July 17, 2019
Let's watch Trump's rally, live-streaming from Greenville, North Carolina.
ADDED: After listing his accomplishments in office: "But could you imagine what it could have been if we didn't have that witch hunt?" He hears a voice in the crowd. He points to the person. "You said it. He said it. I won't say it, 'cause it's a terrible word, so I will not say that this guy said if we didn't have the bullshit. That's right." Big cheers.
AND: He goes after Congresswoman Omar, and the crowd chants, "Send her back/Send her back."
Garbage in and out
I saw Joe Biden in Council Bluffs today. 500 people, tops. Joe spoke for 18 minutes with a TelePrompTer. Weak.
Joe was surprised to learn this week that billions of opioid pills was distributed during his time as VP. Maybe he should have done something. Total loser.
Rally scheduled to follow expected Mueller appearance in Congress. Another rally next week?
Look at all them racists.
You just know they're thinking racisty thoughts.
They're probably going to go home tonight and read to their kids before bed.
Fucking Nazis.
serious question:
What Person that voted for Trump in 2016 WON'T be voting for him this time?
Has anyone heard anyone say that THEY won't be voting for him, and if so; Why?
Tariffs? World Situation? Fed up with Trump?
Chuck, I'm not trying to tempt you into breaking your sabbatical; but when you return to your old ways, i'd be interested in hearing about Your intentions?
Who would have to be running against Trump for you to not vote for him?
Who would have to be running against Trump for you to vote for him?
I'll wait until you've flown your 25 (times 2)
The rest of you? What have you heard? I'm seeing More Trump signs in iowa Now, than i did in 2016 (of course, that might just mean people think it's safer now)
"What Person that voted for Trump in 2016 WON'T be voting for him this time?"
More people will vote for Trump in 2020. More people will vote in general. It will be a massive turn out and it will crush all records.
More people will vote for Trump in 2020. More people will vote in general. It will be a massive turn out and it will crush all records.
There's a good chance we'll have more voters than citizens.
Slamming Omar now.
I love this guy.
Omar is this petite pretty little.... terrorist.
Tlaib's turn.
....and to think I dismissed this guy as a reality show buffoon. Gawd, I love this guy!!
He's giving Omar, and The Squat a lot of attention. I'm sure the fan will be purposefully pointed when the shit hits.
You have to be a sorry-ass crooked democrat to not like Trump, don't trust anyone who doesn't like Trump.
Give 'em Hell, Donny boy.
Cortez. No more three names.
Cortez. Sleepy Joe. Pocahantas. This is Alinsky on steroids.
LOL - Trump is funny. Doesn't take it so seriously like the creepy government whores do.
He runs a failed city!!
Any white person still voting Democrat is insane. They made it quite clear they hate you they hate your ancestors they hate the country that your ancestors built. This kind of rhetoric doesn't always lead to a genocide but it always precedes a genocide. You hand over the levers of power to these people you're just signing your own death warrant
That's pretty good rhetoric, but can he beat Joe in pushups?
"That's pretty good rhetoric, but can he beat Joe in pushups?"
Trump has people who will gladly do his pushups for him. How many Donald, Mr President?
Any black person still voting democrat is insane. Unless you buy the crap from the governmetn whore left.
He's riffin'!! This is old time religion. When does the crowd break out in "God Bless America"?
Eastern North Carolina? I lived in Hendersonville, NC, but I've never heard that phrase before.
Chants of “send her back!” fill the room.
harrogate: "Chants of “send her back!” fill the room.
History began just this morning for our race-baiting commie lefties like harrogate.
"They gonna put ya'll back in chains"
Sell it to the Air Force Mayo. Sell it to the Air Force.
Remember harrogate, your party is led in the House bya racist.
Your own members of color say so!
And dont you dare deny it whitebread!!
"Must vote Republican". He's swinging for the fences!!
'A county where its government is loyal to legal immigrants.'
Sing it, Trump.
Neither deflections nor parallelism are your forte , and that’s ok. You’re great at thinking you’ve delivered cutting insults, and that’s something special.
“Send her back!” Republican ideas in a nutshell.
ohhh-- "send ...
thought they were saying "Shave her back!!"
MAGA continues.
rcocean said...
That's pretty good rhetoric, but can he beat Joe in pushups?
I ran across this yesterday. I laughed.
Bernie: We need to dismantle a broken system
Warren: We need to fix a broken system
harrogate: "Drago,
Neither deflections nor parallelism are your forte , and that’s ok. You’re great at thinking you’ve delivered cutting insults, and that’s something special."
