"This woman is playing the victim for political purposes because she is a state legislator. I'm a Democrat and will vote Democrat for the rest of my life, so call me whatever you want to believe. For her political purposes, make it black, white, brown, whatever. It is untrue."
I'm reading "State lawmaker, man she accused of verbally harassing her confront each other" (WSB-TV Atlanta).
I got there via Andy Ngo ("Media machine has been blowing up story of @itsericathomas, who claims a racist white man told her to 'go back where you came from.' Well, he returns during her presser to deny allegation. He says he’s a Democrat & she’s embellishing story for attention"). Erica Thomas is a member of the Georgia House of Representatives.
Here's the raw video:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 303 of 303Both of these people are in the wrong. The man shouldn't have upbraided her publicly like that at the supermarket- that also violates strong and important social norms. She was quite a bit less wrong to use the express lane, but where she is incredibly wrong was in going public with what is probably a lying description of what occurred. I still wouldn't have confronted her at the press conference, but I do understand fully why he did so- she was lying about what he said, and she more or less admitted that in the end. They deserve each other.
Left Bank: "I've been the cheapskate many times myself. But let's be honest, the store isn't making much from our business. The idea that we are entitled to expedited service while picking up our few items
over other customers who are buying more is ridiculous."
Are you drunk?
Its beyond dumb to suggest customers who only require a few items are "cheapskates".
And last I checked it was the stores themselves that implemented the policy for the express checkouts in order improve and accelerate the processing of customers and improving the overall customer experience.
It is the stores themselves that have created the expectation of express lanes for customers.
Its as though Left Bank set out to get every single aspect of this encounter and store experience wrong....in which case he was wildly successful.
At 9 mo pregnant, all men should probably keep their distance unless they're going to do something nice like open a door or offer to carry groceries. That goes for all 9 mo pregnant women.
Hormones can be interesting.We had set up our crib in the nursery. But about a week before I was due, a friend told me crib death was more likely if the baby didn't sleep in the room with me. So I flipped out and insisted we move the crib into our bedroom. But the crib couldn't get through the door. I was terrified. So my wonderful husband drove out, bought another crib and put it together for me. Now I know I was being crazy but first child, hormones, 9 months.
Doesn't mean 9 mo pregnant women should yell in grocery stores. And yet, better not to get in a 9 mo pregnant women's face. And...I've got nothing more on the topic.
Inga sees the greater good in Thomas’ lies that you can’t.
The Times is now establishing a Selfish Bitch bureau to cover this important national story.
There are way too many Trumpists in this thread. Can nothing be done about it?
A lot of people assume she's 9 months pregnant because she said so. This, on a thread about her lying.
As a pol clearly twisting this to exploit the latest news cycle, there's far more than hormones in play.
Wwww if you watch the video, the man does say he cussed at her and then immediately left. Sounds pretty believable. You say something to someone, they lose their mind, you verbally jab back and then leave. I've seen numerous dust ups in grocery stores through the years.
What's off is that a State Rep was one of the parties and decided to embellish the story to get some notoriety and fundraising out of it.
And seriously, the way some of you old people try and talk like the young people today is a little embarrassing. "I spent time on Urban Dictionary this weekend and want you all to know that I learned some new expressions. I'm going to make sure it's in every post today!"
My guess is, she heard "lazy" as a racist barb, and decided to elaborate. To be fair, I don't see how "lazy" makes its way into his complaint about wrong lanes, except as a way of adding to the sting of "bitch."
He won the battle, by standing his ground on her lie, but he's lost the war in terms of his Georgia career prospects, lefty friends, etc. As a great observer of the human condition might say, "sad."
“Maybe he will wear more identitarian clothing to make his status known.”
Nobody but you people cared that he is a Democrat.
The guy made a fool out of himself and then the politician ran as fast as she could to play the race card. After that, a string of bluechecks started threatening him on twitter. The only smart thing he did was get out in front of the camera and steal her thunder. Yeah, I'll agree they're both assholes. But the people using the passive voice on this - "oh it got out of control in the media" are even bigger assholes. She did that, with help from some really shitty people.
