trump could once again operate without any serious congressional oversight.
No one seems to realize the danger more than Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has been resisting liberal pressure to begin impeachment proceedings that would inflame Trump’s base.
And she has been trying to tame the most left-wing elements of her caucus, the four-member so-called “Squad” led by first-term socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has been lionized by the media and is being used by Trump to brand the entire Democratic Party as radical.
We'll see.
Inga, Inga. You're trying to guilt us, but there's a crucial difference.
Hitler did his best to pump the hate for the Jews, and the Final Solution was strictly top down. Authoritarian, and done with every attempt at secrecy. Trump, by contrast, won't have to do anything. The response will come from the proletariat upwards. If anything Trump will be one of the few hopes to hold it back. "Send a few people to Israel, and let them come back after they improve the place!" is quite, quite different from "Es ist zeit fur rache." One is a call for ethnic cleaning, the other wouldn't sound out of place advertising a Birthright tour.
I'm sure you'll appreciate the irony of the mass media promoting the lies, only for the sentiment to become -more- popular than what the President actually suggested.
We patrolled the country, stalked and killed the Somali thugs who were stealing UN medical and food relief,
Omar's family. No wonder she doesn't like you.
@Michael K:
We'll see.
Once demographics turn Texas and Florida blue, what will any of that matter? My point is that this is a much bigger problem than an election cycle or two. Demography is destiny.
Inga takes time out from defending the virulently anti-semitic and pro-ISIS Omar and Tlaib to ask others to see reason!!
Feel free to laugh at her.
Chuck: Again I emphasize; that while I share some doubts about Rep. Omar’s history with her brother’s immigration, and other matters, it has nothing to do with her own status as a child refugee. How much clearer does that need to be made? There is simply no legal basis to forcibly/legally “send her back.”
I'm not sure about that. I listed some of the legal reasons a naturalized citizen could have their citizenship revoked and be deported. I'm not saying those reasons necessarily apply to Omar, I just wanted to prove that the idea she can't be sent back is incorrect.
As for her brother, having been to Somalia and experienced the shithole firsthand, I would marry my sister too if it was the only way to get her out of there. The problem is her family wasn't fleeing war and famine, they are more akin to Eichmanns fleeing Germany after the Soviets rolled in. Afraid it would be discovered they were trucking the Zyklon-B to Buchenwald. They shouldn't have been let into America to begin with.
And thanks for helping with my comment-count today.
No worries. I'm actually in your corner on this one, I hope you are having fun along the way and that you win that bottle. Stay the course!
"Send her back"
I like it better than basketball analyst Bill Raftery's "Send it in."
“Why is that important to you?”
“Because if you replace the people of Country X with the people from Country Y, Country X will cease to exist. I don't want my country to cease to exist.
And how do you define "white"?
People whose ancestors were living in Europe 300 years ago.”
Farmer, didn’t you say that your husband/ partner is of Asian descent? You’re not worried about Asians replacing Americans of European descent? I really don’t understand your thinking here.
@Seeing Red:
Oh yay! 1/2 of me doesn’t qualify!
Oh brother. Read Eric Kaufmann's The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America. The country was built by an Anglo-Protestant core. That is why the US and Canada (save the Francophone regions) are distinct cultural entities from Latin America. Large parts of Francophone France do not want to live with the Anglophone. Scotland nearly voted to leave the UK. If you want to have nation-states with national self-determination, you will need coherent nations.
Here is a map of ethnic diversity. Here is a map of the UN's human development index. Do you think it's just a coincidence that the most ethnically diverse places have the lowest development and the most homogeneous places the highest? Diversity is not a strength. It is a sore of conflict, mistrust, and balkanization.
Farmer, didn’t you say that your husband/ partner is of Asian descent? You’re not worried about Asians replacing Americans of European descent? I really don’t understand your thinking here.
I am opposed to hundreds of thousands of Asians immigrating here, too. Latin America is a special case because the people live within walking distance. I want a ten-year moratorium on all immigration. People of East Asian descent are less than 5% of the population.
Farmer: Once demographics turn Texas and Florida blue, what will any of that matter? My point is that this is a much bigger problem than an election cycle or two. Demography is destiny All is lost.
Okay, I get what you are now. Thanks for clearing that up.
Fen: "Okay, I get what you are now. Thanks for clearing that up."
Farmer has been very consistent on this point and, of course, this issue overrides all others.
So Trump tells reporters he was unhappy with chant and tried to stop it (against video evidence).
So Trump tells reporters he was unhappy with chant and tried to stop it (against video evidence).
J. Farmer: If you think any of that will matter once you're a demographic minority in this country, there probably isn't much I could say to change your mind.
The main reason Farmer's statement may become true is that the Democrat Party is still racist and uses racism to divide the people. The D's, the party of the ruling class, are using divide to conquer. One of the biggest examples of systemic racism in America is the Chicago Public Schools. Hail the Glorious 88th anniversary of Democrat Party Rule!
Farmer's basically saying "race war." I hope that most "People of Color" are just like honky old me, we want to live without racism in our lives, even against darker, even against the lighter.
Dems claim Omar and Tlaib are not anti-semitic and pro-ISIS, despite video evidence.
“So Trump tells reporters he was unhappy with chant and tried to stop it (against video evidence).”
So if that were true, he was too cowardly to stop it. Afraid of he monster he created? Doubtful. He loved it.
