July 18, 2019

The crudeness and the precision of the "Send her back" chant — heard at Trump's rally last night in Greenville, NC.

The crudeness: Trump, in his original tweet and later statements, was asking about the failure to leave and noting their option to leave. They are free. "Send her back" is not a question. It's an imperative. And it's not about the individual's option to leave. Someone — the group as a whole, Trump as President? — is told to do the sending, which sounds like an overriding of the individual's freedom — a deportation. Trump hasn't ever talked about kicking a Congresswoman out of the country. So the crowd has gone beyond Trump's idea and re-understood it as a harsh exercise of power against the will of the individual and in retribution for exercising the most basic American freedom, the freedom to speak in criticism of governmental power.

The precision: They said "her," limiting themselves to Ilhan Omar as Trump was talking about her. Trump's tweets were addressed at "'Progressive' Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all)." He didn't name anybody individually, but he used the plural, and it's been assumed that he was talking about the set of 4 Congresswomen who have grouped themselves together, the so-called "Squad" of Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, Pressley, and Tlaib. Once you make that assumption, Trump looks like he's made an assumption — that nonwhite people came from another country. From there, Trump was open to accusations of racism (which, of course, he got, like mad). But only Omar is an immigrant. By chanting "Send her back" (and not "Send them back"), the crowd arrived at a greater accuracy than Trump's original tweet.

Is the chant "Send her back" a good one, going forward, for Trump rallies? Check all that apply.
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rhhardin said...

It's affirming distaste for political correctness. There' no actual interest in deporting them.

No PC sympathy from us, it means.

Mike Sylwester said...

Apparently, neither President Trump nor this crowd are cowed by the racism accusations that are supposed to shame them.

Gahrie said...

So the crowd has gone beyond Trump's idea and re-understood it as a harsh exercise of power against the will of the individual and in retribution for exercising the most basic American freedom, the freedom to speak in criticism of governmental power.

Or perhaps the crowd thinks Omar's immigration fraud, attacks on American soldiers and ideals and defense of Islamic terrorism as reasons to send the ingrate back.

rhhardin said...

Compare the impeach him rallies, which are actually serious.

Shouting Thomas said...

There might be some very good reasons to deport Omar.

She seems likely to have married her brother in a scam to get around immigration law.

Steve Sailer has been writing about this woman for some time. He says she was a member of the dominant tribe in Somalia, that her tribe was a key player in a genocidal war against other tribes, and that she fled the country to escape retaliation after her tribe was deposed.

I wonder what Trump knows about her background.

Drago said...

Anyone who commits immigration fraud to enter the country and compounds it with tax fraud ought to be sent back out of the country.

No exceptions.

No One Is Above The Law!!

And we needn't dwell on her marrying her brother.....

Can you imagine the SNL skits on her if she were a republican?

Mike Sylwester said...

Omar and her family think it's OK to commit immigration and tax fraud against the country that adopted them.

How come she does not seem to feel any shame about that?

Kevin said...

Trumps 2020 campaign is about love.

Love for America.

It’s OK to be critical. MAGA is inherently critical.

But you have to do it from a place of love and respect for what’s good.

You can’t renovate the house if you’re doing a tear-down.

Shouting Thomas said...

I couldn't vote.

None of the alternatives work for me.

It would help to adjudicate in some way the claims against her.

Mark said...

I thought they were asking for Melania to be sent back. They need to be more specific.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Well, if she did commit immigration fraud by marrying her brother so he could get into the country, and it appears that she did, then she should be sent back. It's the law.

Beasts of England said...

The reason the economy is doing so well is because of all the new jobs cleaning up the smashed Overton windows...

Gahrie said...

I thought they were asking for Melania to be sent back. They need to be more specific.

Why? Melania didn't commit immigration fraud and doesn't talk shit about our country or support our terrorist enemies.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Yes! It expresses something true: Omar deserves to be kicked out.

Not exactly. The chant and the sentiment does express something true. We do not need to, nor should we be forced to accept people into OUR country that:

Hate the country
Want to destroy it from the inside
Refuse to accept the values and laws
Refuse to become American, yet want to take advantage of the generosity of the EXISTING citizenry.
Who are a financial burden on everyone
Who are a MORAL hazard spreading hatred towards others and supporting terrorism.

Not necessarily "send her back". But more WTF do we even allow such people into the country in the first place.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, my compliments. You completelycovered the waterfront in listing the reasons to vote affirmatively.

jnseward said...

Send her back!

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Question. Did the shouts of "send her back" begin after Trump brought up Omar marrying her brother? If so, than it is a righteous chant.

Jersey Fled said...

Omar repeatedly called for Trump to be impeached.

No big deal. The charges were not serious and it wasn't going to happen anyway.

Trump calls for Omar to be thrown out to make a point.

No big deal. It isn't going to happen anyway.

CJinPA said...

A rare time I could not give a Yes/No response to a poll question.

The development of this story is just...amazing. I do believe that first/second-generation immigrants tearing down the nation that took them in, and encouraging other new arrivals to do likewise, all in the service of gaining power, is much more damaging to the country than criticizing such a practice.

We're witnessing years of pent up frustration coming out, unscripted, the result of establishment media/politicians suppressing debate over one of the most significant developments of our time: the quiet elimination of the unifying "melting pot" ideal.

I don't know how this is going to play out.

Gahrie said...

Where is the proof she married her brother?

Try the Powerline blog..they do a great job of laying it out.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Viciously smeared"?


Listen to Omar's vicious callous antisemitism. Media completely ignores.

Mark said...

No proof offered of the claim about Omar marrying her brother.

Much like when Trump went along with the birther conspiracy.

Beasts of England said...

'WTF do we even allow such people into the country in the first place.'

No kidding. We gain nothing by importing people from a true shithole country - average IQ: 68, per capita GDP: $2,500.

Ralph L said...

All of the above, please.

It could also mean send her back to Minnesota.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

rh @ 8:45 for the - 100%

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Gahrie said...
Where is the proof she married her brother?

Try the Powerline blog..they do a great job of laying it out.

Even the local Minneapolis newspaper is on the story now ... finally.

Gahrie said...

No proof offered of the claim about Omar marrying her brother.

Again, Powerline has laid out the case pretty convincingly.

Mark said...

Lol, Powerline blog as a sole source.

Stories of Trump raping women have better sources than that and you suggest they be ignored.


rhhardin said...

Scott Adams's blurb for today says he's talking about the send her back.

narciso said...

This is the same Aaron 'tractor' rupar, lol.

Sean Gleeson said...

Why would "send her back" be at all controversial, at a campaign rally, about a member of the opposition? When we vote out an incumbent, we are sending him back whence he came. Isn't that what elections are for? Every campaign's mission is to get "our" guys in, to replace "their" guys. Surely the other side has shown no restraint about wishing to send back Trump.

Kevin said...

I blame the Liberals.

If just half of them would have honored their commitment to leave the country if Trump were elected we wouldn’t be in this situation.

narciso said...

People paid by gloria alred don't count,

iowan2 said...

The personal smears? Which ones are bad, and which ones are OK?

"Lock her up" got dissected for its literal inaccuracies. Telling the squad to go back to their home countries and fix them, before you tell us where the US is getting it wrong. We get schooled that they are all citizens. Several were born here, so the US is home. Yet we all instinctively knew what President Trump meant. He communicated perfectly, and everyone understood with no sense of ambiguity. So they were born here. We have been a couple of decades now, referring to Negroes as African Americans. When lots of Negroes have no more connection to Africa, than all of humanity, according to anthropologists.

Democrats have been lying about President Trump since before he took office. Yesterday the House voted on impeaching the President. To me, that is a much worse smear, yet that smear is not only OK, but cheered.

What I am saying, the parsing of a message, according to who is doing the messaging is nothing more than a debating tactic of deferring to experts, and does nothing to engage in the debate.

