July 17, 2019

"A photo went viral of New York representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at the border, as on the other side of the detention center fence stood another Latina woman, a customs officer..."

"... who works for U.S. Customs & Border Protection, which the Internet couldn’t help but dub 'Ice Bae.' The hashtag quickly grew in popularity on Twitter, and while there were some people supporting the woman identified as Kiara Cervante, many users were angry at the inappropriate nickname, and then incensed at her proud response to the overnight fame. In the viral meme, Kiara appears to be unaffected while AOC and her supporters rally outside the fence. Once identified, Cervante created a Twitter account, which already has 12K followers, and posted a video online introducing herself to all her new 'fans.' In the clip she says, 'It’s me. I’m based in Texas. And yeah, I don’t what else to say.'"

Heavy reports. Here's her Twitter page, where she now has over 49,000 followers.

Here's the picture that frames her with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:

In the future, perhaps, political argument will consist of juxtapositions of beautiful women.

ADDED: Only after publishing this post did I perceive that's not one photograph. I don't know who put the 2 photographs side-by-side and created the impression that AOC was pleading dramatically with a cool and unperturbed KC.


rhhardin said...

The outfits would have to show off tits to get any response from men. So far they're both just annoying women you'd run into at walmart checkout counter lines.

madAsHell said...

This is politics for the child-less woman.

Fen said...

Gosh look at all the poor women and children in the background!

It's like those boats of refugees that Germany took in: mostly male 18-40.

rehajm said...

AOC mistakingly believes she’s spotted a weak spot in the fence. Heh.

Fen said...

The Mad Lib comments are ridiculous:

"Men out here sexualizing and idealizing a concentration camp guard, what is wrong with y’all"

rehajm said...

Yeah the juxtaposition is manufactured. An illusion. A political creation. Just like everything else on twitter.

Amadeus 48 said...

"In the future, perhaps, political argument will consist of juxtapositions of beautiful women."

Who says things aren't getting better?

rastajenk said...

I guess I don't get out much. Could someone explain why the guard was so inevitably dubbed "Ice Bae?"

Fen said...

More fun with libtards:

"She’s fucking gestapo, what the entire fuck is wrong with you?"


Amadeus 48 said...

AOC got her emoting in early--before there were any immigrants to emote over at the scene. It was a bit manufactured.
Meanwhile, Speaker Pelosi showed the deep respect she has for our institutions by getting herself banned from speaking in the House for breaking the House rules against speaking to personalities (Trump) rather than policies. Then the House voted to ignore its own rules after the Parliamentarian ruled against her.

Silly stories by silly people about silly people for silly people. It's the silly season. It happens every summer.

I can't wait for more Dem debates!

Amadeus 48 said...

Explication of "Ice Bae"

Ice stand for ICE, the acronym of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency. It is the successor to the INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) resulting of that awful bureaucratic mashup of the Bush 43 years, the Department of Homeland Security (in itself an awful name evoking the excesses of pre-WWII European ultra-nationalism).

"Bae" is an affectionate term used to address or refer to one’s girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse, etc. I suspect it's a sloppy corruption of "babe". In a world where a presidential candidate has a "boo" (see Corey Booker, NTTIAWWT), I guess a "bae" trips from the tongue.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Neither one of them is beautiful. They are both attractive, but are not in the beautiful range.

Doug said...

Seriously, Althouse? You couldn't tell that there were two photos? Were you distracted, or something?

Ann Althouse said...

"Seriously, Althouse? You couldn't tell that there were two photos? Were you distracted, or something?"

I was reading the text at Heavy: "A photo went viral of New York representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at the border, as on the other side of the detention center fence stood another Latina woman, a customs officer..."

A photo.

Then I looked at the stuck together photos, which create an effect that you get from a glance. Looking closely, it's easy to figure out these are 2 photos. It's not as if there's anything you can call fraudulent.

It's possible that these are 2 parts of one photograph and the center has been clipped out to put the 2 figures closer together.

Ann Althouse said...

"It's possible that these are 2 parts of one photograph and the center has been clipped out to put the 2 figures closer together."

Unlikely. AOC appears to be outdoors and KC seems to be indoors. The light is very different.

Fen said...

Meanwhile, Speaker Pelosi showed the deep respect she has for our institutions by getting herself banned from speaking in the House for breaking the House rules against speaking to personalities (Trump) rather than policies. Then the House voted to ignore its own rules after the Parliamentarian ruled against her.

Democrats last 3 years
"Trump is a suicidal nutcase, and we'll slit our wrists to prove it!"

Fen said...

"It's possible that these are 2 parts of one photograph and the center has been clipped out to put the 2 figures closer together."

