June 14, 2019

"Look, George, you’re being a little wise guy, okay, which is typical for you. Just so you understand, very simple, it is very simple, there was no crime."

Said Trump to George Stephanopoulos.

Stephanopoulos is 5'5", so I take "little wise guy" as a personal insult.

Here's the clip:

ADDED: Trump chose Stephanopoulos for this extended encounter, so obviously Trump wanted the level of combativeness that is "typical for" Stephanopoulos. Stephanopoulos was doing his thing, and Trump was doing what he likes to do, which is fight back on the defense. It's theater, and both combatants benefit because America lusts for spectacle. It's typical for us.


Bobber Fleck said...

The DNC in the person of George Stephanopoulos plays "gotcha" with Trump. Trump calls him on it.

This is why Trump is the right person for this moment in history. The man fights.

traditionalguy said...

Fox and Friends just had DJT on a happy birthday telephone call, and they could hardly get a word in edgewise while our beloved President deluged them with communications. There is not time enough for all the good things that Trump wants to do for the USA. The DC Uniparty and all of their CIA owned media operations has met their match.

Wince said...

Trump says there should have been no Special Counsel investigation because there was no evidence to start one.

GS says there was plenty of evidence and cites Trump’s lack of cooperation with Mueller after he was appointed the Special Counsel.

Even GS knows he’s making a weak argument.

Michael K said...

Stephoclinton tried the same stunt with Romney in a GOP debate that he "moderated."

With no predicate of any question or statement he asked Romney if he would ban birth control.

Romney just looked puzzled since that was not a topic of the debate. Trump would have said ,"Where did that come from, George ?"

Stephoclinton just tries to lob these grenades at the opposition. Romney didn't get it.

traditionalguy said...

ABC and nervous Nancy probably wants Trump charged for Obstruction of the Fake News Narrative now.

Temujin said...

That's calling a thing what it is. He's a former Clinton war room operative. He WAS the Clinton war room. And he's been parading around as an objective journalist for years. It took Trump to call him what he is. Trump was nicer to him than he should have been.

Anyone remember the Obama/Romney debate where Stephanopoulos asked Romney a DNC planted question about women's contraception? A question so out of the blue, that Romney acted as if it was asked in Kinyarwanda. It had nothing to do with anything being discussed in the nation at that time. George has had a career as a DNC operative under the cover of ABC. He's a little weasel. Trump was kind to him.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Similar to the best back-handed comments, it has a double meaning.

What if he's saying that George is wise, but just of a smaller stature of wisdom. It's clear he's got smarts to get where he's gotten, but if compared to Trump if logic were a tree George is a bush.

Classic neg. Love Donald.

Gahrie said...

Stephanopoulos is 5'5", so I take "little wise guy" as a personal insult.

What would you call it when the media obsesses about someone's hair, skin tone, or hand size?

Trump is merely returning a favor here.

Murph said...

For a more charitable interpretation of "you're being a little wise guy," try re-wording it to, "You're being a bit of a wise ass, okay, which is typical for you."

Using the phrase "wise guy" in the sense of smart aleck rather than a description of height or stature.

Howard said...

GS is indeed a small man in every way possible. A failed journalist even though he has made millions from his incompetence

Earnest Prole said...

George may be small but word on the street is he’s perfectly formed.

CJinPA said...

Both men sat down for the interview knowing something like this would definitely happen. Neither one is a dope.

Stephanopoulos was out to produce a partisan, viral video. Trump was there to be seen smacking around a media hack. Viewers got what they expected. And so it goes...

Dave Begley said...

George is a total and complete shill for the Dems and Clintons.

Recall his made up "war on woman" question to Mitt.

And his "oppo research from foreigners" question - as has been noted by Power Line and here - is exactly what Hillary did. And she paid for and then used the power of government to spy on the Trump campaign.

The Dems are the worst people in America and the Fake News shills for them.

Never forget that the 33,000 emails that Hillary deleted was all about the bribes she had take from FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS.

Danno said...

This again reminds me of the fake quote (attributed to Mueller in a picture) I saw a week or two ago, "While we recognize the suspect did not actually steal any horses, he is obviously guilty of trying to resist being hanged for it."

I am really glad DJT is a fighter.

wwww said...

"America lusts for spectacle."

I think America is bored by the show's repetition.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's George Clintonopolis

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Oberlin wanted to destroy a family business over fake racism. The corrupt Maddow-Schit-Avanetti-Strozk left must destroy Trump.

Heartless Aztec said...
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Heartless Aztec said...

Queen's, NYC probably produces more assholes per square foot than anywhere in the United States. President Asshole. My heart and intellect warm to him in a way this Southern man - never in life - thought possible.
The greatest President of my lifetime for all of his flaws. Because of his flaws. In spite of his flaws.

ga6 said...

