"Saturday's arrest by the FBI-NYPD Crimes Against Children Task Force comes about 12 years after the 66-year-old financier essentially got a slap on the wrist for allegedly molesting dozens of underage girls in Florida.... 'It’s been a long time coming—it’s been too long coming,' said attorney David Boies, who represents Epstein accusers Virginia Roberts Giuffre and Sarah Ransome.... 'We hope that prosecutors will not stop with Mr. Epstein because there were many other people who participated with him and made the sex trafficking possible'.... Over the years, Epstein billed himself as a renowned philanthropist and pledged $30 million for Harvard’s Program for Evolutionary Dynamics. He’s palled around with a host of famous faces including Donald Trump and Bill Clinton; the latter traveled with Epstein to Africa to address issues like economic development and AIDS. In a 2002 profile in New York, one fellow Wall Streeter described Epstein as a 'mysterious, Gatsbyesque figure' who 'likes people to think that he is very rich' and 'cultivates this air of aloofness.' Another prominent investor added: 'He once told me he had 300 people working for him, and I’ve also heard that he manages Rockefeller money. But one never knows. It’s like looking at the Wizard of Oz—there may be less there than meets the eye.'"
From "Jeffrey Epstein Arrested for Sex Trafficking of Minors/Jeffrey Epstein was arrested on Saturday and will appear in New York court on Monday to be charged with sex trafficking, according to multiple law enforcement sources" (Daily Beast).
1 – 200 of 218 Newer› Newest»Smells like a hit job. Lots of money o be had and huge public disapproval taken advantage of. Trump connection. Let the morality trial begin in this empty news summer. A #metoo chance to bash men again.
If you wanted to help teen trafficking you'd hit thousands of easier cases, if the crisis is to be believed at all.
Movies tend to be trafficking in asian teens as the plot point evil, if trafficking is involved.
You know the media are conflicted about this case. Sex sells, and a chance to have a go at Trump, but you risk exposing the CLintons.
Is David Boies trying to atone for his involvement with Harvey Weinstein?
How many other crimes by rich people have been swept under the rug by corrupt prosecutors?
Are we expected to trust the process and the rule of law, given the abuses we’ve seen uncovered just in the last couple of years? That’s asking a lot ....
When declassification rains it pours. The key secret that has held the Globalists and CIA shadow government together is being revealed. They are made blackmailable. To achieve that control over men , the European custom of elites having sex with children is offered to the powerful men and then is carefully recorded. All that PizzaGate stuff from 2 years ago was spot on. But it is too horrible for anyone to believe it.
But from Hollywood to Palm Beach , from Penn State Football to the Catholic Church, it is now being revealed.
Epstein should convert to Islam.
With the Harvey Weinstein trial as a gauge; I'd say Epstein has a good chance to reach 70 as a free man. That's if he loses.
Deep pockets.
Trad guy that is what I’ve assumed too. Makes perfect sense: means, motive, opportunity.
Explains a lot about behavior once these people get into power too.
"The girls were as young as 14,"
So he's not a pedophile" and the headline was fake news.
Then there are the rumors that Jeffrey Epstein has skated because he was an informant for the FBI.
Yeah, Bill Clinton was only on trips having to do with relieving the AIDS epidemic in Africa.
We’ve known Hollywood has a pedophilia problem for a long time. As s means of control it would seem to be infallible.
You just know this same stuff is going on in government, the world over. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, etc.
The reason BIll Clinton ditched his secret service was that he didn’t want to bore them with all of his charity work with young women.
None of the Trump critical press bothers me a little bit but what a different world it would be if the press scrutinized Democrats in the same way, instead of covering for Democrats while dishing out insinuation at Republicans.
> if the crisis is to be believed at all.
Making it legal for young teens to work would help with the runaways. What else is a fourteen year old girl going to do if she runs from home? Hanging out at a late night dinner waiting for an offer of a bed is no way to make a living.
My wife refuses to believe the rape and murder of children is real, much less organized on an industrial scale by the world rulers of money and war. But the same families that organized the Atlantic Slave Trade for wealth and power have never seen any reason to hesitate running children as sex slaves. The Saudi family war was a turning point. Trump is actually going to win this war too. Gitmo is ready. Stay tuned.
Oh yeah and there is the matter of Democrat Senator Bob Menendez, who seems to be immune to negative coverage. He’s the real McCoy Roy Moore.
Hopefully Bubba Clinton gets fingered for this. That's the best case scenario for Democrat party to put Billery in the rear view mirror.
Hard to take Boies seriously. Such a scumbag. I had to read it three times because I thought Boies represented Epstein. Looks like his policy is to represent one rapist only at a time.
Time to reopen pizzagate.
And get rid of the dumb picture checking.
Bill Clinton; the latter traveled with Epstein to Africa to address issues like economic development and AIDS.
The decades long conspiracy of silence re Bill continues apace.
Remember when Monica said that power was going three decades without ever once being asked the obvious question that you didn’t want asked.
Democratic donor. Big Hillary supporter. Bill Clinton intimate. Clinton traveled to the places where Epstein kept girls.
Trump knows him only socially. But that is what is in the shameless papers.
Look- this has been out there for years. The press knew about it, or at least those who can read. But a few years ago Hillary was going to be President and that would have been awkward, what with Bill up to his petzl in young girls. But now they have another path to getting Trump.
And this one might just stick (sorry about that). At this point, the Clintons are expendable. Game on to Get Trump!
You all are missing the big piece here.
From NBC news...
"Multiple people briefed on the matter say that the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York's public corruption unit is prosecuting the case."
The "public corruption unit"
This will involve officials who worked the original plea deal for Epstein. This is a public corruption case as much as a sex case.
"Is David Boies trying to atone for his involvement with Harvey Weinstein?"
Why would you ask the question? It's silly. Lawyers hire themselves out to those who can afford their services. Everyone should be able to employ legal counsel, and that's how lawyers look at it. Sure, there are "issues" lawyers, but I don't get the sense David Boies is one of these.
One might think that the FBI and the NYPD Crimes Against Children Task Force would celebrate inclusivity for all gender identities and expressions, wouldn't one? I wonder if Oreo will release a statement on the issue.
"How many other crimes by rich people have been swept under the rug by corrupt prosecutors?"
And how many poor people railroaded into incarceration? This is more concerning. (Better 100 guilty go free than 1 innocent person be jailed, and all that.)
(Better 100 guilty go free than 1 innocent person be jailed, and all that.)
Let’s say you let go 100 murderers in order to protect one innocent man. How many additional innocent people will end up murdered? Zero? “I do believe in faeries! I do! I do!"
Trump is guilty because he lives in the same town. Clinton is innocent because he pretends to do charity work.
But don’t worry people, you can trust the press to be even handed and you can even quote the best parts of the faerie tales to each other at the dog park! It’s what all the smart people do!
Why would you ask the question? It's silly. Lawyers hire themselves out to those who can afford their services.
I was being ironic and cynical. It is common for high powered attorneys lawyers to prostitute themselves for a high fee. But sometimes the taint of doing so can be bad for future business. Taking a high profile case for the other side gets some goodwill.
I am guessing Trump will now fire Alexander Acosta as his sweetheart deal let Eppstein off last time.