Gahrie said...

Lol, Powerline blog as a sole source.

Only because the MSM is protecting her by refusing to cover the story. Her campaign manager was caught bragging about the fact he convinced the local paper not to cover the story.

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birches said...

I think rhardin is probably right. It's expressing a sentiment, not a real demand for action. If their is a demand, it's that she not be let off the hook for immigration fraud. Send her back or lock her up express the same sentiment. I don't think our pearl clutchers in the media would need the smelling salts any less if lock her up was repurposed for Omar.

I'm really tiring of the ritual denounciations from Good Conservatives that happen every time Trump (or the crowd) does something intemperate. Yes, yes we know you're the Good Guys. Orange Man Bad. Blah blah blah. Maybe I'll start caring when the media actually cares about the intemperate things that happen on the left.

TrespassersW said...

No proof offered on the "RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA" accusations. But that's different because SHUT UP.

Gaius Gracchus said...

Powerline has a new post up about her. It appears she entered America as a fraudulent relative under a refugee reunification loophole that was closed due to Somalia refugee "families" not being related.

And then married her brother while still married to her husband.

Gahrie said...

Remember when everyone dismissed the Lewinsky story because Drudge was the only one reporting on it?

wendybar said...

Wahhhhhhhhh!! The left is hurt?? After calling everybody who voted for Trump RACISTS and White Supremacists, I really don't care if the left is hurt and scared. They should be.

narciso said...

Just like the Miami herald didn't start looking into eostein until after acosta was appointed.

Narr said...

Just voted (3 no, 1 yes) and have not read comments.

I do not like or trust chanting crowds, or the people who hide in them.

That is all

Amexpat said...

I believe that there is a significant group of people that are repulsed by Trump's tactics but want tighter border controls and to cut down on illegal immigration. He's driving a wedge in that group. With the result that some will secretly vote for him and others will not because they do not want to be associated with his tactics and rhetoric.

Perhaps this will help with his reelection. But it is just as likely that there will be a Democratic POTUS and he/she will be reluctant to take any serious measures to stop illegal immigration in order to distance him/herself from Trump.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump's original tweet asks Omar to go back and solve her home-nation's issues. Once she has solved her home-nation's issues and corruption and poverty - then come back to the US and help us out.

BarrySanders20 said...

It's one of those questions without an easy answer. So it's none of the above and all of the above for me.

n.n said...

The crowd embraced the projections and displacements of their critics. After a muilti-trimester witch hunt and warlock trial, and persistent allegations of diversity and other bigotry, people have understandably decided to go along to get along. #HateLovesAbortion

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Omar is a tiny, pretty helpless brown female... who happens to sympathize with terrorists, antifa, and is a wholesale antisemite.

Wince said...

Why is the assumption made that the crowd was saying "send her back" to another country?

Trump, before he was so rudely interrupted by the protestor, began his fusillade talking about the "great state of Minnesota", didn't he?

Isn't the proper inference that she should be sent packing from Washington DC, a common partisan trope for not being reelected and being "sent back" to "a really great state I almost won" in the 2016 election?

Kevin said...

Trump's original tweet asks Omar to go back and solve her home-nation's issues. Once she has solved her home-nation's issues and corruption and poverty - then come back to the US and help us out.

It’s always a situation where they’re chopping off his statements and taking them out of context to make them fit their narrative.

If he’s so terrible, they shouldn’t have to do that. They should give you everything and let the obviousness persuade you.

Tom T. said...

The fact that the media's "fact-checkers" have been silent about the immigration-fraud allegations against Omar is a pretty good indication that they're true. You know the media would seize on anything it could to declare those allegations false if there was any way to do so.

Mr. Forward said...

Sending xer back would create a sympathetic victim out of an irritating but useful ingrate.

Trump says Pelosi is not a racist, within 48 hours she’s calling him one. The Democrats own the negative, let them have it. Appoint Marianne Williamson Secretary of Love, legalize dreamers, bear hug Joe Biden, tweet sweet.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...



That is her hometown paper.

John Henry

Kevin said...

The crowd shouted “send her back” will be all the media will report today.

Anything else might allow the rubes to start thinking for themselves.

Dave Begley said...

Omar can't be sent back. She's an American citizen.

Scott Johnson at Power Line has a long post today with details from another source. Deeply reported. Omar married her brother.

Nothing happens to Omar. She's immune. If she's indicted, it will be construed as racism.

Omar is the new Hillary. But better.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If there is a way to check-box all of the answers, that is my vote. All of the above.

wild chicken said...

Damn, it's all so rude and unseemly.

But the Victorian rectictude of our establishment thus far has laid us wide open to immivasion. They don't care about us.

So it's come down to this nastiness.

Wilbur said...

The leftist dream is to get a 5 vote majority on the Supreme Court, and turn every alien in this country into a legal voter by judicial fiat.

That's just the start.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I was going to vote for all of the above, the yesses and the noes, but that would be pointless.

It was racist of Trump to not know where all four of the Squadrisiti were born.

Fen said...

Yes! It expresses something true: Omar deserves to be kicked out.

1) because she is ungrateful to the country that gave her family sanctuary, anti-American

2) because her parents were not the typical "starving Somali refugees trapped in a civil war: "Omar’s family fled Somalia due to their complicity in the genocidal regime of the dictator Siad Barre...her family was high-enough ranking in the old dictatorship that when it fell, her fellow Somalis wanted to kill them as vengeance". She is the child of Hitler.

3) because Omar committed immigration fraud by marrying her brother to get him in the US.

It's hardly racist, we would be delighted to send some white liberal antifa trash back to Somalia with her.

wild chicken said...

Damn, it's all so rude and unseemly.

But the Victorian rectictude of our establishment thus far has laid us wide open to immivasion. They don't care about us.

So it's come down to this nastiness.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

From Gateway Pundit. Pictures at the link

Omar’s father, Nur Omar Mohamed (aka Nur Said Elmi Mohamed), is connected to the former dictator in Somalia, Said Barre. Nur and other former Barre accomplices are living in the US illegally.


Ali is a convicted war criminal who did the killing himself. Ali has been located in the US working as security at Dulles International Airport and driving for Uber in 2019. He reportedly lived at one time in Alexandria, Virginia. Ali was a Colonel in the Somalian Army’s 5th Mechanized Brigade in 1987 and was a graduate of the Pentegon’s Program for Foreign Officers in 1986. He’s also a war criminal in response to his actions in Somalia.


John Henry

iowan2 said...

Lol, Powerline blog as a sole source.

Stories of Trump raping women have better sources than that and you suggest they be ignored.

We get an answer to the age old question. Does a tree falling in the forest make a sound if no one is there to hear it? No

Is news, news, if the NYT ignores it? I guess not. The past 3 years with the NYT printing thousands of stories with one or two sources in the know, but remaining anynomous, is different because, shutup.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

from last year

New Photos Corroborate Perjury Claims Against Rep. Ilhan Omar, as She Deletes Social Media Evidence



"Send Her Back" has more 'chantability' than "Legally Deport Her"

"Send Her Back, MMmmm, Mmmmm, Mmmmm!!!"

Amadeus 48 said...

She's just another Democrat who pals around with terrorists. Too bad she didn't have regular Sunday dinners with with Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. She'd be free from criticism.

Nothing to see here.


Michael K said...

Omar can't be sent back. She's an American citizen.

Is her citizenship application fraudulent ?

because Omar committed immigration fraud by marrying her brother to get him in the US.

I'm not an immigration lawyer but it is an interesting question.

rcocean said...

One response is absurd. Omar is NOT a relatively powerless. She is one of the most powerful people in the USA. She's one of 535 members of Congress. That's why we're talking about her. Send them back is rhetorical. You can't deport an American Citizen anywhere.

