ADDED: CNN reports:
During a phone call Tuesday afternoon, President Donald Trump instructed his labor secretary to hold the press availability, two people familiar tell CNN....If Trump forced Acosta to do this press conference, presumably Trump is watching and judging. If you're watching, how do you think Acosta is doing? I tend to accept a calm explanation, so I'm not a good test of how well Acosta is doing. Trying to look at him the way I think other people do, I suspect he sounds too flat and matter-of-fact. Too mechanical. Not enough empathy. So I'm going to guess Trump isn't seeing what he wants.
Trump said on Tuesday he would look into the matter, but insisted Acosta had served him well as labor secretary. He has privately said he has confidence in Acosta, according to people familiar with his remarks.... However, Trump's associates believe that confidence could disappear quickly....
1 – 200 of 205 Newer› Newest»The fact that he's holding a press conference feels like its death-watch time for Acosta. (Career death, not literal)
Why does the Dept of Labor have the authority to authorize visas for refugees victimized by sex trafficking?
Very hard for him to stay. The Left needs a scapegoat, any scapegoat, for ignoring and/or enabling Epstein all these years.
Not defending the lenient plea-bargain, though. I'm sure Acosta has a big tale to tell, if allowed to speak freely. It's fair to surmise that powerful folks way above the pay grade of the USA in Miami, were directing things.
I've watched about 10 minutes; he actually strikes me as pretty knowledgeable and impressive, and he's not running from the facts.
I was a little troubled by his suggestion that way back 12 years ago, we didn't understand the things we do today about victims, victim-shaming, inconsistent memories, etc. I feel like most of that awareness was already in place by then.
Career death, not literal
Yeah, it's not like he's working for the Clintons.
I have watched just the last 5 minutes, will read the transcript later. Has he reconciled the press reports of his vetting explanations? Thse will be the key for me. Did he deny those stories about claiming Epstein was protected by the intelligence agencies? Has he revealed who negotiated the plea deal, who gave the direction to accept the plea deal? Those are the answers Acosta has to give today- the 5 minutes I just watched don't answer those questions.
One thing that people do not come out and say/admit - a big (biggest?) reason these rich/powerful guys never get prosecuted to extent they should for things like this, is that they have incredibly high paid lawyers (think HarveyW), who can/do throw 20 attorneys and bunch of PIs on a case, make life absolutely miserable for prosecutors (who do have lives, much less talented staff & resources, and get paid a fraction of the attorneys on the other side), drive off and scare witnesses (read Bad Blood) or, better yet, settle with witnesses/make them go away (think Epstein would hesitate to pay witnesses >$1M each to leave country/never come back?). If nothing else works, Epstein could have just left the country before the trial (Polanski)).
The prosecutors know all of this. I don't blame them. In their position I would rather change jobs then get paid peanuts to spend 3-5 years of my life prosecuting Epstein with almost 0% chance he's going to actually end up in jail (even if convicted).
Even if Epstein had zero powerful friends, not sure result would have been much different here.
Cyrus Vance, jr removed Jeff’s status as a sex offender in NY in 2011. When is his press conference?
So, after my rant, why are they trying him now? I'm guessing it is because (i) he didn't stop, (ii) #MeToo, (iii) you've got David Boies representing victims (trying to get his reputation back) on a contingency basis! (resource imbalance gone), and (iv) what powerful firm/attorneys want to represent Epstein now - it aint worth the money if everyone hates you (think Ronald S. Sullivan at Harvard). Just my opinion.
@Virgil Hilts -- I think Acosta at some point did complain about having to deal with Epstein's dream team lawyers. But you're right. Rich people are way more work to prosecute.
I find the Althouse framing a bridge too far. "Think like other people like think Trump will think." How does Trump think?
So I agree with Yancey. The questions are well established. Acosta just needs to give coherent, consistent answers.
(i) he didn't stop.
"Think like other people think Trump will think like."
Got my like out of order.
My gut is that he's not a big enough fish to survive (politically) or for the President to protect.
I give lawyer Acosta a perfect 10 on reasoning and communicating . He would win a jury verdict with this performance. And I suspect Trump loves it.
Acosta is severely limited by law. What we need is Special Operations Team Chief Eddie Gallagher to handle Epstein.
I thought he seemed quite reasonable.
Also, is it racist to try to push a hispanic man out of office?
The press will spend the next 48 hours taking apart Acosta's answers (and evasions).
Look at how Robert Kraft assembled a dream team of lawyers to defend himself against the soliciting charges in FL (just a bit north of Palm Beach, btw). Overwhelming force, and so far it has worked. I can see why a guy like Acosta, up against guys like Dershowitz and all the rich and powerful that benefited from Epstein's contributions, assessed that he couldn't win in court, if he ever got there, and took the best deal available.
This makes sense politically but I'm not sure it's the best way to uncover the truth.
he's a white or (moderately tan) one, it doesn't matter, if it was a proper prog like son of Dominican diplomat tom perez, (he was the predecessor to Acosta) that's something else again,
Conservatives don't like Acosta because he's a liberal and has slow walked some of the things Trump wants to get done. Paul Mirengoff of PowerLine has been really critical of him from the beginning of Trump's presidency.
First, I have to accept the premise that CNN has reliable sources next to the President. I don't.
I saw a comment elsewhere that noted more news accounts seem to be more outraged at Acosta's deal than with Epsteins actions or anybody personally associated with Epstein's actions outside of Trump.
I think Trump is letting Acosta defend himself. I also don't think having Acosta resign will help Trump in any way. All it does is open up hearings on Acosta's replacement at the start of the election season. Acosta isn't much of a story outside these first 48 hours, so long as he stays.
From Ace of Spades--
He'd cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein's attorneys because he had "been told" to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade. "I was told Epstein 'belonged to intelligence' and to leave it alone"” he told his interviewers in the Trump transition, who evidently thought that was a sufficient answer and went ahead and hired Acosta.
Acosta said something like, when I came onto the case, there was already a deal in place to let Epstein off with no jail time whatsoever and no admission of having committed any sexual offenses; I and my prosecutors pushed to at least get some jail and a plea to soliciting an underage girl.
He now says that most of the witnesses against him didn't want to testify against him, because they didn't want to be identified. He's saying that this sort of plea arrangement is common, as prosecutors have to weigh seeking real justice against a sex offender, versus protecting his victims from further humiliation and pain.
He's stressing that at least his team got Epstein to admit to a crime that would force him to register as a sex criminal.
He now stresses that it's highly unusual that a federal prosecutor would intervene in a state case -- and remember, he's saying the state had already given Epstein a complete pass -- and pointing out that it's big deal that he even got involved at all to get something harsher. Without naming Harvey Weinstein, he points out that some sex offenders are let off with no charges at all.