You can try and spin all you like but Team Harrogae has been fully exposed as anti-semitic, pro-ISIS, pro-open borders and pro infanticide socialists.
Yoy guys have spent 70 years building this bed.
Now sleep in it.
You jackasses called Romney a racist nazi!!
The jig is up.
The. Jig. Is. Up.
Omar committed immigration fraud - send her back!
I love that Trump has started calling her Cortez. It should be noted that she shares a surname with the most famous conquistador.
The Donald sounds a lot like Ali when he was talking to Cosell.
"What we really need is to have Somalis running things" - Said no one, ever.
Please. You rednecks were saying the same thing for decades. You’re just belligerent fake patriots is all it is. Your nominees come and go but you remain the same. Your jig has been a joke for a long, long time.
The Donald sounds a lot like Ali when he was talking to Cosell.
Float like a butterfly. Sting like a bee!!
harrogate now on record as defending Omar and Tlaib's open anti-semitism and pro-islamic supremacist terrorist comments.
But "send her back" is a bridge too far...
What a joke.
Your jig has been a joke for a long, long time.
What a thing to say about Obama! You racist!
'You rednecks were saying the same thing for decades. You’re just belligerent fake patriots is all it is.'
>Please. You rednecks were saying the same thing for decades. You’re just belligerent fake patriots is all it is. Your nominees come and go but you remain the same. Your jig has been a joke for a long, long time.<
send xer back!
Ah. You’ve gone fully ignorant, I see. The belief that Trump gets to frame what it is that others believe and where others stand, is truly the apotheosis of ignorance.
Infanticide--a democrat idea whose time has come.....amongst the dems.
Not to worry. The already born baby will be made very comfortable before they kill the child.
And harvest the body parts no doubt.
Mick Jagger is watching how to improve his game!! This is rock star territory!!
Go ahead harrogate.
Defend infanticide.
Troll level....Grand Master.
harrogate said...
Chants of “send her back!” fill the room.
Hmm..... I don't recall any former Klan members being Republican senators. I don't recall any Democrats thinking that "the lion of the Senate" shouldn't be someone who left a woman to die at the bottom of a lake after he drove his car into it. Your sanctimony lacks conviction, just like Hillary should have a conviction.
Eastern North Carolina? I lived in Hendersonville, NC, but I've never heard that phrase before.
You've never heard of East Carolina University?
Oh nose! Now it’s time to wave the ‘Bortions! flag.
Roll your eyes and wail to the heavens about ‘Bortions, you grand humanitarian, you.
"Omar committed immigration fraud - send her back!"
She married her brother but I guess that's ok with the dems because she did it to fraudulently get into our country.
Troll Level: Grand Galactic Master
And it comes right on top of Planned Parenthood aborting their President in the third trimester of her tenure because she refused to deny REALITY by claiming men can have babies!!
You've never heard of East Carolina University?
There is no East Carolina.
Of course I have, but they called it the Piedmont!!
harrogate:" Oh nose! Now it’s time to wave the ‘Bortions! flag."
Its not an abortion AFTER the baby is already born!!
We dont blame you for running away from this one harrogate. Any sane human would. Unfortunately the dems arent.
Unfortunately for you.
Not watching the speech yet. I'll download the audio and listen in the car.
But I don't like him calling AOC "cortez" I think that is beneath him and it is gramatically wrong.
Her name is Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez. If he doesn't want to use both names, I am fine with that. But she would be Alexandra Ocasio, or just plain Ocasio.
I suspect that this may piss off people in the Hispanic (whoever they may be) community. It annoys me.
But if that's all he does to annoy me, I guess I can live with it.
JOhn Henry
R E S P E CT! Areatha move over!!
Trump is killing it.
I've seen a handful of these rallies, and this one is off the charts.
She called herself Sandy Cortez in school. The ethnically-enhanced name came into play when she ran for office...
Neil Young...."Cortez the killer". He's fucking with you, and Neil Young.
"Cortez the killer"
If he doesn't list his accomplishments who will?
harrogate: When they're not demanding free abortions, even after birth, they're complaining about you, talking about it.
Browndog: "Trump is killing it.
I've seen a handful of these rallies, and this one is off the charts."
He has been liberated from the hoax charges and attempted coup attempts and complete weaponization of not only our own law enforcement and intelligence services but the intelligence services of our "allies" Britain, Italy, Australia in addition to other nations (like Ukraine).
the 'other' intersectionality
The Trump Train is speeding down the tracks, the Four-ons at the wheel
... and the Dems realize their Clown-Car has no brakes!!!
Go ahead harrogate.
Simply say that you disagree with the dems policy goal of killing babies that are born alive.
Go ahead.
