July 8, 2019

"It is quite likely that some of our faves are implicated..."


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Ann Althouse said...

Christine Pelosi is Nancy Pelosi's daughter.

Ann Althouse said...

I totally agree — let the chips fall where they may.

Martha said...

And by favs Christine means Democrats.

Especially Bill Clinton.

narayanan said...

Ann Althouse said... I totally agree — let the chips fall where they may.

Is Wisconsin logging state?
Some times you fell a tree by chopping mostly on one side! so that the tree falls where you will

Fen said...

Why would you divide the perps along political lines if it's the victims you care about?

Fen said...

Christine Pelosi is Nancy Pelosi's daughter.

All kinds of Establishment kickbacks enriching Pelosi's kin.

Pelosi's financials should be investigated.

Quayle said...

If we have different laws and different enforcement based on position or party or popularity, we're done as a democratic republic, and we should all get back to reading the Declaration of Independence as a guide.

Danno said...

Quayle, where have you been the last twenty years?

Jaq said...

“f we have different laws and different enforcement based on position or party or popularity, we're done as a democratic republic,”

That’s what Mary Joe Kopechne said, she had quite a bit of time to think about deep issues while she was trapped in that car underwater for hours running out of oxygen while Teddy thought about ways to save his political career.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I agree with Althouse at 8:30, Martha at 8:32 and Fen at 8:40. All correct.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What's left of the hack press will devote full time coverage to any thread they can find linking Trump to a pedophile ring.

rhhardin said...

Why do the women deserve justice? Is it not their fault too? Complicated by contingency fee lawyering and deep pockets. Click bait plus money.

Going with psychoanalyst Adolf Guggenburh-Craig, that the damage of teen sexual encounters is from being told that you're ruined, not from the sexual encounter. Let the woman take some responsibility for the matter and her world is under her control again. Deny her that responsibility and she in fact is ruined.

The damaging thing is the outrage, not the sex. AGC puts the outrage down to a partial archetype, but he's a Jungian. The child must be absolutely innocent so by reaction the other must be absolutely evil. Shading it especially at a time when somebody is learning to take responsibility is very important.

Forceable rape counts as a mugging, and has that effect in addition that you can't take responsibility for. People who have been mugged are not the same afterwards.

AGC says he learned that you can't discuss this in pubic. The audience sets up a lynch mob. It seems kind of important to me. Another case of being had by the media.

Big Mike said...

With Comey's daughter as prosecutor and Pelosi's daughter as cheerleader, I deduce that the goal is to try to tie Epstein to Trump. I don't think it's going to work, but it might. If it does work, it will not be because there really is any sort of tie between the two men, but the standard Democrat lies and innuendo pushed by a compliant media.

What I am certain about is that Bill Clinton is about to be thrown under the bus.

J. Farmer said...

Pretty sure none of my “faves” are implicated.

Jaq said...

Circle the wagons, get out the goal post moving heavy equipment! We need to pin this on Trump!

I will believe that Democrats have “come to Jesus” (It’s an expression, people) when they stop muting any reference to a certain Lolita Express Admiral’s Club member, one of whose names is Blythe.

Paul said...

Faves? Bet 1/2 of the DNC was taking part in bonking the young girl/slaves.... sort of keeping them on the plantation.

mccullough said...

Some of the faves will be protected. Others will be sacrificed.

Jaq said...

‘Faves’ You mean like they idolize the party leaders? Tell me it ain’t so! That’s why they are certain that we idolize Trump, they are simply analyzing based on their personal experience.

Ann Althouse said...

"Why do the women deserve justice?"

That question doesn't make sense. To give justice is to give what is deserved.

Let the chips fall where they may for the accusers as well as the accused.

Drago said...

Not to worry lefties and LLR-lefties

The media is already labeling big Clinton Foundation donor and close Clinton friend Epstein a Trump "associate".

Same tactics they employed with Weinstein, and Abramoff, and Keating......

rhhardin said...

"Why do the women deserve justice?"

That question doesn't make sense. To give justice is to give what is deserved.

You want to get what is deserved right first.

Fen said...

Pretty sure none of my “faves” are implicated.

Brace yourself for the worst and be happy when you are wrong.

I dealt with the pedophile culture in the SCA trying to defend 4 women who had been abused when they were pre-teens, from 1999 to 2010. It's like that scene in Shining Through when Melanie Griffith is being chased by Nazis and runs into her best friend's house, opens a door to find a closet full of SS uniforms.

People that you trust and admire will tell you her skirt was too short she had it coming.

It's soul-crushing.

The after-effects on pedophile victims are a loss of faith in authority figures, depression, drug abuse and then suicide.

AllenS said...

Something tells me that the possibility of BJ Clinton being thrown under the bus is zero, and there will be an implication that Trump is tied in with Epstein. Somehow, some way.

Bay Area Guy said...

Do I need to be worried about my "faves"? William F. Buckley, Milton Friedman, Clarence Thomas, Maggie Thatcher, Dan Crenshaw.

mccullough said...

Pelosi Daughter is prepping for the release of the names that her mom has already signed off on.

rehajm said...

And by favs Christine means Democrats. Especially Bill Clinton.

I agree but just how fucking sick are these ordinary women to compartmentalize all this shit? He's a sexual predator but he's our sexual predator. What loons.

Mr. D said...

One thing seems clear -- Bill Clinton is no longer useful, so he's expendable.

And if Trump wants to make lemonade out of this, he should ashcan Alexander Acosta and replace him at Labor with Scott Walker. That would unleash one hell of a squirrel hunt.

rhhardin said...

The scandal depends on moral outrage that can be used to taint anybody who falls in its path. That's the point of this scandal.

Whereas if you take it that 18 is the legal line we set for having sex with women, it's just a law violation like tax fraud. You wind up in jail but the tainting doesn't work for anybody.

So the question is, what is this moral outrage that accompanies the law. Is it justified; or is it just about growing up being a process, something normal. It's too handy in the public sphere for other things to be careless about.

Jaq said...

This will be a real test of Clinton’s entrenched power in the media. We aren’t supposed to know about it and that bastard Putin spilled the beans, let the cat out of the bag, and tipped the Democrats hand. We are supposed to be analyzing this even NOT knowing that the media works with the Clinton machine hand in glove, as is shown by Wikileaks.

mccullough said...

Acosta is an underling.

Someone higher up at the DOJ let Epstein go. And that person was told to do it by someone else.

traditionalguy said...

The child sex ring for the rich and famous is world wide, and you know it’s a big one when this AM’s Propaganda Story is crafting it as a Trump Scandal. They are pathetic liars pretending this standard way of running DC is news to any of them. Comet Pizza’s owner was the most popular man in DC.

tim maguire said...

Martha said...
And by favs Christine means Democrats.

Especially Bill Clinton.

Of course she does, but so what? The important thing is she is registering her objection to protecting anybody. Arrets and try to guilty, no matter who.

Now that Hillary! is out of the picture, we can restore our civic value of no one being above the law.

rehajm said...

One thing seems clear -- Bill Clinton is no longer useful, so he's expendable.