Repeated from other Acosta thread.
I was a little troubled by his suggestion that way back 12 years ago, we didn't understand the things we do today about victims, victim-shaming, inconsistent memories,
I think this whenever I read about the 80s or 90s being the era of mass racial and gender discrimination. The methodology seems to be claiming the breakline to modernity is a decade ago but it moves right along with us.
I agree with Leland. Who wants a confirmation hearing right now?
How many friends of Bill and Hillary participated in the first legal actions against Epstein? Make all records available. Given his status as a big Democrat donor and fundraiser, how many other prominent Democrats intervened? Show all the records. Have Acosta name everyone who talked to him and go from there.
Sad when a recitation of facts just doesn't cut it anymore. You have to have more empathy, or less empathy, or more assertiveness or less assertiveness or more outrage or less outrage.
Much like the grip about ambiguous clothing rules.
"Paul Mirengoff of PowerLine has been really critical of him from the beginning of Trump's presidency."
Mirengoff focuses on Acosta in an attempt to undercut Trump's conservative support. He's been doing similar work ever since Trump came down the escalator by emphasizing every act or fact which might tend to weaken that support. He does so while offering grudging praise on limited occasions to maintain his claim that he is not a "never-Trumper."
dershowitz, black, certainly, starr Lefkowitz, were not on bill's Christmas card list, others might fall somewhere in the middle,
Trump doesn't seem like a guy who needs a big show of empathy.
CNN is not a legit new organization. Neither is the NYT or WaPo.
The Press Conference did throw light on the fake narrative that Acosta gave away the store. His office used a threat of intervening with a Federal case to obtain an Agreement from Epstein to plead to jail time, Registration as a pervert, and paying atty fees to victims’ Atty suing Epstein for damages. That happened so quickly the State plea was taken before Federal procedures notifying victims could be followed. And it was the State Dems that granted Epstein work release during his jail sentence.
Prosecute the pedophiles, the abortionists, and others who prey on the young. Reveal the infestation to the light of day. As for Acosta, there should be no warlock trials (e.g. trial by press) and summary judgment (e.g. appeals to empathy). There should be due process, if there is sufficient evidence to warrant a prosecution, and current performance can be reviewed and judged separately.
Acosta KNOWS. He knows the media are a pack of animals yoked to sick pedos, and he knows the Clintons aren't in charge. He keeps stressing that a trial was a roll of the dice, which might have actually been optimistic when fetched up against Ken Starr, Alan Dershowitz, and the rest of the Epstein team pulled from across the political spectrum. He stands behind his career prosecutors who wanted Epstein to pay in blood. And his reference to new evidence might indeed mean that someone has even tighter evidence on Epstein's friends.
Get the popcorn, this gon be good.
He even says that at his confirmation hearing, he was asked if he could have done something differently. He called for transparency, and considering the timeline and the individuals involved, there was value to a short guilty plea.
After seeing Spacey and Weinstein increasingly likely to walk, I actually sympathize.
This is exactly what I suggested to Bleached Bit Bimbo of Baffin Bay: Get it from Horse Mouth
I didn’t watch the whole think but I was not impressed
He acted as if the feds had to act fast; otherwise Epstein would only be charged with and plead guilty to a weak state claim for solicitation and no jail time . Untrue. The state action did not bind the feds in any way. They could have ignored it as they investigated for fed crimes.
Did he explain why his investigation did not uncover any of the conduct alleged in the present indictment? I believe all of those allegations preceded the Acosta non-pros agreement
He also made some convoluted argument that the victims would appear non credible if they were aware of the restitution agreement. Don’t follow. And the agreement required the victims to bring a civil action in which Epstein would not contest liability but presumably would contest damages. Why put the victims through such a process. The amount of the restitution should have been spelled out in the agreement
"Get the popcorn, this gon be good.
Meh, I hate this kind of crap. This country has real problems, but will the tabloid journalists of the MSM focus on them rather than this circus? Of course not.
Has anyone been following the direction Acosta has taken the Dept of Labor?
Successes, failures, corruption, reform, mistakes?
I also don't think having Acosta resign will help Trump in any way. All it does is open up hearings on Acosta's replacement at the start of the election season. Acosta isn't much of a story outside these first 48 hours, so long as he stays.
Acosta resigning will be like throwing blood in the water.
How much restitution did he end up paying to how many victims ? Is that information public?
Blogger Original Mike said...
Meh, I hate this kind of crap. This country has real problems, but will the tabloid journalists of the MSM focus on them rather than this circus? Of course not.
7/10/19, 3:20 PM
First, I don't think there is a bigger problem for the country than exposing and jailing the pedos at the center of our corporate and federal leadership. It's a prerequisite to draining the swamp, and arguably more important than illegal immigration.
Secondly, we can walk and chew gum at once. Push forward on all fronts.
Thirdly, FUCK the media, they need to be purged along with the monsters they covered for all this time. I don't care even slightly what they talk about, except for the agonized shrieks coming out of their pie holes when they get what's coming to them.
By the way, Fen, I'd say that Acosta hasn't done the best job at the Department of Labor, but then that's not what he's there for. Being a cabinet member offers him protection you can't get anywhere else, and which he needs in exchange for working against the cabal.
By the way, Fen, I'd say that Acosta hasn't done the best job at the Department of Labor...
What are you basing that assessment on? I'm not trying to argue, I'm just looking for perspectives. I literally have no idea what he has done at Labor.
"First, I don't think there is a bigger problem for the country than exposing and jailing the pedos at the center of our corporate and federal leadership. It's a prerequisite to draining the swamp, and arguably more important than illegal immigration."
He's one creep. Put him in jail, but obsessing in the media over it 24/7? It's just another type of porn.
More important than illegal immigration? Absurd.
I think its more that Acosta hasn't moved forward on getting rid of all of the Obama regulations and reinterpretations at the DOL.
Streaming now, here.
All I got were streaming commercials, one after the other.
I had never seen Alexander Acosta before. I was surprised and very impressed. It sure sounded to me like the press has been deliberately misstating the facts and singling out Acosta solely because he is a Trump appointee. It’s President Trump they are after. He could have just been making up all of the facts and documents he presented but that seems highly unlikely. If what he calmly and eloquently explained is true then he has been libeled by a dishonest press spreading fake news.
Who's second in command at Labor? Trump appointee or Obama hold over?
At least there are no photos of Acosta in blackface.
Because that's immediately disqualifying and demands your immediate resignation.
Even if it was 30 years ago.