Size is why ABC requested that Trump remain seated for the interview. Trump towering over wise ass would provoke extreme laughter, and if Trump should raise a hand in innocent gesture wise ass would fear for his safety..

Freder Frederson said...

So a good lawyer lies under oath. That's good to know.

I can't wait for Ann and you other Trump sycophants explain how he didn't really mean what he said; and how I just don't "understand" Trump.

While we recognize the suspect did not actually steal any horses, he is obviously guilty of trying to resist being hanged for it.

So are you saying nobody should be investigated unless the government is 100% certain of their guilt? Then what is the point of a trial. And if the alleged horse thief gave a false alibi, even if he was later found not guilty of the underlying crime, he would have still committed the crime of perjury.

Maybe Ann could have a special post where she explains such simple concepts so you don't look so stupid.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary and Bill are greater threats to our democracy and our way of life than any other politician.

What political power couple pocketed millions from foreign sources over the decades?

Anyone got an answer?

Big Mike said...

Trump isn’t allowed to insult someone who makes his living insulting him?

Nonapod said...

George may be small but word on the street is he’s perfectly formed.

So he's a homunculus?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Can you feel the left ramping up their death to free speech crusade?

I can.

traditionalguy said...

One thing is obvious. It is not the Globalist Dems that are at risk for being tired of winning. What a difference DJT's communication skills and deal making skills have made all over the world in 2.5 years. And, barring assassination, he still he has 5.5 years left to go.

JPS said...

Freder Frederson,

"So are you saying nobody should be investigated unless the government is 100% certain of their guilt?"

Cathy Newman, is that you?

Shouting Thomas said...
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Freder Frederson said...

What political power couple pocketed millions from foreign sources over the decades?

Regardless of how bad the Clintons were, how does that excuse Trump?

And one of the frequent complaints is how much money the Clinton Foundation received. Now I can understand, since Trump used his foundation as a personal piggy bank, that you might think that is acceptable or common, but it is illegal. There is zero evidence that there has been any self-dealing from the Clinton Foundation (and spare me the email where someone accused, with zero evidence, Chelsea inappropriately took money from the fund).

Shouting Thomas said...

So are you saying nobody should be investigated unless the government is 100% certain of their guilt?

This statement contains a multitude of deliberate lies within it.

The Russia collusion hoax was a complete hoax, Freder. The spying campaign against Trump was based on lies presented to the FICA court.

This type of exponential lying that you've engaged in is a curious tactic that has become standard in respect to President Trump. Lie multiplied by lie multiplied by lie equals... what?

I look forward to your explanation of your lying.

Nothing times nothing still equals nothing.

Freder Frederson said...

Cathy Newman, is that you?

Sorry, I don't understand the reference.

traditionalguy said...

@ Freder: A Good Lawyer knows that truth is only a rare correlation in winning a case. It is the better Narrative being told better by the better lawyer that controls in Court. Too bad, so sad, but Trump is 100 times better at that than any of his opposition. His secret power is the same as Harry Truman's secret power: he is an honest man with no fear.

Henry said...

So are you saying nobody should be investigated unless the government is 100% certain of their guilt?

Ironically, the people who invented this investigation were 100% certain of Trump's guilt.

Henry said...

I prefer institutions that are less 100% certain of things.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

*ring ring... ring ring*

Oh hi!
It's Norway.
Hi Norway.
Oh - you are telling me that The Clintons asked you for some money for a Bill Clinton Speech in exchange for some favors?

Thanks Norway! Now I'm off to call the trusted FBI with this information. I'm sure they will get to the bottom of it.

Leland said...

Why be insulted about Stephanopoulos being little wise?

Freder Frederson said...

The Russia collusion hoax was a complete hoax

Did or did not Don Jr. and Paul Manafort meet with a Russian agent who promised dirt on Hillary Clinton? Even if the meeting was as Don Jr and Manafort claimed, and no dirt was forthcoming, they took the meeting under that belief.

That Mueller decided that Don Jr. was too stupid to realize taking the meeting was problematic, hardly excuses Don Jr's actions.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Is it illegal to talk to Russians? Why? It was never illegal to talk to Russians during the Obama years?

When did that happen, Freder?

JPS said...

Freder Frederson,

"Sorry, I don't understand the reference."

No, I'm sorry. Newman is a journalist who conducted a fairly confrontational interview with Jordan Peterson. What stood out (and became a meme) was that at several points, after he made a statement, she would challenge him with, "So you're saying...." and follow that with something he was not saying at all. Thereby violating Daniel Dennett's excellent advice:

"Attempt to re-express your target's position so clearly, vividly and fairly that your target says: 'Thanks, I wish I'd thought of putting it that way.'"

For a non-wiseass response, Henry at 9:09 nails it.

Shouting Thomas said...

Freder lies again.

It is not a crime either to talk with Russians or to listen to dirt about Hillary.

