July 19, 2019

"He has an enormous amount of chutzpah to attack me and challenge my perfect, perfect sex life...."

Said Alan Dershowitz, antagonized by David Boies, "who is representing Virginia Roberts Giuffre [who] claims Dershowitz had sex with her while she was a minor after being recruited by Epstein" (Washington Examiner).

"I have had sex with one woman since the day I met Jeffrey Epstein. I challenge David Boies to say under oath that he's only had sex with one woman ... He has an enormous amount of chutzpah to attack me and challenge my perfect, perfect sex life during the relevant period of time."


rcocean said...

Trying to visualize Deschowitz having sex...God No...the horror...the horror..

Lucien said...

David Boies— lawyer for Theranos.

Narr said...

Lawyer sex. Urrggk.

Some of my best friends . . .

Expat(ish) said...

I heard D completely flub a softball interview on NPR. Badly enough that the interviewer started asking him Republican questions.

I think it happened when Big Daddy D claimed that the #MeToo women had "financial motives."

There was also, frankly, a whiff of reduced cerebral capability around how badly Derscho trotted out his talking points.



traditionalguy said...

Dersh is 80. But he has spent his life as a fighter for the underdog lawyer. Which means he naturally opposes the corrupt Prosecutors that do the legal wet work for the DC Swamp and its enablers. How he was able to do that and still stay alive Professionally at Harvard is quite a victory in itself.

He just challenged the Big Lie artists to a show down at high noon. My compliments to Dershowitz.

stutefish said...

"He's full of shit" - effective rebuttal.

"How dare you suggest my sex life was anything less than perfect - perfect! - during my Epstein period" - protesting waaay too much.

Rory said...

"I have had sex with one woman since the day I met Jeffrey Epstein."

Remarkable endurance.

pacwest said...

If you support Trump in any manner we will destroy you.

Narr said...

He said "woman." Left out minors, animals, and stuffed toys.

Just like a lawyer!

I kid, I kid! I think Dersh has been a standup guy at cost to his class, personal, and professional interests.

I was going to say he reminds me of someone, but forgot who . . .

AllenS said...

"I never had sex with that blue dre... woman." BJ Clinton

John Borell said...

Uugh, this is not a visual I needed this afternoon.

whitney said...

David Boies was the attorney that represented Elizabeth Holmes and theranos.

Wince said...

He's on tonight
And the Dersh don't lie
And I'm starting to feel it's right
All the attraction, the tension

Don't you see, baby, this is perfection?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I have had sex with one woman since the day I met Jeffrey Epstein. I challenge David Boies to say under oath that he's only had sex with one woman...”

Ok sure one woman, but how many young teenagers supplied by Epstein for legal services.

Darrell said...

Thanos had an attorney?

Achilles said...

David Boies.

Name sounds familiar.

Kinda like a person who shuffled money to foreign intelligence agencies for Hillary.

Shocking to see him involved in the Epstein case throwing shade on people in DC in an apparent attempt to scare everyone and reduce enthusiasm in a case that might cause problems for powerful democrats.

I am shocked.

Achilles said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
“I have had sex with one woman since the day I met Jeffrey Epstein. I challenge David Boies to say under oath that he's only had sex with one woman...”

Ok sure one woman, but how many young teenagers supplied by Epstein for legal services.

And here comes the Stalinist piece of shit right on queue.

The stalinist piece of shit voted for Bill Clinton, a known rapist by the way.

But she is totally cool with pronouncing her political opponents being guilty of rape with no due process.

Hagar said...

Aren't famous lawyers supposed to know when to keep quiet too?

gspencer said...

Kinda pathetic when you have to compare sex lives. When you're well passed your prime.

FullMoon said...

Rory said... [hush]​[hide comment]

"I have had sex with one woman since the day I met Jeffrey Epstein."

Remarkable endurance.

Is he braggin', or complainin'?

sean said...

