A look at the full context — from yesterday's "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" — might help you answer my question:
STEPHANOPOULOS: I want to pick up on an issue that came up in Thursday night's debate. It was between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, who are raising his opposition to busing back in the 1970s. I want to bring the debate forward. You've mentioned -- you're concerned about the idea of resegregation of our schools. Does that mean that busing should be on the table today?Sanders was so evasive! Look how long he filibustered the question the first time Stephanopoulos asked it. Stephanopoulos repeated the question, fortunately, and really cornered him with that statement from the website. I think Sanders said — if I may paraphrase for clarity — busing is bad, but it might be the least bad option, so it shouldn't be off the table. And let me infer: If busing — that bad idea — isn't on the list of options, it's harder to motivate people to do what is better and spend money on improving schools.
SANDERS: Well, I think what we -- resegregation is a very, very serious problem. And the federal government has failed in fighting for fair housing legislation. We need basically in this country well funded public schools, we need to honor our teachers, respect teachers, make sure that they're earning a living wage. We need to take care of those schools today, which have a lot of kids who are, in some cases, actually hungry, coming from troubled families. We need to build public education in this country. We need to make sure that kids go to community schools, which are integrated and that means we have to focus on fair housing legislation and enforcement.
STEPHANOPOULOS: But does that also mean busing? Because your website actually says that you are coming out for repealing of the ban on funding for busing.
SANDERS: No, we've -- busing is certainly an option that is necessary in certain cases, but it is not the optimal. Does anybody think it's a good idea to put a kid on a bus, travel an hour to another school and to another neighborhood that he or she doesn't know? That's not the optimal. What is the optimal is to have great community schools which are integrated, that's what I think most people want to see. That's what I want to see.
I've been noticing the phrase "We need to make sure" in political speech lately. Sanders says "We need to make sure that kids go to community schools, which are integrated and that means we have to focus on fair housing legislation and enforcement." I see "We need to make sure" as a sort of lie. It really only means we ought to try to get to a place out there that would be really nice to get to.
Here, the very nice place to be is where kids go to schools that are both integrated and in their community. If you're at all considering busing, then you are willing to sacrifice community schools to get more integration. You're obviously not planning to make sure.
Now, Sanders does offer a way of making sure: "fair housing legislation and enforcement." You can get integrated community schools through fair housing legislation? It's a good idea to eradicate racial discrimination in the housing market, and it might have some effect on the racial mix in some community schools, but I don't see how it would make sure that kids go to integrated community schools. So... doesn't that mean that Sanders is, necessarily, for the bad option he wants to keep on the list of options — busing?
No, it just means either: 1. He's incoherent, or 2. The question — "Does anybody think it's a good idea to put a kid on a bus, travel an hour to another school and to another neighborhood that he or she doesn't know?" — is a trick question. His answer is: No, but sometimes the best idea is a bad idea.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 269 of 269I can't tell you how fun it is watching the LLR's like the fake conservative Bret Stephens and Charlie Sykes and the rest of the Lefty-funded Bulwark "Ahoy" Brigade
They are so much like the Coyote in RoadRunner.
Every day they order a box from ACME and their Ingenious Plan blows up in their face. And they come right back the next day, with another box from ACME.
Meep! Meep!
It's hysterical.
We should start a pool to try and guess the next lunatic lefty idea that the LLR-approved dem candidates vomit up that LLR Chuck will try to lay at the feet of Trump.
I have to believe it will be free health care for every illegal alien.
Our kids had no choice, they where bused period. Consequently, we moved out of the L.A. School district to another County where busing did not exist.
When I bought my house in South Pasadena (1969), that small city was far more desirable than Pasadena, just to the north with lots of old beautiful homes, because South Pas had no busing. There were black homeowners in South Pas who were there for the same reason.
I'd love to see Bernie try to control a classroom of inner city school kids. Not Burlington, VT. Somewhere like Memphis TN. Or even Madison WI. And then talk to 1) the parents of the kids who are in those schools and 2) the parents who would never under any circumstances allow their kids to be bused into the asylum.
