June 8, 2019

What is it time to start worrying about?

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The headlines on the front page of the Washington Post are: "U.S. and Mexico reach deal, averting tariffs, Trump says," "U.S. hiring slows sharply as trade war starts to bite," and "Perspective: It’s time to start worrying about the economy." Maybe later this morning the "perspective" will change. Or perhaps I should worry that Trump is lying about a deal with Mexico. Is he just manipulating the perspective?

From the "U.S. and Mexico reach deal" piece:
The agreement, which came just two days before Trump had vowed to impose a 5 percent, across-the-board tariff on one of the United States’ top trading partners, called for the Mexican government to widely dispatch its national guard forces to help with immigration enforcement, with priority in the south, on its border with Guatemala, according to a joint statement.

In addition, the two countries would expand a program known as the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), created this year, that allows the United States to return Central American migrants to Mexico while they await the adjudication of their asylum hearings in U.S. immigration court, a process that can take months....

On Friday, Mexican finance officials said they had frozen the bank accounts of 26 people because of their alleged involvement in human trafficking, another sign of escalating enforcement efforts....
I see that Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has tweeted about the agreement as well,  but Chuck Schumer, WaPo tells us, "reacted sarcastically":
“This is an historic night! @realDonaldTrump has announced that he has cut a deal to ‘greatly reduce, or eliminate, Illegal Immigration coming from Mexico, and into the United States,’ ” Schumer wrote on Twitter. “Now that that problem is solved, I’m sure we won’t be hearing any more about it in the future.”
So he's telling us to worry that it's a phony claim of a deal — fake news. Or does he sound like a sarcastic jerk, hearing about progress dealing with a problem and snarking about how it's not actually completely solved? But what's the poor man to do? His party suffers if there is an immigration problem and if Trump has any success solving it. Oh, I don't know, he could be gracious and hopeful.

Here's the top-rated comment at WaPo, which went up 20 hours ago on a version of the article that did not include Trump's announcement of the deal: "My opinion: There are not going to be any tariffs on Mexico. There never were going to be any tariffs on Mexico. Mexico will change something, Trump will proclaim victory and the charade will be over."

That's prescient, except to the extent that the charade will never be over.


Jersey Fled said...

The "top rated comment" must have been referring to the way Obama used to do things.

It's Trump time now.

Unknown said...

Remember trump promesed Mexico would pay for wall to gales of derisive laughter?

AllenS said...

Sorry, Chucky Schumer, but illegal immigration is a situation that will always be with us. Forever.

Unknown said...

It's a win now the question is how big

rhhardin said...

Googling "it's time to take another look at" (with quotemarks) is entertaining.

Unknown said...

Midwesterners believe nobody did anything to help them when mfgs left

Till now

rehajm said...

There once was this show on TV where Stu Feiner the Sauce and his friends would coordinate the picks of three NFL games so that next week one of them could claim they went 3-0. Prescience every week!

David Begley said...

Biden winning is something to worry about.

Freder Frederson said...

Sending "thousands" of Mexican National Guardsmen to the border with Guatemala sounds like a grand idea. Until you realize that, right now, there isn't a Mexican National Guard. It has just been authorized by the Mexican government and hasn't been stood up yet.

jaydub said...

The extent the Dem leadership, their media cohorts and other anti-Trumpers root against the best interests of the American people is despicable.

Unknown said...

I thought Schumer didn't want kids in cages

Now he doesn't care?

gilbar said...

is IS time to start worrying about the economy! For democrats, anyway

Darrell said...

But what does Chuck Schumer think?

Nobody cares. I hope he doesn't choke on his Post Toasties. BTW, if he does choke on his Post Toasties, it is purely a coincidence.

Unknown said...

Tarrif announced 8 days ago

Why did MX collapse faster than I hit the head on burrito day at the Cafeteria?

Darrell said...

Biden should sniff the Mexican kids sneaking in. That should help stem the flow after word spreads.

Shouting Thomas said...

Schumer wants all attempts to limit illegal immigration to fail.

I'm afraid, Trump supporter that I am, that Schumer is probably right.

The Mexican government doesn't effectively control much Mexican territory. Most of it is in the hands of the cartels.

Amadeus 48 said...

Trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble
Trouble been dogging my soul since the day I was born

Worry, worry, worry, worry
Worry just will not seem to leave my mind alone

--WaPo (channeling Ray LaMontagne and the Travelers Insurance dog)

rehajm said...