The Donald has the 'best people'. Just ask Jeffrey Eppstein
What do they mean, exactly, by “trafficked”? Actual buying and selling like slaves?
The most amazing part to me of this whole “Lolita Express” story is the audacity of running it. So brazen and ultimately stupid.
Normal people don’t own an island where they house a bunch of underage sex slaves for their rich and connected friends’ entertainment. As a result they cannot even comprehend how such a thing could be possible. Which serves the needs of those who run these operations.
I would say, read more spy stories, the realm of the possible is limitless. Limits on depravity based on ethics and morals? Nope. Not a thing with that crowd. Don’t confuse them your family, friends, and neighbors.
Let’s say you let go 100 murderers in order to protect one innocent man. How many additional innocent people will end up murdered? Zero?
Probably zero or one person murdered, since the recidivism rate for murderers is very low at about 1%.
As the techno fog link showed, the approval for the deal went all the way to fmr Kirkland and Ellis partner, Ken Starr deputy and associate atty general Jay lefkowitz, so acosta was just a flunky, the question is why,
The details revealed (according to the press) of the non-prosecution agreement are staggering.
Co-conspirators of Epstein, blanket, are granted immunity, again blanket. All criminal charges are dropped except some minor ones. Victims can pursue civil claims but...
The state and Epstein's legal team pick the Victim's lawyer - re-read that - AND PAY THAT LAWYERS LEGAL FEES.
I can't get out of this. A non-prosecution agreement was inked to protect Epstein and allow Epstein to pick the lawyer for his victims, pay the lawyers fees, and control the civil lawsuit process and any one who may have been involved with Epstein's child sex trafficking has blanket immunity.
If that NPA can stand, the law has no meaning.
Vance failed to follow up some years ago, as he did with weinstein.
Add this twist, is it coincidence
Was there a midget in a tower watching for the plane?
Comeys daughter is prosecuting the case?
Boies Is interesting. I was associating him in my mind with the Clintons, so found this all a bit odd. But is looks like he was more a NYC corporate super lawyer, who jumped from Cravath to found his own firm, and represented AlGore and the DNC in the Florida recounts, but his most notable cases have been corporate.
Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse issued a statement on this. Why?
U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York's public corruption unit is prosecuting the case.
Perhaps Comey's daughter is one of the attorneys assigned to the case?
Remember how the incoming AG of NY threatened to go after Trump? I suspect this is how they're going to do it. Perfect timing with the new election cycle kicking off.
If you want to learn more about the Boise Schiller law firm, read about their work for Theranos in “Bad Medicine”.
Just like fusion GPS, techno fog doesn't shade the truth, like the daily news,
Lawyers hire themselves out to those who can afford their services.
Or, in the case of contingency fees, barratry. Large cut of the take, find the clients.
Or that two lawyers can survive in a town that can't support one.
Even if nothing is ever heard about this again, it serves as a brush-back pitch to keep Hillary out of the 2020 race.
I think it's mostly squirrel now:
Remember Patterson wrote a book about Epstein, then collaborated with bill Clinton on that cringe worthy potboiler
Someone is going to be Kavanaughed.
Many are guilty with the misuse of pedophile. The Hostess should have used this post to pick apart that misuse. But it's her blog.
Girlfriend: What's a "pedophile"?
Man: That's an awfully big word for an 8-year old.
One thing of worry here is that the US Attorney who gave Epstein his sweat heart deal in now Trump’s labor secretary. Also worrisome that it is the SDNY doing the prosecuting. The District run in recent times by the execrable Preet Baharra, two former FBI Directors (Louis Freeh and, of course, James Comey), as well as Rudy Giuliani. Worked closely with the Mueller prosecutors, etc, and appears to have been tasked with continuing some of their investigations.
So, my question is whether this is just the results of a long running investigation finally bearing fruit, was the result of reopening the Epstein investigation, now that the Clintons were no longer in a position to defend him, or is an attack ultimately on Trump. Or maybe some of all of those. Normally, at some point, you can start seeing the shadows of those pushing the levers of power. I really can’t see them yet here.
People focused on Trump/ Clinton are missing the big picture. There are a LOT of powerful people who love Jeffrey Epstein. No matter who thinks they have custody of Epstein, Trump has Alex Acosta chained to his desk job in DC... and wouldn't you know it, pedos as far as Norway keep getting arrested.
Given that Trump blew the whistle on the Island before he was President, things are looking very, very bad for the p e d lovers. But don't forget, Pizzagate is a conspiracy and there's nothing to see beyond Trump! Racist!
”I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
~ Donald Trump, 2002
Strange timing, and whom is involved.
A judge just ruled a bunch of Epstein documents were to be unsealed.
If there is a new case, my guess is they need to keep on being sealed.
Trump was very smart and kept his distance from Epstein. The Press is attempting to link them.
Clinton, Prince Andrew, and Labor Secretary Acosta are in a lot more danger.
Vietnam had nothing to do with JFK or LBJ. It was all Nixon's fault. A member of Trump's cabinet gave Epstein a sweetheart deal. This is all Trump's fault.....I don't think Epstein would have been able to get away with as much as he did for as long as he did without levers in both parties. I'm pretty sure that we will never know the full story and that the Dems involved in it will receive less notoriety than the Republicans.
What I would call a scandal with the potential of humiliating both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump: Win-Win.
Per The Washington Post Trump banned Epstein from his property.
What seems to have happened is Epstein did recruitment there, Trump found out, and banned him.
Harvard's returning all the money, yes? I mean, if they're too good for Ronald Sullivan they're certainly too good for Epstein.
Perhaps pedo Epstein was entrapped then set up and financed by a foreign intelligence service and used to ensnare powerful people and turn them into useful tools.
Remember, when DJT came to DC his pick of Cabinet posts etc came from the existing high mucks mucks, there weren't many innocent minors to pick from. Judge him after he mass arrests the child sex rings.
Hopefully, they can conduct their investigation, without the witch hunts and warlock trials (e.g. trial by press) that have plagued our existence for more then 8 trimesters and are still in progress. That said, it's interesting to note that the hunters and actual witches and warlocks coincide in the ideological spectrum.
NB this is one big reason Pence will not be around to be his VP again.
Possible people that will be embarrassed:
Mueller - head of fbi and part of sweet heart deal
Bush ii - president at time of sentencing
Cyrus Vance - Manhattan district attorney
Prince Andrew - guest
Bill Clinton - multiple flyer on Lolita express
Kevin Spacey - guest
Secretary Acosta - did plea deal
The challenge is Epstein basically has unlimited money to find his defense.
And their are rumors the Island was wired for video.
And an employee that the fbi has their black book documenting everything.
One of the interesting aspects here is that this isn’t really pedophilia. There appears to be a real pedophile scandal circling around, esp at the top tiers of the Dem party, but this isn’t it bin the law, there is a distinction tweet Malum In Se and Malum Prohibitum. Is a crime actually evil, or just illegal? Actual pedophilia is Malum in se in the Christian world (less so in the Muslim world, but they also accept bestiality to some extent). Much of what Epstein seems to have been involved in through the years though has been setting his friends up with nubile young women below the age of consent. Point is that what he is dealing with are females mature enough to breed, and in an earlier era would have already been married and having kids. Not the prepubescents that the Podesta brothers may have been involved with exploiting. Every picture I have ever seen of Epstein and his friends with these girls, the girls are invariably fairly hot.