Then we can argue about abortion.
But we really should nail down where you stand on the killing of babies born alive first.
Freewheelin' Donald Trump....
Much better than tele-prompter Trump.
He sure can talk.
Fuck it!! This guy is a genius. He's milking the crowd.
"Alinsky on steroids." Well, sooner or later SOMEONE on the conservative side had to learn how to play this game...
Ahhhh, Drago. Always wanting to dictate terms. It’s kinda adorable, truly, in a spoiled toddler sort of way.
OWH says only 200 people at Biden rally. Joe said good afternoon at 11:15 am.
“COUNCIL BLUFFS — Some 200 people arrived at The Grass Wagon in Council Bluffs early Wednesday to listen to presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden.
Connie Gronstal, a family friend of Joe Biden and a cancer survivor, introduced Biden shortly after 11 a.m.
“Good afternoon, Council Bluffs. It’s great to be back,” he said to a cheering crowd.”
....and fucking Obama is looking for a national conversation.
#1 Abraham Lincoln, #2 George Washington, #3 Ronald Reagan/Donald Trump, #4...
I guess Trump didn't get impeached today. Even with a solid majority in the House, they wimped out. Sad!!
Shit!! He's kissing babies without leaving the podium.
harrogate knows to retreat from the infanticide debate.
Unfortunately the dems arent.
I'll take Trump's "exaggerations" over the crease in Obama's slacks anyday. That crease was probably the teleprompter cord anyway.
He goes after Congresswoman Omar, and the crowd chants, "Send her back/Send her back."
And as a matter of law, they are entirely correct. If she is guilty of immigration fraud, then she is not a citizen, she is not eligible to be a congressthing, and she should, indeed, be sent back to the shithole whence she came.
What a show. It is like Trump has gone electric. And the few RINOs left are screaming for the old folk songs about nobly losing everything.
The Donald has hit a energy level never before seen. It's love all the way down with his crowd.
Fucking A'!! This guy knows how to direct a camp fire.
He's going for the crescendo!!
Ha. good one.
I can see him taking Washington through Spokane, Walla Walla, and Wenatchee.
And meanwhile, down in Gitmo the military Tribunals are cranking up under the command of Former USMC Generals Kelly and Mattis and lawyered by former AG Sessions.
Ah. You’ve gone fully ignorant, I see.
So tiresome. The left keeps thinking it is the party of science while they plan to shut down civilization.
He's still getting away with the Stones song??
traditionalguy said...
And meanwhile, down in Gitmo the military Tribunals are cranking up under the command of Former USMC Generals Kelly and Mattis and lawyered by former AG Sessions.
7/17/19, 7:59 PM
Why do you talk shit all the time? There are no secret trials. America doesn't do secret trials. Show me a secret trial.
Drago —which dems have defended infanticide?
"So tiresome. The left keeps thinking it is the party of science while they plan to shut down civilization."
The left doesnt even know which sex it is that can give birth to babies.
And if you try and make them choose only one they melt down.
Landslide for Trump in 2020. MAGA!
Blogger steve uhr said...
Drago —which dems have defended infanticide?
7/17/19, 8:02 PM
Steve Uhr - Gov. Jeremy Northam of Virginia. And, tacitly, every Democrat who hasn't run screaming from the room whenever he appears.
He's still getting away with the Stones song??
Am I the only one who always thought that song was about having to settle for inferior, or smaller amount of drugs than was expected? Not satisfactory quantity or quality to get high, but just enough to get by?
Thought it strange rally song from the get go..
Althouse surely wonders sometimes, how did this group of commenters end up as my squad?
"Drago —which dems have defended infanticide?"
You could have googled it.
"An effort by Senate Republicans to enhance protections for newborns who survive abortions, spurred by New York and Virginia bills making it easier to perform late-term procedures, was blocked Monday by Democrats."
The clown car should really just all quit. Nobody in the back of the VW Bug really wants to go to Milwaukee in 2020 and face what comes after. They should divert to the nearest methadone clinic and have a good time.
I guess somebody has to take the bullet but if any of them dream of having a political future, they don't want it. I think the virtues of Lawyer Avenatti display themselves in this instance prominently. He can run from jail, can't he?
Barring anything that sensible, they should just let Biden or Sanders have it. Those two have nothing else to live for, so go out with a bang, comrades! How about a Sanders Biden ticket? (Biden is better as the VP, he has so much experience.)
steve uhr: "Drago —which dems have defended infanticide?"
Its never wise to go the Full Inga Ignorance of The Obvious route.