Based on where the prosecutorial push is coming from there's a non zero chance someone is trying to keep Hillary from showing up as the nominee again. Look for Camp Hillary to respond in kind.

traditionalguy said...

And when do they produce RBG’s corpse. Something has to divert attention from the revelation that our politicians are close friends of wealthy monsters. Trump is the only one clean enough to be placed in charge of this massive cleanup job.

wwww said...

I totally agree — let the chips fall where they may.

Agree. Investigative reporter for the Miami Herald interviewed over 80 women, many of whom were girls at the time, some as young as 12. Some of whom talked because they had born girls and felt an obligation to protect future victims. Victims reported horrific things that occurred on that Island.

rhhardin said...

It's another public stance vs what everybody knows. Like the woman who made a joke about being stuck under a passed-out Harvey Weinstein, or refusing sex three of the five times he asked her. Private jokes. Vs. public outrage at the casting couch in #MeToo. The reality is the private view. The fake news is the public outrage.

There were jokes about Epstein liking women younger than the speaker does, without outrage about it. The scandal to the speaker would be his lack of outrage, played against the safe public stance of outrage. Whereas what's privately believed is that it's a law violation but the women got a good deal for themselves and the man liked it so what's the problem. Like tax law violation.

The actual harm, says Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig, is refusing to let the woman take any responsibility for what happens to her. It puts the world out of her control at exactly the time she's learning that she controls it.

Quayle said...

Where have I been these 20 years? We'll, I've been here, reading Althouse for, now, a majority of them. Althouse has always struck me as a "chips fall where they may." kind of thinker and person, which is why I keep coming back.

I still have hope that we can vote the problem away, if we'll all just decide to do it. We can put a major brake on it in 2 years, get most of it fixed in 4, and mop the rest up in 6. It will take a lot of bucking the conventional wisdom and ignoring the social media flack.

But if we voted the right kind of people in to the House, and they started impeaching the anti-democratic partisans and corrupt judges and administrative officials, we can still clean this all up with no change in the Constitution.

Jaq said...

A better picture would have been that one of Bill Clinton looking sideways at Juanita Broaddrick during the debate. That was funny!

This is how Vox deals with an accusation against a Democrat, backed up by a witness who found her crying and bleeding in a hotel room.

Given the prevailing view among many progressives — including Hillary Clinton — that one should default to believing rape accusers, the Broaddrick allegation thus poses a problem. - Vox

The “problem” being that he doesn’t like the way that the chips were looking to fall. Vox seems to be trying to get Billy Blythe off the hook by saying that nobody actually saw Bill Clinton rape Juanita Broaddrick, and the absence of a "direct witness” and physical evidence is fatal to her case.

It’s no “problem” for a “let the chips fall where they may” disintrested investigator, only for the palace guards in the media.

Henry said...

Fen said...
Brace yourself for the worst and be happy when you are wrong.

Well said.

tim macguire said...
Of course she [mean Bill Clinton], but so what? The important thing is she is registering her objection to protecting anybody.

Totally agree.

Also worth noting: it's all speculation right now. Wait for indictments.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The hack -D press will continue to weave innuendo as "news".

Jaq said...

“Now that Hillary! is out of the picture, we can restore our civic value of no one being above the law.”

Ha ha ha ha! Lois Lerner, Barack Obama, Cheryl Mills.... I could go on.

Who at the FBI gave Cheryl Mills immunity? Did she ever give any evidence?

No, there is no “justice” in the United States. It’s like one of those Georgia small towns in an old movie.

TJM said...

Nasty Pelosi and her daughter would have been perfect little nazis in the 1930s and 1940s - no core principals but Party Uber Alles. Another word for it is evil. Also, they are fake Catholics.

Sydney said...

Fen said,
I dealt with the pedophile culture in the SCA trying to defend 4 women who had been abused when they were pre-teens, from 1999 to 2010.

What is SCA? Society for Creative Anachronisms?

Fen said...

I find it odd that the Speaker's daughter is breaking this. Why her?

rcocean said...

Wow, so the Democrats will favor punishing some of their "favorites"? That's very principled coming from them. No doubt all the "favs" are old white men, who have outlived their usefulness to the Party.

BarrySanders20 said...

It's interesting to me that high profile Democrat lawyer David Boies represents several of the victims. He was Harvey Weinstein's fixer and enabler until Harvey was exposed and couldn't pay the freight anymore. So it's not like he cares about women's rights. The NYT says Boies had dinner with Hillary and Weinstein after the balloons didnt fall and after she failed to break that glass ceiling, but before the big Weinstein reveal. Boies also promoted the crazy Theranos chick until her colossal fraud was exposed and Theranos couldnt pay the freight anymore. He represents (or represented) Peter Strzok in the put-Hillary-in-the-White House and later coup attempt. HIs firm represents Andrew McCabe regarding the lies McCabe is accused of telling about the FBI leak regarding the Clinton Foundation. He was Gore's attorney in Bush v Gore. Very Clinton and Democrat connected.

Now old Boies (great name) is on the side of the young girls in a case where, aside from Epstein, Bill Clinton is the biggest potential loser? Is he trying to rehabilitate his reputation? To fix it so Bill doesn't get hit with a falling chip? Both?

Cato Renasci said...

I remain skeptical that any real justice will come out of Eptstein's arrest, let alone serious implication of the powerful and connected.

I'd like to think it will, but the left/Democrats/mainstream media/deep state have been so successful at covering up everything in this and other true scandals that I won't believed it until I see it. And, even then I'll take it with a grain of salt until I see convictions that stand up on appeal....

rcocean said...

No doubt the whole point is the implicate Trump or some powerful Republicans in this. Supposedly Derswhowtiz is involved. This may be a way to punish him for supporting Trump. Any Democrat getting harmed is just collateral damage.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcocean said...

The real question is why the MSM treated this as a Non-story for what, 10 years? But then they covered for Weinstein and all the other powerful pigs.

rhhardin said...

Also why is Epstein flying them out of the country? Does that skirt some law?

Sally327 said...

This is another chapter in the Great Unraveling. Pelosi's tweet indicates, to me anyway, that she has long known/suspected/speculated about various people connected to Epstein but did/said nothing because those people gave money to the right causes or knew the right people. Epstein is just another rider on the Harvey Weinstein express except arguably worse because (a) Harvey isn't accused of sexually abusing children and (b) Harvey doesn't seem to have shared the women around with other like-minded predators. He procured for his own account only. I think. So there's that.

Bay Area Guy said...

"I find it odd that the Speaker's daughter is breaking this. Why her?"

I find it odd too. She must have been directed by Nancy to do it - she's a nobody without any personal knowledge.

So, why did Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi break this?

To blunt the shock of Bill Clinton being nailed? But "faves" is plural. Who else? Bob Menendez?

rhhardin said...

Whoever started the thing wasn't outraged. They counted on outrage to make it work, is all.

chuck said...

We will see, and hopefully we will also see evidence of what was going on. There is really nothing relevant to be said until the shoes drop.

Dave Begley said...

Hunter Biden is/was of counsel at Boies law firm.

rhhardin said...

What's her name NYC sex crime prosecutor and novelist would have been outraged, but she loves being outraged. Linda Fairstein.

