July 18, 2019

Ihan Omar takes to the high ground — the Maya Angelou high ground.

Very well played by Omar.

Here's the full text of "Still I Rise," which is not to be confused with "On the Pulse of the Morning," the poem — often mocked by Rush Limbaugh — that Angelou performed at Bill Clinton's inauguration, the one that begins with "A Rock, A River, A Tree" and the "dry tokens" (petrified droppings?) of dinosaurs:

From the Wikipedia article, "On the Pulse of the Morning":
The popular press praised Clinton's choice of Angelou as inaugural poet, and her "representiveness" of the American people and its president. Critic Mary Jane Lupton said that "Angelou's ultimate greatness will be attributed" to the poem, and that Angelou's "theatrical" performance of it, using skills she learned as an actor and speaker, marked a return to the African-American oral tradition of speakers such as Frederick Douglass, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X. Poetry critics, despite praising Angelou's recitation and performance, gave mostly negative reviews of the poem....
I think the move to poetry is good! Trump does poetry too. Famously, "The Snake"!

CORRECTION: The original headline for this post was "Ihan Omar takes to the high ground — the Maya-Angelou-at-the-Clinton-inauguration high ground." That lets you see that I myself confused "Still I Rise" with "On the Pulse of the Morning." I'd discovered my mistake as I put the post together, but I forgot to change the post title until after publication. Fixed!


rehajm said...

Maya always reminded me of Steve Martin- Rise

To Ihan the aerosol has been passed...

rehajm said...

I'll shake the hand of any germ that can make that leap.

Ralph L said...

But AOC is the airhead.

He wasn't horrified by congressmen being shot at?

chuck said...

But still, like air, I’ll rise.

Maybe, maybe not. Poetry is a weak response.

DarkHelmet said...

Nice to see more lefties lining up behind Omar. (cackles, rubs hands)

Yancey Ward said...

Omar's problem will that she will soon be back to blaming Jews.

Seeing Red said...

Until the IRS comes knocking.

Molly said...


It would be better played by Omar if she could refrain from hating Jews.

DarkHelmet said...

Isn't Favreau the dude who was photographed fondling a cutout of Hillary? Yech. On so many levels.

AustinRoth said...

She will rise like air because that is all that is in her head.

And that was a tepid, lightweight response at best.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

yeah - memory hole her hatred and vile comments.

rehajm said...

The guy what directed Elf sure did turn sour.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The old sticks and stones comeback.

What next. I'm rubber you're glue ???

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Damage control.

The 4 radical leftwing America-hating females are the new stars. They must now shed their past comments and emerge as innocent butterflies.

rehajm said...

The four morons deserve dirty limericks.

Anonymous said...

Very well played by Omar.

If one is moved by shite poetry.

C'mon, AA. That's just awful stuff.

But you're probably right. The target audience likes Angelou's stuff.

Tommy Duncan said...

"A wise woman wishes to be no one’s enemy; a wise woman refuses to be anyone’s victim.

A cynical young person is almost the saddest sight to see, because it means that he or she has gone from knowing nothing to believing nothing.

If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.

I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back.

I got my own back."

Quotes from Maya Angelou

Howard said...

This is what normals do, unlike your deplorable junior high school mean-girl rambo act.

stlcdr said...

Poetry is ignored by a lot of people. I’m taking it that what she retweeted is what she’s really saying.

Seeing Red said...


That’s funny Howard.

Seeing Red said...

So says the guy who supports the party that’s been acting like the crown’s been taken away since 11/9/16.

WisRich said...

It was the logical play by Omar. Play the victim once she gets push back on her ugly rhetoric.

henry said...

Angelou's poetry, yeesh. Not a fan thereof.

J. Farmer said...

As for Miss Angelou, I have gotten many people angry at me by saying at the beginning of the book, quoting the divine Oscar Wilde as having said splendidly, ''All bad poetry is sincere,'' and then saying that The New York Times, the day after the inauguration of President Clinton, praised the inaugural poem by Maya Angelou as a work of Whitmanian amplitude, to which I can only reply, ''It is a work of astonishing sincerity.''