David Boies is pretty much of a sleaze, who hired private detectives to dig up dirt on Harvey Weinstein's accusers, when he wasn't representing Elizabeth Holmes. If it's a question of demonstrated moral character, I pick Dershowitz. That said, going solely on the basis of character is not usually all that reliable.

Freder Frederson said...

David Boies was the attorney that represented Elizabeth Holmes and theranos.

And Dershowitz was the attorney for Claus Von Bulow, OJ Simpson, Epstein, and Weinstein. If defending scumbags disqualifies someone, Dershowitz doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Lawyer sex. Urrggk”

My experience is that lawyers are great in bed.

Big Mike said...

This is what’s wrong with “believe all women.” Make Virginia Roberts Giuffre pass a lie detector test. And even if she passes, I don’t believe her.

rehajm said...

His perfect, perfect sex life during the relevant period of time.

Gives Clintonparsing™ a phrase expanded meaning, dunnit?

purplepenquin said...

Bill Clinton, a known rapist by the way.

But she is totally cool with pronouncing her political opponents being guilty of rape with no due process

Looks like you're totally cool with doing so as well. Or are you under the impression that Bill Clinton was found guilty of rape after due process was followed? Please clarify...thanks.

Hagar said...

Mr. Dershowitz will be sleeping on the sofa for a while.

narciso said...

Is there any contemporaneous evidence, or do we throw that down the rathole.

readering said...

Live by the camera die by the camera.

narciso said...

No, just like Ted Kennedy was not even brought into a lineup for manslaughter and his treason was kept well under wraps

Shouting Thomas said...

The Age of Aquarius seems like a distant dream.

I'm so old I can remember when people bragged publicly about their wild sex lives and were lionized for it.

What should we call this era? The Age of the Tight Asshole?

narciso said...

I try to be chivalrous, but it seems nearly everything is making something up. Boies as we know hired black cube, he probably employed fusion GPS to protect Elizabeth Holmes, dershositz is very capable of protecting murderers, but not be a party to them.

Yancey Ward said...

I basically don't believe the story about Dershowitz because I find it difficult to believe that anyone in the lady's position would even know who Dershowitz is. I think Boies and the rest of the lawyers just picked people at random with known connections to Epstein, and showed her photographs, and she "picked" him out. I think that if Dershowitz hadn't made a name for himself in recent years attacking the Russian Hoax, she would have "picked" out someone else.

Yancey Ward said...

Lawyers in Love!

Shouting Thomas said...

Back in the 60s, whether or not the girls were underaged wasn’t much of an issue either.

And to think, we arrived back in this state of hysterical prudery while also discarding religion.

Are the two things related?

Shouting Thomas said...

I wonder if Althouse ever regrets having anything to do with the Marxist feminism that brought this plague of vendettas down upon us?

Shouting Thomas said...

I think of Clint Eastwood’s “Unforgiven” a lot in relation to the zeitgeist of this era.

Nothing can ever be forgiven.

Vengeance is the highest calling.

Sex is murder.

And we’re all wallowing in pig shit.

Especially Inga.

Shouting Thomas said...

My Facebook feed features a daily ad from lawyers promising that they’ll fetch you a big payoff for some sexual offense purportedly committed decades ago.

Bruce Hayden said...

In OJ’s defense, I still don’t buy the prosecutors’ theory. It still looks to me like Mark Furhman (illegally) went over the fence at OJ’s House and opened the door for the other three detectives, none of who should have been there without a warrant in the first place (LAPD would have dispatched a uniformed officer instead of four detectives, if their true intent had been warning OJ). My guess is that they figured OJ as the perp from the start, possibly with Furhman’s racist background, due to the interracial aspect of OJ’s marriage, did what they had to make a case, and never seriously looked much further afield.

