July 25, 2019

"Over the last weekend of June she had a full on 'Mommie Dearest' meltdown and demanded that staffers at the Huntington Theater get down on their hands and knees and scrub the floor of her dressing room..."

"...sources claim. She allegedly threw mirrors, combs and boxes of hairpins at the staff of the theater. She also pulled gray hairs out of her wig because she wanted to play a younger version of [Katharine] Hepburn than the playwright had written.... This is not the first time [Faye] Dunaway has displayed erratic behavior in a show. In the early 1990s she toured the country as Maria Callas in Terrence McNally’s 'Master Class.' She showed up an hour late for many performances. She had bellhops rearrange her furniture in her hotel suites in the middle of night because she didn’t like the 'flow' of the room. Once, a theater in St. Louis sent her a white limousine, and she reportedly had a fit because she hates white. She demanded a rental car from the hotel to get to the theater. The limo company sent a black car instead, but it was too late — Dunaway was racing to the theater, trailed by both the white limo and the black one. I managed to track her down back then and she was charming on the phone. 'Your story sounds like a Fellini movie,' she told me."

From "Faye Dunaway fired from Broadway-bound ‘Tea at Five’ for slapping crew member" by Michael Riedel (NY Post).

The requisite video clip:

That's Faye as Joan Crawford, back in 1981, 37 years ago. A decade after that, she did the raging diva routine again as Maria Callas. And now, at the age of 78, they installed her in the grand persona of Katharine Hepburn. Do it again, Faye. Be the imperious diva.

Some day, somebody will play the role of Faye Dunaway. The fantastically beautiful actress, snagged into playing another beautiful actress, typecast as the actress who plays actresses, actresses who age and resist their predicament, and she get pissed off about it and rages in a way that is ludicrously like the way she played another actress in that movie back in 1981. Ah, she was so young then! Now, she's 78, she's ruined her legendary beauty with plastic surgery, and she's shocked to discover the Katharine Hepburn she's been hired to play is Katharine Hepburn at the very end of her life and Katharine Hepburn lived to be 96.

Oh, that scene where she tenderly lifts the wig and soliloquizes about the depredations of age, absent-mindedly rearranging the strands, plucking a hair or two, then finally ripping out handfuls, ranting loudly and breaking into sobs. She buries her ruined face in the ruins of the Katharine-Hepburn-at-90 wig. Oscar-worthy.

As Faye Dunaway says, "Your story sounds like a Fellini movie." Speaking of Fellini, there's this in the Faye Dunaway Wikipedia article:
During the filming of A Place for Lovers (1968), Dunaway fell in love with her co-star Marcello Mastroianni. The couple had a two-year-live-in relationship. Dunaway wanted to marry and have children, but Mastroianni, a married man, could not bear to hurt his wife and refused, despite protests from his teenage daughter Barbara and his close friend Federico Fellini. Dunaway decided to leave him and told a reporter at the time that she "gave too much. I gave things I have to save for my work." She later recalled in her 1995 autobiography:
There are days when I look back on those years with Marcello and have moments of real regret. There is that one piece of me that thinks that had we married, we might be married still. It was one of our fantasies, that we would grow old together. He thought we would be like Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn, a love kept secret for a lifetime. Private and only belonging to the two of us.
Mastroianni later told a reporter for People in 1987 that he never got over his relationship with Dunaway. "She was the woman I loved the most", he said. "I'll always be sorry to have lost her. I was whole with her for the first time in my life."
I gave too much. I gave things I have to save for my work....


Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Why? Why do women get plastic surgery like that? It's disfiguring, frightening and in terribly bad taste. How can she look in a mirror now?

She was a beautiful woman. She also sounds a bit off her rocker, but to be so frightened of aging that she did that to her face is just one of the saddest thing I have ever seen.

And so many women do it. Cripes.

Jake said...

Legendary beauty?

David Begley said...

Agree with Annie. Check out Kathy Lee Gifford now. Looks like the same surgeon’s work.

MadisonMan said...

@Jake, yes. Watch the first Thomas Crowne Affair.

That picture of her on the red carpet: Eeesh! It looks like they've jammed someone else's jaw on to her skull.

