... take a walk on the dappled path.
(Or — if you must shop — think of using The Althouse Portal to Amazon. I don't really know what "prime day" is, but I read at Instapundit this morning that there were bargains "out the wazoo." I didn't even know that Amazon had a wazoo.)
This is early for a cafe post.
Is anyone besides me aware that Willem Van Spronsen, the 69 year old Antifa member who attacked the ICE detention facility in Tacoma, was using an illegal and unregistered AR rifle? Gun laws are only for Republicans, not Democrat-embracing criminals.
"This act of hate violates all of the values that we hold dear and will not be tolerated."
That's Dr. Marschall S. Runge, the dean of the University of Michigan Medical School, speaking of someone who was tying a "uni" fishing knot.
I'm guessing that Dr. Marschall S. Runge, the dean of the University of Michigan Medical School, does NOT like fishing.
If anyone has a leftie friend or relative obsessed with lecturing you about the fiction from HBO's Chernobyl as fact, I'm watching a lecture from uTenn you can shove in their fiction spouting faces:
Chernobyl: Fallout, Facts & Fiction
The real crime against humanity would be if someone was practicing tying an improved clinch.
I have given some thought to the claim that people who use hand-held devices are starting to grow a horn on the back of their head because they are looking down so much and I call bullshit. For centuries, people have had their heads in that same position while reading books.
Spronsen garnered his just reward.
I like Emily Blunt but she's no Mary Poppins.
I thought the expression was "up the wazoo."
Inspired by our resident progs, I've been musing on what actions constitute The Highest Form of Patriotism for Americans. What would, say, a top five or ten look like?
A few sample candidates brought to mind by recent displays of extreme patriotism from America-loving patriotic Americans :
1. Pulling down a U.S. flag and replacing it with the Mexican flag.
2. Calling for/introducing Hate Speech legislation.
3. Demanding the memory-holing of the Founders.
4. Promulgating hate hoaxes. (Also, defending demonstrated hoaxes as valuable "raising awareness" tools.)
6. Hatin' on whitey in general.
Any ideas? I'm sure there's more. I think such a list would be an important addition to young American students' civics classes.
If you honestly believe climate change is an existential threat, you have to support nuclear power.
Perhaps my favorite television commercial ever was the patient who had "money coming out the wazoo".
Hospital Administrator: "Does he have insurance?"
Surgeon (holding up a hundred dollar bill with a forceps): "Insurance? He's got money coming out the wazoo!"
I didn't even know that Amazon had a wazoo.
Amazon doesn't just have a wazoo. They have pages and pages of them. Remember to search via the Althouse portal...
Not that I’m complaining, but it’s awful hot. I kinda remember it being awful cold about six months ago.
Is anyone besides me aware that Willem Van Spronsen, the 69 year old Antifa member
Has anyone read anything about him? The LA Times had two articles about ICE Sunday and not a word about him and his attack.
'If you honestly believe climate change is an existential threat, you have to support nuclear power.
You're in good company. I was having dinner with a customer - NASA's Chief Scientist (Earth Sciences) - and we were discussing that same topic. He said nuclear was the only viable solution and he couldn't understand why the environmentalists rejected it. I'm smart enough to have not mentioned that environmentalism is often a proxy for communism.
covering with a pillow, you know, if one of his cadres actually killed an ice agent or two, they'd blame trump of course,
"If you honestly believe climate change is an existential threat, you have to support nuclear power."
That would be the immediate interim option, but population control would be the long term solution. Not gonna happen.
well they'll be bone dry by November:
This fake news from the WSJ, "Proving Hitchcock Right, Bird Attacks Are Turning Violent This Summer", reminded me of this other fake news from a couple of days ago:
Farmers’ Markets Have New Unwelcome Guests: Fascists
"In public they sell organic vegetables. In private they join white supremacist groups. Now activists are pushing back."
As near as I can tell, "they" are one couple (two people), and the "groups" are a newsgroup, so I guess this really is valid national news.
Did you know...?
"The far right’s love of the markets plays into a larger fascist talking point that idealizes pastoral life and demonizes “degenerate” urban living."
I have an idea. Why not expel the Jihadist Muslims.They are only good for obediently killing all infidels in the areas where they erect their War Chant ( disguised as call to Prayer) Towers.
Calling that attack force a religion just confuses things.
Dapple-noon-drawn hikers
Tatjana Haenni, the former head of women’s soccer for FIFA: “It’s really disappointing the gap between the men’s and women’s World Cups got bigger. It sends the wrong message.”
The Men’s World Cup generated $6 billion in revenue, of which the players received $400 million or seven percent.
The recent Women’s World Cup is expected to generate $231 million in revenue, of which the players will split about $30 million or thirteen percent.
Yes, the pay disparity definitely sends the wrong message.
I was having dinner with a customer - NASA's Chief Scientist (Earth Sciences) - and we were discussing that same topic. He said nuclear was the only viable solution and he couldn't understand why the environmentalists rejected it
A few days back someone posted a link to an excellent article on the limitations of renewable energy - hydro, wind, solar, and battery capacity. Wish I could locate it again for you.
Short version: the major gains in efficiency have already been made. The physics of it are completely different than say, Moore's law on computer power. There is no Unicorn that will suddenly double energy output or battery capacity/size. Maybe a few 10% jumps, then after that smaller gains in the single digits that will start approaching zero.