The most outlandish statements about what to do with schools usually come from people who have no experience with "inner city" kids and schools. For example, some Poo-Bahs were informing us about the "disparate" effects of school discipline. And when those "disparate impact" discipline theories were put into practice, chaos resulted.Bing Search: St. Paul Minnesota school discipline. Black teachers and administrators at minority schools have no such illusions. They know that black kids get disciplined more because they misbehave more. After all, they see that reality every day.
I experienced a rather interesting example of school choice. I taught middle school math in a "problem" school. High minority percentages, low but improving test scores. The school district had school choice, so students didn't have to attend their home schools if they so chose- if there were seats available. (Magnet schools, of course, didn't have such choice. You had to pass the exam.) An assistant principal found out that several of my poorly behaving students did not live inside the attendance boundaries of the school. They had chosen the school. Why, one would ask,would someone choose to attend a school that had a reputation as a bad school? My take is that as the school had a bad reputation, they calculated that they would be more likely to get away with misbehavior at that school. Which they could, until they were forced to go back to their home schools.
Also worth reading: John Ogbu's Black American Students in an Affluent Suburb: A Study of Academic Disengagement.
I mean they have stopped searching for the holy grail honestly.
Failing to find a holy grail that meets with their approval, they are determined to create one in their own image. The hallmark of a utopian society.
In my experience in California over the past 50 years, busing basically drained all the white kids out of the crappy public schools in the big cities. Private schools blossomed, as did the suburbs, where many white families moved to escape the busing nonsense.
While we're at it, we should revisit segregated drinking fountains.
To this day, it is common to see two of them installed side by side.
If that isn't a screaming dog whistle...
Biden needs to take off the gloves at the next "debate."
"I was defending Anita Hill at the Senate Judiciary Committee, when you were sucking Willie Brown's cock"
"I was helping get our first black President, Barack Obama, elected to office, when you were sucking Willie Brown's cock."
"I've been fighting for the rights of all African-Americans, not privileged Jamaican-Americans, like you. Jamaica is not even close to Africa!"
"I'm easily the best chance to beat Trump. If Trump wins again, he's gonna put y'all back in chains!"
I wish everyone had fought, intelligently, and stopped busing in the 1970s. Unfortunately, only those affected by Busing seemed to care.
So you live in a higher-income neighborhood and you're going to deny a black kid A DECENT EDUCATION?
What are you trying to do, get yourself called out as some sort of racist?
Today's progressive tactics aren't new. They're reheated.
And virtue signaling wasn't born yesterday.
The most outlandish statements about what to do with schools usually come from people who have no experience with "inner city" kids and schools.
One of the more liberal people I know grew up with two parents in the education industry.
He is only conservative on one topic: education.
That's also going to be fun to watch:
Today, being at war with EastAsia is considered heroic.
Tomorrow, treasonous. To the guillotine!
Moar Popcorn please.
@Fernandistein Here's a bit more independent look at charter schools from Stanford. I'll let you dig into the details, but what I have taken from this work is that urban charter schools run by "professional" organizations do significantly better than their local competition in public schools. The numbers get diluted when you use national averages. Off the top of my head Stanford said that NYC charter schools were something like 3 to 4 months ahead at grade level.
"We should start a pool to try and guess the next lunatic lefty idea that the LLR-approved dem candidates vomit up that LLR Chuck will try to lay at the feet of Trump.
I have to believe it will be free health care for every illegal alien."
But I do want to meet the challenge.
I vote next up will be weekend furloughs for prisoners with life-without-parole sentences. What could possibly go wrong?
Fen said "she has shown she will a race-baiting African-American willing to play the race card"
There's already African-American push back online. That Harris is a natural born American is indisputable, so the britherism charge fails and one wonders if it is not a false flag op.