Unless, that is, you're in line to be Governor of Virginia.
most recently an Obama appointee:
"most recently an Obama appointee:"
Yeah, that's a problem. And a motive.
Acosta is terrible as Labor Secretary from a Conservative perspective - he's been slow-walking any substantive reform. It's odd that he's being vilified by liberal groups (other than his relationship to Trump, of course), since his replacement would likely be less open to their concerns.
Althouse says:Trying to look at him the way I think other people do, I suspect he sounds too flat and matter-of-fact. Too mechanical. Not enough empathy
Althouse thinks he"sounds" this way because Acosta hasn't resigned yet, which she thinks he should do because of feels.
Not enough empathy??? What is this SVU??? Where is Mariska? Where was Erik Holder???
If the Democrats were given a choice to:
A. Prosecute Epstein, or
B. Remove Trump from office
I've no doubt they'd start saying how much poor Jeff has already been punished.
So I take their outrage accordingly.
Since Trump has to know nothing will sate the media Resistance and there’s no political upside to explaining stuff that happened long ago, I can only assume the press conference is a pretext for termination.
jnseward said...
If what he calmly and eloquently explained is true then he has been libeled by a dishonest press spreading fake news.
7/10/19, 3:38 PM
Fen, it's up to you. Not fixing the Administrative Review Board despite it being the sole prerogative of the Secretary is an issue. The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs is also something Acosta should have fixed. But Mulvaney is apparently taking some charge and forcing out liars, all while getting some cost-cutting done at the Department. Acosta directly addressed this today, saying that he and Mulvaney have a very good relationship. So who knows? Apparently DOL is saving billions of dollars in costs, and liberals always hate that.
Overall, I'd consider it a mixed record as a Trump cabinet appointee. But with the knowledge that NeverTrumpers and similar corporate whores are his primary foes, and that the media has been lying about Acosta for years? Yeah, I'm betting he's a good cat. I need to take back what I said earlier about Acosta deceiving Epstein's victims: he couldn't jeopardize the plea with a ton of people filing sudden claims after Epstein agreed to make restitution in his guilty plea. But then, I trusted basic public information, without remembering that SJWs ALWAYS LIE.
Blogger Original Mike said...
Meh, I hate this kind of crap. This country has real problems, but will the tabloid journalists of the MSM focus on them rather than this circus? Of course not.
All politics all the time. One tribe, or two, pitted against the other, or two for the sole purpose of playing the zero sum game that is amassing of political power.
This Epstein thing is important, in a criminal justice sense, but I'm with you. What about the coming insolvencies of Social Security and Medicare? How about re-establishing our national borders? Foreign affairs including international trade relations?
No one's interested in those unless they can use them to gain political power. And they aren't gossip worthy topics.
I think Acosta did an excellent job explaining the case and came across as completely professional. He answered all the questions and squashed the medias' hysterics. Trump's cabinet has had its share of winners and losers and Acosta is solidly in the winner category.
"If Trump forced Acosta to do this press conference..." -- Althouse
Whoa! From cruel neutrality to pure speculation against Trump. And no, "IF" does not count.
Acosta did a good job, and made an important point. He says the state prosecutors were soft, and that the Feds had to intervene, because they were so soft.
Jeb Bush was governor of Florida at the time. Maybe he just didn’t have enough energy to pursue the case.
WATCH: Acosta gives a cryptic response when asked if Jeffrey Epstein is an intelligence asset
Lot of big shit goin' on right now, and I'm lovin' it.
I only caught part of the press conference-- he wanted Epstein to get some jail time--and maybe he was the only person in the legal system in Florida at the time who could and would do that. So he managed to get a jail sentence (which the state penal and judicial authorities made a mockery of) and get the old perv registered as a sexual predator.
If the progressive hyenas didn't see an opportunity to attack Trump here, all of the Epstein Lolita Express shenanigans would disappear down a deep dark memory hole.
“Whoa! From cruel neutrality to pure speculation against Trump. And no, "IF" does not count.”
I wasn’t speculating. I was relying on the CNN article but not entirely trusting it.
“State prosecutors were soft” ...
Or, compromised? Seems somewhat likely that Epstein would have taken steps, over the years, to hand out bags of cash to important South FL law enforcement types, no?
We should assume they’re all dirty at every level until we are shown otherwise.
And note that comment from Ace above, that this plea deal was already arranged by a *female* prosecutor who then left and handed the flaming bag of shit to Acosta. True or false? That has “fall guy” written all over it but I’m just going by what the Ace post says.
"Sen. Chuck Schumer — who called on Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta to resign and said President Trump should “answer” for his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein — accepted thousands of dollars in donations from the alleged pedophile throughout the 1990s, The Post has learned.
Federal Election Commission records show that Schumer received seven $1,000 donations from Epstein between 1992 and 1997, first as a US congressman from New York and then when he was vying to be the state’s senator in 1998, an election he won."
just like with Madoff, who also had investors by invitation, who the sec apparently wasn't interested in, or jon Corzine, who the relevant authorities had no interest in charging,
Ward has been on epstein for a while,
Jeffrey Epstein’s Sick Story Played Out for Years in Plain Sight
actually at the time of the plea bargain, we had Charlie cheetah as governor, who put as party chair someone who looted the coffers within a year, so it was very difficult to compete in florida, he also hosted allen Stanford, who was another Nazgul,
did we do this one yet?
Epstein Case Has The Potential To Be The Biggest Scandal In American History
the same source as earlier,
From Instapundit (emphasis mine):
Mr. Epstein is back in a holding cell, under indictment by a U.S. attorney in New York. He will have his day in court. Presumably we will find out whether the evidence against the hedge-fund impresario for sexually abusing numerous underage girls in the early 2000s is as strong as it seems.
But one element of the story should give us pause, and that’s the seemingly concerted effort by the press to make a secondary villain out of the only prosecutor who succeeded in holding Mr. Epstein accountable till now because, 12 years later, that prosecutor is Donald Trump’s labor secretary.
A much-cited story in the Miami Herald last November is headlined “How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime.” The paper thereby invokes a previously unknown form of retroactive quantum action at a distance, since Alexander Acosta’s actions as a U.S. attorney in Florida in 2007 could not have been premised on Mr. Trump being president a decade later.
The headline is also misleading. In fact, the Herald’s 5,000-word exposé tells us very little about the reasons and circumstances behind the 2008 plea deal in which Mr. Epstein agreed to plead guilty to two felonies, serve an 18-month jail sentence, pay restitution to certain victims, and accept designation for life as a registered sex offender.