Making this interesting to me, I know some guys who have taken international trips to engage the services of what would be underaged females in our country, but was mere prostitution in theirs. It is a question of being rich, and old enough that females closer to their peak in sexual attractiveness are necessary to sustain their sexual desire. Yes, they are dirty old men, rich dirty old men, but dirty old men, nevertheless. But there are physiological reasons why dirty old men exist, and I think that it has to do with their declining testosterone levels. I think that they need younger and younger post pubescent girls to excite them sexually as their testosterone levels decline with age. Girls closer and closer to their peak in sexual attractiveness.
Where I think that Epstein fit in here was mostly as the one finding the girls, seducing them with money, and then making them available to his friends. And by procuring them for powerful people, like Bill Clinton, he gained some level of political protection. But it was that connection to Clinton that may have been his undoing this time. Clinton’s wife, Crooked Hillary, is still waiting in the wings, to be called back to head the Democratic Party in the next election, after their convention deadlocks next summer. Except that no one really wants her there, after losing to Trump, and likely losing much more dramatically in a rematch. Sure, she wants a rematch, but few outside her inner circle seem interested. And, I think that the Epstein prosecution here maybe at least partially to send the Clintons this message.
I wonder who the suicide will be?
If a father takes his small child on a hazardous journey in order to use her small body to gain leverage for an asylum entry into the United States is he less or more culpable than a teenage girl who uses her own body for leverage to gain entry to America?
hmmmmmm…… https://twitchy.com/samj-3930/2019/07/07/whoa-whoa-whoa-thread-from-2018-about-possible-connection-between-jeffrey-epstein-and-muellers-fbi-is-enlightening/
Cernovitch places his claim.
Reading these comments that are all verklempt over the possibility that this will implicate Trump are just too funny. You folks loved the idea of Epstein being charged with sex trafficking if it implicated Clinton, now you are oh so concerned because it may implicate Trump. Epstein was a fixture at Mar A Lago, he wasn’t playing tiddlywinks there and Trump may have known about it and even engaged in it himself. There are accusations against Trump in connection to Epstein. This could get quite interesting.
“The Ties That Bind Jeffrey Epstein, William Barr & Donald Trump
During Attorney General, William Barr’s confirmation hearing, he was mostly peppered with questions about how he would handle the Mueller Report. Senator Ben Sasse’s (R-NE) questioning, however, diverged from the pack. Sasse asked Barr about the lenient sentence given out to billionaire pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein. The future Attorney General told Sasse that he would look into the matter.
This, however, was not the first connection between Barr and his family and the disgraced pedophile. In 1973, Barr’s father Donald, the headmaster at Manhattan’s Dalton School, hired Epstein as a calculus and physics teacher.
While hiring Epstein, a noted mathematics genius, was not strange on its face, the hire was unusual for a number of reasons. Epstein had not earned a college degree as he dropped out of New York’s prestigious Cooper Union. The other odd circumstance was that the new teacher was only 20 years of age.“
“Epstein was a fixture at Mar A Lago, he wasn’t playing tiddlywinks there and Trump may have known about it and even engaged in it himself. There are accusations against Trump in connection to Epstein. This could get quite interesting.”
I heard that several of Epstein’s girls were Inga’s granddaughters. This could get quite interesting.
“Where I think that Epstein fit in here was mostly as the one finding the girls, seducing them with money, and then making them available to his friends. And by procuring them for powerful people, like Bill Clinton, he gained some level of political protection. But it was that connection to Clinton that may have been his undoing this time.”
”I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
~ Donald Trump, 2002
“Epstein was a fixture at Mar A Lago, he wasn’t playing tiddlywinks there and Trump may have known about it and even engaged in it himself. There are accusations against Trump in connection to Epstein. This could get quite interesting.”-me
“I heard that several of Epstein’s girls were Inga’s granddaughters. This could get quite interesting.”-idiot
I heard Epstein was a good friend of Bruce Hayden.
> Epstein was a fixture at Mar A Lago, he wasn’t playing tiddlywinks there and Trump may have known about it.
“I learned through a source that Trump banned Epstein from his Maralago [Mar-A- Lago] Club in West Palm Beach because Epstein sexually assaulted an underage girl at the club,” Fort Lauderdale lawyer Bradley Edwards’ said.
“Jane Doe” aka “Katie Johnson” – 1994. Lawsuit filed June 2016, refiled October 2016, then dropped in November 2016.
Jane Doe is an unnamed plaintiff, who has also gone by “Katie Johnson” in legal papers. She claims she was repeatedly raped by Trump and Jeffery Epstein at Epstein’s New York City apartment in 1994, when she was 13 years old. A witness, also given a pseudonym — “Tiffany Doe” — said she recruited “Jane Doe” and others. Doe, using the name “Johnson,” gave an interview to the Daily Mail in which she said she did not know who Trump was at the time of the alleged attack but identified him later when she saw him on television. It is not known why she withdrew the lawsuit. She has not spoken publicly or withdrawn her rape allegation since then.”
Gross old hag Inga really has Trump now!!!!
Go play with your rapey grandsons, Inga.
Great Dick,
That's a start, why not post the whole quote?
Question from reporter: Our current President has had relationships with Epstein in the past and there are those, Katy Johnson and maybe other victims who’ve accused Trump of being involved in things like this.
In my experience, Trump supporters will not listen to anything along those lines. Obviously we’re not in the court of law here right now, but are those claims, although that case was dropped, it was dropped before it went to court. In your opinion as a lawyer, in your experience is there anything you can say as to the validity of those claims and whether there will be anything more about that?
Edwards: Nothing at all. The only thing that I can say about President Trump is that he is the only person who, in 2009 when I served a lot of subpoenas on a lot of people, or at least gave notice to some pretty connected people, that I want to talk to them, is the only person who picked up the phone and said, let’s just talk. I’ll give you as much time as you want. I’ll tell you what you need to know, and was very helpful, in the information that he gave, and gave no indication whatsoever that he was involved in anything untoward whatsoever, but had good information. That checked out and that helped us and we didn’t have to take a deposition of him in 2009.
Reporter: Do you have any information on James Patterson’s claims that Trump had Epstein kicked out of Mar-a-logo?
Edwards: I definitely have heard that. I definitely have heard that and I don’t know if it was Trump himself as opposed to a manager…
John Henry
There is almost certainly no connection here to Trump, though the media is trying hard to make one. It is probably no accident that Epstein is finally being hauled in to face the music by the Trump DoJ after, not coincidentally, Bill Barr becomes the AG. Epstein finally ran out of protectors in D.C.
The biggest name at risk here is going to be Bill Clinton, and smaller names are probably going to be people you never heard of before (though I have), but are wealthy and connected. The only person in the Trump Administration with any real worries might be Alex Acosta, but I have followed this story for a long time, and it appears to me that Acosta was simply the guy in the Bush DoJ who was given the orders to implement the plea deal already negotiated by his superiors in the DoJ.
What Yancy said.
Blogger Bruce Hayden said...
I heard that several of Epstein’s girls were Inga’s granddaughters. This could get quite interesting.
Mueller actually alluded to this in his report.