Once again, all the finger wagging goes one way. If the D's call us racist/Nazi/Fascist/etc. and fantasize about attacking R's and Conservatives, then its just ho-hum. Part of the daily background noise. But if Trump fights back its "Oh, no. He can't say that, clutch your pearls time". Absurd!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The crudeness is all D-hack press. The media's never ending attempts to misconstrue Trump's intent, and pull half truths and out-of-context meaning [IE RACIST!] from his tweets.
It falls right in line with their lies about Russian collusion.

Trump's original tweet was distorted by the MSM(D) for the express purpose of smearing him and his supporters. Baskets of deplorables is all the corporate media see.

"send her back": is a PC middle finger to CNN and all the rest of the Democrat media whores.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Beasts of England 8:59 am

I said nothing about IQ or the GDP of the country that the immigrants are from. That may be your issue. It isn't mine.

Do NOT put words in MY mouth.

The points I elucidated still stand. The main one being why allow the entry of people into the country who clearly mean to destroy the country and spread hate. The second bringing in those who are a burden on the existing citizenry is going to bankrupt the country.

If we don't adopt a SANE immigration policy and one that insists that people obey the LAW...we are just asking for a civil war.

JackWayne said...

“...the crowd arrived at a greater accuracy than Trump's original tweet.”

This is just wrong.

Danno said...

Even the local Minneapolis newspaper is on the story now ... finally.

You know it is a developing problem when the Red Star (as in Soviet red on the order of Pravda) is writing about it.

James K said...

"Send her back" doesn't seem as crude as "Impeach the motherfucker."

Yes, I know that was Tlaib, but Ilhan has also spoken in favor of impeachment, which amounts to a smear that President Trump has committed high crimes and misdemeanors in office.

n.n said...

His critics tried to infer the same meaning of diversity, when he stated there would be immigration reform in nations that sponsor or couch terrorism. Then and now there was no color judgment, and his critics moved on to hunt other witches, judge other warlocks, and, of course, to progress reproductive rites.

Dave said...

Would it be better if they had used the legal term: denaturalize?


Democrats have been chanting this about me and all the rest of the deplorables for 2 years:

"Take their vote away!"

I think the charges against her need to be investigated. After all, Mark, if there is nothing to hide, what is the concern?

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger Dave Begley said...

Omar can't be sent back. She's an American citizen.

True but if she committed fraud to become a citizen, her citizenship could be revoked and then she could be deported.

We had a former National Socialist concentration camp guard stripped of his citizenship last year and deported to Germany. Naturalized US citizen since 1957. Not even German but sort of stateless.


From the article:

Well, it just comes down to the fact that these other countries didn't want to take him. Ambassador Richard Grenell, the ambassador to Germany, says this came to the president's attention somehow. President Trump made it a priority, made it very clear he wanted him out.

Emph added

Wut???? PDJT would not stick up for and protect a fellow National Socialist? How could that be?

John Henry

Doug said...

Mark said...
I thought they were asking for Melania to be sent back. They need to be more specific.

You really thought that? Who ties your shoes for you?

Nonapod said...

I greatly dislike the woman in question and agree with the general sentiment that she's a hateful ingrate with dangerous ideas. As such I don't have a problem with people saying that if she finds the country so awful she should go home. I don't believe it's inherently racist, misogynistic, or xenophobic to say such things about a person who has unambiguously displayed such hatred for this country, not to mention hatred of Jewish people in general.

But I have natural dislike for large crowds chanting things, even if I may agree with the general sentiment. I don't even like chants at sporting events. But I'm not a rally guy. I've always been a bit unsettled by large crowds who say or do things in unison. So I may agree with the sentiments behind "Lock her up" or "Send her back" or whatever, but I personally don't like the expression. But I'm a stick in the mud I guess. (Though thinking about it, "Send her back" seems a tad too imperial... "Go back" or "Go home" at least grants her some agency).

rcocean said...

You get people like Omar when you adopt this absurd, lets take in anyone from anywhere.

Education? Who cares. Religious Beliefs? Not relevant. Hostility to USA and Western values? No problem. Need massive medical care? Come on in, we'll fix it. Gang Member? We don't care.

Typical American idiocy. "what me worry?" Until it affects them personally.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

DBQ 9:27 = 100%

Bruce Hayden said...

“Powerline has a new post up about her. It appears she entered America as a fraudulent relative under a refugee reunification loophole that was closed due to Somalia refugee "families" not being related.”

That might get her kicked out, if she weren’t a very visible Dem Congresswomen.

“And then married her brother while still married to her husband.”

If true, that might get him kicked out, but probably not her.

Still, it would be instructive to find out how she and her family, so closely tied to the murderous dictator in their home country that they had to flee for their lives, ever got into this country and got citizenship. Yes, they were true refugees. But we still try to keep former dictators and their cronies out of this country, not wanting it to become a haven for murdering former despots.

DarkHelmet said...

We can split the atom. We can splice genes. We can land on the moon. But we cannot figure out whether the freshman representative from Minnesota married her brother to scam the immigration system? How hard is this? Is there no way for a person in a position of authority at ICE to simply demand an answer to the question: is the Elmi person you married your brother? Yes or no?

J. Farmer said...

Obsessing over Omar is a total waste of time and a complete distraction from the fact that Trump has been failing on immigration over and and over over again. Illegal immigration has worsened under Trump. We are not getting a wall. We are not going to get serious action on immigration. Trump will keep tossing out the red meat and the sort of people who like to go to political rallies will eat it up with a spoon and a big grin on their mouths. Yeah, people got to chant "send her back" and give a little jolt to their ids. Meanwhile, their posterity is totally fucked.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Fen @ 9:16


Beasts of England said...

'Do NOT put words in MY mouth.'

No idea how you came to that conclusion - I was just adding my take - that's how these comment sections go. Lighten up, Francis.

Brian McKim and/or Traci Skene said...

"I do not like or trust chanting crowds, or the people who hide in them."

Funny, I feel the same way about loners. James Hodgkinson comes to mind.

cacimbo said...

I find chants at political rallies like this creepy - no matter what the subject or party affiliation.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

J Farmer - Trump is not a dictator or a king. He needs the house and the senate to play ball with regards to funding. The R-party let him down, and now that the house is gone, the options are slim. You know this.

Fernandinande said...

Even the local Minneapolis newspaper is on the story now ... finally.

And, fortunately for us, they can read Trump's mind so there's no need to bother quoting what he tweetered in case we misinterpret it:

"Conversations about racism — confronting it and reflecting on what it takes for members of minority groups to be fully accepted as Americans — are flaring again this week after after President Donald Trump called for a group of women of color in Congress to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” noting that they were originally from countries with catastrophic governments.

His comments were directed at U.S. Reps. Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan — all born in the U.S. — and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, who came as a refugee from Somalia decades ago and, like the others, is an American citizen."

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leland said...

I think it was false flag.

The thing is I haven't listened to any of Trump's speeches. I don't judge him by what he says but what he does. So I'm not going to judge him by what the audience says.

Besides, the silly Democrats condemned a sitting President for stating a lawful act that if anybody doesn't like the US they are free to leave it. Mentioning that freedom is now condemnable by the US House of Representatives as run by Democrats.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Funny how the MSM won't dig into Omar's past in Somalia.


Darrell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darrell said...

You have to fight back tears when Lefties pretend they are offended and need a safe space. As they steal bicycle chains and locks to enforce speech codes and mix up Quickcrete "milkshakes." And you know they drink the actual milkshake before they mix.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger J. Farmer said...

We are not getting a wall.

Not as permanent as a wall and can be taken away at any moment. Still in some ways better than a wall:


And it IS making a difference.

Even the NY Times noticed in a recent article.


John Henry

Bay Area Guy said...