Virginia, New York and Vermont have already passed bills which allow it. Other dems in multiple other states are pushing similar bills. Every dem candidate is on record as supporting complete unrestricted "abortion" which includes post-birth killing, and the dems across the country have opposed every bill offered to protect babies born alive.
Other than all that I guess there is no evidence dems support that.
Noted Historian readering: "Althouse surely wonders sometimes, how did this group of commenters end up as my squad?"
She is one of the few liberals around who didnt go full marxist leftist lunatic, like yourself.
I can understand why you see her as a traitor to the cause.
Let me guess, per lefty Congresswoman Pressley, you dont think we need women's faces that dont spout leftist women-voiced thoughts?
“Every dem candidate is on record as supporting ... post-birth killing”. Really? Every democrat believes it is okay to kill babies after birth? Wow. I had no idea. Thanks for the info.
For harrogate's benefit, we probably ought to explain that the vicious pelosi-defined "spark of divinity" MS-13 murders by machete are not simply very very very late term "bortions".
POTUS Points Out Baby in Q Outfit at North Carolina MAGA Rally
>Really? Every democrat believes it is okay to kill babies after birth? Wow. I had no idea. Thanks for the info. <
And you spoke against? Silence = acceptance
Steve Uhr: "Really? Every democrat believes it is okay to kill babies after birth? Wow. I had no idea. Thanks for the info."
Yes. Every single one of them opposes any restrictions on the ability of the mother and doctor to kill the baby at birth and immediately post birth.
You're welcome.
Fortunately, one democrat in the Rhode Island legislature, channeling Daniel Patrick Moynihan, was so appalled by the dem bill there he voted against it, thereby stopping it in committee by a 5-4 vote.
Thanks for staying "informed".
steve uhr said...
Drago —which dems have defended infanticide?
The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother. So I think this was really blown out of proportion …
Democrat GOVERNOR Ralph Northam
The Democrat party endorses and protects infanticide period.
Leftism is a "religion" and post-birth killing joins the list of that "religion's" sacraments.
steve uhr said...
“Every dem candidate is on record as supporting ... post-birth killing”.
Really? Every democrat believes it is okay to kill babies after birth? Wow. I had no idea. Thanks for the info.
Every single presidential candidate for sure.
I would like to see any one of them propose any limits whatsoever on abortion. But every one of them is on record supporting late/post term abortion.
The fact that it is electoral suicide in the democrat party to put any limits at all on abortion including post birth shows exactly what democrat voters think.
What a Qute baby Trump pointed out, over and over.
traditionalguy: "What a Qute baby Trump pointed out, over and over."
You see a cute baby.
The left sees a lost revenue stream.
Not a single democrat has denounced the democrats who tore down an American flag and put up a Mexican flag in Colorado.
The terrorist in Tacoma is a martyr.
Democrat voters at this point are explicitly endorsing open borders and an end to our sovereignty.
All of you.
Achilles said that every single Democratic candidate is afraid to say one good thing on behalf of all the babies, who are overwhelmingly babies of color, who are deprived of life, often painfully, by the abortion regime of our day.
Achilles was right, and no decent person can vote for a single one of those Democrats.
So many crooked and anti-American democrats among us and not to forget all the Colonel Nicholsons.
So Trump has put AOC's face on the Dem party. Pelosi was trying to distance the Dems from AOC, Trump intervened, brief scuffle with the Usuals saying the Usual ("Trump has ruined everything"), and ... the Dems emerge with AOC's face on every one of them. Admit - It was a great move. So, we'll see what comes next. Probably, after "Trump the Commie" and "Trump the Nazi," will come the worst of all - "Trump the American." Both parties will run on the same issue "The American President should be pro-American?" Yes or No. "The Constitution sucks" Yes or No? "Make America Somalia-Venezuela so people stop coming." Yes or No.
Democrats voted against impeachment 137-95.
I think we know how the real polls are going.
It's going to be a landslide for Trump in 2020 but I repeat myself.
So Trump has put AOC's face on the Dem party. Pelosi was trying to distance the Dems from AOC, Trump intervened, brief scuffle with the Usuals saying the Usual ("Trump has ruined everything"), and ... the Dems emerge with AOC's face on every one of them. Admit - It was a great move
Now will all the conservative Never-Trumpers (allegedly conservative, that is) admit it? This guy knows what he's doing.
harrogate said...
Chants of “send her back!” fill the room.
As a Democrat assemblywoman in Minnesota Ilhan Omar called US soldiers servants of Satan:
"In his selective memory, [the writer] forgets to also mention the thousands of Somalis killed by the American forces that day! #NotTodaySatan," Omar wrote while still a Minnesota state legislator.
She needs to get the fuck out.