John Henry
Making this interesting to me, I know some guys who have taken international trips to engage the services of what would be underaged females in our country, but was mere prostitution in theirs.
I seem to have read somewhere that this is illegal under US law for US citizens anywhere in the world. Not hiring prostitutes but engaging in sex with 16 year olds anywhere in the world.
Not certain of this, though.
John Henry
If you really need some names that might be sweating this morning- I can think of people like James Comey and Robert Mueller- not because they were Epstein friends per se, but because they have dealt with Epstein in the past while they were in the Bush Administration. Epstein's plea deal definitely looks and smells like an incredibly corrupt one, and that injustice seems to now being targeted directly by the Trump DoJ.
So you follow certain crumbs put before you:
You wonder why he skirted the law in the first place. And then you wonder why the cover-up was uncovered NOW. These Federal judges have too much power. Why should anyone be able to seal the records in a Federal Court?
Get the Secret Service and CIA involved and it’s hookers and blow all the way ‘round.
But, everyone who voted for the former rapist-in-chief knew what he was when they voted for him and later on, his wife. They didn’t care then, why should they care now?
60 Minutes interview 1990.
Watching Inga conjure ever more elaborate hoax conspiracies and lies to replace the hundreds of previously debunked and exposed lies is certainly entertaining.
She even tries to rope in William Barr because Barr's father hired Epstein as a physics teacher back in the 70's!!!
Its so astonishingly absurd you simply have to marvel at it all.
“Epstein's plea deal definitely looks and smells like an incredibly corrupt one, and that injustice seems to now being targeted directly by the Trump DoJ.”
“The case is being handled by the Public Corruption Unit of the Southern District of New York, with assistance from the district's human-trafficking officials and the FBI.”
Technically Trump’s DoJ. Let’s see if Barr intervenes to get the charges dropped. Let’s see if Trump pardons Epstein. I doubt it, as all hell would break loose. Let’s see what Trump does with Acosta.
As I said, things are going to get very interesting.
From reading the comments, it seems that they're going after Epstein as some round-about way to hurt Trump. OK, so now it makes sense. Even though, all this corruption happened 12 years ago. BTW, the victims only went to Federal Court, because the Democrat Prosecutor in Palm Beach had been bought off.
Then there’s the liar Boies.
Boies I think lied to the FL Supreme Court in citing an Illinois case about chit counting, I recall. Because I remember reading about the case when it happened.
Open up the impeachment files, let the party really begin! I hope this tanks Chelsea’s career going forward.
We’ll get him this time!
If you had no problem voting for Bubba and Hillary, what’s the big deal?
Inga: "“Jane Doe” aka “Katie Johnson” – 1994. Lawsuit filed June 2016, refiled October 2016, then dropped in November 2016."
I understand the Katie Johnson hoax was being held in reserve in case it was needed against Kavanaugh.
I also understand this hoax has been repurposed to include multiple references to "insert next potentially successfully republican politician's name here".
Watch, Inga and the LLR's are only 2 steps away from claiming Donald Trump helped run Kavanaughs fictional rape gangs for years.
I'd like to know more about Inga's strong Christian faith that guides her so effortlessly onto the path of bearing false witness.
Its gotta be a doozy.
No acosta is a Republican, how conservartive he is debatable, he later became the dean of a Las school, why would lefkowitz, federalist society poobah have been steering the deal.
Hoax Collusion Cultist Truther Inga: "As I said, things are going to get very interesting."
You dont know what the SDNY knows!!!eleventy!11!111!!
What did Gore know and when did he know it?
What did Obama know and when did he know it? Silly question, he learns everything from TV.
It was Vance who dropped the case, years ago, against the advice of his lead sex crimes prosecutor.
Were there any real connections between Trump and the allegations against Epstein, you would have gotten really good evidence at least 3 1/2 years ago. People thinking this is going to lead back to Donald Trump are so delusional, they aren't even worth the time to respond to.
This is looking to be a democrat/LLR/media repeat of their Jack Abramoff tactics where the deep corrupt dem connections were buried under false accusations against Bush and the "proof" was a picture of Bush in a large room with hundreds of guestsband Abramoff way at the back.
That was the "proof".
Similar to LLR Chuck's ploy in attempting to say Trump "knew" someone because years ago he might have shook hands in a receiving line or brushed by someone in a venue.
Its always the same smear tactics with the left and LLR-left.
Thanks for responding!
Oh I’m popping corn for this coming argument.
1. IF TFRIC was made to step down, we might not be here.
2. They just handed the walls and immigration issue to Trump.
3. Open borders means human trafficking.
Thanks for find a way to work Chuck in!
Wasn’t Donald dating Melania around those years? They married in 2005.
The former rapist-in-chief.
readering: "Thanks for find a way to work Chuck in!"
The left and LLR-left long ago joined together to achieve their shared ends.
Similar to the Nazi's and Stalin's Soviet Union (Molotov-Ribbentropp Pact) of which you were blissfully unaware leading you ti make moronic conclusions based on absurd premises.
Chuck is your pal and ally.
Good for you.
Dont blame others for simply noticing.
Trump, Melania, Epstein and his girlfriend in 2008. Melania looks like she’s leaning in toward Epstein, lol. Look at her face!
And there it is!!
Trump takes a pic with Epstein at a public event and abracadabra!! Trump is a serial rapist!!
Its Abramoff all over again.
Correction, pic taken in 2000.
I love this. We are getting to the point everyone stays in their homes because with the surveillance, one could be in a photo 1 time and 30 years later ruin a career.
It’s kind of like everyone has A contagious sexual disease and we all need to wear full body condoms for the rest of our lives. Naked Gun popped in my head when I was thinking about this. Lolol
Btw, the left/LLR-left is also constructing hoax Epstein charges to try and take out Dershowitz since he has demonstrated too much deference to actual law.
I love seeing Drago so excited, lol. Flop sweat.
I understand the democrats have compiled a new and very "convincing" "dossier" which asserts Trump actually utilized Mission Impossible-like masks to literally pose as Epstein!!
It has to be true since there are over 25 close Clinton associates prepared to testify for James Comey's daughter!!
(Yes, James Coney's daughter was involved in the first slap on the wrist "prosecution" of Epstein...and so was Mueller!!)
Its unbelievable how these same punks are at the center of all the corruption for 30 years.
Who was surprised at how the Mueller Report ended up being a great big nothingburger? People who rely on MSM for news. Who wasn't surprised? People who read the real news on blogs and alternative media who pieced things together, since no one source had the whole story.
Epstein indicted? "OMG Surprise!" to many. But if you've been following the deepest darkest of the internet the timing may have caught you by surprise, but not the indictment.
One of the hidden news items of the Trump administration is that child porn arrests and prosecutions are up, way up. Three people I know have now been arrested and prosecuted successfully, including my former doctor. (And yes, that came as a big surprise.) So far, mostly low level people, but if you don't think they've been giving names and information and that the names and information aren't being crosschecked and investigated you're being naive. Then there's the matter of Anthony Weiner's laptop computer and the information therein. Do you really think that information disappeared completely? Too many people saw it.
MSM is doing it's best to connect Epstein to Trump. That's not where the connection lays. Again, if you've delved into the deepest darkest corners of the internet you've read that Trump made one flight to Epstein's Island - and was on the next flight off after seeing what was going on with his own two eyes.
