July 19, 2019

"Lemon and Cuomo reenact Trump's 13 seconds of silence."

This made me think of the way George W. Bush was treated for how he reacted on 9/11 when he was told that a second plane had hit the World Trade Center. Interestingly, it's very hard to get to video clips and mockery of the ex-President (by Googling). The top hit on my search was "Bush explains slow reaction to September 11 attacks" (Reuters)("Former President George W. Bush says his apparent lack of reaction to the first news of the September 11 2001 attacks was a conscious decision to project an aura of calm in a crisis").

But for many years, an extremely negative interpretation of his silence prevailed. Eventually, I found this clip from the Michael Moore documentary:

George W. Bush Reads 'My Pet Goat' in 'Fahrenheit 9/11' from MMFlint on Vimeo.

ADDED: Writing this post, I wondered whatever happened to Michael Moore. I see that The A.V. Club a few weeks ago had "15 years later, Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 remains essential American agitprop":
One of the most striking things about watching Fahrenheit 9/11 in 2019 is realizing just how deeply, uncomfortably resonant it is with our current state of the union. Within the first half hour, it depicts a venal, intellectually bankrupt administration led by a preening dimwit as he spends most of his time in the White House golfing and avoiding responsibility....

But even without the striking parallels to our current fiasco of an administration, Fahrenheit 9/11 remains a potent and stirring work, cinema with the ability to boil the blood and activate righteous indignation in the viewer. True, Moore’s reputation has diminished somewhat in recent years. ... A lot of this has to do with his self-aggrandizing persona, a loudmouthed man-on-the-street type...
He means Moore.... though it sounds like Trump. Isn't that Moore's problem now?! George W. Bush had the dullness off which the exuberantly expressive Moore could bounce. That's the style Trump himself displays. Ask the other Bush, Jeb.

ALSO: Is Michael Moore shadow banned on Twitter? I've followed him for a long time, but I never see his tweets in my timeline. When I go to his Twitter page, I see that he has been putting things up, maybe not every day, but a few things each week.


David Begley said...

Two movies. One screen.

My first take on GWB’s reaction was that it was exactly what I would have done: a calm contemplation that we are at war and thinking about how to respond. Later Bush said he didn’t want to frighten the kids.

The Fake News takes every opportunity to bash a GOP president and they cover and suck up to any Dem.

Howard said...

This doesn't help. Using art in politics is propaganda. Keep letting Trump take the lead on this, he is doing so well on his own.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Maybe it's because I've had a stressful week at work, maybe it's because I'm not quite adapted to the heat and humidity yet this summer, but...

I am tired and cranky and sick to death of the constant MSM gotchas, nit-picking, good-news-suppressing, OMG, this one weird trick, Orange Man Bad attempts at being relevant.

Day drinking is looking mighty attractive right now.

narciso said...

Still chasing that Malaysian plane don, miss praying with avenatti, ask your brother a out the lolita express.

Darrell said...

"The Pet Goat" (often erroneously called "My Pet Goat") is a reading exercise from the 1995 children's workbook Reading Mastery II: Storybook 1 by Siegfried Engelmann and Elaine C. Bruner.[1] It is designed to teach children about words ending in the letter "E", using the Direct Instruction (DI) teaching method."


Words ending in "e"--like potatoe.

narciso said...

Partying or preying, yes I want to unleash a gang on tigers on that studio.

zipity said...

Let's be real. The Lame Stream Media© (CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, NPR,MSNBC, NY Time, Wapo, etc.) are nothing more than the voluntary propaganda arm of the Liberal Democrats.

Any denial of that is merely BS.

It matters not what Trump does, it will be criticized by them. If Trump cured cancer tomorrow, the headlines would be "TRUMP THROWS TENS OF THOUSANDS OF ONCOLOGISTS OUT OF WORK...!"

Howard said...

I watch zero TV news Annie C and it makes me very happy. Much more satisfying than day drinking. I feel sorry for you news junkies.

narciso said...

Seriously professor animal planet gets better ratings and is more entertaining

Amadeus 48 said...

Well, I guess Trump didn't expect the chants. After all, he didn't say leave forever, he said if you have a better idea go, prove it out, and then come back and show us how it is done.

Look, it was a joke playing off a group of sassy know-it-alls who actually know nothing. The MSM show a surprising but predictable level of poor reading comprehension here (or else are conducting a mendacious smear), but Trump shouldn't be surprised that his fans started chanting "send her back". That is fairly predictable from the "lock her up" crowd.

narciso said...