I think I remember(?) best case scenario was hydro/wind/solar replacing up to 25% of our energy needs. Which is nothing to sneeze at, but a hard limit that will not address the problem.
"I'm smart enough to have not mentioned that environmentalism is often a proxy for communism."
But you're dumb enough to believe it.
"I'm smart enough to have not mentioned that environmentalism is often a proxy for communism."
But you're dumb enough to believe it
It's just a coincidence that every alarmists' solution is bigger government and government control of the economy...right?
Haenni, the former head of women’s soccer for FIFA: “It’s really disappointing the gap between the men’s and women’s World Cups got bigger. It sends the wrong message.”
Nah. The "wrong message" was the Woman's Team playing under the Rainbow flag instead of the American, and disrespecting the country that's gifted American women with the privilege of being the most spoiled creatures on the planet.
Not to mention the classless acts of poor sportsmanship. They embarrassed us.
Women's soccer can go fuck itself. Maybe Colin Kaepernick will fund you.
Cook: But you're dumb enough to believe it.
LOL. Mr Not A Marxist is threatened by people who recognize that, whether the planet's climate is cooling or warming or just changing, the proposed solution just happens to always be redistribution of wealth via rationing energy production/consumption.
So threatened that he has to spew insults where none were given.
I'll just leave this right here:
"the Green New Deal always read like socialist fanfic, so it's hard to argue that a totally unrealistic idea with narrow support could actually be "killed." But whatever chance there was for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's big initiative to win over skeptics went poof when her chief of staff said the quiet part out loud: the Green New Deal is not primarily about addressing the climate crisis, but about replacing America's capitalist economy with a more socialist one."
“The interesting thing about the Green New Deal,” he said, “is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all.” Ricketts greeted this startling notion with an attentive poker face. “Do you guys think of it as a climate thing?” Chakrabarti continued. “Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”
(insert 12 comments of Cook deconstructing the definition of socialism)
(and the meaning of 'is')
There Cook, I saved you the work.
"XXX Out the Wazoo" is a medical condition, with "Money Out the Wazoo" being a subset:
Cook to Beasts: "I'm smart enough to have not mentioned that environmentalism is often a proxy for communism."
But you're dumb enough to believe it.
So what's sticking in your craw here? The "often"? Note he didn't say "always". Are you just quibbling about the degree?
Surely you're not asserting that environmentalism is never a proxy for communism? Of course it is, just as it's a proxy for greed-bags with their fingers in all sorts of "green" energy investments and subsidy scams. It's a vehicle for ideologues and hustlers of all stripes.
Hell, Cookie, I consider myself an environmentalist. You don't want to find yourself defending racistxenophobefascists like me, do you?
But you're dumb enough to believe it.
There are lots of true things I believe, Cookie. The main thing I note is that the only solution environmentalists will even discuss is a hugely regressive tax that would further impoverish poor people especially the working poor. Technical solutions are not ever considered.
China Ministry of Truth.
Blogger Robert Cook said...
"I'm smart enough to have not mentioned that environmentalism is often a proxy for communism."
But you're dumb enough to believe it.
Comrade Stalin could not have put it better,
They never forget
Has anyone read anything about him? The LA Times had two articles about ICE Sunday and not a word about him and his attack.
Don the hazmat suit before reading
Better, a site (Heavy.com) I've not used as a source before, but their language appears objective and they have detailed information.
Isn't it too early for the Cafe? Why is Althouse closing up shop for the day at noon?
It doesn't get dark till 9pm. You should leave yourself some flexibility to blog forthcoming events that may, or may not, come to fruition during these long days of Summer. You've decided you are finished for the day, but your readers, who are just getting started, feel very cut-off.
The antifa ICE terrorist claims he was radicalized by the Electoral College:
"Don’t let your silly government agencies spend money investigating this one. I was radicalized in civics class at 13 when we were taught about the electoral college."
Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!
Isn't that the idea behind the Peace Corps?
There can still be more blogging later.
“I thought the expression was "up the wazoo."”
Too rape-y.
A directional shift was implemented.
Interesting side note, the full article from Heavy mentions the terrorist's account on Facebook, as well as the Antifa Chapter's page on Facebook.
...about those community standards.
There can still be more blogging later.
I was promised Banana Pudding later. Will there still be Banana Pudding?
A post with both 'wazoo' and 'dappled'.
Dapple the wazoo gently, people.
I am Laslo.
Isn't that the idea behind the Peace Corps?
No that was about the White man's burden to bring civilization to the savages.
There can still be more blogging later.
Any site with pages full of wazoos probably has binders full of women, too.
These days even the communist regimes claim to have evolved and no longer are "socialist."
They will still beat you up if you resist them, and kill you if you persist, but they are now "social democrats."
The old-time socialists wanted to create a "workers' paradise" here on earth while today's leftists envision a sort of Star-Trek paradise where no one has to "work."
“I thought the expression was "up the wazoo."”
Vlad (The Impaler) Dracula thought that as well.
Important to be precise about these things..
Do you guys pay any attention to digital ads? Do they affect your purchases? I know the literature says that you respond even if you aren't aware of it, but is this even true, or is it just research funded by people who make their money on marketing itself?
The only online ads that I can agree affect me are the ones that pop up when I search for an item or service specifically for the purposes of buying.
"There can still be more blogging later."
Even more? Be still my heart...
The old-time socialists wanted to create a "workers' paradise" here on earth while today's leftists envision a sort of Star-Trek paradise where no one has to "work."