Instead, the paper tells us what its own sources are willing to say now about Mr. Epstein more than a decade after the prosecution. What a newspaper can report in 2018 and what a prosecutor can prove in 2007 are two very different things. A fact the Herald also should have made plain: It was precisely Mr. Epstein’s conviction at the hands of Mr. Acosta that helped fuel the filing of civil lawsuits and emergence of newly declared victims that became the basis for the Herald’s own reporting.
Making an even bigger joke of the paper’s positioning of Mr. Acosta as Mr. Epstein’s protector is this glaring fact: It wasn’t Mr. Acosta but New York County’s district attorney—a member of the city’s ruling Democratic elite, with the illustrious name of Cyrus Vance Jr.—who in 2011 sought to undo Mr. Acosta’s work by relieving Mr. Epstein of his Level 3 sex offender status in New York state.
But then Mr. Vance is not a member of the Trump administration. . . .
It also bears asking: Would the Herald even have invested in reporting the Epstein story if it couldn’t also have flounced up an anti-Trump angle?
Why didn’t the Miami Herald go after the local law enforcement anyway? The ones with the primary responsibility. I didn’t know statutory rape was a Federal matter.
This is what justice looks like,
" It's just another type of porn."
Does this mean I have erectile dysfunction, becuase nothing is happening here.
For all of the second guessing of Acosta, what are the chances that any of this MeToo# story, prosecutions or civil actions would be happening under President Hillary Clinton? The fact that the main hook for the MSM is Trump tells you all you need to know.
"what are the chances that any of this MeToo# story, prosecutions or civil actions would be happening under President Hillary Clinton? “
You tell me.
If Former Palm Beach State Attorney Barry Krischer is to be believed, Acosta lied his ass off at his press conference. Per Kirscher, the US Attorney's office had drafted a 50+ page indictment that they were free to file regardless of any state deal on state charges. But Acosta engaged in "secret" negotiations with Epstein attorneys [from his old firm Kirkland & Ellis?] to reach the deal that went down.
Others have pointed out that the written agreement is, no doubt deliberately, ambiguous on whether it bound DOJ outside SD Fla. Acosta did not have authority to bind others but he could allow ambiguous language to imply as much.
If Former Palm Beach State Attorney Barry Krischer is to be believed, Acosta lied his ass off at his press conference.
So the word of the people who not going to charge the perp is your preferred source.
Got it.
I can't imagine Acosta could have felt like he had a strong case if the state wasn't going to file any. If he had, we'd be seeing "Trump prosecutes political enemy" headlines instead. There was no winning for Acosta, and it sounds like he took the path of least resistance.
Acosta gave a good performance for a guy whose balls were in a vise.
Another view:
The Fake News Media have 100% misreported Acosta’s news conference by tonight with no shame . The really are our enemy.
I don't understand why Trump thinks Acosta is doing a good job as SoL. Acosta has bent over backwards - or forward - to appease democrats and carry on the Obama administration's policies and objectives. Not at all a MAGA supporter. Time for him to go.
I tend to accept a calm explanation, so I'm not a good test of how well Acosta is doing. Trying to look at him the way I think other people do
That's a worse test.
The "other people must be thinking" test is how we get bad public discourse.
So often it's
"My own opinion of [public figure] hasn't changed because of [scandal] but I bet others feel differently, so [public figure] should resign or disappear".
We'll see what comes of this. I didn't watch the press conference, but the reporting certainly suggests that Acosta cleared himself by blaming the State attorneys. Circle the wagons and thrown someone under the bus.
What if everyone screwed up? What if the state prosecutors were getting pushed around by the billionaire's lawyers and the Federal prosecutor was getting poked by politically connected politicians, and the witnesses were melting away in the Florida heat.
In the end, Acosta's fate is a sideshow. Epstein's in custody. He's not going to threaten and buy-off witnesses this time. The story is rich for rolling up and it will be.
But I'd say Acosta's fate -- his cabinet position and reputation -- comes down to three verifiable things. First, did he tell the truth in his confirmation hearings? He was asked about Epstein. His replies are public record and can be checked against his statements before and after. Second, do his statements stand against the statements of other people involved? This is messier, but still could be highly damaging. Third, did he tell the truth to Donald Trump? That's up to Trump to decide. And maybe Pence.
@Matt Sablan. The case was in 2008.
I watched a good part of the press conference. He seemed calm and reasonable. The defense he offered, that it was a different world twelve years ago and that the plea he obtained was the best he could do without subjecting the girls involved to further trauma was somewhat persuasive. His best witness to the fact that it was a different world twelve years ago were the reporters at that conference. Where were they twelve years ago, where was the outrage then?.....I saw some of the commentary after the conference. They roasted him. They didn't debate the points Acosta made. They just roasted him. I give the press less credibility than I do Acosta.
Jeffrey Epstein has been carrying on for decades in several states and abroad, and so far Mr. Acosta is the only prosecutor to have laid a finger on him.
In NYC, I understand Cy Vance even tried to have the sex offender tag removed from him.
So, now whose head is the mob baying for?
Mr. Acosta's, of course!
I do not buy the argument about not exposing the girls to further trauma. I just watched NBC's interview with one who said she "visited" Mr. Epstein once or twice a week for a couple of years, and he would give her $300 for each visit. So this 14-15 year old was making $20,000+/- per year with no taxes as a prostitute, and that is the simple truth of it.
And now she "comes forward" because she - and her attorney - stand to collect a real fortune in compensation for the "trauma" Mr. Epstein inflicted on her.
I call BS!
Jeffrey Epstein has been carrying on for decades in several states and abroad, and so far Mr. Acosta is the only prosecutor to have laid a finger on him.
That certainly is a point in his favor.
Comey, Mueller and the actions of the last few years have shown our system of "justice" is anything but.
The scum press is around to protect Dems and destroy Republicans. Fortunately the public is on to their sick game. It also explains why the media is the only business not to flourish in Trump's economy. I read where about 12,000 Dem foot soldiers (reporters) are being laid off by year end. Well deserved
No one lost their job after 911 nor after Benghazi nor at the IRS. So why should Acosta lose his now? because he works for Trump?
Hagar -- are you intentionally erasing the most significant point in that girl's story?
14 and 15 year olds are minors. They got paid, they got raped too. Are you excusing a sex trafficker and rapist because the girls were paid?
What is wrong with you?
Would people - like Acosta -stop offering the dumb defense that if was "different Back then". Hello, we're talking about 10 years ago! Things were NOT different back then. Nor were things "different back then" 20 years ago - Remember Lewinsky?
Polanski was arrested and would have been convicted for statutory Rape. He didn't want to serve jail time so he skipped bail and left the USA. That was the 1970s. When was having sex with underage girls A-OK - 1940?