Mike Sylwester said...

Who are you going to believe?

* Senator Bob Menendez?

... or ...

* a couple of teenage hookers in the Dominican Republic?

The question answers itself.

Ann Althouse said...

"You want to get what is deserved right first."

That's within the process of giving justice. There's no pre-justice step that comes first.

But if you want to narrow the term to get out of the hole you dug for yourself, I won't be surprised.

Francisco D said...

Also worth noting: it's all speculation right now. Wait for indictments.

I suspect that we will be waiting a long, long time ...

... at least until it becomes old news

That is the Clinton way.

0_0 said...

Trump is "implicated" because his Secretary of Labor, Acosta, is the one who cut the sweetheart deal in FL for Epstein.

rhhardin said...

"You want to get what is deserved right first."

That's within the process of giving justice. There's no pre-justice step that comes first.

But if you want to narrow the term to get out of the hole you dug for yourself, I won't be surprised.

Aligning justice with what is deserved is the point. That's a political process. Outrage has to be informed outrage, not just anything you can gin up.

Freder Frederson said...

Trump is "implicated" because his Secretary of Labor, Acosta, is the one who cut the sweetheart deal in FL for Epstein.

He is also implicated because of this

But of course now he claims he never met the guy.

Jaq said...

That’s a pretty odd definition of “praised,” Freder. I would hae said “needled."

Jaq said...

“But of course now he claims he never met the guy.”


Why isn’t the truth damning enough, Freder?

Bay Area Guy said...

Here's the indictment - take a gander.

Jaq said...

Trump banned Epstein from his club. You know, he same way he fought the Palm Beach locals in order to allow blacks and gays into his club.

gerry said...

Christine Pelosi is Nancy Pelosi's daughter.

Either Chrissy was directed by mama to twitter-support the arrest and investigation of Epstein because it will destroy mama's enemies, or Chrissy simply hates her mama.

Fake media is feverishly linking Trump to Epstein. Their frustration will be wonderful.

Leland said...

I'll hold off outrage until some facts are available and convictions made. I'm done with the notion that I'm supposed to just believe the women, as in assume guilt until proven innocent. After all, Epstein has received benefit of doubt long after reasonable suspicion came to light. Why should I start predicting who is implicated and should be shamed?

Jaq said...

The indictment seems pretty laser focused on Epstein. Which keeps Clinton and Menendez out of it, and still lets the press use it to baselessly smear Trump the way Freder is doing.

Bob Smith said...

Well, it’s clearly a kissing your sister indictment. Designed to lay a smokescreen to obscure the upcoming release of documents in the previous case.

Leland said...

The indictment doesn't mention an act that a 1990s Bill Clinton would define as sex.

Maillard Reactionary said...

RH @9:06: I'm going pretend that you're really not obtuse as you seem here and try to 'splain it to you real simple.

First: Yes, I get it about how there is an emotional component, a theatrical component, a retributive component, to criminal proceedings, the whole apparatus of making certain behaviors "illegal". Guess what? That is WHY we have judicial proceedings, because past experience shows that individuals, or mobs, settling scores themselves at the time often led to unjust (repugnant) outcomes.

Second: You keep talking about sex with "women". In the Epstein case, these were not "women". They were female children. You think 14 or 16 years of age is too stringent a standard? What do you favor? 10 years? Eight? Maybe whatever age the perp can get away with, like in Muslim countries? (Before you are tempted to say the Muslims might have a point there, consider how long you would last in one of those places.)

Third: Unlike the arguable case that could be made regarding the position of the women in the Weinstein affair (which I consider is a pretty fair case), there was no possibility of negotiation here. The victims, or some at least, may have considered themselves entrepreneurs or "players" of a sort, but there can hardly be a question that there was any chance of a negotiation between equal parties. In short, they were, in effect, exploited. Oddly enough, many of us with a functioning hippocampus consider that unacceptable.

Does that help?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I totally agree — let the chips fall where they may.”

Me too.

rcocean said...

"also why is Epstein flying them out of the country? Does that skirt some law?"

Are you looking for pointers, RH?

Narayanan said...

Is it too soon for another Special Prosecutor?!

rcocean said...

Why this Billionaire went to all this trouble to have sex with underage AMERICAN girls IN THE USA is puzzling. The age of consent in Mexico city is 12. In large parts of Europe its 14. In many Asian countries its the same or even lower. You want them young, the USA is the last place you want to go.

Freder Frederson said...

and still lets the press use it to baselessly smear Trump the way Freder is doing.

And how exactly is it "baseless" when Trump himself is quoted as knowing about Epstein's predilection for young women. And that Epstein apparently liked hanging out at Mar a Lago.

Biff said...

Some of "our faves"? The Tiger Beat approach to politics, which seems much more common on the Left, is so...icky.

Nancy said...

Well, this puts the kibosh on my theory that Hillary was going to come to the rescue at the deadlocked Dem convention.

Jaq said...

And how exactly is it "baseless" when Trump himself is quoted as knowing about Epstein's predilection for young women. And that Epstein apparently liked hanging out at Mar a Lago.

He banned Epstein from Mar a Lago. He fully cooperated with law enforcement investigators of Epstein.

I don’t know what you want from him.

Jaq said...

"Me too.”

LOL! Sure Inga! You still sore Hillary’s not POTUS?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Pelosi's tweet indicates, to me anyway, that she has long known/suspected/speculated about various people connected to Epstein but did/said nothing because those people gave money to the right causes or knew the right people.”

"I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."

rcocean said...

They've gone after Trump everyway possible and all they can do is lie about him. For instance, all of Trump's ex-wives seem to like him. All his kids love him. He has no record of being a sex addict like Clinton. All the charges of sexual assault are phony. All we got is Stormy Davis and Shark week, and some playboy model from 12 years ago. Trump doesn't drink or take drugs. There's no evidence he likes underage girls or has some weird JFK need to have sex everyday with movie stars, whores, or interns.

Any attempt to tie with Epstein will fail. Clinton? that's another story.

rcocean said...

Trump is 72. He didn't consider running for office until 2015. So, he wasn't making statements with an eye to political office. I'm sure he hung around with Epstein - but never cared to party with him. He likes Bob Kraft, but wouldn't be caught dead in a local "Massage parlor".

rhhardin said...

Third: Unlike the arguable case that could be made regarding the position of the women in the Weinstein affair (which I consider is a pretty fair case), there was no possibility of negotiation here. The victims, or some at least, may have considered themselves entrepreneurs or "players" of a sort, but there can hardly be a question that there was any chance of a negotiation between equal parties. In short, they were, in effect, exploited. Oddly enough, many of us with a functioning hippocampus consider that unacceptable.

If they considered themselves players, then it didn't damage them, unlike the usual story. It was just illegal. It's illegal because it's supposed they can't negotiate at that age. But they thought they were negotiating.

In this circumstance it's actually harmful to take the responsibility they had assumed away from them. Says Guggenbuhl-Craig.

Evil is not so easy to identify as people think. It turns up all over.

It's curious that evolutionarily women mated and married much younger and didn't seem to be damaged, that anybody noticed. Have they lost that evolutionary trait?