I make these pedestrian observations in no political order:

1. Omar is a liar, a leftist, and an anti-Semite, who hates America. It is embarrassing that the Democrat Party has embraced her. She is the worst of the 4.

2. In 2018, the Dems won the House with 40 swing-district wins. Yet, the Jihad Squad gets most of the ink. This political disconnect won't last.

3. Pelosi was in the process of trying to marginalize the Jihad Squad, but Trump jumped in and forced them back together. This likely puts House control into play in 2020. Well played (albeit messy).

That's about it.

le Douanier said...

Why not the obvious option on the poll?

Obviously this is good for the rallies because xenophobes and racists like to have a free space to publicly express themselves.

F-ing McCain shut them down. And, F-ing Mitt didn't use attacks against BHO that Mitt's pollsters said would work. And, F-ing W was wimp cause he told the xenophobes and racists to STFU.

But no, Althouse can't have the real option on the list. Wonder why?

CWJ said...

"We're witnessing years of pent up frustration coming out, unscripted, the result of establishment media/politicians suppressing debate over one of the most significant developments of our time: the quiet elimination of the unifying "melting pot" ideal."

This has been going on in academia since at least the '70's, and the coining of the "salad bowl" rather than the melting pot. Coupled with "diversity is our strength" corporate cant and PC enforcement, the melting pot is long gone. Nothing quiet about it.

Fen said...

Lol, Powerline blog as a sole source, Dan Rather was overheard mocking as he prepared to go live with his "unimpeachable source"

Fen said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers: Fen @ 9:16, wow.

Oh hell, did I screw up? I trust you as fair critic. Too much? Or spot on?

Beasts of England said...

The best way to get proof of Omar's (alleged) immigration fraud is a two year special counsel with a $30M budget!!

gspencer said...

"Send her back"

That frightens me. A majority of the voters in her district might do just that. Back to Congress.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I love when people scoff at PowerLine and other blogs that do amazing original reporting, and post the public documents that validate their premises. There’s 100% more evidence Omar (which isn’t even her real name) married her brother that there is the Russians hacked the DNC. Public records, laid out for all to see. But somehow the guys who took down Dan Rather over faked TANG Amelie’s are less reliable than “mainstream media” because their conservative. Real deep thinking you exhibit there Mark.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Alpha News Exposes Rep. Ilhan Omar on Tax, Marriage and Immigration FRAUD — Could Result in Deportation


Dust Bunny Queen said...

I find chants at political rallies like this creepy - no matter what the subject or party affiliation.

You must be really afraid at football games and soccer games then.

We will we will ROCK YOU!!!!

Cassandra said...

None of the poll responses summarize my reaction to the question.

Would I chant, "Send her back"? No, though I wouldn't exactly be verklempt if she chose to leave either.

But really, what difference does it even make what is actually chanted at Trump rallies? If the crowd fails to provide fuel for the narrative, the press will just make up whatever they need to implicitly say, "If you support Trump, you're a racist, sexist, facist, Nazi, authoritarian running pig-dog who endangers democracy simply by existing".

For the love of Mike - I've never attended a Trump rally in my life (and probably never will) but all this hyperventilation just makes me more convinced the press have lost their freaking minds.

Jake said...

"You can leave!" would be better.

Browndog said...

Remember, there are two sets of rules at any given time. They can change on the dime depending on what is needed to advance the leftist agenda, but the rules will always remain diametrically opposed from each other.

One for liberals. One for everyone else.

No one even notices when lefty chants advocate violence.

When red-blooded Americans are put upon every single day (punch a nazi ring a bell), they're going to push back.

'Send her back' simply means "get the hell out of here if you hate American so much.

J. Farmer said...


And it IS making a difference.

Yes, it was slightly less nightmarish in June than it was in previous months. If you want to tout that as a victory, be my guest. Well over a million central Americans have already gained entrance.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Fen: "wow:" - as in - Thanks for the information. Pretty devastating.

purplepenquin said...

"if people are really going to abandon their stance on border control and against illegal immigration because of "rhetoric" then they weren't serious to begin with"

Exactly! Reminds me of the people who claim to have loved watching the NFL but now are boycotting the sport 'cause of some "rhetoric" said by one or two (former) players.

They obviously never really cared one-way-or-the-other about the sport; rather they are simply virtue-signaling in an attempt to garner attention from their fellow tribe-members.

Same story - same script - different actors

Ice Nine said...

Althouse>>"So the crowd has gone beyond Trump's idea and re-understood it as a harsh exercise of power against the will of the individual and in retribution for exercising the most basic American freedom, etc."

The crowd hasn't "re-understood" any such thing. The crowd simply *understands* that she is a malignant interloper - probably a fraudulent one - and the crowd simply wants her ass sent back to from where it came.

And you could just as readily make one of your tortuous arguments that they want her immigration investigated, found to be criminally fraudulent, resulting in her being purely legally deported solely on that basis. Which, for that matter, is much more likely the case than the explanation that you did posit.

traditionalguy said...

The Media attacks use this as a trigger to blame Trump for the crowds' opinion of the proud Sudanese Muslim who hates them and incidentally probably committed emigration Fraud.

But until she asks for mercy, she should get none.

Michael said...

"Lock her up" would be more apt for Omar than "Send her back." See Scott Johnson's extensive piece posted to Powerline today.

Otto said...

" in retribution for exercising the most basic American freedom, the freedom to speak in criticism of governmental power."

To me the crowd exercised the most basic freedom of speech by saying lock her up.

Ann trying to use a double standard- Ohmar can criticize the US, but the deplorables can't criticize her .

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

People are pouring in because there are players behind the scenes in the deep state and beyond who are transporting these people TO THE BORDER.

These caravans are coordinated. The people "walking" from central America cannot possibly traverse the entire nation of Mexico in a few days. It's not possible.

J. Farmer said...

John Derbyshire and I are pretty much on the exact same page regarding L'affaire Trump:

"I'm happy for the President, and I'm happy for the Ever Trumpers. Sorry again, but I just can't share their enthusiasm. I'm paid to say what I think. What I think is, Trump is a busted flush — an empty vessel that makes a lot of noise but from whom nothing much is to be expected on the National Question.

Lack of enthusiasm is not the same as hostility. If the Presidential election were held tomorrow I would certainly vote for Trump. As minimal as my expectations for his second term are, I know all too well what to expect from Biden, Sanders, Warren, & Co.

I expect nothing from Trump; but there are quantities less than nothing, negative quantities. I'll take nothing, thanks."

-Radio Derb

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

How did memos become Amelie’s? Ack!

Fen said...

I believe that there is a significant group of people that are repulsed by Trump's tactics but want tighter border controls and to cut down on illegal immigration. He's driving a wedge in that group. With the result that some will secretly vote for him and others will not because they do not want to be associated with his tactics and rhetoric.

Milo had a great response to a fallacy (and I'm being generous) similar to yours, about girls losing interest in science because some old guy said they cried too much: if one man's intemperate remarks are going to put a girl off a career in science, how really committed was she to begin with?

It's the same with your argument: if people are really going to abandon their stance on border control and illegal immigration because of "rhetoric" then they weren't serious to begin with.


Your point reminds me SO MUCH of the Republican Cucks that are always more concerned about "civility" and "tone" that the core issues. If they are really going to enable the mugging, rape and murder of their fellow Americans by illegals immigrants because Trump said mean things... they were never serious about the issue to begin with.

And honestly, it sounds like a point a concern troll would make because Trump's attack is effective and the Democrat In Sheep's Clothing wants it to stop.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We do not have an honest curious press in America. It's all Democrat party propaganda.

Sebastian said...

"Trump has been failing on immigration over and and over over again."

Farmer, serious question: do you think blocking asylum applications by would-be claimants who passed through safe third countries is a failure?

