June 2, 2019

"Lying deliberately and repeatedly to the public."

That's the last sentence — well, sentence fragment — of a paragraph that begins "Praising the 'very fine people on both sides' when torch-wielding white supremacists and antisemites marched through the streets clashing with anti-racist campaigners."

That's the first paragraph of "It’s un-British to roll out the red carpet for Donald Trump/The US president gives comfort to the far right. The prime minister should speak truth to power" by Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London, writing in The Guardian.

Khan purports to be concerned about deliberate and repeated lying, but he passes along the oft-repeated  "very fine people" lie. Is he doing that deliberately?


narciso said...

start with the epidemic of knife crime and acid attacks, the cost of living in a cosmopolitian city,


Birkel said...

An opinion piece filled with falsehoods, decrying lies.
Meta performance art.

ChuckUnderscore said...

Of course he is doing this intentionally.

Fen said...

"Praising the 'very fine people on both sides' when torch-wielding antifa marxist scum marched through the streets clashing with pro-America campaigners."


Paul said...

"Truth to Power"... what a crock. Sounds like that raghead Mayor uses Obama shtick.

Fen said...

Oh, you're quoting the anti-British Mayor Sadiq Khan.

Why not go down to the street corner and give the local fishwife gossip a platform too?

These people are 10% and we let them drive the narrative. Why?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

projection is second-nature for leftists.

deliberate, but facile

MikeD said...

He's a Muslim, they're required to lie to any non-muzzie.

Ceciliahere said...

Mr. Sadiq is first and foremost a Muslim. The USA/British alliance has been in place before Mr. Sadiq and it will remain in place after Mr. Sadiq. Our President has the responsibility to defend and protect the USA. If that means putting restrictions on people from certain counties from entering our country in order to protect American citizens, then Pres. Trump has the right and responsibility to do so. Too bad Mr. Sadiq does not feel so obliged to protect Londoners from Muslim fanatics who would run cars into them, slash their throats, etc. I do not understand how this guy ever got elected. Maybe he colluded with the Russians???

Ann Althouse said...

The redundant phrase "lying deliberately" is a tell. He knows he's lying, I suspect, and is hoping his lying, if noticed, can be excused as an accident.

buwaya said...

He got elected because the population of London is what it is. Ref J Cleese.

readering said...

You'd think POTUS would consider Streisand effect before denying his "nasty" Rusty comment (favorite adjective of his).

Ann Althouse said...

The redundant phrase "lying deliberately" is a tell. He knows he's lying, I suspect, and is hoping his lying, if noticed, can be excused as an accident.

readering said...

Do tell.

The Gipper Lives said...

Of course, the President said there were fine people on both sides of the monument debate.

When I want a Persian Limey's take on President Trump, I'll ask John Brennan. And he can ask the British spies he used to rig the last election. You've already helped enough, James Bondage.

Besides, don't you have some meetings to attend, Mayor McJizya? Like the Parks & Rec Department, the Sewer & Water Board and the Bureau of Knife & Acid Attacks?

Narayanan said...

Sadiq has been living the lie that he can live in a free society without wanting to kill unbelievers or supporting those that want to kill unbelievers and be " worthy slave to Allah" aka Muslim.

narciso said...

Same song different day:


Yancey Ward said...

"Go ahead," I say- I encourage Khan to organize vast protests. Do it, see how it turns out.

narciso said...

Didnt they do that silly balloon trump the last time, al ghardian, is nothing new,

n.n said...

Diversity, selective-child, recycled-child, witch hunts/warlock trials, political congruence, White/Asian/Jew privilege, redistributive change, gerrymandered districts, immigration reform, and social justice without borders.

n.n said...

when torch-wielding antifa marxist scum marched through the streets clashing with pro-America campaigners

And a manufactured kill zone that would engender social rage that aborted one of their own.

Ken B said...

Hmm. My first thought was that he just actually believes this lie. But Althouse's observation about his tell — the word I applied to her language earlier today — gives me pause. It does tee up the excuse, and why tee it up unless you think you might need it?

