July 17, 2019

"More than 6 in 10 Mexicans say migrants are a burden on their country because they take jobs and benefits that should belong to Mexicans."

"A 55 percent majority supports deporting migrants who travel through Mexico to reach the United States. Those findings defy the perception that Mexico — a country that has sent millions of its own migrants to the United States, sending billions of dollars in remittances — is sympathetic to the surge of Central Americans. Instead, the data suggests Mexicans have turned against the migrants transiting through their own country, expressing antipathy that would be familiar to many supporters of President Trump north of the border.... [President Andrés Manuel] López Obrador holds a 70 percent job approval rating... While he took office as a lifelong populist, López Obrador quickly had to respond to threats from Trump, mostly about immigration enforcement. Many expected López Obrador — who once compared Trump’s hostility toward Mexicans to the way Adolf Hitler spoke of Jews — to condemn the U.S. president. Instead, he has largely submitted to Trump’s demands on migration.... Mexicans continue to have an overwhelmingly negative opinion about Trump. More than three-quarters of Mexicans dislike Trump, according to the survey, and over 8 in 10 say he treats their country with disrespect."

WaPo reports on a WaPo/Mexico’s Reforma poll.

MEANWHILE: "Support for U.S. President Donald Trump increased slightly among Republicans after he lashed out on Twitter over the weekend in a racially charged attack on four minority Democratic congresswomen, a Reuters/Ipsos public opinion poll shows... [H]is net approval among members of his Republican Party rose by 5 percentage points to 72%, compared with a similar poll that ran last week.... Trump’s overall approval remained unchanged over the past week. According to the poll, 41% of the U.S. public said they approved of his performance in office, while 55% disapproved," Reuters reports.

It's ridiculous for a mainstream news organization to apply the phrase "racially charged" to Trump's tweets (which didn't even mention race). A strong position on controlling illegal immigration isn't necessarily "racial," as WaPo's Mexican poll indicates. Journalists should keep a professional distance from the characterizations purveyed by politicians and political activists.


Fen said...

More than three-quarters of Mexicans dislike Trump, according to the survey, and over 8 in 10 say he treats their country with disrespect.

It's run by the drug cartels. So duh.

The Libertarians promised me no one was getting hurt.

So did the hippie chicks.

Lars Porsena said...

8 out of 10 Mexicans approve of Mexican illegal migration to US since it takes jobs and
benefits that should belong to the gringos.

Ann Althouse said...

"More than three-quarters of Mexicans dislike Trump, according to the survey, and over 8 in 10 say he treats their country with disrespect."

That's an opportunity: Greater respect is desired.

JML said...

"Journalists should keep a professional distance from the characterizations purveyed by politicians and political activists."

Ha! That is funny! Journalists are few and far between. But there sure are a lot of partisan hacks in the news business.

Big Mike said...

Greater respect should be earned.

Jaq said...

“Racially charged” is a great phrase. It’s about changing the meanings of words while still keeping their old implications. Cargo cult language works with the cargo cult Democrats.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

While it is merely anecdotal information and not a scientific poll like I'm sure this one was, I can tell you the Hispanics I know here in Texas are all rabidly anti-illegal. They all know that if an employer can use an illegal and hold his status over him for less pay, they will.

Now most of these are my dog-park friends so perhaps pet owners have a specific bias, but even my work friends feel the same. At least those that are open enough to talk about a hot-topic subject at work.

Jaq said...

“The Libertarians promised me no one was getting hurt.”

Careful Fen, they are going to play the “Reefer Madness” card on you if you suggest that drugs can have negative effects!

Hagar said...

All of what is today the United States west of the Mississippi plus Florida and the entire Gulf coast once belonged (in the Euro-centric sense) to Spain and then Mexico. Much of the native born resident "Mexican" population in the U.S. do not have much use for this alien invasion either. Not only are the poor among them adversely affected, but they tend to consider the trespassers as very ill mannered.
Also they do not understand why U.S. governments - federal and state - grant privileges to these law breakers that are not available to them.