“And seriously, the way some of you old people try and talk like the young people today is a little embarrassing. "I spent time on Urban Dictionary this weekend and want you all to know that I learned some new expressions. I'm going to make sure it's in every post today!"”
Hahahahaha, Birches takes the time to scold old folks for using modern terminology. Is Birches saying “Stay in your own lane you old bitch!”?
The Express Lane is one thing. The Express Tumbrel is the issue here.
I'm glad he stood up for himself and confronted her lies about "going back" where she came from. That took nerve and was a public service. What other lies did she tell to embellish her story? Is she actually pregnant or just obese? I also wonder why no reporter asked the lady why she used the express line when other lines were open and she had more than 10 items? Are there any other social conventions she ignores? Is this her due?
I had a strange supermarket experience regarding race relations. There was a black couple being checked out line and they saw a young black man and motioned for him to join them. I initially assumed he was their son. But then he kept his two or three items separate and paid for them himself. The couple had no interaction whatsoever with the young man and there was no response when they departed and went their separate ways. The only reason they had invited him to join them was because he was black. No one said anything about him blatantly butting in line but the expression on the check out person's face said it all.
"A liar versus an asshole and both of them opposed to Trump. It's one of those gladiatorial contests where you want both sides to get dragged off the sand by the heels."
After these sad excuses for gladiators battle, the eager mob cheers with delight when Trump gives the thumbs down sign.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Maybe he will wear more identitarian clothing to make his status known.”
Nobody but you people cared that he is a Democrat.
Something equivalent to Blessed Mama.
Face it. She wouldn't have exploited this if he was black.
The real moral of the story, that which must not be named, is black privilege.
In this case, there happened to be video, and the black woman happened to be called on her smear. But the fact that she felt entitled to get in that line, and then felt entitled to bitch for all the world about the pushback, is most telling.
Oh good grief. A shopping lane dispute gets personal. Just why was this a big deal?
It may be a big deal because the Democrat/Progressive/Antifa/Media complex promotes differences as status to foment chaos for political purposes. Moreover, the complex believes this is their moment...the arc of history demands action! It's a leftist supermarket putsch! Declare your self-righteous racial moral superiority, and charge the Express Lane!
Yeah if he were a Republican no one would have mentioned it! I certainly wouldn’t have! You people all suck!
"Wwww if you watch the video, the man does say he cussed at her and then immediately left. Sounds pretty believable. You say something to someone, they lose their mind, you verbally jab back and then leave. I've seen numerous dust ups in grocery stores through the years."
I find it believable that a 9 mo women might be short tempered with a strange guy, not store management, who approached her to complain about the self-check line-- esp. if there were open lanes. Was he initially polite? He says he's polite but he swore at her. That doesn't inspire trust. For the rest of it: I don't know what was said, what was not said, what somebody might have thought they heard, what somebody was lying about. We know what they both said after the fact. We know they both were inflamed and upset. Beyond that, who knows what was said in the grocery store?
As a general rule, when in public I have a policy of MYOB unless someone needs assistance. He wasn't waiting in her lane. He could have stayed in his lane.
On slow news days, the tough watch soap opera.
Inga: "Nobody but you people cared that he is a Democrat."
It was so important to the Guardian that the dems not look bad that they labeled the lunatic lefty dem State Rep a "republican".
Too funny.
The collapse of ANOTHER lefty hoax and suddenly Inga is all about lets not quibble about which party anyone belongs to!!
The grocery store decided to make almost all lanes self-scan. I don't work there, so I am not going to scan $250 in groceries. So now I do grocery pickup, and they have to run around the store to collect everything and bring it to my car at no additional cost. Go figure.
I don't know that I have ever seen a grocery store altercation. Where do you who see them often live?