Russia collusion, again, was a complete hoax.

You got any other lies you'd like to air out?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Freder - Tell us about the Dossier that Hillary paid for - to collect fake dirt on her opponent and the main source of that dossier is a foreign agent. Also explain how the leftwing corruption brigade managed to fool the FISA court into accepting the dossier as an actual factual source so they could spy on people like Carter Page.

Freder Frederson said...

His secret power is the same as Harry Truman's secret power: he is an honest man with no fear.

So was he honest when he told Stephanopolis that he would take the dirt and not call the FBI, or today, when he issued a statement that of course he would call the FBI?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'd take ANY fucking meeting if someone offered me dirt on corrupt money grubbing money whore Hillary.

Note to the left: Hillary is corrupt. Saying so is perfectly legal. Finding it out, is legal. She is the felon here.

AllenS said...

What? The truth is now a personal insult?

Freder Frederson said...

collect fake dirt on her opponent and the main source of that dossier is a foreign agent.

The main source was not a foreign agent, but a private citizen. Of course this important distinction is lost on you.

dreams said...

Stephanopoulos was being a little wise guy and Trump wasn't going to take his little wise guy crap. That's one of the things we like about Trump.

Shouting Thomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

So was he honest when he told Stephanopolis that he would take the dirt and not call the FBI, or today, when he issued a statement that of course he would call the FBI?

The Field Marshall is here to lecture us on the law.

The main source was not a foreign agent, but a private citizen. Of course this important distinction is lost on you.

A "private citizen" employed by the Clinton campaign and using a retired spy with Kremlin connections .

I think you forgot to include that.

Freder Frederson said...

It is not a crime either to talk with Russians or to listen to dirt about Hillary.

Actually it is if the Russian is an agent of the Russian government (and that is what Don Jr and Manafort apparently believed). You are the one who is lying.

Nonapod said...

In this speicific case with regards to obstruction, when it comes down to it, there's 2 incontrovertible facts: Trump could have fired Mueller. Trump didn't fire Mueller. Everything else is just stories, feelings, wishes, hopes, dreams, flights of fancy, what ifs, he said-she said, and ultimately not really germane to the price of tea in China.

Unless of course you're trying to extend the definition of obstruction of justice to absurd Orwellian levels. If you want to say that even thinking about doing a thing and musing about it aloud is a crime itself, then in my opinion we're heading down a pretty scary path.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Freder - That's your excuse for leftwing corruption and lies being A_K with you? wow.
But certainly taking a meeting where someone offers dirt on their opponent is only extra legal if you're a democrat.

Seeing Red said...

I prefer institutions which don’t need to rely on “allies” to circumvent US law, to try and bring down a candidate because “he’s not our sort, dear.”

Freder Frederson said...

A "private citizen" employed by the Clinton campaign and using a retired spy with Kremlin connections .

But still not an agent of either the British or Russian government. And I was reasonably sure that someone would point that out.

Gahrie said...

collect fake dirt on her opponent and the main source of that dossier is a foreign agent.

The main source was not a foreign agent, but a private citizen.

Who while working for the democratic Party paid foreign agents for information he later compiled into a dossier.

Of course this important distinction is lost on you.

Hell I still can't figure out the meaning of the word "is".

narciso said...

Veselnitskaya was so dangerous Loretta lynch gave a no restriction Visa into this country.

Seeing Red said...

Taking a meeting?

Using a fake dossier and not doing your job, lying to the court, who are those judges anyway, etc?

Seeing Red said...

A private citizen with ties to the Grifters and it seems Lurch....

Seeing Red said...

It’s about time Steffy gets nailed.

Ray - SoCal said...

Wise Guy is another common term for a Made Man.

Per Wikipedia a high ranking member of a criminal family...

And George does a weekly conference call with Rahm and Carville.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

So a BS dossier created by a private British citizen can be used by the US intelligence A-team who favored Hilary for their future rice bowl jobs. and that very dossier created by a private citizen in Britain, can be used as a tool to spy on Trump and his associates.

Got it.

gilbar said...

Romney didn't get it.
Sometimes, it looks (to me) like Life Long Republicans like Romney had No Interest in beating democrats; most likely because they were Paid Shills, WORKING FOR the democrats. remind anyone of anybody?

Freder Frederson said...

Freder - That's your excuse for leftwing corruption and lies being A_K with you?

I didn't say that. Apparently, in your world, leftwing corruption and lies justifies Trump lies and corruption, so why would you be shocked if I believed the opposite is true?

Francisco D said...

The Left is going insane.

I can visualize Freder morphing into Inga.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftists always find their little loopholes.

Meanwhile, Trump joked about the Russians finding Hillary's deleted private Server e-mails while she was head of the State Dept, and the entire leftwing machine lost their fucking shit over it.
A joke. But the reality is NOT a joke. She really did delete 30,000 private server government correspondence e-mails. Even Comey knew she was guilty.