Shouting Thomas said...

She also, reportedly, ordered the cast and co-workers to refrain from looking at her.

This is a common craziness among big time performers. I've worked with a couple of guys who did the same.

Actors and musicians often confuse their made for the audience PR life with whatever their real life might be, if they have one.

This can be very confusing. Particularly the romantic/marital relationships that are simultaneously PR and real.

The recent remake of Bonnie & Clyde was interesting. The movie was hailed as being more true to life and fairer to the cops, setting the record straight. But it was also drab and boring.

J. Farmer said...


Legendary beauty?

Is that to say that you did not find Faye Dunaway beautiful?

Ann Althouse said...

"Why? Why do women get plastic surgery like that?"

They don't get plastic surgery like that. They get plastic surgery like this this.

Afterwards, they find what they've really gotten. They wouldn't have chosen that, but that's the problem with choice. You choose with hope and fear and you're necessarily imagining the options. What causes a golden light to fall upon a risky option that lures you away from the status quo?

TJM said...

sounds like she may have dementia (alzheimers)

Rob said...

She’s as old as Bernie Sanders, as imperious as Amy Klobuchar, as nutty as Marianne Williamson. Ladies and gentlemen, I have the distinct honor and high privilege of introducing the 46th President of the United States, Faye Dunaway.

J. Farmer said...

Who is the actress that is the model for growing old gracefully in the public eye? For some reason my mind immediately went to Marlene Dietrich, but she spent the last decade of her life in her apartment in Paris and refused to be photographed. The fantastic documentary Marlene contains only her voice. So, not exactly a "model" per se. Gloria Stuart? Helen Mirren?

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Ann Althouse said...

"What causes a golden light to fall upon a risky option that lures you away from the status quo?"

7/25/19, 6:54 AM

Althouse wins the internet today, in her own comments.

Ralph L said...

The dangers of too much botox, or she's exhausted by shaking her head and voice for hours a day.

could not bear to hurt his wife and refused, despite protests from his teenage daughter Barbara

Some daughter.

gspencer said...

"Some day, somebody will play the role of Faye Dunaway."


iowan2 said...

Famous people coddled and catered too, explode when they aren't getting what they never asked for. Dog bites man. To think, these schizoids are the elites telling me what to think.

Bob Boyd said...

A staffer told her, "Make-up and hair called again." but Dunaway thought they said "Make America Great Again" so naturally she started slapping faces.

Ralph L said...

She still looks better than the late Duchess of Alba, Spain's top aristocrat and Jacobite pretender.

Cher is massively photoshopped.

iowan2 said...

Who is the actress that is the model for growing old gracefully in the public eye?

Much better topic. I vote for Betty White, on first pass, no thought.

Tom T. said...

When Peter Griffin learned CPR on Family Guy, he said that "the CPR dummy is 'hard, jagged and tastes like alcohol; just like kissing Faye Dunaway.'”

rehajm said...

This genre is always fun. We must call the play by play of the meltdown like Jim Nance and Troy Aikman. Let's look at it in slow motion from three different angles. And of course the perspective- this rager ranks right up there with Liz from '72!

Ralph L said...

What's her M&M requirement, I mean, preference?

Birkel said...

Her defense should be "I am a method actor."

Temujin said...

To this day I'll still say in a creaky voice, "Wire hangers" when I see them. No one, including my wife, ever knows what I'm talking about and probably think I'm just some sort of crazy person. Like Faye.

If you think about her roles, she always played the person who was just a bit off. Something not quite right.

Howard said...

Blogger J. Farmer said...Who is the actress that is the model for growing old gracefully in the public eye?

Julie Christie, Meryl Streep, Doris Day

Howard said...

Never found Faye all that attractive. People who say beauty is skin deep are very shallow

Rory said...

Raquel Welch. Many of the flat-out bombshells, such O'Hara, Loren, and Margret, looked great for a long time.

J. Farmer said...

And I feel like the Mommie Dearest clip where Faye Dunaway screams "Bring me the ax!" is more apropos to this story.

gilbar said...