You can’t always tell that overweight people are pregnant, and how far along. I was reminded of several scenes in the Sandra Bullock/Hugh Grant fil, “Two Weeks Notice” where Grant trying to find a replacement for Bullock as his head corporate attorney asked one applicant an overweight black woman we she was due. She blew up because she wasn’t pregnant. Then later, near the end when he goes to the Legal I’d office she was then working at to propose he ran into the black woman, made the opposite mistake, and she got upset again (or maybe I got them reversed). Interestingly, there was a cameo of Trump playing himself, at a party where he tried to hire Bullock away from Grant by offering to double her salary, regardless of how much he was paying her. That was 2002 or so, almost 20 years ago, and Trump was already recognizable in his persona.
But if there were 2 empty lanes, why didn't he go to the empty one?
Ah, but you've already answered your question: because he's a Dem.
A conservative would've just shut up and seethed [mustn't make a scene!]. A liberal, however, will always insist that the rules be followed -- as long as said rules favor the liberal.
Help at home, I meant.
Let your parent partner shop in public while the mother rests up at home.
That is why there are 2 parents, to be smart and support the mother and child.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
"I sure hope you never had a pregnant wife. Spoken like a man who never felt what it feels like to be pregnant."
Um, wouldn't that be every man?
Daddy Binx: "Um, wouldn't that be every man?"
uh oh....now you've opened the Modern Left's Pandora's Box.........
Becky! Becky! Becky!
Like a little kid learning a new word.
What I see on the video is a big woman bullying a significantly smaller man, lol. *He* had every right to feel threatened during confrontation.
all men should probably keep their distance unless they're going to do something nice like open a door or offer to carry groceries
And be accused of exerting my male privilege? No chance.
"He could have stayed in his lane."
She could have not made a federal case out of it.
Heck, she could even have gone to one of the open lanes!
I'd actually like to see a real interview of her, trying to get her to understand what she did. I don't think it would work, but it's worth a try.
Probably she would be like Archie Bunker in my youth, unable to perceive how her attitude is hurting other people.
Blogger Drago said...
"Daddy Binx: "Um, wouldn't that be every man?"
uh oh....now you've opened the Modern Left's Pandora's Box........."
My bad. I forgot all about this:
Arnold was truly ahead of his time.
"That I find annoying is when there are two or three people in the express lane and I’m in a regular lane waiting for the person in front of me to finish. Then someone will get behind with with five or six items and sigh loudly"
Never had that experience in my entire life. I guess I've been lucky. My last, shopping line kerfuffle occurred 3 years ago. A little old lady with a cane and one item came up behind me, and of course I let her go ahead of me. One fucking item. I assumed the Dickhead Super-Exec type ahead of me would do the same. Instead the Dickhead Super-exec's jaw tighten and he looked straight ahead. He heard me but he didn't want to follow my example.
I could see my wife boiling with rage and about to say something, but i decided it wasn't our day to be line monitor or enforce good manners. So, I whispered "Let it go". Which of course, caused Super-execs jaw to clench even tighter. Fortunately the old lady only had to wait five minutes.
So, you probably write a whole novel about a grocery store and all the drama.
So having Express Lanes in order to increase customer satisfaction is somehow ridiculous, I suppose Southland should just close all those 7-11s they opened to satisfy customers that wanted a limited selection at higher prices BUT open longer hours. Before Express Lanes, the consumer might be tempted to go to Slurpee Land rather than stop in the nearby A&P for eggs and milk and wait behind the person doing a week's shopping. You know, that VALUED customer.
The predictable part is this will get her re-elected. She may be a lying, racist, entitled shitbag, but she's THEIR lying, racist, entitled shitbag.
Left Bank of the Charles said...
I've been the cheapskate many times myself. But let's be honest, the store isn't making much from our business. The idea that we are entitled to expedited service while picking up our few items over other customers who are buying more is ridiculous.
Using express lanes in is obviously a business decision. It it were as ridiculous as you say, we would not see so many stores with them. It's probably based on reducing the hassle factor for ALL customers.
It's the self-service express lanes with scanners that I don't quite get. They may well be just another sign of automation reducing labor costs, but I find they slow you down if you have veggies or fruits that require a PLU entry.
Even worse if you have to show ID when you buy alcohol, no matter your age. In that case you have to wait to get an attendant to enter your birth date into the scanner.
Not much "expedited service" in those cases.