But I would feel sorry for the tiger,

Btw the kids were thankful w didnt freak them out eighteen years ago.

Darrell said...

How long do you think media people would last in space? Thirteen seconds?

narciso said...

You can move on to morning joke who left congree after his assistant died in his office under mysterious circumstances and in curious attire.

rhhardin said...

Trump screwed up in not supporting the crowd. Explain the trope instead, when asked. What an opportunity missed. Instead he loses the crowd's perception of Trump as the crowd's voice.

He thinks of the crowd as unruly rubes, the message is.

They're not. Hence there's something to explain. Trump doesn't explain it but goes in the a PC croutch.

Shouting Thomas said...

Wikipedia describes this Lemon guy as a "journalist."

What kind of journalist choreographs a bit like this with his interview subject in the Green Room?

MikeR said...

American politics. Pathetic. Let's judge everyone on whether they give exactly the right response within seconds.
That only leaves a very unusual kind of person, and I would not want that kind of person to be running things.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo and Joe Biden are living proof that this is a great country even for retards.

jaydub said...

CNN is mindless propaganda 24/7.

narciso said...

Avenatti is like those people they airbrushed out of official portraits but lemon and camerota vouched for every vekakte lie, covered every abuse he did against the production crew.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Howard said...
"I watch zero TV news Annie C and it makes me very happy. Much more satisfying than day drinking. I feel sorry for you news junkies."

I'm down to just the one half hour of local news Howard. I say it's for the weather forecast and local sports (at least during high school and college football season). But my husband's knees are better at forecasting the weather than the pros.

You made me realize I can even give that up. Thanks!

Darrell said...

The crowd as freedom of speech. At least thirteen seconds worth.

Black lives matter cheered "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!" for at least an hour in NYC a while (years) back. And the media didn't even report it.

narciso said...

CBS is the same way, the house where Moonves roamed had the predictable spin, remember when they spent all that time researching at stormys strip club.

wendybar said...

"Pigs in a BLANKET...Fry them like BACON!!!" Hardly got a peep out of the LYING MSM. They post loving stories about ANTIFA and their weapons that they use to beat up "people they don't agree with" I wish people would stop watching the propaganda arm of the Democrats and spewing their hate, but it doesn't look like it is going to happen in my lifetime. https://www.hollywoodintoto.com/cnn-w-kamau-bell-antifa/

Amadeus 48 said...

rhhardin--I really agree with you. Trump could have used the "Send her back" moment to launch into an explication of the "if you're so smart..." element of his tweets while he had everyone's attention. Instead, he is stuck with crouching and disowning.


rhhardin said...

An America, despite any failures to live up to its constitutional goals in its founding, even in the most cynical interpretation leaves open the possibility of perfection within those very procedures, and with every American supporting it.

We see no such promise in the methods of Omar, consisting of overthrowing those procedures.

She can't be an American for that reason - phrased as send her back.

Part of who can be an American - you have to agree to the rules. If, for example, you think execution of cartoonists for drawing Mohammad is perhaps excessive but they got what they deserved, you can't be an American.

The crowd is talking about that. Agree to the rules or leave.

They're pretty broad rules. If you're not from the wrong culture, it's easy to pick them up.

readering said...

At the time he loved it. Hence the AA poll.

narciso said...

Just like the black liberation army in the 70s that split off from the panthers.

Darrell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rhhardin said...

Feelings would have been a big part of the founding if women had done it.

For whom the daily outrage is written.

rhhardin said...

Trump is actually smarter than that. It's very surprising. He seemed so good at not listening to idiot advisers.

Darrell said...

I thought the crowd was singing "Get back. Get back. Get back to where you once belonged."

You've got something against the Beatles?

And what about the second verse?

Sweet Loretta Martin thought she was a woman
But she was another man
All the girls around her say she's got it coming
But she gets it while she can
Get back, get back.
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back, get back.
Get back to where you once belonged.
Get back Loretta

Are you a transphobe?

Howard said...

If you determine who can and can't be American, then your not American. The way I see it, a big chunk of the world wants to be American. Don't sweat the small shit. When you are on top, it's important to have some dissent and to take criticism. It's you people with the Telenova hysteria chanting war, war.

Howard said...

