June 24, 2019

"Two candidates with credible resumes, Montana Gov. Steve Bullock and Rep. Seth Moulton of Massachusetts, won’t be on either debate stage."

"Meanwhile, two utterly unqualified candidates with no serious chance of becoming president will: Marianne Williamson (pictured), a successful self-help book author, and Andrew Yang, an unsuccessful nonprofit executive.... [The DNC] wanted to avoid charges of favoring 'establishment' contenders after suffering accusations of rigging the 2016 primary to help Hillary Clinton dispatch Bernie Sanders.... and now the party has overcorrected in response.... [I]t’s particularly egregious for a governor to be denied an early debate slot. Governors, who have executive experience that is removed from the loathed Washington, are often strong general election candidates. The current Democratic field only has two other governors among a morass of Beltway denizens, and unlike Bullock, they don’t hail from a Trump-won state. Late polling may be a saving grace for Bullock and get him into the July debate, but it’s madness that the one red-state Democratic governor isn’t on the stage from the get-go. But with such crowded stages, breakout performances will be hard to manufacture. With 10 people behind lecterns and just two hours (minus time taken up by moderators), candidates can expect to talk for only about eight minutes total. And candidates with no hope and nothing to lose have a tendency to grab a share of the spotlight. If Williamson or Yang sucks up that limited oxygen with their own viral debate moment, once again a candidate who will not become president will be taking opportunity away from someone who could."

From "The Dubious DNC Debates" by Bill Scher (Real Clear Politics).

How can you say "candidates with no hope and nothing to lose" after what happened in 2016? Very very strange things happen in American presidential campaigns. We have a taste for the bizarre. That's proved. What can follow Trump? Perhaps the ultimate in ordinariness, in which case, maybe Governor Bullock is just the thing. But don't tell me Yang and Williamson are the no-hopesters. Keep up your vigilance, you with the taste for the non-bizarre.


Michael K said...

Bullock came out on TV yesterday announcing his gun ban flip. I wonder of any of this appeared in his Governor campaign ?

"I used to be a supporter ion the Second Amendment." Great slogan.

Fernandinande said...

A crazy idea like that just might work!

There's also a Navajo guy running for President: "'Yá’át’tééh!"

Swede said...

Gun ban flip?

Sounds like he doesn't even want to be governor of Montana anymore.

tim maguire said...

Just this morning, someone on my twitter feed posted a betting line that had Andrew Yang tied for 4th with Buttigeig. People who hear him like what he has to say. He may not have Trump's media savvy, but he's not a "no chance" candidate.

Kevin said...

How can you say "candidates with no hope and nothing to lose" after what happened in 2016?

As far as the media is concerned, 2016:

- Was a mistake
- Must be corrected
- Can’t be allowed to repeat

Removing the Trump-like people from the field of challengers is necessary to keep their meme intact.

Doing everything to deny Trump’s second term will be phase 2.

Leland said...

One of the thing DC hates about Trump is also one of the things that attracts voters to him. He didn't grind his way through the political or military process for years to reach the top. He came from the free market world. Maybe they should look at Yang.

How about sitting out De Blasio or Gillibrand? How many people from NY do we need running?

Sebastian said...

"But don't tell me Yang and Williamson are the no-hopesters."

Yang and Williamson are the no-hopesters. Though not the only ones.

Sorry, but that's the way it is, out here in the real world.

madAsHell said...

Andrew Yang, an unsuccessful nonprofit executive.

Damning with faint praise!?!

When does an unsuccessful nonprofit become fraud??

traditionalguy said...

The Dems want to avoid showing us the sudden transformation of normal, good politicians who know how to win in Statewide races into inhabitants of New Socialist Fantasyland where people vote themselves all the stolen loot anyone can think of and brag about that showing their superior virtue.

Wince said...

"Turn out the lights..."

The Party's Over

What a crazy crazy party
Never seen so many people
Laughing dancing
Look at you, you're having fun
But look at me
I'm almost cryin'
But that don't keep her love from dyin'
Misery 'cause for me the party's over

Turn out the lights
The party's over
They say that all
Good things must end
Call it a night
The party's over
And tomorrow starts
The same old thing again

Fernandinande said...

"'Yá’át’tééh!" looks scary, like teeth, but it just means "hi". Charles Grodin badly mispronunciates it in "Midnight Run."

traditionalguy said...