To be honest, if fusion energy pans out, there will probably come a time when most people don't work. (at least in the first world) There simply will be very little work for humans to do. Farms are becoming quite automated. large machines with sophisticated computers and internet access are becoming the norm. The food they produce is going to be shipped via automated trucks (that were built by robots mostly) to stores where it will stocked by robots and sold by automated check outs.
Ads? What ads?
I can't prove, but I do maintain, that the "wazoo" is actually a corruption of Yazoo--as in the Yazoo river floodplain--a miserably hot, humid, critter-infested green hell that caused no end of frustration and misery to the US army and navy in the WABAWTS.
Going up or down the Yazoo was nobody's idea of a good time.
It's a theory
"There can still be more blogging" Well OK !!! I guess the tip-off was "Lunchtime" Cafe. All tapped out before noon----unthinkable !!
With Trump tweeting into the wee hours in the morning, I would think there would be new posts, here, coming at least through evening.
best case scenario was hydro/wind/solar replacing up to 25% of our energy needs.
The best case is improving efficiency of items such that those sources of energy can accommodate our needs/wants. Even there, most gains have been made. We've gone from 60 watt bulbs in most domestic outlets to 7 watt bulbs. 90% reduction is a big deal.
Unfortunately, in your energy mix; hydro is considered bad these days despite it being the great for energy storage. And yes, if the desire is to reduce hydrocarbons, limit destructive mining, and shrink the footprint of energy production; you can't do better than nuclear.
The only online ads that I can agree affect me are the ones that pop up when I search for an item or service specifically for the purposes of buying.
For me, my reflex is to find the X to close them if they are crowding my screen.
They have become like flies that I subconsciously shoo as I am reading.
pacwest said...
"That would be the immediate interim option, but population control would be the long term solution. Not gonna happen."
Population rates decline as prosperity increases. Not worried about this one, just need to increase prosperity.
No wazoo-jacking, please.
We've gone from 60 watt bulbs in most domestic outlets to 7 watt bulbs. 90% reduction is a big deal.
Really? I may be doing it wrong.
I remember a time when I bought lower watt bulbs, but at some point they "stopped" lighting the area the way I was accustomed to. I know that sounds weird and unlikely, but it caused me to abandon even 60 watts. Decently lit rooms had become huge swaths of dark areas I could no longer read in, splattered with very small islands of light here and there.
When I get bulbs now I go higher and avoid any "soft" or "energy efficient" labels because "what good is a lamp if it only illuminates the lampstand?"
I have the same problem with my "energy efficient" dryer. It takes me 2 60 min cycles, sometimes even 3, to get my clothing dry.
Maybe it's me? We're getting a new (demo) car soon, and I'm avoiding any kind of "smart energy efficient" vehicle because I don't want to die getting on the highway.
Not a Star Trek expert here, but as I recall the backstory to the ST universe--
Science had made scarcity in the Federation irrelevant; the knock on the Ferengi was that they were greedy--it was not clear whether it was an environmental necessity (maybe they lived in a world of scarcity still?) or whether it was a flaw in the species. Of course, Ferengi itself is based on the common Arabic/Middle Eastern term for European or Christian: Frank. Thus the ST race is a greedy and backward one, like the medieval barbarians of Europe.
Them's MY people
Yes but their characteristics are decidedly semitic, replicator technology seems a reach.
When I saw the writing on the wall, I brought several cases of 100W bulbs. Have never regretted it.
I have found though that 200W bulbs are still available since they are "utility" lights. I have removed the golbes (no useful purpose!) from my ceiling fans and put 200s in those. Now I have light, beautiful light! (Yes, if I did not live alone, that probably would not fly).
"Maybe it's me? We're getting a new (demo) car soon, and I'm avoiding any kind of "smart energy efficient" vehicle because I don't want to die getting on the highway."
We just bought a new car. Got the lowest trim level in order to avoid all the crap larded on the higher trims. One "feature"that was verboten from the start was the one where the car turns itself off eveytime you're at a stop light. Why would you do that to a perfectly good car?
Fen... Consider "rough service" bulbs for garage door openers. The "Temperature" of the bulb denotes the color of the light. Hi Wattage 3way incandescent may be the way to go, though. Buy the socket at the hardware for a few bucks and install it on the lamps you read by. Low level lighting drives me bats.
One "feature"that was verboten from the start was the one where the car turns itself off eveytime you're at a stop light.
I didn't even know that was a thing. That's insanity. I mean, how much gas can such a feature possibly even save?
They've done it to lawnmowers already. I was shocked to find, when my old Toro was finally beyond hope, how bad new lawnmowers are. Not only can you not let go of it without having to play tug-of-war again, but there's not even a throttle to amp up for high grass.
BTW, don't get rid of your old washing machine or dishwasher either if you can possibly avoid it.
And that's the new Democrats vs the old. I noticed it most starkly during the bedbug resurgance:
You can bet that the New Deal government Democrats would be, clumsily, ham-handedly, tyring to help people get rid of bedbugs.
The last Democrat government was coming up with ways to keep people from getting rid of bedbugs..
Reading my last few comments, I should probably add:
Get off my lawn!
"I didn't even know that was a thing. That's insanity. I mean, how much gas can such a feature possibly even save?"
It's a thing. VW calls it the "Start-Stop System.". It takes half a page of the owners manual to describe the conditions which must pertain for the system to work properly. Make sure to turn it off when "driving through water."