Trying to suggest that outrage is actually causing all the psychological damage that outrage claims as its own justification.

It's a screwed-up archetype causing the outrage.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“He has no record of being a sex addict like Clinton.”-some dummy

Hahaha, how many wives did he cheat on? He thinks he deserves a medal for not getting an STD.
“Hey, so wait a second, get back to my question," Stern said. "Let's say you're with a hot chick, right? But you're so germ paranoid, and I'm germ paranoid, do you say to them, 'look you've got to go take a medical test before I do you.'"

"Well, you'd like to say that, and sometimes you do," added Trump. "The problem is that sometimes your own chemicals take over and you can't wait."

Stern responded, "I even went as far to say that you're braver than any Vietnam vet because you're out there screwing a lot of women."
"Getting the Congressional Medal of Honor, in actuality," said Trump.

Later in the interview Trump and Stern again compared avoiding STDs to Vietnam.

"I'm having a good time, but Howard, you know the one negative: It's very, very dangerous out there," said Trump.
"Yes it is, it's your Vietnam," added Stern.

"It's Vietnam," added Trump. "It is very dangerous. So I'm very, very careful."


rhhardin said...

"also why is Epstein flying them out of the country? Does that skirt some law?"

Are you looking for pointers, RH?

No just puzzled. I'd assumed that it must have some advantage, in which case what law did he fail to skirt? Maybe they've got him on fuel tax fraud, like Al Capone.

rhhardin said...

Scott Adams drones on a lot, I notice in the background.

rhhardin said...

Great Trump/Stern interview. Trump has a huge sense of humor. Saying something true that you're not allowed to say.

rhhardin said...

I once flew a girlfriend from NJ to PA. Twice, in fact, now that I think of it, two different girlfriends. One to the Delaware Water Gap and the other to Kutztown.

The latter one had a student pilot's license and she piloted it back to NJ, although she had no good sense of direction. It's hard to miss NJ though.

Fen said...

And that Epstein apparently liked hanging out at Mar a Lago.

And Trump kicked him out. Any reason you didn't include that fact?

Jaq said...

“did/said nothing because those people gave money to the right causes or knew the right people.”

How is it that Trump “said nothing” when you quoted him needling Epstein in public and he spoke to law enforcement about Epstein and banned him from his club?

Michael said...

So Trump is a Pelosii fave? Don’t think so.

Nichevo said...

Dear rh,

I got your "what's deserved" right here:


If you don't like that flavor, there's https://biblehub.com/luke/17-2.htm

It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

By the way, Althouse, unless you have a good reason which I have not seen so far, I invite you to use either the King James Bible (KJV) or the JPS Tanakh 1917 (JPS) translations of Scripture (I'd prefer JPS obviously but KJV is a valiant effort). If you want to go Catholic, there's Douay-Rheims. You're using some colloquial Modern English version and it's rancid. Please, please stop.

Henry said...

she's a nobody without any personal knowledge

She's a member of DNC National Committee and is currently running for a position on the DNC Executive Committee.

She didn't break anything. She commented on a story someone else broke.

Howard said...

My only hope is that Bill Clinton goes down. The dims need to beat Trump in the election and quit swinging for the fences.

bagoh20 said...

What kind of "chips" are we talking about here? Do we really want chips just falling everywhere. Who is gonna clean up that mess?

Oclarki said...

Nichevo - KJV really? Not a great translation and no one speaks like that anymore.

rhhardin said...

Psalm 51 King David's prayer of repentance after committing adultery and murder
is pretty. According to the comment anyway.

Criminals these days only do rap music.

grackle said...

And if Trump wants to make lemonade out of this, he should ashcan Alexander Acosta and replace him at Labor with Scott Walker.

Interesting suggestion. I especially like the Walker angle.

But of course now he claims he never met the guy.

I’m not finding it. Can you provide a link of Trump denying ever meeting Epstein? We know that Trump kicked Epstein out of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Country Club for propositioning an underage daughter of a club member so I find your assertion puzzling.

Also your link leads to a quote (supposedly by Trump) with NO attribution of the source or link to the source. Given the high incidence of fake news having anything to do with Trump, how can we trust that Trump ever really said such a thing?

BTW, readers, it was actually Mike Cernavich that broke this case by petitioning and forcing the court to release the sealed documents from Epstein’s previous conviction. Once this occurred the local law realized that it would all come out so they had no credible option but to indict Epstein now. The Miami Herald joined Cernavich’s lawsuit a year after Cernavich’s original legal action.

cacimbo said...

Come on - this is a political prosecution. It is not about justice. The falling chips will be guided by leakers and their media cohorts.

Earnest Prole said...

For those slow on the uptake, the danger is not that Epstein will tell the truth about Trump but that he'll be compelled to tell a lie in exchange for his freedom.

chuck said...

> The Miami Herald joined Cernavich’s lawsuit a year after Cernavich’s original legal action.

Funny how Cernovich has been ignored, it's always Dershowitz and the Miami Herald. IIRC, Cernovich put up $50K of his own money to bring the lawsuit.

wwww said...

AP Reports:
Agents discovered nude photos of underage girls while executing a search warrant following Epstein's arrest Saturday on sex trafficking charges, prosecutors say.

wwww said...

Every billionaire this week: "I only took the Epstein plane for the articles"
Andrew Egger @EggerDC

Birkel said...

I wonder if some of those faves include the NeverTrump variety.
My suspicion is the faves are tilted in a partisan direction, but not drastically so.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

What is Trump going to do about Acosta?

From February...

“President Donald Trump expressed confidence today in Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta, but said he was unfamiliar with the controversial 2008 plea deal that Acosta, then U.S. attorney for southern Florida, struck with billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

"I really don't know too much about it," Trump told reporters in the Oval Office. "I know he's done a great job as labor secretary, and that seems like a long time ago, but I know he's been a fantastic labor secretary. That's all I can really tell you about it. That's all I know about it."


The Mouse that Roared said...

Oklarki: Nichevo - KJV really? Not a great translation and no one speaks like that anymore.

Hey, it's not Nichevo's fault that people stopped speaking late 16th, early 17th century colloquial English (like the writers of the Bible), and switched to modern colloquial English.

If the KJV was good enough for the Apostle Paul, it's good enough for Nichevo.

Birkel said...

"...controversial 2008 plea deal that Acosta (was forced to present by the DC higher ups, including Mueller and Comey)..."

You're welcome, Royal ass Inga!

rcocean said...

"No just puzzled. I'd assumed that it must have some advantage, in which case what law did he fail to skirt? Maybe they've got him on fuel tax fraud, like Al Capone."

I would assume that if you took an teenage girl to your island, then US law would not apply if you had sex with them. But then, I'm not a lawyer. Or a sex pervert. Or Bill Clinton. But i repeat myself.

rcocean said...

KJV is superior to the other ones. Its not the most accurate translation, but then most people who quote the Bible aren't the most precise Christians.

rcocean said...

The other problem with KJV is people translate "old English". "Thou Shalt not Kill" means "Thou Shalt not Murder" but some people think it means "Kill" in the broad modern sense. which is doesn't. That's why ignorant people think they've found a big contradiction in God killing people.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“So a big-name Democrat, the daughter of the Speaker of the House, has reason to believe that some of her "faves" would be implicated in Jeffrey Epstein's trafficking/abuse of girls. Yet she remained silent, despite Epstein's known past.”