J. Farmer asked...
Who is the actress that is the model for growing old gracefully in the public eye?

That's Easy! Tuesday Weld!

J. Farmer said...

I am surprised no one, myself included, brought up Sophia Loren. Is there something about European women that better equip them for aging or what?

tcrosse said...

Who is the actress that is the model for growing old gracefully in the public eye?

Catherine Deneuve.

Howard said...

Wow, gilbar. Tuesday is hotter now than when she was a teen

Ralph L said...

Catherine Deneuve famously said that a woman over 40 must choose to keep either her face or her ass.

Wince said...

...ruined her legendary beauty with plastic surgery.

With that upper lip, the Dunaway runway picture makes it look like she's trying to compensate for never getting that cameo role on The SImpsons.

Seeing Red said...

I don’t want to hurt my wife by getting a divorce but I’ll live with another woman?

Several women?

Good for Faye she stuck to her guns.

Seeing Red said...

They all look horrific.

They live around each other in Cali and that look becomes the norm. They are all looking the same.

Phyllis Diller managed to carry it off.

gilbar said...

Howard said... Wow, gilbar. Tuesday is hotter now than when she was a teen

of course, that picture WAS taken when she was only 72; i couldn't find a current one (75, now)

Seeing Red said...

Honor Blackman.

The Queen.

MikeR said...

Huh. I remember her as being very convincing as Milady de Winter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milady_de_Winter

Darrell said...

He thought we would be like Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn, a love kept secret for a lifetime

For those keeping score at home--

According to George Cukor the director and confessed gay, Hepburn was a lesbian and that Tracy was a highly repressed, self-hating gay Catholic and alcoholic. Tracy lived in a house Cukor owned where he would meet men for sex. This is where Scotty Bowers, the self-proclaimed Hollywood pimp, says he had his sexual encounters with Tracy. It seems Cukor had a big mouth and told several prominent people basically the same stories about Hepburn and Tracy that Bowers does. Cukor, Hepburn and Tracy were very close friends. I think Hepburn had a house on the Cukor estate for more than a decade. Cukor told anyone who would listen that the silliness of the story of a Hepburn-Tracy romance showed how gullible the public was and how effective Hollywood PR could be. Tracy had a wife and five kids so he didn't exactly need a beard. One could assume he was doing a kindness for Hepburn. According to Bowers, he arranged 150 women for Katharine Hepburn. Bowers also claims he arranged for male sexual partners for Spencer Tracy and had sex with him as well.

Michael K said...

The movie was hailed as being more true to life and fairer to the cops, setting the record straight. But it was also drab and boring.

I don't agree. The remake was about Frank Hamer, who is the real guy, and it is the best role Kevin Costner has done in years.

The movie "Bonnie and Clyde" was fiction and defamed Hamer.

I thought Dunaway was odd looking in "Thomas Crown Affair." Interesting looking but very high cheekbones like Fauxcahontas' grandmother,

Howard said...

Jesus Darrell. You need to do a better job keeping it on the downlow, people talk

Bill Peschel said...

"The couple had a two-year-live-in relationship. Dunaway wanted to marry and have children, but Mastroianni, a married man, could not bear to hurt his wife and refused,"

More proof that actors be insane.

purplepenquin said...

"I vote for Betty White, on first pass, no thought"

On this, we agree. Tho I reckon it isn't too popular of an opinion among this crowd...

Ken B said...

There were several who aged gracefully. Katharine Hepburn. Olivia De Havilland, who is still alive, Barbara Stanwyck. They were all willing to look older and play older.
Amongst models, Christie Brinkley still looks stunning.

tcrosse said...

British actresses manage to age gracefully: Diana Rigg, Wendy Craig, Susannah York, Felicity Kendal. Maybe it's because they can't get plastic surgery on the NHS.

Darrell said...


Tell us about gangbanging our girlfriends again, and the proper order--like you did earlier this year.

Ken B said...

She gave him things she had to save for her work? Like what? Late night fung shui lessons? An accurate watch? A black limo?

Anthony Quayle had a harsh judgment on an earlier erratic beauty: overpraised, overpampered, and overloved.

William said...