Hiring slows as trade war starts to bite. What brilliance of WaPo to have figured out the cause/effect relationship of the global economy over the course of the late morning and early afternoon. On a Friday even! That kind of talent applied to financial markets should more than make them self funding. Seems like they could at least remove the paywall.

Darrell said...

No borders, no wall, no America at all.

That's what Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi think. Fuck them.

BamaBadgOR said...

Actually, it was nice of Chuckie to admit that Mexico has done more to mitigate the border crisis than the Dems. Gonna be a great Trump campaign theme.

Bob Boyd said...

Chuck Schumer walks into a bar.
The bartender looks at him and says, "Why the long face?"

Limited blogger said...

Trump barreling along. Unimpeded by any dem resistance.

gilbar said...

from the actual report:
there were 338,000 discouraged workers in May, little changed from a year earlier. Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are available for them.

So, IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY, the number of people who are both not working AND not looking for work; would fit into the Daytona 500 raceway. OH! and

the jobless rate, held steady at 3.6%, a half-century low.
The economy added 75,000 jobs in May, marking the 104th straight month of gains....


As a wise commentator said... is IS time to start worrying about the economy! For democrats, anyway

Limited blogger said...

Bloomberg business news has become unwatchable. Every 'news/business' item is just a thinly cloaked partisan attack on Trump.

Bob Boyd said...

A horse's ass walks into a bar.
The bartender says, "What can I get you, Senator Schumer?"

iowan2 said...

The idiocy of the left kept repeating this tariff was a terrible trade tactic. Ignoring it had nothing to do with trade.

What I didn't fully realize is lots of multi national companies have invested $billions in mexico as a way into the US economy. The pressure from those companies on Mexico was far more influential than anything Pence was saying. President Trump fully understands this, because he understands how establishing a business in one country gains you access to a different country.

Republicans and Democrats are now left with egg on their face, because this fix has been available, and ignored, because everyone is cool with illegal aliens.

Rusty said...

"The Mexican government doesn't effectively control much Mexican territory. Most of it is in the hands of the cartels."
So are a lot of our congresspeople.

Amadeus 48 said...

Every retail or service establishment I walk by or into in the People's Republic of Chicago has a sign in the window:"Now hiring". Unemployment lags in a slow-down, but those small business owners aren't pulling in their horns at all.

Brian said...

Once again Trump creates something out of nothing. And we are left with the question,why hasn’t another President done this before?

Limited blogger said...

Dems trying to shade economic reports negatively to hurt Trump.

Since they don't understand economics, they are failing miserably.

Unknown said...

> It's a win now the question is how big

What we have here in the Wapoo and Cryin' Chuck is


First Trump whups the Reps and the Dems to become President. This can't be - recount! The Rooskies did it for him.

Krugman says worldwide recession coming.

NOW this guy goes and "solve" the border problem in 8 days in his spare time with one no-cost move. This can't be!!!!

The last guy had a climate accord that wasn't agreed, and an Iran deal with never happened funded by plane loads of cash, and DACA amnesty which did not hold up..

A legacy of sand... Trump is Obama's legacy.


They have to tear it down somehow, dammit...

Jeff Brokaw said...

A “charade”? Right.

That must be why it just worked to force the defiant Mexican government to stop spitting in our face.

Unknown said...

> Most of it is in the hands of the cartels."

We should fund the Mexican response and send troops to stop that.

Better than sending troops to some Islamic shithole with nothing but rocks, lizards, and IEDs.

Jeff Brokaw said...

The top-rated comment at random WaPo articles is probably a pretty reliable indicator of what *not* to do.

Oso Negro said...

The problem of controlling the border can be solved. The problem of electing a government to do it apparently cannot be solved. We need a new political party that runs on the platform of ending overseas military adventures, fiscal responsibility and border control.

Brian said...

Sending "thousands" of Mexican National Guardsmen to the border with Guatemala sounds like a grand idea. Until you realize that, right now, there isn't a Mexican National Guard. It has just been authorized by the Mexican government and hasn't been stood up yet.

Read the agreement. The troops to the border thing is a red herring for the headline writers. The real nut of it is that Mexico agrees to take asylum seekers until their claims can be adjudicated. No more kids in cages (at least US cages). No more letting them roam the country hoping they come back.

