The answer to Clay's question — "... you resort to using the race card?" — is hell, yes.
“When these comments first started, I kind of thought that she was keeping the progressive flank at more of an arm’s distance in order to protect more moderate members, which I understood,” Ocasio-Cortez told the [Washington] Post. “But the persistent singling out . . . it got to a point where it was just outright disrespectful . . . the explicit singling out of newly elected women of color.”And Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) said:
“I can tell you that it happens all the time. It isn't usually from just one person. The system is geared in that way,” Jayapal said. “It's just a constant thing we deal with as women of color. It's always harder when it's perceived as coming from your own side, whether that was how it was intended or not.”Can you unplay the race card?
Ocasio-Cortez maintained in an interview with CNN on Thursday that she thinks the progressive freshmen are being singled out but rejected the notion that Pelosi has racial animus....
I agree completely with AOC. Why is she being singled out? Why are the progressive members - who are are all people of color -and want REAL change being singled out?
Its obvious that 73 year old Pelosi is racist old "Becky".
Pelosi wants all the progressive women and men of color to sit at the back of the bus. Just shut up and let Ms. Becky do everything.
What do these creatures think it is like to be a white male?
That no one ever puts you down, diminishes your accomplishemnts, underpays you, patronizes you?
AOC, honey, you’re stupid, inexperienced, in way over your head and your ideas are shit. That’s all.
Because AOC is not a WASP she fancies herself a POC. Here in the Southwest many people with Hispanic surnames consider themselves white, not that there's anything wrong with that. As for Pelosi, it wasn't so long ago that Italian-Americans were considered to be POC. It's all poppycock.
AOC and Omar are big problems for the Dems. They let their anti-semitic freak flag fly. AOC is showing open support for (actual honest to God) fascists (Eva Person and Indian fascist leader Bose).
Her CoS just called the moderate Dems racists and now she's claiming Pelosi is racist too.
But how can they muzzle her? She's a minority female. You have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at the Dems racists games coming back to bite them in the ass.
Perhaps she should speak with Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She's black, Somali, and manages to deal with her "challenges", such as they may be, rather more gracefully.
On the other hand (as Steve Martin used to say), nah.
Is there an adult in the room?
What gobbley gook.
Pretty much the entire point of "social justice" is enforcing in-group ideological conformity on the left, and by extension the rest of the Democratic Party and the nation in general. But when it runs into existing Democratic power structures of graft and corruption, SJWs find it hard to make headway.
House members know which side their bread is buttered on.
What is this "Becky" thing?
This is why the Democrats need a Thunderdome. Two bitches enter......
Not following any of this.
"Is there an adult in the room?"
I think they're liberal democrats.
Diversity breeds progressive adversity. We live with interesting euphemisms.
As the Black congress-critter knows, you don't play the race card against Massa on the Democrat Plantation.
For many years the Democrats did an admirable job of keeping their identity groups from attacking each other. Now a group of selfish and egoistical freshmen are setting the identity groups against each other. We're just seeing the first fracture lines here as a Latino woman and her Muslim friends anger white women and black men.
We are entering the "all animals are equal, but some are more equal" phase of identity politics. None of the players here is likely to adopt a forgive and forget stance. Nancy and AOC have long memories.
AOC, honey, you’re stupid, inexperienced, in way over your head and your ideas are shit. That’s all.
Please oh please oh PLEASE get re-elected!
Let me get this straight. AOC says she is colored because she is Hispanic and not Nordic. Translate: she wants power.
Cat fights are characterized by weak use of force and not following rules. As it happens, women are users of weak force and don't follow rules.
Shes just annoying, but this isn't any different than bill Clay's shtick for how long.
Who does AOC think she is talking out both sides of her mouth? I've never seen a politician do that
It's kinda cute when leftists criticize other leftists for playing the race card.
Blogger rhhardin said...
Cat fights are characterized by weak use of force and not following rules. As it happens, women are users of weak force and don't follow rules.
Like Trump who fights like a girl
Like Trump who fights like a girl
And yet he wins. Not tired of it yet.