-Harold Bloom on Charlie Rose

Darrell said...

The dinosaur, who left dried tokens

Reminds me of the Lefties around here.

bleh said...

She should only be sent back to Somalia if her US citizenship is revoked due to fraud. Absent that, she should just be sent back to Minnesota by the voters in 2020. Or sent to a federal prison for her crimes.

dreams said...

She's the one doing the shooting but is now complaining when people shoot back. That does seem to be the modus operandi of the corrupt liberal democrats. They can get away that kind of behavior because of the equally corrupt liberal media is on their side. We need an unbiased media.

LA_Bob said...

J. Farmer,

Good one!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Howard is the guy who thinks that the firefighters who courageously entered the jaws of death to saves lives after a terror attack - they don't deserve our praise.

Rick said...

This is what normals do, unlike your deplorable junior high school mean-girl rambo act.

Normals object with facts proving their points. For example she could prove she didn't marry her brother in furtherance of an immigration and student loan fraud if only it were true she didn't commit immigration and student loan fraud (and perjury). She's left with pretending only racists care about such things because a more direct defense would be immediately proven false.

Plus I suppose from her perspective it's true only racists care about fraud and perjury by leftists. She believes everyone on the right is racist and those are the only people who believe the law should be applied to left political activists.

Rick said...

She should only be sent back to Somalia if her US citizenship is revoked due to fraud.

The fraud she committed wasn't to receive her immigration status but her brother's.

Ann Althouse said...

"'Very well played by Omar. 'If one is moved by shite poetry.'"

Nope. It's still well played.

"C'mon, AA. That's just awful stuff."

Just awful the way pop songs are awful. But it's the level where most of us operate most of the time or actually slightly higher.

"But you're probably right. The target audience likes Angelou's stuff."

And Trump's people go for "The Snake."

Ann Althouse said...

And America's favorite poet, ever since Robert Frost became too difficult, has been Dr. Seuss. If you're a little more elite, it's Bob Dylan.

Krumhorn said...

The Somalis in MN need to send a better, more grateful representative to Congress. I don’t see the point of electing an immigrant who is routinely going to shit the bed and make my community a target of unwelcome notice.

- Krumhorn

Jason said...

"Herr God, Herr Lucifer

Out of the ash
I rise with my red hair
And I eat men like air."

Sylvia Plath, "Lady Lazarus."

rehajm said...

I agree with Farmer's fop!

Mark said...

"For example she could prove she didn't marry her brother"

Yeah, because you are such an open an honest judge of truth .... not the partisan hack you have demonstrated time and again here.

Like with Kenyan Obama, you are making demands while lacking the birth certificates which prove your claims. Show up with actual proof if you want to be taken seriously. A

stevew said...

Calculated, out of character, and probably unsustainable. Pretty effective in the moment though.

I'll just remember what some wise person said on another thread (paraphrased): when the left commits physical violence it is called speech, when the right commits speech it is violence.

phantommut said...

Trump has finally gotten burned by a mob he's incited.

Seeing Red said...

The Somalis in MN need to send a better, more grateful representative to Congress. I don’t see the point of electing an immigrant who is routinely going to shit the bed and make my community a target of unwelcome notice.

Yah MN might actually change the law on our daycare scam and make all that US legal suitcases full of money leaving by Minneapolis illegal.

Fernandinande said...

I dustery's fear eyes,
You risexing my ling I leavinging rise.
Bred fall risexing me,

I'm pumping Justor bess.

Laslo Spatula said...

In conjunction with Maya, this poem might also work:

The green color Pods at First were long and hollow.
They had grown from Mother Earth, anti-society, into a wild vine.
The vine with Pods, long and curling upward, had many follows;
How each Pod has a unique Pea, that together walks a fine line.

-- Dennis Rader.

I am Laslo.

traditionalguy said...

Why feel sorry for a Muslim Jihadist? That only confirms for them that they have made you submit to their god and will not resist your enslavement. It would be wrong to mislead this sweet lady Jihadist.

Fernandinande said...