I think rhh's Trump dismay is due to their belief in the ultimate success of Icarus. Also, you can't blame the deep state. That must hurt

narciso said...

They destroy lives and then move on, having shot the wounded

narciso said...

They were a part of the kangaroo court against Zimmerman officer Wilson, they celebrate terrorists like bill Ayers out of power and Fidel in power.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

More fake outrage.

narciso said...

It was mark felt that led the break ins

Shouting Thomas said...

If you determine who can and can’t be American, then your not American.

Howard, the debate is about whether or not American immigration law should be or has been enforced.

Last time I heard, American immigration law, not internet debate, determines who can and can’t be American.

At least put together a coherent straw men to beat next time.

Shouting Thomas said...

And now, Howie, I await your predictable response about some sort of sexual emission or disagreeable oral or nasal discharge.

Psota said...

In retrospect, his staff should have pulled Bush out of there and told him.

Instead, someone whispered in his ear and then left him alone to stew in front of the camera.

TJM said...

the parade of the mental midgets on TV

tim maguire said...

Michael Moore, like Al Gore, is a man who got very rich by lying to people who want to be lied to.

He had a good run, but of course it couldn’t last. Moore is a one-trick pony whose trick is deceptive editing. See it a few times and, eventually, even if you are on the same side as him and hate who he hates, it becomes a big bore. Moore got filed under “life’s too short.”

traditionalguy said...

I notice that Ilan Omar is literally the sole face of the Democrat Party on all of the Cable TV news now.

That dumb man who runs the Trump 2020 Re-election Campaign did that all by himself, in one day. The same day he tactically shook the Iranians to their core and his kept the ChiComs economy spinning towards desperation.

Wince said...

What I'm timing is how long the establishment Democrats can keep Omar quiet until she starts spewing her hard left rhetoric again.

I'm guessing it will take at least until the story about her marriage fraud can no longer be buried by the MSM.

PJ said...

As this blog has prominently noted, Michael Moore was last in the news in the role of an outsized Cassandra, accurately predicting Trump’s path to victory and having his warnings ignored by everyone on his own team who mattered. Such correctness is not to be forgiven.

narciso said...

The no 4 official in the bureau, a real dissident, he could fool Woodward and Bernstein, but his name was all over the media Penn papers

holdfast said...

Remember. CNN chose to replace Alan Dershowitz with Michael Avennati for their go-to legal guy. I think that speaks volumes.

As to Moore - if you look at the further increasing softness of his face (I know, right) and new mannerisms, it’s pretty clear he’s now taking cross-sex hormones and has begun his transition.

GRW3 said...

There's probably a part II coming. Trump will say he did not "disavow" his supporters, that he was just mildly disappointed in them. Then he will say the Democrats can't even work up to that level over the vile things those women are saying about America and Americans.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Do msm media cast members do this to democrats? Ever?


Jamie said...

Psota, in light of what we have learned in the last few years about the "Deep State" (in quotes because it's either a semi-formal if loose organization or simply the ongoing legacy of the generational left-leaning tendency of bureaucrats, and I don't really care which), could the decision to tell Bush about the 9/11 attacks while he was (a) on camera and (b) in front of children have been deliberate?

narciso said...

Hes a fat commie slugger who couldn't make on the assembly line in flint, like his family had sone for three generations, he was right about the deinsustrialization to Mexico but that's all hes been right about.

rhhardin said...

You have to internalize the American rules, to be an American. Which muslims fail to do.

They live here but they're not American.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left casually forget what assholes they were after 9-11. They blamed Bush for the attack. not just the attack, they concocted whole Maddow lies that Bush actually flew the planes into the buildings himself. Seeded clouds. That was back when Alex Jones was the left's hero. Now the collective left silence the guy.

Leland said...

CNN's moment of silence on Rep. Tlaib's remark about the holocaust is lasting longer.

narciso said...

The bureau's top counter terror analyst bowman ans caproni didnt include the phoenux memo in the Pdb that would have made it useful, attas name was nowhere in the document nor the puzzle palace intercept from Yemen in 2000,

Jeff Brokaw said...

Everything is Trump’s fault, so in the end, nothing is Trump’s fault.

That’s how that works, whether these idiots on CNN realize it or not.

Anything else in the news lately? Anniversaries of amazing human accomplishments by Americans, perhaps?

roesch/voltaire said...

Silence speaks volumes, more truth than in tweeters.

Jamie said...

