"... and the way the couple was constantly holding hands. ('Look at them!' Trump would tease. 'They’re so in love!') But he appreciated the earnestness with which Pence seemed to believe, as so few in the party did, that Trump was a decent person. Trump had worked hard to earn that faith.... [A]fter the Access Hollywood bombshell dropped, Pence... called Trump from the road, checking in as he did daily, sounding upset. He advised Trump to offer a sincere apology. That was the last anyone had heard from the VP nominee. Pence had gone back to Indiana and bunkered down, cutting himself off from the outside world, praying with his wife about what to do next and telling his advisers that he wasn’t sure he could continue with the campaign. To the extent Trump felt regret, it was over disappointing the Pences. 'Oh boy,' he said Friday afternoon after hanging up with his running mate. 'Mother is not going to like this.'"
From "'Mother Is Not Going to Like This': The 48 Hours That Almost Brought Down Trump/The exclusive story of how Trump survived the Access Hollywood tape" by Tim Alberta (Politico). Why the return to the Access Hollywood story? Alberta has a new book, "AMERICAN CARNAGE: On the Front Lines of the Republican Civil War and the Rise of President Trump." That might explain it. But I think Trump antagonists are scrambling for bad news and there's not enough new bad news, so they play oldies but goodies. At any rate, I thought "Mother is not going to like this" was an absolutely hilarious nugget of Trump rhetoric.
You may not want to read the whole article — the article saves you from reading the book you weren't going to read — but you should click through if only to see the big melodramatic, hokey illustration. It's really good, and I hear it screaming We hate Trump, but we love hating Trump, it's all so lurid and thrilling.
More coordinated messaging RE: sex stuff.
Norman Bates: It's not like my mother is a maniac or a raving thing. She just goes a little mad sometimes. We all go a little mad sometimes. Haven't you?
Marion Crane: Yes. Sometimes just one time can be enough.
Ah, yes. What fun it is to relive those exciting moments when we were sure Trump was going down. It felt ... so damned good.
A story like this makes me thirsty for a Gin and Tonic!!
Maybe OT, but yesterday I had a thought that the best evidence that Trump was fantasizing on the Access Hollywood tape is that the women we know for a fact he has been attracted to, all would have caused him some substantial physical injuries in reaction to any such behavior on his part.
An excellent chance for the Republicans to correct what many people, including me (I was a LIV in 2016), thought he had said about personally grabbing pussies.
Pence calls his wife Mother.
So what?
My grandfather called my grandmother that.
Less interesting than the third doctor who reruns on Pluto tv.
Pence is the guy who should be president. It is a (bad) sign of our times that Trump was necessary.
Could he get elected, the liberal media really hate him, it's not like witb ford.
Ronald Reagan called Nancy Mommy.
Mary: It's fucking creepy as shit. The best to come out is the classic catch-phrase coined by the Donald his own self for those times when any man does something untoward: Mother is not going to like this
I am totally adopting this.
Thanks, Mr. President!
I think it's lurid to look too closely into another's marriage.
Better to wish them happiness and be on your way.
That appears to be what Trump did.
What day the people on this board who have suffered divorce?
You may be the real experts.
Who knows if it's even true, this is coming from Canadian David french?
The illustration is the cover of a graphic novel or bodice-ripper. Love it!
Agree with Annie C.
I call my wife Devil Woman.
It's well earned.
I can't figure out why Bush didn't get awards from the media instead of being fired.
I'll pass on the image - the wording "American Carnage" was enough for me.
The funny thing isn't what Pence calls his wife. It's Trump picking it up and using it naturally.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Trump is basically a decent and honorable man. And not to forget, he's a real man, which is important.
I've always found it cringe worthy when men refer to their wives as mother.
I think "Mother" was the code name for James Jesus Angleton, famed head of CIA Counter-Intelligence for decades.
Maybe, wimpy author Tim Alberta is the mole.
OMG. Breaking News...Trump bragged about sexual conquests to a friend in Hollywood years ago. Mother won't like that at all. With any luck the Fake News Media will re-run the NBC audio tape another 100 times this week.