“I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."

The Mouse that Roared said...

Inga...Allie Oop: “I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."

That's very interesting sweetheart, but you already posted this. You are starting to repeat yourself.

Now, run back into the kitchen and make me a sandwich.

Earnest Prole said...

What is Trump going to do about Acosta?

Acosta is the least of Trump's worries -- half of Trump's base already want him fired for his piss-poor job performance.

Birkel said...

Earnest Prole is wishcasting.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Sean Hannity asked Trump about Bill Clinton during the 2016 campaign. Trump replied "Nice guy. Got a lot of problems, in my opinion with the famous island, with Jeffrey Epstein. Lotta problems."


Inga can undoubtedly explain to us why a guilty man would bring up Epstein himself.

Earnest Prole said...

Either Chrissy was directed by mama to twitter-support the arrest and investigation of Epstein because it will destroy mama's enemies, or Chrissy simply hates her mama.

If you've seen her documentaries you'd know Pelosi's daughter is hardly a mere partisan. She's one of very few liberal journalists who take the right seriously and report on their concerns empathetically.

Earnest Prole said...

Earnest Prole is wishcasting.

Earnest Prole believes the deep state is deeply corrupt.

Skippy Tisdale said...

"The Mouse that Roared said...
Oklarki: Nichevo - KJV really? Not a great translation and no one speaks like that anymore.

Buy your ass a Strong's Concordance.


And use the Althouse portal.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

According to one of the former owners of Studio 54, Trump was the "boring guy" who didn't drink and use drugs like all the other regulars:

"Trump was another club regular, but “he never touched drink or drugs. He liked looking at beautiful women, even though he was married to Ivana.

Trump wasn’t a lot of fun — when you’re in a crowd drinking and drugging and one person isn’t, that person seems boring.”

Perhaps that is one of the reasons Trump became a populist. He knows very well what the elites are up to.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga can undoubtedly explain to us why a guilty man would bring up Epstein himself.”

Oh looky there! I’m bringing up Epstein in relation to Clinton so you don’t look at my own friendship with Epstein. Trump takes the risk of bringing up Epstein himself because he knows dupes like you will say this:

“...explain to us why a guilty man would bring up Epstein himself.”

Just gotta shake one’s head sometimes.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Epstein likes to tell people that he’s a loner, a man who’s never touched alcohol or drugs, and one whose nightlife is far from energetic. And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life.””

“Trump was another club regular, but “he never touched drink or drugs. He liked looking at beautiful women, even though he was married to Ivana.”

Birkel said...

Oh, I see now, Earnest Prole.
You are confused about the word "base" as it applies to Trump.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Greydon Carter spiked claims of abuse of young girls from that article), didn't come out until 2003."

Ah, yes, Greydon Carter, that right-wing editor of the notoriously conservative "Vanity Fair."

"Oh looky there! I’m bringing up Epstein in relation to Clinton so you don’t look at my own friendship with Epstein"

Oh, sure. That's makes sense.

Christ, Inga is stupid.

Birkel said...

It's cute that anybody thinks Royal ass Inga can comprehend what she cuts and pastes.

Nichevo said...

The Mouse that Roared said...
Oklarki: Nichevo - KJV really? Not a great translation and no one speaks like that anymore.

Hey, it's not Nichevo's fault that people stopped speaking late 16th, early 17th century colloquial English (like the writers of the Bible), and switched to modern colloquial English.

If the KJV was good enough for the Apostle Paul, it's good enough for Nichevo.

7/8/19, 11:56 AM

I like a little poetry, sue me. Think of all the lexicon originating in the KJV. Take Matthew 20:6, the parable of the workers in the vineyard...where would we be without "the eleventh hour?" You prefer "About 5 p.m.?"

Obviously the JPS translation is the most reliable, but just as obviously only covers Scripture, not Gospel.

Can't handle "saith?" Whatever, you orcs.

Yancey Ward said...

If there were any real evidence that Trump was part of Epstein's Lolita brigade, it would not have waited this long to emerge. This idea that Trump is going to get connected to this is absolutely delusional thinking; and I am not even worried that Epstein is coerced into lying about Trump either- charges that serious would require irrefutable corroboration- remember, the SDNY isn't 100% Democrats- attempts to fabricate a charge against Trump won't be tolerated.

Let me put this all in perspective for you- William Barr was asked directly about the Epstein case by Ben Sasse during his confirmation hearings, and Barr said he would look into it- apparently Barr did exactly that- we have Epstein charged 6 months later- that is no coincidence.

As for Trump's connections to Epstein, I am willing to guess that Trump's real connection is that he was one of the people responsible for getting the federal government to take up the case from the Palm Beach prosecutors in the first place. See Bradley Edward's comments regarding Trump in this matter if you don't believe me. I think Trump probably knew of Epstein's predilections- all the evidence suggests this is the case, including the reported barring of Epstein from the Trump properties, the Edwards' comments about Trump. Add to that Epstein finally facing the music due to actions by the Trump DoJ.

Earnest Prole said...

You are confused about the word "base" as it applies to Trump.

The Department of Labor needs only one change from the well-known lefty blog Powerline.

Gospace said...

Won't be any of my faves- because they'll instantly be unfaved. I do remember the instant turnaround with the Clinton's relations with Lewinsky, the previous textbook definition of sexual harassment, powerful man, subordinate woman, became inoperable.

I'm wondering why I haven't seen the Navy or Coast Guard landing a boatload of FBI and federal marshals on Epstein's Island where all this took place. His island is in the United States. Using USCG personnel to lock down the island wouldn't violate the Posse Comitatus Act.

rhhardin said...

When they stopped reading the KJV in school to start the day, kids stopped getting an intuitive sense for conjugating old-timey verbs.

Only the verb part carrying tense gets an odd ending.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

According to the Palm Beach Daily News, these are some of the people in Epstein's personal address book:

"Other high-profile names in Epstein’s book include Special Envoy for Middle East Peace George Mitchell, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Barbara Walters, Alec Baldwin, Ralph Fiennes, George Hamilton, Dustin Hoffman, Kevin Spacey, Liz Hurley, Lauren Hutton, Janice Dickinson, Naomi Campbell, Christy Turlington, Henry Kissinger, Joan Rivers, Courtney Love, Mick Jagger, Cornelia Guest, Phil Collins, Itzhak Perlman, Simon LeBon, Charlie Rose, Richard Branson, playwright Candace Bushnell, designers Tom Ford and Vera Wang, soap opera actress Nadia Bjorlin and erotic film star Koo Stark, who once dated Prince Andrew.

Among the high-powered Palm Beachers listed in the money manager’s address book are Catherine and Fred Adler, Samantha and Serena Boardman, Jimmy and Jane Buffett, Pepe Fanjul, Conrad and Barbara Black, Gerry Goldsmith, Marjorie Gubelman, Dana Hammond, David Koch, Henry Kravis, Frayda and George Lindemann Sr., Bob and Todd Meister, Alfred Taubman, Stanley, Bea and Brett Tollman, and Martin Trust."