Some faces absorb plastic surgery better than others, and some plastic surgeons are better than others, including those who caution against further surgery....To be fair to show biz people, a credibly youthful appearance can help them pick up a few more big paychecks. It's not so much vanity but a business decision for them.
.....Arguably, wrinkles and a few extra pounds give older women more hug appeal for grandchildren.....A beautiful woman has quite a bit of leverage when negotiating with the world. That must be painful to give up.,,,,I watch my diet and exercise regularly. That's as far as I'm willing to go to fight the aging process, but my looks never gave me much leverage in my struggles with the world.

traditionalguy said...

It's Chinatown , Jake. Dunaway was the greatest seductress in movie history. And she was just being herself.

Darrell said...

"Three Days of the Condor" Faye did it for me. But I knew it couldn't last.

Francisco D said...

Who is the actress that is the model for growing old gracefully in the public eye?

Definitely Helen Mirren.

Although not particularly a beauty, I would be remiss not to mention Betty White.

Robert Cook said...

If only more theater and film productions would swiftly terminate actors who behave like entitled infants, rather than indulge them in their disrespectful and swinish ways. They might be forced to straighten up or face banishment from work. The continued indulgence simply encourages the bad behavior. Contracts should be written including clauses pertaining to the consequences of bad behavior on the part of any parties (not just actors!) involved in the particular endeavor.

Robert Cook said...

"She also, reportedly, ordered the cast and co-workers to refrain from looking at her.

"This is a common craziness among big time performers. I've worked with a couple of guys who did the same."

This does seem crazy, and perhaps it is, but celebrities cannot go anywhere without being stared at. I wouldn't doubt that the sensation of constantly being looked at can become bothersome, then upsetting, and finally even painful. These performers may simply want to know that they can avoid the gaze of others in certain controlled circumstances and for limited periods of time.

I have never understood why anyone would want to be famous or be recognizable to the world. Anonymity is a luxury not to rashly surrender.

Robert Cook said...

"Is that to say that you did not find Faye Dunaway beautiful?"

I have never considered Faye Dunaway beautiful.

Robert Cook said...

"What's her M&M requirement, I mean, preference?"

You know why Van Halen had the M & M stipulation in their contract rider, don't you?

Francisco D said...

I have never understood why anyone would want to be famous or be recognizable to the world.

It beats working for a living, according to Kim Kardashian.

Dagwood said...

Francisco D said...

Who is the actress that is the model for growing old gracefully in the public eye?

Definitely Helen Mirren.


buwaya said...

There but for the grace of God -
I never had the talent to get away with such self-centered indiscipline.
But I know it is always a temptation, under stress.

Dunaway should have had children with Mastroianni anyway.
She might have been less self-centered, and they would have been beautiful.

purplepenquin said...

You know why Van Halen had the M & M stipulation in their contract rider, don't you?

'twas one of the favorite stories I heard when first becoming a stagehand.

urpower said...

Hepburn and Tracy didn’t have a secret romance. It was all cover for sexuality issues. All theater.

Bay Area Guy said...

In "3 Days of the Condor," Robert Redford kidnaps Faye Dunaway and forces himself on her. However, he was good looking and trying to escape CIA assassins, so she fell in love with him.

William said...

I just watched her Academy Award acceptance speech. She was extravagantly beautiful. It must be difficult to be in possession of such a golden prize and feel it year by year chip away. Well anyway, she achieved lasting fame. Some of the other nominees announced that year are now forgotten.....Liv Ulmann deserves mention. She's very wise and accepting of the aging process. She has said that she doesn't mind looking like her grandmother. She always liked her grandmother...Helen Mirren has kept her sex appeal, but that's not necessarily a sign of aging gracefully. I'd rather be sexy than wise at age twenty, but I'm not sure if sex appeal gives you a leg up at age seventy....I guess the true prize is the ability to debate the pros and cons of how to age gracefully in your old age. Lots of people, say Peggy Lipton or whoever, never have to face that challenge.

effinayright said...

Unknown said...
Francisco D said...

Who is the actress that is the model for growing old gracefully in the public eye?

Definitely Helen Mirren.

Ann Margret.