Fuck you for supporting her and her terrorist friends.
Fuck the party that calls her a member.
This Presidency is so much fun!! If you don't get the humor, I feel bad for you!!
It's going to be a landslide for Trump in 2020 but I repeat myself.
I hope so, but I'm still going to work my ass off for him and for the GOP candidates for Congress and the Senate.
If I knew she called herself Sandy Cortez in school, I had forgotten.
So now, he'll let people go around setting their hair on fire about a lack of respect and knowledge of Hispanic names for a few days.
Then he can say "Jeez, she's the one who doesn't respect her father and is ignorant of hispanic naming conventions. Complain to her not me."
Sadly, I am behind the curve again. I should have trusted him to know what he is doing.
Not annoyed anymore.
Thanks, Beast.
After reading comments I figured I could not wait so I watched while I read my bike. He got me so pumped up that I did my distance in under 50 minutes for the first time in a long time.
Someone said intergalactic grandmaster. I think that is too modest but I can't think of a topper.
John Henry
Let us not forget black down was the first direct confrontation with al queda, the late Mohammed atef and the still living Saif al Abdel, who came up with the 'planes operation' were on sight.
I did like the way PDJT pronounced Ocasio. He pronounced it as "O'Casey-o". Improper but does emphasize that she comes from O'Caseys on her fathers side.
Irish, not hispanic in that respect.
Killer move and what we have learned about DJT over the years is that he never does this kind of thing by mistake.
John Henry
after tonight I think Kamala Harris is gonna think to herself that she should wait it out for 4 more years, that she should let that Fauxcohantas chick or sleepy Joe be the Mitt Romney or John McCain of 2020 ---
and Kamala was the only one I was worried about in 2020, as a Trump supporter
Exactly, wildswan!! A week ago AOC implied that Pelosi was a racist. A few days later, Trump defended Nancy by saying that wasn't true. Then, on Sunday, he Twitter-stomped the Jihad Squad, forcing Nan to say that Trump wanted to 'make America white again'. The left and the NeverTrumpers then declared that Trump had truly screwed the pooch!! He had unified the left!
But then, the four nitwits decided to hold a presser and overplay their weak hand for the entire country to see. The new faces of the unified Democrat Party laid the biggest political egg of the modern era. The ads have already been written.
Jake Tapper tried to impart a little reality onto his leftie followers today, pretty much outlining what I mentioned above - even citing a Dem member of the House who shared his assessment - but was completely trashed in the replies. His anonymous politico was smart enough to recognize that Trump had destroyed them in this match, but no one wanted to hear it.
Trump is showing himself to be a master politician. And enjoying it every minute!
"Now will all the conservative Never-Trumpers (allegedly conservative, that is) admit it? This guy knows what he's doing."
And he's getting better, he continues to grow.
"Not sorry."
Yeah, they're not sweet and probably wouldn't taste good either.
End of story.
I suspect that this may piss off people in the Hispanic (whoever they may be) community.
The might not only be wrong, but contrary.
Sarah Hoyt says that in her community Ocasio-Cortez type names are viewed with some derision: "double-barreled surnames" is the term used, for people who pretentiously demand you burden yourself with all their extra syllables, as if it was a title.
"Would Her Honorable Grace Sandy like to order now?"
"Thank you, Alexandria Contiga Occasia Menendez Cortez."
"Excuse me? Please address me as Alexandria Contiga Occasia Menendez Guadalupe Cortez."
"Apologies, Your Grace..."
You're welcome, John Henry! And I'd agree that the naming convention should generally be respected, but she is obviously playing it up as a diversity shield.
Trump: To hell with AOC, we'll call her Becky!
harrogate: You rednecks were saying-
Rednecks is an ethnic slur directed at rural whites.
You might as well call us wetbacks or niggers.
I schooled Althouse on this long ago, you can still see the marks.
Try to avoid ignorantly using bigoted slurs when stereotyping people as ignorant bigots.
The crowd grew perplexed as they watched Harrogate repeatedly stab himself with his own sword Die Racist Die! he screamed as the irony became agonizing.
Contiga is an odd middle name,
Her great grandmother's side worked in a brothel.
Oh hey. I meant to show you this earlier.
I'm not sure if your link issues are tech related or just too much trouble to manage, but if you scroll a little down that page, in the center is an easy template I use for links. Maybe it will be useful (not that I mind cut and pasting your links, they are usually worth the effort).
I just copy and paste the template into the message box and work from there.
It's in the center of the page, half way down:
a HREF blah blah Link Description
Ooops. That moment when...
Fun Facts about the name Contiga
How unique is the name Contiga?