We keep our cars for years (20 for the last one). I don't want a running car turning itself off when it's 20 years old and it's 20-degrees below zero.
I wonder how many starters I'd go though in 20 years.
Willem Von Spronsen is apparently Antifa's Horst Wessel, ironically enough. I'm sure they'll have a song about him any day now.
The Japanese who attacked Pearl Harbor were the REAL AMERICANS.
Think about it.
he was a dutch folksinger and carpenter. paging Austin powers, who had a facebook page, and th seattle chapter of the black bloc still does,
I thought the Germans attacked Pearl Harbor?
I don't know nothing about no wazoo, but I am recently informed that Amazon has a Woot; which sounds a little dirty.
Rented an Audi in Scotland that had that stop/start feature. Was a little unnerving at first. Now my regular vehicle (MB E350) does this too. Engine shuts off at traffic lights or when I'm stopped. Not always, just most of the time. I'm used to it now, don't even notice. This car is the third of that model I've owned and I'm getting about 4 more mpg than the most previous one.
'There is no Unicorn that will suddenly double energy output or battery capacity/size.'
Very true, Fen. I've worked in the satellite industry for decades and power remains the tall pole in the tent. They have made progress in those thirty years, re: solar panels and batteries, but those stupid laws of physics (undoubtedly racist) are unrelenting...
Fen said...
We've gone from 60 watt bulbs in most domestic outlets to 7 watt bulbs. 90% reduction is a big deal.
Really? I may be doing it wrong.
I remember a time when I bought lower watt bulbs, but at some point they "stopped" lighting the area the way I was accustomed to. I know that sounds weird and unlikely, but it caused me to abandon even 60 watts.
I've always used 100W bulbs. I now use 100W daylight LED equivalents. Some people consider the daylight too harsh- I see more clearly with it and it has good color rendition. The ones I'm buying now draw 19 Watts.
Energy efficient dryer? Haven't run onto those yet. Dryers- 100W is 100W, no way around it. Unless you build a really complicated system using refrigerant.....
Not all new dishwashers suck. We got a new KitchenAid last Thanksgiving when our old one died irreparably. Best purchase ever. It's quiet and the dishes are actually clean! It's a miracle.
Also, my HE dryer (now at least 10 years old) keeps up perfectly with my HE washing machine, but I live in humidity-free Arizona. Maybe run your clothes through an extra spin cycle? I do that for sheets & towels. Perhaps run smaller loads? Two small loads will dry in 30ish minutes each whereas one big one might take you two hours. And make sure you clean your lint filter regularly! That last makes a huge difference.
If you honestly believe climate change is an existential threat, you have to support nuclear power.
Here is a question that will puzzle most young watermelons:
How many people died at Three Mile Island?
'But you're dumb enough to believe it.'
I apologize for insulting your commie heroes, Cookie. Will you ever forgive me? 😇
well he's been laying low:
"Escalating tensions on Capitol Hill erupted into a contentious floor fight in the House of Representatives on Tuesday afternoon, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke in favor of a proposed resolution condemning "racist" comments by President Trump -- even as Republican leaders stood steadfast behind the president.
When Pelosi's remarks turned personal, Georgia Republican Rep. Doug Collins rose to challenge her and demand that her words be "taken down." The extraordinary rebuke, the first of its kind involving a member of Congress and a speaker of the House in decades, theoretically could result in Pelosi being barred from speaking on the floor for the remainder of the day."
Blogger Unknown said...
I thought the Germans attacked Pearl Harbor?
7/16/19, 2:49 PM
Nope, it was the Russians. it's always the Russians.
Blogger Yancey Ward said...
Do you guys pay any attention to digital ads? ...
What ads? Don't see any (maybe 1 or 2) except the 'you might be interested in...' crap.
I figured it out. The Squad was a branding mechanism for the Big Four.
Blogger Yancey Ward said..."Do you guys pay any attention to digital ads? ..."
Nope. And I will never voluntarily click on one. Ever. I have occasionally clicked on one by accident when the ad shifts placement just as I'm trying to click on something else.
"but those stupid laws of physics (undoubtedly racist) are unrelenting..."
Damn patriarchal constructs.
I can fly if I just BELIEVE in myself!
On my mark. 3 2 1...
Shit is getting weird on the house floor.
Pelosi could be banned from speaking for the rest of the day.
The douche that took the chair for her after she walked out also abdicated and walked out.
Trump wins again.
And again.
And again...
"Energy efficient dryer? Haven't run onto those yet. Dryers- 100W is 100W, no way around it. Unless you build a really complicated system using refrigerant.."
Okay then it's me. I guess I should maybe read the manual.
Obama appointed piece of shit pretending to be a judge permanently bans citizenship question from census.
These are not judges. They have no respect for the rule of law.
They can not be allowed to have power ever again.
Trump sure is making this fun.
Even if he's wrong in the end and it backfires.
"Energy efficient dryer? Haven't run onto those yet. Dryers- 100W is 100W, no way around it. Unless you build a really complicated system using refrigerant.."
You are talking about taking moisture out of material.
Two ways to solve that problem:
1. Energy * Time.
2. Material with lower water holding capacity.
It would be interesting to see if you could polarize the water that is in the clothing and pull it out with the opposite charge. But again energy * time.
More likely would be chemically treating clothing or using different materials so that it repels water.