Harris spent most of her formative years in Montreal which is a very diverse, multicultural, racially integrated city. So Harris would have had a different childhood experience than most African-Americans. The media will circle the wagons and the Black community will close ranks to embrace another historic candidate, as they did Obama. However at the moment even her father is not pleased with the way she is pandering/handling her ancestry.
Harris quipped in an NYC radio interview discussing legalization of marijuana; “Half my family’s from Jamaica. Are you kidding me?”
“My dear departed grandmothers(whose extraordinary legacy I described in a recent essay on this website), as well as my deceased parents , must be turning in their grave right now to see their family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics. Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty.” -Professor Donald Harris
Harris' real problem is that she is not very good at retail politics, not as dismal as Clinton, but not compelling as was Obama, and she has few, if any, ideas on which to hang a hook that will excite or attract moderate voters. Plus her record as SF DA and CA AG is not aligned with current Progressive thought, how they paper that over in is yet to be seen.
Mattman: "I vote next up will be weekend furloughs for prisoners with life-without-parole sentences. What could possibly go wrong?"
It's always fun to revisit Mr "They're Coming to America" Dukakis.
""I was defending Anita Hill at the Senate Judiciary Committee, when you were sucking Willie Brown's cock" "
Is it not admirable to help a brother get a leg up?
@ Bleach Bit I am a consistent advocate for charter schools for urban kids. I think they may be the only hope for poorly served minority kids. That the Dems oppose them is one more indication of how they have deserted the working class. My point was who makes the decision on which kids get to stay in the failing schools. Certainly not one I want to make.
Just reading Instapundit and they have a quote from Willie Brown to the effect that the issue boils down to the canard "FORCED BUSING" (Horrors!!!) and that Trump will knock that pitch out of the park
Senator Graham said something nice about Biden, said he doesn't have a racist bone in his body.
Problem, though: The Democrats love to falsely accuse folks of racism. It's one of their prime debating tactics. You don't like Obama's Cash for Clunkers? Well, you're a racist! You don't like Obamacare? Well, you're a racist!
And, if they can't pin the "racist" label on you, they call you "privileged." A notch below racist, I reckon.
So, it's hard to offer any sympathy on this issue for Biden, because of his stupid political party. Kamala, basically, called him a racist for his busing stance 50 years ago. He's taking his political lumps. Whether it slowly deflates his balloon, we shall see.
But busing was a leftwing clusterfuck that disrupted a lotta lives.
President Trump will ask Kamala Harris, on behalf of Chicago voters, black and white, if she still believes Jussie Smollet suffered a racial hate crime and assault at the hands of two hooded "whites".
President Trump can apologize too, on behalf of her black father, who abandoned his wife and mixed race daughters about the time the mother insisted little Kamala be bused to the white elementary school instead of the closer black one.
Trump will identify the root cause though and make sure Kamala understands better why she can't blame all whites who welcomed her into their schools after her Dad left the family.
Soon after, Mom took her to Canada where she was further racially isolated. Too far to bus black children up there, so HSR mother moved the family and little Kamala and her sister were forced to change schools again...
President Trump, unlike Biden, could even offer up a presidental hug for the still hurting little girl inside...
But voters don't have to elect a black Nancy Pelosi just to help that girl overcome...
My point was who makes the decision on which kids get to stay in the failing schools.
The favored choice is "immigration reform" (e.g. busing). I suggest that "emigration reform" should be the preferred alternative. Also, instead of inferential models, diversity, and a search for the utopian unicorn, they should acknowledge the individual dignity of the students, implement an affirmative action, rather than affirmative discrimination, process, to normalize an optimal outcome.
Diversity breeds adversity and progressive outcomes including liberal collateral damage.
Of course, when it comes to putting families on bueses or other transports to the Gulag, Bernie is one hundred per cent on board with that!
You know, if we gave Vermont to Canada not only would we get rid of Bernie Sanders, but as a bonus we’d be rid of Pat Leahy too. Not to mention a lot of smug Vermonters.