Fen said...

That's an opportunity: Greater respect is desired.

When I desire greater respect from Althouse, I start behaving respectfully.

I don't send Union Thugs over her garden gate to raid her fridge.

Jaq said...

“While it is merely anecdotal information and not a scientific poll like I'm sure this one was, I can tell you the Hispanics I know here in Texas are all rabidly anti-illegal.”

I wonder how lawyers would feel if hundreds of thousands of lawyers were crossing the border and practicing law without a license and the government looked the other way, even encouraged them? Plumbers, electricians, engineers, etc.

David Begley said...

Regarding Ann’s last paragraph, there is no way the Fake News is going to be fair to Trump and actually read his tweets, The narrative is that he is a racist. That’s how the Fake News and Dems work together.

Amadeus 48 said...

"Journalists should keep a professional distance from the characterizations purveyed by politicians and political activists."

That horse left the barn sometime in the 1960s...or maybe the 1930s...or maybe the early 1900s, if you consider the coverage given to the progressive movement and Theodore Roosevelt.

David Begley said...


There needs to be a poll of US Hispanics on this issue.

The Bergall said...

Someone is trying to make news story..............

Bob Boyd said...

Journalists should keep a professional distance from the characterizations purveyed by politicians and political activists.

They aren't mere journalists. They're activists. Trump is different, remember? They told us so. And his election calls for their noble profession to be different as well. They're leading the Resistance. They're fighting the nazis. It's all very brave, romantic and meaningful. They aren't writing for us. They write for one another. That way they can be sure they don't go wrong.

MadisonMan said...

The narrative is that he is a racist

The Trump is Hitler narrative never did gain traction. So the fall-back to racist.

Kevin said...

Conclusion: Mexicans hate brown people!

Kevin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
henry said...

"Journalists" that such a job title exists is a victory for propaganda. Scandal sheets have always provided "yellow journalism" to stir up the masses for one thing or another. Just as true now as in colonial days.

Kevin said...

I suspect once the flow of immigrants continues to be throttled, Trump will invite AMLO to the White House for an immigration summit and photo op.

It was likely the plan all along.

traditionalguy said...

This is not about Journalism. It is desperate battle in an an all out war to remove Trump before he hangs them for three decades of taking pay offs to promulgate any propaganda needed for the destruction of the Republic...because Racist.

gilbar said...

Our beloved Professor Althouse said...
It's ridiculous for a mainstream news organization to apply the phrase "racially charged" to Trump's tweets (which didn't even mention race).

From NPR:
"President Trump is defending racist tweets targeting four House freshmen..."

It's a dog whistle!
Not only isn't Trump's tweet racist, it doesn't mention four House freshmen;
But, NPR KNOWS what he meant (well, NPR Knows what it wants to Say he meant)

It's SO MUCH EASIER to criticize someone's words; if they're Really Your Words

Beasts of England said...

This little gem was included in the linked Reuters article:

'The public response to Trump’s statements appeared to be a little better for him than in 2017, after the president said there were “very fine people” on both sides of a deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.'

Not a hint of bias!!

Howard said...

Mexicans are buy and large Caucasians (that's why I'm considered non-Hispanic white) while central Americans are more frequemente native original peoples so to say that there is no racial component to this is naive.

wendybar said...

DUH!!! It's what Patriotic AMERICANS have been saying for years. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out!!!

stevew said...

It must be said again: WaPo, and NYT and NPR, etc., is not a news or journalistic outfit. WaPo is a political and policy advocate operation.

And, if you hear the dog whistle you are the dog.


wendybar said...

What's a "Journalist"??? I don't think I've ever seen one before on the Main Stream News.

Ann Althouse said...

"There needs to be a poll of US Hispanics on this issue."

First question on the poll: What's your ethnicity?