The raw video footage of AOCs drama stunt revealed an empty parking lot inside the fence.

David Begley said...

She now has 50k followers. What a hottie! Better looking than Kamala.

Kay said...

Would love to see these photos recreated in the style of a Dutch oil painting. Like Rembrant. The photos themselves already have a lot of tension and drama embeded in them. Especially juxtaposed in this fashion.

Amadeus 48 said...

So, I fell for the click bait and went to Kiara Cervantes twitter page.

In my view, she is performing outstanding asset management, and the enhancements brought on by the careful attention to shape, form, and perkiness are paying off day by day. May she live long and prosper. Another American success story.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Geez Althouse you need to get out more. Those photos of AOC emoting at the fence overlooking an empty parking lot have been widely mocked for weeks now.

gilbar said...

on the internet;
ASSUME that Any phone is a generated, doctored photo; if it wasn't doctored, it was certainly Staged
Especially anything labeled "sponsored stories"
ALL Political 'news' is "sponsored story"

Hagar said...

The media try to make an impression the Border Patrol is all "White." I strongly suspect that that the employees are mainly local "Hispanics" from the border counties.

Howard said...

I find the photo to be fake, but accurate.

Narayanan said...

My species-ist 2-bits worth.

Elephants are used to control elephants, horses with horses etc.

Howard said...

Oh, and thanks Trumpminions for putting AOC in her place so the libs don't have to.

Narayanan said...

I should add linguist-ist to my 2-bits

Howard said...

Blogger Fen said...

"It's possible that these are 2 parts of one photograph and the center has been clipped out to put the 2 figures closer together."

The raw video footage of AOCs drama stunt revealed an empty parking lot inside the fence.

Bitch needs to hook up with Harvey Weinstein and blue screen that motherfucker

Narayanan said...

Mike Pence was almost alone with KC with door between them!

Wince said...

...the Internet couldn’t help but dub 'Ice Bae.'

Maybe it's the white guy in me, but I "dub" her...

ICE, ICE, Baby.

ICE, ICE, Baby.

Word to your mother!

MayBee said...

That picture of Ocasio-Cortez is hilarious.

John henry said...

The ICE Bae looks darker than AOC in that picture. It might just be the lighting or it might be that pretty much everyone is darker than AOC.

I am darker than AOC.

One of the things that I have realized in recent months is that "color" as in "Person of Color" has nothing at all to do with skin color. It has everything to do with the person's politics.

You know two people of color (Hispanics) who have been in the news the past week or two? Ted Cruz and Alexander Acosta.

I'll bet if anyone called them People of Color they would get a lot of pushback about them not really being POC.

Being Hispanic seems to be enough to make one a person of color. I am Hispanic (by 5-6 of the dozen definitions of the term) so I guess that makes me a Person of Color.

I am also, probably, darker skinned than AOC.

Where's my POC privilege? Can I sign up for reparations?

I get goddamned sick and tired of hearing that hispanics are "brown" people. And that hispanics, like Zimmerman, who are lighter in color are "White Hispanics" as if it were some exceptional thing.

I think there are 2 things at work here:

1) The people saying this kind of thing know very few Hispanics personally.


2) These people see a Ted Cruz (one native Cuban parent) or an Alex Acosta (2 native Cuban parents) and do not think of them as hispanic.

It's a buncha bullshit and offensive as hell.

John Henry

John henry said...

If anyone wants to criticize my Hispanic identity, be my guest. I'll be happy to have that discussion.

But as a very first step, say out loud how you define "Hispanic"

FWIW: I was born in NY to Scotch/Irish/German parents on both sides. Blue eyes, fair hair, (used to be) fair skin, grew up speaking English etc and so on.

I am Hispanic by half a dozen definitions.

John Henry

buwaya said...

A scene from an opera - two women, separated by a chain-link fence, in a soprano duet, one with all the soprano-ish fireworks, one cool and unmoved, denying the fiery ones demands.

Add in all the other ways these two differ, complexities of motives, hints of falseness, and etc.

I am always being frustrated these days by my lack of talent.

MayBee said...

But as a very first step, say out loud how you define "Hispanic"

Right? It's a weird thing and it seems to be based on the language someone in your family once spoke. But Italians, French, Romanians.....not a minority. Not diverse.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I thought it was an obvious fake. It looks real, and computers can fake just about anything very convincingly, but I've seen the original AOC photo, and she was pleading to a mostly empty parking lot with just a few ICE officers, with no bae in sight.

This doctored photo is propaganda, but probably less egregious than the original staged AOC photo, which reminds me of the anti-Serbian photos and fake news from the nineties Balkan wars.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Actually, I see now it wasn't meant to be "a' fake photo, just two photos juxtaposed.

n.n said...