Fen said...
Trump sure is making this fun.
Even if he's wrong in the end and it backfires.
The only way he could be wrong is if people who wear MAGA hats turn into pussies and let the Stalinists back into power.
I think he effectively put an end to that this week forcing Pelosi to defend the party of hate.
He had help from the democrats running Mexican flags up on federal buildings.
The lines are drawn.
the brother of Obama's economic adviser, yes there is no conflict, no sirree,
so as near as I can figure, the Ecuadorian govt was too lazy to watch over Assange, at their London embassy, so they hired a private security company, out of cadiz, spain, uc global, how reliable was this outfit, some of the monitoring crew, ex-civil guard or some such, tried to extort their supposed protectee, others leaked the files to el pais,
My dryer is the clothesline. Works, even in winter. (A bit slower then though)
Whoa...the Dems have gone off the rails in both houses.
Blogger Dave Begley said...
"I figured it out. The Squad was a branding mechanism for the Big Four."
I thought it was short for "squaw quad".
I don't know why that group of four hard lefties isn't called "The Gang of Four." Lots of history in that name.
"The extraordinary rebuke, the first of its kind involving a member of Congress and a speaker of the House in decades, theoretically could result in Pelosi being barred from speaking on the floor for the remainder of the day.""
-- But of course she wasn't, because rules are only for one side.
"Is anyone besides me aware that Willem Van Spronsen, the 69 year old Antifa member who attacked the ICE detention facility in Tacoma, was using an illegal and unregistered AR rifle?"
-- Wait -- I hadn't even heard about this story. I heard that there was a disturbance at an ICE facility, but I'll admit I've not been paying too much attention to the news as of late. How is a terrorist attack by a political extremist with an illegal/unregistered weapon NOT wall-to-wall news?
only if they agree with the terrorist motives, if not the goals, after all he followed the narrative of cnn and MSNBC,
Very interesting:
I don't know why that group of four hard lefties isn't called "The Gang of Four." Lots of history in that name.
Well played, Sir.
Matt Sablan said...
-- Wait -- I hadn't even heard about this story. I heard that there was a disturbance at an ICE facility, but I'll admit I've not been paying too much attention to the news as of late. How is a terrorist attack by a political extremist with an illegal/unregistered weapon NOT wall-to-wall news?
For the same reason Mitt Romney attacks Trump for failing to unify the country.
They are at war with you.
"Trump does something that his enemies—and even some of those who support him—criticize. There’s a big furor. It’s widely reported that now, now he’s really done it; now he’s put his foot in his mouth and now he’s sunk himself for real. And yet, when the dust settles (and sometimes it settles rather quickly), we usually find that one or some or all of the following have occurred: Trump didn’t actually say what they said he said, his opponents do something in response to what he said that makes them look like the fools, the public in general responds by agreeing with Trump and his polls go up (sometimes after a bit of a dip). Strange, isn’t it, if he’s such a fool, that these things keep happening over and over and over? Can anyone have that much good luck? The pattern points to a different explanation, which is that he’s an excellent tactician and strategist who acts in ways that flummox people and tend to have a result ultimately favorable to him." href="http://www.thenewneo.com/">Trump does something that his enemies—and even some of those who support him—criticize. There’s a big furor. It’s widely reported that now, now he’s really done it; now he’s put his foot in his mouth and now he’s sunk himself for real. And yet, when the dust settles (and sometimes it settles rather quickly), we usually find that one or some or all of the following have occurred: Trump didn’t actually say what they said he said, his opponents do something in response to what he said that makes them look like the fools, the public in general responds by agreeing with Trump and his polls go up (sometimes after a bit of a dip). Strange, isn’t it, if he’s such a fool, that these things keep happening over and over and over? Can anyone have that much good luck? The pattern points to a different explanation, which is that he’s an excellent tactician and strategist who acts in ways that flummox people and tend to have a result ultimately favorable to him.
The House feud is funny. Those folks are losing it. I enjoy the chaos engulfing these stuffed shirts.
Can they simply impeach themselves?
News articles used to be headlined with a statement of the main thrust of the article. Now the headlines are a tantalizing question begging you to click the bait.
Blogger Achilles said...
Obama appointed piece of shit pretending to be a judge permanently bans citizenship question from census.
I assume that this injunction is reversible up to the Supreme Court. The reason that the executive could not ask the question was that the administration's motives for asking the question were not permissible. Let this judge brag a bit about defeating Trump and then file a new case accusing him of having impure partisan motive for ruling as he did. It disgusts me that those who charge biased mental state have a biased mental state.
Ernst from the all white State of Iowa says Trump who lives in a totally integrated milieu of NYC must be a racist for daring to criticize Muslim-Marxist, anti-Semitic Americans for their screwed up ideology and not fearing counter attacks due to the tint to their skin.
fwiw== from the Butowsky complaint
skip to #43
D.C. police allowed the FBI to unlock Seth Rich's electronic devices, and the FBI obtained data showing that Mr. Rich had indeed provided the DNC emails to Wikileaks.
All white places like Iowa, NH, VT, etc can be superior to others on race, it costs them nothing.
Michael K wonders: I don't know why that group of four hard lefties isn't called "The Gang of Four." Lots of history in that name.
Actually, I did in a prior thread. It does seem most appropriate and certainly most descriptive of their tactics.