Trump Analysis: Swamp Politicians are all talk and no action while they are taking every huge bribe offered them, and when caught say their bribers should have known that it was all a scam.

Fernandinande said...

When does an unsuccessful nonprofit become fraud??

I've successfully failed to make a profit a whole buncha times.

Humperdink said...

Unsuccessful nonprofit? Somehow both Bernie Sanders and his former college president bride come to mind.

Amadeus 48 said...

They are all crash dummies for Elizabeth Warren. She is as inevitable as HRC was in 2016 (and 2008).

JPS said...

And now we add retired Admiral Sestak to the field. I love this, from AFP:

"Sestak has a reputation as something of a maverick and party outsider.

"He is pro-choice, supports gun control, and backed the 2015 Iran nuclear deal."

These are bold, brave stands in the Democratic party. How long can such a maverick last?

Static Ping said...

The standards to qualify for this first debate are very modest. The fact that two of the author's favored candidates cannot fulfill the minimum requirements indicates that the candidates are running poor campaigns. If you cannot run a campaign that garners 1% support then regardless of any other qualifications you are not ready to run for President.

I will admit it is refreshing to see someone clamor for rigging the primaries again.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Literally NO ONE KNOWS who will come out of Iowa in first place. They don’t even know who will show up. This authors opinion about who is or isn’t viable are just more #FakeNews semi-prognostication dressed up as a think piece. Bill Clinton was hovering at 1% this time in 1991. Howard Dean was leading the pack in ‘04, right?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

“They don’t even know who will show up...” to VOTE in the primaries, I meant.

Charlie said...

Seth Moulton is an idiot.

narciso said...

Harkin won, tsongas in new Hampshire if memory served

MBunge said...

What makes the governor of freakin' Montana qualified to be President? Or some random Congress critter from Massachusetts?


narciso said...

What happens to your staff if you win:


Rob said...

Where is “the rent is too damn high” guy when we need him?

Anonymous said...

Ok so you have Gore, Kerry, McCain, Romney and HRC, all good establishment resumes. There are too many things being written by people who think using Microsoft Word makes them smart.

Deb said...

Marianne Williamson, wacko author of the "love is all you need" self help books? Oprah must be backing her.

Seeing Red said...

Via Insty: Insider Blows Whistle & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent “Trump situation” in 2020 on Hidden Cam

narciso said...

Shes not going anywhere even In the multiverse.

Not an oldster. said...

Identity politics simplification:

Yang, Williamson = underrepresented minorities + an artificial boost...

The other two = "white" guys - penalty points

Think about Democratic fairness today...

rehajm said...

what happened in 2016 that was bizarre? Voters in both parties rejected establishment candidates. One party chose something different and one went the establishment candidate anyways. Not sure that counts as bizarre.

gilbar said...

Oh Be Serious!
Sure, this Bullocks is a Governor, and of a Red state; but HOW Does That COMPARE to being the Mayor of a small college town in Indiana?

More to the point; what boxes can Bullocks check off?
Gay boy?

Never Mind the Bullocks, Here's the Special People!

rehajm said...

Seth Moulton IS an idiot. Not a disqualification for the DNC to nominate you though.

narciso said...

And they already got Maltese mayor as war veteran, so what else you got.

Ken B said...

Didn’t Hillary turn out to be the candidate who could never be president?

Nonapod said...

My read is that the only real question is whether it'll be Biden or Warren. Everyone else os just cannon fodder at this point. I think both Biden and Warren's goal should be to not be terrible and not be made a fool of by some long shotter. I have no idea how realistic those goals are though.

Everyone knows Biden is a gaffe machine with a long history of political positions that at one time were mainstream but have since become great sins within the party. He also has unfortunate issues with his son and other questionable things that could be exploited by one of these ankle biters. His basically a walking target rich environment for any cunning debater looking to shine.

Perhaps Warren's biggest issue is that she has already been "beaten" by Trump after a fashion after the whole DNA test fiasco. She needs to convince enough people that she can still somehow defeat Trump despite that.

wendybar said...

I'm laughing at the whole group of them. The only sense of ANY kind of normal thinking are the two they are ignoring. They don't realize what a joke they've become.....promising all this free crap that will NEVER happen to get votes.

Bay Area Guy said...