Still waiting for lefties to complain about Nadler and Durbin demanding the immigration paperwork on Seb Gorka, an American citizen.
Okay, I get what you are now. Thanks for clearing that up.
Not sure if you were participating at the time, unless it was under a different handle, but I have said from the very beginning that I considered the Trump presidency a hail mary pass. Again, if you want to tell me how to fight this, I'm all ears. This is the third time I've asked.
Collusion Cultist Inga: "Afraid of he monster he created? Doubtful. He loved it."
The antifa/Hodgekinson/VanSpronson crew checks in!
History began anew this morning.
"Here is a map of ethnic diversity."
Is that a map of diversity of other countries with the United States as a baseline? 'cause I have a rough time beleiving our melting pot of a country is actually smack-dab in the middle.
Ain't saying it ain't true...just needing clarification.
This is the third time I've asked.
Sure. This is our very last chance to turn things around. You support Trump at every turn.
Like family, provided a unified front in public, criticize in private. If you fall into despair (which is perfectly understandable) nurse your wounds and present a brave face to your fellow troops.
If after all that, Trump still fails, I promise I will be standing with you, right beside you and in front.
@Milwaukie guy:
I am not really sure it will come to a "race war" per se, and I tend to avoid using that kind of language. If anything, I think the likeliest (and probably most preferable) outcome is that the country will start to break apart. How exactly that will unfold is anyone's guess.
Also, I don't believe that one political party is the party of the "ruling class." I believe the ruling class controls both parties. They set the boundaries of permissible debate and allow a great deal of arguing and fighting within those boundaries while they get everything they want.
If after all that, Trump still fails, I promise I will be standing with you, right beside you and in front.
Okay. So your plan for fighting is to vote for Trump in 2020. Great, I plan to do that, too. All I've said is that I don't think it's going to do much. And you call that a quitter attitude.
We are literally within a day of the democrats signalling to their base this is all a farce, yet the Inga's still believe!!
The NYT and Jake Tapper et al are trying to let the lunatics like Inga down gently.
But there is no way to cushion that level of ignorance combined with that level of maliciousness.
Inga has never even bothered to apologize for her transparent Kavanaugh gang-rape leader lies.
Tsk tak tsk
Drago said...
Still waiting for lefties to complain about Nadler and Durbin demanding the immigration paperwork on Seb Gorka, an American citizen.
Not a day goes by that I spend any time on the internet that I don't see "Deport Melania."
In fact, go to any mainstream news website that allow comments right now and you'll see "Deport Melania" is close to 20% of lib comments.
Ain't saying it ain't true...just needing clarification.
This is the article which references that map. You can search for many other maps that show similar. And recall that the melting pot, nation of immigrants rhetoric about America is largely overblown.
This also tries to quantify ethnic diversity. By their reckoning, the top 10 most ethnically diverse places are Papua New Guinea, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Liberia, Cameroon, Togo, South Africa, Congo, and Madagascar. By their calculation, the US does not even make the top 50.
Here is a ranking compiled on Wikipedia. The USA comes in 85 out of 159.
"Still waiting for lefties to complain about Nadler and Durbin demanding the immigration paperwork on Seb Gorka, an American citizen."
A quick google search indicates that you haven't complained about it yourself either.
Be The Change You Want To See In Others
The Democrats and New Deal/Great Society style socialism are the ruling class's main instrument. Today's ruling class includes the tech big bourgeoisie, academia and the k-12 unions, the organized government employees at all levels, the big media, crony capitalists and the urban gentry, buying the votes of the urban poor and some illegals. This is the main enemy and they are becoming more fascist in their desires.
The Republicans, since Eisenhower affirmed the New Deal, have been a loyal opposition with some bright spots.
The Democrats in 2018 won the top ten wealthiest congressional districts and 41 of the top 50. In the present two-party setup, they are the party of the rich and urban against the Republicans as the country party.
Thanks for clearing it up. Mucho appreciated.
Inga: Your cutlism shows itself when a commenter who is a libertarian/conservative such as cannot even voice one dissenting comment against trump policies.
You are the cultist who attempts to shame people into silence every day on this blog.
You are arguing that:
1) People are allowed to have a negative opinion of Trump.
My response is:
2) People are also allowed to have a negative opinion about those negative opinions.
And that is what you are attempting to silence.
pp: "A quick google search indicates that you haven't complained about it yourself either."
Nice try antifa dummy.
I lodged my complaints with my Senators and Congressman.
Althouseblog /= All Communications
But thanks for playing. Always fun to see you thrash about.
Thanks for clearing it up. Mucho appreciated.
De nada.
purp to J.Farmer: "A country in which whites are the uncontested majority"
Why is that important to you?
JF answers for himself, but I'll point out that it also seems to be very important to a wide variety of people, from global immigrants to people who make their living as anti-racists and diversity-hustlers, as revealed by their actual preferences in migratory destination or neighborhood.
And how do you define "white"?
Devil people.
Only pure-blood or are those of mixed-races yet can "pass" also considered white?
Are people of the Jewish faith considered "white"?
Straw-manning about "pure-blood" is a pastime restricted to people ideologically committed to denying that meaningful genetic differences exist among human populations, and heavily emotionally invested in "racism". (But only in whites, whom they have no difficulty identifying.)
I'm told that basement-nazis are interested in the subject, but they're a statistically negligible population, so who cares...