This is more sophisticated and athletic than poetry:

"Norwegian woman Ayla Kirstine developed an unusual skill running and jumping like a horse because of her love for horses. Love takes so many wondrous forms."

bleh said...

"The fraud she committed wasn't to receive her immigration status but her brother's."

Yes, I am aware that she can't be stripped of her US citizenship based on that particular instance of fraud. I only point out that fraud in the procurement of citizenship is one of the only ways a naturalized citizen can be stripped of her or his citizenship -- and Ilhan Omar is, apparently, an inveterate fraudster.

Another ground for denaturalization is membership in or affiliation with a subversive group within 5 years of being naturalized. Of course, I'm not suggesting Omar is member of or affiliated with a subversive group, like al Qaeda.

Susan said...


For those of you who think Ilhan did not commit immigration fraud herself, read this article as posted on Powerline.

Her family's fraud started way back when they changed last names to become members of the Omar family to enter the US.

Rick said...

Like with Kenyan Obama, you are making demands while lacking the birth certificates which prove your claims.

Facts wrong, opinions stupid, it must be Mark.


Yeah, because you are such an open an honest judge of truth .... not the partisan hack you have demonstrated time and again here.

Much like "racist" the nuts use "partisan hack" any time they disagree but can't effectively rebut the assertion.

if you want to be taken seriously.

Oh noes, will the nutjobs incapable of independent thought not give me a medal? Whatever will I do to recover from this disappointment?

Howard said...

Blogger BleachBit-and-Hammers said...

Howard is the guy who thinks that the firefighters who courageously entered the jaws of death to saves lives after a terror attack - they don't deserve our praise.

Not it at all, sweetie. My complaint was that all of your cuck men friends kept thumping their chests that the FF's were all men and that men are uber great and terrific and brave and heroic. These cucks wipe themselves blood from heros to steal a little credit for just being a man.

It's hilariously ironic that the Rad Fems have had such an obvious and repeatedly demonstrated de-nutting effect on your macho conservative republican men.

Bwahahahahahaha as the cucks would say at the Anti-Idiotarian Pomeranian blog

Howard said...

Blogger Fernandistein said...

This is more sophisticated and athletic than poetry:

"Norwegian woman Ayla Kirstine developed an unusual skill running and jumping like a horse

Trump wants to know if she pisses like a racehorse

Marcus Bressler said...

Angelou IS shite. At least Suess was entertaining. Dylan was sometimes brilliant, sometimes ponderous. Taste is subjective. But Angelou IS shite.


Mark said...

Rick, you can keep posting that one blog post, it still does not answer the question I asked nor provides definitive proof.

You regularly dismiss similarly sourced charges against Republicans, do better. If it so demonstratably clear cut then make the case.

You are making extraordinary claims, you need extraordinary proof

wwww said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

We do well to remember that once Muslims take over a country by sneak Jihad, they do not deport the Jews and Christians. They enslave them and then kill them at will for fun. Study the way Coptics are treated in Egypt.

Rosalyn C. said...

Trump's point was that if Omar is living here and doesn't like Americans and hates the system we have created, and if she believes she knows how to create something much better, then she should go back to Somalia and help those people who are in much greater need than Americans. I think Trump was correct in his analysis of her and the squad.

Would I ever say, "send her back?" Never in a million years, but her statements towards the US, 9-11, Al Qaeda, Israel and American Jews have been horrendous. She doesn't deserve a pass because she wears a head scarf or her skin color. The idea that we have to allow people to use American ideals and freedoms to subvert and destroy the US, because otherwise we're called racists, is repugnant.

Jersey Fled said...

Maya Angelou reminds me of the Vogons in A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Shouting Thomas said...

Mag, hag
You slippery skag
You slithery slimy slut
Green matter grows between your toes
And worms crawl out your butt
Before I’d scale them scaly legs
And suck those moldy tits
I eat a bowl of buzzard puke
And die of the drizzly shits

Now, that’s poetry!

~ Gordon Pasha said...

She's a total fraud and has been for years. See David Steinberg who summarizes her perfidy at Powerline Blog.


narciso said...