Michael The Magnificent said...

It's ridiculous for a mainstream news organization to apply the phrase "racially charged" to Trump's tweets (which didn't even mention race). -- A. Althouse

Someone once said that the definition of a racist is a conservative winning an argument with a liberal.

AllenS said...

Howard said...
Mexicans are buy and large Caucasian

Most Mexicans are Native Americans.

Darrell said...

"President Trump is defending racist tweets targeting four House freshmen..."

Pro tip: Remember YOU define "racist."

purplepenquin said...

"The Libertarians promised me no one was getting hurt"

You must have mis-heard, 'cause they all seem to say that if it was legal then less people would be hurt by the drug trade. And our past history with banning booze seems to support that theory.

Do you beleive the "War on Drugs" is a success? If not, what would you change in order to make it winnable?

rehajm said...

Yep, humans are tribal.

WaPo is still struggling with the idea that not all brown people are the same.

Campaign managers are powwowing do decide if we need to define unique voting blocks of illegals or to stick with the current convention of lumping them all together as Latinos.

MayBee said...

I haven't seen any report about the tweet without the label "racially charged" or "racist". There's no more making up your own mind any more.

Jamie said...

"Journalists should keep a professional distance from the characterizations purveyed by politicians and political activists."

See, now you're just running with us.

Jamie said...

Dang it, autocorrect - "funning." I every so carefully typed it out letter by letter...

Hagar said...

How about me?
I have not kept count of the number of times I have been told to go back to Norway if I do not like it here, whenever I made a critical remark about some partisan issue of the day.

Swede said...

Well, that's just racist.

I Callahan said...

And our past history with banning booze seems to support that theory.

Not to rehash an old argument, but I'll just throw this out here. You can have a beer or a shot and not become mentally impaired. Many people do that. You can NOT smoke a joint, shoot up, snort cocaine or smoke meth and not become mentally impaired. And other than pot, the rest are flat-out addictive 95% of the time. So comparing booze to legalizing drugs is a non-starter with me.

If the above were to be legalized, especially the harder stuff, more people would use harder drugs and we'd have a much bigger dependent underclass than we do now. So for all the pieties I hear about freedom and choice, the country as a whole would be adversely affected by legalization as a whole.

Howard said...

No one gives a shit about Square-Heads, Hagar.

Freder Frederson said...

It's ridiculous for a mainstream news organization to apply the phrase "racially charged" to Trump's tweets (which didn't even mention race). A strong position on controlling illegal immigration isn't necessarily "racial,"

"Go back where you came from" is explicitly racist (or more properly xenophobic). They are made ridiculous by the fact that only one of the four (and you can no longer claim that we don't know who the tweets were aimed at) is not a natural born citizen. The tweeets had nothing to do with immigration. So you are wrong on two counts

MayBee said...

Why do we assume Mexicans would welcome an influx of uneducated people from other countries? Just because they speak the same language? I mean....its kind of weird to think they are all in it together, isn't it? Like we don't actually respect them as people with their own identities. The British don't even want to be part of the EU anymore-- when did It become surprising people think of their own country first? And do we think brown people from Central and South America are just too childish to be like the rest of the world in this respect?

MayBee said...

They are made ridiculous by the fact that only one of the four (and you can no longer claim that we don't know who the tweets were aimed at) is not a natural born citizen. The tweeets had nothing to do with immigration.

I agree that it was a bad thing to say, and I'm embarrassed he said it. I will say 3 of the women (who is the 4th who has insinuated herself in to the squad? I don't know her or who she is) talk a lot about the countries from which their families emigrated.

Rick said...

Journalists should keep a professional distance from the characterizations purveyed by politicians and political activists.

We don't have journalists. We have Political Communication Managers.

Curious George said...

"Journalists should keep a professional distance from the characterizations purveyed by politicians and political activists."


William said...

