June 12, 2019

"The US women's soccer team has defended itself after being slammed for wildly celebrating every goal in their 13-0 defeat of Thailand."

"The Women's World Cup favorites thrashed the minnows in Riems, France, on Tuesday night leaving their opponents in tears and were then criticized by commentators and soccer fans for reacting to each goal as if it were their first," The Daily Mail reports.

What's the defense? It's hardly worth typing about. It's something like... they had dreams. And this bullshit feminism in the form of a question: "If this is 10-0 in a men's World Cup are we getting the same questions?"


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rcocean said...

Here's an idea: If you win 13-0—the most goals for a single game in World Cup history—you should be paid at least equally to the men's team.

Here's an idea. Let the US Men's world cup team play the US women team and if the men can't win by more than 12 goals, we pay them equally.

BTW, to give the Men's Team an incentive, that equal pay will come out of THEIR SALARY. Watch The Girls get beat by 20 goals.

Howard said...

Why are you stalinist traitors so insecure about the greatest nation on earf? Lock step don't step out of line keep you head down and stop resisting the collective.

Michael K said...

Earf? Howard you are losing what few marbles you had.

Howard said...

Just checking your still awake, doc

Howard said...

The earf I'd a big blue marble

rehajm said...

Here’s an idea- if you attract as many eyeballs as the men’s team and attract sponsors willing to pay for those eyeballs you should be paid as much as the men

Here’s an idea- get your women friends together and build something with your women friends that makes the same revenue as what the guys built and make as much money as the men.

rehajm said...

Here’s an idea- subject the US women’s team to the same leftie bullshit panel everyone else has had to endure this year. Maybe require the US women’s team to spot every other team 4 or 5 goals in the name of ‘fairness’.

JackWayne said...

If women want equal pay, make half the teams in the World Cup u-14 (13 year-olds) men’s Teams. If any women’s team wins out, then equal pay. And suffer the criticism and jeers.

Big Mike said...

Has anyone figured out the color of the sky on the planet where Howard lives?

donald said...

There’s a saying by real athletes and competitors.

“Act like you’ve been there before”.

n.n said...

Here's an idea: If you win 13-0—the most goals for a single game in World Cup history—you should be paid at least equally to the men's team.

Congratulations, #USWNT!

Here's an idea: If you win 13-0—the most goals for a single game in World Cup history—you should be paid in proportion to the viewing audience.

Congratulations, #USWNT!

If they watch it, you will be paid.

Speaking of proportions, Congress is overdue for a pay cut.

Josephbleau said...

Rhardin, cap means thanks, I am a man. Ca means thanks I am a girl.

Guildofcannonballs said...


"Right away, he won and did it with a flashy offense he called the "fun and gun." Florida passed the ball. A lot. And put up a lot of points. Florida began to win SEC championships almost routinely. But there was always something. A blemish, a crisis, a heartbreaking defeat. Something that kept Florida from realizing its proper glory. And Spurrier suffered in full public view, throwing tantrums on the sideline and hurling the trademark visor to the ground. He feuded with critics, especially in the press, and seemed to have skin that was tissue thin. After one routine press conference, he told the reporters to bring their tape recorders to the front of the room and, then, to "turn them off." What followed was called "bizarre" by one reporter who was there.
"It was like Nixon, or something. Rambling, emotional, with Spurrier pacing and almost crying. It was embarrassing. I wanted to get out of there."
But the Spurrier Agonistes routine couldn't get in the way of one fact: Flatly, the man could coach. Florida just dominated the SEC in the '90s. Instead of running him out of town, other coaches and other programs began to imitate him. But the original, pure faith of the new kind of football was still practiced in Gainesville, and if anybody was in the slightest danger of missing that fact, Spurrier would serve up a reminder. After which, the charge of "running it up" would fill the air. And, sometimes, the charge would even be true.
Spurrier never forgets a loss. Florida and Georgia have been hate-your-guts rivals since before Spurrier's playing days, and one of his toughest losses as a player was against Georgia in 1966, his Heisman year. Florida went into the game with a 6-0 record and visions of a championship -- some kind of championship. Conference, at least, and possibly even the biggest one of all. Georgia stomped out those dreams 27-10.
Steve Spurrier
Spurrier's "fun and gun" offense proved his doubters wrong.
So, 30 years later, in 1995, Spurrier patently ran it up on Georgia and as much as admitted it. With the clock running down and the reserves in the game, Spurrier called a flea flicker that went for a touchdown and made the final score 52-17.
Nobody had ever scored 50 on the Bulldogs at home, Spurrier said after the game, and he thought it would be neat to do it.
Florida went undefeated the rest of that season and played Nebraska in Tempe, Ariz., for the national championship. It was a struggle between the old, orthodox football religion and the new, heretical gospel according to Steve. Nebraska blew the Gators out of their shoes 62-14, and Spurrier was devastated. It was gloating time for Gatorhaters everywhere. One former SEC coach, who had been routinely beaten by Spurrier's teams, called a reporter at home, at seven the next morning to say, essentially, "See, I told you. That kind of fancy-pants football will blow up on you."
The next year, Florida won its first national championship, beating FSU in the Sugar Bowl 52-20."

mockturtle said...