Everybody else in the world has fairly congruent notions of what "white" means, with a bit of fuzziness at the borders, just like all other human categorizations that reflect concrete reality.
"Still waiting for lefties to complain about Nadler and Durbin demanding the immigration paperwork on Seb Gorka, an American citizen."
Nice try Russian Troll
As it was recently pointed out, Althouseblog /= All Communications.
You're out of your element Donnie. Go back to where you came from.
Penguin is not reacting well to the fact the old Godwin plays arent working anymore.
And I love the russian troll bit which comes on the heels of the DOJ having to admit in court that Mueller and his team of lefty hacks were unable to establish ANY connections between so called botscand trolls to Russia!!
Our lefties are simply not very nimble.
Wanna try again penguin?
purp to J.Farmer: "A country in which whites are the uncontested majority"
Why is that important to you?
IQ is all. Half the population has, by definition, an IQ of less than 100. We can keep a good working society with that.
The diversity agitators represent a population with an average IQ of 85. As long as the average stays around 100, we are OK.
Interestingly enough, the population of west Africa has populations with IQs well above 85. The Ibo, for example.
Culture is also important but Asians have an average IQ of around 105, so no real threat.
Of course, all politicians do not talk about this. It is only mentioned in code.
@Michael K:
IQ is all.
I think issues of identity are extremely important, too, but I most certainly agree with you that IQ is extremely important. Hispanic is not really a racial category but rather often describes someone who is some mix of Iberian European, indigenous American, and African. The latter two groups have lower average IQs than Europeans, and as they become a larger share of the US population, we can expect the average IQ of the country to drop as well.
Even "better" news for penguin and Inga and the rest of the collusion cult Truthers: the now thoroughly debunked hoax dossier is also the primary "evidence" used by whackjobs Brennan, Clapper and Comey in putting together their Hoax Assessment which "proved" Putin wanted Trump to win!!
How could these idiots have been so dumb?
Its astonishing.
Draqo says that since it has been proven that there was no connections between Russian Trolls and Trump means there aren't any folks from foreign countries who are being paid-to-post.
No trolls at all, anywhere online.
He is simply too simple. A simple label for everyone else and simple thoughts for himself. Which adds up to very simple opinions and simply going along with whatever simple slogans his leaders puts forth.
'cause for him, it simply is THAT simple
and wtf is a "botscand" anyways? Smells like covefe to me...
Penguin, I dont blame you for moving those goalposts right out of the stadium!!
There were lots of foreign actors working with the dems to frame Trump and spy on Trump and disrupt the Trump campaign.
But you and your treasonous pals failed.
And it is magnificent.
Large parts of Francophone France do not want to live with the Anglophone. Still but they want to rule them.
. Scotland nearly voted to leave the UK. Like Ireland, they hate England more, but, the EU is a cudgel to browbeat England. Scotland would be a blip in the EU.
If you want to have nation-states with national self-determination, you will need coherent nations.
That’s not what the globalists want. Nor China, nor others. They all want to rule.
SOS human history.
Go ahead penguin.
Take the first step: admit the dossier is a pile of nothing.
This could be a big step for you!
Go ahead! You'll feel much better once you begin moving away from the Inga cult.
I agree with Farmer. Trump wasted the first two years when he had a republican congress, to get laws changed, a wall approved and other things to get immigration under control. For whatever reason, maybe fright at the Russian hoax threat, he did not get it done and without control of congress, he is not going to get it done. Too many leftist federal judges to get any executive orders done.
And I agree with Farmer's pessimism. The rot is too deep. The leftists have control of virtually every institution in the U.S. except POTUS. And I don't see any Trump successors on the horizon. When Trump leaves, the slide will become a landslide and it will be all over for our republic as we have known it.
Farmer: All I've said is that I don't think it's going to do much. And you call that a quitter attitude.
No, this is what I called quiting:
Farmer/Derbyshire: Sorry again, but I just can't share their enthusiasm. I'm paid to say what I think. What I think is, Trump is a busted flush — an empty vessel that makes a lot of noise but from whom nothing much is to be expected on the National Question. Lack of enthusiasm is not the same as hostility.
Farmer: Basically, here's the short of it. At this point, a Trump presidency will be far preferable to anyone from the other side. But that won't be enough, because Trump has been getting rolled on immigration for years. So I'm not sure what a great victory another four years of getting rolled will be. Ergo, we are doomed. Now showing up at rallies in Maga hats and chanting dumb slogans might make people feel good and might make them feel as if they are not doomed. But, to paraphrase Philip K. Dick, reality is that which remains whether you believe in it or not.
I'm with Bleach on this: "I'm as disappointed as you are in the loss of the first 2 years of the Trump presidency. But I'm also a realist and I know he was in part screwed over by a fake investigation and a few losers in the senate who held it all back - McCain and Rand Paul to name a few."
We're all in the stands waving our Anti-Illegal Immigration flags, rooting for our team to finally rally against all that - crooked refs, cheap shots by Team Dem, our own players taking a dive - and finally get the border security we were promised.
And like Bleach, if Trump fails to deliver on this signature campaign promise, I'll supply the tar and feathers. Because at that point it will be Game Over.
The only difference between you and us is it's only the end of the 2nd Quarter and you want to leave to get ahead of the post-game traffic. We got two more quarters to go bub, and if Trump has taught us anything, it's that anything can happen. Have you already forgotten the greatest political upset in American history?