"Now the store plays a little game of calling the 10 items or less lane the "express" lane, in order to entice the cheapskates to stand in the longer but ostensibly faster moving line and out of the way of their better customers. But shouldn't the better customers be able to choose any lane they want? "
You mistakenly assume everyone in your scenario is a one-time customer. Sometimes, I am the $200 shopper, and others I am the "cheapskate" because we just need toilet paper. If you make me wait when I don't have to, I will eventually shop somewhere else.
If he had 2 empty lines to choose from, then she did too.
Char Char
You make racist entitled shitbag sound like a bad thing. It isn’t! In fact it allowed her to show that Becky (am I using that right?) what’s what!
Inga knows how to run a supermarket and you don’t! Express lane rules are racist!
Colorado and Arizona and New Mexico
Usually approaching a holiday like Thanksgiving or Christmas.
The 5 Types of Becky
JaimeRoberto: "If he had 2 empty lines to choose from, then she did too."
Heteronormative Patriarchal Oppression Logic!!!!
The one in New Mexico I was personally involved with when a cashier told the woman she had too many items for the express lane. The customer started verbally berating the cashier. I told the woman to lay off, she was just doing her job. She called me a bitch. I said something back to her (no cussing, but probably unkind) and the rest of the people in the very long line cheered. The lady left in a huff and said she was going to get the cashier fired. This was the weekend before Thanksgiving. The Walmart was packed and all the lines were very full. The cashier thanked me.
It's all bullshit.
Three open lines at one time in a Publix - Bullshit!
The Vertically-Challenged White Cuban-American Democrat has hired a lawyer and is exploring defamation charges.
Char Char Binks said...
"The predictable part is this will get her re-elected."
Yep. The people who elected that lying whore knew she was a lying whore when they elected her. Ours is a representative form of government, and she is their Representative.
Act 2 0f the Jussie Smollett Theater of the White Racists. Time to riot, so alert CNN to get their cameras set up.
Come on. We know exactly why she chose the, apparently BS phrase, "Go back....". It's also the reason this most minor of minor league conflicts became national news..... It's so we can allsing in unison:
At least she wasn't in the Express Lane posting chat on her smartphone and being clueless when it was time to pay.
Do you ever have a moment where you just get fed up with all the rule breaking? I suspect he was there that day. He was probably sick of it and decided to take a stand.
It was a silly stand on a small hill, but he made it.
If we let it all go every time, doesn't it encourage more? Sometimes you gotta take a stand.
We didn't see it all roll out and perhaps the woman, being a "LAWMAKER" is a gigantic entitled-C***. She's a D "LAWMAKER" after all, and that's how they often roll.
Her lying tells me all I need to know about her.
Democrats lie about everything, always. I have a very un-PC opinion about every baby-killing one of them!
If your husband actually went out to buy another crib because it wouldn’t fit through the door, then he should’ve just taken enough pieces off to move it. I was that husband in the past and had enough logical thinking to do so.
The Miami Marlins are the worst franchise in baseball.
This Detroit Tigers fan disagrees.
Breitbart storming the Weiner conference still better.
The Miami Marlins are the worst franchise in baseball.
Two World Series championships during their brief existence suggests otherwise.
Try the Seattle Mariners - who've never even sniffed a WS appearance - and only four visits to the playoffs in 43 years.
What a jerk. He could have left it alone especially since it created zero conflict for him but had to take a stand on something that had nothing to do with him. What a jerk. Please don't come back to Miami.
Terror at the Grocery
The worst are the dumb beeyotches who have a cart loaded like a container ship and two or three scurrying wildlings in tow, who wait until everything is scanned, bagged, and ready to roll before deciding it might be a good time to begin the long search through her bag for the items she'll need to present to the cashier--I.D. for the malt liquor and two or three credit
cards for the Jumbo Saltysugarfatsnax.
The same people sit in stunned surprise when traffic lights turn green
the idea that the store cannot say anything to discourage discourtesy - what hot garbage.
before deciding it might be a good time to begin the long search through her bag for the items she'll need to present to the cashier--I.D. for the malt liquor and two or three credit
Better is when the credit card is declined and you stand there while they run around and get the manager.