St. Louis just celebrated their third goal even though Boston has been shut out thus far. :-D I wonder how concerned the Blues are about the Bruins' feelings at this point? After the game is over is [fittingly] when teams make nice with each other.

Narr said...

Bitches and hoes never heard of "Magnanimous in victory"?

McCringleberry, Buckshank, or Cluggins for the Heisman?

mockturtle said...

Fourth goal celebrated by St. Louis.

Fen said...

If you win 13-0—the most goals for a single game in World Cup history—you should be paid at least equally to the men's team.

Only if it's against a men's team.

And if you are going to turn the women's victory into yet another cringe harpy whine about equal pay, we'll just flip the channel and stop paying the women anything.

Sick of this shit.

That female boxer had it right when she was ambushed about the "pay gap". She said that when she starts bringing in as much money as the men do, she'll ask to be paid accordingly.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Howard liqueured up his prune juice again.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Incidentally, although I know I shouldn't have, I took great pleasure when The Dan hired Spurirer and they flamed ... someting.

He bragged about how many hours he didn't (put that in italics) put in.

Hillarious. Not as a strong out-of-npwhere authir bur Ste Sperior.


Skyler said...

1. Most men know that rubbing a victory in the faces of a team you just stomped decisively is not good sportsmanship. Girls don't seem to have basic manners.

2. Most men know that crying over getting a victory rubbeed in your face is not a good way to respond to bad sportsmanship, and only incites more such behavior.

3. This is why no one should take women's sports seriously.

4. There is no earthly reason why a soccer player should be using the sport to make political statements.

Nichevo said...

Mike said...
Oh yes, have to bring Trump into it. The worst of the USWNT yesterday reminded me of the worst of Trump - being a bully.

6/12/19, 2:01 PM

Kindly provide five examples of what you regard as President Trump's being a bully, as you put it. How do you define bully? Without too much thought, I define a bully as picking on someone who is innocent/weaker than you/didn't ask for it. I'm not aware of his engaging with anybody who didn't ask for it.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I think Bill Buckley would have tranceended the trances so comforting to so many, on the right.

Who we, I hope, all hate. They hated us all along, prouder than any non-sinful pride could begin to abide to.

If you can't hate Bill Kristol or Lowell Weicker, sadly then, it is apt to consider you as some borg of unfeeling, uncaring haters that want to solely extinquish beauty and nothing else (or less), as your want as told you via Satan it must be.

effinayright said...

Here's an idea: If you win 13-0—the most goals for a single game in World Cup history—you should be paid at least equally to the men's team.

Congratulations, #USWNT!

— Kirsten Gillibrand (@SenGillibrand) June 11, 2019


Yeah, its an "idea"....a stupid idea.

Should the Thai women go unpaid, then? Or sent to the SJW Gulag?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Projection: Buckley's tossed out Birchers saying they are more Buckley than the Buckley Jr.


30,000' view: Buckley created a form of populist conservatism that none can ever match, and indeed he didn't broaden it enough to catch after Reagan.

At his age, he assumed some things, after great, great success, that happened not to be accurately true, though almost every time forecasted with the proper, non-cuck, caveats and acknowledgement of furtherly vast discussions amongt the well the give.

Guildofcannonballs said...

When I was a child I dreamed during daylight hours of what it might be like t 'in a 'ottery.

Grown old, I trust me eye's more now than ever be'ore.

But only if we classify "eyes" somewhat different from what that of an ex CIA guy Buckley might have use this, easily considered mundane and not worthy of cognition term to be, literally and other, even back then.

Especially back then, if you know what I mean.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"t 'in a 'ottery."

American made.

Guildofcannonballs said...

My vision today was 350 electoral college votes.

SW has turned Trump. Iowa. There are many, many other areas too. It is almost overwhelming the level of support.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I am not making this up. This NPV thing could make Trump win 40+ States. It might be the most impactive strategic blunder in American political history. To the billions of Bubus a "black swan" or something stupid but to us Americans just another mere correction, always lurking.

Of course before America, now, and after. No arguments there.

They are certain they have free reign to manufacture billions of votes. They just shoot you if you don't get it done.

But it's not gonna get done this time, in 2020.

*I erased 4 statements from this so as to make it a non-diatribe. I will announce how you may be able to contribute to my newsletter latter this Fall.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I like quoting Buckley not just pasting "history repeats itself."