The Dems already have 20 clowns over 2 nights - what's wrong with having 2 more clowns?


Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger madAsHell said...

"When does an unsuccessful nonprofit become fraud?"

When the nonprofit supports conservative values?

William said...

Hickenlooper said that he he doesn't favor socialism. That gives him his own lane on the debating stage. He's got a tricky name, but tricky names give you name recognition after you get over the first hurdle. He's definitely my favorite.....All the candidates should be asked to opine as to what steps should be taken to resolve the situation in South Bend. Let them demonstrate their superior resolve and judgment. Ask them if any criminal charges should be filed against Smollett.

Carol said...

It's funny to hear my governor taken so seriously.

You're not missing anything. He's a zero. No, wait, he presided over Medicaid expansion so we can get more immigrants, refugees and ex ghetto rats

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Don't you love a farce? My fault, I fear
I thought that you'd want what I want, sorry my dear
But where are the clowns? Send in the clowns
Don't bother they're here

Left Bank of the Charles said...

'How can you say "candidates with no hope and nothing to lose" after what happened in 2016?'

What happened in 2016? Donald Trump was first or second in the polls from the time he entered the race in May 2015 through clinching the nomination a year later.

Biden is currently leading in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina. So if 2020 on the Democratic side follows the pattern of 2016 on the Republican side, Biden will continue to lead the polls until the fall when opposition support will being to coalesce around one of the lesser known candidates who will then falter in the early states, like Ben Carson did. Then another challenger like Ted Cruz will surge but come up short.

Of course, Biden could implode and the Democratic primary could go down differently. But if it does follow 2016, I predict the Ben Carson will be Pete Buttigieg and the Ted Cruz will be Elizabeth Warren.

cubanbob said...

Warren is a bankruptcy lawyer. If the country goes nuts and elects a Democrat President and Congress then Warren is the Democrat best qualified to be President.

narciso said...

No shes a fraud professor on bankruptcy which isnt the same thing

stevew said...

Ah, Democrats, always looking to change the rules when they don't get the outcome they wanted.

Lurker21 said...

It's hard to take politicians seriously considering how they pander to every group that they think might vote for them, and given social media and 24 hour cable news, we see embarrassing and ridiculous sides of them that earlier candidates could hide.

There's a sense of entitlement in the article. If Moulton or Bullock really wanted to be president, they'd have been out in the snows of New Hampshire and the cornfields of Iowa and the donors' dinners in New York and Los Angeles for months now. That they weren't - that they did have some dedication to the jobs they were being paid for - is to their credit, but as late-comers to the game, they have to pay the price.

rhhardin said...

It's no problem, just tweet real-time zingers at the debaters as it goes on. Everybody's on the debate stage. It's just a question of tweeting something good enough to go viral.

rhhardin said...

Warren is a professor of Indian bankruptcy. Out of beads.

narciso said...

now the slug line on the federalist piece, has a Lazlo worthy Freudian twists re miss hicks

Fen said...

after suffering accusations of rigging the 2016 primary to help Hillary Clinton dispatch Bernie Sanders

Well I guess that's one way to put it. What a hack.

"The flight school tightened their screening procedures after accusations of training the 911 hijackers who weren't interested in learning how to land the plane.."

And journalists wonder why we hold them in such contempt.

I wonder how long he played around with that sentence to avoid stating the known fact that the DNC rigged the primaries for Hillary against Bernie. Covering stories with a pillow until they stop moving.

Fen said...

Left Bank of the Charles: What happened in 2016? Donald Trump was first or second in the polls from the time he entered the race in May 2015 through clinching the nomination a year later

You forgot about videotape

HuffPo even refused to cover him as a serious candidate.

The Left insisted he could only have won with Russian Collusion and spent 3 years and $45 million trying to prove it.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"The current Democratic field only has two other governors among a morass of Beltway denizens"

One of whom, Inslee, is a reactionary establishment Democrat to his core. Indistinguishable in any mass of entitled Beltway denizens. So I'm not surprised that the lunatic left wants something a little more interesting.

narciso said...


narciso said...

the piece omits that niac, is the lobbying arm of the Iranian regime, in fact they settled in order to avoid further discovery,

mccullough said...

You can see why Howard Schultz avoided the moron fest.

The governors should run as independents.

stlcdr said...

