"... as the mayor attempted to soothe the pain caused by the recent killing of a black man by a police officer. The shooting of Eric Jack Logan, who police alleged was breaking into cars and wielding a knife when he was shot by officer Ryan O'Neill last Sunday, has roiled the Indiana community, putting the spotlight on years of racial tension between the South Bend Police Department and the city's African American residents.... 'You got to get back to South Carolina like you were yesterday,' a man yelled at Buttigieg during the event, a nod to the fact that the mayor, after canceling events in South Carolina on Friday, traveled to the early nominating state on Saturday to speak at the state Democratic Party's convention.... 'This problem has to get solved in my lifetime. I don't know of a person or a city that has solved it,' [Buttigieg] said. 'But I know that if we do not solve it in my lifetime, it will sink America.'"
From "Pete Buttigieg confronts leadership test in impassioned South Bend townhall" (CNN).
“This problem has to get solved in my lifetime. I don't know of a person or a city that has solved it,' [Buttigieg] said. 'But I know that if we do not solve it in my lifetime, it will sink America.'"
Dear Blacks: Stop committing crimes.
Problem solved.
Reparations can include cards with rfid for 100 free crimes
'But I know that if we do not solve it in my lifetime, it will sink America.'
Quick, somebody do his charts so we know how much time we have left.
Democrats, the cult of the apocalypse.
I don’t think we can solve the problem of black crime in his lifetime.
But if we take the guns from the cops, we can end the shootings and save the nation.
Ordering Mayor Pete around looks like a very easy thing to do. No wonder the CIA Globalists have designated him to be their President. He will sweetly do whatever he is told to do all the while claiming God wants us to surrender all traditions, much like that strange Jesuit the CIA Globalists designated to take over in Rome does to the Catholics.
I don't know of a person or a city that has solved it,'
He doesn't know any blacks who stopped being violent criminals?
How do you pronounce Buttigieg?
It sounds just like “toast”.
Way to stand up for your police department, Pete! Faced with the choice between the po-po and the black voters of America, Pete reacted like the ambitious Democratic politician he is.
Quite the leader. Maybe he should have offered all the black men a blow job to soothe their frayed nerves!
"The shooting made turbid or muddy by disturbing the sediment of the Indiana community."
That sounds turble!
I understand Rev Al Sharpton had a lot of people in the crowd last night, so I'm not certain it was a community event. I do think police are scary. Is there anyone who sees a police car in their rear view mirror and their heart doesn't start beating faster?
How will we know if that water sloshing around our ankles is from global warmening causing the sea levels to rise or racism sinking us?
I'm a woman. I know officer involved shootings (or I should say I assume officer involved shootings) are more prevalent, but the stories about cops who want a sexual favor in exchange for no ticket? That's in the back of my mind whenever I see a cop behind me. I'm surprised it isn't discussed more.
Mayor Pete! Mayor Pete! Come back!
I cut myself breaking into the neighbor's house and I need a Band-Aid brand adhesive strip or my community will be made turbid or muddy by disturbing the sediment! Or is that "sentiment"?
Mayor Pete: This problem is an existential threat and I don't know what to do. Vote for me!
Are we heading to a place where crime is allowed by skin color?
DJT could appoint Mayor Pete to the Federal Reserve Bank board,and then destroy the Bank. But he better hurry, because the destruction of the FED has already begun.
Will this come up at the debates?
Buttsthewife is definitely the guy(???) we need to stand up to Xi Jinping. Old XI would be terrified of the this guy.
stories about cops who want a sexual favor in exchange for no ticket
Is it a real problem? A general problem? Is there a penalty for refusing the "benefit"? In other words, coercion.
Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg faced the raw and unvarnished emotion of his community at a town hall in South Bend, Indiana, on Sunday...It hadn't been planed. It hadn't been sanded. Nothing. You could look at it and see that he was probably going to get a nasty splinter before the night was over. You could only hope the poor guy had a pair of tweezers handy.
Oh no... "unvarnished emotion"!!! The horrors!
So Pres-wannabe Butplug is shocked at what people really feel .vs. what he thinks they ought to feel.
Hard to believe Ann has no tag for “America is sinking”.
Must be a denier.
I've stopped brandishing weapons when confronted by a police officer.