Why, BleachBit, that's because Democrats never do anything that would open them up to accusations of impotence in the face of the horribly unexpected or their fans' emotional impulses. Much less active support of those impulses. Never.

/sarc, if you need it.

alanc709 said...

I for once agree with Howard. I never watch or read any major newsmedia. I get the local newspaper for the crossword and sudoku, and when I'm irritable, I read the editorial page to see what buffoonery is the current obsession. Since I live in the Seattle area, the paper is reliably left-wing, so the rest of the paper is a joke. For example, they replaced the "Non Sequitur" cartoon with "Nancy", because it wasn't "woke" enough. Guess they couldn't find any thing more lame to use.

doctrev said...

Trump should have done this, Bush should have done that. I don't carry a brief for George Bush, but be real. That's like giving advice to Jews on how to disprove Der Sturmer. (Godwin says his stupid law is repealed, so party on.) Of course I didn't watch Althouse's link: I barely visit sites that regularly link enemies of the people, why on Earth would I watch CNN pretend to be serious?

If you find the news sucks, and boy howdy does it, change your news sources. That's the beauty of the Internet, hey? Personally, I'm kind of falling for Whatfinger as a news aggregator, that and JJ Sefton's Morning Report. Sundance for a strategic level view of the Trump Administration. Breitbart just to know what they're saying. Instapundit, because I don't read news sites more dishonest and liberal than that. There are stronger ones, but you all will find them when you're ready.

narciso said...

So the bureau couldn't find a motive for the Vegas shooter, but they intuit a motive for the calls between trump officials and cohen.

narciso said...

Its digital dog training:


John henry said...


Friends don't let friends use Google

Duck duck go returned this as the 2nd result. 1st result was an article about it.

First result was another video that might have had it but was long and I didn't watch.


Search term was "video bush 9/11 silence"

John Henry

John henry said...

Here is a link to alternatives to most Google services.


John Henry

CWJ said...

What is this, Junior High? The choreographed CNN coffee cup drinking was the cherry on top.

alanc709 said...

I second John Henry re Google. I use Duck Duck Go even on Chrome.

doctrev said...

Yes, CWJ, these people are stuck at the emotional level of junior high schoolers. The propaganda of the Soviets at least played into the pretensions of elite academics and politicians trying (and failing) to compete with the value of American businesses. Back when journalists still enjoyed a monopoly on American media, they had a certain gravitas, even though their treachery was just as bad. Reagan knew he could not successfully move against them except rhetorically: I didn't expect him to.

Now, journalists are limp-wristed sissies and juice boxers, barely able to remember what happened five years ago, let alone fifty. They can't even successfully hobble Trump, but God knows they're trying. The country would be better off without them. Tempting to treat them like Loyalists during the Revolution, but pulling their cable licenses will be an excellent start.

Bay Area Guy said...

Moore - a fat leftist - actually has some astute political skills. He saw rural Michigan voters and predicted a Trump victory.

John henry said...


It collects everything you do and sends it to Google.

Every. Single. Keystroke.

If you are using Chrome DDG does nothing to protect your privacy. You might just as well us Google search.

The software under Chrome is open source and anyone can use it.

Comodo Dragon is a great non-google chrome lookalike. I've used it off and on for more than 5 years.

Dissenter is another just released last month. I am using it as primary on my desktop and love it.

Brave is another that I have tried.

I still use Firefox because none of the chrome like browser browsers allow me to download YouTube video which I really need.

John Henry

Tommy Duncan said...

Seconds of silence by Trump: Inexcusable.

Burying stories unfavorable to Democrats: Commendable and patriotic.

Ken B said...

Recently I saw a video of a panel discussion with Jordan Peterson. Audience members asked questions. Peterson answered a couple and then someone asked him another one. He didn’t immediately respond. He looked down. You could see he was thinking. Imagine that, thinking about a question before replying. After about 8 or 10 seconds people started laughing. Peterson thought a few seconds more, looked up and calmly answered.

So we are at a point when you are not supposed to think before speaking and latency is proof of turpitude, not consideration.

Ken B said...

Recently I saw a video of a panel discussion with Jordan Peterson. Audience members asked questions. Peterson answered a couple and then someone asked him another one. He didn’t immediately respond. He looked down. You could see he was thinking. Imagine that, thinking about a question before replying. After about 8 or 10 seconds people started laughing. Peterson thought a few seconds more, looked up and calmly answered.