I’m reminded of The Gray Man who succeeded Thatcher as prime minister. Who could top thatcher?! A boring non-descript person can.

mccullough said...

The DNC should break up the debates into 1. The governors debates; 2. The Senators debates; 3. The US Reps debates; and 4. The Otgers

stlcdr said...

Someone should commentary this as a horse race.

narciso said...

They have some awareness after long exoerience:


Bruce Hayden said...

Blogger Michael K said...
“Bullock came out on TV yesterday announcing his gun ban flip. I wonder of any of this appeared in his Governor campaign ?”

“"I used to be a supporter ion the Second Amendment." Great slogan.”

Probably would have garnered him in the 20s, instead of winning re-election last year. At least here in rural MT, most everyone is armed. Not all the time, of course, but there is usually a gun in the truck, and invariably some back home. We live in a county that is 100 miles long, and maybe 40 miles at the widest. There are times when there is one deputy working late at night, and if they are at the wrong end of the county, it may take them better than an hour to respond to a call. So, you do what Montanans have done for upwards of two centuries - you have a gun.

Let me add that the Justice of the Peace here runs a very good tactical shooting school. No one blinks an eye here at that, and he was re-elected by a larger percentage of the vote last election than Bullock got.

narciso said...


Bruce Hayden said...

Let me add the obvious, that Bullock is now electorally dead in MT. I doubt that he could win dog catcher now outside Missoula, and maybe Helena and Bozeman.

narciso said...

the converse is true, a bland figure like baldwin replaced by Churchill,

Bay Area Guy said...

Recall that 130 Million people voted for President in 2016.

There's a lotta good people among this mix of 130 Million who vote Democrat. They lead good, productive lives, but have a disconnect between their actual life (pretty good) and how they vote (Dem).

For example, the best man I know is my Father-in-Law, who still votes Dem. He's still stuck in the JFK mindset from 60 years ago. He doesn't understand that the modern Dem Party hates him, as an individual, but appreciates his vote and modest political donations.

The Dem Party apparatus (in contrast to the millions of its voters) are wacked out, Leftist, socialist, atheist, weirdos. If they ever get political power, they will convert our cities to Detroit and Baltimore (with dysfunctional San Francisco as the shining light),and our country to Venezuela.

The 20 clowns on the Dem debate stage are mostly interchangeable goofballs. They agree 95% on the leftist agenda (bigger government, open borders, unlimited abortion, gay marriage for everyone).

Thankfully, there's some resistance to this leftist agenda - the increasingly Trump federal judiciary, the opposition party, and great blogs like this.

Let's see how it all turns out!

Bruce Hayden said...

The absurdity here is that most of the Dem candidates couldn’t manage themselves out of a wet paper bag. No training and no experience. Of course, Obama had no training and experience, and in the end, showed his incompetence by failing to oversee most of the agencies, departments, and employees that he was responsible for. Which of course was very likely why he found out much of what was going on in his government from the news. And, of course didn’t learn of anything that the media decided not to cover. We had eight years of him living in the big house, playing golf, shooting hoops with celebrities, and figuring his brackets, without having to worry about the details of overseeing millions of employees, and a country of almost a third of a billion. And, no doubt, all of the Senators and Representatives running for the Dem nomination verily likely firmly believe that if Barry could do it, they can too. And will come out of the experience with a maybe hundred million dollar fortune as a result of their sacrifice.

narciso said...

subjecting yourself to f chuck is like trial by ordeal,


n.n said...

Trump was the least bizarre choice from across the political spectrum, and certainly from the establishment's far-left, left, far-right, and the left-right nexus candidates. That said, they still haven't established that he's a warlock. Dunking will have to wait for another day.

narciso said...

well clearly he is otherwise he would have drowned, you see their logic,


the beatings will continue till morale improves

narciso said...

I want a newer car, doesn't mean it will happen:


narciso said...

so we're really talking shadows on a cave wall:


robother said...

Bullock could leapfrog over Mayo Pete by transitioning to female before the July debates. (Trans trump gays in every woke pyramid.) Losing his bollocks could turn this thing around for Bullock. But he should arrange being adopted into the Blackfoot Natino just to cover all his, er, HER, bases.

John henry said...

Why is Bernie getting a slot?

He's not a Democrat, never has been in all his years in politics.

He has always been quite vocal about being an independent.

Even when, in 16, he became a party member, that only lasted less than 6 months.