Remember, Trump doesn't drink. Doesn't smoke, or use drugs. Not even a whiff of rumors about drug use. And he was a regular partygoer in NYC and other places. Parties where the alcohol flowed freely, and very important and influential people got drunk. And talked. And he was there, sober and listening.
Trump has a swamp to drain. And he has to so it with people who have been in the swamp. Finding people who've been in the swamp but don't smell swampy is his problem. Looks like he's getting there.
“A woman who claims to be a victim of multimillionaire alleged pedophile Jeffrey Epstein has filed a defamation lawsuit against high-profile attorney Alan Dershowitz, claiming that he made "false and malicious" statements about her.
According to the lawsuit, which was filed in the Southern District of New York, Dershowitz -- who used to represent Epstein -- knowingly made "false and malicious defamatory statements" against Virginia Giuffre, formerly known as Virginia Roberts, who claims to have been a victim of sex trafficking and abuse by Epstein when she was underage.
Giuffre alleges in her suit that Dershowitz, 80, was a participant in Epstein's sex trafficking operation, and that she had sex with Dershowitz as part of that operation. Giuffre has made similar allegations against Dershowitz in court filings in the past.
"Defendant Dershowitz was Epstein's attorney, close friend, and co-conspirator. Dershowitz was also a participant in sex trafficking, including as one of the men to whom Epstein lent out Plaintiff for sex," the lawsuit alleges.”
CNN . They are going to gave a heyday with this. Oh how interesting!
Inga: "I love seeing Drago so excited, lol. Flop sweat."
I am every bit as concerned for this latest hoax as I was for your collusion lies and your Kavanaugh lies.
But the 3,456th time is sure to be the charm, eh Inga?
Caption for the picture inga linked to:
Jeffrey Epstein and his partner, Ghislaine Maxwell, with Donald and Melania Trump at Mar-a-Lago in 2000. Davidoff Studios/Getty Images
Blogger Seeing Red said...
I love this. We are getting to the point everyone stays in their homes because with the surveillance, one could be in a photo 1 time and 30 years later ruin a career.
But then, since they are trapped in their homes and need more convenience, they install an Alexa/Siri/Google And, for entertainment, they install a top of the line TV with a camera that has a camera to watch what you are doing. (Just to help you select programs better, of course)
Both listening and watching 24/7 and they have no idea who has access to the takings since they agreed the EULA allowing anyone to do anything with the info.
And this assumes that it has not been hacked.
George Orwell was wrong about telescreens. Govt doesn't need to force them on people. People, stupid people, actually pay cash money to install them in their own homes.
John Henry
This arrest is a result of a lawsuit filed by Mike Cernovich 3 years to unseal the records surrounding Epstein's plea deal. It was eventually joined by the Miami Herald.
Last week a judge ordered the records unsealed. Huge win for Cernovich.
There is no political conspiracy behind the arrest.
Drago still time for a reference to Germans invading Poland ....
And, yes- though I don't think much of Cernovich overall- he does deserve praise here- I think his lawsuit was a driving factor here. Epstein had to be indicted before those records were going be made public. Many of the people involved probably still work in the Department of Justice as career employees.
However, I think Barr is the person most to be thanked here- most don't realize that Barr was directly questioned about Epstein during his confirmation hearing, and did say he would look into it. It appears he did so.
Very interesting...
“Miami Herald investigative reporter Julie K. Brown, who has done original reporting on details of the alleged sex trafficking crimes of billionaire Jeffrey Epstein for the past several years, joined MSNBC Sunday morning to discuss the evidence against Epstein and the "rogues gallery" of rich, powerful, and famous people who are suspected to have used his services. Epstein was arrested Saturday in New Jersey on sex trafficking charges.
“I've felt a lot of pressure," Brown said. "Needless to say, these are very powerful people and I think that they're sweating a little bit, especially today. We don't know how much, how deep this went, how far-reaching it went in government, but there have been a lot of names that I could see on these message pads [listing clients] on a regular basis as part of the evidence. These message pads where they would call and leave Epstein messages, such as, 'I'm at this hotel.' Why do you do that, unless you're expecting him to send you a girl to visit you at your hotel? So there are probably quite a few important people, powerful people, who are sweating it out right now. We'll have to wait and see whether Epstein is going to name names."
She said Epstein's relationship with fellow Palm Beach resident Donald Trump was "friendly." "They went to dinner parties at each other's houses, Trump was also on his plane. Probably not as much as a lot of other people because, you know, Trump had his own plane. But they had a lot of social relationships. And the other interesting thing is Trump had a modeling agency, and Epstein also had a stake in a modeling agency, which they suspect he used to bring in underage girls from overseas."”
"There is a comment in one of the court files where Epstein is quoted as saying, 'I want to set up my modeling agency the same way Trump set up his modeling agency.' I don't know what that means, but it is curious he was trying to do something similar to Trump.Brown said.”
Inga is so excited! After obsessing about pee-pee for over 2 years, she gets to immerse herself in another fantasy which, really, truly is going to get Trump this time!
She's utterly indifferent to the fact that thousands of children are being exploited by sex traffickers at the border. Who cares, they're not her grandchildren. The old bitch only cares about kids when she imagines they can be used to get Trump.
Epstein is a Dem.
Cucky Chuck’s LLR friends never did a damn thing to unseal Epstein’s records or advance the case, as usual.
That was left to “alt-right” Cernovich.
Ann Coulter: Media Magic — How a Democrat Pedophile Became a ‘Trump Scandal’
Bus Inga’s grandkids to a Somali school.
In fact it was federalist society poobah lefkowitz who arranged the plea, really for trump, pshaw.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Very interesting ...
Thanks Inga, keep the 2-scoops coming.
That'll show them.
Also nice to have all allegations in one place for easy reference. Make the work smoothly.
Probably not as much as a lot of other people because, you know, Trump had his own plane.
This should be an example sentence in a handbook about how to concoct a smear.
Notice that the man Inga participated for three decades in the continuing conspiracy of silence gets mentioned, along with Bob Menendez D-NJ under the non descript heading of “other people.”
Wow. It’s so fucking brazen. But they have hordes of Ingas carrying their water in the trenches.
Was Epstein at Trump’s wedding in 2005?
That photo of Trump and Melania with Clinton and Hillary is priceless. Haven’t seen a photo with Trump and Epstein.
Should be interesting to see if Epstein rolls on anyone. No lawyer will want to touch his case now. His previous lawyers aren’t looking too good. Neither are the people at the DoJ who signed off on this in 2007. Acosta was told what to do. The names will now come out.
readering: "Drago still time for a reference to Germans invading Poland ...."
I already got it in.
Try and keep up.
And thank you again for your continuing passionate support of "conservative" Chuck.
Okay, I'm actually kind of shocked at how hard Inga's driving on this, right after I warned them about the big picture, but here goes:
After Ars Technica supposedly "debunked" Pizzagate then saw their contributor Dr. Pizza arrested for hardcore child sex solicitation, I realized the media was full of straight on ped degeneracy. That's nothing new. Now the media's trying to lie "Trump's a ped, but if you notice ANYONE else involved you are a liar and racist!!" A lot of people are going to get burned clear to the ground, even rings as sophisticated as the one in Norway are vulnerable to the weak links being broken. And child predators are usually weak.