On the Dem Race Card Scoreboard Sweepstakes:
1. Kamala v. Biden -- you supported busing 50 years ago!
2. Kamala v. Biden -- you praised racist southern Democrat Senators!
3. AOC v. Pelosi -- stop singling out women of color!
I expect the number to increase over the summer....
No backsies.
You throw the race card and the public gets to decide which of you must apologize.
If she thinks she's being singled out because she's not a white person, then that, by her own definition she uses in every other context is racist, but she doesn't have the courage to say that Nancy is a bigot because (a) that's ridiculous, and (b) Pelosi's a Democrat and she and her little group of Social Justice Morons won't go so far as to call out other Democrats as being racists, just like Kommie Harris won't call Joe Biden a racist even though she implies it with everything else she says.
It's all a game to these people. Their pea-brains can't come up with actual good arguments and they claim racism and bigotry all the time but don't even mean it. It's a tool to bludgeon their political opponents. It's why 99% of the accusations of racism by the left are bullshit.
Blogger tcrosse said...
Like Trump who fights like a girl
And yet he wins. Not tired of it yet.
exitus acta probat
“All these people have their public whatever and their Twitter world. They didn’t have any following. They’re four people and that’s how many votes they got.”
Like Trump who fights like a girl
Trump follows guys' rules. It's not personal but just a competition within the space of zingers. He makes friends with enemies. Women never do that.
Bet AOC has privately referred to Nancy as a POC.
This is only going to get much more entertaining because it ain't going away anytime soon.
Seems to me the new Progressive Congresspersons are singling themselves out - as morons. It's not Pelosi's fault they are POC.
I want AOC to be re-elected. If she becomes a one-term representative, MSNBC and CNN will FIGHT over hiring her for commentary. She'd fit right in with their viewpoint and craziness.
At CNN there would be no tips to steal, however.
Not seeing any real reasons for AOC and her Squad to retreat. Pelosi's best bet would be to convince her media allies to drop their extensive coverage of this progtard Fab Four, but the new kids are certainly bringing more clicks than ol' Nan. Ain't life grand? :)
AOC has been singled out as a woman of color since she hit the big time with her election win. I mean, that's pretty much why anyone pays attention to her, because she's a young, attractive Latina woman. If she looked like Kirsten Gillibrand nobody would give a crap.
What is this "Becky" thing?
A "Becky" is a White girl. Used in a derogative manner. It implies cluelessness, privilege and promiscuity.
Biden, Pelosi, et al--
this is your Frankenstein Monster. Enjoy!
They sow the wind, and so they will reap the whirlwind!
I feel a shadenboner coming on.
Probably the only thing that AOC learned in college is that one can never criticize POC. They are special people and must be protected from bad words and bad results.
Anchovy1214: Urban Dictionary is your friend (but not your Becky.)
NOTE: A couple of days ago Definition #2 was the Top Definition. Seems like someone's trying to do some damage control.
"Never interrupt your enemy when he (or she) is making a mistake"
Napoleon Bonaparte
Occluded-Cortex is playing the race card?
Bad move. She should be playing the its-not-nice-to-be-mean-to-retards card.
But, well, it's obvious why she doesn't realize that.
The original Frankenstein monster knew better than to say shit that gave away his unfortunate handicap, and yet he still had an obvious trace of humanity. Dr. Pelosi is not so lucky with her creation.
Lacy Clay calling someone out for using the race card, that's rich.
This is the golem the Left - including Althouse - have been summoning.
You were warned, repeatedly.
Just take a moment and look back at who the media has made into darlings over the last couple years.
If Hitler showed up with a story about Trump peeing his pants, he'd be on CNN every night "speaking truth to power".
Will the last non-racist please turn out the lights.
Cortez, a yuppie POS, ia appropriating "color"? Hispanics are caucasian. She's got stupid she hasn't even used yet. She isn't a person of color but she plays one on TV. I've gotta invest in popcorn futures! Somebody is gonna shut off the $$$$faucet$$$$.
"This is only going to get much more entertaining because it ain't going away anytime soon."