The Demmies need to tell him to go piss up a rope.

John Henry

Humperdink said...

Headline: "Two candidates with credible resumes ...."

Credible resumes? When did that become a thing? Apparently sometime after Barack Hussein Zero was nominated.

Bay Area Guy said...

I'm hoping to see Andrew Yang separate himself from the pack.

I just think it'd be fun to have a President Yang.

chuck said...

How about Hillary throw a bouquet into the crowd and whoever catches it gets the nomination.

Anonymous said...

Bullock, Moulton and Hickenlooper are the type of candidates that could beat Trump. Glad two of them didn't make it.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Everybody have fun tonight
everybody Yang chung tonight!"

MadisonMan said...

Why is Bernie getting a slot?

Because if he ran as an Independent (or a communist) he would siphon away votes from the Democrats.

Bay Area Guy said...

It's hard to take any of these Leftwing clowns seriously.

Bay Area Guy said...

I'd like to see one of the clowns go after the moderator.

Michael K said...

Probably would have garnered him in the 20s, instead of winning re-election last year. At least here in rural MT, most everyone is armed.

I wonder if he is funded by the Missoula/Flathead Lake rich ?

I understand a lot of Californians have bought property there, sort of like Colorado where they turned the state blue.

Michael McNeil said...

I wonder if he is funded by the Missoula/Flathead Lake rich ?
I understand a lot of Californians have bought property there, sort of like Colorado where they turned the state blue.

One doesn't have to be rich. Friends of mine (a couple: physician and music teacher from Santa Cruz County, Calif.) recently bought a nice 4,000 sq.ft. house only a couple hundred feet up from Flathead Lake — sharing a dock upon it and a great view across to the Swan Range — for only $217,000. (They are liberal, though her — originally Montanan — parents are decidedly not.)

Michael K said...

One doesn't have to be rich.

I was thinking of the Hollywood producer who bought land, built a house with a number of guest houses for his Hollywood friends and built a fence around the whole compound. Neighbors pointed out that he had fenced off a traditional caribou migration route. He told the neighbors to F**K off. He wasn't even there at the migration time.

chickelit said...

@Bruce Hayden: Your 12:27 is very concise and astute. It also explains why we have an entrenched bureaucracy. The Deep State -- especially the portion aligned with the D-party -- feel it their responsibility to run things, letting the President put a face on policy. No wonder Kamala Harris cannot think on her feet* and must defer every important question to "after having consulted with my experts I would..." She really does think and believe that's how governing works and she was probably coached into believing that way. I haven't watched the others as closely but I'll bet they are no better.

chickelit said...

*How well she thinks off her feet is another matter.

chickelit said...

Concepts like family seem to matter very little to Kamala Harris. She doesn't have kids and she managed to insult her own father in in a very public way. I don't see why she continues unless there is someone very important behind her candidacy, pushing her.

Darkisland said...

Blogger Michael K said...

I understand a lot of Californians have bought property there, sort of like Colorado where they turned the state blue.

On one of my visits to Sand Point Idaho back in the 90's there was a rodeo and I went. Fun way to spend an afternoon.

At one point, while nothing else was happening the announcer was was trying to keep the crown pumped up:

How many here from Sand Point? Hoorahs and hands.

How many of you are from Bonner County? Yaaayy!!!! and general hooting and hollering

Went through several others, Idaho, Montana, Washington and the like. Good natured hooting and hollering.

Announcer making comments along the lines of glad to have you.

Then he asked how many from California. Got some response from Californians and loud boos from the crowd in general.

The Announcer made some choice comments about how they should damn well not think about staying in Idaho.

I got the impression Californians were not well liked.

John Henry

Michael K said...

I got the impression Californians were not well liked.
When my daughter started U of A, the first thing I did was the get her car registered in AZ and get her an AZ DL.

CA license plates are a cop magnet in AZ. Her mother got stopped for having the little light over the rear license plate out.

veni vidi vici said...

Isn't stage qualification based on the ability to raise $64000 or something like that?

I mean, even Swallowswell is on the damned state ffs. Moulton's incompetence should be no surprise to anyone who's seen one of his execrable ads on Twitter. What a buffoon.

sdharms said...

there is money to be made in declaring yourself a Dem candidate for Pres. All these people are making money . It is as simple as that. Credible candidates? Please give evidence.

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