The seriousness of what Hillary did had zero effect on the left's moral core. A meeting to find dirt on Hillary - that didn't even turn up dirt on Hillary is the real crime.

M Jordan said...

Stephenapolous is a serpent. Serpents deserve getting stomped.

traditionalguy said...

FTR: Manafort was a plant into Trump's campaign. He was a known partner with the Podesta boys in the Russian/Ukranian Revolution mess and had laundred lots of his cut of the Clinton Cash, which was what he was prosecuted for doing. Once Trump got his nomination by the GOP insiders at the Convention, Trump fired him 3 months after he hired him. And the result is Manafort has been treated 100 times worse than all of the other Special Counsel targets.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You cannot name Trump's corruption and lies, Freder, without simply ticking off the Maddow BS.

A meeting to listen to someone who might have dirt on Hillary (or any fucking democrat) is NOT illegal.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

But - to the left, it IS illegal to listen to someone who might have dirt on a precious protected democratic.

Michael K said...

I can visualize Freder morphing into Inga.

I think he's "morphed."

Along with wwww's concerns about Hong Kong, I note she is not interested in Iran's tanker war.

Iran, even with the aid of Obama's billions, is heading for collapse. Another "local story." for the left.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Since the corrupt left are corrupt, I want to know about it.

If Norway has the goods, I am all ears.

Fuck you Mitt Romney.

Fernandinande said...

He's the Wise Guy who brought the gift of mirth.

Freder Frederson said...

Along with wwww's concerns about Hong Kong, I note she is not interested in Iran's tanker war.

Apparently, neither is Ann. And I would definitely comment on it if she deemed it important enough to post about it.

Gahrie said...

Along with wwww's concerns about Hong Kong, I note she is not interested in Iran's tanker war.

According to what I just read on Faceboook, it wasn't the Iranians at all...it was those sneaky Jews again...…..

Martin said...

"Little" isn't an insult, it's a statement of fact that is in no way pejorative unless you insist on making it so.

"Wise guy," OTOH...

narciso said...

Which is why the land of the sock puppets re Greenwald decided to unperson heshmat this week.

Hyphenated American said...

“It is not a crime either to talk with Russians or to listen to dirt about Hillary.

Actually it is if the Russian is an agent of the Russian government (and that is what Don Jr and Manafort apparently believed). You are the one who is lying.”

So Steele committed a crime when he talked to Russian agents and collected compromat on Trump? How about the Clintons, who hired Steele to talk to the Russian agents to collect compromat on Trump? How about multiple dnc and Obama folks who talked to Ukrainians to collect compromat on Trump and his people? How about Obama people in the state department who talked to the same Russian agent, Veselnitskaya and allowed her to come to the USA? How about the agency ,hired by the Clintons and the dnc, who represented the same Russian agent, Veselnitskaya and talked the her before and after Don Jr?

Accurate ring to you, did they all commit a crime? Were they inducted?

narciso said...

Patt if the wilderness of mirrors:

MBunge said...

"It is not a crime either to talk with Russians or to listen to dirt about Hillary.

Actually it is if the Russian is an agent of the Russian government"

This kind of willful stupidity is one of the things making everyone so cranky.

It is NOT illegal to talk to an agent of the Russian government.

It is NOT illegal to talk to a Russian spy.

It is NOT illegal to receive information from a Russian spy.

Depending on the information, it is NOT illegal to provide information to a Russian spy.

It might be foolish, unwise, and a host of other things but IT IS NOT ILLEGAL.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We need the Hillary Clinton death to freedom of Information act:

All Knowledge and information of anything negative or criminal about a precious and holy democrat is illegal.
Thou shalt not speak a negative word about a precious and holy democratic, ever, and the penalty for such speech is a felony.

mikee said...

I recall seeing George on the show Pawn Stars, buying a book at an amazing markup, shortly after the store bought it. It was apparently a bit of celebrity self promotion for George, appearing on the show. I wonder if he took the price of that book as a tax deduction for business purposes on that year's 1040.

Michael K said...

I can visualize Freder morphing into Inga.

I think he's "morphed."

Along with wwww's concerns about Hong Kong, I note she is not interested in Iran's tanker war.

Iran, even with the aid of Obama's billions, is heading for collapse. Another "local story." for the left.

Otto said...

" Wise guy" is typical old nyc vernacular. Also remember when you are 6'2" and you are talking to a short , girly figured man in close quarters you can't but be aware of their unmanliness.

CWJ said...

"Apparently, neither is Ann. And I would definitely comment on it if she deemed it important enough to post about it."

Oh com'on Freder, No need to hold back. I sense a cafe coming on. Let 'er rip. Unless of course, you've really got nothing sensible to say.

Michael K said...