I was just about to bring up the vogons,

purplepenquin said...

Now, that’s poetry!

Put it to music and you might have something there. Tho, not sure if you should go for a hip-hop style or country-western...like most lyrics, it can kinda go either way.

Leland said...

Raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones
I'm taking loud not saying much

Rick said...

it still does not answer the question I asked nor provides definitive proof.

There's plenty of evidence for reasonable people. On the other hand no evidence will ever be enough for ideologues for whom reality is irrelevant.

You regularly dismiss similarly sourced charges against Republicans

Nobody has any idea what you're referring to including you.

Shouting Thomas said...

I got a degree in lit-er-a-choor!

Josephbleau said...

“you need extraordinary proof”

What is extraordinary proof. It is either proved or it is not.

Hagar said...

The Mod Squad are all from big city Democrat machine districts. Apparently these have now fallen apart so badly that they are easy targets for raiding by random individuals just taking a notion to score easy money off them.

Jersey Fled said...

BTW, air doesn't rise.

Josephbleau said...

Rise like air
Air does not rise in nature because it is the same density as all the surrounding air. Unless it is hot air.

pacwest said...

"Very well played by Omar."

LOL. You see the same thing in the comments here at Althouse. After saying something something stupid, even bordering on abhorrent, the commenter gets called on it, and then says how above the fray they are. In fact I remember similar stuff from jr high.

"What next. I'm rubber you're glue ???"


Rob said...

The conclusion of "On the Pulse of Morning," perhaps the greatest anti-climax in all of poetry:

Here on the pulse of this new day
You may have the grace to look up and out
And into your sister's eyes,
Into your brother's face, your country
And say simply
Very simply
With hope
Good morning.

Shouting Thomas said...

I think we’ve achieved Unitarian coffee house sainthood here.

Leland said...

Ok, Trump has now taken the high ground and disavowed the chant as negative and wrong.

Now waiting for Omar to disavow Al Qaeda.

Anonymous said...

AA: Just awful the way pop songs are awful. But it's the level where most of us operate most of the time or actually slightly higher.

Yeah, I know. I was agreeing with you. Shite works. Which is what I said.

I seem to recall that you get pissed off at people when they make these sorts of hair-trigger responses to your comments before digesting them. Quite a hair-trigger, as my comment was only three lines long. (So c'mon, admit it! You think Angelou is a fabulous poet and underneath it all you were just cheesed that I dissed her stuff!)

YoungHegelian said...

Very well played by Omar.

My guess is that Omar's advisors & House leadership sat down with Omar & had a "Come to Allah" moment with her, telling her in no uncertain terms that she's dancing on the edge.

Omar is damaging the Democratic Party. Whatever Trump or his crowds may say or chant, they didn't force her to say the outrageous things she has said. She is a yuuuuge negative ad campaign for the Dems, and they need to shut her down & up before teh election. No Democrat wants to go back to the home district & have his/her Republican challenger ask "So, do you support Rep Omar?" in a debate. That's a lose-lose.

Mr. Forward said...

You may fill me full of beans
You may cut one like the guys
You may pull the sheet over your head
But still, like air, I’ll rise.

Michael said...

Maya. Such a mediocrity. Awful, just the worst.

rhhardin said...

The calculated high ground isn't the high ground. It's promising opportunism.

Paul Zrimsek said...

Of course air rises-- like in a hot-air balloon. There are plenty of gasbags in Washington but only one who'll admit to it.

Fen said...

Howard is the guy who thinks that the firefighters who courageously entered the jaws of death to saves lives after a terror attack - they don't deserve our praise.

To be more precise, yesterday Howard overheard us praising the honor and courage of the 9-11 firefighters and felt so threatened by that he began spewing toilet insults at us.

You don't need to an expert on character to understand what that says about Howard.

Adjust accordingly.

wendybar said...

Until she stepped in front of a camera and called the President a Fascist. Do you really believe that these women know what the high road actually is???

Howard said...