Rape is Rape. And sex with underage girls is still wrong. Its doesn't matter if you "Pay them".
I was relying on the CNN article but not entirely trusting it.
I really don't understand this. You are aware enough to know how subtle propaganda is, how easily it can brainwash your beliefs if you are not on your guard at all times. And I've seen you dissect sentence structure and loaded language that is disingenuous.
If you detected patterns and nuance in the NYTs attempting to soft-sell you on how good men look in shorts!, would you still "not entirely" trust them? Even with the awareness that some of their propaganda might very well have gotten past your BS filters?
"When one sups with the devil, one must use a long spoon." - C.S. Lewis
"Better to avoid that meal altogether." - Fen, The Book of Fen
"Shut up, Fen" - J.R.R. Tolkien
Why does the Dept of Labor have the authority to authorize visas for refugees victimized by sex trafficking?
Found my answer - they have a section that monitors international child labor laws.
exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...
"Sen. Chuck Schumer — who called on Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta to resign and said President Trump should “answer” for his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein — accepted thousands of dollars in donations from the alleged pedophile throughout the 1990s, The Post has learned.
This aligns to my own conjecture about who the "faves" are. There may be a few politicians compromised by Epstein's sexual offerings. There are going to be more politicians compromised by his financial favors.
Blogger Fen said...
"When one sups with the devil, one must use a long spoon." - C.S. Lewis
"Better to avoid that meal altogether." - Fen
"Shut up, Fen" - J.R.R. Tolkien
7/10/19, 7:52 PM
Okay, I laughed way too hard at this. I agree though: the media is going out of its way to tear down Acosta, whereas his conference was a very rational explanation that points out some hard truths.
Which means the media has to go absolutely apeshit.
Nor were things "different back then" 20 years ago - Remember Lewinsky?
Hang on a sec, the Clinton era *was* different back then. I distinctly remember learning something I thought was counter-intuitive: that women who are sexually harassed are more interested in getting the perp to stop harassing them then they are interested in punishing him. They just want the harassment to stop.
That's why when these stories break, it usually begins with one strong woman raising her hand, followed later by other women saying "he did it to me too 3, 5, 10 years ago but I didn't come forward because a) I didn't realize he would do this to everyone, b) I didn't want to destroy his life, c) I didn't want my name and sexuality drug through the mud.
It may have been common knowledge in Sexual Abuse Therapy circles, but I recall there was alot the public and law enforcement didn't understand about how the victims of sexual predators thought or how they preferred to handle it and why.
Quite so, and I hope this time Jeffrey Epstein will not be able to buy his way out of it.
Which, again, he was pretty much able to do as far as his State of Florida jail term went as well as his sex offender registration, which obviously has not been allowed to affect Mr. Epstein - in Florida, NYC, or other places -= the way it does smaller fry.
But Mr. Acosta seems to be the one government official on any level acquainted with Mr. Epstein's record who was not willing to let him skate completely free and at least tried to get him some restraint and punishment.
"Why didn’t the Miami Herald go after the local law enforcement anyway? The ones with the primary responsibility."
At the Daily Caller:
The Miami Herald published a scathing expose of both Acosta and Krischer in November 2018.
The article alleged investigators who handled the Palm Beach case said Krischer pressured them to downgrade charges against the billionaire to a misdemeanor, or to drop the case completely.
Joseph Recarey, a detective who worked the Epstein case, told The Herald that Alan Dershowtiz, Epstein’s lawyer, flew to Florida to meet privately with Krischer.
Recarey also told The Herald that in May 2006, he drew up probable cause affidavits that charged Epstein and three associates with a slew of sex crimes. But instead of pushing forward with the case, Krischer referred the case to a state grand jury, which returned an indictment on a single count of soliciting prostitution.
According to The Herald, Recarey said Krischer told him he did not believe Epstein’s accusers. Only two out of more than a dozen of Epstein’s alleged victims testified before the grand jury.
Palm Beach police chief Michael Reiter also told The Herald that Krischer quickly changed his position on the Epstein case.
“Early on, it became clear that things had changed, from Krischer saying, ‘we’ll put this guy away for life,’ to ‘these are all the reasons why we aren’t going to prosecute this,'” he told The Herald.
Reiter referred the case to the FBI, which opened its investigation in July 2006.
"When was having sex with underage girls A-OK - 1940?"
1880. The age of consent for girls (and boys) was set at 10 or 12 in most states, with the exception of Delaware where it was 7.
Someone should write an Inga Bot Script and turn it loose:
(insert commenter name)
Don't you know that (insert irrelevant appeal to emotion)
Are you (insert misrepresentation of what commenter said)?
What is wrong with you!
"1880. The age of consent for girls (and boys) was set at 10 or 12 in most states, with the exception of Delaware where it was 7."
Your interest lies.
What did Jeb know and when did he know it?
@narciso (6:44) said "Another view:"
Here is the link. This really is a must read.
(Narciso, you're like the officemate who drinks a lot of coffee but doesn't know how to work the coffee machine.)
And things indeed were different "back then." The current "public outrage" over aberrant sexual behaviors has only been building in just the last few years. Began with the Bill Cosby revelations (?) and then Harvey Weinstein, etc., and then became fashionable in politics to block judicial and other appointments, when normal objections to the proposed candidates could not be found.
Fen, I don’t need to ask what is wrong with you because it’s been evident for a long time.
I, nor Henry, nor rcocean misread what Hagar wrote.
Are you excusing a sex trafficker and rapist because the girls were paid?
What is wrong with you?
No, idiot. This is all about Epstein buying the states attorney in Miami or Palm Beach. The one that readering trusts implicitly.
As usual, you have no idea about the topic.
1880. The age of consent for girls (and boys) was set at 10 or 12 in most states, with the exception of Delaware where it was 7.
So, pedophilia is a progressive social orientation.
This one.
But when the police chief brought this mountain of evidence to Palm Beach County’s Democratic prosecutor Barry Krischer, he punted, charging the Democrat child molester with only one count of soliciting prostitution — yes, the child victims were labeled “prostitutes” — and offered Epstein probation.
I drink it too quickly, had the sec investigated epsteins so called hedge fund, around say 2003, maybe he wouldn't have so much money to throw around
“No, idiot. This is all about Epstein buying the states attorney in Miami or Palm Beach. The one that readering trusts implicitly.”
No you senile old coot, it’s about Acosta not having enough strength of character to proceed in a manner that gave these girls justice.
Where were [the reporters at the conference] twelve years ago?
They were fifteen years old and in high school. Ask Ben Rhodes.