Inga, everyone knows you're on the Kavanaugh edition Media Matters playbook. As expected. What you don't know is that whoever is pushing the Epstein story to the media (I suspect John Miller) wants a frenzy. Once frenzies happen, even the fattest Hollywood fatcats get caught up in it- and Weinstein was a case with adult women! Your insane use of lies against the current President will provide the justification to put ex-President Clinton in handcuffs, because everyone knows Billy boy would sleep with pigs, he needs sexual affection so bad. What Trump wants, by contrast, is lots of positive admiration from the lower classes. A gold plated statue and laurels at a triumph.
You can push the lie, but when your lies go cold, we'll know you're scared, Inga. These people won't protect you when it all goes dark.
I do not believe that a Trump quote about Jeffrey Epstein from 2002 is incriminating for Trump.
What I do think is that it is a quote, like countless other Trump quotes that is all at once embarrassing and revealing of Trump’s personal banal cravenness. Trump seems to have been trying to impress a journalist with who he knew and how well connected he was with the Epstein quote. A normal person of intelligence and moral insight would later be able to go back and explain it (or not), and demonstrate some kind of understandable personal narrative.
But Trump can’t do that. He can never do that. He talks in weird non-.sequitir soundbites. As George Conway and some other Trump critics have lately observed, they would love it if Trump were on live tv for six hours a day extemporizing about everything he could think of, and it was all recorded.
No one can possibly read that quote from Trump and come away thinking anything other than that Trump had — at the very least — been proud to have been in Epstein’s circle of super rich guys, and oh yeah those of us who know him best know that he has a really unusual penchant for underage girls, haha.
You would think that after the Al Capone’s Vault level of disappointment with vague smears that rely on carefully wording one’s accusations and leaving out as much context as possible that was Russia Gate, Inga would be a little gunshy this time and maybe ask “Where’s the beef?”
But no, hope springs eternal! Keep hope alive! The difference between Democrats and Republicans is that if Trump really did turn out to be a pedophile, if he had as much evidencs as there is against recently re-elected Roy Moore... err no, I always get him confused the Bob Menendez D-MJ. The votes to impeach and remove would be there from Republicans. Democrats continue to circle the wagons around Billly Blythe though.
I think I would classify LLR Chucks latest nonsensical post as 85% pure smear ot Trump (Chucks admitted primary goal at Althouse) and only 15% "driving a wedge between Althouse and her readers (Chuck's admitted 2nd goal at Althouse)
Lets see if that ratio holds.
See, if you want a smear to work, it has to tie into something that's actually true. A believable smear would be, "Look at this goddamn orange scalp weasel, white supremacists scream 'Hack Pedowood Celebrities Up with Axes and Cremate Them!' and Trump re-tweets it!"
Of course, the smear only works when your audience doesn't say "Right ON!" in return, but hey, it's a good first step.
“ do not believe that a Trump quote about Jeffrey Epstein from 2002 is incriminating for Trump.”
This is why I still sort of think Chuck is a Republican. Democrats would simply force themselves to see four fingers there when really there are only two, maybe.
They used to call people who ran with stuff like this “four flushers.”
Although I find Inga;s comments offensive in their stupidity, I acknowledge being relieved her absence for two weeks after the Mueller report was not the result of suicide.
Also, nice to see Pecan Pie Chuck has somewhat recovered and has returned for his fair share of abuse.
> "There is a comment in one of the court files where Epstein is quoted as saying, 'I want to set up my modeling agency the same way Trump set up his modeling agency.' I don't know what that means, but it is curious he was trying to do something similar to Trump.Brown said.”
That's hilarious. Brown isn't doing anything for the reputation of journalists.
"driving a wedge between Althouse and her readers
In the days of royalty, sometimes there would arise a “poet infatuate” who largely wrote gushing and possibly embarrassing praise for the queen in his work. These were tolerated as harmless by the king, of course, since the poet was getting nowhere near the queen’s bed.
Chuck is Althouse’s “commenter infatuate.” He is sure that she meets some lofty standard of chivalry’s romantic perfect adherence to his goofy delusions, when in fact she mostly just calls ‘em like she see’s ‘em and lays her reasons out pretty clearly, usually.
Remember the laughter from everyone except the MSM when the 2016 losing presidential candidate was invited to be a keynote speaker at a cyber security conference 3 months or so from now? Unforeseen circumstances- she's backed out. Epstein gets arrested Saturday night. And his indictment unsealed Monday. Pure 100% coincidence. Couldn't be any connection.
“Brown isn't doing anything for the reputation of journalists.”
He’s solidifying it.
Inga’s first and second posts make clear she doesn’t read comments before she comments on what she assumes we must have said. And of course she was wrong about “the reaction” to the post. How weird.
Yes she sure is!
Meanwhile, compare this
- gross retard brings up 15 year old remarks as SOLID EVIDENCE that Trump is a Clinton, I mean Epstein, fan.
- 2 day old documents where uber leftists and Pedowood fans Alan Dershowitz and Mike Cernovich open the anus of Jeff Epstein for all the world to see.
HMMMMMMMMM!! That's quite a fuckin' coincidence, wouldn't you say, Inga? Are you in fact doing the dirty work of KNOWN white supremacists Mike Cernovich and TrumpFan Alan Dershowitz? If you got released from the Trump camps and are now on Team MAGA, good for you, Inga. It's better to convert an enemy than eliminate him.
A quick look at the twitterverse shows the "right" celebrating the arrest, they are the ones who have been pushing it. I think Trump is going to come out of this smelling like a rose.
It makes me sad to be reminded that a lot of men, when they get a bunch of power and money, will think 'hm what can I do with this?' and the answer is 'I know: go have sex with teenage girls.'
If Bruce's theory is correct, that by a certain age it's either no sex or sex that you have to buy with, essentially, children, isn't it better to just let it go and enjoy your memories?
But I'm just a woman. I'm sure Hardin will explain that my bewilderment is just that I'm intellectually defective.
Thanks Blogger Gospace
I have texted your comments to people I know.
Some still don't see Trump as hero.
like countless other Trump quotes that is all at once embarrassing and revealing of Trump’s personal banal cravenness. Trump seems to have been trying to impress a journalist with who he knew and how well connected he was with the Epstein quote. A normal person of intelligence and moral insight ...
It is truly amazing how lefties like you ascribe to Trump what they see in themselves.
I guess you have to get the smears from somewhere.
Psychotherapy is not going to help you at all.
The “who benefits?” speculation here is both entertaining and nuts.
I know who doesn't benefit. Jeffrey Epstein is first on that list. The people who let Epstein off so easily the first time donor benefit.
Do not benefit...
I remember when tom fieldler then the political editor of the herald, was at a conference, shortly after the donna rice story broke, he couldn't have been more full of himself if he tried, of course ten years later, he was carrying bill Clinton's bath water, and being picayune enough to dissect newt's dissertation on Belgian education in the congom
All future LLR-leftist Chuck posting should be immediately broken down by
1) Admitted Smear Merchant Score
2) Admitted "Althouse/readers wedge driver" Score
You know, as with LLR-leftist Chuck's alcohol-related honest and happy admission that he was only here to smear and lie about Trump, LLR-leftist Chuck's happy admission that he is very very very intent on driving a wedge between Althouse and her readership is also almost certainly a result of alcohol loosening LLR-leftist Chuck's Loose Lefty-Operative Lips.