I understand that there's an issue in Germany with Germans being prejudiced against Germans. Germany used to have an impoverished neighbor to the east and they've had trouble assimilating them into the general population......It's not just the poor. It's them, the others. They're always with us. Before the importation of foreigners, the island nation of England used to discriminate on the basis of accents (scouses), religion (Papists), and hair color (ginger). Fortunately, they now have a large immigrant population, and they no longer have to discriminate against themselves. They still do, of course, but they have more variety and fiber in their diet.

Howard said...

And get some good low-angle stuff.
Don't make it too obvious, but I wanna see fur and early-morning dew.

William said...

Every new group of immigrants here has faced a fair amount of discrimination. It's part of the hazing ritual. Why should this new generation of immigrants be any different?.....Benjamin Franklin thought that the Germans, the Pennsylvania Deutsch, drank too much and couldn't be trusted to be on our side in the French & Indian War. What with the War of 1812 and the war for independence, English immigrants were usually given a hard time.....The only exception to this rule was the Italians. People here immediately recognized their warm, friendly natures, great food, dark good looks and cities openly competed to see which city could attract the most Italian immigrants.

rehajm said...

Support for U.S. President Donald Trump increased slightly...[H]is net approval among members of his Republican Party rose by 5 percentage points to 72%, compared with a similar poll that ran last week

An over seven percent improvement isn't what I'd call slight.

purplepenquin said...

"You can have a beer or a shot and not become mentally impaired. Many people do that. You can NOT smoke a joint, shoot up, snort cocaine or smoke meth and not become mentally impaired. And other than pot, the rest are flat-out addictive 95% of the time."

That's a common mis-conception. People can smoke a joint (or two or three) and still "function" (Wasn't it then-President Reagan who said the reason we need drug-testing is 'cause you can't tell when someone is high?) just fine. And despite what they teach in DARE classes, 95% of the people who have tried "harder drugs" are not addicted to 'em.

That aside - I'm not trying to compare the effects of legal substances to the effects of illegal substances. Rather, I am pointing out that the effects of banning whatever are worse than the drugs themselves. And that's not just my personal opinion - President Nixon's hand-picked commission of experts determined (after studying this issue in-depth for over a year) that the worse health risk a marijuana-user faces is getting caught.

That is what Fen's friends are most likely referring to when they say it doesn't hurt anybody - the violence/harm is coming from it being illegal rather than anything to do with the drug/plant/substance itself. It doesn't matter if it is booze or a plant or a gun or a pill...Prohibition of an item causes more problems&danger for society than the item itself, and that's what the libertarians & hippie chicks are trying to explain to ya'll.

Rick said...

"Go back where you came from" is explicitly racist (or more properly xenophobic).

This is false. It's explicitly xenophobic when applied to everyone in the immigrant group. When it's applied to someone who constants criticizes this country it's pointing out they don't believe their own criticisms.

This is obvious to anyone whose sole interest isn't to call everyone who disagrees with them a racist.

CapitalistRoader said...

All Americans, not only in the states most heavily affected, but in every place in this country, are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country. The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants. The public service they use impose burdens on our taxpayers. That's why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more by hiring a record number of new border guards, by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before, by cracking down on illegal hiring, by barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens.
President Bill Clinton, SOTU, 1995

Infinite Monkeys said...

That's an opportunity: Greater respect is desired.

He wouldn't have to change what he's saying much. Show respect for the people who stay in Mexico and try to make it better, continue trying to keep the ones who come here illegally out of the country.

Sebastian said...

"It's ridiculous for a mainstream news organization to apply the phrase "racially charged" to Trump's tweets (which didn't even mention race). A strong position on controlling illegal immigration isn't necessarily "racial," as WaPo's Mexican poll indicates. Journalists should keep a professional distance from the characterizations purveyed by politicians and political activists."