In the spirit of interstitial reparations and the Struggle SAT
why not racial lanes?
The black lane and Latin lane with 10 checkers, the white lanes with one checker, and the Asians have to go to their own grocery.
Or maybe free delivery to the black single family home?
The solution is to turn Express Checkout Lanes into Express/Handicapped Checkout Lanes.
The Progressive Left will then police the lines with impunity to ensure only the right people can benefit.
And Conservatives who like to follow the rules won't have to get involved.
The first person who goes to the media is the a**hole. This is a universal rule. Apply it to Trump v. The Squad.
King 2019: I have a dream
that my four little children (Well) will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the number of items they take into the supermarket Express Checkout Line.
(My Lord)
I have a dream today.
[enthusiastic applause]
R.J. Chatt said...
I had a strange supermarket experience regarding race relations.
I'm certain you're not the only one. I was cashiering at a big box back before PINs, when people actually checked the credit cards for signatures. Had a black customer who didn't sign his. Asked to see his ID. He started yelling how I was only asking because he was black..... The customer behind said very loudly "He asked the guy before you to show his ID too. Now shut up and show him your ID!" The black customer turned around, fists clenched, all ready to go at it. And saw your basic giant human being standing there. He turned around, shut up, and got out his ID. Size matters.
Narr said...
The worst are the dumb beeyotches who have a cart loaded like a container ship ....
Those are the second worst. The worst are the ones like my son had the other day. Who have no cash, who try all 5 or 6 of their credit cards (leaving you wonder how they got credit....), all of which get declined, and had no money left on their EBT... who've already opened soda and chips for their little brat and themselves. At closing.
My son and the other employee paid for the chips and soda- it was easier than marking them down. I have a heart of stone- I told him next time call the local PD and have her charged with theft.
"The worst are..."
In my neck of the woods, the worst are the sweet little old ladies who wait until everything is scanned, bagged, and totaled up, and then (and only then) start a long rummage through their purse for their checkbook, and then slowly fill out the check, and then get asked for a driver's license, then slowly rummage through their purse for that, and then pause for a little chat with the cashier, and then...
I found this absurdly entertaining to watch. The very triviality of the issue is what made it so much fun.....He doesn't look Hispanic, and she doesn't look pregnant. Perhaps if he dyed his hair black and wore a guyabera shirt or if she wore a maternity dress instead of a tank top, this problem could have been avoided. I always give obviously pregnant women all due courtesy. On the subway I even offer them my seat if the pains are closer than five minutes apart.....The optics didn't look that good for her. She was more physically imposing than he was. I give him the debate, but I doubt if this will cost her any votes. He does look white. There's no denying that so this is a blow for social justice.
The Godfather said...
The first person who goes to the media is the a**hole.
See Dick Durbin.
I have to laugh at all those (mostly left of center on this thread) who ask why this is a national story. You're correct, it shouldn't be. Two people have a dispute in a grocery store. Neither come off looking good. Happens every day. So which one tried to capitalize off of it. So which in politicized it. So which one turned this into Racey McRace Face. So which one made this a national story.
This is Covington High School students all over again. No matter how much of a dick you think the guy is, the race baiting grandstanding "lawmaker" is an order of magnitude worse.
Also regarding the "pregnancy/hormone" defense, we've all learned to stay clear of any pregnancy assumptions in the era of obesity. So unless she's wearing a sign saying "I'm pregnant, stand clear" I'm not buying it.
Inga's right that die-hard Dem men like the guy in the video are whining Beckys.
Of course, she can be counted on to defend the lazy bitch. Inga must have been an unholy terror when she was preggers - "I don't need to observe common courtesy because I'm pregnant!"
As others have said, they are both assholes. And this should not be a national story. People are assholes to each other in grocery stores all the time.
Narr said...