Not that long before I had taken Crim Law, from one of the best known criminal defense attorneys in town. He told us that he had defended a number of capital cases, and, as a rule saw two types of cases: premeditated and crimes of passion. Premeditated murders were almost always relatively bloodless. The really bloody ones were crimes of passion. These crimes fit neither, in regards to OJ. It would have required very precise timing, in order to cleanup and make his Chicago flight, but it was a very bloody, messy, way to kill. And if his purpose had been to kill his ex wife that way, Ron Goldman would likely have been an innocent bystander who was collateral damage, but would have cost OJ in extra time and blood to cleanup. Yet he still made his plane, sans any blood.

Think about it for a minute - the guy who was stupid enough to commit an armed robbery in a casino, one of the most heavily electronically surveillance places on the planet at the time, and several years earlier had been smart enough to pull off the murder of his ex wife and another in a very bloody way, and still made his Chicago flight. The alleged murder appears to me have required extremely good planning and execution, while his armed robbery looks like the work of someone with an IQ well below average.

Just my thoughts.

narciso said...

Karma, and arrogance, did he have the means did he have a motive did he have opportunity, fuhrman wannabe ellroy screenplay shouldn't have played into that.

Bruce Hayden said...

“I wouldn't hit that. You just might be more open-minded than me, Bruce oh kinky one”

Or, maybe a bit more prejudiced, having probably spent more of my life around lawyers.

madAsHell said...

I have had sex with one woman since the day I met Jeffrey Epstein.

The jokes just write themselves!!

Bruce Hayden said...

Since this is indirectly about Epstein, I am reposting this from earlier:

Interesting court opinion denying Jeffrey Epstein bail. The short answer is that Epstein’s bail request was denied. But how the judge got there was the interesting part. The SDNY prosecutors appear to have done a masterful case arguing for remand. Wonder what would have happened if the execrable Preet Bharara we’re still the USA there. Epstein could really be facing serious time here. With just the two changes, so far, he could easily face the rest of his natural life in prison.

Remand was ordered on two interrelated grounds. One was danger to the community, and one was flight risk. The judge cited for the first that he was charged with very serious sex offenses by grand jury indictment that may net him 45 years. There was testimony that his people had intimidated potential witnesses in the FL case, and some of his more recent victims, minors at the time, testified as to their fear of his release. Mention was made of the pile of kiddie porn (my term) found in his NYC mansion, despite being a Class III registered sex offender in NY. The assumption seems to be that the prosecutors could, and probably would, up the charges, once they had a chance to wade through all those photos and videos. 45 years may be conservative.

Flight risk was a bit more straight forward. He had an expired false passport showing that he knew how to acquire false documents. He had overseas properties, and was arrested upon return from his place in Paris. He still has his Gulfstream, and could easily, given his great wealth, rent another. His only family connection in this country is his brother, with whom he rarely communicates. He is facing a 45 year sentence, at least. As the prosecution said, a classic flight risk.

The judge also rejected Epstein’s suggested house arrest and bail. Mention was made about what he did last time under house arrest. Also noted was that Epstein had provided a one page unaudited summary of his assets, supposedly totaling about a half a billion dollars. But it was unaudited and lacked detail, so was essentially useless. Also mentioned was that he supposedly made about $10 million a year. The most interesting note, to me, was the judges comment that the prosecution had included a claim for civil forfeiture of the very properties that Epstein was offering to pledge as collateral, starting with his $77 million NYC mansion. This is important to note, since the claim was that the properties were used in the commission of his crimes, mountains of illegal kiddie porn was discovered in his NYC mansion, mere possession of which is illegal, much was probably made there, and the standard of proof is by a preponderance of the evidence, instead of beyond a reasonable doubt, as is the case for the criminal charges. If the feds continue to push this, I think that they may soon be the happy owners of one of the nicer NYC mansions. As well as two private islands in the US Virgin Islands. They may pass on his NM compound, though, since they already own plenty of NM already. My surprise was that the judge (softly) called them out for offering to pledge these properties for collateral for bail.

sean said...

"Dershowitz was the attorney for Claus Von Bulow, OJ Simpson, Epstein, and Weinstein."