If there is a greater chance now you are going to be detained by the Mexican government instead of the US government do you even try to cross now?

He just solved the immigration crises. With nothing. Art of the deal.

Freder Frederson said...

The real nut of it is that Mexico agrees to take asylum seekers until their claims can be adjudicated.

They have already agreed to this.

Art of the bullshit, maybe.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I must have read a dozen MSM editorials in the last few days complaining that the tariffs were stupid and would hurt the American consumer. And, of course, the good conservatives at the US Chamber of Commerce, always in favor of reducing the wages of American workers & cost shifting workers' healthcare costs onto the government sued to stop the tariffs that never appeared.
How many times do liberals have to be wrong before they realize that they are the people who do not understand public policy?

Unknown said...

> He just solved the immigration crises. With nothing. Art of the deal.

Sometimes nothing is a pretty cool hand.

Mike Sylwester said...

Democracy Dies in Darkess!

Anonymous said...

Very grudging post, if that, by our hostess. This is a big win that ends catch and release and alters the calculus for migrants. Also, the months-long backlog in asylum cases turns from a negative into a positive, as that's now the wait the "migrants" are looking at as they cool their heels in Mexico for a hearing at which they will likely be denied.

gilbar said...

i DO have to say, that President Trump Has failed on One of his promises...
I'm STILL not tired of winning, no Yet; anyway

Unknown said...

> his is a big win that ends catch and release and alters the calculus for migrants.

First they flew the invaders to Blue cities so that Cher would squall "we don't want them".

Now when we bus them back to Tijuana the libs don't have a leg to stand on.

> Also, the months-long backlog in asylum cases turns from a negative into a positive,

Good one!

traditionalguy said...

The SOLE way the Globalist Dems have left to defeat Trump in 2020 is to crash the economy. So they are pulling out all stops and calling on all media they own to come upon this hill and fight to crash our economy by talk.

Trump's Tariffs gave Mexico cover for a compromise. The fight moves on now to the China Tariffs that are hurting only China but will be falsely proclaimed as hurting American workers. How stupid do they think we are?

Drago said...

Looks like Freder is going "Full Freder Blatantly Lying About The Bundy Trial"-Mode again!

LLR Chuck must be so very proud of you.

Btw, did anyone happen to catch LLR Chuck falling all over himself last night pretending he understands space exploration?

It was hilarious!! Another in a long long line of LLR-lefty Chuck self-owns!

And on top of his criticism of this newest deal with Mexico! Egads, he'll be 4 sheets to the wind by noon! Again!

Expect some real lunatic "keepers" from Chuck by around 3pm ET.

traditionalguy said...

Correction: The one other way Globalist Dems can beat DJT in 2020 is to make us tired of all this winning.

Unknown said...

> Freder Frederson said...
> They have already agreed to this.
> Art of the bullshit, maybe.

right before our eyes

No matter how much the world changes around him

Freddy Fender can sing his only song

"Wasted days and wasted nights"

Drago said...

Unknown: "Sometimes nothing is a pretty cool hand."

I bet Trump could drink 50 diet cokes....all after picking up the pace in DC so much all the others have to run to keep up!!

With all this winning, could a sexy car wash be in our immediate future?

Meanwhile, lefties like LLR Chuck will be doing what they always do on weekends: stuffing envelopes at the local DNC office.

iowan2 said...

Oso Negro said...
The problem of controlling the border can be solved. The problem of electing a government to do it apparently cannot be solved. We need a new political party that runs on the platform of ending overseas military adventures, fiscal responsibility and border control.

I can write that headline. You're a white nationalist, that hates brown people. You're going to eliminate Social Security, food stamps, etal, because you don't like brown people. Oh, and unpatriotic because you hate the military...You hate a lot of people.

Unknown said...

Trump Wins

Women and Minorities most affected

The Godfather said...

Ever since Trump announced his Mexican tariff threat, the MSM have been full of agony about how much such a tariff would hurt American consumers ($1,300 added to the cost of a car!), without any serious consideration of what it would do to the Mexican economy. Obviously their economy was under much greater threat. The Mexicans HAD to make a deal. By ignoring that reality, the MSM makes Trump’s no-brainer look like a miracle.

But I bet Trump won’t thank them.

J Severs said...

If "It's time to start worrying about the economy", when was the time when it was time to stop worrying about the economy and who decided?

Gahrie said...