Apparently, neither is Ann. And I would definitely comment on it if she deemed it important enough to post about it.

That's why this is not the only blog I read.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Why was it OK for the Obama administration to have relations and conversations with the Russians? The enemy! Doesn't that make Obama a Russian Agent? According to Maddow's rules, it does.

"Flexibility" was promised by Obama himself - directly spoken words to Dimitri Medvedev.

Here it is. The illegal meeting.

rcocean said...

Trump likes doing this, and overestimates his ability to defend himself. Or rather, he fails to understand that for every 1 person who sees his answers in CONTEXT and agrees he won the exchange, there are 3 people who will just see biased snatches of conversation that will make Trump look bad.

Paul said...

"Stephanopoulos is 5'5", so I take "little wise guy" as a personal insult."

Oh no.... it's height discrimination!!! We should not call runts runts...

rcocean said...

Stephanopolous is NOT a journalist. He was Clinton's Press secretary! Why doesn't EVERY Republican on his show mention this? They are SO STUPID!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Why don't former republican press secretaries get high paying jobs inside the MSM?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Freder is simply following the hivemind. It's illegal to know how corrupt the Clinton's really are.
It's illegal to speak about anything negative about any democratic, ever. Russians, Norwegians, Chinese, it does not matter. It's illegal to discuss the Clintons in any way other than positive.

Mark O said...

Every interview with George should begin with a voir dire in which his heavy bias and prejudice are front and center before he asks the questions.

narciso said...

Which Republicans have the presence of mind to do this?

Seeing Red said...

"It is not a crime either to talk with Russians or to listen to dirt about Hillary.

Actually it is if the Russian is an agent of the Russian government"

Since I’m a Cold War baby, I guess I need clarification because

They’re ALL agents. It’s their job.

So no talking at all then?

Seeing Red said...

Steffy’s a Clintonista. I wouldn’t put it past him to “know” or “know of” all the players and said nothing.

narciso said...

Which of these reputed Russian mifsuds is also not a bureau/company asset, mifsud downdr Greenberg.

Seeing Red said...

I should have added for years.

chuck said...

Trump is a trash talker. Stephanopoulos needs to up his game so he can play on the same court with the pros.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Actually it is if the Russian is an agent of the Russian government"

Really? Do name the specific code or law that says it's illegal to talk to a Russian "agent."

Formerly - any Russian who was not an agent back when it was fine and dandy to speak to Obama or Hillary.

Is it the Hillary Clinton Dirt Act:? No talking!

narciso said...

Veseltniskaya is a fmr Russian prosecutor, akmetshin her boss is a naturalized us citizen they even had a state and aid assigned contractor, say what!

narciso said...

Now John Kerry who owns no title was meeting with three Iranian officials, first in Paris then Zurich

Darrell said...

If ABC News correspondent George Stuffanappleupyourass (HT--Stilton Jarsberg) doesn't lose his job now, ABC's audience should go to zero. Since he's been working for the Clintons since the beginning, they can start paying his salary.

Bruce Hayden said...

Blogger Freder Frederson said...
“It is not a crime either to talk with Russians or to listen to dirt about Hillary.”

“Actually it is if the Russian is an agent of the Russian government (and that is what Don Jr and Manafort apparently believed). You are the one who is lying.”

But she was an agent of the DoJ and Clinton campaign, via Fusion GPS. It took high level, likely Obama cabinet level (Lynch or Brennan), intervention to get her in and out of the country without a visa. And she met with Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign contractor, right before and right after she had met with the Trump campaign.

In short, it was a set up. It is obviously a set up, and has been obviously one since Don, Jr, etc walked out of the meeting. It was a setup orchestrated by the Obama Administration and the Clinton campaign working together. And somehow Freder believes that the Trump campaign were the ones breaking the law.

Maybe, if she had had dirt, and the Obama Administration and the Clinton Campaign had not been behind the setup, and if she had actually given the dirt on Crooked Hillary to the Trump campaign, and if she actually represented the Russian government, then maybe there might have been a crime.

wwww said...

"Along with wwww's concerns about Hong Kong, I note she is not interested in Iran's tanker war."

What a odd comment. I am following both stories. I note neither story has been posted on this blog, therefore I haven't said much about either.

The recent events in both Hong Kong and Iran are two of the most important news events. They are far more interesting to me then the height of a reporter, or the business troubles of a rando small Ohio college.

Darrell said...

Natalia Veselnitskaya got a special visa from the Obama Justice Dept under direction from the President's office to enter the US at that time after she was denied entry for that meeting. There is a nice photo of Veselnitskaya seated behind Obama’s Ambassador to Russia in a Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on Russia on June 14th, 2016.

Ken B said...

According to Freder it’s a crime to talk to the Russian ambassador, or the local Russian consul. Or the janitor at the embassy. This is why it’s safe to ignore Freder.

narciso said...