Still, it would be fun if Althouse challenged Chuck to explain his purpose and desired end goal for his wedge driving.
Of course, true to type, LLR-leftist Chuck will first:
1) deny having written it, then...
2) assert that his comment has been misinterpreted/mischaracterized, then...
3) claim, as he always does, that its really Trumps fault
This is LLR-leftist Chuck's well established modus operandi.
It makes me sad to be reminded that a lot of men, when they get a bunch of power and money, will think 'hm what can I do with this?' and the answer is 'I know: go have sex with teenage girls.'
If Bruce's theory is correct, that by a certain age it's either no sex or sex that you have to buy with, essentially, children, isn't it better to just let it go and enjoy your memories?
But I'm just a woman. I'm sure Hardin will explain that my bewilderment is just that I'm intellectually defective.
I can't see any advantage to teens. They talk nonsense, and all pussy is the same, if it's not your regular partner.
A mistress is usually because the wife won't have sex with you any longer, so you get one who can talk and appreciate your jokes that your wife no longer likes. If you can afford it. The mistress has to be attracted to you.
I took it that Muslims went for 72 virgins because they're not the brightest people around, so teens are okay to talk to. Perhaps they're the brightest in teen years, I don't know. Anyway the comeback is that you want 1 virgin and 71 party girls, not 72 virgins.
Reading unhinged leftists unmoored from reality is something I do for fun at threadreaderapp. For example:
No clue whatsoever.
I think anybody who's had a hot girlfriend knows that looks don't matter. It's not that you don't see her as good looking, but you realize that it's not the turn-on factor.
Go for good conversationalist. That's where the deal is.
Probably zero or one person murdered, since the recidivism rate for murderers is very low at about 1%.
Classic false inference. The observed low recidivism rate for murderers is in a sample where for the most part they have spent substantial time in prison, likely coming out when they are 50 or older. Letting 100 of them off rather than convicting one innocent person means they are back out on the streets in their twenties again, knowing they got away with it.
'What I do think is that it is a quote, like countless other Trump quotes that is all at once embarrassing and revealing of Trump’s personal banal cravenness.'
Impeached is too good for banal cravenness. We should have the bailiff whack his pee pee.
Hey Chuck (lawyer extraordinaire par excellence) :
Let us say As LLR fighting for the American Way etc. - You are going after malefactors of power and wealth.
Suppose Trump is on your informant/witness list ...
Would you use him, pump him, depose him or show him the door?
Blogger rhhardin said...
I think anybody who's had a hot girlfriend knows that looks don't matter. It's not that you don't see her as good looking, but you realize that it's not the turn-on factor.
Go for good conversationalist. That's where the deal is.
Both, is where the deal is.
The observed low recidivism rate for murderers is in a sample where for the most part they have spent substantial time in prison
That, and capital punishment, with cause, not Pro-Choice. Aborted murderers are no longer viable to commit murder or any other transhuman choice.
Remind me again why Alan Dershowitz has become such a reliable and loyal Trump sycophant and apologist?
Blogger Howard said...
Remind me again why Alan Dershowitz has become such a reliable and loyal Trump sycophant and apologist?
7/7/19, 3:01 PM
"Alan Dershowitz, a longtime Harvard law professor and frequent contributor to Fox News, said Thursday he could "enthusiastically" support Joe Biden over Donald Trump if the two meet in the 2020 ...
Author: Scott Mcdonald"
Narciso has Fielder 100% here. They pursue justice, these gallant reporters, until it interferes with their favorite political party and causes.
The news media are in full "Get Trump" mode on this one.
Look for the quotes and the photos. Never mind Epstein, it's Trump they are after.
On the Norway thing mentioned above:
And as far as alternative media goes- I first read about this here, not in any "major" news outlet.
Got that link from a blogger who I read but am leery of referred to on another blog as "he who shall not be named". Spreading out your reading is really the only way to keep track of what's going on in the world today.
Hypothetical of the Day: If you were a minor, would you rather be trafficked by a ring of advanced pedophiles or a bunch of frigging nubes?
For Inga and others. Here's the latest from Dershowitz filed in June:
"David Boies, his law firm, and his client Virginia Giuffre, have falsely accused me of sexual misconduct with a woman I have never met. Giuffre, represented by the Boies firm, is now suing me for truthfully denying the false charge. Among the most important witnesses proving that I have been falsely accused by Boies' client is David Boies himself, and his law partners, who have admitted that it would have been impossible for me to have been at places their client falsely claims to have met me and that their client is "wrong… simply wrong" in accusing me. They will be key witnesses in this case and thus can't also be the lawyers in this case. Moreover, the Boies law firm offered to represent me while, unbeknownst to me, they were secretly representing my accuser. I accepted their offer and sent a partner in the firm confidential lawyer-client information which could now be used against me. Because of these reasons, and to maintain the integrity and fairness of the judicial process, the Boies law firm must be disqualified from representing Virginia Giuffre in this case."
Guiffre has already lost in court and on appeal while suing Dershowitz (Guiffre v. Edwards) Thank goodness this will be tried in court and not the press.
The "rape case'"against Trump. Dropped. link.
News reports make it sound like Trump was arrested. Epstein who?
Bill Clinton actually traveled with Epstein to those islands.
Nice try FullMoon and I admire your reaction time. But facts don’t work on HowArd. He’s never happier than when he can nail a strawman in lieu of engaging in an actual discussion. The question Howie should ponder is why Dershowitz is virtually the LAST Democrat willing to PUBLICLY defend free speech and condemn spying on Trump. Every Democrat should be standing with Dersh. That Trump causes you to reject your own principles does not reflect poorly on him.
"Give me an older woman every time. They don't yell and they don't tell and they are grateful as Hell." Benny Hill
Or, on a more serious note
“In all your Amours you should prefer old Women to young ones. You call this a Paradox, and demand my Reasons. They are these:
1. Because as they have more Knowledge of the World and their Minds are better stor’d with Observations, their Conversation is more improving and more lastingly agreable.
2. Because when Women cease to be handsome, they study to be good. To maintain their Influence over Men, they supply the Diminution of Beauty by an Augmentation of Utility. They learn to do a 1000 Services small and great, and are the most tender and useful of all Friends when you are sick. Thus they continue amiable. And hence there is hardly such a thing to be found as an old Woman who is not a good Woman.
3. Because there is no hazard of Children, which irregularly produc’d may be attended with much Inconvenience.
4. Because thro’ more Experience, they are more prudent and discreet in conducting an Intrigue to prevent Suspicion. The Commerce with them is therefore safer with regard to your Reputation. And with regard to theirs, if the Affair should happen to be known, considerate People might be rather inclin’d to excuse an old Woman who would kindly take care of a young Man, form his Manners by her good Counsels, and prevent his ruining his Health and Fortune among mercenary Prostitutes.