Gunner said...

The Left will never stop flogging this blatant lie. Just like they will never stop saying Trump "admitted" to sexual assault while bragging on the Access Hollywood bus.

JAORE said...

The Prime Minister should speak truth to power..... because I'm not in the truth speaking habit.

Doodad said...

In news that really matters, Trump has a new look that makes the Baby Blimp redundant


chickelit said...

Khan wishes to obstruct Trump because Trump wants to monkey wrench Khan's tolerance of Sharia Law as opposed to English Common Law and Khan's embrace of FGM. Londoners can fester in the mess they made. Fuck 'em.

I dig Trump's new haircut -- he's channeling Bannon.

rcocean said...

Shere Khan doesn't strike me as very "British" but neither does present day London. Listening to the BBC and other elite "chat Shows" Khan seems to represent the UK elite.

The British Establishment loves diversity, Climate Change, globalism, open borders, and elitism even more than their USA counterparts. From what I've heard, pretty much every UK media figure who supports Trump's visit - about 33% - starts out with "Of course, I find Trump's views loathsome, but.."

rcocean said...

According to the UK Press *everyone* loves Princess Markle sparkle - the ex-Hollywood actress with the awful family. Maybe the Princess has been able to overcome her trailer-trash father and "Show biz" values. We can only hope.

rcocean said...

BTW, Trump is going to stop on his way back in Ireland and meet the Irish President at the "Airport". LOL. And then go on to his Irish Golf course and spend the night. It seems a little insulting, but then who knows who the Irish President is? Its not like he's Queen Elizabeth.

rcocean said...

Just remember Khan is spelt "Con" in American.

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...
The redundant phrase "lying deliberately" is a tell. He knows he's lying, I suspect, and is hoping his lying, if noticed, can be excused as an accident.

What do you think about the "fantastic" Ben Wikler when he does the same thing?

tcrosse said...

BTW Sadiq holds the office previously held by Trump's buddy Boris Johnson. Boris' chances of becoming PM are somewhat greater than Khan's.

Browndog said...

Very much looking forward to tonight's Cafe (open thread) so we can discuss the Daily Beast doxxing of the so called 'source' of the so called doctored video of Pelosi.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Leftists seem to have forgotten that you can't have BOTH sides without TWO sides. Who were the "very fine people" on the OTHER side, Antifa members?

chuck said...

Is he doing that deliberately?

Probably not. As a lefty, he likely lives in a world populated by fantasies believed to be facts.

rhhardin said...

It's not lying to the public; it's campaigning to women.

Two-eyed Jack said...

Some things want to be true and some people are willing to grant those wishes. (Some such people are quite eager, in fact.) Some people, however, would spurn those wishes, no matter how insistent. It's hard to choose. There are fine people on both sides.

CWJ said...


Ann Althouse said...

"The Left will never stop flogging this blatant lie."

The worst thing Trump did, he didn't do.

Two-eyed Jack said...

"The worst thing Trump did, he didn't do."

Same here.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

A Laborite and muzzie prates about anti-semitism. Sure, why not.

I've been reading about the flight of ancient Jewish communities from muzzie countries following the establishment of Israel. Most of them did not leave because they were so eager to participate in the Zionist experiment. They left because of shits like Khan.

Laslo Spatula said...

Blogger CWJ at 6/2/19, 8:17 PM:

Thank you.

I am Laslo.

CWJ said...

I'm honored.

Chuck said...

I see Althouse is still peddling the stupid Scott Adams “Charlottesville Hoax” hoax.

And still no acknowledgement whatsoever of Robert Tracinski’s deconstruction of the Hoax hoax at The Bulwark:


elkh1 said...

Name a politician who has not lied, deliberately, I will sell you a bridge in Brooklyn.

That is why we don't care that Trump lies. They all do. They are politicians and journalists.

In fact, Trump is more honest than most of them. They pretend to be honest, pretend to be non-partisan. Trump doesn't pretend. We all take his words with tons of salt, and care more about his policies than what he said, or what the Fake Media claimed he said.