You know, if we gave Vermont to Canada not only would we get rid of Bernie Sanders, but as a bonus we’d be rid of Pat Leahy too. Not to mention a lot of smug Vermonters.
Who would fit right in with smug Canadians.
When they get on my nerves, I like to show them this picture captioned: "Oh Canada. You're either nipping at our heels or hiding beneath our skirt"
In the early-mid 1970's LAUSD started busing kids from the inner city to the SF valley. In high school, it resulted in us getting several ringers cheery picked from Crenshaw and Dorsey and we ended up going very deep in the playoffs. We did have a small race riot in 10th grade because I had stuck a bus kid pretty good in practice and he and his friends tried to take revenge in the lunch quad. Since it was all football players, no one got in trouble other than hundreds of burpees and wind sprints. In those days, white kids were not bused to the inner city.
With Bernie’s ideas, better than bad is a high standard.
"In those days, white kids were not bused to the inner city."
In other places they were. My wife was bused to Hunters Point (a then very black neighborhood in San Francisco) in 1968-70.
That was a proximate cause of an enormous wave of "white flight", causing a reduction in district enrollment of @30%, or over half the white enrollment, and besides that Chinese neighborhood school activism. SFUSD enrollment never recovered.
This is not well known. The 1970's Boston controversy was well covered by the national news, not the much earlier San Francisco case.
Interesting, buwaya puti... did not know that. My Nixon hating McCarthy supporting Mom would have never allowed me to get busted to South Central.
That's it. The moderate/liberals would run away to avoid their kids being bused. But they weren't going to vote Republican to stop it.
can Ben and Jerry be Canadian too! Please - make it so.
Busing is not the issue.
Democrats and segregation is the issue.
The entirety of my junior high school years (7th-9th grade) was spent being bused from the AFB I lived on to a school 30 minutes away in the community. That school had been segregated for it's entire existence. So my 7th grade year was the first year of forced integration. It was a rough year, with regular school riots and lockdowns, beatings in the boy's bathroom (myself included) and overall unrest. We did manage to survive and the rest of our time there was uneventful.
Having been a direct participant in school busing, I still don't understand what the big deal is. It was just a way of life as far as I was concerned.
rcocean said...
I like Harris, Sanders, and Warren because they are honest Leftists.
No they aren't, a perfect example of the left's core dishonesty is the Dem Pols exempting themselves and govt employees from Obamacare.
Do you really think Harris, Warren and Sanders will use the same medical clinic they espouse for the illegals, or the rest of us? Will Sanders sell his vacation home and give the proceeds to the Treasury? Will Warren donate the hundreds of thousands she earned representing corporations to the poor on Native American reservations? Harris's husband Douglas Emoff is the perfect example of leftist do as I say; he's a partner at DLA Piper Law Firm.
According to the company's profile of him, Emhoff, "Represents large domestic and international corporations and some of today's highest profile individuals and influencers in complex business, real estate and intellectual property litigation disputes."
Look, I don't begrudge anyone whatever they've earned or their careers/professions. But let's call a spade a spade, these are wealthy elitists planning to micromanage our lives at our expense, not theirs. Do you really believe that if leftists thought for a NY minute that their schemes of equity applied to themselves and their families they would cook up disaster like Obamacare and Medicare for all?
So, Sanders is proposing separate but equal? And given what is happening on colleges and elsewhere, arent radical Black proposing it too?
I like Harris, Sanders, and Warren because they are honest Leftists.
No they aren't,
Similarly Warren has her position due to a fraudulent medical bankruptcy study. Her success proves academia's and the media's corruption and dishonesty. If truth were any part of their program her study would have ended her career. It made her a star because successful left wing propaganda is the highest goal an academic can achieve.
If nobody thinks it — which is what his question implies — why did Kamala Harris castigate Joe Biden for not supporting it and why did Joe Biden defend himself by saying he only didn't support it when it was imposed by the federal government?