Out of 5,933,561 records in the U.S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Contiga was not present. It is possible the name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year.
Ok I'm getting lazy. I'll try to work harder.
Don't know how the game is played? It's simple, you can't say Dems support infanticide as long as there is one Democrat out there (somewhere) who doesn't support it.
Democrats don't support infanticide, they only enact laws to permit it and block attempts to stop it. Same can be said of their belief in open borders.
Expect the MSM to go crazy in 2020 trying to deny that Dems believe in the things they actively push for. I'm not sure that's going to work much longer. Media credibility has been sacrificed on the alter of Orange Man Bad. Voters are more skeptical than ever. I think fewer and fewer are willing to deny the obvious.
Rednecks is an ethnic slur directed at rural whites
It's starting to dawn on these people that they are going to be held to the same rules they've gleefully imposed on everyone else. The results are sure to be hilarious.
Blogger Beasts of England said...
"Trump is showing himself to be a master politician. And enjoying it every minute!"
I think his greatest strength is his lack of fear. He uses Twitter to gain a voice and forces the media to cover him. The Democrats can't hide from him and the media can't protect them. Trump uses Twitter to fearlessly say what many of us think.
Trump calls BS on political correctness. Real Americans are not politically correct.
"Althouse surely wonders sometimes, how did this group of commenters end up as my squad?"
Althouse is a liberal, bless her heart. She is open-minded, smart, and never argues in bad faith. She is of a vanishing type in academia and in the Democratic party, where liberalism is being eliminated in favor of leftism. Those who decry the current political atmosphere should know that the response to liberalism was conservatism, but the response to leftism is Trump.
I didn't vote for Trump. Now that I understand what leftists have in store for people like me, I will vote for him. And no, to answer a question from earlier, I don't know a single Trump voter from 2016 who has changed her/his mind.
In other words, classic demagogue.
Prior post for TD. Althouse likes blogging and lacks strength of will not to pander these past several years in the guise of cruel neutrality, or whatever. Commenters appreciate being pandered to. Me, not interested.
I always assumed it was because Instapundit used to link often to Althouse when he did not have comments. They came, they commented, they stayed. Probably some latin for that..
Geez as Roger Kimball (I think that was his name) said on Tucker Carlson tonight, he's also a "person of color". A sort of pale pink in his case. As for me when I get a bit of sun (easy to do in California) I'm sometimes thought of as "swarthy", which means that I'm probably browner than that nut job Hispanic Congressman from Chicago--although I didn't start out that way.
Good week for Donny two scoops so far!
Even Trump’s venom has an upbeat, good humor to it.
"I think his greatest strength is his lack of fear. He uses Twitter to gain a voice and forces the media to cover him. The Democrats can't hide from him and the media can't protect them. Trump uses Twitter to fearlessly say what many of us think. "
Yeah, but what happens when the Democrats, the technosocialists in Silicon Valley, and the media (but I repeat myself) decide that the fallout from banning Trump from Twitter is more palatable than his winning re-election in 2020? What then?
They don't give a shit about accusations of hypocrisy or unfairness. Any decent lawyer could drag out any lawsuits until after the election. If they cut Trump off from Twitter and ride out the outrage--then what? How does he continue to get his message out?
She married her brother but I guess that's ok with the dems because she did it to fraudulently get into our country.
She became a citizen at the age of 17 in 2000. The questionable marriage thing happened in 2009 with a man who was a British citizen.
What a show. It is like Trump has gone electric. And the few RINOs left are screaming for the old folk songs about nobly losing everything.
RINOs, "Judas!"
Trump can't be intimidated- it really is that simple. This is actually rare quality, especially in politicians, but then Trump really isn't a regular politician of any kind we are familiar with in the US.
All the regulars here greatly admire Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and they despise Omar. I'm having trouble putting my finger on the reason, though, help me out.
I can't be racism, they're both black. It can't be sexism, they're both female. It can't be national origin, they're both Somali. Help me out here...
Mark Jones said...Yeah, but what happens when the Democrats, the technosocialists in Silicon Valley, and the media (but I repeat myself) decide that the fallout from banning Trump from Twitter is more palatable than his winning re-election in 2020? What then?
That move would mobilize a helluva lotta what they don't want.
All the regulars here greatly admire Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and they despise Omar. I'm having trouble putting my finger on the reason, though, help me out.
I can't be racism, they're both black. It can't be sexism, they're both female. It can't be national origin, they're both Somali. Help me out here...