And try to understand, in this age of NeverTrump traitors and Bulwark Cucks, why it's not unreasonable to question whether you are a Moby or concern troll. We just decorated a tree with Benedict Arnold and you walk in suggesting "some of his ideas about England weren't wrong..." And you don't expect the room to look at you sideways? You're smarter than that.
etbass: "Trump wasted the first two years when he had a republican congress, to get laws changed, a wall approved and other things to get immigration under control."
Hopelessly stupid.
There was zero chance the republicans in the House under Ryan and GOPe weaksisters in the Senate would allow any of that to go thru.
Zero. Chance.
Trump's value has been to fully expose the rot.
Can any 1 President clean it all up? Nope.
Even "better" news for penguin and Inga and the rest of the collusion cult Truthers:
You must have me confused with someone else. Or simply making your simple assumptions once again. Or you're working from a script that tells you what you need to post in order to be paid.
Whatever your reason(s), what you are saying about me simply isn't true.
The only difference between you and us is it's only the end of the 2nd Quarter and you want to leave to get ahead of the post-game traffic. We got two more quarters to go bub, and if Trump has taught us anything, it's that anything can happen. Have you already forgotten the greatest political upset in American history?
That metaphor makes zero sense. I have elucidated several criticisms of Trump on immigration, and I have referenced several publications and people who share my criticisms. Everyone acknowledges the push back and the uphill battle and the difficulties, but the criticisms I and others have made are not ones that can be blamed on Dems or judges or GOP Inc. They are squarely Trump's fuck ups, and they make me very pessimistic about his chances to succeed on the issue in the future. Is it impossible? No. Do I think it's likely? No. Do I plan to vote for Trump in 2020? Yes. Do I think he will have much success on immigration? No.
If you're entire strategy is vote for Trump in 2020 and hope for the best, then you and I don't have much of a difference in strategy. But when you say patently absurd things like, "Trump has gotten more done to secure the border than any other President," then I think you are letting your support for Trump cloud your mind to reality.
There was zero chance the republicans in the House under Ryan and GOPe weaksisters in the Senate would allow any of that to go thru.
So during the election I take it you were going around telling people Trump was full of shit on his immigration promises, because he wouldn't be able to get them through Congress?
Trump's value has been to fully expose the rot.
What value is that if the result is Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader McConnell?
Can any 1 President clean it all up? Nope.
They don't have to make it orders of magnitude worse, which it has gotten under Trump.
Blogger etbass said...
And I agree with Farmer's pessimism. The rot is too deep. The leftists have control of virtually every institution in the U.S. except POTUS. And I don't see any Trump successors on the horizon. When Trump leaves, the slide will become a landslide and it will be all over for our republic as we have known it.
7/18/19, 1:05 PM
Few people saw Trump coming over the horizon until he was already here. He will have six years left to make his mark. And who knows what will happen in that time? I'm surprised how much credibility the left has burned in institutions that only exist because they are credible.
Compare some of the comments here.
There is Fen, making the perfectly valid point that a naturalized U.S. citizen could be "denaturalized" and deported if there was a provable case (in a federal court) of fraud in the naturalization application.
Then there is Drago, making the claim that Sebastian Gorka is being subjected to unjust scrutiny because some in Congress think that Gorka may have committed fraud in his naturalization application.
Then we have the facts. Which show a number of suspicious things about both Omar and Gorka, with the difference being that Gorka might be credibly accused of committing fraud in his naturalization application, but that Omar did not. All of the claims now being made against Omar at all of the favorite conspiracy-theorizing websites all relate to alleged wrongdoing after she became a naturalized U.S. citizen. Purportedly, Omar may have been involved in civil and criminal wrongdoing. But there's nothing that would credibly warrant her denaturalization and deportation.
The Gorka controversy, however, fits directly within the point that Fen was attempting to make with regard to Omar.
Here's the story on Gorka, which has not otherwise been made here in relation to denaturalization and deportation proceedings.
I don't really expect Gorka to be deported. I don't even expect Gorka to have the slightest embarrassment if he is claiming that Omar should be deported. With no evidence of fraud in Omar's naturalization application, even as he is accused of doing just that. Gorka is in the extremist-controversy business. Just as Omar is in the extremist-leftist business.
(Gorka also seems to be in the fake-Fox News Channel credentials business, the dubious Ph.D. business, the firearms-arrest-at-airports business, and the security-clearance-denial business.)
It appears Donald Trump heard about Althouse’s poll and wants to let everyone know he's opposed to the chant.
Few people saw Trump coming over the horizon until he was already here. He will have six years left to make his mark. And who knows what will happen in that time? I'm surprised how much credibility the left has burned in institutions that only exist because they are credible.
While I think at this point he still has a better than average chance, it is quite dangerous to simply assume he is going to win reelection.
Sorry, this was the link I meant to supply in my previous comment:
"Trump wasted the first two years when he had a republican congress, to get laws changed, a wall approved and other things to get immigration under control"
Paul Ryan was utterly useless in his role. I hope he's happy now at Fox and Notre Dame making lucre off of his incompetence.
Blogger Drago said...
Howard is going to stay in pretend world a little longer. It must be nice and comfortable in there.
Meanwhile, lefty talking heads everywhere are screeching for the dems to stop going over the cliff.
So now Drago is relying on the always correct sooth-saying opinions of the fake news MSM.
