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"Law Profs Weigh In: What Is The Appropriate Response When A White Student Wears A MAGA Hat In Class?"

Lawprof Paul Caron follows up on his earlier post, "What Should A Black Law Professor Do When A White Student Wears A MAGA Hat In Class?"

I passed on blogging this story earlier, and I'm trying to remember exactly why. Was it that I knew the young lawprof was going to get slammed and I'd have to join the pile-on? Something like that. The professor —  Jeffrey Omari — scored a column in the ABA Journal. Excerpt:
I was unsure whether the student was directing a hateful message toward me or if he merely lacked decorum and was oblivious to how his hat might be interpreted by his black law professor. I presumed it was the former. As the student sat there directly in front of me, his shiny red MAGA hat was like a siren spewing derogatory racial obscenities at me for the duration of the one hour and fifteen-minute class. ...

As my blood boiled inwardly, outwardly I remained calm. In an effort to assuage the perceived tension, I jokingly told the student, “I like your hat,” when he raised his hand to participate in class discussion. Without missing a beat, the student mockingly grinned from ear to ear and said, “Thank you.”  
He was that angry, but he assures us he appeared perfectly calm and successfully delivered what others would receive as a joke. He knows what's in his head, and how he looks to others, which is reading the inside of their head. How could he know that the students didn't hear his joke as the sarcasm it was? He's sure he knows the student's grin was mockery? Did he consider that the student may have believed that outwardly he remained perfectly polite?

Anyway, all the lawprofs easily arrive at the opinion that a professor should allow students to wear their politically expressive clothing without regard to viewpoint and it was really wrong to publish an article calling a particular, identifiable student a racist.

I really don't see how a person can teach if they get angry at students. Even if you do have a superpower of preventing it from showing, you're the teacher, you're the one with the power. You shouldn't be getting angry at them.

His shiny red MAGA hat was like a siren spewing derogatory racial obscenities at me... MAGA hats are shiny?

২৪৩টি মন্তব্য:

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Achilles বলেছেন...

Howard said...
It's sads when Achilles can no longer hold his mud.

We know you are kinda dumb. Your inability to think critically is what landed you on the same side as La Raza and Ilhan Omar.

But I think even you are starting to realize it is over for you and your disgusting racist friends.

Everyone now realizes you are on the team that wants open borders and sharia law.

One way or another it is over.

404 Page Not Found বলেছেন...

Leftist Dementia (aka Trump Derangement Syndrome):

A vicious disease that renders the victim incapable of coherent thought and expression. They are susceptible to constant lying, screaming RUSSIA at the sky and violence towards people in red hats. They can't hold a job and blame their miserable existence on "rich people" There is no known cure.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Leftists live in a cult where anyone who disagrees with whatever the cult leader tells them is automatically an unperson, evil, etc. They literally can't think any differently.

@404, why surely you must be mistaken! Inga insists that it is those of us who support Trump’s economic and diplomatic policies are the true cultists. Are you calling her deluded?

Howard বলেছেন...

Blogger Achilles said...One way or another it is over.

lol You prove the theory of the male period

effinayright বলেছেন...


Never failed to make us laugh/snicker and stop fighting. Not sure if that was his intention but at least we stopped.....for a while :-)

My father's approach was to hold the steering wheel with his left hand, and swing his right arm like a scythe across us as we sat in the back.

Todd Roberson বলেছেন...

The appropriate response should be to do nothing.

Free people can wear whatever fucking hat they want to wear.

I'm unaware of any incidents of the wearing of a hat killing anyone.

ZZMike বলেছেন...

I may be old-fashioned, but - not hats indoors.

brio বলেছেন...

A couple of years ago, one of my instructors, a grad student, would repeatedly wear a T-shirt with Obama’s face on it. It had a tag line of MoveOn.org. No one in class, including me, said anything about the shirt. Years later when I started wearing a MAGA cap to school everyday, I was sensitive enough to remove the cap when I was asked to sub for a professor. I didn’t think it was appropriate for the instructor to wear a political article of clothing.