This is about pedophilia and uncovering a global network, rather than demanding a still viable man to self-abort to cover it up. Part of the multi-trimester witch hunts and warlock trials conducted by Democrats.
Too mechanical. Not enough empathy
Selective-child. Here's to progress. Perhaps low empathy is a protection mechanism, an evolutionary (i.e. chaotic) change. That said, apparently, pedophilia is a #NoLabels #NoJudgment #Weird progressive social orientation. And, why not, when mental and physical corruption of children to normalize the transgender spectrum is considered to be be socially progressive.
To paraphrase Rodney King, "Why can't we just let Igna blather?"
"When do you become the wind beneath Igna's wings?" he waxed poetically.
Lying back, taking in what is inside and all that that that surrounds, makes life seem simply uncomplex. Old fogey's proneness is not my specialty.
"(Narciso, you're like the officemate who drinks a lot of coffee but doesn't know how to work the coffee machine.)"
Way to make your feelings known boomer, we all appreciate your viewpoint very much. Please continue to offer your observances.
Especially if you decide to not make long-term connections regarding anonymous commenters at JOM (, no, not that, Justoneminute blog) or here at the Althouse blog also.
Again, thank you for your contributions. Considering your success, we all ought, and do!, appreciate how valuable your time is. So for you to take that valuableness and monitize the ALthouse blog is admirable. Like in the Navy!
'Hard rains gonna fall' take the Dylan version or the brickell cover
Going back had it gone to trial, I remember what Roy black did to the accuser in the William Kennedy smith case, what dershowitz did to fuhrman, this was why I found defense lawyers detestable for a time, then I discovered prosecutors who were snakes with a different rattle.
The lesson, if you pay attention, is the Great Bu Bu is correct.
It will take decades, not a century.
Unless Me.
Yeah. America just needs a whole lot of me. And it might.
Just might get it.
The idea Harvey Milk is anything more than a potentially useful missile is absurd.
Like Ben Mazel, but not too.
I now patent in Tyler Tx via Althouse:
Chess moves are fucking mine.
Any reference, any mention, any thought of chess: MINE.
A video to remember when they ask "have you no shame?".
I wonder why the Leftist Collectivists think this tactic will work.
Epstein is a Democratic, a Democratic donor, a pimp, and a rapist.
How many banks will the cue ball hit before you pocket Trump?
Wheels within wheels.
Me, I remain simple.
Punish the pimp.
Punish the rapists.
Punish the enablers.
Trump is in a win win situation.
If the Press continues to go after Acosta, it unveils more of the corruption of the deepstate that are Trumps enemies. And it keeps Epstein in the news, who has lots of Democratic connections. And the longer it’s in the news, the more will come out. My guess is their are a lot of progressive types that Epstein associated with, with Bill being one of the biggest. Trump I see as protected, since he exiled Epstein from his properties.
And if Acosta resigns, Trumps gets a more conservative labor secretary.
Ya know, I used to hate New York.
I used think I liked Texas cf. Luchanbach Tx (Waylon, Willie, and the Boys) as portrayed by Kid Rock.
But I like Kid Rock better than Tyler, TX.
The outrage Dole should have had, had he given, with all that potential power, a damn, well, he didn't.
We've all been losing for a long time now, a long time. Really, really tough to "just comeback" when you've been knowingly indocritated*. That knowing is the worst.
Can anybody explain the Democratic game plan?
Are they down to yelling "child rape" and "Orange Man Bad" in the same sentences until people think Trump was an Epstein customer?
But before people notice the Democratics have consumed the guano?
$80,000,000,000,000.00 sounds 'bout fair.
Anybody spelling "it" right will pay, 'specially those damn Hell-bound lawyers.
Especially them.
dershowitz did to fuhrman,
Actually it was Lee Bailey who did it. I watched that trial afternoon sessions while I was in New Hampshire. I had one of the first satellite dishes and got home every day at 5 to watch the trial on Court TV. I was not convinced that he was guilty until the civil trial. The DAs were so inept. It was Petrocelli who found the shoe photos.
Jimmy Page's little child-bitch slave was only 14.
Worked okay for though I guess.
Hardin has that high IQ, valued above morals.
Proven, through tradionalguys' synopnis of Catholics and their dirty religion.
By God, you people have taught me more than a man of my limited means could ever possibly comprehend.
So it worked.
On me.
Ergo I need the $80,000,000,000 to talk.
Don't you have a clue what I could have been worth?
If not for your harrassment and holding me dow.
Yes I guess that's right, previously he had taken up those who induced comas (reversal of rlfortune)
If I were the prosecutors, I would have a 24 hour a day watch on Epstein. At least until he spills his guts.
People with dirt on the Clintons have short lives. Sort of like Whitey Bulger.
Too many big names with irons in this fire.
"Rape is Rape. And sex with underage girls is still wrong. Its doesn't matter if you 'Pay them.'"
But was it "rape rape"?
Asking for a friend. A friend named Whoopi. But I won't mention her last name because I don't want to give away her identity.
Blogger Michael K said...
If I were the prosecutors, I would have a 24 hour a day watch on Epstein. At least until he spills his guts.
?Too trusting of Prosecutors even after sweet plea deal!?
We just discussed "handing your lunch"
Seriously, does anybody have a bead on the Democratics strategies here?
Inga: "No you senile old coot, it’s about Acosta not having enough strength of character to proceed in a manner that gave these girls justice."
Now do the. State Attorney as well as Muellers FBI as well as Cyrus Vance Jr!!
Too funny.
The earth has already collapsed on cultist Inga's latest hoax ploy and she doesnt even know it yet!
Thats what makes it so funny.
So. Much. Winning.
But I am not yet tired of it.
Or as Hillary might say: I ain't noways tarrrred!!
does anybody have a bead on the Democratics strategies here?
I think it's battle space prep for when several "fav" Democrats are exposed as players in a global pedophile ring and/or sex-trafficking of minors. By dialing the faux outrage to 11 re Acosta, they are setting up:
1) the Everyone Does it card
2) exhausting the public so that when prominent Democrats are outed people will flip the channel or turn the page with a "more of this again? nah" expression.
3) shielding mid-terms with the hope that all those who don't follow politics closely will just remember that "some Acosta guy who works for Trump was associated with something pervy"
Note to self: Inga has yet to offer a single criticism of any of the army of dems who contrived to let Epstein off the hook.
Nor should we expect any criticism of any dem by Cultist Inga at any point in the future.
Quite the contrary in fact. Just yesterday Inga went to bat strongly for Billy Clinton by characterizing his minimum 26 flights on the Lolita Express (many with underage girls on the manifest AND Secret Service agents NOT in attendance) as, and I kid you not, taking "one flight too many"!!!!