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

It's funny. When I saw the Freddy Mercury movies a while back, I was reminded how well he involved the audience in his shows. It made them special, like we all had a connection, to him and each other. He was a master.

I see the same things at Trump rallies. He makes everyone there feel a part of it. Not just watching, not just listening, but participating. Coming together. Kind of like E Pluribus Unum. Very American.

There are some people that are offended, or worried, or just plain disgusted by that. Not me. And apparently, not a lot of other people.

Browndog said...

Further, why are some people acting like they're parsing a legal document. It was a chant...from a crowd...of strangers.

You think they don't know Trump can't deport her? You think they want Trump to do it anyway?

Get a grip, people.

Rob said...

A guy is propositioned by a hooker in a bar. She says, “I’ll do anything you want for $200, as long as you can say it in three words in the form blank my blank.” The guy thinks for a minute then says, “Paint my house.”

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger J. Farmer said...

Yes, it was slightly less nightmarish in June than it was in previous months. If you want to tout that as a victory, be my guest.

How did I tout it as a victory? It is progress, as even you and the NYTimes admit. That is all I will claim it is too. It's only been 30 days. Let's revisit this in 6 months and see what it has done. I have hopes. But I am an optimist and my hopes have been dashed before.

Well over a million central Americans have already gained entrance.

Since when? Since 1900? Since 2000? Since 2017?

Absent some time it's a meaningless statement. I know a lot of Central Americans (I assume you are excluding Mexicans) have come in in the past few years. But it is in the tens of thousands. Nowhere close to "Well over a million"

John Henry

daskol said...

While sweeping policy changes haven't manifested yet, and even with policy changes it may take some time for the illegal immigration situation to turn around, the national conversation is shifting. Trump's moves are forcing the Dems at this stage to publicly embrace the open boarders position of their more extreme wing. None of the presidential candidates will explicitly declaim this position, and none will at this point specify any restrictions they'd support on immigration or any measures they'd take to stem the tide of illegal immigration. This could help with shifting the partisan balance in Congress, which could present an opportunity to legislate and enforce aggressively in Trump's second term. That seems like the best shot for meaningful action on immigration.

WK said...

Instead of chants - songs are needed (Apologies to Dr Pepper)

They say that we’re all racist ‘cause we’re proud
We used to feel alone in a crowd
But now you look around these days
And it seems there's a real racist CRAZE
I'm a Racist he's a Racist she's a Racist we're all Racist
I think that you might be a Racist too?
Racists are an interesting breed
A dog whistle is all that they need
Ask any racist and they'll say "only Racists think that way"
I'm a Racist he's a Racist she's a Racist we're all racist I think that you might be a racist too?

Fen said...

Farmer & Derbyshire: Sorry again, but I just can't share their enthusiasm. I'm paid to say what I think. What I think is, Trump is a busted flush — an empty vessel that makes a lot of noise but from whom nothing much is to be expected on the National Question. Lack of enthusiasm is not the same as hostility.

I respect Derbyshire, but I am tired of people like him who are too civilized to fight.

Derbyshire can be counted on to write 500 word essays lamenting the Fall of The Republic.

Barbarians are climbing the gates of Rome to rape and pillage and he just can't find the motivation to get worked up about it. "Let them eat RU-486!" he shrugged.

J. Farmer said...

@John Henry:

Absent some time it's a meaningless statement. I know a lot of Central Americans (I assume you are excluding Mexicans) have come in in the past few years. But it is in the tens of thousands. Nowhere close to "Well over a million"

"Last month alone, 144,000 people were detained at the border making an asylum claim. This year, about a million Central Americans will have relocated to the U.S. on those grounds. To add to this, a big majority of the candidates in the Democratic debates also want to remove the grounds for detention at all, by repealing the 1929 law that made illegal entry a criminal offense and turning it into a civil one. And almost all of them said that if illegal immigrants do not commit a crime once they’re in the U.S., they should be allowed to become citizens."

-The Democratic Candidates Are in a Bubble on Immigration

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Been watching an Italian documentary called Afica Addio about communist revolutions and anti-white uprisings in the mid 60's. Lots of genocide and crowds of black Africans chasing Arab Muslims and murdering them, tearing them to pieces like mad dogs. That's what should be done to Omar and her anti-American cohorts of the Democrat party. Chase them, back them to pieces, drown them, drag them, cut their heads off, lynch them.

Our elected officials and fellow citizens have declared war on us and they have opened the city gates to the enemy armies. Americans who love their country must defend it against Americans who hate it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Remember - The collective democrats and their media insisted - IN UNISON - IN LOCKSTEP - that there is no crisis at the border.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Recall the laughter from the collective left, starting with CNN's Jim Acosta, (CNN's offical Trump stalker) that THERE IS NO CRISIS AT THE BORDER.

J. Farmer said...


I respect Derbyshire, but I am tired of people like him who are too civilized to fight.

In a democratic system, how do you "fight?" You vote for candidates and you participate in political discussion. That's what Derb does. What do you propose he do differently? Not point out his disappointment in Trump? Perhaps you can share with us how you are fighting since you want to excoriate others for failing to do so.

stlcdr said...

Blogger Dave Begley said...
Omar can't be sent back. She's an American citizen....

No and Yes.

Yes: she is an American citizen. No: any naturalized citizen an still be subject to deportation at any time if immigration fraud occurred. Now, typically this relates to ones own immigration (for example, you lied). However, if the story is true that she brought someone into this country fraudulently, this demonstrates a potential fraud in her own immigration and naturalization process.

As a side note, a naturalized person is under probation for a number of years after becoming a citizen. I can't recall the number, perhaps 2 to 5 years or so.

Browndog said...

Further still, it could be the crowd is fully aware of Omar's immigration fraud, and feel her citizenship should be revoked, and sent back to Shithole.

Remember, this is the same bitch that said she's more patriotic that real Americans.

You know, the ones that attend Trump rallies.

buster said...

It's like a crowd booing the umpire at a baseball game.

J. Farmer said...


Remember - The collective democrats and their media insisted - IN UNISON - IN LOCKSTEP - that there is no crisis at the border.

If the best thing you can say about Trump is that he is not one of the "collective democrats," then you will lose.

Amexpat said...

Your point reminds me SO MUCH of the Republican Cucks that are always more concerned about "civility" and "tone" that the core issues. If they are really going to enable the mugging, rape and murder of their fellow Americans by illegals immigrants because Trump said mean things... they were never serious about the issue to begin with.
And honestly, it sounds like a point a concern troll would make because Trump's attack is effective and the Democrat In Sheep's Clothing wants it to stop.

I'm not a troll - I would very much like for the US to solve the illegal immigration problem it has. Doesn't matter to me if it's Trump or someone else. Where I differ from you is that I don't see the problem as stopping "mugging, rape and murder of their fellow Americans by illegals immigrants".

The vast majority of illegal immigrants are just trying to make a better life for themselves. I have sympathy for them - I've worked illegally in a number of countries myself. But in the the long run illegal immigration is not good for the host country or the illegal immigrants themselves. You can't have a modern country with extensive social services like education and health care if you don't have control over who your legal residents are. And the illegal immigrants will always be insecure and subject to exploitation because of their status.

rehajm said...

It’s civility bullshit.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

J Farmer,

I didn't say that. You did.

Seeing Red said...

Perhaps this will help with his reelection. But it is just as likely that there will be a Democratic POTUS and he/she will be reluctant to take any serious measures to stop illegal immigration in order to distance him/herself from Trump.

Trump has nothing to do with it. That’s been the plan for decades. Revisit the ‘86 immigration plan and afteraffects.

They want a new electorate.

Bay Area Guy said...

What Fen said about Derb...

Derb is smart and has some good insights, but he is a detached, theoretician (on the right), without any practical impact in the political/social game.

The current chant list:

Lock her up!

Drain the Swam!