Stephanapolos is a drone the BBC would never have Alistair Campbell as an anchor they have respectable sorts like Andrew marr, whi caught the Brexit wave early.

Gk1 said...

Can anyone ever imagine a former republican political operative getting his own gig on the MSM? If anything, the dems and media criminalize any republican operative that is too effective like Karl Rove or Kellyanne Conway and look for ways of jailing them.

narciso said...

There is no interest in Hong Kong among the press really, what's the angle

stevew said...

Looks more to me like a calling out or attack on specific behavior, not a personal attack directed at his diminutive physical stature.

narciso said...

Diane Sawyer once upon a time worked for Nixon back in the pleistocene era but shes been thoroughly decontaminated

stevew said...

Tony Snow? Brit Hume? Do they count?

narciso said...

Just putting this out there:


Gk1 said...

You mean on the Fox network? Yeah, they will actually hire republicans like Snow or Hume if that's what you mean. Any other network? Nope. In fact libs will tell you "Faux news" is not legit because they allow republicans to have shows on their network. Just ask them.

mockturtle said...

The big question in the 2020 Presidential race will be: Which hate is stronger, that of the left for Trump or that of the rest of us for the mediaswine?

Mike Sylwester said...

Freder Frederson at 9:21 AM
... it [to talk with Russians or to listen to dirt ] is [a crime] if the Russian is an agent of the Russian government

What law makes it a crime?

Nonapod said...

If it was a crime to talk to a Russian representative/agent/spy about political opponents realistically you'd have to put half of the population of Washington DC in jail.

After all DC is awash in Russian money, Russian influencers, Russian informers, agents, spies, lobbyists... whatever. They take meetings with all sorts of people at all levels, from congress people and their staff, to lawyers, bureaucrats, domestic lobbyinsts, campaign officials, PACTs, charitable organizations ect. They trade information. They hand out bribes. They make veiled threats. They make promises. They do all sorts of things both illegal and legal all in the name of promoting Russian interests. And we do the same. It's a very old, long established game.

stevew said...

That sounds right Gk1. I consider Fox to be part of the MSM, but certainly not the same as CNN, MSNBC, etc.

narciso said...

Brit Hume used to work for Jack Anderson, he ended leaning Republican but he never worked in government

narciso said...

Like for example ths bureau witness Anderson worked for Chertoff who defended a Russian oligarch, but hes a never trumper so it's all good

Browndog said...

Ann is unfamiliar with male ribbing and banter.

Little bastard, little prick, little smart ass, little dickhead.

"little" has nothing to do with physical height.

Mike Sylwester said...

I hope that William Barr will be able to explain the Veselnitskaya meeting to the public.

Anonymous said...

Gk1: In fact libs will tell you "Faux news" is not legit because they allow republicans to have shows on their network. Just ask them.

The funniest lib belief about Fox is the belief that anyone who disagrees with them only does so because FAUX NEWS!!! is their only source of information. OK, FAUX NEWS!!! and Rush Limbaugh.

Really remarkable how I've had my opinions dictated by sources I've never listened to or watched.

Yancey Ward said...

Wow, new lows of argumentation from Freder, and I would not have thought that possible.

Michael K said...

What a odd comment. I am following both stories. I note neither story has been posted on this blog, therefore I haven't said much about either.

You are minimizing the Oberlin story because it is a major clue about what is coming for the militant left. The Covington cases are a big deal. The Title IX cases are starting to push back against leftist SJW administrators in colleges.

Hong Kong is interesting but that story was told in 1997.

I don't blame you for trying to divert attention. The next big story you will ignore is when Barr starts recommending indictments of former intell officials like Brennan and Clapper.

The country is in a cold civil war and you are pointing at squirrels.

Yancey Ward said...

Listening to foreigners of any kind or description is not a crime in the US- full stop. Repeating that information to anyone is not a crime in the US- full stop- and it doesn't matter if you are Freder Frederson or Donald Trump. You are under no obligation to repeat this information or the contact to anyone, and not doing so is not a crime in the US- full stop. What kind of country does Freder Frederson think he lives in?

Yancey Ward said...

Seriously, if it were a crime, why didn't Mueller indict Hillary Clinton and the leaders of the DNC, Coei-Perkins, FusionGPS, and Bruce Ohr? Indeed, why were all the journalists Christopher Steele talked to on US soil not indicted? The question should answer itself- they weren't indicted because it wasn't a criminal act, and we know this because Trump Jr., Manafort, and Kushner were not indicted for meeting with Veselnitskaya, too, and I promise you that Mueller and Weissman would have indicted them if it were a crime.

buwaya said...

Stefanopoulos is owned by ABC News which is part of ABC which is owned by Disney.
The proper approach is to figure out what Disney wants out of Stefanopoulos.
Or what some people in Disney want.
Or what some other people outside of Disney want out of Disney.
The whole thing is also tied into a tangle of what amount to protection rackets, exploiting the bureaucracy and legal systems.