Obviously because her success implies that her belief that she and others did benefit well from it is true and should be clearer to all.
But don't let that stop you from piling on with six paragraphs of how you can continue to confuse and evade the same point, yourself. Talk about incoherence! Do you ever have a straightforward and relevant point to make, or is your blog just fodder for mental masturbators, projection artists, conspiracy theorists and other fuzzy-headed weirdos?
Oh wait! I just read the comments section. I think I can see the answer.
I think there is no basement level minimum to how irrational and strange this blog and its commenters can get.
Lol. Check out Fen's new avatar. He has literally become an internet parody.
I see someone made the mistake of reviving Ritmo.
"We need to make sure" is a Hillaryism that Bernie picked up on the campaign trail.
Anyone ever heard of Dunbar High School in Washington DC? For 30-40 years it was one of the premier high schools in the country. It was also all black.
Paul Laurence Dunbar High School is a public secondary school located in Washington, D.C., United States. The school is located in the Truxton Circle neighborhood of Northwest Washington, two blocks from the intersection of New Jersey and New York avenues. Dunbar, which serves grades 9 through 12, is a part of the District of Columbia Public Schools.
From the early 20th century to the 1950s, Dunbar became known as the classical academic high school for black students in the segregated public schools. As all public school teachers were federal civil servants, its teachers received pay equal to that of white teachers in other schools in the district. It attracted high-quality faculty, many with advanced degrees, including doctorates. Parents sent their children to the high school from across the city because of its high standards. Many of its alumni graduated from top-quality colleges and universities, and gained professional degrees.
But then, as Thomas Sowell tells it:
"For Washington, the end of racial segregation led to a political compromise, in which all schools became neighborhood schools. Dunbar, which had been accepting outstanding black students from anywhere in the city, could now accept only students from the rough ghetto neighborhood in which it was located. Virtually overnight, Dunbar became a typical ghetto school. As unmotivated, unruly and disruptive students flooded in, Dunbar teachers began moving out and many retired. More than 80 years of academic excellence simply vanished into thin air."
John Henry
This book sounds good, and I notice it follows in the discussion we had at Chicagoboys about slavery and black education.
The author, an African born Igbo, studied the education of black kids transferred to an affluent white suburban school system. A review states many of the results.
Quite interesting read. They looked at school performance of African American students from many perspectives. It's interesting to find that viewpoints were different depending on the generation, with parents/grandparents viewing problems as due to racism and students viewing racism and personal motivation and commitment as the causes.
I was surprised that some students with professional parents seemed to not understand what was required of them in terms of hard work and education in order to become upper-middle-class like their parents. Those students expected to have the financial status of their parents almost as if it was all hereditary and automatic. May be some communication gaps between students and parents.
Students and teachers broadly described similar performance in schools between white and African American students (this school system had few students of other ethnicities) until late elementary school. Puberty seemed to correspond with a larger percentage of African American students beginning to perform worse than those white students whose performance dropped.
I might have to add that to my reading stack.
Hey Ritmo,
Nice to gave you back.
I hope your stay at the asylum was better this time.
The most psychotic degenerates of all dwell among the conservative Althouse blog comments section.
How did that masturbation session over Trump's love-fest with the North Korean despot go, Fran?
I checked back on the day of that post as I'd been considering logging in again and commenting. And then realized, nope. Not worth it. These commenters are clearly way too delusional to talk to.
That's probably the reason why they prefer talking to themselves anyway, as the mentally ill are wont to do.
New reports showing 3rd world/middle ages diseases and human feces at all time levels in democrat run cities....and HoaxPPT reappears.
Clear correlation?
Its gotta be a better correlation than human feces in dem cities : avg sq footage for midwest homes that HoaxPPT posited.
I still have Ogbu's book somewhere. He was a prof at Berkeley.
The poor fellow passed away some time back. I exchanged a few emails with him @20 years ago.