CWJ said...

Really Chuck really. Are there more than two people anywhere in the Althouse blogosphere who don't know about your obsession with the Robert "no one I know was there to protest removing a statue" Tracinski article? Give it up already.

narciso said...

Whereas Khan was representing a Gitmo detainee and a sharia obsessed imam the last on the same stage.

Paco Wové said...

"You'd think POTUS would consider Streisand effect before denying his "nasty" Rusty comment"

Can anyone provide context/meaning to this statement? Thanks.

traditionalguy said...

Trump cannot please Mayor Muslim because as.Trinitarian Christian that claims God has a son, Trump is an idol worshiper who must be beheaded. Most of the Dems agree with that judgement.

Lewis Wetzel said...

FYI, "The Bunker" would be a much better name than "The Bulwark."

Otto said...

Why are we getting a grammar lesson on an article that is horribly anti-Trump? Hmm.

narciso said...

It's more like the straw and mud huts of two of the little pigs.

Craig said...

Appearances of "far right", relative to "far left", in the mainstream media: eleventy billion to one.

"Far right" is a label meant to demonize, and dehumanize, anyone who disagrees with them.

It's reverse McCarthyism.

Amadeus 48 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amadeus 48 said...

The Brits never get anything right about US politics. I used to live there, and they don't think about us much. They just get a few snapshots.

It doesn't help that everyone over there knows that God is an Englishman. As soon as you understand that, everything goes smoother with the locals. Mayor Sadiq Kahn has a real problem, doesn't he? He better set up another guy who doesn't believe that God is English. Hence, let's all kick Trump! Unbeliever!

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

per Ingraham
London Mayor Sadiq Khan never objected to state visit of China’s President Xi Jinping—who imprisons almost a million Muslims & dissidents—but he objects to Trump.

D. said...

>Q Would you being willing to meet with Sadiq Khan in London — the mayor?

THE PRESIDENT: No, I don’t think much of him. I think that he’s a — he’s the twin of de Blasio, except shorter.

Okay. Thank you everybody.<

Martin said...

Of course he's knowingly lying. And of course he knows that Antifa was in Charlottesville armed and spoiling for a fight in a way that made the tiki-torch clowns look like... the clowns they were.

Basic rule: Any professional politician is lying when his or her lips are moving.

You may occasionally be wrong, but the incidence of that is trivial and the issues inconsequential.

That's one of the things they all hate about Trump--he is not a professional politician and so he occasionally lapses into telling the truth as he sees it. Now sometimes what he sees as the truth isn't really, and he habitually exaggerates which is a for of untruthfulness, but he sometimes actually tells the truth and that makes the rest of them look bad.

readering said...


Unknown said...

I am sure there are some fine people in London, too.

PhilD said...

Sadiq Khan is one of those people who never can imagine that there is a 'truth' which can be used to speak against their own power and show up his own lies.

Come to think of it, that's what democrats do when they say things like 'Barr works for the American people, not Trump'.

Tina Trent said...

Accidental lying is rare.

The Charlottesville smear needs to be forefront in our minds as we head towards 2020. There is nothing more urgent than holding accountable people like Chuck and the Bulwark obsessives. Calling people racist is an act of verbal arson, and it merits consequences.

rhhardin said...

Calling people racist lost its meaning long ago.

Actual literal racists are usually genetic scientists today.

Equipment Maintenance said...

The worst thing about the Left's lie about what Trump said is that he was truly trying to be a uniter, saying literally that both sides of an issue are good people who just disagree. After seeing how the Left behaved, I wouldn't blame him for never negotiating with them.

Chuck said...

Equipment Maintenance said...
The worst thing about the Left's lie about what Trump said is that he was truly trying to be a uniter, saying literally that both sides of an issue are good people who just disagree. After seeing how the Left behaved, I wouldn't blame him for never negotiating with them.