When you know she's no high climber
then you find your only friend
In a room with your two timer,
and you're sure you're near the end
Then you love a little wild one,
and she brings you only sorrow
All the time you know she's smilin';
you'll be on your knees tomorrow

Shouting Thomas said...

If Angelou Maya isn’t
The most obnoxious bitch
In the history of sanctimonious cunts
Who is?

She’s got
That scam you owe me
Thing blacks are always hustling
Like nobody you’ve ever seen!

Shouting Thomas said...

Howard, we’ve finally found common ground.

We both love poetry

Shouting Thomas said...

Why do blacks always affect that holier than thou thing when they’re demanding that you kiss their asses and give them your stuff?

MayBee said...

I'm amused at how "horrified" and "chilled" people proclaim to be about the "Send her back". No, I didn't like it. Wish it wouldn't have happened. But for 2 years Trump supporters have been called hateful, racist, been banned from Ravelry, been chased down in restaurants. Trump himself has been called out as an agent of Russia, as a Putin puppet, as a traitor. Why have these chilled people not been chilled by any of that?

MayBee said...

I think she'll take the high road like the Obamas went high when "we" went low. As in, not for long and barely at all. But there will still be praise

wildswan said...


If this article is correct, a part of Ilhan Omar's immediate family got into the US by chain migration fraud, while her other siblings stayed in London. The US part whose true family name is Elmi changed their name to Omar and claimed to be members of the Omar family which was already here. That's the chain migration fraud. Then, next the article says that Ilhan Omar married Ahmed Elmi and that he was her brother from the part of her family that went to London. Then next, she never divorced Ahmed Elmi but stated in 2017 that she did not know where he was and so was able to marry her present husband. But her social media shows that she did know where Ahmed Elmi, her brother, was. So if the two are the same she committed fraud and bigamy in 2017. These questions have been raised and she hasn't answered them. But she's Congresswoman now, lecturing the rest of us on what a sh*thole the US is. And she's reading us poetry written by the blacks about their experience (which was very hard) as if she was one of them when she is an Arab from a wealthy family from a country where wealthy families commonly held slaves until the big bad colonial powers stopped them in 1923.

mockturtle said...

quoting the divine Oscar Wilde as having said splendidly, "All bad poetry is sincere"

Love Oscar Wilde! Yes, and Angelou is about as sincere as they come.

jeremyabrams said...

Air doesn't rise. Well, warm air rises, but cool air sinks. But anyway, air as one of its essential attributes does not rise.

Mark said...

Funny, multiple people with married her brother claim .... yet all they can find is the same single set of blog posts.

Its like everyone else saw the claims and knew they were bullshit.

Shouting Thomas said...


We’re applying the Russia collusion hoax rules.

Where there’s smoke there’s fire.

wendybar said...

Yeah, NO she didn't

wendybar said...


Shouting Thomas said...

The left declared war on Republicans and Trump.

The NY Times declared all rules were off in a front page article.

Three years of calling Trump a Russian agent.

Fuck you, Mark. It’s war.

There are no rules.

Mark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

Funny, multiple people with married her brother claim .... yet all they can find is the same single set of blog posts.

Are you talking about Powerline? The website that Dan Rather mocked before they took him down and destroyed his career over the fake MemoGate papers?

I'm not a fan of Powerline, but it's pretty rich for you to complain about "a single set of blog posts" when an honest man would be wondering why the MSM has been covering the story with a pillow.

Mark said...

Keep doubling down on Powerline. It is a wonderful reminder of how weak your argument is.

Meanwhile Trump is walking back the chant.

Rick said...

yet all they can find is the same single set of blog posts.

Multiple people refer to the same comment because it summarizes all the prior evidence and provides links to public records proving the case. Mark's response lacks any specifics which when combined with his lack of understanding of why people would highlight the same evidence suggests he didn't even look at it before concluding it must be false. Typical.

Its like everyone else saw the claims and knew they were bullshit.

Like you "everyone else" went to whatever lengths necessary to avoid the evidence.

Fen said...

But still, like air, I’ll rise, she versed in smug tones, remembering the Crematorium her family used for dissidents, in service to Somalian dictator Mohammed Siad Barre.