Epstein who?
So glad we’re not enduring think pieces on President Hillary. In fact we’re not enduring think pieces on Hillary either. Its a wonderful world.
I refer to my wife as, "My Lovely Bride." After thirty-six years of marriage, she remains so.
The excerpt was good. I will probably read the book. Besides the mother line, my favorite line was Trump, after hearing the audio, "well, that's me." He really is a dork.
A private conversation between two men, I can only wonder what salacious things women say about men in the privacy of other woman, assuming that at least some women are not little angels.
"Give it a few years, dreams.
You are likely still having sex with your husband. Kids in your profile photo look young..."
Uh, yeah I went with a bad online name, actually I'm the man in the photo and that is my niece, the grandmother of the kid in the photo who is my great great nephew.
On the bright side, Trump didn't channel James Brown and say "got to have a Mother for me."
Trump is basically a decent and honorable man.
I think the presidency is affecting his character, too. Accidental as it was. It may actually humble him in the end.
Yeah, Trump continues to grow, he's growing in the office of the presidency.
Pence calling his wife...who also happens to be the Mother of their children the formal title of Mother is not really weird. It is a Mid-Western thing and a part of their religious upbringing. It isn't weird or kinky. Unusual for other people but often the norm in the South as well. Who does it hurt? Why are people upset or obsessing about it?
As to other people's religious views. (speaking for myself) You (being me) can "not" hold those views yourself. Or be a marginal believer, agnostic or even think that they are just deluded and crazy ideas. And still you can admire and respect the other person's religious Faith and adherence to that faith.
I have a few friends who are extremely religious. One is of a faith that is notorious for door knocking. Actually, I admire their ability to have such strong faith, their beliefs, that they do truly live their lives according to their religious tenets.
As long as they aren't constantly peppering the conversations with their religious views or obnoxiously tying to convert me (they aren't), what difference does it make to me? None.
Why should anyone care about how Pence and his wife express themselves religiously or how they address each other. It isn't anyone's business.
Mother Told Me Not to Come
This is the craziest Republican Party there could ever be
Don't turn on the lights, 'cause I don't want to see
Mother told me not to come, oh lord
Mother told me not to come
She said, That ain't the way to have fun, no
I admire both Pence and Trump and I think they make a great team, so yeah I'm hoping they MAGA!
Did Maddow write this?
Good day for the stock market, I guess thanks to Trump's jawboning the fed. $$$, Oh yeah.
My father called my mother "mom" when she was alive. This makes me like Pence even more.
Why should anyone care about how Pence and his wife express themselves religiously or how they address each other. It isn't anyone's business.
Yes, this is one more torpedo fired at Trump that will circle.
I can almost see the flop sweat,
They really thought the Access Hollywood tape was something. Yet Hillary's pal Harvey Weinstein was an open secret in Hollywood and doing far worse than Trump suggested, while proving Trump right. Hillary's husband had done far worse with interns and was flying around with Epstein. These are important points, because these are items weighted by those of us that chose to support Trump.
Pence was hardly a factor.
Access to Hollywood tape. A planned hit job by the establishment. Bush, Romney, McConnell, Ryan, etc. all called for Trump to quit OR for the R's to abandon him and concentrate on the Senate/House races. Its amazing Trump was so forgiving to these clowns - after the election.
Pence was laughed at for never meeting alone with a single women. Sounds like he was the smart one.
The Press constantly returns to stories that hurt Republicans and Conservatives. The Ones that hurt the Left/Democrats stay buried.
Pence is too religious. Trump is too much of a pagan hedonist. Bill and Hillary Clinton are just the right mixture of cynicism and piety.....The timing of the release of that video hardened my distrust of the media. The video was not released during the Republican primaries but rather during the general election. The release was not done to harm Trump but rather to harm the Republican candidate for President.
I don't hear it much anymore but in the 60's a man, especially one in his 50's or older, calling his wife "mother" seemed fairly common. Or at least not uncommon.