It's worked so far.
Shorter Buttigieg: Why are you people yelling at me? Don’t you know I’m gay?
Perhaps he could have given a tutorial about the pronunciation of his name. People love that shit.
Demand justice!
Free universal cars to break into.
Add that to universal free everything promise from the tax-o-crats.
At least Liz Warren would have taken a couple of cop scalps, so there's that.
Buttsthewife is definitely the guy(???) we need to stand up to Xi Jinping.
Butt...butt...what if Mayor Pete was over in China negotiating America's interests with those cold-blooded brainiacs and a Black Man™ got hurt back in the U.S.?
(Psst - Xi Jinping is the China guy, right?)
MayBee said...
I'm a woman. I know officer involved shootings (or I should say I assume officer involved shootings) are more prevalent, but the stories about cops who want a sexual favor in exchange for no ticket? That's in the back of my mind whenever I see a cop behind me. I'm surprised it isn't discussed more.
Power will be abused. That's why we need to be careful who we give it to.
The trouble is that these black folks don't understand the oppression that gays have had to overcome.
Is there a point where a Democrat will look angry black people square in the eye and tell them to teach their kids not to pull a weapon on police? Or am I being too racist for you, Althouse?
Suburban politics of the sort Pete peddles are Fantasyland compared to the real problems of distressed areas.
... but the stories about cops who want a sexual favor in exchange for no ticket?
Fetishizing male cops is a major theme of porn, straight and gay.
So, it goes both ways. A lot of women and gay men out there hoping some chunky cop will let them off for a favor.
Both a temptation and a possible pitiful for cops, I'd bet.
I've got my question for Mayor Pete if he ever shows up in Iowa and west of Des Moines.
Is anyone interested in the question whether or not the cop acted according to protocol?
That should be "pitfall."
Thank you, auto-correct.
If this was Mayor Pete’s “Sister Soulja” moment, he failed it terribly. Multiple poor choices on his part as his dealings with the African American community have been strained due to the unforced error of firing a African American police chief.
Pete Buttigieg is over qualified to be President, he's the mayor of a city smaller than Topeka, Kansas. Probably much smaller than Topeka when the ND students go home in the summer.
BootyBoy reminds me of Michael Dukakis.
They both make me think of Alfred E. Newman.
Mayor Pete also got a FREE mass shooting yesterday:
1 Killed, 10 Injured in Shooting Outside Kelly’s Pub In South Bend
Blogger David Begley said...
“This problem has to get solved in my lifetime. I don't know of a person or a city that has solved it,' [Buttigieg] said. 'But I know that if we do not solve it in my lifetime, it will sink America.'"
Dear Blacks: Stop committing crimes.
An idea so crazy it just might work!
That’s one of the virtues of Live PD: we get to see first hand the run-of-the-mill scum bags of all races with whom the cops have to routinely deal. I couldn’t do that job. I’m screaming at the TV to just go ahead and hit them with their sticks. I mean, hit them hard!
It’s better that I stay out of law enforcement.
- Krumhorn
"Is anyone interested in the question whether or not the cop acted according to protocol?"
Nah, we have to play some football.
It's called eating their own. Look at Joe Biden for another example. AND they ALL have to kiss the ring of Al Sharpton if they wish to go further. If THAT doesn't tell you everything you need to know about the Democrats, I don't know what will.
"Are we heading to a place where crime is allowed by skin color?"
Yes; "Sarcasm and Silliness from a Windy City Cop
Monday, June 24, 2019
Shake His Hand?
How about "No"?
Following the filing of a dead-bang felony case against a regular customer, Crimesha Foxx ordered charges dropped and had her assistant KH tell the ASAs to apologize to the defendant in open court and shake his hand."
"That’s one of the virtues of Live PD: we get to see first hand the run-of-the-mill scum bags of all races with whom the cops have to routinely deal."
I agree, save the fact that most of the people aren't truly scumbags but just absolute morons. The police basically provide daycare to dumbasses. And guess what? That's why these people are mostly poor—their decision-making skills are atrocious.
Live PD is the best PR program the police could ever have.
I don't know of a person or a city that has solved it,' [Buttigieg] said. 'But I know that if we do not solve it in my lifetime, it will sink America.'"