The same msm predicted a Hillary victory
Chuck: Gorka might be credibly accused of committing fraud in his naturalization application, but that Omar did not
Are you including reports that Omar changed her family name to enter the US, ie. lied on her immigration application?
Grounds for Denaturalization
Falsification or Concealment of Relevant Facts: You must be absolutely truthful when filling out paperwork and answering interview questions related to the naturalization application process. Even if the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) fails to recognize any lies or ommissions at first, the agency may file a denaturalization action against you after citizenship has been granted. Examples include failure to disclose criminal activities or lying about one's real name or identity.
I haven't looked into the veracity of the claim. It may be false or a misrepresentation. But as a hypothetical, if the allegation is true would that change your position?
Howard: "So now Drago is relying on the always correct sooth-saying opinions of the fake news MSM."
Just a few notable exceptions to the lefty lemming herd.
LLR Chuck reverts to form with lefty MSM "reports" and accusations always being a sufficient justification for any trampling of rights as long as it can advance the interests of the left.
Given that laughable standard why did LLR Chuck complain about lefty smears against Kavanaugh?
Oh. Right. He needed to run with to maintain the last shred of "conservative" cred!
As it was said, even before election night, Trump is the only one that wanted to stop illegal immigration.
Build the wall?
Ha. Welcome to D.C. buddy. You get nothing. You wiped out 17 of our establishment candidates, and you think you can come in here and do as you please? Fuck you, and the horse you rode in on.
Now, let's talk about lowly district judges from San Fransisco to Hawaii that issued nation-wide ruling to thwart Trump attempt to stifle the flood of illegal immigration.
Still happening.
Trump has had to fight the entire federal government, from intel to the EPA to do anything.
Oh, yea--all while trying to frame him for crimes you could only dream up on a bad acid trip.
CNN report, July 29, 2016:
Donald Trump on Friday abandoned his modest dismissals of the "lock her up" chants his supporters have aimed at Hillary Clinton. "I've been saying let's just beat her on November 8th. But you know what, I'm starting to agree with you," Trump said.
You people are looking more and more like the adoring masses of Germans in 1934.
Cool. The Nazi Card.
Fresh take.
Fen; Omar's family emigrated to the U.S. when she was 10, and secured refugee status shortly thereafter. She then lived in the U.S. under the name her family used/adopted/had, for several more years, and she was granted naturalized U.S. status at age 17.
Are you suggesting that she was committing immigration fraud as minor, by using the name she had been given since arrival in the U.S. at age 10?
Trump wasted the first two years when he had a republican congress, to get laws changed, a wall approved and other things to get immigration under control.
Disagree. I am amazed that Trump has done as much as he has. He is alone in DC with the whole bureaucracy, ruling class and his own party against him.
If the attempted coup and the Hillary crimes come out, he may get help. Roberts is useless at the USSC. If he can be re-elected and take the House next year, there may be a chance. Churchill had every man's hand against him until 1940.
If major leftist violence occurs next year, and I will not be surprised, much may change. Nixon is the model now from 1968 and 1972.
Jim at: "Cool. The Nazi Card.
Fresh take."
Take a gander at Chuck in full "LLR" mode.
He makes Inga & Penguin look like WF Buckley.
J. Farmer said...
While I think at this point he still has a better than average chance, it is quite dangerous to simply assume he is going to win reelection.
7/18/19, 1:30 PM
Fraud being what it is, I agree- I haven't forgotten the attempts to stretch the election into the wee hours. But you have to remember, most of the states that are the hardest to keep in the President's corner will be MORE likely to vote for him next election. Not less. As for the President's strategy, which absolutely exists, I am quite confident it is working, at least as well as it did to snatch an election from certain defeat.
But I also don't think it matters. Yes, the Democrats are more radicalized than ever, but as this post shows, the Republicans are also waking up. There's little peaceful power-sharing in that environment, unless it's all shared by the Uniparty.
So don't worry. There'll be fighting enough for everyone, soon.
Browndog: "Oh, yea--all while trying to frame him for crimes you could only dream up on a bad acid trip."
A frame up fully supported by the LLR's with their lefty allies.
One of FusionGPS' big "go to" guys to push their lefty tales?
Li'l Billy Kristol of the now defunct Cuckly Standard.
doctrev: "But I also don't think it matters. Yes, the Democrats are more radicalized than ever, but as this post shows, the Republicans are also waking up."
Not all the republicans.
The LLR "republicans" remain safely within the democrat fold.
"Chuck: Gorka might be credibly accused of committing fraud in his naturalization application, but that Omar did not"
The bigger issue to me is that Gorka is not an elected official.
The good news is no matter the extent of the spinning and lying the LLR's/Lefties launch the cat is fully out of the bag on what has been going on and it's never all going back into the bag again.
Simply take a look at the dem narrative pushing that goes on here by Inga and LLR Chuck and the rest.
Zero impact.
Known Unknown: "The bigger issue to me is that Gorka is not an elected official."
What you are forgetting is that LLR Chuck's purpose here is to advance lefty narratives while attacking any conservative/republican who fights back against Chuck's beloved dems.
Elected or not.
“Meet Leila Elmi: The Missing Link Showing Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother.”
Tax Fraud and immigration fraud by Omar.
It will be interesting to see how LLR Chuck tries to spin this one away from his pro-ISIS heroine Omar.
Don't worry Chuck.
No one expects you go to Powerline. After all, if its not a lefty billionaire funded site, we all know you have "do not read" policy on it.