I appreciate the sentiment and all, but this is getting tiresome. Dangerously close to the old "I can't believe!" the MSM would report x as y. Or, "It's so sad!" journalists aren't objective. And more such expressions of old-timey emerita-prof sensibilities.

It's not "ridiculous" that the prog MSM would echo prog politicos' rhetoric. It's standard prog MO to smear anything they don't like as racial and racist, even if race is not remotely involved. Journalists have long minimized their distance to prog allies. And so on and so forth.

Assume bad faith, and save yourself time and trouble. The deeper trouble, of course, is that progs oppose the very standards Althouse likes. They despise your culture, your principles, your outlook. Their "ridiculous" conduct simply expresses their contempt.

rehajm said...

People can smoke a joint (or two or three) and still "function"

Anecdote: In the office there was an informal staff review with a manager to see how a bunch of new young hires were working out. Well, this guy is great and these two are okay and this one is awful, but there's this one woman 'I can't figure out' says the manager. Sometimes she's great and then sometimes she's not. Sometimes she just seems to 'check out'. Light bulb goes off in my head. A little reconnaissance confirms the suspicion- she's stepping out of the office for a break to go get high. Someone might say she could still "function" but she certainly couldn't function in the job.

I say we put all the weed defenders on the plane with the pilots what just grabbed a toke to test their commitment to their belief.

MayBee said...

When Trump was criticizing Puerto Rico for its handling of the hurricane recovery, that was racist. Now the leaders there are being charged with actual crimes. So while I don't always like the way Trump speaks, you'll forgive me if I don't always jump on the "that's racist!" bandwagon.

Infinite Monkeys said...

You can have a beer or a shot and not become mentally impaired. Many people do that. You can NOT smoke a joint, shoot up, snort cocaine or smoke meth and not become mentally impaired.

Then don't smoke the whole joint at one time, dumbass. That's why they make one-hitters.

Can we just ban people who are mentally impaired, whether it's by artificial means or natural?My drive to work would be so much better if we can do that. Of course, I get to decide what qualifies as mental impairment.

TrespassersW said...

Freder Frederson said...

"Go back where you came from" is explicitly racist (or more properly xenophobic).

But that's not what Trump said, and you know it.

mockturtle said...

Annie C reports: I can tell you the Hispanics I know here in Texas are all rabidly anti-illegal.

As are my Hispanic neighbors in AZ.

Seeing Red said...

That's an opportunity: Greater respect is desired.

I read a long time ago that if Americans actually read what’s in Mexican papers, all the anti-Americanism, the wall would have been built a long time ago.

On both sides.

Maybe Mexico should try respecting their own people first. And not be raising their flag over ICE centers.

It seems Obrador and Trump have something in common. Maybe that’s a starting point. But that man bashed us in their election.

Seeing Red said...

We didn’t write their constitution and make them inflexible. They did that all on their own.

Seeing Red said...

"Go back where you came from" is explicitly racist (or more properly xenophobic

No. If you are so over-the-top with hatred, it’s best for your own mental health and ours if you go be happy.

n.n said...

Emigration reform would mitigate the progress of casualties and collateral damage forced by immigration reform. Immigration should not exceed the rate of assimilation and integration before planned parenthood. That said, mass exodus of people... persons implies a progressive condition that would invite a social justice without borders intervention and either Gaddafing the leadership caste or pulling a Kiev to reset the political order by other means. El Salvador gets it. Mexico seems to get it, too.

Seeing Red said...

Democrats with by-lines. They aren’t journalists.

Seeing Red said...

Howard said...
Mexicans are buy and large Caucasian


Seeing Red said...

My dad told me 30 years ago we are the escape valve.

We do this because we cannot have civil unrest in our border.

But it’s coming with Venezuela’s Collapse and Nicaragua.

cacimbo said...

NPR has described the tweets as racist in every report. Not once have I heard NPR report the actual tweet word for word. They even did a segment with Folkenflik - their media reporter, on why it was important that "news" organizations label the tweet racist. NPR still not reported on lefty attacks of ICE facilities in WA and CO.

purplepenquin said...