Send her Home!

Dare we add "Four more Years"?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

The crudeness: Trump...

Trump as "Uncle Buck" !

"He's rude. He's crude. He's Family!!"

...and saves the day

Seeing Red said...

in retribution for exercising the most basic American freedom, the freedom to speak in criticism of governmental power."

That’s not what an elected member of Congress is doing. She is the power.

purplepenquin said...

"In a democratic system, how do you "fight?""

I beleive your question was answered by Mr. Fitzgerald @ 7/18/19, 9:59 AM
"Chase them, back them to pieces, drown them, drag them, cut their heads off, lynch them.

I don't agree with this deep-rooted desire to literally exterminate (with extreme pain inflicted) political opponents, but it does seem to be the road more than just a few folks are willing to take...

Close the city and tell the people that
Something's coming to call
Death and darkness are rushing forward to
Take a bite from the wall, oh
You've nothing to say
They're breaking away

If you listen to fools
The mob rules
The mob rules


J. Farmer said...

@Bay Area Guy:

Derb is smart and has some good insights, but he is a detached, theoretician (on the right), without any practical impact in the political/social game.

So what are some of the things Derb has gotten wrong? Illegal immigration hasn't reached record levels under Trump? Trump doesn't talk a good game and then fold like a cheap suit? The wall is not being built? Ann Coulter and V Dare and Taki's are all getting Trump wrong on immigration?

Dare we add "Four more Years"?

If Trump gets four more years and repeats the immigration policy of his first four years, the country will be over. If it isn't already.

TJM said...

She is the Republican Party's secret weapon to get Trump re-elected. If the media was not so left-wing and unhinged from reality they would know this

Michael K said...

I find chants at political rallies like this creepy - no matter what the subject or party affiliation.

You must be really afraid at football games and soccer games then.

Many years ago, I met and entertained a Dutch surgeon during the American College of Surgeons convention in San Francisco. We went to dinner and to night clubs. I was sort of assigned as his host since he was a very distinguished surgeon from Europe. At the end of the week, he was not leaving until the next day, I invited him and his wife to attend a USC football rally Friday night before the SC Stanford (or Cal) game the next day. They enjoyed the rally, which was at one of the hotels and was attended by several hundred people. I told him he was seeing some Americana.

He told me it was very interesting to him. There was martial music, a band, drinking, etc. He told me that in Germany, it would not be safe to be a stranger in such a situation, but in America, there was only happiness and celebration,. It showed him America as he had never seen it.

J. Farmer said...


I didn't say that. You did.

I didn't say you said it. I am making an observation.

Anonymous said...

AA: "...harsh exercise of power against the will of the individual and in retribution for exercising the most basic American freedom, the freedom to speak in criticism of governmental power."

DBQ: "Not necessarily "send her back". But more WTF do we even allow such people into the country in the first place."

These two statements make a nice juxtaposition: the first addressing the issue in the abstract, the second putting it into the context of the concrete - what's really going on in this country right now.

Until very recently, most Americans could be appealed to through the former - she's a citizen who has the right to criticize, to suggest otherwise in any way is un-American, and there's an end on't.

However, at present, those who have hitherto always been susceptible to that appeal are people who have been watching their own freedoms, most emphatically *their* right to criticize and speak their minds, significantly curtailed, and have noticed that the people championing the likes of Omar are hot to restrict those freedoms even further, while openly promoting policies targeting them for dispossession and expropriation.

At the same time they have been subjected to non-stop haranguing about their own lack of title to their own country, and their own unworthiness to occupy it. And they notice that those noble abstractions about sacrosanct citizenship are never to be heard in the public square when *they* are being so attacked. In fact, such attacks not only fail to arouse the condemnation of the great and good, they *come* from the great and good.

The lefties and the usual suspects on the right are now of course in full-frontal hysteria mode over "send her back". In the context of reality, however, where, e.g., "respectable", ostensibly non-crazy progs are blandly discussing defeating the enemy (white conservatives) in a "race war" (yes, the phrase in quotes is verbatim), the formerly susceptible can surely be excused for no longer keeping their thinking about current events inside the bounds set up by AA's "crudeness" analysis.

Comanche Voter said...

Ah Ms. Omar. She of the "some people did something on 9-11" comment. I blame the voters in Minnesota for this aberration in Congress. Except that, among the current crop of progressives in the Democrat party, she's not an aberration.

People have a right to shoot their mouths off. That applies to Omar--and equally to the people who roar "send her back".

But as for who is winning this micturating contest between the President and members of "The Squad", I'd say that the ladies are wetter than the President.

purplepenquin said...

"The current chant list:

Lock her up!

Drain the Swam!

Send her Home!"

Don't forget "Grab the pussy!" That is also a popular chant among Trump supporters...heard it just the other night while walking down Langdon.

J. Farmer said...

Basically, here's the short of it. At this point, a Trump presidency will be far preferable to anyone from the other side. But that won't be enough, because Trump has been getting rolled on immigration for years. So I'm not sure what a great victory another four years of getting rolled will be. Ergo, we are doomed. Now showing up at rallies in Maga hats and chanting dumb slogans might make people feel good and might make them feel as if they are not doomed. But, to paraphrase Philip K. Dick, reality is that which remains whether you believe in it or not.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

J. Farmer you quote "Milky Loads" (Andrew Sullivan) as saying

"Last month alone, 144,000 people were detained at the border making an asylum claim. This year, about a million Central Americans will have relocated to the U.S. on those grounds.

Andy is always excitable and always needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

A quick search found this:

Refugee Arrivals and Countries of Origin

In 2018, 22,491 individuals arrived in the United States as refugees, according to data from the State Department’s Worldwide Refugee Admissions Processing System (WRAPS). This represents a 58 percent decrease from the 53,716 admitted in 2017 (see Figure 2). It also represents just half of the 45,000 placements allotted for 2018—a 74 percent decrease in admissions from the final year of the Obama administration (84,994 in 2016). In the first seven months of the2019 fiscal year, 14,808 refugees were admitted.


22.5m for all of 2018 vs 144m for a single month? Vs an expected million for the year?

That is one Hell of a discrepancy. Any explanation?

John Henry

Kevin said...

I find chants at political rallies like this creepy - no matter what the subject or party affiliation.

Better to have “analysts” on cable news programs repeat them at you every hour as “news”.

That’s not creepy at all.

Drago said...

pp: "Don't forget "Grab the pussy!" That is also a popular chant among Trump supporters...heard it just the other night while walking down Langdon."

Sure you did.

Sure you did.

doctrev said...

It's not just that Ilhan Omar hates America, committed fraud to get here, and WAS smugly secure that no one who mattered would hold her to account. That doesn't have to have a racial component: President Trump might like to grab a terrorist-loving Congresswoman from Sweden who should not even by in the country, just out of a misguided appeal to racial balance.

No, the fact is that most of the Democratic support for Ilhan Omar is racist. It is blisteringly anti-white and anti-American. Break the law, spit on the Heritage Americans, get voted to Congress because of it. President Trump has every reason to grab her, put her on trial, and send her back. And because so many Fake Americans support Ilhan Omar, of course they have to go back as well.

The Democrats are scared. And they should be. Bush and Rubio would never have the spine for this.

Drago said...

pp: "I don't agree with this deep-rooted desire to literally exterminate (with extreme pain inflicted) political opponents, but it does seem to be the road more than just a few folks are willing to take..."

Indeed. The lefty/lib/dem supported antifa/Hodgkinson wing is certainly on board with that.

Seeing Red said...


I wonder why the vile progs haven’t said Death to White People yet?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

J Farmer - hypothetical:
Assume Trump wins in 2020 and also R's take house and senate.
If Trump and Company don't get the border crisis and immigration solved or under control, I will be the first in line at the "Fuck Trump" rally.