Very well played by Omar, Ann Althouse gushed.

mikee said...

"...must not be allowed to go unanswered."

And with that phrase, Trump won the 2020 election.
He is willing and able to decry the faux outrage, the lies, the calumnies, the blood libels, produced by the left. And once he laughs at the left, a lot of other people start to laugh at them, too. A leftist not taken seriously is just a crazy person yelling to themselves in a parking lot.

Fen said...

Mark: Keep doubling down on Powerline. It is a wonderful reminder of how weak your argument is.

Profile Unavailable. Will vanish the day Powerline is proven to be accurate.

"Another day, another Doug"

stevew said...

"Why have these chilled people not been chilled by any of that?"

Civility Bullshit, no more, no less.

Kevin said...

And America's favorite poet, ever since Robert Frost became too difficult, has been Dr. Seuss. If you're a little more elite, it's Bob Dylan.


MD Greene said...

Angelou's inaugural poem wasn't good, but it came after 15 years of a theoretical poetry renaissance in the US that produced approximately zilch in the way of memorable poetry.

That said, Angelou is a serious writer of distinguished works that stand out very well in the current cluttered literary environment of self-absorbed memoir and Twitter tweets.

Ilhan Omar is no Maya Angelou.

Kevin said...

Staffer 1: How is Omar going to get out of siding with Al Qaeda?

Staffer 2: Probably lay down some lines from Maya Angelou. Woke people love that shit.

Kevin said...

There is no “taking the high road” after your ass has been handed to you.

The time to do that was before the fight, when the outcome could still be questioned.

Swede said...

More like a fart.

Bilwick said...

And still they fall . . . to their knees, in order to fellate Massa State.

Static Ping said...

It is a nice bit of poetry about perseverance.

The problem is while perseverance is considered a positive trait, it is not a virtue in itself. To not take this as seriously as it should, Sunday morning cartoon villains are exemplars of perseverance with Cobra Commander, Megatron, Skeletor, Mumm-Ra, etc. trying again and again to take over the world (or whatever) with their evil schemes. You could apply this poem equally to Martin Luther King, Jr., Hugh Hefner, Fidel Castro, Susan B. Anthony, Joan of Arc, Genghis Khan, St. Paul, and many other people all over the morality spectrum.

Related, I think that Bill Maher got a bad rap when he claimed that terrorists were brave. The large majority of terrorists are brave. To put your life on the line or even to sacrifice your life willingly for a cause is a brave thing to do. The problem is courage is also a desirable but not necessarily virtuous trait. A person can be both courageous and extremely evil. We have been conditioned for good guys to be brave and evil doers to be cowards. That's not how the real world works.

rehajm said...

Her poem is a bit ignorant of the science. I'm no expert but if you're like air colder than the surrounding air I wouldn't hold your breath on that rising thing.

Static Ping said...

Now that I think of it, no one has more perseverance that the Terminator. I'm not sure the Ahnold model was much for poetry. Also, he would have a line about actual bullets in there.

Mr. D said...

Send her back? Naah. Send her to prison for fraud? If she's guilty of it, yes.

Marc in Eugene said...

The way forward to endorsing the Democrat candidate for president next year is being outlined here. More details to come.

J said...

JMHO but Angelou's poetry seems to be really beloved by people who skew leftwards.Not so much by others.(just had to fight for 6 times to use that "skew".)

Christopher said...

I attended that inauguration--it was the last time I voted for a Democratic presidential candidate. Good-natured guy that I am I was hoping for a decent poem, but that Angelou piece was dreck. It was a list, a numbing, pedestrian list. An early version of AI could have done better.

Fen said...

This is what Omar's family was a part of in Somalia, and why they had to flee the country once the dictator they served fell:

“Faced with saboteurs by day and sniper fire by night, Siad Barre ordered remaining units of the badly demoralized Red Berets to massacre civilians,” the UN profile report says. “By 1989 torture and murder became the order of the day in Mogadishu. On July 9, 1989, Somalia’s Italian-born Roman Catholic bishop, Salvatore Colombo, was gunned down in his church in Mogadishu by an unknown assassin. The order to murder the bishop, an outspoken critic of the regime, was widely believed to have had come from the presidential palace.”