The fact was is that the events of that Friday evening and the following Saturday in Charlottesville were dominated by bad people on both sides. And Trump bumbled his way through four different iterations of commentary on it, and mangled all of them.

Again, the starting point for any serious, fair-minded person (after the initiation of the Scott Adams "Hoax" meme) is the Robert Tracinski column at The Bulwark. Tracinski was closer to the story than Trump was. Tracinski actually has been on record as one of "the good people" who wished to articulate a thoughtful defense of the statuary as they existed.

GRW3 said...

Just mentally adding it up, since '83 I've spend more than a year of my life in the UK. The whole country has changed but not near as much as has London. I still like to go to London, but I don't feel safe like I used to. Other than take the Heathrow Express into London, I no longer rely on public transit. I really took note of the attacks in the Borough Market a couple of years back, as it's the location of my favorite London Restaurant, Roast.

If you consider that killing someone by knife is a lot more close, personal and potentially dangerous that using a gun, then the fact that London's murder rate is out pacing New York's it certainly an indication the danger level is much higher.

Equipment Maintenance said...

Chuck said "The fact was is that the events of that Friday evening and the following Saturday in Charlottesville were dominated by bad people on both sides. And Trump bumbled his way through four different iterations of commentary on it, and mangled all of them."

No, the fact is that Trump very specifically and clearly said what he said, and the Left lied about it, and continue to do so.

Chuck said...

Equipment Maintenance said...
Chuck said "The fact was is that the events of that Friday evening and the following Saturday in Charlottesville were dominated by bad people on both sides. And Trump bumbled his way through four different iterations of commentary on it, and mangled all of them."

No, the fact is that Trump very specifically and clearly said what he said, and the Left lied about it, and continue to do so.

No you are wrong. Trump wasn't specific; he was mistaken. He wasn't clear; he was ambiguous to the point of mendacity.

You haven't read the Tracinski piece, have you?

Trump certainly DID say (at one point) that he condemned neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Tracinski clearly acknowledges that. But Trump also said "they had a permit." When in fact the group who held the local permit to demonstrate was not an innocent, well-meaning respectable group of statuary defenders, but instead were a Richard Spencer-inspired group of acknowledged white supremacists.

It goes on and on, and Tracinski catalogues all of Trump's errors, misperceptions, inconsistencies and vagaries.

You -- and Althouse -- need to read that Tracinski column. It's hilarious; Scott Adams won't even mention the name of Tracinski or link to his column. That's how good it is. Scott is afraid of it and doesn't want to give it any page hits.

Fernandinande said...

Sadiq "Call me Shorty" Kahn

Equipment Maintenance said...

Chuck said "You haven't read the Tracinski piece, have you?"

Not in a million years would I. Hundreds of words to convince me that the duly elected President of the US publicly and repeatedly praised white supremacists, the KKK, at a rally where someone died? That's insane.

Chuck said "Trump certainly DID say (at one point) that he condemned neo-Nazis and white supremacists." He said it a lot. The Left always lies, continually.

Kirk Parker said...

Is there the slightest evidence that the driver in Charlottesville went there that day intending to commit the vehicular homicide as his way of striking a blow for [blah blah blah]?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"But Trump also said "they had a permit." When in fact the group who held the local permit to demonstrate was not an innocent, well-meaning respectable group of statuary defenders, but instead were a Richard Spencer-inspired group of acknowledged white supremacists."

So you claim, but so what? They had a permit, and they were peaceably assembled to petition the government for a redress of a grievance. Does that ring a bell, Chucktard?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

'"Trump certainly DID say (at one point) that he condemned neo-Nazis and white supremacists." He said it a lot.'

But Trump didn't say it before he said it, or between the times he said it, or after he was done saying it.

TJM said...

I plan to skip any further visits to London, until Towelhead is no longer mayor and a true Brit takes his place

Bilwick said...

My understanding is that some very fine people hang Gays and stone women to death.

DEEBEE said...

Saddiq Khan is an unfortunate example sustaining alt-right that Islam creates mutants

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