"Maybe Mexico should try respecting their own people first. And not be raising their flag over ICE centers"

At first, it was a couple protesters raising a Mexican flag at a single ICE center. Then the tale changed into it was happening at detention facilities all over America and was happening because of marching orders issued by the Democratic Party. Soon after, it morphed into something about Soros paying homeless people to rip down American flags at every jail and prison and now the latest story is that Mexico itself is raising their nation's flag at ICE centers.

There ain't no doubt someone saw something on Mulberry Street - ain't disputing that at all - but pretty sure it was more akin to a horse & wagon rather than the current reports of elephants&giraffes pulling a cart with a brass band on it.

Michael K said...

Freder actually made a good point.

They are made ridiculous by the fact that only one of the four (and you can no longer claim that we don't know who the tweets were aimed at) is not a natural born citizen. The tweeets had nothing to do with immigration. So you are wrong on two counts

All four come from terribly governed places. Omar=Somalia=shithole country.

AOC= New York City which under Warren Wilhem Jr is descending into the 1970s state.

Tlaib is first generation Palestinian and represents Detroit, another terrible place.

Pressley is a far left type and represents the only majority minority district in Mass. She is another nut, but her district is not as bad as the others. She would like to make it so.

President Trump: During her victory speech following the September primary election, Pressley called out President Donald Trump, claiming he is "a racist, misogynistic, truly empathy-bankrupt man."[42] She aspires to impeach President Trump.[43]
Pressley supports the "take a knee" protests, which have been used to bring attention to police brutality towards black men.[44]
Health care: Pressley supports Medicare-for-All.[45]
Immigration: In June 2018, Pressley called for the defunding of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), saying the law enforcement agency poses an "existential threat" to immigrant communities.

I wonder more and more how much the Democrats are being funded by drug cartels.

purplepenquin said...


Did you drug-test the "great guy" to make sure he wasn't also getting high at lunch? That's the problem with anecdotal evidence - it ain't scientific at all and subject to personal bias.

Car&Driver did a study in the late 70's or early 80's that shows a driver who smokes marijuana can drive better than someone who drinks booze. Other studies and stats have also shown the same thing - so, to answer your question: If I had to choose then I'd much rather fly with a pilot who did a couple bong hits than one who downed a couple shots of whiskey.

Seeing Red said...

PP I know about the 1. Wasn’t paying attn to anything else.

Por La Raza...todo. Just because the slogan changed, doesn’t mean the belief changed.

le Douanier said...

Re ridiculous:


Racist is as supporter of racist does.

le Douanier said...


Bob Smith said...

“Journalists should keep a professional distance from the characterizations purveyed by politicians and political activists.”

This would be true if they were real journalists. But they aren’t.

Drago said...

Howard: "Mexicans are buy and large Caucasian"

Seeing Red: "Huh?"

I think Howard was speaking to the fact that the Mexican leadership class and most of the middle and merchant class are comprised of Spanish descendants who are quite caucasion and who look down on the Native American types and dont think twice about expressing it.

As a San Diego lad who used to travel to Mexico frequently with my American pals of Mexican heritage (1st, 2nd, nth generation) this was made very clear. And talk about racism!

This pattern continued with my extended years in Texas but I hadnt seen anything along those lines until I became a family member of a large Cuban immigrant family in Miami!

The "N" word was used quite a bit by them concerning other latinos.

You know where else I heard the "N" word used? European NATO pilots from woke EU countries when discussing Israelis!

Also heard it from Northern Italians in describing Neapolitans and Sicilians.

I have heard that word used more by latinos and Europeans more than I ever heard it in the states, and I lived in Texas and Florida and Georgia and Virginia.

No wonder the lefties have to manufacture hoax racial incidents.

Fernandinande said...