Exhumed remains of victims of Somalia’s Isaaq Genocide, 1988-89. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

“On the heels of the bishop’s murder came the July 14 massacre, when the Red Berets slaughtered 450 Muslims demonstrating against the arrest of their spiritual leaders. More than 2,000 were seriously injured. The next day, forty-seven people, mainly from the Isaaq clan, were taken to Jasiira Beach west of the city and summarily executed,” according to the UN report.

The Isaaq genocide of 1988-89 exterminated between 60,000 and 100,000 Somalis.

By 1991, the Siad Barre regime collapsed as the country tore itself apart in civil war. Regime loyalists – families like Ilhan Omar’s – could find no safety any more in Somalia"


Stay in that spotlight, baby. We're going to make you a star.

Omar is not known to have been critical of the Siad Barre regime or the horrors it inflicted during her childhood in Somalia.

daskol said...

"Send her back" is now a dangerous chant because if she's involved in immigration fraud, among other frauds alleged, people will be calling for revoking her citizenship.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

The race card.

Lars Porsena said...

Ann Althouse said...
And America's favorite poet, ever since Robert Frost became too difficult, has been Dr. Seuss. If you're a little more elite, it's Bob Dylan.
7/18/19, 12:02 PM

America's favorite poet is Anonymous. His stuff is on walls and bathroom stalls coast to coast.

Susan said...

Sounds like her immediate family may have been worse than slave owners.

Of course she was a mere child and so should not be held responsible. meanwhile, people who have to look back more than 100 years to find a slave owner are on the hook for reparations.

mockturtle said...

Swede observes: More like a fart.

Yes. Methane gas is lighter than air.

mockturtle said...

America's favorite poet is Anonymous. His stuff is on walls and bathroom stalls coast to coast.

Yes! Wasn't it he who penned the immortal:
No matter how much
you shake and dance
the last few drops
go down your pants.

mockturtle said...

Here I sit broken hearted,
Tried to shit and only farted.

Great stuff.

Sebastian said...

"Very well played by Omar."

But this is no game. At some point, facts will trump poetry.

Barring a factual refutation by "Omar," I believe David Steinberg has the goods:

"In 1995, Ilhan entered the United States as a fraudulent member of the “Omar” family.

That is not her family. The Omar family is a second, unrelated family which was being granted asylum by the United States. The Omars allowed Ilhan, her genetic sister Sahra, and her genetic father Nur Said to use false names to apply for asylum as members of the Omar family.

Ilhan Abdullahi Omar’s name, before applying for asylum, was Ilhan Nur Said Elmi."

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

rising like dough. Puffed up.

"beware the leaven of the Pharisees"

Anthony said...

Typical crybully stuff. Spew your vile crap and then when the inevitable pushback comes, cry and pretend to be all noble.

Not "well played". Just the typical prog playbook.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...


maybe too many rest stop visits on your trip? ;-)

Jim Gust said...

According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, Omar filed a joint tax return with a man who was not her husband. When her advisors discovered this, they used campaign funds to pay an attorney to get the tax problems straightened out. She was fined for using campaign money for this personal expense.

There is no "high road" for Omar, there is only deny, deny, deny. She won't ever tell the truth about any of this.

Drago said...

Happy "Take the high ground by abandoning your overturned car and female companion to drown" Chappaquiddick Day everyone!!!

Drago said...

WisRich: "It was the logical play by Omar. Play the victim once she gets push back on her ugly rhetoric."

We see this alot with lefties and LLR's.

mockturtle said...

Actually, ICTA, I don't use public restrooms as my RV has its own facilities. These memorable lines were related to me years ago by someone else. Male, presumably. Women's restrooms really don't have any interesting reading. Mostly 'who loves whom' and 'what woman is a bitch or a cunt' or whatever. No real creativity.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

So Omar plays the race card.

We can play the Trump card.

ba bump rim shot.

Susan said...