Bo Derek

rcocean said...

i hate actresses who hang on to the spotlight. I love that Doris Day just quit when she was 50 something and never went back. Despite being offered millions to play Las Vegas. All she did was Pet Show. Also, Deanna Durbin - who moved to France when she was 30 and that was the end of show biz.

Actors are the same. Once you get past 70 - give it up. Let someone else have the part.

Marcus Bressler said...

Always had the hots for Michelle Phillips of M&P fame but only until a certain age.


rcocean said...

"The movie "Bonnie and Clyde" was fiction and defamed Hamer."

I always loved how Dunaway had a chic new outfit in every scene. She was machine gunned at the end, but her clothes were fabulous and the lipstick remained un-smeared.

rcocean said...

Sometimes it all about the lighting. I saw Barbara Eden on TV 5 years ago and was amazed at how good she looked for 73 or whatever. Now seeing images on google, the plastic surgery looks weird.

rcocean said...

"Bowers also claims he arranged for male sexual partners for Spencer Tracy and had sex with him as well."

Didn't he claim John Wayne was Gay?

rcocean said...

Tracy had a female friend flown up to Idaho while doing "Northwest Passage". He couldn't' function without female championship. He also loved to got hunting/drinking with his pals Clark Gable and Robert Montgomery.

He was deep in the closet.

As for Hepburn, everything about her screams Lesbian tom-girl.

James K said...

Faye would make a good Hillary if they ever made a realistic biopic of that witch.

pchuck1966 said...

Who is the actress that is the model for growing old gracefully in the public eye?

Eva Marie Saint
Jacqueline Bisset
Jaclyn Smith

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

shades of Klobuchar? -- "Clean it !"

Sebastian said...

"Dunaway fell in love with her co-star Marcello Mastroianni. The couple had a two-year-live-in relationship"

Could be a good movie.

"Who is the actress that is the model for growing old gracefully in the public eye?"

In their different ways, Liv Ullmann, Catherine Deneuve, and now Isabelle Huppert.

Darrell said...

Bowers also claims he arranged for male sexual partners for Spencer Tracy and had sex with him as well."

Didn't he claim John Wayne was Gay?

No. I couldn't find a Scotty Bowers mention of John Wayne.

Yancey Ward said...

Perhaps all she really needed was a Snickers Bar.

tcrosse said...

"Dunaway fell in love with her co-star Marcello Mastroianni. The couple had a two-year-live-in relationship"

Catherine Deneuve had a four-year relationship with Mastrioanni, and had a daughter by him, Chiara Mastroianni.

stevew said...

With all these stories it's surprising she still gets work.

Rick.T. said...

J. Farmer asked...
Who is the actress that is the model for growing old gracefully in the public eye?

I'd have to argue that Annette Bening is going to be in the mix soon. Any plastic surgery appears very lightly applied. She's not afraid to play at least close to her real age and show the imperfections on screen. See either "Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool" (highly recommended) or "The Seagull."

HoodlumDoodlum said...

This is sexist. Even if it really happened, it's sexist.

Ray - SoCal said...

>The movie was hailed as being more true to life and fairer to the cops, setting the
>record straight. But it was also drab and boring.

I thought it was one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. Very well done, it captured the era really well.

Jim at said...

Who is the actress that is the model for growing old gracefully in the public eye?

Jaclyn Smith.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Ann Althouse said... What causes a golden light to fall upon a risky option that lures you away from the status quo?

Asks the happily-remarried woman. You tell us, Professor!

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Jim at said...
Who is the actress that is the model for growing old gracefully in the public eye?

Jaclyn Smith.

I'd add Dolly Parton--it's possible even with some surgical assistance.

Joe said...

I suspect Bowers was a narcissistic fabulist who desperately wanted fame and shock is how you do that in Hollywood. You don't hook up Hepburn with 150 women and have all of them remain silent. Besides, the counter story about Katharine Hepburn is that she had sex once [with a man] and hated it AND hated nudity itself, not just in film, but in real life. (I get the feeling she was pretty much a misanthrope.)

Joe said...

Uh, Dolly Parton openly talks about how much plastic surgery she's had.

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