I always liked and admired his policy of never being alone with another woman. HArd to do these days but it seems like that is the only way for a man to guarantee he will stay out of trouble. It's a real shame, ladies. 95% of you are no problem. But there's enough crazies out there that a man would be a fool to take a chance.
I like Pence. He will never be Prez (no VP will) but he seems like a genuinely nice, decent, guy. Competent too as governor and as VP. Although he does not seem to have much to do as VP. That goes with the job.
John Henry
Do you think Trump talked to shitweasel Tim Alberta? Do you think Pence talked to shitweasel Tim Alberta? Do you think important men talk about their private meeting with other important people with staff in such detail? So where did all these details come from? Made up out of whole cloth? Transcripts from Obama's wires and listening devices on Trump and Pence?
And the "Mother" that guys used to use to refer to their wives was in the sense as the mother of HIS children. I've heard lots of guys do this in my lifetime--all born circa 1920 or earlier. I bet some of their kids picked that up.
Always remember that the press is an arm of the democrat party and are atheists. This was a twofer: anti-Trump and Christian bashing. The anti-trump is 1) he is a sex pervert and he really thinks his deplorable base is really a group of yahoo Christians.
Anti- Christian: Pence is really a yahoo Christian.
An added bonus is trying to show the supposed "hypocritical relationship between Trump and his Christian base. And this also is why Ann posted this article.
Just like you should never underestimate Trump, you should never underestimate the liberal quest for power by divide and conquer.
Yes, Darrell if you read the excerpt, it does appear Alberta talked to Trump. This isn't a hit piece book from the excerpt, it's good reporting.
Howard: It's fucking creepy as shit.
No. It's creepy TO YOU because you're corrupted. You are the guy who complains all the ads in his browser are about erectile dysfunction, unware the ads are targeted based on browsing history.
Here's a good example: we're all watching A Knights Tale, the scene where the hero is released from the stockade and knighted by the prince. The Prince prepares to knight him and tells him to get on his knees...
Everyone watching is thinking about honor and courage and virtue. A few are even misty eyed.
But not you, you're blushing. Because when he said to get on your knees, your mind went giving someone a blowjob.
Mother is creepy
Why are you blushing, Howard?
I would have to see the notes, frankly the two excerpts I've seen dont impress,
"...Trump is basically a decent and honorable man. And not to forget, he's a real man, which is important."
You have a significantly different idea of "decent and honorable" than I do. I'm not sure what your second sentence here is supposed to mean. What is a "real man" (in your view) and why is it important Trump is one?
I would have to see the notes, frankly the two excerpts I've seen dont impress,
Now andropov he was a real man, he had the blood of Budapest to show for it.
Joournolists are still painting, labeling, judging. The acutely phobic response to exposure of their socially liberal games must have severely triggered them.
In fact I will go so far as to say that guys were taught to say that to their wives when they first visited her and their baby after delivery. Sort of a rank or title earned, one she will have for the rest of her life. It will be a while before she will hear it from her child, right? I bet it was used to get women used to the transition to motherhood. I don't know this for a fact because old guys never talked about shit like this--or much of anything. Guys that talked a lot were always suspect--of something.
Cook: What is a "real man" (in your view) and why is it important Trump is one?
A note for our readers: you may not attend Cook's lecture on Deconstructionism 201 until you have completed his class Gaslighting 101 and 102.
Although you may audit "What is the true meaning of is: the rhetoric of Bill Clinton"
"...Trump is basically a decent and honorable man. And not to forget, he's a real man, which is important."
You have a significantly different idea of "decent and honorable" than I do.
Is "noncommunist" enough for you? Trump is boorish and outspoken but, unlike 98% of politicians elected to office, he is keeping his promises. Granted, those promises are not for Socialism, which you would prefer, but can you at least admit he is doing what he said he would do in spite of 98% of DC (including Republicans) against him ?
Cook: You have a significantly different idea of "decent and honorable" than I do.
Well duh. Aren't you a marxist?