Harrogate pines for genocidal dictators:
"...Omar’s family fled Somalia due to their complicity in the genocidal regime of the dictator Siad Barre"
" it’s kind of nuts that Americans sacralize foreign elites like Omar (her family was high-enough ranking in the old dictatorship that when it fell, her fellow Somalis wanted to kill them as vengeance) from the worst-run countries on Earth and pay them to lecture us on how the only thing that will save us is letting in more of them."
I'm all for sending Harrogate back to Somalia with her, just to prove to him we're not racists.
And it's really reach for people like Harrogate to accuse me of racism, when I volunteered to transfer to Bravo Company (3rd LAR) because they were going to Somalia, risking their lives to keep black kid from starving to death. Harrogate and his ilk just pretend to like blacks on the internet to score cheap political shots.
She her back. Send him with her.
"I think his greatest strength is his lack of fear. He uses Twitter to gain a voice and forces the media to cover him. The Democrats can't hide from him and the media can't protect them. Trump uses Twitter to fearlessly say what many of us think. "
I think it's his past failures. He knows that success is the child of failure. He's done it enough times - screwed up, picked himself up, and gone on to accomplish greater things. So Trump is not afraid of failure, he's not afraid overplaying his hand and getting bit. The GOP is so afraid of screwing up that they won't even take the field, they don't go for the ball because they are too worried about fouling out. Anyone who's played sports knows what happens when you fall into that mindset. You lose. Again and again and again.
When I was in the Marines I hated my Battalions motto. But there is a deep wisdom to it:
Victory to the bold!
Trump wins because he is bold enough to risk failure.
And no, to answer a question from earlier, I don't know a single Trump voter from 2016 who has changed her/his mind.
Same here. I've met alot of people who were tepid Trump supporters in 2016, more anti-Hillary than pro-Trump. Now they would crawl across broken glass to vote Trump in 2020.
I have not met a single person who has gone back in the other direction.
More people will vote for Trump in 2020. More people will vote in general.
No, hatred of whitey and embracing domestic and foreign terrorism is not going to motivate the Democrats to come out and vote.
It will be an early night. And 3 months later no one will remember if it was Biden or Harris or whatshisname that lost.
Disagree. 2020 is gonna be off-the-charts. Massive turn out for Trump. Massive turn out for Democrats. Doesn't matter who the D candidate is. Don't know where the chips land. The excitement Trump injects inspires support and a counter-reaction. He excites everybody across the spectrum. And it's a Presidential vote. It's gonna be crazy turn out and crazy long lines to vote. My guess: Wisconsin & Florida will be close and counting will continue fairly late. Both states are split down the middle and the way the vote comes in is slow. Miami due to long lines they'll be waiting in line pretty late for Florida, 8:00 9:00 pm.
This is the summertime. Everyone is at the lake & BBQs & this is the low point of caring about politics. All the news stories should be about sharks. Imagine what's coming in Oct 2020. It's gonna be off the charts.
People don't vote when they are bored. Policy debates are boring. Traditional politicians are boring. Ain't nobody bored.
She married her brother but I guess that's ok with the dems because she did it to fraudulently get into our country.
She became a citizen at the age of 17 in 2000. The questionable marriage thing happened in 2009 with a man who was a British citizen.
The sham and bigamous marriage was to her brother and it was so he could stay in the country. I believe there was also student aid fraud involved.
2020 is gonna be off-the-charts. Massive turn out for Trump. Massive turn out for Democrats.
No, hatred of whitey and embracing domestic and foreign terrorism is not going to motivate the Democrats to come out and vote.
It will be an early night. And 3 months later no one will remember if it was Biden or Harris or whatshisname that lost.
(but feel free to respond to my response to your response of my response to your post)
harrogate said...
Please. You rednecks were saying the same thing for decades. You’re just belligerent fake patriots is all it is.
Remember when left wingers believed it was wrong to use slurs and question others' patriotism?
Me neither. I remember when they pretended to so they could attack others. But they never actually believed it.
"I've met alot of people who were tepid Trump supporters in 2016, more anti-Hillary than pro-Trump. Now they would crawl across broken glass to vote Trump in 2020."
I am one of these people. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 because I am a MA voter and knew a vote for Trump would count for nothing. I didn't particularly like him then, but thought he was the best of the available choices aka: not Hillary.
I will vote for him in 2020 though I expect it still won't count in true blue MA. It might count, that's a big might, because a lot more people in my little orbit openly express support for Trump. They like what he's been accomplishing, they like the fact that they and their family members are working, they agree that illegal immigration must be addressed, they really are tired of The Resistance, and none of the current Dem candidates get them excited.
A lot can change between now and then, but the current arc of the campaign makes that unlikely.