So we are at a point when you are not supposed to think before speaking and latency is proof of turpitude, not consideration.

Seeing Red said...

Did their ratings go up with the silence?

William said...

I can see why Trump disowned the chant. You won't win any votes among the immigrants or their children with chants like that. Still, I think the sentiment the chanters were expressing was hostility to Omar and not to immigrants. They were also expressing hostility to those people in the media who said you couldn't express any hostility to Omar because of her Somali background. Still, if you start parsing the meaning of chants, you probably lose......Trump is not just running against Omar but also against the media's coverage of Omar. Maybe the advantage is his in this contretemps......In any event, the people at the rally looked like the kind of people who held down steady jobs and looked after their kids. When the media attempts to demonize them, they are demonizing themselves.

Ken B said...

Re DuckDuckGo

I have found it good for general searches. If I am investigating a technical issue then, alas, google is the best option.

Apple has punished apps using DuckDuckGo as their default. The Puffin browser is an example. Break them up!

Btw, Puffin on Android is the fastest browser I have used. It has flaws but it is fast and reduces data usage. It used to be the best on iPad, but since Apple refuses to allow them to update it has had a lot of problems.

Ken B said...

Browsers I prefer to chrome:

Puffin on Android
Perfect Browser on iOS

Browsers I have toyed with and like
Aloha on iOS

John henry said...

Ken B

I use Microsoft Bing as a backup to DDG.

Every bit as good as Google and rated better than Google for video and image search.

Very seldom find things on Bing that I couldn't find on DDG.

And since DDG searches Bing and Google it is probably better results than either alone.

John Henry

dbp said...

Michael Moore has the distinction of having been a useful idiot and an inconvenient genius at times, both of which make the left look bad.

The raving, lunatic bile served up in Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 looked pretty much like what is spewed daily about Trump. This creates a cognitive dissonance, since all the wise heads took that stuff seriously back then and want to be taken seriously now. Better to forget it ever happened, move on--if you will.

More recently, Mr. Moore predicted Trump would win. Nobody likes the guy who's predictions come true when they're about things one was publicly confident would not happen. Especially when they're things which are delightful to your opposition and disastrous to your side.

rcocean said...

Michael Moore is a piece of garbage. I never forget how he lied about 80 something Charlton Heston and tried to make him out to be some sort of callous gun nut who didn't care about crime victims. He's been speaking in his Left-wing echo chamber for 20 years. No one watches except the MSNBC crowd.

rcocean said...

Google search is turning into a left-wing propaganda machine. Every search highlights wikipedia, the NYT/Wapo or some other MSM Website.

JAORE said...


Of course they did. For they are actors, not journalists.

RobinGoodfellow said...

John Henry: I use Opera. I like it.

walter said...

Wow. Trump got those two to shut up for 13 seconds?

Drago said...

rcocean: "He's been speaking in his Left-wing echo chamber for 20 years. No one watches except the MSNBC crowd."

Not true.

Moore is deeply, deeply respected on the LLR-left which exemplifies the NeverTrumpers having gone all in on electing far left democrats at all levels.

Michael said...

PJ @7:58 has it spot on. Moore's great crime was to alert the libs that they ignore the white working class at their peril. Even this morning on NPR I heard another tedious report on how the growing number of brown people in America will soon make the Republican party irrelevant. Michael Moore is one of the few out there pushing back and saying Not so fast. Probably why he's getting shadow banned.

Narr said...

My last glimpse of fat fraud Michael Moore was him assuring some cable halfwit that he supported Hilary because he knew her and knew she shared his midwestern methodist background and values.

That was totes adorbs.

I didn't know he was scarce, because I don't look for him

Yancey Ward said...

The problem for the Democrats is that Omar is on video saying some very racist and ridiculous things- for some reason, Democrats are now putting her forward as the face of the party. As a victim, she is about as unsympathetic as you will find. The 2020 ads literally write themselves this morning. Additionally, the chant itself is about as nice as political chants get. "Lock her up" was far nastier, and that didn't hurt Trump at all.

Rhhardin is probably correct- Trump's disclaimer is one of Trump rare missteps in such situations. He probably should have embraced it openly and steered it. However, by doing so, he also ensured CNN and MSNBC spend the entire weekend cementing Omar's status as Democratic frontwoman, so maybe Trump knows what he is doing.