There's a growing move among Dems to help Trump out by helping him to choose a new VP. That's so nice of them. They just love to help Trump Make America Great Again. We should listen to them. If we listen, we will hear that they say "get rid of Pence" meaning, evidently, that Pence is loyally doing a great job in his deplorable way but that way isn't popular among Our Betters, the supporters of Roman Polanski and Jeffrey Epstein.
There's definitely some rewriting of history going on right now. Of course prominent Republicans wanted Trump off the ticket. Has anyone survived such an October surprise? Yes, the establishment doesn't like Trump but any politician would have been asked to step down. Trump was saved because he wasn't a normal politician and he was running against Hillary. If he had been running against Bernie? Toast.
I don't hear it much anymore but in the 60's a man, especially one in his 50's or older, calling his wife "mother" seemed fairly common. Or at least not uncommon.
Yes, those of us that remember a better time are not surprised hearing a man refer to his wife as "Mother."
At an even earlier time, wives often referred to their husbands as "Mr Jones." General Grant's wife Julia referred to him all their lives as "Mr Grant." President Lincoln once made a jocular reference to the general as "Mr Grant, as Mrs Grant refers to him."
Cook's "decent and honorable" men use their State-supplied shovels to bash the skulls of enemies of the State or snitch to the proper authorities. They do whatever's necessary to ensure the ascent of the new Soviet man, новый советский человек novy sovetsky chelovek.
It's really good, and I hear it screaming We hate Trump, but we love hating Trump, it's all so lurid and thrilling.
This is what I've been saying all along. They'd be bored shitless without Trump to bash. Mediaswine will probably vote for him just for that reason.
"The mother is NOT going to like this at first. She is stressed about her baby and does not want you under her." (secret pr0n URL, you'll never find it).
"Cook: What is a "real man" (in your view) and why is it important Trump is one?"
A real man fights for what's important, for what's right even though it might not be popular. Not many of those kind of men in politics. So unlike most recent politicians including Republicans.
Blogger Fen said...
No. It's creepy TO YOU because you're corrupted. ...The Prince prepares to knight him and tells him to get on his knees... Because when he said to get on your knees, your mind went giving someone a blowjob.
In objective factual reality, this is precisely where your mind went. Like I said, you Glenn Reynolds testosterone junkies need to take the anti-estrus pills to combat your feminization and shrunken balls. You must be a Gay Pah-Ree Marine
Cook: What is a "real man" (in your view) and why is it important Trump is one?
Real men have flaws (everyone has flaws) They know that they do and admit those flaws. They learn from those flaws and from the stupid actions that they cause you to do. They work on overcoming the indiscretions of youth. They don't deny or erase the past. A real man has convictions and core principles.
It is important to be that sort of man (and woman too!) in order to be able to see beyond your own self. That sort of 'real man' affects everyone around them. I want a President who can learn and is willing to look beyond self.
Obviously, I don't know Trump personally or much about him other than the trash we see printed and breathlessly reported.
However, I get the sense that he is that type of "real man" based on his actions and speech since becoming a political figure and then President as well as the interviews I have seen of him in his younger days where his convictions and opinions about economy, politics and the country itself have not changed.
Kipling said it best:
IF you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
Yes, those of us that remember a better time are not surprised hearing a man refer to his wife as "Mother."
Marxists hate the family unit because it competes for their loyalty to the State above everything else. That's why they are constantly attacking middle class values.
I wonder if their revulsion over Romney referring to the mother of his children as Mother is related to that. It triggers them.
Ya know, it's curious how a Christian can do a simple mundane thing, and all the wicked people tremble and "rend their garments". I often complain that Christians are too passive, but there is Power there.
You must be a Gay Pah-Ree Marine
Howard does not realize that projection is not just in old fashioned movie theaters, You are creepy, Howard,
Rending their garments. I may be using that wrong:
"The signification of rending the garments is mourning, namely, on account of truth having been destroyed, or because there was no faith. We often read in the Word, especially the historic, of persons rending their garments; but the origin of this is not known at the present day, and it is also unknown that it was representative of grief on account of truth being lost. This act became representative from the fact that garments signified truths, as before shown (AC 4545). Further on in this chapter it is also said that when Jacob recognized his son's tunic he rent his garments (verse 34), and by this is signified mourning for truth destroyed."