Solve? What's to solve? Just stop treating blacks as subhuman because you think they have poor impulse control and should be held to a lower inferior standard. Hell, you did that to me I'd probably rob you at knifepoint too.
Sure, he’s a doofus and not qualified to be president. A simple, routine municipal problem is too much for him to handle. But look at his opponents. They are mostly legislators. Legislators don’t have to handle problems. They talk about problems, they blame others for the problems, and once in a great while they pass a law directing somebody to do something about the problem. These are the people that are supposedly “qualified” to be President.
White cop shoots black man. Narrative clicks into place.
“Additionally, our County Police officers assisted SBPD at Memorial Hospital controlling a crowd of over 100 upset and angry citizens that came to the Hospital from Kelly’s Pub, causing a lockdown at the hospital. While SBPD officers dealt with the Kelly’s Pub shooting and other shots fired calls*, our County Police officers assisted by answering the SBPD emergency calls.”
* Who knew South Bend, Indiana was such a deeply vibrant town?
Two bits of advice Mayor Pete:
> Put reparations for slavery on the front the burner of your campaign.
> Call Reverend Al (again).
Bonus advice: Distance yourself, post haste, from Lzzy Warren's gay reparations campaign. It's not a good look to the black community.
I’m screaming at the TV to just go ahead and hit them with their sticks. I mean, hit them hard!
In places like Chicago and Baltimore, remember the Mayor telling protestors they could destroy? the police are out there on their own. No support from politicians.
she asked the Baltimore Police Department to “give those who wished to destroy space to do that.”
“We work very hard to keep that balance [between free speech and destructive elements], and to put ourselves in the best position to de-escalate,” she said.
That worked well.
These are the folks who sneered at the huntress even though she was a governor as well as a mayor.
Mayor Pete's political instinct is to nationalize this issue to deflect criticism of his city administration.
But he's running for president and that simply puts the focus on his unpreparedness in trying to "fail his way up" into a position of greater responsibility.
I’m sick of St. Pete Buttidukakis. I’m sick of his radio voice coming from a junior-higher’s mouth. I’m sick of his snide digs at the faith of Pence and Trump. I’m sick of his “Everybody’s secretly gay” talk. He’s a weakling.
But, sadly, he may be the best of the Dem litter.
Conversing with friends in the South Bend area it seems that the city is not especially well run. It has a surprising amount of crime and dysfunction for a medium sized city. "Mayor Pete" as an individual is somewhat well regarded....bear in mind that these friends are not of the sort who would fear speaking their minds. But he is felt to be out of his league (badly) running a city of 100,000 and the notion of his being an effective President is considered ludicrous.
Two lessons from 2016.
1. Above paragraph makes perfect logical sense, but results of elections sometimes are otherwise.
2. The majority of Pete's appeal is his novelty. There probably was an anticipated projection of Occupants of WH. Black guy followed by Woman, followed by Gay person, then...oh who knows. Mayor Pete is like an old record player where the needle has been bumped and skipped over a track.
First, front runner Joe Bidet is skewered for racial insensitivity and now rising star Buttsthewife. It's almost like the fix in is for another AA* dem candidate.
*African American
'Distance yourself, post haste, from Lzzy Warren's gay reparations campaign.'
Forty acres and a ball gag?
BLM continues to build its credibility with America.
Maybe the problem that needs to get solved is politicians winning a position, and then campaigning for their next role before doing the stuff they said they would do to win the election.
How about doing away with police unions and making municipalities responsible for establishing proper rules of engagement for cops?
70% probability of HRC joining late in the primary, after Biden has cleared out the weaker candidates and imploded, "to save democracy".
I made that percentage up, but I do feel it is the most likely scenario.
What Begley said in the very first comment.
"This problem has to get solved in my lifetime"
What would happen in the US of A if blacks, all blacks, went on a crime strike for a whole year?
You know, like, no shooting, no robbing, no thieving, no assaulting, no nothing.
Americans would rejoice at the respite. We could cut police, court, and prison budgets. Black communities would enjoy freedom from fear.
It would be great! So, what does it mean that blacks don't do, don't even talk about doing, such a great thing? A thing that would so obviously benefit them most--reducing any interaction with police, improving their own lives first and foremost?