The real nut of it is that Mexico agrees to take asylum seekers until their claims can be adjudicated.

They have already agreed to this.

Yeah, but now they are actually going to do it.

Otto said...

What is it time - Cute. Before you have to worry about when there has to be a what.

Kevin said...

The SOLE way the Globalist Dems have left to defeat Trump in 2020 is to crash the economy.

1. Sneak millions of illegal immigrants across the border.
2. Encourage them to vote.
3. Tell them the Dems have a path to citizenship for everyone if they win.

Kevin said...

Three things the Dems hate:

1. Stopping the flow of illegal immigrants.
2. Investigating voting by illegals.
3. Finding out how many illegals are already here.

Browndog said...

You never hear Senate Republicans defend Trump policies. You never hear anything at all from them.

Last week McConnell broke radio silence, stepping in front of a camera to denounce the tariffs.

To be fair, he did also criticize democrats. Not for border control, stemming the flow of illegals, or passing minor changes in immigration law that would have a huge affect in stemming this invasion.

No, McConnell has the sadz House democrats won't work with Senate Republicans to make the invaders feel more welcomed and comfortable after they are here via 'humanitarian aid'.

Limited blogger said...

Trump and the American people are moving forward, without the dems, and the GOPe

Mark said...

Words are nice, but they need to be backed by action we have yet to see.

I am doubtful this will do anything more than slightly decreases crossings, but given how things have gone in recent years Trump devotees will not be looking deeply at what happens next.

He can claim it worked and you all buy it hook line and sinker.

Like the abortion argument, there is a lot more political capital in wanting to stop something than actually ending it. I bet next year there is still an immigration and border crisis.

Unknown said...

> Last week McConnell broke radio silence, stepping in front of a camera to denounce the tariffs.

Its like they wanted Trump to get SOLE CREDIT...

How did a brass balls shark like Cocaine Mitch fail to predict this would be over in a heartbeat?

Perhaps he just doesn't care about blue collar votes

I'd have to say GOPe works for the donor class

Who want cheaper labor first and foremost.

Stephen Taylor said...

This "charade" was a demonstration to AMLO of who holds the power in the relationship; it's also a case of Trump feeding AMLO the rope needed to hang himself. The agreement will not be honored, and Trump will feel justified in using the next arrow in his quiver; stopping remittances. (I've read that he can't tax them, but he can stop them)

Unknown said...

> Words are nice, but they need to be backed by action we have yet to see.
> I am doubtful this will do anything

Scott Adams calls guys like Dale here "word thinkers". He will also tell you a "wall" "won't do anything".


Rational People: Use data and reason to arrive at truth. (This group is mostly imaginary.)

Word-Thinkers: Use labels, word definitions, and analogies to create the illusion of rational thinking. This group is 99% of the world.

Persuaders: Use simplicity, repetition, emotion, habit, aspirations, visual communication, and other tools of persuasion to program other people and themselves.

sdharms said...

Ann, you should try reading something besides WaPo or NYT

Beasts of England said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Is there any way NOT to see the "8 day trade war" as a win for America?

I suppose CNN is brainstorming a positive answer as we post.

sdharms said...

once again, Trump helps people self-identify -- now we know who was enriching themselves via illegal immigration - the ones who screamed the loudest about tariffs on Mexico

DavidUW said...

This was easily predictable.
Mexico owes nothing to the Central Americans using Mexico as a highway to get to America.
The Central Americans don't vote in Mexico (unlike here), they do consume resources and cause trouble in Mexico.

Tariffs would be all pain to Mexico and no gain (i.e. no politician wins with guatemalan votes etc).

No brainer for Mexico to at least pretend to do something. I think it'll be a lot of pretending but we'll see. The bare minimum they do might have some benefit.

Jersey Fled said...

"Why can Trump get this kind of thing done when no other President could?" (Paraphrased)

1. Trump is a businessman. He's used to getting things done instead of talking alot and pretending he did.

2. Trump isn't scared to death of what the "right kind of people" might say and write about him.

3. Even if he loses the next election, he's still a billionaire.

Darrell said...

The Democrats/Left are funding the caravans and rabble rousing in Central America. Perhaps Mexico can sue them to pay for the Mexican National Guard.

Shouting Thomas said...

The Democrats, I'm afraid, like the Mexican way of doing things.

One party rule under the rubric of "revolutionary" change, barely disguising a naked kleptocracy.