(the left know this and this is why illegals are flowing in)

**I'm as disappointed as you are in the loss of the first 2 years of the Trump presidency. But I'm also a realist and I know he was in part screwed over by a fake investigation and a few losers in the senate who held it all back - McCain and Rand Paul to name a few.

Drago said...

Seeing Red: "I wonder why the vile progs haven’t said Death to White People yet?"

Oh, but they have.

And they don't even bother hiding it.

In fact, many of them claim that America cannot become the America that should exist until the whites have died off.

One of the many reasons blue collar whites who used to vote dem switched to Trump in 2016. When one side is literally wishing death upon you it tends to focus the mind a little more clearly.

Tommy Duncan said...

From the Pluralist:

"Before President Donald Trump suggested on Twitter Sunday that Rep. Ilhan Omar “go back” and “help fix” her native Somalia, Hodan Nalayeh was already in the country doing just that.

According to a Washington Post report published Saturday, the Somali-Canadian journalist had returned to the country of her birth to tell “uplifting” stories of how people lived there. However, her homecoming ended in tragedy.

By the time Trump unleashed his nativistic tirade against Omar, Nalayeh had been dead for two days.

She was killed Friday when al-Shabab militants stormed the Asasey Hotel in Kismayo, killing at least 26 people. It took around 14 hours for Somali security forces to regain control of the hotel, where another journalist and at least one American were among the dead.

Nalayeh’s death came as a particular shock to members of the Somali diaspora, who followed her relentlessly positive social media dispatches by the tens of thousands."

J. Farmer said...

@John Henry:

22.5m for all of 2018 vs 144m for a single month? Vs an expected million for the year?

That is one Hell of a discrepancy. Any explanation?

"So far, the administration’s efforts have largely failed to stem the flow of migrants. In May, more than 144,000 surged across the border, a majority of whom were from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. While arrests declined in June by 28 percent, officials estimate that by the end of the year, nearly a million migrants may have crossed the southwestern border, most of them hoping to stay permanently by claiming asylum."

-Most Migrants at Border With Mexico Would Be Denied Asylum Protections Under New Trump Rule

wendybar said...

Browndog said...
Remember, there are two sets of rules at any given time. They can change on the dime depending on what is needed to advance the leftist agenda, but the rules will always remain diametrically opposed from each other.

One for liberals. One for everyone else.

No one even notices when lefty chants advocate violence.

When red-blooded Americans are put upon every single day (punch a nazi ring a bell), they're going to push back.

'Send her back' simply means "get the hell out of here if you hate American so much.
7/18/19, 9:43 AM
Some CHANTS from Occupy Wall STREET and the Womens March....These are HATEFUL!! WHERE was the press???
"Hey, Hey Ho ho Donald Trump has got to go"
"Who's the Boss? We are"
"Who's streets?? OUR streets"

PIGS in BLANKETS...Fry them like BACON!!!"

Browndog said...

Here is the new investigative report that dropped this morning by David Steinberg. It lays out all the evidence against Omar in one neat package.

doctrev said...

"Cancel White People" was not only a hashtag of some prominence, but was a major point of scandal for an editor at a "prestige" newspaper. Yes the progs are screaming Death to Whites, and it's safe to lock anyone who denies that outside, so they can live with the mob of howling minorities who will tear them apart when their usefulness ends. As it already has.

The difference between someone honestly concerned about the lack of progress on immigration, versus your standard blackpiller, is where they focus. If they say that Congress is full of traitors and shills on both sides of the aisle, and corrupt ObamaJudges bending American law into a pretzel, you might have a serious advocate for American rights. The ones saying that Trump has FAILED, look how lame his rallies for the proles are, etc, may be safely ignored. Their sound is quite similar to Ben Shapiro, and the rest of the crew that hates and furiously denies the existence of American Awakening.

J. Farmer said...


J Farmer - hypothetical:
Assume Trump wins in 2020 and also R's take house and senate.
If Trump and Company don't get the border crisis and immigration solved or under control, I will be the first in line at the "Fuck Trump" rally.

That's not much of a hypothetical. Trump had that his first two years in office and decided to champion the Paul Ryan domestic agenda, tax cuts, and moving the US embassy in Israel. Were you anywhere saying "Fuck Trump" during that time or where you railing against Democrats?

Beasts of England said...

'Chase them, back them to pieces, drown them, drag them, cut their heads off, lynch them.'

Thank goodness you didn't mention intelligence or economic output!! ;)

wendybar said...

Browndog said...
Here is the new investigative report that dropped this morning by David Steinberg. It lays out all the evidence against Omar in one neat package.
7/18/19, 10:34 AM

FASCINATING!! Wouldn't it be great if we had a MSM that actually did their jobs???

MadisonMan said...

Althouse, what's the biggest number of poll respondents you've ever had?

jim said...

My town's tourism board is proposing changing the town's name (AGAIN!) to "Nuremberg", in hopes of become the leader's go to spot for rallies.

purplepenquin said...

"The lefty/lib/dem supported antifa/Hodgkinson wing is certainly on board with that."

Yup. Different side of the same coin...it ain't limited to just the folks on this conservative blog (I almost said "extremists" but killing&maiming those you disagree with seems to be considered mainstream 'round these parts). Add in the fact that so many people think it is considered "bullshit" to act in a civil manner, and I truly don't see any endgame to any of this that doesn't end in bloodshed.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

J Farmer - Comprehension issues? I wrote clearly that I am disappointed in the loss of the first 2 years.

If you want to go join team-D, please do so. It is after all, according to you, a mild toss up as to who is worse.

Drago said...

pp: "Yup. Different side of the same coin...it ain't limited to just the folks on this conservative blog..."


I'm surprised you believe this is an effective rhetorical tactic.

On second thought, no I'm not.

pp: "Add in the fact that so many people think it is considered "bullshit" to act in a civil manner, and I truly don't see any endgame to any of this that doesn't end in bloodshed."

There is not example on record of any lefty-inspired takeover of a nation that doesn't include massive bloodshed.



So be careful what you wish for and support and enable pp. The result in this instance will be quite different from your lefty revolutions leading to "People's Paradises" in other locales.

Freder Frederson said...

Melania didn't commit immigration fraud

She almost certainly worked on a tourist visa.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

J Farmer, I'm usually a big Rand Paul fan and I'm all for tax cuts. More tax cuts. Especially tax cuts for working Americans and companies and corporations who chose to stay in America despite the lure to move over-seas. I also support Israel.

J. Farmer said...

Comprehension issues? I wrote clearly that I am disappointed in the loss of the first 2 years. Happy?

No, I am pointing out the meaninglessness of your hypothetical.

If you want to go join team-D, please do so. It is after all, according to you, a mild toss up as to who is worse.

Exactly proving my point. One side wants to bludgeon you to death and the other side wants to offer you a cyanide capsule. Sure, that's a choice.

Drago said...

pp does give the game away once again where he/she/xe equates commentary on a blog site with murderous lefty action in the streets.

Once again, lefty physical violence is speech and conservative speech is "violence".


PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Trump as "Uncle Buck"

And now that you mention it, he does vaguely resemble John Candy.

John Henry

Beasts of England said...

'She almost certainly worked on a tourist visa.'

Doing the photo shoots that Americans are too lazy to do.

J. Farmer said...

J Farmer, I'm usually a big Rand Paul fan and I'm all for tax cuts. More tax cuts. Especially tax cuts for working Americans and companies and corporations who chose to stay in America despite the lure to move over-seas. I also support Israel.

If you think any of that will matter once you're a demographic minority in this country, there probably isn't much I could say to change your mind.

Drago said...

Field Marshall and Noted Bundy Case Liar Freder: "She almost certainly worked on a tourist visa."


"almost certainly".

Just like "collusion" and "obstruction of justice" and "emoluments" and......etc etc etc.