The worst are the dumb beeyotches who have a cart loaded like a container ship and two or three scurrying wildlings in tow, who wait until everything is scanned, bagged, and ready to roll before deciding it might be a good time to begin the long search through her bag for the items she'll need to present to the cashier--I.D. for the malt liquor and two or three credit
cards for the Jumbo Saltysugarfatsnax."
The worst are the people who do the same thing but fish out a checkbook and then try to find a pen, because they haven't yet entered the 21st century.
"And seriously, the way some of you old people try and talk like the young people today is a little embarrassing. "I spent time on Urban Dictionary this weekend and want you all to know that I learned some new expressions. I'm going to make sure it's in every post today!"
It's my understanding that "Becky" is a term that originated among blacks and used to describe an entitled middle class white woman.
The irony of Inga, of all people, using that expression....self-awareness is seriously lacking.
Inga can’t be a white savior and a Becky at the same time! Not possible!
I don’t think Inga knew that word before yesterday but
If this goes south for her she'll claim she got an abortion and the ship will right itself.
Even if she is 9 months pregnant, she's a Democrat and might be killing that baby shortly, so cut no slack for her in that regard.
Calling her a lazy bitch was rude enough. But not rude enough I guess. I’m old enough to remember when someone calling you that would have been outrage enough.
Giovan Pietro Bellori, I had a high school teacher who prided himself on using all the current teenage slang. He thought he was cool. The kids called him "Fr.Groovy" and mocked the old fart incessantly behind his back.
Inga's trying to be Mrs. Groovy. Pitiful, really.
Likewise w/ Freeman Hunt I've never seen an altercation w/ adults at a grocery store. The most drama I've seen is a toddler melt down.
"If your husband actually went out to buy another crib because it wouldn’t fit through the door, then he should’ve just taken enough pieces off to move it. I was that husband in the past and had enough logical thinking to do so."
Depends on the logical goal, to save $$ vs. calm pregnant wife. i had medical issues the final few weeks. I asked him to get a second crib and did it to lower my stress and bp. I think it's incredibly romantic. & one of the best things he could have done for all of us.
& we needed a second crib so it was all good.
He called a woman he doesn't know a "lazy bitch?" He deserves what he gets. He made it personal. When women fight on a personal level they go for everything they've got, including race, pregnancy, 9/11, your D- in math in the 5th grade. I'm surprised she didn't call him a balding four-eyed runt. Every man who isn't gay knows this. Screw him. Sock it to him gentle woman.
Using express lanes in is obviously a business decision. It it were as ridiculous as you say, we would not see so many stores with them
It's all about reducing the congestion at the front of the store caused by people waiting in line to check out without having to pay for extra cashiers. The stores man a minimum of check out lanes and call workers from other tasks to help with backlogs for the same reason.
She accused him of being a diversitist. He labeled her a lazy bitch. I wonder who was first to progress the confrontation.
"He called a woman he doesn't know a "lazy bitch?" He deserves what he gets. He made it personal. When women fight on a personal level they go for everything they've got, including race, pregnancy, 9/11, your D- in math in the 5th grade. I'm surprised she didn't call him a balding four-eyed runt. Every man who isn't gay knows this. Screw him. Sock it to him gentle woman."
Yeah screw him. So what. So again, who made this anything more than a local supermarket dispute? Who? There's your jerk. There's your villain. He's just at most an anonymous jerk. Who would have stayed an anonymous jerk, except for one grandstanding "state lawmaker." A state lawmaker who failed to reign herself in to avoid burning a constituent who says he'd vote for any Democrat (i.e. her) no matter what.
My guess is she wanted to take this and try and hurt Trump or something. Kinda blew up when he confronted her lie and said he was a democrat who hates Trump.
State lawmaker is a liar. a pregnant liar.
it is kind of hilarious, No?, that these two lefties both displayed their colors against themselves?
who is the biggest victim? that is now the metric of our times.
certainly, the most awful thing was an elected public official inflaming a situation for the Power & Prestige of the moment. I have not had to rub up against that, thank goodness.