Skippy Tisdale said...

"Patt if the wilderness of mirrors:

Adblock Plus says it blocked 89 ads on that page. Eighty-nine. Fuck!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ Yancey
Listening to foreigners of any kind or description is not a crime in the US- full stop. Repeating that information to anyone is not a crime in the US- full stop- and it doesn't matter if you are Freder Frederson or Donald Trump. You are under no obligation to repeat this information or the contact to anyone, and not doing so is not a crime in the US- full stop. What kind of country does Freder Frederson think he lives in?

The kind of country where it is illegal to say anything negative about a democrat.

Yancey Ward said...

Unfortunately, a lot of conservative news sites are ad sewers- it is hard to find a relatively clean one.

alanc709 said...

To moron Frederson: Freder Frederson at 9:21 AM
... it [to talk with Russians or to listen to dirt ] is [a crime] if the Russian is an agent of the Russian government

Aren't diplomats agents of their respective governments? Are you really THAT stupid?

Browndog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gerry said...

and that is what Don Jr and Manafort apparently believed

Does the assertion make Freder a psychic or a psycho?

narciso said...

well chuck ross's twitter feed, encapsulates the basics, I think the turks probably set Flynn up as well, seeing how pro Erdogan the Obama administratration was.

Achilles said...

Freder Frederson said...

So are you saying nobody should be investigated unless the government is 100% certain of their guilt?

There is a process written in law that the government has to go through to get a warrant to spy on an american citizen.

That process is there to protect our privacy and our right to due process.

A lot of people conspired to break those laws to spy illegally on a political opponent.

They conspired with foreign intelligence agencies in Britain, Italy, Ukraine, and Australia to subvert our laws and undermine our government.

Jail is too good for these people.

Their supporters are enemies of freedom.

Amadeus 48 said...

President Donald J. Trump played by John Goodman.
George Stephanopoulos played by Joe Peschi.

narciso said...

btw they convicted the second gunman at Benghazi, al imam, the defense called up david Kirkpatrick, the one that provided an alibi for abu khattalah,

narciso said...


Seeing Red said...

So are you saying nobody should be investigated unless the government is 100% certain of their guilt?

If they only investigated the sources of the dossier first....

Susan said...

Poor George. In over his head in deeply unserious waters.

Seeing Red said...

This isn’t France. We do not live under Napoleonic law.

Seeing Red said...

This is the dammit, the witch escaped version of the law.

Michael McNeil said...

What kind of country does Freder Frederson think he lives in?


narayanan said...

Lucid-Ideas said... Similar to the best back-handed comments, it has a double meaning.

I have heard that when Ayn Rand met William Buckley she told him "You are too intelligent to believe in God"

Michael K said...

I think the turks probably set Flynn up as well, seeing how pro Erdogan the Obama administratration was.

It sure sounds like it from Popadopoulis book. The agents who contacted him all were very hostile to his idea of avoiding Turkey in the Israeli pipeline deal.

narciso said...

it's Brazil, but it's not buttle or tuttle,

btw it's been about a year since the mastermind bin qumu, was detained by general hafters' forcees

narciso said...

It seems like it, Erdogan wants the gas, his partnership with Qatar, doesn't brook any competition,

mockturtle said...

Susan quips: Poor George. In over his head in deeply unserious waters.


Sebastian said...

"there was no crime"

Not by Trump. But the deep-staters did abuse the FISA process, they did spy without warrant on American citizens, and several have already lied to investigators. Plus the Mueller witch hunt obstructed justice by postponing the reckoning.

Of course, if listening to or colluding with foreigners is criminal, FBI and CIA leaders, and Hill and her minions, are in trouble, since they relied on Mifsud, Downer, a foreign female helpmate of Halper's, and of course Steele and his Russian informants (with other elements of British intelligence hovering in the background, I suspect).

Kevin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narayanan said...

RE: Hong Kong's extradition (bill not yet?) law -

Since every person present is subject to it

Even a-not-Deeply analysis should make it clear to see - Hong Kong just became China's Guantanamo

Kevin said...

Poor George. In over his head in deeply unserious waters.


narciso said...

worst Russian pawn evarr:


Freder Frederson said...

This isn’t France. We do not live under Napoleonic law.

Actually, I live in Louisiana, so I do live under Napoleonic law. Although I don't know what that has to do with the topic at hand.

Narr said...

Yeah, how many times have I been told I'm in thrall to FAUX NEWS because I'm not up on the current dimocrat line, or even dispute it. There are other sources of information than shadow-dueling heads.

FOX News reaches about 2+ million people in prime time; in a nation of what, 160 million eligible voters?

If things go on like this, I might consider thinking about maybe contemplating voting for Tr . . . sorry still not there yet.