All these idiotic... Diversity and emotional politics combines to make a toxic brew.

A juxtaposition of male and female sex, masculine and feminine gender.

A juxtaposition of colorful clump of cells, once viable, and a baby.

A juxtaposition of the walls guaranteeing privacy under an ethical umbrella and twilight faith, and a wall at the border mitigating the progress of casualties, collateral damage, and civil rights violations.

Michael K said...

These people see a Ted Cruz (one native Cuban parent) or an Alex Acosta (2 native Cuban parents) and do not think of them as hispanic.

A former partner of mine, both parents Cuban who sent him out of Cuba as a child but were trapped for years so he spent some time in an orphanage until they got out, applied to UC Medical School. After a few weeks, he had heard nothing so he drove to San Francisco and talked to the women in the application office. They told him his application was in the "Hispanic Committee." Not knowing what that might mean, he asked if he could just be considered "white." They said OK and he was accepted a week or two later.

Leland said...

You weren't meant to notice the two pictures. It is fake propaganda, a fraud.

PM said...


1. AOC's Town Car getting keyed
2. Papaya King closed
3. Jets departing LaGuardia
4. Beef cattle
5. Pelosi press conference

Anthony said...

I picked out the juxtaposition right off the bat. It was A) Too perfect, and B) The fence just sorta ends.

Known Unknown said...

Does AOC give a shit about anyone in Queens? I mean, seriously.

Known Unknown said...

" It looks real,"

Nah, it's a classic Drudgetaposition move.

Known Unknown said...

"It's possible that these are 2 parts of one photograph and the center has been clipped out to put the 2 figures closer together."


Don't be so obtuse. They are from different time periods.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

John Henry, I agree with your comments; everyone has a story illustrating how silly it all is and here is mine: a classmate of my daughter's is going to college on a full ride (he's a very capable student but then so is my daughter and being that she's white and not poor she got minimal merit aid despite 99th percentile SAT) because he is "Hispanic." The kid is obviously Caucasian with all the low-melanin expressive characteristics of that; his doctor mother is Irish-born and his dentist father is Argentinian-born and he has a last name ending in Z. But yes, for sure, classify him just the same as someone whose parents fought their way up from a slum in Guatemala.

Michael K said...

everyone has a story illustrating how silly it all is and here is mine: a classmate of my daughter's is going to college on a full ride

My daughter applied to law school in the late 80s. She ended up going to Gonzaga. Her suite mate at SC who had a lower SAT and LSAT but is Hispanic, went to UCLA.

She passed both the Washington and CA bar on first try. Don't know about the other.

Bilwick said...

"In the future, perhaps, political argument will consist of juxtapositions of beautiful women." Uh-oh: the "liberal" Hive is already at a disadvantage there. As P. J. O'Rourke once wrote of the Hive: "This crowd could get ugly, if they weren't already."

Leslie Graves said...

@Amadeus 48: Completely agree, and that's about what I was going to say. She is seizing the moment. Those videos of her she put on Twitter are pitch-perfect in the style of contemporary vlogger celebrities. I assume she must follow some of the celeb vloggers, saw her moment, knew exactly how to set up the shots and the clothes and grabbed her moment. Kudos, Ice Bae.

Unknown said...

> "Bae" is an affectionate term used to address or refer to one’s girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse, etc. I suspect it's a sloppy corruption of "babe". In a world where a presidential candidate has a "boo" (see Corey Booker, NTTIAWWT), I guess a "bae" trips from the tongue.


hstad said...

AA - I believe that is 3 photographs: 1) for AOC; 2) for Ice Officer; and 3) for all male audience behind the fence.

John henry said...

Blogger I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

But yes, for sure, classify him just the same as someone whose parents fought their way up from a slum in Guatemala.

What about someone who fought their way up from a slum in Belize? Next door to Guatemala, but colonized by Brits instead of Spanish. Belizeans are ethnically but not culturally identical to Guatemalans. Neither have much "Spanish" in their ancestry.

Or a slum in Rio? Colonized by the Portugese. Most definitions of Hispanic exclude Brazil. One govt agency, forget which, classifies them as Hispanic because parents came from Iberian Peninsula. (Spain & Portugal) Damn few Brazilians trace ancestry to Portugal.

Or someone from Dutch Suriname?

John Henry

Nichevo said...

I theeenk that "bae" is supposed to mean "before anyone else." A term of affection.

Nichevo said...

And if you go to the Twitter page, you will observe that the customs uniform does a heroic job of concealing her breastages. Rh would be impressed.

Comanche Voter said...

I think the AOC part of that picture was her emoting at a chain link fence alongside an empty parking lot.

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