No evidence the shooting was against policy, just anger that a black crook got killed by a white cop. If it was a black cop or Hispanic cop - no story. And is there any city where the Blacks do NOT have a bad relationship with the local PD?
Baltimore PD had "bad relations" even though they have a black mayor, a black police chief, and 60% black cops. The main problem seems to be enforcing the law.
Poor Pete. I bet he thought it would be fun to run for president.
I don't see how he can thread this needle. This happened at about the same time as a white police officer got shot in an ambush type setting. I haven't read anything about the circumstances and the race of those shot at Kelly's Pub, but my instinct tells me that the backstory will not reflect favorably on blacks and that the mass shooting will be ignored by black activists, the media, and Mayor Pete. This will add to my level of cynicism concerning black activists, the media and Mayor Pete......Kind of relevant: Jussie Smollett caused all of his coworkers on the Empire set to lose their jobs. Not a single one, so far as I know, has criticized him for his vainglorious and asinine stunt. What are the chances that any black person in South Bend will come forward with a negative story or opinion about the black guy who got shot. The bet here is that the guy has a criminal record and has probably bruised a few people on his pilgrimage to an early grave but you won't hear anything about it.
"Forty acres and a ball gag?"
Good stuff today in the comments!
Blogger BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
"Are we heading to a place where crime is allowed by skin color?"
The Madison Public Schools are conducting a demonstration project for that approach.
Open Borders Notre Dame! That’ll solve it.
The Hispanics will solve it.
Rae said...
70% probability of HRC joining late in the primary, after Biden has cleared out the weaker candidates and imploded, "to save democracy".
I've had the same thoughts.
“We have to solve this problem. The first step is to identify it clearly, which I am not going to do. It will take effort and leadership on the ground, so I hope someone steps up while I travel from state to state.”
I said: "First, front runner Joe Bidet is skewered for racial insensitivity and now rising star Buttsthewife. It's almost like the fix in is for another AA* dem candidate.
*African American"
Need to clarify. AA would include Kamala Harris, who qualifies via pigmentation, not ancestry. Having said that, she also qualifies under the other AA, that would be Affirmation Action.
Forty acres and a ball gag?
I figger the male US citizens of Japanese descent can pay their reparations to the female US citizens of Chinese descent by supplying the male US citizens of Chinese descent with female US citizens of Japanese descent for purposes of sexual whoopee.
70% probability of HRC joining late in the primary, after Biden has cleared out the weaker candidates and imploded, "to save democracy".
I've had the same thoughts.
I've been predicting that she would be the Democratic nominee in 2020 since Nov 2016, and I will continue to do so until somebody drives a stake through her heart.
Lets abort violent criminals. That will definitely lessen the suffering of the country as a whole. Just consider them a very late term retrospective abortion.
Buttuvwxyz's campaign ended this weekend. Put a fork in him, he is done.
No fan of Mayor Buttplug but pretty sure he didn't force the colored gentleman to grab a knife and rob cars.
A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged by reality.
Mayor Pete just got politically mugged by the activist Left. Let's see if the young man embraces reality.
"This problem has to get solved in my lifetime."
Mayor Pete wants a Final Solution. A (Black) Woman's Right To Choose is a step in the right direction, but it's taking way too long for Mayor Pete.
Protester: “You expect black people to vote for you?”
Pete: “I’m not asking for your vote.”
Protester: “You’re not going to get it.”
white 'n Gay. Homey dont play dat
wasnt that part of marge Sanger's schtick?
Regarding the Kelly's Pub shootings, from the South Bend Tribune:
At a Sunday afternoon town hall to talk about last week’s officer-involved shooting, South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg brought up the bar shooting. He said the city was on track to having fewer shootings this year than last, but he now doesn’t know if that is true anymore.
This bozo cannot deal with small city issues, but he wants to be POTUS.
It seems like only yesterday the cackling lefties/LLR's were declaring Trump petrified of facing Mayor Got-Nothing.
Literally no one, anywhere, is afraid of battling JV-er Vote-For-The-Non-threatening-Gay-Guy in a campaign or even a simple discussion.
A lot depends on how much of the Big Gay Money gets behind him. That could be a lot of three dollar bills.