I see that harrowgate thinks the way to win voters to his candidates is to tell everyone who isn't already supportive of his candidates that they are "rednecks" and "false patriots."
I think you're on the right track, harrowgate. Keep it up. Better yet, dial it up to 11, no, dial it up to 12.
Wonder when Melania will be sent back where she came from.
Or is it only the non-whites that need to fix their shithole countries?
Slovenia's a shithole country?
Mark, Mark... Melania speaks well of her adopted country, which has also happily adopted her. The president's tweets were aimed at people who believe that the way their dysfunctional home or ancestral countries do things should be the model for a radical transformation of the United States.
But you knew that.
Racism is such fun, we don’t need laws anymore, just laws of rhetoric and emotion.
We know from the book "Shattered" that the DNC placed people in the crowd at the 2016 convention to start chants to drown out Bernie supporters. I always wonder, when I see these news story about chants at Trump rallies; how many are staged? After all, wouldn't the appropriate chant be "Go Home" rather than "Send Her Home". Trump didn't threaten to deport Omar. Alas, it takes a certain kind of person to attend a political rally anyway.
Racism is such fun, we don’t need laws anymore, just laws of rhetoric and emotion.
So you have opposed Affirmative Action since it was imposed on us also?
In general, the deal has been that anyone can come here, embrace our civic religion (equality before the law, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and support for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights) and become an American. America isn't perfect, but it keeps moving towards the ideals of the civic religion. Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.
I don't think the Squad buys that program. They have a different program in mind, where people are judged by the historic failings of others, and rewards are handed out by ethnic and racial identity judged according to who, whom. And who does the judging? People like the Squad. Ask not what you can do for your country; ask what your country can do for you.
It is hard to see how the Squad wins that argument.
All the regulars here greatly admire Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and they despise Omar. I'm having trouble putting my finger on the reason, though, help me out.
Omar is a doctrinaire Muslim true believer of the kind favored by ISIS, Hamas, Boko Haram, and Somalia's own Al Shabaab. She is also a rabid anti-Semite.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is an atheist and an admirer of the United States and especially its constitution, a true classical liberal.
Helped out now?
alanc709 said... "Hmm..... I don't recall any former Klan members being Republican senators."
Strom Thurmond. He's their one. He switched parties in 1964. And he became the face of evil that proved that racists are Republicans, even as they made former-Klan-member Robert Byrd the President Pro-Tem of the Senate (and fourth in line for the Presidency).
Fen said... "Try to avoid ignorantly using bigoted slurs when stereotyping people as ignorant bigots."
Keep fucking that pig, Mark.
Mark said...
Wonder when Melania will be sent back where she came from.
Or is it only the non-whites that need to fix their shithole countries?
I missed the part where Melania complained about how horrible the United States is. Can you point that out for me? You know, one of those citation thingies.
Omar is this petite pretty little.... terrorist.
She is a "minority" leader who, based on the diversity doctrine, pursues immigration reform to progress her "minority" leader status, and Democrat standing, at the expense of American civil rights and lives, mitigation of casualties and collateral damage at both ends of the bridge and throughout, and emigration reform in their native nations.
I missed the part where Melania complained about how horrible the United States is
She is one of millions of immigrants who have assimilated and integrated into American society, who do not hope and dream to recycle the climate and environment they departed, and do not aspire to the democratic leverage and incentives of "minority" status and leadership.
I think the proper term is a suggestion that Mark keep plucking that chicken, but in this case, the porcine reference seems appropriate.
Plucking a chicken is work. Can't see Mark actually doing something productive.
I love collective nouns like porcine. Caprine, cervine, ovine, canine, feline, bovine, equine, galline, and so on.
Mark made me think of another....as(s)inine.
Garbage in and out
Harrogate scores an own goal. Fails to realize it.
Has anyone heard anyone say that THEY won't be voting for him, and if so; Why?
Yes. Inga claims her thousands and thousands of conservative 'friends' are all voting against him next time.
He might as well give up now.
I think it's his past failures. He knows that success is the child of failure. He's done it enough times - screwed up, picked himself up, and gone on to accomplish greater things. So Trump is not afraid of failure, he's not afraid overplaying his hand and getting bit. The GOP is so afraid of screwing up that they won't even take the field,
Key observation. My college roommate's father was the same way. He had been a millionaire (that was long ago) three or four times and broke three times. Fortunately for my roommate, he ended his life on top.
Men like that, and they seem to be mostly men, don't give up. They keep at it and learn from mistakes.
Quaestor, of course I know that, did I really need to put literal <sarcasm> tags around my statement?
The point was to make harrogate choke on the words (or to proffer some ludicrous alternate ecplany.)
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