Didn't PTP Drago say he was gonna lay off Chuck while the bet was going on? Seems like one glance at this week's 1099 was all it took for him to backtrack on his word...
No Workee - No Payee
Blogger Drago said...
Not all the republicans.
The LLR "republicans" remain safely within the democrat fold.
7/18/19, 1:57 PM
The thin layer of fake will be smashed. They don't count.
purplepenquin: "Didn't PTP Drago say he was gonna lay off Chuck while the bet was going on?"
When Chuck reverts to form, I am under no obligation to let his dem/lefty narrative pushing go unattended.
But thank you for once again demonstrating to all just how important it is to the lefties here at Althouseblog that LLR Chuck be protected and nuzzled and fed and sustained in his lefty efforts.
Almost as if every single one of you recognized a kindred spirit and fellow traveler.
And by almost I of course mean precisely.
Over an hour and a half of the most epic, entertaining, uplifting Trump rally to date, we are left with having to defend 7 seconds of things Trump never said.
I sure hope Dick "US Troops are gestapo" Durbin and Li'l stolen Valor Da Nang Dickie Blumenthal don't get too jealous of LLR Chuck throwing some of that affection towards Ben Cardin and Omar & the Squad.
Up to now they have had the lion's share of LLR Chuck's defense time and effort.
When Chuck reverts to form, I am under no obligation to let his dem/lefty narrative pushing go unattended.
and the only way you can "attend" to what he says is via a barrage of posts that are nothing more than silly name-calling and baseless attacks?
If she were "sent back," wouldn't we be doing her a favor? I mean, she loathes the US--and more importantly the essence of the US--so wouldn't she be going to a place where, instead of the clean air of a free society, she could breathe the foul air of statism? And wouldn't that be more to her liking? And if not, why not?
As Instapundit wrote yesterday, there are two things Leftists hate above all else: the US; and people questioning their patriotism.
Serious Question for the rightys on this blog: Has the possibility that Drago might be a Moby ever been brought up & discussed? Or do ya'll beleive he is simply a normal®ular conservative that is posting in good faith? Asking for a friend...
PP: "and the only way you can "attend" to what he says is via a barrage of posts that are nothing more than silly name-calling and baseless attacks?"
The names are themselves how he self-identifies and the none of the "attacks" (not attacks) are "baseless".
Other than that, your post is as accurate as all your previous accusations of collusion and advocacy for the hoax dossier.
Again, thanks for participating.
pp: "Or do ya'll beleive he is simply a normal®ular conservative that is posting in good faith? Asking for a friend..."
How ironic given that this blogs moderators themselves have properly called out LLR Chuck for his bad faith posting and asked to leave, and yet that is the individual to whom lefty pp rushes to defend.
Again, for all lefties and LLR's, history began this morning.
Thank you pp for another demonstration of that axiomatic truth.
Note to self: the very people who have pushed every republican is a nazi racist for 60 years and pushed the Kavanaugh gang rape lies and pushed the hoax dossier/hoax collusion lies for 3 years and pushed the Covington Catholic lies are now calling for a discussion about whether or not others are posting in good faith.
she could breathe the foul air of statism?
She came from Somilia, where there is little/no government interference in how people decide to conduct their business. The foul air comes from unchecked capitalism, not communistic statism.
pushed every republican is a nazi racist for 60 years and pushed the Kavanaugh gang rape lies and pushed the hoax dossier/hoax collusion lies for 3 years and pushed the Covington Catholic lies
your previous accusations of collusion and advocacy for the hoax dossier.
You must have me confused with someone else. Or simply making your simple assumptions once again. Or you're working from a script that tells you what you need to post in order to be paid.
Whatever your reason(s), what you are saying about me simply isn't true.
Purple: She came from Somilia, where there is little/no government interference in how people decide to conduct their business
Gods you're ignorant.
Omar spent the first ten years of her life as a member of a family that owed its livelihood to the regime of Mohammed Siad Barre. Her family is described as “civil servants and educators” – all dependent on the regime and executing its orders.
Her father was a “teacher trainer.” Omar has never explained exactly what a “teacher trainer” in Somalia was or did in the Siad Barre government.
A teacher trainer in any revolutionary communist regime is the political commissar who trains teachers on how to indoctrinate children.
Congressman Omar’s father was a professional propagandist for the Communist-Islamist dictatorship.
pp: "The foul air comes from unchecked capitalism, not communistic statism."
Yeah, Somalia is all about capitalism!
That's one for the books right there.
I guess that would make Idi Amin one of the biggest capitalists evah!!
Well played penguin. I didn't think you get much more ridiculous, but then again, the day was still rather young.
Note to self: Warlord dictatorships are now to be classified as "capitalism".
We'll file that under "BS" and right next to "Southern Strategy" and "All Segregationists Switched to the Republican Party in the 1960's".
Too too funny.
This is as bad as readering getting brain-lock and flatly asserting that the Soviets only invaded Poland from the East as a reaction to Hitler invading from the west!!
PP: "You must have me confused with someone else. Or simply making your simple assumptions once again. Or you're working from a script that tells you what you need to post in order to be paid."
Penguin projecting again.
As always.
Day ending in "y".
Are you suggesting that she was committing immigration fraud as minor, by using the name she had been given since arrival in the U.S. at age 10?
I don't think she was committing the fraud herself, but if it's true her family lied on their immigration form, giving a false name, isn't her immigration based on fraud?