Stop laughing,you haters
"The transgender conquest of women’s sports continued over the weekend as a New Zealand weightlifter took home multiple gold medals at the 2019 Pacific Games in Samoa.
Laurel Hubbard won two gold medals and a silver in the three heavyweight categories, for women weighing more than 87 kilograms, or 192 pounds, finishing first in the snatch-lift and combined categories and second in the clean-and-jerk.
The 41-year-old weightlifter was born as Gavin Hubbard and reportedly transitioned while in the mid-30s.
Those damn Tom Steyer ads. The nose on that guy is straight out of a cartoon in the Völkische Beobachter. I'm already sick of looking at that guy.
I didn't even know that Amazon had a wazoo.
How soon they forget. Jeff Bezos bought The Wazoo Post six years ago.
On these new washing machines and so on, the key is to disregard the dial and all its rules. For washing clothes, find the hot water and the warm water wash setting and use one or the other with the deep water wash. Same with dishes. Use hot water and a short wash. Sometimes you have to experiment for best results but overall the rule is: Never use the "NORMAL" setting on any energy efficient machine. That setting is somewhat like climate change figures in that the meaning of "normal wash" has been "adjusted". "Normal wash" does not mean 'get clean'" Generally NORMAL means Our Betters have set the dial so as to impose the use of an inadequate amount of chilly water on anyone who believes in them so that its meaning is really "you idiot.'
With LED lights you have to go by lumens (higher is better), not the stated equivalency on the package. There more than one 60 watt equivalent. And also know this. LEDs will last ten years AT THREE HOURS A DAY usage. That's what the teeny writing says which is on the bottom right back and is obscured by your hand as you hold the package. But it's OK that LEDs will blow out sooner than anyone thinks because they really are getting better all the time so you can (and will) get a better light every few years. This matters because LED color values are different which affects camera pictures stored on computers. And LEDs aren't all bad even now - they do use less electricity and throw out less heat - even if you have enough lumens to see with.
Its very hot here in Wisconsin; it went from winter to hell in 24 hours and I expect Althouse is by a lake or in it with only her nose showing until one in the morning when it may cool down a bit. Chicago is worse. Expect trouble.
And yes, if the desire is to reduce hydrocarbons, limit destructive mining, and shrink the footprint of energy production; you can't do better than nuclear.
Except that it won't work. Even if all the first-world countries built hundreds of nuclear plants and substituted electricity for fossil fuels, the main effect that would have is that the price of fossil fuels would drop as rich-country demand for them dropped. That would be a boon to poor countries, as they could then afford to greatly expand their use of fossil fuels. In the end, world usage of fossil fuels would lessen only a bit.
The world will stop using fossil fuels when the alternatives to them become cheaper for everyone. A carbon tax won't accomplish this unless you can find some way to impose it world-wide. Good luck with that.
It's reassuring to know that in a time of exceptional peace and prosperity that the Dems can divine some meaningless controversy to distract their base. I mean, forget your new jobs, tax cuts, higher wages, the growth in your retirement account, the blessings of liberty, and all that superfluous crap: Trump said something that can be tortured into the racist wicket... Wow.
mockturtle said...
Michael K wonders: I don't know why that group of four hard lefties isn't called "The Gang of Four." Lots of history in that name.
Actually, I did in a prior thread. It does seem most appropriate and certainly most descriptive of their tactics."
I prefer to call them The Commie Quad. McConnel out to introduce in the Senate a motion to condemn them as anti-Semites. Let them go into ever greater fury. Great entertainment.
Sad that John Paul Stevens dies just as releases autobiography. 99. Gerald Ford called his appointment one of his proudest accomplishments.
Farmers’ Markets Have New Unwelcome Guests: Fascists
Fascist is becoming the new racist, which was the new socialist. That is, a word thrown around with such reckless abandon and devoid of any historical context to become utterly meaningless in the current year. German fascists did the Beer Hall putsch. American "fascists" sell organic vegetables. But even that is just a sign of their deviancy. I mean, what kind of hate-filled person would prefer an idealized pastoral life to the vibrant urban living of black disorder and pathology.
Fen: I was promised Banana Pudding later. Will there still be Banana Pudding?
First time I heard Reverend Horton Heat’s Banana Pudding on the radio I thought it was crap album filler. Ha! Jokes on me. The good Reverend knows best. 20 years later I’m still humming that tune: Ba-nana puddin’, banana pud-IN!
Ties in with the wazoo thing. What’re you gonna put in that wazoo? Your banana of course!
Cannot believe Kellyanne Conway actually just used the term "dark underbelly" in connection with the four women in the Squad.
The Reverend Horton Heat is legit. If you get a chance to hear them live, I highly recommend it.
when epstien/weiner/et al content goes public, and many high-profile 'faves'
are outed...
will "Deep Fakes" be used as an excuse when pics/vids show their 'faves'
in a bad light?
liddle Adam Schitt seems a bit worried in this tweet
I am gravely concerned about the threat of deepfakes.
A well-timed, convincing fake video of a candidate could hijack the 2020 election— and even change the course of history.
I sent letters to @Facebook, @Twitter & @Google urging them to plan ahead:
Cannot believe Kellyanne Conway actually just used the term "dark underbelly" in connection with the four women in the Squad.
Dog whistle! Also, MS-13 just cut some dude's heart out. But what is that compared to Trump's tweet or Kellyanne's choice of adjectives. America is doomed. And sometimes, as much as it pains me to admit it, I think this country deserves to sink. Masochistic white people handing their civilization over for third worlders to tear down.