That's what the Dems want for the U.S.

Mark said...

Note that the tariffs have NOT been cancelled. They have been indefinitely suspended.

And they will reassess for progress made in a relatively short amount of time.

The pressure is still on Mexico.

Ray - SoCal said...

Per Zerohedge a huge amount of pt jobs were converted to Fulltime jobs, the term they used was involuntary under employment. 299,000

Per them this assured a rate cut.

My guess is at the same time you have a huge amount of automation happening due to labor shortages and increased minimum wages in many states. The increase in productivity is good news longer term.

Another way to measure the economy is illegal immigration. High rates means the economy is doing really well.

Roger Sweeny said...

The real nut of it is that Mexico agrees to take asylum seekers until their claims can be adjudicated. No more kids in cages (at least US cages). No more letting them roam the country hoping they come back.

If there is a greater chance now you are going to be detained by the Mexican government instead of the US government do you even try to cross now?

If--if, if if--asylum seekers are automatically sent back to Mexico until their cases are adjudicated, a huuuuge amount of the "chaos on the border" will end. If.

Ray - SoCal said...

An interesting question is how much control in Mexico do the drug gangs have?

Is it even possible for the Mexican government to control immigration?

Terrifying chart by the Mexican government...

pacwest said...

"He just solved the immigration crises. With nothing. Art of the deal."

Not to detract from the good news about it, but this doesn't solve the immigration crises. If this were to block the southern border 100% it would only decrease the the illegal flow by 25% or less. I hope/expect Trump to press the issues of chain migration and visa overstay while he has the upper hand. Schumer's tweet shows how weak the Dem's position is. Now is the time to strike. Hard.

To me the best news here is that tarriffs work. It should give him some leeway re China.

At the risk of being called a cultist, I can only imagine what could be accomplished if we weren't a divided nation.

A common sense revolution led by a madman.

Otto said...

A sound immigration policy is one that is tied to the unemployment situation of the country.
I think Trump hinted that was his thinking when he cited the high young black unemployment rates as one reason for his immigration policy.

h said...

It sounds to me like Schumer is tired of all the winning.

Jeff C said...

But yet, people keep buying it. Trump is a negotiator, and we finally have a president that actually knows how to make (force) a deal in his favor. All this trade war stuff is just tactics.

Browndog said...

Not to detract from the good news about it, but this doesn't solve the immigration crises.

No, and in practical terms it may not even slow it down.

What did it do?

One week the Mexican President says everyone has the right to go to America. The next week he says his military will stop people from going to America.

Changing hearts and minds..

Limited blogger said...

Everyone is belittling Trump's accomplishments. They seem to think 'anybody could have done that'.

But the point is, they didn't!

cacimbo said...

"It has just been authorized by the Mexican government and hasn't been stood up yet."

The new Mexico National Guard officially begins operations on June 30th. Operations are already underway in some high crime areas. Most of the force will be transfers from Army and Navy - so limited training is required. The creation of the NG is mostly a reorganization of existing forces, equipment and command.


Unknown said...

> Changing hearts and minds..


You have to take the honey away from the bee.

Why do they come? 8x hourly pay, and they were told bring a kid and you're in.

The Democrats answer would have been a big fast Amnesty.

Even Reagan fell for that one.

Original Mike said...

"But what's the poor man [Schumer] to do? His party suffers if there is an immigration problem and if Trump has any success solving it. Oh, I don't know, he could be gracious and hopeful."

Better yet, he could be helpful. But he doesn't care about the country. All he cares about is his party.

Michael K said...

I hope/expect Trump to press the issues of chain migration and visa overstay while he has the upper hand. Schumer's tweet shows how weak the Dem's position is. Now is the time to strike. Hard.

Those things will require legislation, which is impossible with the present Congress. That will be a second term task if he can flip the House and get a few more GOP Senators who are not owned by donors.

Freder is our tame leftist who reacts to every success just as would be expected.

I hope to find out soon who the 26 migration funders are that had bank accounts frozen. Too bad the CIA was spending its time on Trump instead of the cartels that are a real national threat.

Drago said...

Kevin: "Three things the Dems hate:

1. Stopping the flow of illegal immigrants.
2. Investigating voting by illegals.
3. Finding out how many illegals are already here."

Thats 3 things dems and LLR-leftists hate.

narciso said...

The frum drum:


Unknown said...

> No, and in practical terms it may not even slow it down.