I don't think it's high ground. I think it's quicksand. The first rule of quicksand is stop struggling. The more she says, the worse it gets. Now there is at least one more whole day of discussion about this.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

a commode on the road!!
ok Mock-- didnt want to see u acquire potty-mouth ;-)


if not don yet:
How Ilhan Omar desperately tried to shut down accusations of bigamy amid claims she was briefly married to her BROTHER to 'commit immigration fraud' while she was still with her current husband


Fen said...

Sounds like her immediate family may have been worse than slave owners. Of course she was a mere child and so should not be held responsible. meanwhile, people who have to look back more than 100 years to find a slave owner are on the hook for reparations.

Agreed. It's just that the public has assumed this narrative (as I did) that her family must have been emaciated refugees fleeing the Grim Reaper. When in fact they were Little Eichmanns in service to a brutal commie dictator, and once he fell they had to flee pitchfork wielding mobs out to avenge massacred family members.

Fen said...

Ilhan Abdullahi Omar’s name, before applying for asylum, was Ilhan Nur Said Elmi.

Anyone know the protocol for that? If I start referring to Ilhan by her real name, do I use Said-Elmi or just Elmi?

Fen said...

they were Little Eichmanns in service to a brutal commie dictator, and once he fell they had to flee pitchfork wielding mobs out to avenge massacred family members.

Weird how the Democrats always find themselves defending these types of creatures.

Jim at said...

Keep doubling down on Powerline. - Not the good Mark, but the stupid Mark.

You mean the site that actually links to government records proving their point?

OK. Will do.

Gahrie said...

There is no "high road" for Omar, there is only deny, deny, deny. She won't ever tell the truth about any of this.

Her religion tells her she doesn't have to.

Susan said...

Fen -
I have been following this story on Powerline since it first began and today was the first time I heard about her family's involvement in massacre.

It doesn't look good.

virgil xenophon said...


"He who writes on bathroom stalls rolls his sh*t in little balls."


LSU dorm circa 1962 :)

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

wait--- this Maya who wrote that gaseous tripe---

...is it this Maya?

"Men Maya Does Not Like: Men with wens, men with foul manners, men with thin thighs, men with small quantity of semen, men whose semen exits slower than 27 mph when ejaculated"

Maillard Reactionary said...

To complete the stanza quoted by virgil xenophon @4:33:

"He who reads these words of wit
Eats these little balls of shit."

It kind of transfigures the metaphysical/aesthetic setup of the first two lines.

Maillard Reactionary said...

AA said: "...America's favorite poet, ever since Robert Frost became too difficult, has been Dr. Seuss..."

While recognizing that Our Hostess was merely being humorous, in her fashion, I would point out that Robert Frost did not become more difficult. Rather, America became more stupid. (Bob Dylan as the "upmarket" preference only confirms this.)

I'm rather fond of Frost and hold him in the same esteem as my other favorites, Emily Dickinson and Philip Larkin. If I were more interested in poetry and explored more of it there would probably be others in the group.

Maya Angelou was devoid of talent, wit, and anything of interest to say. In her defense, though, she serves as a warning to future generations about the regrettable effect of applying affirmative action to the arts.

rcocean said...

So, she'll rise like hot air?

rcocean said...

Isn't poetry supposed to rhyme at least some of the time?

rcocean said...

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

Unknown said...

> send her back

He could have explained as rrhadin did

this is simply their expression of opprobrium

His followers understand him but do not take him literally, he should have said the same for them rather than retreat.

Unknown said...

there are a billion tweets in the naked internet

how many point to someone elses poem?

Unknown said...

Is she still gonna introducer her BDS legislation?

World will be great once rid of the Jews. Why are they in the Muslim holy city?

Iman said...

I disagree with Favreau. This is the most chilling thing I've seen in the last decade, hasn't been topped yet...


velvetbob said...

Some here may not know that Maya is a notorious anti-semite, who is a big fan of The Nation of Islam bigots. Jew-haters stick together.

Kirk Parker said...


If Angelou isn't to your taste, maybe Rigoberta Menchu?

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