Too funny.

John Althouse Cohen said...

Compare those poll results with these conservatives who are denouncing the chant.

h said...

People on the left are practicing some chants for the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee in 2020. The Whole World's Watching, The Whole World's Watching. To be chanted by radicals outside the convention center as conventioneers nominate a life-long party hack to run for President. And the mayor of Milwaukee is a member of the extended Richard Daley family (do I have that right??).

Michael K said...

If Trump gets four more years and repeats the immigration policy of his first four years, the country will be over. If it isn't already.

Derb makes an amusing theme of his pessimism. One of my favorite books is "We Are Doomed!" but it is in irony. I laugh out loud as I read that book.

You seem to be seriously pessimistic. Trump has been opposed by the Democrats and the GOPe since Jan 17, 2017. You assume he can defeat all these people, including Obama judges by waving a wand. He has been fighting to accomplish what he can. You people remind of the child asking "Are we there yet?" every 10 minutes.

doctrev said...

Blogger Drago said...

So be careful what you wish for and support and enable pp. The result in this instance will be quite different from your lefty revolutions leading to "People's Paradises" in other locales.

7/18/19, 10:46 AM

There is quite a difference between the rivers of blood which flowed in countries as diverse as Cambodia, Zimbabwe, Cuba, and Russia, versus the comparatively spotless performance in Chile. Pinochet's ability to restrict the violence mostly to those who deserved it is why leftists hate him out of all proportionality to his supposed crimes.

Mark O said...

"So the crowd has gone beyond Trump's idea and re-understood it as a harsh exercise of power against the will of the individual and in retribution for exercising the most basic American freedom, the freedom to speak in criticism of governmental power."

The "crowd" is exercising the most basic American freedom, the freedom to speak in criticism of governmental power in the person of a member of the House of Representatives.

Gone are the halcyon days of surrender to the most vile of the Democrats.

Michael K said...

it ain't limited to just the folks on this conservative blog (I almost said "extremists" but killing&maiming those you disagree with seems to be considered mainstream 'round these parts)

Nice to see concern trolls out themselves,

Fen said...

Farmer: If Trump gets four more years and repeats the immigration policy of his first four years, the country will be over. If it isn't already.

I don't find your criticism to be honest. Trump has gotten more done to secure the border than any other President. He is going above and beyond to get funding for the border wall, testing prototypes, replacing vehicle barriers with actual fencing, replacing old useless fencing.

And of special note - Trump has used the threat of economic sanctions to get Mexico to crack down on illegal traffic from their side of the border. Something we were told could not be done. But they folded at the first threat.

Trump has accomplished all this while being opposed by not only the Democrats and their Antifa brownshirts, and the media, but also the Chamber of Commerce Republicans who want open borders for cheap slave labor.

And your complaint is that it's not happening fast enough?

I call bullshit. I think you are concern trolling about border security.

Either that, or you've decided to Surrender Gracefully to strike a Righteous Pose as you float high above the fray.

Either way, your criticism of Trump's commitment to the issue is suspect.

rhhardin said...

Crude. Empson does Rough and Rude

ROUGH : 1D not smooth. Met. without enough care, feeling, "polish" (r. soldier). 2. violent, not quiet or kind. 3. (1). not complete, (r. copy, first attempt at a bit of writing; incomplete copy.).

RUDE : 1P in natural first condition (without education, art); cf. rough 3. 2D. Unpleasing in behavior, probably on purpose. 3 (1, 2). r. health, strong, having force.

D means dominant and P means primary, which has a purpose in Empson's analysis of doctrines in words.

Dave said...

I'm not sure those are conservatives JAC. On the right they are known as Chamber of Commerce Conservatives, or also Never Trumpers. Cucks is another common name I've seen.

That doesn't impact any arguments they might make, if I cared to read them. But calling them conservatives has no rhetorical usefulness with a lot of us.

The CoCC Block is entirely self serving and without principle.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

This thread is a Jon Voight/Drago dream come true. Jon Boy is so animated and in his element! Singing praises to the Leader, trump.

Reading these types of threads makes average non-trump cultist Americans come away with a taste of puke in one’s mouth.

Yes you people sound like full fledged trump cultists and lunatics. Yuck.

J. Farmer said...

@Michael K:

You seem to be seriously pessimistic.

Because there are things to be "seriously pessimistic" about. If you look at the current political landscape and feel optimistic, then you and I are seriously living in different worlds.

He has been fighting to accomplish what he can.

No, he's been blustering like a loudmouth then backing down and getting defeated. Please tell me who forced Trump to tout the Paul Ryan domestic agenda? Who forced Trump to sign the ombudsman bill that forbade him from building a wall? Who forced Trump to back down in the government shutdown fight? Who forced Trump to not sign his promised executive order on anchor babies? Who forced Trump to lie about being able to deport "millions?"

You people remind of the child asking "Are we there yet?" every 10 minutes.

Meanwhile your grandchildren will grow up as minorities in a country that your and my ancestors helped build. But hey, at least we all got a good chuckle at Trump's tweets. And boy could that guy throw a rally.

Fen said...

Compare those poll results with these conservatives who are denouncing the chant.

They can't Surrender Gracefully fast enough. Virtue Signaling hypocrites. If these Republicans were really principled about the lack of tone and civility from the leader of the Republican Party, they would resign from office.

Wake me when that happens.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

J Farmer. Unlike you, I'm not an ethnic-centric. I really don't care about skin color or nationality. I want secure borders and strict control over immigration for the following reasons: (to name a few) These reasons apply to all.

* welfare burden
* vote fraud - (illegal entrants must never have access to drivers licenses or access to vote.)
* Legal immigrants must provide benefit & respect our culture
* Strictly limited LEGAL immigration. We let too many people in legally.
* Illegal immigration should never be rewarded with amnesty.
*Illegal immigration must be fully restricted and made clear to all who try that it is not worth it. The opposite exists now.
* Asylum rules are too lax and the system is over-taxed and abused on purpose by the very people who want vote fraud.

purplepenquin said...

I'm surprised you believe this is an effective rhetorical tactic.

Not that I am worried about "efficiency" or "tactics" (I am having a convo rather than playing a game) but you do know that I am agreeing with what you said, don't you?

There is not example on record of any lefty-inspired takeover of a nation that doesn't include massive bloodshed.

Well...I dunno about it happening everywhere every time but obviously when our lefty-forefathers decided to break away from England there was a lot of blood spilled - by both soldiers on the battlefield as well as mobs in the streets. But then again, has ANY country/land been taken over (by righty or lefty) without any bloodshed at all?

I'd also like to say that despite your claim, it isn't something I am wishing for - just 'cause I observe something doesn't mean I support it.

That aside, you seem to be saying that violence/mob-attacks/lynching is only committed by those on the left. If that isn't the message you're trying to send then can you please clarify? Thanks.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga- Maddow is on. Today MSDNC is having a special buy-one/ get-one free on leftwing brain downloads. Hurry.

rhhardin said...

You want limited immigration so that the immigrants don't form ghettos talking only to each other. The generations will never assimilate if you let that happen.

It's a matter of numbers per generation. That has to be kept small enough so that they've got to talk to Americans more than themselves.

Fen said...

Farmer: Because there are things to be "seriously pessimistic" about.

If you want to give up, fine. But why spread your poison to everyone else?

There is a stark difference between abandoning your post out of despair and hanging around the lines to spread your hopelessness and discontent to the rest of the unit.

Why are you here?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Your cutlism shows itself when a commenter who is a libertarian/conservative such as cannot even voice one dissenting comment against trump policies.

You people are looking more and more like the adoring masses of Germans in 1934. Yes, you don’t like hearing anyone compare you and trump to hitler, but to non-cultists it’s becoming more and more and more evident everyday. You might as well start yelling Heil trump!

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