I think it's probable that some of those people had business or social dealings with Epstein that did not involve shady sex with minors. I doubt very much that the "innocent" ones were unaware of Epstein's predilections, though.

Jim at said...

From February...

It's now July 8. Do try to keep up.

Roughcoat said...

I love the KJV. Even though I'm Catholic. The language soars, it is surpassingly, transcendantly beautiful. It makes me feel near to God. Which is the whole point.

wwww said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wwww said...

He allegedly labeled his child pornography collection.
-Maggie Haberman

Disks & volumes found in NY Mansion in his safe. Labeled "young girls."

rcocean said...

Ignoring all the spam. We're only hearing about his because the D's want to destroy Trump's cabinet member Acosta. If Hillary had been elected, then Epstein would be raping young girls and Liberals and Democrats would be yawning.

wwww said...

"NEW: Two of Jeffrey Epstein’s victims appeared at his bail hearing in New York today, facing him for the first time in a decade — a dramatic turn to his stunning arrest on federal Sex trafficking charges."
-Julie K. Brown

Kiddie porn charges. Labeled with names in his safe. He's the target of this investigation.

This was brought to attention by the outstanding investigative reporting by the Miami Herald. And the 80 women who were willing to speak about stuff that happened to them as children. Some had bore girls, and did not want any other children to be exploited and raped.

If someone rapes a child, I don't care who you are or what you support or anything else. I want you put away where you can never hurt another child.

readering said...

Interesting. AG Barr recused himself from the Epstein case because of a conflict with a prior law firm that represented Epstein at some point. Assume Kirkland & Ellis.

wwww said...

"Interesting. AG Barr recused himself from the Epstein case because of a conflict with a prior law firm that represented Epstein at some point. Assume Kirkland & Ellis."

The lawyers involved in this earlier deal sound, er, problematic on many fronts. Popehat:

Well, THIS federal defense attorney knows that a deal only binds the office extending it unless it says otherwise VERY EXPLICITLY, which would require extensive negotiation and high-level approval.

/2 Also, maybe Florida federal practitioners can chime in here, but federal plea agreements I've seen almost always say EXPLICITLY that they don't bind any other office.
But this agreement, oddly, did not. It's unusually ambiguous . . .

/3 Both the government and Epstein were represented by highly experienced and competent counsel in the Florida deal. That leads to an inference that the ambiguity was intentional rather than accidental, further casting doubt on the legitimacy of how it was reached.

/4 Here, by contrast, and as an example, is the very standard "this only binds us" language from the Michael Cohen plea agreement.

/5 So. The odd ambiguity of the SDFL non-prosecution deal on this point strikes me as, to use the federal criminal procedural phrase, skeevy as fuck, and consistent with the participants in the deal knowing it was illegitimate.

Francisco D said...

He allegedly labeled his child pornography collection.

It is hard to believe that anyone is that stupid or that obsessed.

However, I do believe that Epstein believed he was that protected.

We will see if the shit hits the fan or not.

wwww said...

"It is hard to believe that anyone is that stupid or that obsessed."

When stupid combines with incredible evil...

I'm guessing he used it for blackmail. Or maybe he collected it the way serial killers collect stuff from their victims. In any case, incredible levels of depravity. I had read the piece from the Miami Herald that came out a while back. The depravity depicted was jaw dropping.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Interesting. AG Barr recused himself from the Epstein case because of a conflict with a prior law firm that represented Epstein at some point. Assume Kirkland & Ellis."

Very interesting! I wonder how that will go over with Trump? If Trump was on any of these “lists” of Epstein’s, Barr could’ve run interference for him, just like he did in the Mueller investigation. I wonder if we won’t be hearing Trump say “If I had known he’d recuse jumself I wouldn’t have chosen him”, just like he did with Sessions.

Frank Figliuzzi

Yes, AG Barr oversees the US Attorney’s Office in NY, so it’s possible he could attempt to interfere, though it would be obvious. Also, many years ago, Barr’s father hired Epstein to teach at the private Dalton school, with no college degree. So there’s that...

11:12 PM - Jul 6, 2019

Anonymous said...

Why would he be on any lists, Stasi Inga?

'A lawyer representing three of the alleged victims said that Trump was helpful in building a civil lawsuit against Epstein.

“The only thing that I can say about President Trump is that he is the only person who, in 2009 when I served a lot of subpoenas on a lot of people, or at least gave notice to some pretty connected people, that I want to talk to them, is the only person who picked up the phone and said, let’s just talk,” said the lawyer in an interview with New York Magazine. “I’ll give you as much time as you want. I’ll tell you what you need to know, and was very helpful, in the information that he gave, and gave no indication whatsoever that he was involved in anything untoward whatsoever, but had good information. That checked out and that helped us and we didn’t have to take a deposition of him in 2009."'

All of your quotes significantly predate 2009.
Many years ago, you were still a disgusting, used-up, 90-IQ hag. That's far more relevant than that stupid "fact" about not even Barr--Barr's father!

Jaq said...

This almost made me spit coffee all over everything, it’s from Forbes regarding the publishing of names in a couple of weeks that have been drawn into the investigation’s scope.

The court advised the documents be read carefully. “We therefore urge the media to exercise restraint in covering potentially defamatory allegations, and we caution the public to read such accounts with discernment,” wrote the court in its decision.

https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisettevoytko/2019/07/03/jeffrey-epstein-documents-could-expose-powerful-politicians-businessmen. H/T Drudge

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!

Jaq said...

Keep hope alive Inga! You’ve got him this time! Just like you had Scott Walker, just like Hillary was a mortal lock! Nobody knows what Mueller knows!

Michael K said...

Inga, stupidity is your middle name. Why would Epstein have anything to do with Trump ?

You are desperately hoping something, anything, comes along besides the blackmailer Stormy and her best pal Avenatti.

I suspect life has given you many disappointments. This is just one more,.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

was epstein propped up by mossad money for blackmail schemes?
wasnt Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of spy Robert Maxwell, his lover/madame?
are there records/etc of goings on at Little St James?

John henry said...

I wonder if Alan Dershowitz is one of the faves she has in mind? This is from an affadavit that Technofog has in his Twitter feed. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1147660978030616581.html

He has lots more but this jumped out at me. I found it interesting because of the recent date of the affidavit and the fact that there was a second woman involved who could presumably testify to some details. So it is more than a she said/he said.

4. In addition to spending time with Jeffrey on his island I spent time with him in New York City. At his town house I was also lent out by him to his friends and associates to have sex. Among the people he lent me to was his friend, Alan Dershowitz. On one occasion I was in a bedroom at Jeffrey's New York townhouse with Jeffery and Nadia Marcinkova. After a short time Alan Dershowitz entered the room after which Jeffrey left the room and Nadia and I had sex with Dershowitz. I recall specific, key details of his person and the sex acts and can describe them in the event it becomes necessary to do so.

Filed under penalty of perjury that the forgoing is true and correct.

(Signed by) Sarah Ransome

8-04-2019 Notorized by Deborah Knowlton

Direct link to the affadavit


John henry said...