Thanks to massive immigration and open borders, AOC is just the beginning. Enjoy!
Democrats indulge diversity. When colors clash.
AOC is MAD because Nancy expects her to Work! And be on Committees and stuff!!
AOC wants to lay on the sofa, and eat bon bons; and is Not happy about the whole Job stuff
I can totally relate to this! I can't begin to count the times that my boss would try to Saddle ME with work!
and i'd think "Sometimes I wonder if they’re trying to keep me busy". It's a DAMN Burden when people expect you to work, just 'cause they're paying you!!!
'The critics say Ocasio-Cortez ... crossed a line when she accused Pelosi of putting a target on “newly elected women of color” for their far-left policy positions.' Yeah, there's a line. You can slander Republicans, but don't you dare slander Democrats.
What color does she identify as?
As Pelosi knows Trump is racist, AOC knows Pelosi is racist.
I find it entertaining..
Trump supporters should pile on and acknowledge that AOC seems correct, for once..
Pelosi probably closet homophobe also.
I'm looking forward to Bernie calling Biden a "tired old white guy"
I wonder how many people out there in LibLand have been called racist over the last year. I know someone at the forefront of denouncing all Trump supporters as racists who just got called a racist at work. (She is not but neither was I.) Then, Joe Biden. Now, Pelosi. And Beto just denounced the whole country as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be unless he is elected. The Gullibles as well as the Deplorables are no damn good. It may be that a trend is setting in though the story isn't on the fake news channels. But maybe the LibRacists are increasing in number but are keeping quiet because of the shame and because it will garner harsh, raucous Republican laughter.
It seems so quaint, to recall Will Rogers' old saying, "I'm not a member of any organized political party. I'm a Democrat."
It even seems quaint to apply a term from the 1990's; "Clusterfuck."
I have trouble coming up with a good descriptive for Democrats in 2019.
I think the appropriate term to describe Democrats in 2019 as a group would be
A Chuck of Democrats
Kind of like, e.g.
A murder of crows
A troop of monkeys
I don't agree with much of AOC's politics, but I would certainly prefer her brand of earnest leftism to a centrist Establishment stand-in like Nancy Pelosi. The Establishment does not really care if its Nancy Pelosi or Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House. That whole thing is largely a dog and pony show.
If Bernie Sanders were not such a pipsqueak, he could have actually helped move the Democrats in the appropriate direction. That is, play up economic/one-percenter issues (which are quite popular with voters) and downplay identity politics/immigration (which are quite unpopular with the voters). The DNC has decided instead to go all in on identity politics and wait for demography to do the rest.
Chuck: "I have trouble coming up with a good descriptive for Democrats in 2019."
How about the True Home Of The NeverTrump Hoax Conservatives.
Thanks J. Farmer, for finally identifying yourself as a commie.
I like your tone. It seems so reasonable.
And then, you’re just another commie.
@Shouting Thomas:
Thanks J. Farmer, for finally identifying yourself as a commie.
Oh brother. I'll let you in on a little secret. I have no problem saying what I believe. If I believed in communism, I would say it and say why I believed it. As it happens, I am not. I support the same economic system that is in place in pretty much every country in the world. That is, the mixed system. How much mix of one side or the other is up for debate, but the notion that we have some choice between "free markets" and "communism" is an illusion. In fact, the US has never truly maintained a laissez-faire economic system, and has always used state interventionism to support private enterprise. In the broadest terms, I support a relatively free market with regulations and some form of safety net so that no one is involuntarily indigent. My preferred system would be some kind of universal basic income, though you would absolutely have to keep a tight lid on immigration.
I like your tone. It seems so reasonable.
That's because it is reasonable.
And then, you’re just another commie.
See above. And here's some free advice (free? you commie!), instead of just hurling labels and thinking you've made some kind of argument, how about trying to point out what is I wrote that you wish to take exception with.
Diversity (i.e. color judgments) a.k.a. "identity politics" including racism, sexism, etc.
"Because you can’t get your way and because you’re getting pushback you resort to using the race card? Unbelievable. Unbelievable to me."