You can NOT smoke a joint, shoot up, snort cocaine or smoke meth and not become mentally impaired.


And other than pot, the rest are flat-out addictive 95% of the time.

False. But thanks for sharing your ignorance.

Drago said...

adSs: "Racist is as supporter of racist does."


"Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke heaps praise on Rep. Ilhan Omar"


Browndog said...

I wonder more and more how much the Democrats are being funded by drug cartels.


The notion they are militant about open borders because someday in the future they may or may not get a few more votes is misdirection, and laughable.

Laundered cash benefits them now. Today.

Drago said...

You know who really hated illegals and would routinely send his goons out to beat them?

Cesar Chavez.

le Douanier said...


Why did you use that link to quote Duke? If you wanted to know what racists say about Omar, you could just ask the many many many racists that you told us you hangout with.

narciso said...

it doesn't fit on her cue card, drago, now duke is a loss leader, even the iranians won't let him crash on their couch, he's the nazi version of a hollywood square

Seeing Red said...

It was the “buy and large” that messed me up.

While it was decades ago, I hoped that some of my 6 years of Spanish gave me a smidge of exposure to Mexican history.

narciso said...

because it doesn't translate at all 'por lo tanto,' and 'compra y grande' you can see how Chinese and Japanese characters, would be even more complicated,

DavidUW said...

In Mexico, unlike here, illegals don’t vote and so politicians don’t owe them anything.

I Callahan said...

False. But thanks for sharing your ignorance.

Says the resident pothead.

Look, if you're going to make a point about what is and isn't addictive, have the stones to post some links that disprove my point. I'll wait.

pacwest said...

"There needs to be a poll of US Hispanics on this issue."

Probably best if we find out who 'US Hispanics' are so we could know who to poll. Maybe a question on the census or something.

YoungHegelian said...

Those findings defy the perception that Mexico....is sympathetic to the surge of Central Americans.

How was that "perception" created? By asking "Latino" activists in the US & Mexico their opinions & thinking their opinions were the actual facts on the ground? I'm sorry, but the national & racial hierarchies present in the New World Hispanic communities are well known to anyone even close to their orbit. One of the facts of that world is that they all look down on the Salvadorans, the Hondurans, & the Guatemalans. Far too much Indian blood, & not enough Spanish, you understand. This feeling is shared by Mexicans, too, whom as descendants of the Aztecs & Spanish are the rightful ruling people of Central America. Why do you think Central Americans like to come to the US? Because, as bad as we often treat them, other people, including their fellow Latinos, treat them worse!

Instead, the data suggests Mexicans have turned against the migrants transiting through their own country, expressing antipathy that would be familiar to many supporters of President Trump north of the border....

"Turned against?!" I bet it was antipathy from the get-go, but that didn't fit the narrative.

purplepenquin said...

"other than pot, the rest are flat-out addictive 95% of the time"

if you're going to make a point about what is and isn't addictive, have the stones to post some links

Do you have a link which shows 95% of the people who try cocaine are addicted?

'cause if what you say is true, that means we have over ~33 million people in America who are fiending for the devil's dandruff each&every day (95% of 35.3 million, which is how many people have used it). Yet less than 500,000 of 'em are admitted to the emergency room every year...so if what your "95%" number is correct then the vast majority of those addicts don't seem to be greatly harmed by it.


I Callahan said...


Thanks for responding without such a knee-jerk emotional response. Unlike that other guy.

That said - my father was a police officer in a major city, so I admit I've heard enough horror stories that cause me to have a bias. I also saw most of my childhood friends get into drugs, and the ones that did the hard stuff - booze, cocaine - DID become addicted. All of them. The ones who dabbled in pot did not.

As for hospitalizations - I'd imagine that most drug addicts don't end up in the hospital. And sometimes they kick the habit without intervention by others. Others die before they get to a hospital for the first time. So I'm not sure that's a good measuring stick.