These commenters are clearly way too delusional to talk to. That's probably the reason why they prefer talking to themselves anyway, as the mentally ill are wont to do.
I like your clever sense of humor and the way you talk about yourself.
Hope you are feeling well and the meds are working.
Having been a direct participant in school busing, I still don't understand what the big deal is. It was just a way of life as far as I was concerned.
You remind me of an old joke. A man goes into a bathroom and goes up to an open stall to take piss. He then hears a strange noise, looks to his left, and there's a guy pissing on shoe.
"Why are you pissing on your shoe?" he says. And the man says "Oh, I've always done it that way".
So, I guess getting on a bus for an hour a day, when really didn't have to was OK. Because you always did it that way.
Big Mike said...
The Dems don't care.
@wildswan, I call bullshit -- the Dems do care, but not in the way one might think. They need to keep black people down, uneducated, poor and hopeless, otherwise black people might hit the point where they are paying taxes and not dependent on "free stuff" from Democrat politicians, and it would spell the end of the Democrats as a party.
I don't know why the Dems do nothing for the school kids in the inner city and oppose charter schools. Some Dems merely are going with their biggest funders, e.g. planned Parenthood and teachers unions. But there's others who aren't really into party finances and, to me it seems, they just don't care though pretending they do.
@Big Mike:
You know, if we gave Vermont to Canada not only would we get rid of Bernie Sanders, but as a bonus we’d be rid of Pat Leahy too. Not to mention a lot of smug Vermonters.
Vermont has the luxury of being 95% white.
Fernandistein said...
I read your comment and my sources disagree but I can't respond yet to your source. Basically however Catholic schools like Messmer have a good record in getting their students into college whereas students attending public schools in the same zip code areas as those from which Messmer draws its students from have dreadful records. There are 28,000 voucher students attending MPS schools outside their own school area and these students are flourishing. And there are charter schools. For whatever reason, the school superintendent has allowed some very weak charter schools to continue and this has dragged down the statistics on charter schools vis a vis regular public schools.
I read your comment and my sources disagree but I can't respond yet to your source
Fernandistein is a militant atheist so take comments in that vein.
I still have Ogbu's book somewhere. He was a prof at Berkeley.
I just ordered a copy. Someone upthread mentioned it,. Thanks.
The most psychotic degenerates of all dwell among the conservative Althouse blog comments section.
Nice to see a troll self-identify.
@Michael K:
I just ordered a copy. Someone upthread mentioned it,. Thanks.
John Ogbu is an important thinker in this area. I have not read that particular book but am familiar with his work and have found his notion of "voluntary" versus "involuntary" minorities instructive. It's also worth nothing that Ogbu is a member of the Igbo ethnic group, mainly centered in Nigeria, which tends to outperform a lot of other ethnic groups in Africa.
There are 28,000 voucher students attending MPS schools outside their own school area and these students are flourishing. And there are charter schools.
I don't have strong opinions on charter schools one way or the other. Generally I am for as much educational choice as possible, especially home schooling, which is how I plan to educate my own children. But I still think the issue over schools, per se, miss a lot. Take a "bad" school and a "good" school. If you were to leave the administration and teaching faculty in place but simply switch the student bodies, more likely than not the good school will become bad, and the bad school will become good. Schools in modern America are much more about warehousing kids for the employment benefit of the parents than they are about education.
@Farmer (8:15), noted.
I don't know why the Dems do nothing for the school kids in the inner city and oppose charter schools.
@wildswan, I just told you why! Kids in the 21st century who do not have a real education are mostly condemned to being wards of the state. If they are wards of the state, they will wind up voting for the party that gives them freebies (Obamaphones, anyone?).
If the kids got a good education then many of them would grow up to be productive, tax-paying, citizens. And they might vote against the people who want to raise their tax rate to 100%, if not higher.