But if what I hear is true, what was predicted and fulfilled, will be so again: there is a silent majority that Trump will inspire to vote, especially with this NPV thing.

I am a 10th Ammendment guy.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I want States Rights as the focus of this campaign.



Anything but interstate commerce, wouldn't want John Roberts to have to admit steps he took to gain his power.

Saint Croix said...

Whole thing was planned. Choreographed, even. There was nothing genuine about it.

They're trying to drum up some controversy. Eyeballs = money. It's Donald Trump 101.

They're happy to be the bad guy, as long as more and more people are watching. It's phony as shit. And the media is participating, as usual.

I'll bet there were discussions about this before the tournament even started.

readering said...

Going to USA v Chile on Sunday.

rehajm said...

They are drumming up controversy to attract viewers? Is it working? I don’t know since I’m not watching...

stlcdr said...

Women’s what now? Football or soccer? The only interesting thing about this is the controversy.

Lest anyone believe this is sexist, women’s tennis is much more interesting than men’s; often in men’s tennis, whomever is serving gets an ace. In women’s tennis, they can’t hit the ball as hard, so you get a more interesting and exciting volley which is very challenging for players.

love johnson said...

The issue wasn't the score, it was the celebrations at 11-0, 12-0, 13-0. They need to remember they are role models to young girls all across the country, so when some 10 year old girl celebrates a goal by sliding on the ground kicking her legs when scoring her 10th goal in a youth game, we know who to thank.

Also, if Neymar scored his 5th goal in a 10-0 game and celebrated like a fool, he'd get kicked in the legs the next time he touched the ball. That type of showboating would not be put up with in the men's game.

Dude1394 said...

It used to be that if you didn't like someone celebrating kicking your arse, you played harder. Now you twitter and whine about it.


Birches said...

You know when I saw the number of comments, I figured this post was a cesspool. Most of it was lovely reminiscing about coaching soccer and comments on the actual post.

Really refreshing.

eraisedtoipi said...

Henry said:
Interestingly, no one cares in individual sports. Think of tennis. Run up the score. No one is going to criticize a 6-0 6-0 win.

What no one has mentioned so far in the comments is the role that goal differential plays in placement out of group play. Suppose we had called off our dogs after 6 goals and won 6-0. Then Sweden goes all out and beats Thailand 13-0. If we were to draw against Sweden, Sweden would win Group F, not us, and have a higher ranking as the tourney advances to bracket play. When goal differential is used as a tie-breaker, there should be no apologies for running up the score.

TheDopeFromHope said...

Rapinoe tried to scissor Alex Morgan after each of Morgan's five goals. A little excessive, I'd say. I wouldn't have given her a red or yellow card, but maybe a lavender.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

You were coaching 6-7 year-olds?

5-6 year olds. YMCA teams intended to "introduce" the rugrats to sportmanship and teamwork and winning isn't everyting, etc.

Problem though, this was in Highland Park, Dallas TX. Very affluent and competitive area. So not really. The above principles are still taken seriously (they instill class and all) but losing is not tolerated. "It's a bad habit to begin at age six" I've heard. And in Texas, football is king. And soccer is the primary sport used to develop athletic skills in preparation for high school football. The movie Friday Night Lights nailed the culture. So it's taken very seriously.

These kids were attending summer soccer camps. The 3 I had who were good enough to play in the private leagues were being trained and coached by the pros. I watched in shock as one of my 6 year olds scored a banana kick from outside the penalty box. Right toward the goalie and then arced into the top left corner of the goal. That's just not right :)

FullMoon said...

Here's an idea: If you win 13-0—the most goals for a single game in World Cup history—you should be paid at least equally to the men's team.

Congratulations, #USWNT!

— Kirsten Gillibrand (@SenGillibrand) June 11, 2019

Yeah, beat the men's team and then we will talk about it.

Do the men's beach volleyball players get paid as much as the women? Doubt it..

Scott M said...

You know when I saw the number of comments, I figured this post was a cesspool. Most of it was lovely reminiscing about coaching soccer and comments on the actual post.

Really refreshing.

Would you like me to cess it up for you?

Scott M said...

Do the men's beach volleyball players get paid as much as the women? Doubt it..

I would be surprised if there's a gap in beach volleyball money now. Mens players were getting significantly more in the early 90's, when the sport was at it's pinnacle of widespread interest, but lately its sunk back down (eyeballs-speaking) to what it's always been, a niche sport enjoyed by enthusiasts and few others.

Of course, I'm not counting the money that one or two women players have made in their professional modeling side-hustle.

Joe said...

1) Toxic femininity

2) Perhaps the Thais should have gone the trans route.

Doug said...

Sportsmanship - no. Sportswomynship - this is how they treat their opponents.
As Al Bundy once told Bud, "Don't try to understand women. Women understand women, and they have each other".

Anonymous said...

Typical display of sportsdykeship.

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