J. Farmer said...
German fascists did the Beer Hall putsch. American "fascists" sell organic vegetables.
American fascists violently attack conservative speakers on college campuses.
American fascists call border patrol agents child killers and concentration camp guards.
American fascists put Mexican flags up over US ICE buildings and burn the American flags they tore down.
American fascists attack Trump supporters at rallies.
American fascists shoot republican congressmen at softball practice.
American fascists attack people in restaurants.
I had C-SPAN on today for semi-obvious reasons. I saw Rep. Cleaver's remarkable, seemingly historic (at least I've never seen anything like it) moment in which he said, "I abandon the chair."
I came home after being out and turned the tv back on, still tuned to C-SPAN. And now the Chair is occupied by Rep. Omar (as they run through routine business in a mostly empty chamber). It's a remarkable sight, given her mode of dress in that position on this particular evening. No accident, I presume.
Josephbleau said...
Blogger Achilles said...
Obama appointed piece of shit pretending to be a judge permanently bans citizenship question from census.
I assume that this injunction is reversible up to the Supreme Court. The reason that the executive could not ask the question was that the administration's motives for asking the question were not permissible. Let this judge brag a bit about defeating Trump and then file a new case accusing him of having impure partisan motive for ruling as he did. It disgusts me that those who charge biased mental state have a biased mental state.
This is why this kind of bullshit is not a valid argument in court.
Otherwise known as hearsay. This judge's ruling would be laughed out of any normal proceeding. Judges are not supposed to be mind readers.
They are supposed to read the law, determine standing, and make a ruling applying standard criteria.
This judge is a joke.
American fascists violently attack conservative speakers on college campuses.
American fascists call border patrol agents child killers and concentration camp guards.
American fascists put Mexican flags up over US ICE buildings and burn the American flags they tore down.
American fascists attack Trump supporters at rallies.
American fascists shoot republican congressmen at softball practice.
American fascists attack people in restaurants.
Agree completely.
"And now the Chair is occupied by Rep. Omar"
That's interesting. Double down.
Farmer: "Agree completely."
J. Farmer said...
Cannot believe Kellyanne Conway actually just used the term "dark underbelly" in connection with the four women in the Squad.
Dog whistle! Also, MS-13 just cut some dude's heart out. But what is that compared to Trump's tweet or Kellyanne's choice of adjectives. America is doomed. And sometimes, as much as it pains me to admit it, I think this country deserves to sink. Masochistic white people handing their civilization over for third worlders to tear down.
Enough of us will fight for our freedom. Our country has seen darker days than this. 1979, 1869, 1775...
We are not smart enough nor smug enough to give up and fatalistically whine about our country failing.
shoulda been 1859.
fat fingers.
Farmer: "Dog whistle! Also, MS-13 just cut some dude's heart out. But what is that compared to Trump's tweet or Kellyanne's choice of adjectives."
Spot on.
Original Mike said...
"And now the Chair is occupied by Rep. Omar"
That's interesting. Double down.
Omar is now the face of the democrat party.
AOC is the spokeswoman. Still not surprised if she loses the next primary.
Trump has won.
I would not be surprised if Pelosi retires before the election.
Steney Hoyer had to try to strike her words from the record today. That other guy just got up and left. The old guard knows they are being replaced and that they are on a crazy train going off a cliff.
This has been an amazing day. This has every possibility of ending peacefully.
readering: "Sad that John Paul Stevens dies just as releases autobiography. 99. Gerald Ford called his appointment one of his proudest accomplishments."
One of many steps on the path to the Trump Presidency.
Green files articles of impeachment against Trump, setting up floor vote
a better Al Green:
Chuck: "No accident, I presume."
'It's a remarkable sight, given her mode of dress in that position on this particular evening.'
It's tough to do surreal in these interesting times, but here we are...
The start/stop feature gives automakers extra credit on the byzantine fuel economy standard calculations. If there's no disable button (which must be pushed every trip), they get more. On some cars, it isn't supposed to shut off if the interior is too cold or too hot.
Enough of us will fight for our freedom. Our country has seen darker days than this. 1979, 1869, 1775...
We are not smart enough nor smug enough to give up and fatalistically whine about our country failing.
Good luck.
If wrong way Corrigan was a senator
"Cannot believe Kellyanne Conway actually just used the term "dark underbelly" in connection with the four women in the Squad."
Oh, for crying out loud. Is that the latest bobble?
per @JackPosobiec
“There’s no way you can get the Dems to endorse Antifa, Al Qaeda, and Venezuela all in the same week”
Trump: Hold my covfefe
The parents of my paisan who started at playa giron, where Dulles and co, dumped them then the Congo Bolivia Vietnam nicaragua, they went because they dodnt want to see the same fate befall these lands
The Apollo 11 mission began fifty years ago today. It endures as the most impressive and consequential human endeavor in history. Looking at the full moon this evening, the vision remains astounding.
Indeed it is, beasts, when I was a boy I assume we'd eventually go back now 50 years later, ae are taking fateful steps back.
Michael Collins who was stuck on the orbiter, wants to go straight to mars.
And we did it all with slide rules, narciso!! Nerds rock... 🤓
That's the amazing thing, isnt it, they're having to reinvent the wheel,
As mentioned earlier, some of Inga's beloved "spark of divinity" MS13-ers went "Full Diversity Is Our Strength"/Aztec/Aztlan in dismembering and cutting the heart out of one of their many many victims.