Hey, unbelievable to us righties too! So, Dems, you gonna quit using it? Or is it only unbelievable to use the race card when some Dem doesn't get her way with other Dems?
Mamaah a commencé la promotion du kamas dofus
I support a relatively free market with regulations and some form of safety net so that no one is involuntarily indigent. My preferred system would be some kind of universal basic income, though you would absolutely have to keep a tight lid on immigration.
So here is a great example "relatively" free market (that's taking a real stand) and "some form" of "safety net" (some form, not the one you want because of a 18th century writer says its stupid and icky) safety net is defined as opposite the stated position, for your purposes of displaying your obscure reading list.
"some form" of universal "basic" income. Christ define something, will you!
Keep a "tight lid" (That's different from what ever you are busy calling people stupid for) on "immigration" ( permits?green cards?visas? F1 visas?refugees????) how many fucking foreigners are you advocating???
Is a "tight lid?" Wall?or no wall? Regardless of what some other person advocates, it will be either more or less than the "tight lid" that is the only true thinking persons position.
Being from the same neck of ancestral woods as Jaypal and perhaps being in this country as long as she has been on earth, fail to understand why every adversity of daily existence has to have a racial component? There is not sub-group of human population that has cornered the market on ass-holes. They are quite evenly distributed.
But then one would not be a victim with no agency.
If you have been taught that your failures are because you are not "white", you are not going to automatically give your white allies a pass.
White Democrats are riding a tiger.
Gahrie: A "Becky" is a White girl. Used in a derogative manner. It implies cluelessness, privilege and promiscuity.
And Good Hair. Don't think "promiscuity" is a requirement.
rhhardin: Cat fights are characterized by weak use of force and not following rules. As it happens, women are users of weak force and don't follow rules.
We've gone from rhhardin vindication threads to an rhhardin vindication major political party.
On the other hand looking at this stuff through the lens of "banana republic" or "third world" politics instead of sex works, too.
What is this "Becky" thing?
At the beginning of Sir Mix-A-Lot's Baby Got Back, a cliched, out-of-touch, racist white girl says to her friend, "Oh, my God, Becky. Look at her butt ..."
Sir Mix-A-Lot then tells us that big black butts are better than skinny white butts.
A "Becky" is a White girl. Used in a derogative manner. It implies cluelessness, privilege and promiscuity.
It’s a racist term that doesn’t get called out as racist.
Becky Thatcher
"Because you can’t get your way and because you’re getting pushback you resort to using the race card? Unbelievable. Unbelievable to me."
That is the one and only reason why people play the race card in America.
If it's "unbelievable" to him, it's because he's stupid, or dishonest
“It's just a constant thing we deal with as women of color. It's always harder when it's perceived as coming from your own side, whether that was how it was intended or not.”
If I understand her correctly, she is saying that she finds imaginary racism more troubling when she is imagining it is her friends who are racist, than when she is imagining it is her enemies who are racist.
Yes, why haven't they condemned Kamala for basically calling joebi that he's a racist
"Unbelievable to me." What rock has this character been hiding under? That's practically an every day occurrence with today's progs.
Can you unplay the race card?
Saying that a person is singling out "persons of color" for criticism and at the same time saying it isn't because of "racial animus" is not unplaying the race card - it's having it both ways.
Other example: "Not saying it's aliens. But it's obviously aliens."
Its obvious that 73 year old Pelosi is racist old "Becky".
At that age, she's a Karen, not a Becky.
Pramila Jayapal.
Making Jim Effin' McDermott look good.
Spam at 4:23 - from France! That's different. It probably comes with a rich, tasty sauce.
safety net is defined as opposite the stated position, for your purposes of displaying your obscure reading list.
Every industrialized economy in the world (US included) has a "safety net." Is it your position that none of those countries have free markets?
"some form" of universal "basic" income. Christ define something, will you!
It's a blog comment, dipshit, not some detailed manifesto on how I'd like every policy initiated.
how many fucking foreigners are you advocating???
Sandy is a White Hispanic
Just like George Zimmerman
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