But i have certainly experienced the righteous Over-Exister, they grow from Portland like our invasive, cruel-thorned blackberry bushes.
for instance, last year, on our way up to Bend to stay with our buddies, we made a pitstop at the Safeway between Warm Springs & Madras. I think there must have been a coffee cup already dropped near our parking spot, because when we returned to our car, this PDX WOman was waiting for us, SURE that we had dropped this cup and hanging around to harangue us for it. (what the heck, lady, nothing better to do?)
i was no part of the encounter, i was in the drivers seat to drive us off, but i heard her being ridiculous, and my husband gave her no satisfaction. we drove off shaking our heads.
she will just have to stay stuck hating innocents forever, but i do worry how this current Hive Mind is so cold-bloodedly sure of itself.
You folks give me hope. Well, laughs anyway.
When I watched the vid (before commenting earlier) the guy did strike me as a justifiably outraged citizen jerk, but as others pointed out it was State Rep trying to milk the thing--he went home and she went public.
He was about as Anglo-looking and sounding a Cuban as I've seen, but I don't argue with people's self-identities. His hand-clutching politeness to ask if the news hacks really wanted to hear his side was skirting the whiteman cringe, but he pulled up.
As for pregnancy, I'm Don't Ask, Don't Tell. The pregnant woman may be waiting for the family to gather to celebrate (is that the right word now?) the abortion or some other NewAgey Progressive ceremony.
Was there an article the other day about American blacks acting like they could jump the lines in France?
I don't know why I had that thought.
I posted about a This American Life show I heard over the weekend. I requoted it earlier in this thread.
> As for pregnancy, I'm Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
Don't guess.
Colorado and Arizona and New Mexico
Where I live it is extremely rare for anyone to start a verbal altercation with a stranger. To begin an altercation is to cross the Rubicon. In fact, most anyone overheard to begin a verbal altercation with a stranger is assumed to be mentally unstable and is, therefore, generally responded to soothingly and given a huge amount of space.
Reminds me of one of Malcolm Gladwell's books where he writes about an experiment where they had a guy in a university building quietly call a passerby an "asshole" after having to move out of his way. Supposedly the experiment showed that people from the Northeast thought nothing of it, but people from the South got angry. I believe it because I am from the South, and in the middle of reading the experiment I thought, "Oh, no! You can't go calling strangers names!" If you are in a university building here and call a stranger an "asshole," that person is going to stop, turn to square to you, and demand to know what your problem is. That is not done!
When I was about 20 years old, I wrote an overdraft on my checking account. The overdraft amount was about $4, and of course I had no savings account to pay it from. The bank locked my account, and I had to pay the overdraft amount and the penalty amount ($12) in cash to unlock my account. But first, I had to be lectured by two bank employees (account managers of some kind). They emphasized that they could have referred criminal charges.
I am a white male. One of the bankers who double-teamed me was Black. The other was a woman.
No one had ever heard of "white privilege" back in 1980, but If I had known about it, I would have claimed it.
Instead I closed my account at that bank and opened an account at another bank, and didn't write any more overdrafts. Only white people can do this, apparently.
I live in Hawaii. In my city, whites are definitely in a minority, but the racial tensions here are almost non-existent, as long as you aren't a bum.
Years ago I was in line at the grocery checkout behind a bunch of locals, all chattering in pidgin to each other and the cashier (they all seemed to know each other) and I had a momentary vision of myself shouting "White man! White man coming through here!" and pushing to the front of the line, and I started laughing to myself. Which made people think I was a crazy bum so they looked at me sternly.
He understands that this woman is a lazy, unpleasant person, and yet he declares that he will continue to vote for her party, no matter what. He deserves the misgovernment he gets.
BleachBit-and-Hammers: "My guess is she wanted to take this and try and hurt Trump or something. Kinda blew up when he confronted her lie and said he was a democrat who hates Trump."
Not before a handful of MSM hacks pushed Trump as the responsible party, such as the NYT, CNN, NBC and I believe the Washington Post.
The next time someone thinks "Stay in your lane!" qualifies as an argument, maybe I'll take offense, don a product placement, and call a press conference. I think I could get used to these new rules.
Wow--I finally saw a photo of La Belle Erica, and discovered that she's fat! What a shocker!
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