If I shoplift a Barbie for my 10 year old daughter and get busted, they don't let her keep it.
Go ahead Penguin, tell us more of this paradise of "unchecked capitalism" that is Somalia!
We long to hear more. So much much more.
Better yet, do you happen to have a copy of the last Somali Warlord Dictatorship Board Meeting Minutes?
Do they operate under Roberts Rules of Order?
So much to learn. So much to learn.
Fen: "I don't think she was committing the fraud herself, but if it's true her family lied on their immigration form, giving a false name, isn't her immigration based on fraud?"
Omar's immigration fraud activities occurred when she was an adult and involved others and is why she hastily scrubbed her social media accounts.
Poor LLR Chuck.
Once again, his dem teammates have stepped on their cranks.
Omar's immigration fraud activities occurred when she was an adult and involved others and is why she hastily scrubbed her social media accounts.
Uncovered email prove Omar's staff (Muslim Brotherhood/CAIR) were successful in getting Minnesota news organization to spike any attempt in looking at Omar's past.
Gods you're ignorant
You say you've actually been there, so if you're telling me that the current gov't (you know, the one she is gonna be sent back to) has the firm grip of the State on their citizens then I'll take your word on it.
My apologies for beleiving otherwise. That's what I get for reading MSM....truly thought that the current regime had little, if any, say over how most people in that country conduct their business...something deeply desired by True Capitalists. But rest assured, if anyone else makes that same mistake I'll be sure to let 'em know that a leatherneck who was actually there says they are simply misinformed.
Drago said: pushed every republican is a nazi racist for 60 years and pushed the Kavanaugh gang rape lies and pushed the hoax dossier/hoax collusion lies for 3 years and pushed the Covington Catholic lies
your previous accusations of collusion and advocacy for the hoax dossier.
Are you able to provide any links where I have pushed, accused, and/or advocated for any of this stuff? If so - please do so.
pp: "You say you've actually been there, so if you're telling me that the current gov't (you know, the one she is gonna be sent back to) has the firm grip of the State on their citizens then I'll take your word on it"
And, naturally, according to pp, if the central govt of a nation does not have a "firm grip of the State on their citizens" then, obviously, its all unchecked capitalism!!!
Too funny.
Just give the lefties and LLR's a microphone and then sit back and enjoy.
Drago - Are you able to provide those links? Or are you hoping that if you post a barrage of posts that my reasonable request for you to back up your claims will get buried & go unnoticed?
'cause I can keep asking until you do.
PP: "Drago - Are you able to provide those links?"
I was waiting for you to provide links for when I supposedly claimed no foreign entity or persons attempted to influence our election.
Are you able to provide those links?
'cause I can asking you until you do.
"She came from Somilia, where there is little/no government interference in how people decide to conduct their business. The foul air comes from unchecked capitalism, not communistic statism."
So there's no coercion in Somalia? It's a perfect non-aggression paradise on Earth?
By the way, I'm still unable to make links "clicky" but those of you who can, and who haven't been brainwashed by the Hive, may find this interesting:
I call pp's attention to the section on the non-aggression principle.
Mark said... [hush][hide comment]
No proof offered of the claim about Omar marrying her brother.
Inga said...
(Mark) , I may have zero proof that(marriage)happened, but you also have zero proof that it didn't happen. As I said it's (private) info and we are not privy to it. Be patient. Not every thing gets leaked.
2017, 3:29 PM
I call pp's attention to the section on the non-aggression principle.
Thanks for the link, but am aware of the Libertarian's position on non-aggression. (Had to sign an oath when I joined their party many years ago)
However, not all Capitalists are Libertarians and thus some of 'em have little or no qualms about using coercion & violence in order to achieve their goals.
The claim was made that she should go back to Somali so she can live under "statism". Perhaps ya'll define it differently, but I see that word to mean that the central gov't has substantial control over most economic matters - not much (if any) different from communism. And up until Fen explained otherwise, I was under the impression that the central gov't in that country doesn't control much of anything and instead everybody conducts their business with very little, if any, interference from the government.
Being able to conduct business without being burdened by regulations & requirements put upon ya by a bureaucrats and out-of-touch lawmakers sounds far-more like a capitalist's dream than that of a commie's, no?
I don't like the clickable links. I would feel bad if I did such and it turned out that someone here ended up at an evil website, like NYT or WaPo.
By showing the links, folks can see the address. (Yes, I know it's possible (depending on browser) to see the address re a hyperlink).
But, follow this if ya want:
Somalia ain't Statism or Capitalism, it's Backwardism. Any fool can see that from continents away.
I'm closer to J. Farmer on the ethnic and cultural effects of unchecked immigration, and will be surprised to see the tide go back over the long term (but you know what they say about the long term). Current immigration levels are in one sense the most diverse (i.e. hailing from the most diverse places) but in another the least diverse (c. 50% from one area--Latin America).
In economic-geographic terms, northern Mexico and the SW USA are about as interwtined as two sides of a political-cultural-linguistic border can be.
Oaths? Parties? Did they ask for MONEY?
"Oaths? Parties? Did they ask for MONEY?"
If you're referring to my comments, of course they asked for $$$. Every political party I've been involved with asks for $$$'s the nature of the game. But the local LP also gave $$$ to the candidate whose campaign I was helping run, more than I personally donated to the party, so it all worked out well enough.