5. Because in every Animal that walks upright, the Deficiency of the Fluids that fill the Muscles appears first in the highest Part: The Face first grows lank and wrinkled; then the Neck; then the Breast and Arms; the lower Parts continuing to the last as plump as ever: So that covering all above with a Basket, and regarding only what is below the Girdle, it is impossible of two Women to know an old from a young one. And as in the dark all Cats are grey, the Pleasure of corporal Enjoyment with an old Woman is at least equal, and frequently superior, every Knack being by Practice capable of Improvement.
6. Because the Sin is less. The debauching a Virgin may be her Ruin, and make her for Life unhappy.
7. Because the Compunction is less. The having made a young Girl miserable may give you frequent bitter Reflections; none of which can attend the making an old Woman happy.
8thly and Lastly They are so grateful!!”
Ben Franklin "Advice to a young friend on choosing a mistress" 1745
John Henry
Whether he was just a flunky or not, Acosta's role in this doesn't look good; in the Miami Herald -- "How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime":
As part of the arrangement, Acosta agreed, despite a federal law to the contrary, that the deal would be kept from the victims. As a result, the non-prosecution agreement was sealed until after it was approved by the judge, thereby averting any chance that the girls — or anyone else — might show up in court and try to derail it. ...
But court records reveal details of the negotiations and the role that Acosta would play in arranging the deal, which scuttled the federal probe into a possible international sex trafficking operation. Among other things, Acosta allowed Epstein’s lawyers unusual freedoms in dictating the terms of the non-prosecution agreement.
“The damage that happened in this case is unconscionable,” said Bradley Edwards, a former state prosecutor who represents some of Epstein’s victims. “How in the world, do you, the U.S. attorney, engage in a negotiation with a criminal defendant, basically allowing that criminal defendant to write up the agreement?” ...
In email after email, Acosta and the lead federal prosecutor, A. Marie Villafaña, acquiesced to Epstein’s legal team’s demands, which often focused on ways to limit the scandal by shutting out his victims and the media, including suggesting that the charges be filed in Miami, instead of Palm Beach, where Epstein’s victims lived.
Epstein is being prosecuted by SDNY's Public Corruption unit which also prosecuted and conducted multiple proffer sessions with Michael Cohen. Could Cohen have given up Epstein as part of his deal? Perhaps some illicit recordings of discussions regarding the Jane Doe (Katie Johnson) vs Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein case from 2016?
Rather than play Cornhole for the rest of his life in a federal prison, Epstein just might be willing to rat out Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Prince Andrew, and Allen Dershowitz.
It's odd that this isn't among trending topics on twitter. The weekend really is a news desert.
The "Poor Man's LLR-leftist Chuck" gadfly: "Could Cohen have given up Epstein as part of his deal? Perhaps some illicit recordings of discussions regarding the Jane Doe (Katie Johnson) vs Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein case from 2016?"
i can see the JV LLR/lefty team has arrived!!
Yeah, Cohen just happened to "forget" until now that there is some massive Epstein/Trump paper trail!!
How do you even get dressed in the morning gadfly?
It's funny (not really) watching the left go scorched earth on everything they used to care about in order to burn Trump.
Kinda like this:
as pointed out the associate atty general, rode herd on the plea bargain, he is a long time federalist society figure, associate of ken starr, i'm guessing he's not a trump fan,
Drago said . . .
That was the "proof".
Similar to LLR Chuck's ploy in attempting to say Trump "knew" someone because years ago he might have shook hands in a receiving line or brushed by someone in a venue.
A 2010 deposition of Jeffrey Epstein, is instructional:
“Q. Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18?
“A: Though I'd like to answer that question, at least today I'm going to have to assert my Fifth, Sixth, and 14th Amendment rights, sir.”
Sorry to see that social aggression controls Drago when he responds with belittling personal attacks whenever he perceives that the mobster Trump must be protected. Someone should tell him that we NeverTrumpers do not understand, nor do we care, what an "LLR - leftist Chuck" even means.
Perhaps he could try flushing out his comments with reasonable arguments that mean something.
Trump has never been noted as a sex maniac or molester.. and didn't pal around the world with Epstein.
On the other hand Dollar Bill Clinton has and did pal around with Epstein! Who knows what Hillary knew!
And now we hear the Pelosis might also be involved... gonna be a fun summer.
Oh how interesting.
“The fact that search warrants were issued shows that federal investigators have new evidence against Epstein beyond the sex cases he was given federal immunity for in Florida in 2008, legal experts told the Miami Herald.
“They can’t take information from a case in 2002 or 2005 to get a search warrant today; there had to have been something for probable cause that contains evidence of a crime found now, so I’m interested in what that evidence is,’’ said Francey Hakes, a former federal prosecutor who once oversaw the Justice Department’s child exploitation crimes division.”
Another woman, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, alleges she was recruited by Maxwell in 2000 when she was 16 years old. Giuffre was working as a spa attendant at Mar-a-Lago, President Donald Trump’s winter home and resort in Palm Beach at the time, court records show.
Trump, who lived less than a mile from Epstein’s waterfront mansion in Palm Beach, had also been friends with Epstein. Records show that he flew on Epstein’s private jet on occasion and attended parties and social events where he was photographed with Epstein.”
Read more here: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/state/florida/article232385422.html#storylink=cpy
“Trump has never been noted as a sex maniac or molester.. and didn't pal around the world with Epstein.”
Under what rock have you been living?
“Trump, who lived less than a mile from Epstein’s waterfront mansion in Palm Beach, had also been friends with Epstein. Records show that he flew on Epstein’s private jet on occasion and attended parties and social events where he was photographed with Epstein.”
Cut-and-paste, gadfly, cut-and-paste. I can do that to.
“The only thing that I can say about President Trump is that he is the only person who, in 2009 when I served a lot of subpoenas on a lot of people, or at least gave notice to some pretty connected people, that I want to talk to them, [Trump] is the only person who picked up the phone and said, let’s just talk. I’ll give you as much time as you want. I’ll tell you what you need to know, ” Edwards recalled.
He [Edwards] added about the president, “[He] was very helpful, in the information that he gave, and gave no indication whatsoever that he was involved in anything untoward whatsoever, but had good information.”
Trump comes off as the good guy here.
Gullible hillbilly hick Inga asks if someone else lives under a rock!
“Trump, who lived less than a mile from Epstein’s waterfront mansion in Palm Beach, had also been friends with Epstein. Records show that he flew on Epstein’s private jet on occasion and attended parties and social events where he was photographed with Epstein.”
This is known as insinuation. Lots of folks live in Palm Beach. No numbers or dates or places are cited for the rest. It is just crap and anyone taking it seriously should be ashamed of themselves.
Inga approves of McCarthyism chuck.
Bus her grandkids to the Somali school.
I work next door to Trump's Doral golf course. I guess I should also expect to be accused, or at least a visit from investigators to ask me what I know about any of this.
John Wayne Gacey, homosexual serial killer of young men,was photographed with President Jimmy Carter.
Young men have gone missing in Georgia, where Carter resides. Coincidence? Maybe, but......
Royal ass Inga repeats more Fusion GPS talking points.
What lies from Democratics won't Royal ass Inga repeat.
If we want to get conspiratorial, imagine Epstein being compelled to fabricate testimony against Trump in exchange for not spending the rest of his life in jail.
No, Earnest Prole, let's just imagine one NJ Senator and one former president who definitely spent time on Epstein's "Lolita Express" on the way to his private underage prostitution island.
For starters.
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