I think Trump antagonists are scrambling for bad news and there's not enough new bad news, so they play oldies but goodies.
Are you joking? Staring down the October Surprise to end all October Surprises was one of the most heroic acts in the history of American politics.
More gnashing of teeth, mind you they found this would be the most interesting parts of the book, so it's got to be a real snoozer,
Howard: In objective factual reality, this is precisely where your mind went.
Really? The best comeback you can muster is "I know you are but what am I?"
Have some coffee and get your game back Howard. I'm not going to carry you.
Maybe explain why you find Pence calling the mother of his kids "Mother" to be creepy?
Why do you find it creepy?
Marxists hate the family unit because it competes for their loyalty to the State above everything else. That's why they are constantly attacking middle class values.
I wonder if their revulsion over Romney referring to the mother of his children as Mother is related to that. It triggers them.
Sorry, I meant Pence not Romney.
@ Mockturtle.
Excellent! Kipling does say it better.
Thank you for posting that poem.
What about poor little Billy Bush, the only person punished in the Access Hollywood incident? He lost his job for doing exactly what NBC told him to do: Hang out with our superstar of The Apprentice and keep him company, schmoozing and giggling, if need be. Then years later when the Superstar is OrangeBadMan the boomerang big job only decapitates poor Mr. Bush. Has he EVER been seen since?
Ack. “Big job” should be “hit job” above. Oops.
He's being released from the Gulag after serving 3 years for his WrongThought.
Billy Bush is returning to television after a nearly three-year exile following the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape that seemed to derail his career.
The ousted entertainment journalist will anchor Warner Bros. Television’s “ExtraExtra,” a rebranded version of the long-running, syndicated magazine show “Extra.” Season 26 will premiere on Sept. 9 and air nationwide on various broadcast stations.
And apparently dating the daughter or mother of some Desperate Housewives star, but I didn't care enough to read the gossip.
Why should anyone care about how Pence and his wife express themselves religiously or how they address each other. It isn't anyone's business.
I wonder if it's because some DNC strategists have written off 2020 and are looking to 2024.
Do you think Pence will run?
What about poor little Billy Bush, the only person punished in the Access Hollywood incident?
A grown man named "Billy" deserves to be fired for his name alone.
Fen: Do you think Pence will run? Pence in 2024
I don't think so, based on his supporting role so far in the Trump Administration. Pence has been the superlative wing man in a way. Supportive, reliable, steadfast, not really aggressive, not breaking out of his role as the second guy in line. He isn't invisible, but his presence isn't "outstanding either".
If his role changes to a more prominent one in the next 4 year term . He is groomed to present himself as being a strong leader, and he begins to show more of himself, instead of being Trump's shadow man (in a way), then possibly. I'm not sure if he would have the personality to step into Trump's big boots.
Then years later when the Superstar is OrangeBadMan the boomerang big job only decapitates poor Mr. Bush.
There is no price too high to pay (by others) to wound Trump.
Three years of penance for Bush. Four years of Pence for Trump.
Found the excerpt fascinating -- it's kind of a capsule illustration of why and how Trump was able to win, when the experts and the professionals all thought he was finished. And really, that although a lot of it seems to have been instinctual (e.g. accepting, and then rejecting a TV appearance because it would make him look "weak"), his amateur instincts were pretty consistently superior to the professionals.
Trump survived Billy Bush's tape because intelligent people (that'd be me) realized that what he was saying was that young, gold-digging broads would throw themselves at him and other rich and famous men.
"They let you grab them by the pussy" does not describe a non-consensual act.
DBQ @11:04, I'm not sure we won't need a rest after eight years of President Trump. ;-) America, having been made great again by Trump, might look for a calmer interval in which to reflect on our good fortune. Much like Eisenhower after WWII. A moderate Democrat like Tulsi Gabbard might also fit the bill.