Needless to say the dems/left/LLR-left will bend over backwards to Sanctuary City these fine upstanding types whom the Jihad Squad assert love America more than natural born US citizens.
Again, the campaign ads write themselves.
Growing up I admired von Braun, of course I didnt know about his dark past till the early 90s,
Cannot believe Kellyanne Conway actually just used the term "dark underbelly" in connection with the four women in the Squad.
I find it difficult to believe that you cannot speak in full sentences, Lydia.
What are you trying to say?
They seem to endorse all our foes from the siad barre to the Iranians
We have almost no legacy technology from that era, narciso. A few derivative engines, but that's it.
My Dad was at the academy with Collins and Aldrin - they were a year or two younger. A different breed of badass, but that inspiration can and should return.
That must have been an incredible time, so in Pete conrad's cohort even though he was navy.
Von Braun was my ex's backyard neighbor, narciso. Oswald Lange lived next door and used to chase her out of his apple tree!!
Wernher's boat slip is about a quarter mile away from my current location, and still in use. He loved to water ski. I'm not sure if he ever learned to appreciate grits or not, but that's okay... :)
I'm afraid I wasnt familiar with him, debus and a few others I had heard of.
Gerald Ford called his appointment one of his proudest accomplishments.
Ike called Earl Warren his worst.
Von Braun was my ex's backyard neighbor
His son was in my HS class. His nickname was Von Bomb, which was cruel since his father died freshman year. Strangely, he wasn't that great in math or science.
ICTA offers: a better Al Green:
Enough of us will fight for our freedom. Our country has seen darker days than this. 1979, 1869, 1775...
We are not smart enough nor smug enough to give up and fatalistically whine about our country failing.
Achilles, I'd like to think so. It may be true of my generation but the younger ones don't seem to have any fight. Maybe hormones in the chicken or just the 'education' they have received but there seem to be no gonads.
Hillary Clinton Allegedly Covered Up Elite Pedophile Ring While Serving As Secretary Of State
J. Farmer said...
Enough of us will fight for our freedom. Our country has seen darker days than this. 1979, 1869, 1775...
We are not smart enough nor smug enough to give up and fatalistically whine about our country failing.
Good luck.
Is there nothing you would fight for?
Seems... sad.
One dispairs
mockturtle said...
Achilles, I'd like to think so. It may be true of my generation but the younger ones don't seem to have any fight. Maybe hormones in the chicken or just the 'education' they have received but there seem to be no gonads.
Don't worry about them.
Worry about yourself. Do what you can do.
You will be surprised how many people will do what it takes when presented the opportunity to do the right thing.
Things have never been as good as they are now. More people know the truth than ever before. The media has always been a tool for the globalists. And that tool has never been more ineffective.
democrat fascists and thugs and people who do evil do not do well in the fights that are to come. They are on a quest for power over others and this makes them selfish and hollow.
They will be defeated. As things go today I am starting to doubt there will even be a fight.
In terms of light bulbs, I liked florescent bulbs, and I like modern LEDs. Just read an article pushing Compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs), which pointed to their reduced cost and increased life over fluorescent bulbs. Nope. Our 2 year old PHX house came with CFLs. In those two years, I have replaced over half of the CFL bulbs, when they burned out, with LED bulbs. Here in MT, in a house over a decade old, I am just now replacing florescent bulbs that came with the house. My view is that the bureaucrats who mandated that florescent bulbs should be replaced by CFLs should be marched out, along with the bureaucrats who mandated the new dishwasher standards, all lined up, and shot. Then, maybe for good measure, drawn and quartered.
I buy most of my LED light bulbs at the dollar (or 99¢) store. Same prices as their CFLs ($1), but last longer, and provide better light. I replace maybe 10 vanity lights the other day. They had been a soft whitish CFL. Now, we have daylight light LEDs, which provide much better light than the CFLs did.
Thanks everyone who gave me energy advice on bulbs, dryers and cars.
I would thank you each individually for the time and effort each of you took to respond to my problems, but that would look stupid and narcissistic of me, and I work very hard to prove that I'm not vain so ... er... oh nm.
Anyway, thanks guys and gals, much appreciated.
I find it difficult to believe that you cannot speak in full sentences, Lydia. What are you trying to say?
I think Lydia means that when people talk about the dark underbelly of activists who are anti-americans, she see's colored people. Or people of color? Or maybe fat colored people? Or is it fat people of color.
I'm not completely sure, but she sounds racisty.
That's my new word: racisty
Hey Lydia, do white people have color?
Achilles: Omar is now the face of the democrat party. AOC is the spokeswoman. Still not surprised if she loses the next primary. Trump has won.
Interesting target selection too.
Trump didn't go after any of the Democrat presidential candidates, he went after the Democrat Speaker of the House.
Hey white peeps, hold your pale washed out hand up to the white background of this screen and compare the difference.
Why do you let them get away with claiming you have no color?
People of color is a racisty term. You shouldn't stand for it.
Since SCOTUS said that the citizenship question was allowed, if the reasons were politically acceptable to SCOTUS, anyway, I am pretty sure it would be child’s play to overturn that “judge” who is more along the lines of an old man cursing at the sky.
Bruce - I'm guessing you meant to say 'incandescent' rather than 'fluorescent' in your 2:06 post?
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