It's not that Catholic schools under perform. They, in fact, outperform their competition. However, using an inferential model, and compensating for "white privilege", they are then, according to the anthropogenic theory of diversity, characterized as low performing. This is the basis for the pursuit... remaking of the "holy grail"... utopian unicorn in their image. This is the left's project. The far-left is even more divorced from reality.
LBJ all the way!
“These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there'll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It'll be Reconstruction all over again. [Said to Senator Richard Russell, Jr. (D-GA) regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1957]”
And this reminds me that Richard Russell was one of the most racist Senators in the history of the Senate.
Yet he has his name on a Senate office building.
Where is the clamor to take his name off the building?
John Henry
It's also worth nothing that Ogbu is a member of the Igbo ethnic group, mainly centered in Nigeria, which tends to outperform a lot of other ethnic groups in Africa.<
You might look at our Chicagoboyz discussion. I am well aware of the talents of the Ibo tribe, lately called "Igbo."
Russell was a Democrat, of course.
Big man in the party, leader of the segregationist democrats (Were there any other kind?)
John Henry
John Henry@930--
Yes there were non-seg Dems . . .
Just not from the South
Fernandistein said
OK, Fernandistein I found your source. Complete quotes from it say that private schools, including Catholic schools, do better on standardized tests. So the NEAP agrees with me that Catholic schools are doing better by their students. (see quotes below). But then come "adjustments" to the data. AFTER THE NEAP HAS ADJUSTED THE DATA, this difference disappears. That's where you began your quotes.
What about the "adjustments? I think the NEAP has ignored the higher funding and better paid teachers in public schools and ignored core curriculums and discipline in private and Catholic schools and instead only looked at sociological categories. These categories, as they now exist, I would argue, are NOT THE CAUSE of the bad system but the CONSEQUENCE of people leaving a bad system which system was made bad by bad educational theories. Those theories are not prevalent at private and Christian or other religious schools. And those theories are so noxious that the much higher funding and better paid teachers at public schools cannot overcome or hide their ruinous effect.
"Results from Grade 4
In the first set of analyses, all private schools were compared to all public schools. The average private school mean reading score was 14.7 points higher than the average public school mean reading score, corresponding to an effect size of .41 (the ratio of the absolute value of the estimated difference to the standard deviation of the NAEP fourth-grade reading score distribution).
After adjusting for selected student characteristics, the difference in means was near zero and not significant. In the second set of analyses, Catholic schools and Lutheran schools were each compared to all public schools. The results, both with and without adjustments, were similar to the corresponding results for all private schools.
In the first set of analyses, all private schools were again compared to all public schools. The average private school mean mathematics score was 7.8 points higher than the average public school mean mathematics score, corresponding to an effect size of .29. After adjusting for selected student characteristics, the difference in means was -4.5 and significantly different from zero. (Note that a negative difference implies that the average school mean was higher for public schools.) In the second set, Catholic schools and Lutheran schools were each compared to all public schools. The results, both with and without adjustments, were similar to the corresponding results for all private schools.
Big Mike said...
I don't know why the Dems do nothing for the school kids in the inner city and oppose charter schools.
@wildswan, I just told you why! Kids in the 21st century who do not have a real education are mostly condemned to being wards of the state. If they are wards of the state, they will wind up voting for the party that gives them freebies (Obamaphones, anyone?).
If the kids got a good education then many of them would grow up to be productive, tax-paying, citizens. And they might vote against the people who want to raise their tax rate to 100%, if not higher.
Well, Big Mike
I disagree because I think your explanation only covers people intense about the party and not other groups. It doesn't explain why blacks in major cities keep voting for awful politicians and teachers who have done and are doing things for which - in another venue - the blacks want reparations.
Mike K.,
The spelling Igbo is used now because it's really (and always has been) iɡ͡bo (i.e. a labio-velar stop) in the Igbo language which is quite easily represented in the ordinary Roman alphabet by gb, whereas -- since the language also has an "ordinary" g and b, writing it as just plain b generates homographs where there's no need to.
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