As I wrote in the overnight thread, Trump should pardon, or offer to do so, Omar for immigration fraud. Heads would then explode on the Left.

MayBee said...

Doesn't this demonstrate that it isn't that Trump is the worst thing ever to happen to this country, but that any Republican president is the worst thing ever to happen to this country?

paminwi said...

Michael Mooore is an asshole.

I remember 60 Minutes doing a story with the children that were in the classroom with Bush that day when they were in high school. If I recall correctly they all pretty much said they were glad Bush didn't run out of the room. But, I know the story must be Bush was an idiot.

You search for this story and the top two results were from foreign papers.
Not surprised

Skippy Tisdale said...

We in Minnesota have learned that Omar's last name is not Omar. The Omar Klan had permission to come to the US as asylum seekers. Her last name was Elmi. They were a Klan not given asylum, so by changing her name to Omar in order to gain asylum, immigration fraud was perpetrated on the US.

walter said...

Surprisingly, Kasich can't stop tweeting about this.
Alas, people might forget his Dad worked for the post office.

narciso said...

I heard that, I thought it was a rumor, lol.

Comanche Voter said...

An intellectually bankrupt administration led by a preening dimwit focused on golf.

Dang me! I thought Moore was talking about Obama and his crew.

Static Ping said...

If CNN does a bit and no one watches it, is it news?

Achilles said...

Howard said...
If you determine who can and can't be American, then your not American. The way I see it, a big chunk of the world wants to be American. Don't sweat the small shit. When you are on top, it's important to have some dissent and to take criticism. It's you people with the Telenova hysteria chanting war, war.

Leila Emli, her name before committing immigration fraud, supports:

Female Genital Mutilation.

Repealing the 2nd amendment.

Repealing the 1st amendment.

Elimination of our Borders.

Some of the things she has done:

Called US servicemen servants of Satan.

Endorsed the firebombing of ICE buildings.

Endorsed the 9/11 attacks.

Endorsed the raising of the Mexican flag on US soil.

She is not American. Neither are you if you support her.

Jim at said...

Moore couldn't even get the name of the damn book correct. Why should I pay attention to anything else about it?

Achilles said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achilles said...

Howard's real americans strip Pageant winner of title and try to drive her from college because she refused to put on a hijab.

At this point none of you are real Americans.

walter said...

I'm sure it's a nothing-burger.

JackWayne said...

Althouse doesn’t like the new rules. Yawn.

Paul Mac said...

To answer your shadowban question. Not based on some known methods. https://shadowban.eu/mmflint

J. Farmer said...

Don Lemon is a beautiful man, but there is nothing but empty space between his ears.

walter said...

Call him D-Lemon, as Cuomo does.

Earnest Prole said...

Moore’s movie, full of lies, remains the single most effective piece of propaganda I’ve ever seen.

Unknown said...

Jealous of reporting "what is on SNL" for years, CNN now becomes SNL, looking to generate viral video.

Devolution is real.

They should just hire John Stewart, the originator of "clown nose on/clown nose off" fake news.

Unknown said...

> Trump screwed up in not supporting the crowd... Instead he loses the crowd's perception of Trump as the crowd's voice.

this is THE KEY

To defeat Trump you have to separate him from his base.

They can't do it, Trump has to do it to himself.

Unknown said...

> Why the press pulled a comic reenactment of "13 secs"

THEY finally got Trump to make a wrong move, to dance to their tune,

and THEY want to hammer a wedge into his crack in defense of all that is holy.

Unknown said...

McStain hated his base,

preferring the press elect him

to winning the tea party.

The press is dying to get back to being King Makers

Howard said...

Blogger Achilles said...

Howard's real americans strip Pageant winner of title and try to drive her from college because she refused to put on a hijab.

At this point none of you are real Americans.

Boy, haji did a number on your head. Did you have a Jake Barnes injury?

veni vidi vici said...

It's passing strange to hold the perspective that trump is some kind of layabout who spends his time goofing off and "avoiding responsibility". His has been one of the more action-oriented in recent memory; more action, less talk than many of his predecessors who are beloved Men of Action (SM) in the eyes of the type who holds the foregoing perspective. In other words, the type who's rather divorced from reality.

NEO-FIDO said...

Jack ‘White Men are the biggest terrorist threat’ Lemon.

Why would anyone care what that racist twit says?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

13 seconds of silence is proof of guilt of... something.

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