She actually wrote that. Just yesterday.
Which tells you all you need to know.
Inga: Inga: "No you senile old coot, it’s about Acosta not having enough strength of character to proceed in a manner that gave these girls justice."
Inga wants justice for the raped girls that she is using as props to score cheap shots at people she loathes. She regards these girls as tools to pleasure her ego, just like Epstein.
The Lolita Express and Pedophile Island have been common knowledge for at least the last decade. But Inga ignored these raped girls until they became useful to her politics.
This is a very sick individual.
Thread summary re wrongdoing assessments typed out here, ranked worst to least-worst:
-accoster that Acosta un-accosted, legally.
-accosted kids
-Althouse, for CNN link and history of NYT/WaPo reading/linking
Quite a place Althouse gots goin' on here. Good thing she never misses a day. The universe is so much better fer it.
Looks like we are about 15 minutes away from the lefty usual suspects beginning to accuse Acosta and republicans directly for Epsteins crimes.
That would of course be consistent with dem/left practices over the last 50 years.
So full marks for consistency at least.
Hang on, I hear Inga dragging the bodies of raped teen girls onto her soapbox.
"Inga wants justice for the raped girls that she is using as props to score cheap shots at people she loathes. She regards these girls as tools to pleasure her ego, just like Epstein."
Don't forget that Inga probably opposes the policy of family separation and terrible conditions re humans re sending a message to other illegals re illegals are better off stayin' in their own shit hole shit houses, rather than the ones served up by uncle S[m]a[r]m re us.
Now she's presented me with a petition affirming that raping teenage girls is monstrous.
We're supposed to sign it and pass it around the room.
Else, what is wrong with you people!
Alright fuck off, as Ramsey says, I'm gonna write.
And nothing.
Trump comes along and makes winning look stupid.
Inga is like a square peg in a round shit hole re these threads. So much shit.
Don't forget that Inga probably opposes the policy of family separation and terrible conditions re humans re sending a message to other illegals re illegals are better off stayin' in their own shit hole shit houses, rather than the ones served up by uncle S[m]a[r]m re us.
True. Total silence for months from Inga on the 33% of girls raped on their migration through Mexico to the US border. And we are supposed to pretend she "cares" about rape.
Many of these girls don't match the DNA of the adults using them as human shields to get through INS. But she still opposes separating them from their rapists. Because she views them as potential dependents she can enslave to the Democrat Welfare state to buy their votes.
Inga be a saint.
Not that the local anti-abortion and so-called spreaders of the word re love re the big guy upstairs and otherwise moralizers would notice that. Too busy doing the work of the Devil.
FTR, as best as I can tell, re the end, there are no points fer choosing self delusion.
OTOH, maybe there is nobody upstairs. Then you won't burn.
Looks like we are about 15 minutes away from the lefty usual suspects -
Houston we have a problem.
It appears they just discovered their powerpoint presentation includes officials from the Clinton and Obama administrations.
They're in a 404 error loop. One of the NPCs has turned blue and locked up.
I'll update any new events as they happen.
So you're saying that a desire to have every john and every pimp involved is wrong?
Are we not to punish criminal offenders?
Or only if they're Democratics?
Either a 50+ page federal Epstein indictment was drafted or it wasn't. If it was there should still be copies.
@Fen ... Pointed out re: AA :
"I've seen you dissect sentence structure and loaded language that is disingenuous"
Flip side of that : dissect <<==>> construct
Blogger readering said...
Either a 50+ page federal Epstein indictment was drafted or it wasn't. If it was there should still be copies.
Surely one was shown/given to Epstein team?
Can it be suppressed for security intelligence ground? Methods and sources
The cunts have spoken. These bitches mean war. And they are well-versed in war-conditions: they watched* R.Lee Ermey in Stn Kubrick's Full Metal.Ergo thet are perpared for weer.
To win. Just like they did in women/s ssocer, aee.>>
They qon the "womens" world cup so they are the best! aT EeVERYGHING!!!
*as did I
CNN: Conspiracy News Network
Blogger Fen said...
Acosta resigning will be like throwing blood in the water.
7/10/19, 3:24 PM
An admission of guilt - of something.
The Left needs a scapegoat, any scapegoat, for ignoring and/or enabling Epstein all these years.
This is one head they can have. Acosta's been a terrible Labor Secretary.
Acosta resigning will be like throwing blood in the water.
It will be like throwing water in the water.
Acosta resigning would be about as consequential as whats-his-name resigning. Or that other whats-his-name. Or whats-her-name who also resigned or was fired.
“Quite the contrary in fact. Just yesterday Inga went to bat strongly for Billy Clinton by characterizing his minimum 26 flights on the Lolita Express (many with underage girls on the manifest AND Secret Service agents NOT in attendance) as, and I kid you not, taking "one flight too many"!!!!”
Wow, when you can’t find any truth to tell, ya just lie, eh Drago? No lie is to big for you to spew if it furthers your agenda, which is Trump Cultism on steroids. You’re a strange one, that’s the truth.
Acosta resigning is a minor thing. What needs to happen is to investigate just HOW this happened and WHY and to prevent it from happening again. If a federal prosecutor cannot prosecute crimes and sex trafficking with justice for victims in mind, he is worse than useless.
Inga: "Wow, when you can’t find any truth to tell, ya just lie, eh Drago? No lie is to big for you to spew if it furthers your agenda, which is Trump Cultism on steroids. You’re a strange one, that’s the truth."
I dont blame you for running away from your comment yesterday. It really exposed what you were all about in a way that does not help you in spreading todays lefty lies and hoaxes.
Unfortunately for you, everyone has already read what you wrote so there is no going back.
And now we find this in the part of the lefties:
"NEW: NYPD let convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein skip judge-ordered check-ins
Epstein never once checked in with city cops in the 8+ years since a Manhattan judge ordered him to do so every 90 days — and the NYPD says it’s fine with that"
Egads, dem prosecutor in Florida going to cut a deal to let democratic Epstein off with no jail, dem Cyrus Vance Jr made sure Epstein faced no problems in NY, and NY police didnt even bother having Epstein check in.
All on top of every dem knowing for decades what Epstein was about.
A Full Weinstein scenario.
Cultist Inga response?
Now that is funny.
And will fail.
"The Left needs a scapegoat, any scapegoat, for ignoring and/or enabling Epstein all these years."
“I dont blame you for running away from your comment yesterday. It really exposed what you were all about in a way that does not help you in spreading todays lefty lies and hoaxes.”