A country like Mexican does not generate wealth, they need investment.

Companies build there so they can sell into the 20 trillion US market. It sure ain't to sell into MX.

If the tariffs snap back in 90 days at 25% (not 5%) the money people are screwed.

Who will the banks and BWM and chinese firms evaluate the 25% tariff risk?

It might not be over, but the game has changed.

Trump made them "an offer they can't refuse".

gilbar said...

Too bad the CIA was spending its time on BLANK instead of the BLANK that are a real national threat.

seems like the history of the CIA is filling in these blanks

Bomber Gap
Missle Gap
Bay of Pigs
Weapons of Mass Destruction

Berlin Blockade
IRBMs in Cuba
Tehran Embassy

to name a few . . . Doesn't seem like our spies are much good; well, except the double agents, They seem useful... For the Russians

narciso said...

Well the missile gap was belied by the u2, playa giron was botched by landing in the wrong location, like deploying to the main German camp on d day.

narciso said...

The exiles told Kennedy of the missiles as far back as August, yes the Tehran embassy did not have any sources in the student movement.

narciso said...

The wmd kerfluffle was overdone the quality of said substances might be in doubt, but the concentrations were not.

narciso said...

He knew the valor of the brugade:

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

If Obama had made this deal we would have settled for an agreement where Mexico slightly decreases illegal immigration in 10 years. In exchange, we would send them billions via pallets of cash now. (followed by shrieks of ecstasy and congratulations from WAPO)

Birches said...

There's a real way to measure if this deal actually improves things: the amount of people detained will go down in the next six weeks. This isn't rocket science WaPo commenter. Of course, rocket science also had a measurable result...

narciso said...

Any further questions:


narciso said...

That's about the firm that represents Mexican interests

pacwest said...

"Those things will require legislation, which is impossible with the present Congress. That will be a second term task if he can flip the House and get a few more GOP Senators who are not owned by donors."

And now is the time to bring and keep the issue to the forefront. Make the Dems the ones responsible for the failures front and center. Fix that image in the public mind before they can set their narrative of 'all done'. That is how you win 2020.

If, if, there is progress at the southern border the Dems will try to use that to say nothing more needs done. Squelch that immediately.

Birches said...

Mexico does not control huge swaths of their country, but most of that territory is in the North. They should be able to secure the South where the Central
Americans are entering.

However, this will be a short term fix because the cartels have too much money involved to allow Mexico sovereignty

Seeing Red said...


rcocean said...

The Democrats position seems to be:

1) Tens of thousands of Illegal aliens pouring into the Country is NOT a problem
2) Nothing needs to be done to secure the border, open borders is fine
3) Trump in only saying there's a problem because he's a racist
4) Even if there is a "problem" Nothing Trump does will solve it
5) Impeach Trump!

rcocean said...

Trump - and our - problem isn't Chuck Schumer and the Democrats. Its backstabbing shits like Mitt Romney, Sasse, Gardner, and Collins. These assholes are more in favor of Amnesty and Open borders than the Dems. They just support it for different reasons. Namely the Chamber of Commerce $$, and Cheap labor.

I was hoping this would go on longer, so Mitt and his Fellow RINO's would've exposed themselves for what they are. But Trump cut them off at the pass.

rcocean said...

Mexico letting hundreds of thousands of Central Americans tramp across Mexico to invade the USA was an act of war. Or would've been construed as such before WW 2.

Mexico has tough immigration laws. They don't let poor Central Americans pour into their country. But they perfectly willing to let them in, to pour into the USA.

I hope Trump's threat works, but we'll see.

Browndog said...

If I didn't know better I'd say Cartel money is flowing into democrat accounts.

But as we all know, the billions of cash the cartels have on hand to buy off politicians stops at the border, so that assertion is beyond ludicrous.

rcocean said...

"Last week McConnell broke radio silence, stepping in front of a camera to denounce the tariffs."

Mitch and the Senate Leadership work for the Chamber of Commerce. Their big leader Tom Donohue was making TV appearances attacking the Tariffs. They consider it a key issue. That's why Turkey Mitch was out there croaking about Tariffs.

Yancey Ward said...