It's a scummy trick, subversive of human liberty, to criticize lawyers for representing guilty people in criminal proceedings. Guilty or innocent (two of the above were acquitted, and one has not been convicted of anything), everyone is entitled to a knowledgeable advocate and a fair hearing before the State uses its monopoly on force to deprive him of his freedom.

mccullough said...

Dershowitz gets paid good money to defend scum, just like Boies.

These guys weren’t appointed by a court.

They are hired guns. Hired by wealthy scum.

Dersh should go find an accuser of Boies to represent.

This is the Russians v The Germans.

Jaq said...

“Sex is murder.”

How did you get that out of that movie?

Shouting Thomas said...

Boise did not make his living as a criminal defense lawyer.

He made his money in corporate litigation.

His biggest case was the IBM anti-trust lawsuits while he was still with Cravath.

Yancey Ward said...

"It's a scummy trick, subversive of human liberty, to criticize lawyers for representing guilty people in criminal proceedings."

I agree. What is ironic, though, is that Dershowitz is target not for defending the guilty in court, but defending Trump in RussiaGate Hoax, and not even as his lawyer.

Jaq said...

“The alleged murder appears to me have required extremely good planning and execution, while his armed robbery looks like the work of someone with an IQ well below average. “

You do know that after the trial, a picture turned of of OJ wearing the shoes he claimed he never owned, on the cover of a magazine, one that had been published before the murder, right?

FullMoon said...

The alleged murder appears to me have required extremely good planning and execution,

Nope, not planned at all. Went over there in a jealous state of mind to do some creepy crawling and peeping Tomming, or maybe to scream and holler with a knife in his pocket, maybe for scare purposes. Goldman unexpectedly stands up to OJ and OJ, being a legitimate tough guy loses control and kills them both.

And while I am on subject of crime, young punk does first time robbery with newly acquired gun. Victim says "fuck you" and fights back. Punk shoots the victim, noise of gun bound to attract attention, and murder more serious than robbery, punk most likely going to run off as fast as his Air Jordans will carry him.
He can rob someone else tomorrow for a watch, a phone and a wallet. Seth Rich.

And another thing. While many on the Lolita express may have got some sexual favors from attractive prostitutes, unlikely they were pedophiles.

Freder Frederson said...

It's a scummy trick, subversive of human liberty, to criticize lawyers for representing guilty people in criminal proceedings. Guilty or innocent (two of the above were acquitted, and one has not been convicted of anything), everyone is entitled to a knowledgeable advocate and a fair hearing before the State uses its monopoly on force to deprive him of his freedom.

I agree with you. The only reason I brought it up is because Boise was criticized for his choice of clients.

On the other hand, if you are picking your cases based on potential publicity, rather than any particular concern for justice; well, then you are a scumbag.

jimbino said...

I can't imagine a "perfect sex life" characterized as having sex with only one woman.

Bay Area Guy said...

Dersh - age 80

Boies - age 78

Two old white lawyers battling over their respective sex lives. Life is good!

Yancey Ward said...

I do think it possible that the LAPD fabricated some of the evidence, including placing the glove on Simpson's estate. Fuhrman didn't help things by lying about using racist language, a fact that was demonstrated near the end of the trial with audio recordings.

Still, though, the evidence that couldn't have been easily fabricated argued that Simpson was as guilty as could be- especially those shoe prints and the fact that Simpson couldn't be located at home when he said he was there asleep, and the injury to his hand.

All in all, I can understand a not guilty verdict, but I wouldn't have given one as a juror.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Still, though, the evidence that couldn't have been easily fabricated argued that Simpson was as guilty as could be.."

They framed a guilty man:)

daskol said...

Dersh doesn't sound like a lawyer, his rhetoric is positively Trumpian.

Beasts of England said...

'Remarkable endurance.'

Well played!!

Howard said...

You guys are mental... you know that, right?