Go find it and post it here. But you won’t because you know you lied. You are about as moral and principled as your cult leader and that isn’t a compliment. How did you get so deep into your cultish thinking? Was it a gradual process or did it happen all at once with Trump? Whatever, you’re a weird one, one of several here, but I’d say you’re on top of the heap.
Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
“The ties to Clinton are far more substantial. Do you admit to that?”
Yes. As he traveled on the Lolita Express one too many times. Trump flew on it at least once from the reporting.
7/10/19, 11:38 AM
You’re a fucking imbecile, Inga.
Inga the Cultist: "But you won’t because you know you lied. You are about as moral and principled as your cult leader and that isn’t a compliment."
Did you ever apologize for your horrendous rape gang leader lies about Kavanaugh?
I'll bet you didn't.
Keep flailing Inga. Its fun to watch.
Especially when you try and comment on your own instead of your standard cut and paste automaton act.
Drago, the Jon Voight of Althouse.
Inga really thought she could get away with her new lies about her old lies.
Phil beat me to it, but I'll repost it here again:
Cultist Inga: “The ties to Clinton are far more substantial. Do you admit to that?”
"Yes. As he traveled on the Lolita Express one too many times. Trump flew on it at least once from the reporting."
I wonder if Inga even remembers she posted this the other day?
I'm betting her History Reset Button fired a few times since then so our little lefty Conspiracy Cultist lost track of this one lie as there are so many she vomits up.
Inga: "Drago, the Jon Voight of Althouse."
I would be proud to wipe the water off seats to be used by Gold Star Families as Jon Voight did during the 4th Celebration.
Inga, on the other hand, supports politicians who call our military "nazi's" and "gestapo".
Just one of the many ways Inga and I are different.
Tell me how the quote you posted proves what Drago said?
My lord, but you people are weird. How did I defend Clinton there you idiot?
Inga, when you saw pictures of Jon Voight wiping the seats off for our Gold Star families, did it make you very very angry?
I remember how you and all your lefty pals were hoping for a horrible weather day to ruin the event for all the military members attending and participating.
No, you people are not only stupid, you’re nuts.
Inga: "Phil, Tell me how the quote you posted proves what Drago said?"
Here we go.
Step 1 for Inga: I Never Said That!!!
Step 2 for Inga: Ok, I said it but it doesn't mean what it clearly means.
Step 3 for Inga: You are darn right I said it and I'll say it again!!
Step 4 for Inga: Return to Step 1.
Cultist Inga: "No, you people are not only stupid, you’re nuts."
You STILL think the dossier is 100% real, don't you?
You STILL believe in the collusion myth you were fed by your betters, don't you?
The dems love little robots like Inga.
BTW, Inga still doesn't believe Clinton ditched Secret Service to fly on the Lolita Express....where underage girls were on the manifest for THOSE flights.....
But Inga is very very "concerned" about what Epstein was up to....
The Dem party backed Hillary the Enabler of Bill the Lolita Express "stud" and would have buried this story forever if Hillary had one.
Inga's cultist response?
Don’t you know you sound like a parody account?
It's right there. You called Drago a liar for reminding you that you said Clinton flew on the Lolita Express 'one too many times', and challenged him to find it. There it is. You said it, in exactly the terms he claimed you did.
I'd insult you further but it's pointless.
Phil, its there for everyone to see.
But Inga will continue to pretend it isn't.
Meanwhile, Trump just keeps on using obama's Economic Magic Wand!!
Inga: "Don’t you know you sound like a parody account?"
You are calling my account a parody for accurately quoting you!!
Talk about an own-goal!
This will be an Instant Inga Classic!
Trump predation!
“You are calling my account a parody for accurately quoting you!!”
No Jon Boy, I’m saying you sound like a parody account because you LIE non stop nowadays. (Why? Desperation?) You can’t be satisfied with mischaracterization and exaggeration anymore? Like an addict.
Hahaha, Jon Boy.
“You called Drago a liar for reminding you that you said Clinton flew on the Lolita Express 'one too many times', and challenged him to find it. There it is. You said it, in exactly the terms he claimed you did.”
I said Clinton was NOT innocent because he flew on the Lolita Express one too many times. Are you stupid?
So Drago wants to disagree with what I said about Clinton NOT being innocent??
Oh Hahahaha!
Ooooops, Jon Boy, not Drago. You’ll forever be Jon Boy to me.
“Quite the contrary in fact. Just yesterday Inga went to bat strongly for Billy Clinton by characterizing his minimum 26 flights on the Lolita Express (many with underage girls on the manifest AND Secret Service agents NOT in attendance) as, and I kid you not, taking "one flight too many"!!!!
She actually wrote that. Just yesterday.”- Jon Boy asserts...
“The ties to Clinton are far more substantial. Do you admit to that?”- some commenter from yesterday
"Yes. As he traveled on the Lolita Express one too many times. Trump flew on it at least once from the reporting."- I answered
Now tell me HOW agreeing in the affirmative with the commenter who asked if I admitted that the ties to Clinton are for more substantial, proves what John Boy and his sock puppet “Phil” CLAIMS I said?
I think Jon Boy is losing his shit, lol. Thanks for allowing me to prove how you lie. It’s second nature to you, isn’t it?
And Jon Boy, saying “One too many” is not saying he took only ONE flight. The saying “one too many” suggests there were numerous ones before the “one too many”. Did you forget your English?
Comment by Inga...Allie Oop blocked.
7/11/19, 12:34 PM
Comment by Inga...Allie Oop blocked.
7/11/19, 12:35 PM
Comment by Inga...Allie Oop blocked.
7/11/19, 12:37 PM
Comment by Inga...Allie Oop blocked.
7/11/19, 12:39 PM
Comment by Inga...Allie Oop blocked.
7/11/19, 12:40 PM
Comment by Inga...Allie Oop blocked. [unhush][show comment]
7/11/19, 1:06 PM
Comment by Inga...Allie Oop blocked.
7/11/19, 1:10 PM
A new personal best!
“The saying “one too many” suggests there were numerous ones before the “one too many”. “
Only to you. But keep debasing your credibility. Type “one is” into Google and “One is one too many” will be the top suggestion.
If anybody has - or had - any confusion as to what the Dunning-Kruger effect is, simply scroll up a few posts.
@Inga - Trump flew with Jeff's brother from MIA to New York, he never flew to or from "Lolita Island". IIRC, he threw him out of his property after Jeffrey got fresh with a teenager, and never dealt with him again.
Trying to link those two is a fail on multiple levels, but you do you. We love you here at casa de Althouse, if only for your predictability.
“One is one too many”
Except I didn’t say “one IS too many”. I said “one too many”.
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