What Mexico has been doing is basically an act of war- they have a responsibility to ensure that the country isn't used as a transit for illegal immigration to the US, and if they don't at least try to live up to that responsibility, it might be necessary to actually close the US/Mexico border and militarize it. I mean, you need to actually read Obrador's statements regarding the US/Mexico border- he really does believe the border is an immoral barrier and has encouraged people to violate it. I think the tariff ploy was Trump reaching for a last ditch effort to get Mexico to actually enforce its own laws and border integrity- if this doesn't work, expect the tariffs and a militarized US/Mexico border order.

By making the illegals stay in Mexico should reduce the flow into Mexico from the South since the immigrants would rather stay at home than stay in Mexico. It is an incentive strategy. Now, can Mexico actually act effectively here? I don't know- the country is slowly falling apart.

Jim at said...

Until you realize that, right now, there isn't a Mexican National Guard. It has just been authorized by the Mexican government and hasn't been stood up yet.

So your biggest bitch is how fast it's happening?

Pathetic. Even for you.

Szoszolo said...

"You never hear Senate Republicans defend Trump policies."

The headlines a few days ago said, "Lindsey Graham alone among Republicans to defend Trump's tariffs," with comments along the lines of "of course the ass-kissing kook supports Trump." Or ... maybe he has good instincts and understands why Trump keeps winning.

narciso said...

Well take banamex a subsidiary of chase that was fined 100 million for money laundering but no convictions, two years ago.

Dude1394 said...

Open border democrat party sad. So. Much. Winning!

Jaq said...

Biden promises to rid the country of this scourge of help wanted signs littering the country like cottonwood seeds on a July lawn.

Crazy World said...

Chuckie and Nancy should go riding off together into the sunset. I hear Mexico is nice this time of year.

Fen said...

Althouse analyzes more fiction from Information Brokers at WaPo and the NYTs.

Tune in next week for a preview of her damning documentary:

Your Stock Broker Has Been Lying To You
Why you should dump your Enron stock
(a four part series)

Fen said...

In this era of Terrorism and mini-nukes with no radiation fingerprint, we cannot afford to have a Failed State adjacent to our border.

If Mexico can't control it's own territory, we'll just have to take it over.

Fen said...

"Today nuclear forensics is a mature science, based on the analysis of debris from over a thousand U.S. nuclear tests; extensive research and design in all aspects of nuclear weaponry; modeling of nuclear performance with some of the fastest supercomputers in the world; and use of unique radiological and nuclear facilities such as Technical Area 48, the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research building, and the Plutonium Facility."


Two problems with this approach:

1) The fingerprint from a "primitive" nuclear detonation is easy to fake, so it is unlikely our threat of a retaliatory strike would be a deterrent

2) Obviously, doing a forensic run on a nuclear strike on an American city is like cops showing up just in time to draw chalk around the corpse.

I wonder how Democrats are going to pivot off their Open Borders position after 3 million Americans are incinerated by terrorists who drove their bomb over the border?

mandrewa said...

Here's a map of who controls different parts of Mexico:

Delinquent organizations control 60% of the country; other 20% in dispute

Now I don't know how to read Spanish, so that translation was just a guess.

I also found the map confusing. Red means controlled by criminal gangs, green the government, and yellow for in dispute. The majority of the country has no color and it's not clear what that means.

But the huge influence of the drug cartels may be part of why Mexico has had such an up and down economy.

For context, to understand what it means to say that cartels "control" a certain area, here is a long interview with a former Mexican policeman.

Joe Rogan: Ed Calderon

narciso said...

that's eseentially it, enlarging the image doesn't make it clearer,

Fen said...
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Fen said...

The majority of the country has no color and it's not clear what that means.

I've seen that map. The colorless zones indicate areas of very low population, like the Mojave Desert on American maps.

Michael McNeil said...

Fen: Yet, all of Baja California (north and south) — a considerable region where there's hardly anything or anyone — is shown yellow or red on that map.

Crazy World said...
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Crazy World said...

Excellent comments most of you. You know who you and aren’t. Aloha and Mahalo

DEEBEE said...

Fully expect WaPo and NYT stories about, poverty in prosperity, anxiety in prosperity,, silver clouds with dark borders — kind of vignettes for their 18 months.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...


Here is the CPB numbers for May

- 144,258 apprehensions plus in-admissibles, up 32 percent from April
- More than 100k were families or children
- 680k processed during first 8 months of FY19

- 132,887 Border Patrol apprehensions in May: Of those:
- 84,542 family unit members
- 11,507 unaccompanied children
- 36,838 single adults

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