The Dershowitz incident seems to have been around 2006. Ransome was 22 years old at the time.

The Afidavit was this April

John Henry

rhhardin said...

I think the Chouraqui bible does it best.

Jaq said...

“I recall specific, key details of his person”

Here we go again!

Jaq said...

Update4: In a second Monday hearing, Epstein's attorneys have argued that he has immunity under a 2008 plea deal. As we noted earlier, however, the new case includes additional alleged victims who weren't covered by Epstein's non-prosecution agreement, according to Bloomberg.

His attorneys have also argued that the images seized in a raid of his Manhattan mansion are "ancient" and show consenting adults.

Prosecutors, on the other hand, say that the images are "extremely concerning."
. - Zerohedge

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

when they raided his apartment and found tapes, were any of these similar to the "Insurance" files on weiner's computer?
Who's the next big name to go down soon? Bubba? Kevin Spacey?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Why would Epstein have anything to do with Trump ?”

Hahahaha! I’ll chalk it up to your senility.

John henry said...

Just by way of no harm, Lolita is available in paper, hardcover, Kindle as well as two versions of the movie on Amazon streaming and Audible.

All available via Ann's Amazon Portal

Since it is on Kindle and Audible, that means that Amazon is not simply reselling it but is publishing the book.

If sex with young girls is so horrible, where is the outrage over this?

Oh, yeah, I forgot. It is a work of "literature" by a tony author. So it's all good, right?

Just like Podesta's photos of nude young teens hanging in his living room. They are "art".

Not defending sex with teenagers, just complaining about the double standard.

John Henry

Jaq said...

Politics is the most fun when elites lose control. Just read it, it’s worth it.


“The problem with the internet is that there are no gatekeepers” - HRC

Drago said...

Poor poor Inga.

She and LLR-leftist Chuck have been led by the nose through so many hoax lefty/LLR-lefty frame-ups that you would think she would have learned her lesson.

But nope.

And as each new hoax charge appears Inga gets the bit in her teeth and gallops forward like the political cannon fodder she is. Never learning. Never adapting. Never figuring out the game.

Inga is in fact possibly the last breathing lefty to still believe 100% in the debunked/exposed hoax dossier whose own creators have disavowed.

Astonishing malevolence combined with invincible ignorance all on top of supreme arrogance.

Jaq said...

Maybe this is it Inga! This might be the one this time! No fizzled out Mueller Report, this time the goods will be delivered!

Jaq said...

"And as each new hoax charge appears Inga gets the bit in her teeth and gallops forward like the political cannon fodder she is”

Hers is not to reason why!

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

this may be interesting


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Mariah Billado, Miss Teen Vermont 1997 told BuzzFeed, “I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here.'” Three other teenage contestants from the same year confirmed the story. The former pageant contestants discussed their memories of the incident after former Miss Arizona Tasha Dixon told Los Angeles’ CBS affiliate that Trump entered the Miss USA dressing room in 2001 when she was a contestant.

“He just came strolling right in,” Dixon said. “There was no second to put a robe on or any sort of clothing or anything. Some girls were topless. Others girls were naked. Our first introduction to him was when we were at the dress rehearsal and half-naked changing into our bikinis.”

(Billado told BuzzFeed she mentioned the incident to Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, who shrugged it off, saying, “Yeah, he does that.”)”


Jaq said...

Who knows what the future holds, I sure don’t, but what you guys have now against Trump is pretty fucking weak.

Jim at said...

Barr could’ve run interference for him, just like he did in the Mueller investigation.

I think this level of stupidity needs to be aired out in the middle of the room just so everybody can smell it.

wwww said...

Epstein is the target. He's (allegedly) hideous. They're not going to flip him.

But if his (allegedly) kiddie porn collection turns up evidence someone else (allegedly) raped children, that person should be prosecuted.

wwww said...

Not everything is about Trump.

That goes for soccer too. Not everything is about Trump. The 4th of July is not about Trump. Soccer is not about Trump. Child prosecution cases are not about Trump.

Lately it seems like some people want to make every discussion about Trump. I'm not talking about one side or another, I'm taking about both sides doing it.

wwww said...

Trump. Trump. Trump. Trump. Trump. Into every area of life all the time. Holidays. Soccer. Football. Thanksgiving. Trump. Trump. Trump. Trump. Trump.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

This may very well BE about Trump. I’m not about to stick my head in the sand and discount Trumps relationship with Epstein. If Obama had connections to Epstein you better believe these people would be acting like sharks in a pool full of shark bait.

Kirk Parker said...


The KJV was actually a very fine translation for its time. Please note that the concept of an idiomatic-yet-careful translation had literally not been invented yet.


" half of Trump's base already want him fired for his piss-poor job performance."

LOL! I'd be more than happy to see Trump given the heave-ho, if there were the slightest chance his replacement would try to outdo him.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

And I don’t think for a hot minute that anyone here won’t make another mention of Bill Clinton and Epstein.

Jaq said...

“If Obama had connections to Epstein you better believe these people would be acting like sharks in a pool full of shark bait.”

You left out a certain Lolita Express frequent flier! I am shocked.

-note, retiring Nobody. Bored with her.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You left out a certain Lolita Express frequent flier! I am shocked.”

Let’s see the flight manifests. Who flew to Pleasure Island and how many times? Oh how interesting that will be.

Jaq said...

Why shouldn’t we? Epstein was Trump’s neighbor and Trump ran a popular club in Epstein’s town. Trump eventually kicked him out of the the club and helped police in the investigation of Epstien. Clinton flew many many many times on Lolita Express and five times ditched his Secret Service detail.

Here is the evidence that they have that Trump covered for Epstein. Trump ratted him out in an interview. That’s the evidence.

Jaq said...

"Let’s see the flight manifests. Who flew to Pleasure Island and how many times? Oh how interesting that will be.”

We know that because it’s public information. Bill Clinton figures prominently. Trump flew to NYC with him once. How can you be so sure of yourself on this, yet ignorant of details that have been public for months, years?

Jaq said...

Here Inga, catch up to the stuff they don’t feed you on your lefty carefully curated blogs.


Jaq said...

I will throw you a free one Inga. The Lolita Express looks remarkably like Trump’s new Air Force One design.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

There are far more than flight manifests that will be coming to light.

wwww said...

Maybe, but right now it's about Epstein. I suppose people are going to speculate about all sorts of famous people. Lots of people from Prince Andrew to politicians to famous people have all been mentioned as his acquaintances.

I'm just tired of Trump being interjected into all aspects of public culture like politics and sports. And T. interjects himself and jumps into controversy and promotes controversy tweeting or @ing all sorts of civilians about soccer or holidays or whatever to make it the latest cultural outrage. It's on-going high school-level spectacle.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

flight manifest is open source info.

Jaq said...

“here are far more than flight manifests that will be coming to light."

You sure seem to be an expert on that stuff!

If Trump’s plane had been to Epstein’s island, that would be known by now too, since those planes can’t fly without submitting flight plans and manifests to the FAA.

wwww said...