Here is a list of the most addictive drugs, according to drugabuse.com. The ones I mentioned are all on the list:

<a href="https://drugabuse.com/12-addictive-drugs/>LINK</a>

Seeing Red said...

In Mexico, unlike here, illegals don’t vote and so politicians don’t owe them anything.

I don’t think they can protest either. I think that’s in their Constitution.

Doug said...

Many expected López Obrador — who once compared Trump’s hostility toward Mexicans to the way Adolf Hitler spoke of Jews — to condemn the U.S. president. Instead, he has largely submitted to Trump’s demands on migration....

When you've got 'em by the balls, their hearts and minds follow".

Drago said...

adSs: "Drago,
Why did you use that link to quote Duke? If you wanted to know what racists say about Omar, you could just ask the many many many racists that you told us you hangout with."

I'm sorry adSs, but by lefty rules persons of color and enlightened Europeans cannot be racist.

I am going to have to insist that you at least attempt to live by your own made up rules.

Now try again.

Doug said...

Althouse says: Greater respect is desired.

By whom? Mexicans? Tough-o shit-o!

Drago said...

Not only that adSs, but if you are white, and I suspect you are, your calling persons of color racists automatically assigns that label to you.

Tsk tsk

Otto said...

"Journalists should keep a professional distance from the characterizations purveyed by politicians and political activists."

From previous post
Commentor : How naive
Ann:Don’t misinterpret my statement as naïveté. You are making an incorrect assumption ( in the extreme).
Are we to assume the same here.

rehajm said...

Car&Driver did a study in the late 70's or early 80's that shows a driver who smokes marijuana can drive better than someone who drinks booze

The scientific community may not have made up its mind, but to us it's obvious: Doping and driving don't mix.

They 'shows' potheads shouldn't drive because they are impaired. Not making a real good argument for your side. Maybe with all the weed it makes sense to you somehow...

Fen said...

Freder: "Go back where you came from" is explicitly racist (or more properly xenophobic).

Wrong again. And you knew it, because you had to load up "racist" with an adjective.

America. Love it or leave it was a popular bumper sticker in the early 1970s, directed at white liberal commies like yourself. Did you forget or were you just fucked up the whole decade?

Clyde said...

Althouse said... "Journalists should keep a professional distance from the characterizations purveyed by politicians and political activists."

That ship has long since sailed. It's been a long time since journalists were objective, if they ever were. They sure as hell aren't now.

And yes, almost all of us Trump supporters were in enthusiastic agreement when we heard him tell the Squad that if they don't like America, they can go back where they came from. There are 190-some countries in the world; if this one doesn't suit you, you're free to leave. Don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya! And that's no matter what race, religious, color or creed you may have. Love it or leave it.

Nichevo said...

"Go back where you came from" is explicitly racist (or more properly xenophobic). They are made ridiculous by the fact that only one of the four (and you can no longer claim that we don't know who the tweets were aimed at) is not a natural born citizen. The tweeets had nothing to do with immigration. So you are wrong on two counts

I do assure you, Freder, that there is no one I would rather go back to where you came from, than you. And you're white as a ghost, right?

DavidD said...

“Journalists should keep a professional distance from the characterizations purveyed by politicians and political activists.”

Today’s journalists *are* political activists.

Seeing Red said...

Isn’t the pot more powerful now than 30-40 years ago?

I wouldn’t cite that as a pass.

Wasn’t there a recent study that suggested pot might cause psychosis in 15-20% of that population?

JAORE said...

"Journalists should keep a professional distance from the characterizations purveyed by politicians and political activists.”

Yes, and I should be young, rich and handsome.

Some things that should be just are not.

Gahrie said...

They 'shows' potheads shouldn't drive because they are impaired. Not making a real good argument for your side. Maybe with all the weed it makes sense to you somehow...

You're both right. Driving stoned is dangerous and shouldn't be done. Driving stoned is also safer than driving drunk.

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