The Libertarian Pledge is something every member, since 1971, is supposed to agree to: "I hereby certify that I do not believe in or advocate the initiation of force as a means of achieving political or social goals.".
I can understand how that would be a turn-off for some folks, but it wasn't that big of a deal for me to sign on to.
The Libertarian Pledge is something every member, since 1971, is supposed to agree to: "I hereby certify that I do not believe in or advocate the initiation of force as a means of achieving political or social goals.".
The only logical conclusion then is statelessness, since the entire definition of a state is that entity which maintains a monopoly on the legitimate use of force. Libertarianism cannot work for the same reason that communism cannot work. It is too utopian and antithetical to human nature. Perhaps at some distant point in the future, humans will evolve the levels of cooperation necessary to make such a system work but not likely on a timescale that would be relevant to, say, our great-great-grandchildren.
Libertarianism cannot work for the same reason that communism cannot work
Exactly. While I beleive both have elements which are worthwhile, a "true" system of either one would be an utter failure.
Blogger Drago said...
Omar's immigration fraud activities occurred when she was an adult and involved others and is why she hastily scrubbed her social media accounts.
Let’s assume that to be a valid charge; immigration fraud on the part of Ilhan Omar, when she was an adult. Having gotten her US citizenship at age 17.
She’d be charged with a federal crime, as a US citizen. For alleged actions long after the grant of her citizenship. Having nothing to do with, and and in no way affecting, her naturalization. And so in no circumstances would her deportation be a serious question. “Send her back is just a baseless, stupid, noxious taunt.
My point was always this; the “Send her back” chant was a stupid one, no matter what anyone might think about any racist subtexts. Stupid, because there is no plausible legal theory upon which any deportation of Omar could be based.
Exactly. While I beleive both have elements which are worthwhile, a "true" system of either one would be an utter failure.
Agree completely. Every country practices a mixed system. The notion that we have some choice between capitalism on the one hand and socialism on the other is anachronistic folly. The peak absurdity was Ludwig von Mises at a meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society shouting in a pique: "you're all a bunch of socialists!"
Forgot to number that comment!
I saw online today, an appeal for anti-Trump people to go to Trump's next rally, in Cincinnati, and start fascist and/or other embarrassing chants in the crowd. I assume others saw it too. Now no one will know what chants are real, and what's false flag.
Very, very late to this party, but wanted to point out that the chant, "Send her back!" is terrible because it goes exactly against what Trump was arguing in his series of tweets. He was in no way calling for Omar or any of the "Squad" to be sent anywhere. He was suggesting, insisting really, that they go of their own accord and work to reform their own communities to their own standards using their own methods and criteria, Somalia in Omar's case, Brooklyn, I assume, in AOC's, before they lectured America in general about its many manifest failures and faults. Trump's call wasn't for the Squad to be "sent," rather it was for them to "Go, succeed, then come back and let us know how we should do it here."
But who does nuance, anymore?
I saw online today, an appeal for anti-Trump people to go to Trump's next rally, in Cincinnati, and start fascist and/or other embarrassing chants in the crowd.
Are you sure it was an Anti-Trump person making that appeal? Or was it really a Trump Supporter pretending to be a Democratic saying such it, so that if the chants start-up again then it can be blamed on a false flag operation?
such a tangled web we weave...
(not saying you're doing the just seems apropos for this moment)
Woo-hoo, Libertarianism can't work. That's why I didn't join the LP--they thought it could.
And a fucking PLEDGE?
Waste of time and $$$.
Like the SCV
Inga; events in Germany 1934:
1 January — Germany passes the "Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring".
10 January — Marinus van der Lubbe is executed in Germany.
26 January — The 10 year German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact is signed by Germany and the Second Polish Republic.
20 March — All the police forces in Germany come under the command of Heinrich Himmler.
29 May - 31 May — The Confessional Synod of the German Evangelical Church meets in Barmen, Germany to write the Barmen Declaration.
30 June —
The Nazi SA camp Oranienburg becomes a national camp, taken over by the SS.
Night of the Long Knives: Nazis purge the SA.
10 July — German Social Democrat and author Erich Mühsam is killed in Oranienburg concentration camp.
2 August — President Paul von Hindenburg dies and Adolf Hitler declares himself Führer of Germany, becoming head of state as well as Chancellor.
19 August — German voters retroactively endorse Hitler's assumption of the powers of head of state in a referendum, with 89.9% in favor; Hitler effectively becomes the absolute dictator of Germany.
5–10 September — The 6th Nazi Party Congress is held in Nuremberg, attended by about 700,000 Nazi Party supporters and the Leni Riefenstahl film Triumph des Willens is made at this rally.
You really nailed it; exactly the same as the US 2019.
Let’s assume that to be a valid charge; immigration fraud on the part of Ilhan Omar, when she was an adult. Having gotten her US citizenship at age 17.
Actually there are three separate instances of immigration fraud. The first occurred when she was a minor and lied about her identity in order to come to the United States. The second occurred when she lied about her identity in her citizenship paperwork. The third is when she married her brother so that he could stay in the United States.
Except, J. Free markets always work. Socialism? Eh. Not so much.
Having more hair in ‘79 (Iran-hostage crisis) and a beard and of course the perfunctory brown skinI wish I haps nickel for every time people on the road told me that. That was more intimidating. Having middle school kids’ gaggle yell that at you around the block is intimidating.
This however offensive — NOT — is not intimidating.
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