Have we ever heard who made the recording, and who gave it to NBC and when?
I don't know what Bush said, but to get any interviewee to expose himself like that is an invaluable skill the MSM shouldn't ignore.
If Trump gets reelected and has a successful second term the Pence will have a real shot as running as the third Trump Administration minus the theatrics. If that happens, he would be wise to remember that at look at GHW Bush as a cautionary lesson.
@ Mockturtle
I do think you are right. We would need a rest from Trump's dynamo and the Media's relentlessness in the daily hating of Trump.
Whether a calm steady moderate Pence Presidency would occur seems problematic as it is not usual to elect the VP of the outgoing administration.
However, I would think (hope)that a moderate, middle of the road type of successor would be preferable (of either party). As you say, to reflect on our good fortune. What we wouldn't need would be someone who is going to change or promise to UNdo all the progress we have been so fortunate to experience so far.
mockturtle said...
DBQ @11:04, I'm not sure we won't need a rest after eight years of President Trump. ;-) America, having been made great again by Trump, might look for a calmer interval in which to reflect on our good fortune. Much like Eisenhower after WWII. A moderate Democrat like Tulsi Gabbard might also fit the bill."
As it stands now, a moderate Democrat is a Socialist. It is only moderate when compared to a Communist. Stylistically Pence is a moderate, at least compared to Trump. Pence if he becomes President just needs to stay on time and on target with Trump's policies.
Julia Dent Grant called her husband "Ulys", but only in private, or in personal letters. In front of others, it was "Mr. Grant".
Lincoln called his wife "Mother" to her face in private; referred to her as "Mary" with close family and friends, and called her "Mrs. Lincoln" around everyone else.
There were definite, clearly marked boundaries and layers of intimacy between people, and everyone understood and respected them. This is actually the universal norm outside the modern urban U.S., and is one of the helpful lubricants of social interaction with strangers and near-strangers.
There is nothing that will end a phone call with me faster than a salesperson cold-calling me and saying my first name as a salutation. I mean, who are you to me, to call me by that name? We haven't even been introduced!
If I ever run into our hosts, it'll be Miz Althouse and Mister Meade, until otherwise instructed. And if Meade calls Althouse "mother" in an intimate moment, I would have enough class not to say anything or tell anyone. None 'o' my bidness.
- Mr Guy to you
DBQ warns: What we wouldn't need would be someone who is going to change or promise to UNdo all the progress we have been so fortunate to experience so far.
Exactly! Read my lips: No new policies!
The night the story broke, I thought Trump was finished, and I think I said as much in an Althouse thread. I was wrong, and admitted that the day after the following debate.
It would have finished any other Republican candidate, but Trump is unique in that we already knew he is a cad- the man has been married 3 times, each time committing adultery. I misjudged the power of that public knowledge and how it immunized him from crude language. Also, Trump reminded the public that Bill Clinton was accused credibly of far worse things than crude, misogynistic language.
"Have we ever heard who made the recording, and who gave it to NBC and when?"
I think NBC always had the tape- it was caught on an open mike at a television show. I don't think Billy Bush remembered this outtake, or if he did, he didn't realize it had been recorded. I think someone at NBC did remember it, though, and went to find it in the archives at some point in early 2016, and held onto it until it could do the most damage. As it turned out, that person probably released too early anyway. If it had been released the weekend before the election, it would have had maximum negative effect on Trump's chances.
I am totally convinced that if Howard ever learns how to self-fellate, we will never hear from him again.
There is nothing that will end a phone call with me faster than a salesperson cold-calling me and saying my first name as a salutation. I mean, who are you to me, to call me by that name? We haven't even been introduced!
I spent 40 years teaching medical students, residents and office staff to NEVER call a patient by their first name. It is disrespectful and, in county patients, especially disrespectful.
Now comes HIPPA and all that is gone. I'm not even sure the law requires this but it is now standard for every high school dropout.
If I ever run into our hosts, it'll be Miz Althouse and Mister Meade, until otherwise instructed.