To clarify: I hope they prosecute everyone involved in child rape. But we don't know who was involved. Right now it's about Epstein and I'm glad they are prosecuting him.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Trump has also indicated publicly he knew of Epstein’s interest in “younger” women, although he never suggested the financier crossed any legal lines. “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,’’ Trump told New York Magazine back in 2002. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

On Monday, lawyers for Maxwell informed the judge that they wanted to ask potential jurors about their knowledge of rape and sexual harassment allegations leveled at Trump during the presidential contest.

Maxwell’s legal team wants to ask the jury pool if they know about suits filed—then dropped or dismissed—alleging that Trump and Epstein raped a teen at Epstein’s Manhattan residence.

Trump denied the charges. The suits were withdrawn amid media scrutiny, although one attorney for an unnamed accuser said she backed out due to threats.”


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Right now it's about Epstein and I'm glad they are prosecuting him.”

Not for long.

“A former FBI official said Monday that the federal indictment of Jeffrey Epstein is a "placeholder" for prosecutors and he expects a much larger "superseding" indictment to be forthcoming.”


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Jane Doe” aka “Katie Johnson” – 1994. Lawsuit filed June 2016, refiled October 2016 as reported by Buzzfeed and others, then dropped in November 2016.

Jane Doe is an unnamed plaintiff, who has also gone by “Katie Johnson” in legal papers. She claims she was repeatedly raped by Trump and Jeffery Epstein at Epstein’s New York City apartment in 1994, when she was 13 years old. A witness, also given a pseudonym — “Tiffany Doe” — said she recruited “Jane Doe” and others. Doe, using the name “Johnson,” gave an interview to the Daily Mail in which she said she did not know who Trump was at the time of the alleged attack but identified him later when she saw him on television. It is not known why she withdrew the lawsuit. She has not spoken publicly or withdrawn her rape allegation since then.”


Maillard Reactionary said...

rhhardin @10:46 AM: Thanks for engaging. We may be getting somewhere.

Michael K @4:33 PM: Good one. I heard the "Ouch!" from here.

wwww said...

Like I said, any others involved in his child prosecution ring should be prosecuted. There was a story of a girl being tied up and raped and men arguing about who got to take her virginity.

I am outraged some are calling them "child prostitutes."

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

per posobiec
"Epstein's lawyer has already made a proffer to SDNY. Epstein will agree to cooperate with the investigation, including giving up the names of individuals that paid for activities with underage girls in exchange for a maximum sentence not to exceed 5 years"

Drago said...

Inga, per new Lefty/LLR-lefty Smear Merchant guidelines, you are supposed to assert the latest republican target of your newest rape hoaxes is a rape gang leader.

Get with the program slacker.

By the way, has Inga ever apologized for her serial rape lies against Kavanaugh yet?

I am betting no.

Shouldnt our resident Lefty/LLR-lefty smear merchants apologize for their last set of exposed lies before advancing new ones?

Simply as a matter of administrative clarity.

Krumhorn said...

There were jokes about Epstein liking women younger than the speaker does, without outrage about it. The scandal to the speaker would be his lack of outrage, played against the safe public stance of outrage. Whereas what's privately believed is that it's a law violation but the women got a good deal for themselves and the man liked it so what's the problem. Like tax law violation.

The actual harm, says Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig, is refusing to let the woman take any responsibility for what happens to her. It puts the world out of her control at exactly the time she's learning that she controls it.

I agree with part of your argument. When a kid falls and skins her knee, how the parent reacts almost assures how the kid reacts. If the parent show alarm and horror, the kid will scream bloody murder. If the parent calmly goes to the kid smiling and light-hearted, the kid will relax and point to the owie.

The rest of your argument sounds a lot the way Epstein describes himself as merely an offender but not a sexual predator. That’s repulsive and misses the entire point. We should be clear that even Lolita has no agency. It’s entirely up to the adult to observe the legal age guardrails. That why the rush to blame the university boy for boning the drunk university girl and calling it rape is completely odious. It relieves her of responsibility for her own actions and poor judgement, and then later we get another Floozy Ford blaming her shit life on some court nominee 30 years later.

Diddling a 14yr old boy or girl is an appropriate target for moral outrage whether directed at Epstein or a priest.

- Krumhorn

404 Page Not Found said...

I would assume that if you took an teenage girl to your island, then US law would not apply if you had sex with them.

The White-Slave Traffic Act, or the Mann Act, is a United States federal law, passed June 25, 1910 (ch. 395, 36 Stat. 825; codified as amended at 18 U.S.C. §§ 2421–2424). It is named after Congressman James Robert Mann of Illinois.

In its original form the act made it a felony to engage in interstate or foreign commerce transport of "any woman or girl for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose". Its primary stated intent was to address prostitution, immorality, and human trafficking, particularly where trafficking was for the purposes of prostitution.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

“Jane Doe” aka “Katie Johnson” – 1994. Lawsuit filed June 2016, refiled October 2016 as reported by Buzzfeed and others, then dropped in November 2016."

"It is not known why she withdrew the lawsuit"


Gee, it really is impossible to understand how a lawsuit against Trump from made up smears in the distant past would be launched during the general campaign and then dropped after the election.

I mean, that one is really difficult to figure out.

Its inexplicable!!

What a mystery!!

404 Page Not Found said...

Bill Clinton is on the flight logs of Epstein's jet (aka "The Lolita Express") over two dozen times for flights to "pedophile island".

Krumhorn said...

And not for nuthin’, that is precisely the argument that NAMBLA makes justifying their perversions.

- Krumhorn

404 Page Not Found said...


In a 2006 court filing, Palm Beach police noted that a search of Epstein’s home uncovered two hidden cameras. The Mirror reported that in 2015, a 6-year-old civil lawsuit filed by “Jane Doe No. 3,” believed to be the now-married Giuffre, alleged that Epstein wired his mansion with hidden cameras, secretly recording orgies involving his prominent friends and underage girls. The ultimate purpose: blackmail, according to court papers.

“Jane Doe No. 3” also alleged that she had been forced to have sex with “numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, a well-known prime minister, and other world leaders.”

wwww said...

It didn't just happen on the island. Happened in NYC, in Florida, for some reason in Ohio. As young as 12. A CD labeled "misc. young" full of kiddie porn.

Some commenters are pretending these was a situation of a 19 yr old boyfriend and his 17 year old girlfriend. No. Hundreds of child victims of 60 year old very wealthy men. Molesting and raping 12-17 yr old girls, photos of porn, keeping it, "handing" the girls to friends as gifts, arguing about who got to take virginity, tying up to a bed. He targeted underage girls.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

WATCH: Donald Trump Predicts Justice for Jeffrey Epstein at CPAC 2015


why would Trump draw attention to this if it would hurt him?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Trump Was 'Only One' To Help Prosecutor In 2009 Epstein Case


why would Trump help out if it risked exposing his own 'guilt'?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

7h7 hours ago
SCOOP: Epstein's lawyer has already made a proffer to SDNY. Epstein will agree to cooperate with the investigation, including giving up the names of individuals that paid for activities with underage girls in exchange for a maximum sentence not to exceed 5 years - @OANN

There should be no deals cuts with this scumbag Epstein. What about individuals who didn't pay, but still had sex with underage girls at his residences?

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