TWW said...

Definition. Equivical.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Still, though, the evidence that couldn't have been easily fabricated argued that Simpson was as guilty as could be- especially those shoe prints and the fact that Simpson couldn't be located at home when he said he was there asleep, and the injury to his hand”

My memory is that he was in Chicago later that day for filming of a Hertz commercial. That is the timing issue that I keep coming back to, that he needed to change clothes, clean up the blood, destroy the clothes, and still make his Chicago flight.

FullMoon said...

Forensics at the OJ Simpson Trial. It is reported that the DNA evidence showed that the chance that some of the blood found near the bodies came from anyone but Simpson was 1 in 170 million. The chance that blood found on Simpson’s sock could be from someone other than Nicole Brown was 1 in 21 billion.

FullMoon said...

Limo pick up@11:00

Depart airport@11:45

buster said...

Not to mention get rid of the weapon.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

“Lawyer sex. Urrggk”

always bring one along-- it's the new 'safe sex'

Cassandra said...

"I have had sex with one woman since the day I met Jeffrey Epstein"

Dershowitz is a married man. One would hope that to most right-leaning folks, that would be the world's most unremarkable statement.

That said, loved "remarkable endurance" :p

Matt Sablan said...

Is it sad that I think the only reason we're hearing about this Epstein so-called buddy and not others is because he did not fall into lockstep?

Howard said...

He's a Fox News guy, so we know he musts be squeaky clean.

Michael K said...

Did I mention that Howard is a troll ?

Michael K said...

That is the timing issue that I keep coming back to, that he needed to change clothes, clean up the blood, destroy the clothes, and still make his Chicago flight.

I was in New Hampshire at the time and watched the afternoon session of satellite.

I was not convinced of his guilt until Petrocelli found the picture of the shoe.

The deputy DAs were clowns. Maybe that is why Patterico doesn't like me. He is an LA deputy DA.

Michael K said...

are you under the impression that Bill Clinton was found guilty of rape after due process was followed? Please clarify...thanks.

I am under the impression that he was disbarred for lying under oath about a sexual assault on a state of Arkansas employee when he was governor. Rape was never adjudicated. But probably occurred.

sean said...

"Boise was criticized for his choice of clients."--Not by me. He was criticized for his sleazy litigation tactics.

readering said...

Clinton assault never adjudicated. Admitted to lying about Lewinsky.

readering said...

To use a Ted Cruz locution, I wish he would have said things differently.

bleh said...

David Boies is a piece of work. After Theranos and Weinstein, he’s been trying really hard to rehabilitate his and his firm’s tarnished reputation. Dershowitz is right to attack him.

William said...

I'm inclined to believe Dershowitz. Of course, at one point I would have been inclined to believe that Bill Cosby was not the sort to drug and rape dozens of women.....We'll see how it plays out. Many men, if offered a quickie with good looking teenager would succumb to temptation. That might have been how Epstein made his living....I don't travel in those circles but I bet that at one time the island had more frisson than an invitation to the Playboy Mansion. The fact that the girls were underaged may have given it added allure. This story doesn't reflect well on any of his guests. I give Hawkings a pass though. There's a guy that deserves a break.

bagoh20 said...

The creepy porn lawyers are multiplying. The only thing better than a zombie apocalypse would be a creepy porn lawyer apocalypse. They feed on your eyeballs, and the only way to kill them is to shoot them right in the wiener.

readering said...

Apparently the reason for his media blitz is that the next New Yorker has a major investigative piece on him. I wonder if it will affect things for him on Martha's Vineyard.

Comanche Voter said...

Cmon Dershowitz. Anybody who claims they have a perfect sex life is probably lying. Even if they are a robust 17 year old male---much less an 80 year old geezer.

Michael K said...

Anybody who claims they have a perfect sex life is probably lying. Even if they are a robust 17 year old male---much less an 80 year old geezer.

Have you never heard of a perfect zero?

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