Before the Obot got a hold of the NIJ, statistics were readily available to show that African-American males, a decided minority, were responsible for a significant majority of violent crime in America’s cities and that police officers were more likely to be shot by said males than to shoot them.
There is no reason to believe that either of those facts has changed, only that Democrats have joined with black activists to obscure those facts so as to buy black votes. Simultaneously, for reasons unrelated to facts. Republican and Libertarian prison reformers have decided to pretend that the disproportionate numbers of black men in prison have to do with something other than the disproportionate amount of crime committed by those same men.
Ridiculous and dangerous, isn’t it?
Gee. It's almost as if all that racial healing under eight years of Obama actually got worse.
Go figure.
rcocean said...
“No evidence the shooting was against policy, just anger that a black crook got killed by a white cop. If it was a black cop or Hispanic cop - no story.”
No. All cops are white male cops!
He wilts before the outraged but will stand tall against the Chinese.
Diversity breeds adversity. 1/2 Americans... progress.
This election cycle's Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin. I recall mentioning about a year ago that I wondered who would be this election's poster-boy (can I say boy?) for firing up the black vote. Now we know.
Welcome to the big leagues, Mayor Pete.
If he was only the Mayor of South Bend, this was no story. As a semi-credible Presidential candidate... if you doubt that at least some of the other Pres candidates put money and staff onto turning out those demonstrators, I have bridge in NY to sell you.
I work in downtown Chicago and I could swear I have heard some of the South Bend demonstrators demonstrating here. Just sayin'... Astroturf isn't merely artificial grass.
Not that I'm seriously proposing this, but here's an idea:
The US passes a substantial reparations act. Nobody gets it all at once; every eligible person alive at the time of passage gets "a living wage", $30k per year, for 5 years (just as an example). HOWEVER, anyone convicted of a crime during that time loses their share, and their family members also.
Alternatively, you could tie it to the crime rate in a specific community, boundaries TBD. If crime doesn't decrease by 5% annually, the whole community loses its payment for the following year.
I might actually sign on to that if I had any confidence that some judge in Hawaii wouldn't declare the conditions unconstitutional.
If Pete was in the audience at a Trump townhall, he'd be saying the exact same shit as his hecklers here. As unfair as they were to him, I have no pity. Live by racism - die by racism.
"but the stories about cops who want a sexual favor in exchange for no ticket?"
I tried that - it doesn't work. Maybe it would for Mayor Pete, but I'm no mayor.
Reparations to "our Posterity" of the People... persons... people, who sacrificed blood and treasure to abort practices of redistributive change and confront the persistence of diversity.
@Beasts Of England re: gay reparations,
40 Acres and an uncut hog.
Ugh. Sad to see him man handled by planted, woke, rabble. It kind of reminds me of 2016 when Bernie meekly gave up his mic to Black Lives Matter protests and placed his hind quarters in the air to present himself like the beta male he is. These so-called protestors should be treated the way Jim Acosta or Jorge Ramos is at a Trump press conference. That is all they deserve and that is what all candidates will be measured by.
He just acted like a faggot.
Isn't that what he is running on?
Buttigieg is a fraud.
He made up a lie about his husband and how he got disowned by his family.
The story is bullshit.
The family is facing threats and violence from Buttigieg's fellow leftists.
The leftists are just shitty people.
(can I say boy?)
@Skippy, HELL NO, YOU CAN’T SAY “BOY”!!! What were you thinking?
Mind you, an awful lot of the black thought leaders — Ta-Nahisi Coates, for instance — really do think like children.
"Cleanup underway after EF-2 tornado rips through South Bend"
That was yesterday. Pete's gonna be busy for the next few days.
It truly shocking you people get labeled racis homophonic prigs
>>racis homophonic
Is that somebody who sounds like a racer?
it's like the Woke/Grievance-Monger version of
"Paper-Scissors-Rock" but with Minorities--Womyn--Gays
to see which "disenfranchised" group trumps the other
Reap the intersectional whirlwind.
No matter how 'impressive' one of these Ds are, they can't publicly think straight on this.
As I was saying, Buttigieg is the Paul Tsongas of the 2020 cycle.
Goodbye Paul, we hardly knew yeh!
Tcrosse@1222: That was great!
Late to the ball
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