I was taught to call unrelated older adults "Uncle and Aunt" as respectful. I could use "Uncle Jack" if he was a close friend.
Do you think Pence will run? Pence in 2024
I don't think so, based on his supporting role so far in the Trump Administration. Pence has been the superlative wing man in a way. Supportive, reliable, steadfast, not really aggressive,
I agree. Pence was weak as Indiana Governor when the RFRA resulted in boycott threats.
Article just reminded me how right I was to vote for Trump.
Compare Trump's instincts to Kavanaugh. From an excerpt I read this week on his confirmation battle, many felt he was too weak in his interview. He didn't win anyone over until he fought back.
Like I said, you Glenn Reynolds testosterone junkies need to take the anti-estrus pills to combat your feminization and shrunken balls. You must be a Gay Pah-Ree Marine
You have to consistently get more fiber in your diet. Your crabbiness is verging on craziness.
Several good bowel movements will get all the poison out of your system.
I am totally convinced that if Howard ever learns how to self-fellate, we will never hear from him again.
I thought that's what he was doing!
Billy Bush had control of the tape because it wasn't part of the official material being prepared for broadcast. Trump, Billy Bush and a couple of crew member were in a trailer outside the studio because there had been a delay in the schedule in which Trump had volunteered to fill in at the last moment. Crews sometimes shoot films that they use for their own going away and holiday parties--gag reels and such, different from "outtakes" which would be part of the assignment. Although NBC could lay claim to that footage, there is a long history of networks not doing that to employees. Trump was under the impression that it was all off the record [there was a part in the audio recording where Billy Bush told him that]--not for broadcast. Just guys talking. The cameraman was the first to start talking about his techniques (and success) in picking up women [he used selfies taken with all the female stars that had appeared on the show that he showed them on his iPad after they assumed he was a bullshitter--and then the rest joined in, including Bush and Trump. A standard NYC pissing contest, each guy trying to top the rest. The story was that Billy mentioned the existence of the tape at a Bush family gathering and the family pressured him to make it public--against his wishes. I bet the family did shit to help him once he got fired to not coming to NBC corporate with the story.
Several good bowel movements will get all the poison out of your system.
There might not be much left of Howard if he took your advice. Even those pretty brown eyes.
Alien as in immigrant?
I was in the visitor center at the great Smoky Mountains today and overheard a man refer to his wife as mother.
I think this used to be pretty common.
"I'm not sure we won't need a rest after eight years of President Trump."
Lord no!
When your enemies are on the run, pursue them! (Genghis Khan knew that....) Otherwise Trump becomes merely a brief reprieve in the country's slide to destruction.
Yup. The problem with conservatives is they keep letting the Marxists get up off the mat.
Sometimes they even give them an arm up in the spirit of sportsmanship, and then amazed when they get shived in the gut for their trouble.
Stop doing that. Finish them.
You two may be right if six more years won't be enough time to drain the swamp. In that case, I would probably opt for Ted Cruz.
I took a bridge class when I was just out of college, and the well-over-50 instructor's husband addressed her as "Lover." My (decades younger) table silently gasped.
In the South, I have infrequently encountered husbands who refer to their wives as "mother". The context is that his wife is the "mother" of the family's children and thus a ceremonial position. So if a husband says, let me talk to "mother", it is understood he is referring to his wife. It is not common and is considered to be somewhat archaic usage. A respectful reference
We'll see how it goes, but I certainly wouldn't count on one year of undoing per decade of doing as being sufficient.
A respectful reference
From an era when Mothers were cherished for bearing and raising children.
Before the Left redefined them as Stay At Home Moms.
No wonder this triggers the Left.
When your enemies are on the run, pursue them! (Genghis Khan knew that….)
Actually it was a common nomad trick (which Genghis Khan by no means invented, but may be said to have perfected) to do just the opposite: to pretend to defeat, rout, and hence seemingly fleeing in blind panic — then while being vigorously pursued, swoop around and smash your (somewhat disordered) pursuers from the flank.
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