As a side note: why can professors repeatedly bad mouth Trump in class and/or praise Democrats but then turn around and prohibit a cap in class? So political words are okay but not political clothing? I can’t count the number of times I have heard professors denigrate Trump and no one in class offered a rebuttal except for me. But I felt comfortable since I am an older student and audited most of my classes. I didn’t worry about getting a bad grade or getting on the wrong side of an instructor.

ccscientist বলেছেন...

Once again this "MAGA hats are racist" crap. How shallow do you have to be to stereotype all trump voters as racist? I am pretty happy with many of Trump's accomplishments--how in the world does that make me a racist? The power profs have is very dangerous if you are conservative, but it should not be.

Is this prof aware that a significant number of blacks, latinos etc voted for Trump? Probably not. He probably can't even digest the thought.

404 Page Not Found বলেছেন...

@Big Mike:

Are you calling her deluded?

That would be a nice way of putting it.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

I'm unaware of any incidents of the wearing of a hat killing anyone.

Well, there's the one they make you wear in the electric chair, but point taken.

NEO-FIDO বলেছেন...

Howard hates to see his side in the mirror because the reflection shows all their blemishes.

Fen বলেছেন...

Hey DBQ I've been hands-off Chuck since the started. Even gave him a few compliments for making some benchmark numbers :)

Howard: Gosh darn, Skippy. That's mighty white of you.

I appreciate the reminder that your pussy still hurts from this afternoon.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

The Professor had it easy. White men in Trump hats are normal. If it had been a black man in a Trump hat he would have had him expelled. You attack what you fear.

NEO-FIDO বলেছেন...

There is a reason that the populous has incredibly decreasing amounts of respect for lawyers.

Balfegor বলেছেন...

I am sure someone has already made this point, but should law students really be wearing hats in class at all? It's disrespectful.

Fen বলেছেন...

How shallow do you have to be to stereotype all trump voters as racist?

Hasn't Trump helped that Kardashian(?) girl with her prison project, pardoning/commuting black men who have been over-sentenced?

Worst. Racist. Ever.

I hear Trump even (gasp!) let his daughter marry a Jew! Or is that the new thing in the White Supremacist Nazi movement these days? I would ask but all 3 of them are asleep atm.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"his shiny red MAGA hat was like a siren spewing derogatory racial obscenities at me"

Late to the party, sorry. Of course, this is complete prog BS. And projection: they like racializing everything.

"it was really wrong to publish an article calling a particular, identifiable student a racist"

Ah, you're so nice and sensitive. But this is a culture war, and Alinsky rules apply. Progs want to personalize things, emerita sensitivities be damned.

"I really don't see how a person can teach if they get angry at students."

Well, it's so nice that you "don't see" it. Back in the real world, however, it is standard procedure.

Kevin বলেছেন...

The correct response is a high-five.

Or fist bump if culturally appropriate.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe বলেছেন...

Wearing hat in class is discourteous to instructor and to other students. For students sitting behind, hat obstruct view of the instructor and blackboard, etc. For the instructor, hat obstructs eye contact with student needed for effective communication. Take off the hat and put it on the desk.

Sam L. বলেছেন...

Ignore it.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Black snowflake? Whodathunk?

Nichevo বলেছেন...

"I really don't see how a person can teach if they get angry at students."

Well, it's so nice that you "don't see" it. Back in the real world, however, it is standard procedure.

Yes, Althouse, having found himself in such an unbefitting profession, should this individual Omari renounce his career, renounce tenure, and go into perhaps ditch-digging? Politics? Just walk the earth?

Richard Dolan বলেছেন...

The comments at the TaxProf site by Paul Campos, who I gather is a law prof at Colorado, are a plainer statement of the weird self-righteous certitude that seems to be so common in lefty loony-land (otherwise known as today's American university). As others have noted, among the inhabitants of that echo chamber there is an urgent need to denounce instances of imagined metaphorical racism since the real kind of racism that used to exist in this country has become so much harder to find.

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ZZMike বলেছেন...

Civilized men do not wear hats indoors.

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Very well written. Thanks for this great post.

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