June 27, 2019

Time for Part 2 of the first Democratic Candidates' Debate.

1. I don't know if I'll have much to say. I can see my son John is set up and ready to live blog, so I point you over there. He's sure to have substance. I will, at most, have transitory feelings and stray observations. I hope something interesting happens. I don't care to hear them trot out their plans and policies. I prefer to consume that in writing. I'm only interested in seeing debating style and behavior and finding things weird or funny. But you can say what you like in the comments.

2. Joe is trying to intimidate Bernie by looking at him.

3. Kirsten Gillibrand gets away with interrupting... for a while, and then she's cut off. I don't listen to what she says because I'm noticing she's got the same mascara problem Amy Klobuchar had last night — just a few blots in the center of the lower lid. I assume that's accidental transfer of upper lash mascara. She also seems uncomfortable with her false eyelashes. She's blinking furiously. Oh, now she's interrupting again. So annoying. I'm literally getting a headache.

4. Andrew Yang is not wearing a tie. He's asked a question and he acts like he hasn't heard it.

5. Swalwell picked out his orange tie. He's also got an orange ribbon. Must mean something. I'm reading the Wikipedia article on the meaning of the orange ribbon. There are a lot of possibilities, including: "In the 1920s, an orange ribbon was used [in Sweden] for the national association of overallklubbar, clubs promoting a radical change in fashion meaning everyone should wear jumpsuits."

6. They're all talking at once! It reminds me of last night's audio snafu. Pure chaos. Kamala Harris gets off a joke: "America does not want to witness a food fight. They want to know how we're going to put food on their table."

7. The tension and anger is cranking up, and I blame Bernie Sanders. It's catching, and several of the others are infected, notably Joe Biden. When they yell, I can barely listen.

8. The subject of health care is going on and on. I consider this mainly a legislative matter. I'd rather hear them talk about things that are specific to the executive power.

9. On the hand-raising question, Biden has a halfway gesture, holding up an index finger at nose level. Is he trying to say: I have a special statement to make. I guess that's okay. Why force people to accept or reject a dictated statement?

10. The Democrats are embracing completely open immigration, as far as I can tell. It seems that anyone can decide to move here and be welcomed and supported. I can't believe that is what Americans will vote for, and neither can Trump:

11. Marianne Williamson is weird, but I find her eerily fascinating. And I love her outfit.

12. Kamala Harris is doing pretty well, but I didn't like her yelling at Biden. She did kind of get under his skin though.

13. Bennet looks like Karl Malden. And he speaks in a voice that's the voice most people use when saying the word "duh" sarcastically.

14. Biden is doing a good job of not looking like an old man. And it's late.


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Known Unknown said...

"Yang needs to get out of the dem party."

Well, he's offering $1000 lottery to some lucky person. I mean, he's not buying votes or anything.

William said...

This debate was somewhat livelier than the first. Gillibrand is no Tulsi, but she's blonde and knows how to apply makeup. I'd put her in second place for looks. Kamala and Williamson are about equal. Williamson, as Althouse points out, has haunting eyes, but I sense that there are many depths of crazy beneath them. There can be no doubt that Warren is the least likely to win in the swimsuit competition. I wouldn't give her much of a chance in the Miss Cogeniality contest either. Kamala has a sense of humor. Who knew? .....I think Mayor Pete deliberately skipped shaving. He was going for a macho, overworked look. He kind of put his finger on the scale against the cop in South Bend. The shooting victim had a lifetime history of addiction and criminal offenses. The cop didn't have his body cam on. Guess which salient fact Mayor Pete didn't mention.

narciso said...

The former, look I've lived in cities that had riots I was far enough away that it didnt affect me but still.

effinayright said...

I'm told that Kamala Harris will offer this as her campaign slogan:

"Legs up! Don't Shoot!".

As Homer Simpson would have said, "That works, on so many levels..."

effinayright said...

Roosevelt VP John Nance Garner's observation that the {Vice President's] office "is not worth a bucket of warm spit." still holds.

Only it's claimed he didn't say "spit".

William said...

Just as a hypothetical, I'd be interested in learning which of these candidates would be willing to cede his place on the liver donor list to an illegal immigrant....Chronic renal failure used to cost about $250,000 per year to treat. I don't know what the cost is now, but it's probably still expensive. Do illegal immigrants qualify for this treatment? Is there any budgetary downside to offering these perks for illegal immigrants?

eddie willers said...

Very late getting here. I'll catch up if I can later, but I was listening to John Batchelor tonight and had Salena Zito on who sat with Pennsylvanians during the debate. She said they were angry that no one talked abouts jobs while Trump was in Japan fighting to get them jobs.

You remember Ms. Zito. She the journalist who said the most astute statement I heard about 2016 about Trump. "Democrats take him literally, but not seriously. Conservatives take him seriously, but not literally".

When SHE talks, I listen.

Achilles said...

William said...
Just as a hypothetical, I'd be interested in learning which of these candidates would be willing to cede his place on the liver donor list to an illegal immigrant....Chronic renal failure used to cost about $250,000 per year to treat. I don't know what the cost is now, but it's probably still expensive. Do illegal immigrants qualify for this treatment? Is there any budgetary downside to offering these perks for illegal immigrants?

Don't be silly.

They have millions of deplorables to get rid of. It is our health care they will sacrifice. They will keep using private clinics for government people.

You wont catch Bernie actually using "Medicare for All." That's for the little people. He flies first class.

Every one of these people on this stage wants to replace the United States with Mexico.

If a Democrat is elected president Fuck You war.

Michael McNeil said...

What's amazing about Biden is I can't think of a single thing he did while VP. What did he DO exactly?

As Ed Driscoll points out today at Instapundit, Biden was assigned the role of precipitously drawing down and removing all U.S. forces from Iraq — which he efficiently did — thereby, however, setting the stage for the Islamic State to subsequently overrun half (and nearly conquer all) of Iraq.

As the quoted excerpt puts it: “Then it all went horribly wrong.”


Drago said...

It is easy to see why all fake conservative LLR's love these dems so much.

The LLR's and the far left share the same values and policy preferences.

Every single one.

Crazy World said...

Hilarious and Horrifying all of these wannabes.
Trump 2020 please Dear God.

Sebastian said...

"I can barely listen."

Question: do the supporters of the coup against Trump deserve being listened to? If so, why?

"10. The Democrats are embracing completely open immigration, as far as I can tell. It seems that anyone can decide to move here and be welcomed and supported. I can't believe that is what Americans will vote for, and neither can Trump"

The question is not whether "Americans" will vote for it. The question is whether Althousian sorta-liberal female swing voters will let their feelings about uncouth Trump and women's bodies prevail over the coup and open borders.

Fen said...

Chuck: btw; National Review has a very funny Twitter roundup of the debate.

Please stop pimping cuck sites. We know that NRO and the Bulwark exist.

Fen said...

Question for Harris:

"As a descendant of African Slave Lords, do you believe you should pay reparations for slavery in America?"

stlcdr said...

“...I consider this mainly a legislative matter. I'd rather hear them talk about things that are specific to the executive power. “

Yet a lot of these people are actually in a position to do something about it, yet haven’t. For a very long time.

michaele said...

Biden suffered from index finger ED...he couldn't always get it fully up.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I didn't watch. I did see my first "Yang 2020" bumper sticker yeste4rday.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Bennett is a fraud, and his personality and speaking voice line up with it. Dead weed you pulled out of the garden and left in the sun.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

How did Hickenlooper do?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Hickelooper's ICE comments are disqualifying.

mtrobertslaw said...

Aw, come on. Kamala ain't all that bad. After all, she has a soft place in her heart for married men.

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