BS = Bernie Sanders = Bull Shit

stevew said...

"So are you saying nobody should be investigated unless the government is 100% certain of their guilt?"

No but there must be at least minimal evidence of a crime committed by the person or persons you seek to investigate.

Ambrose said...

"little wiseguy" is a wonderful antiquated insult from a time when we didn't call everyone we disliked hitler.

Freder Frederson said...

A lot of people conspired to break those laws to spy illegally on a political opponent.

So far this statement is pure conjecture. Bill Barr is looking into it. Let's see what happens.

Fen said...

So far this statement is pure conjecture. Bill Barr is looking into it. Let's see what happens.

LOL. It's amusing how your speculation is so situational. Define broadly when it supports your point, define narrowly when it doesn't. Are you even aware of it?

I bet if we pulled all the names and party affiliations out of the mix, you wouldn't know what to argue.

Freder Frederson said...

LOL. It's amusing how your speculation is so situational. Define broadly when it supports your point, define narrowly when it doesn't. Are you even aware of it?

Are you?

Freder Frederson said...

I bet if we pulled all the names and party affiliations out of the mix, you wouldn't know what to argue.

The same could be said about you.

At least I am willing to admit it.

Fen said...

Try another rejoinder. I think the 3rd time will be the charm.

It's okay, no one here thinks you're flustered.

JaimeRoberto said...

Everybody likes a little ass. Nobody likes a little smart ass.

Mike Sylwester said...

Freder Frederson at 9:21 AM
... it [to talk with Russians or to listen to dirt ] is [a crime] if the Russian is an agent of the Russian government

What law makes it a crime? (asking a second time)

tim in vermont said...

At least I am willing to admit it

It’s obvious to everybody. If it were so true about us and Trump, you would be able to point to specific instances, you know, like we do. Then we could talk about how we all argue the same way.

Let’s start with the unmaskings,

House Oversight & Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy said Tuesday that President Obama's former United Nations ambassador has testified that not all of the "unmasking" requests made in her name were directed by her.

Samantha Power testified in Gowdy's committee last week, and Fox News reported weeks before her appearance that she was thought to have made as many as 260 requests to "unmask" Americans caught up in the surveillance of non-U.S. citizens.

But Tuesday evening, Gowdy told Fox News that Power told his committee that she was not the official requesting that unmasking in every case.

"I think if she were on your show, she would say those requests to unmask may have been attributed to her, but they greatly exceed by an exponential factor the requests she actually made," Gowdy said.


Does that sound on the up and up to anybody?

OK Freder, you go with a fact based assertion with a link and context.

effinayright said...

Mike Sylwester said...
Freder Frederson at 9:21 AM
... it [to talk with Russians or to listen to dirt ] is [a crime] if the Russian is an agent of the Russian government

What law makes it a crime? (asking a second time)

Freder response: humina humina humina...........

tim in vermont said...

Is it a crime to get caught on a hot mic asking that a message go to Putin that Obama can do stuff for him after the election (be more flexible) if Putin helps him get elected by taking the pressure off?

Is that a crime of soliciting collusion? Because in this case there is recorded evidence.

Or is it the old “It doesn’t count when Democrats do it”?

tim in vermont said...

Its funny how the recordings of Trump talking to the Russians showed no quid pro quo according to the FBI, but Obama is offering “quid" for “pro" explicitly regarding election meddling and a promised payback.

tim in vermont said...

Let’s try this

Orange haired Republican X sends a message to Putin asking for his help to get elected and promising Putin that if he comes through, he can go easy on him “after the election” when the rubes will no longer have any say. We have a recording that is undeniably him. Is that oranged haired Republican guilty of a crime?

What if an Australian govt official got information that would harm the orange haired Republican’s opponent by falsely implicating her in a criminal conspiracy, woud that be collusion and a crime?

tim in vermont said...

I think a lot of what is confusing Freder is that he keeps calling Russia an “enemy” of the United States when no state of war exists between our countries, try as the Democrats might to gin one up.

It’s almost like the Democrats have become obsessed...

tim in vermont said...

Like Glenn Greenwald says, where’s the harm in ginning up tensions between two nuclear superpowers just to sop up Hillary’s tears. Sending her a pallet of gin would have been a better way to work towards peace on Earth.

narciso said...



Anonymous said...

"Everybody likes a little ass"? Sir Mix-a-lot disagrees, emphatically and downright hypnotically.

iowan2 said...

The practicle side of this, and what Don Jr. should have done, is refer any person offering opo research to your lawyer. That lawyer would hire a political consulting firm to interview the person.

See how easy this is? The lawyer and the consulting firm could be brothers working out of the same office (a 2005 Suburban). I'm not sure, first check with the ex DD of the FBI McCabe, to see if maybe one more cutout is required, per the constitution.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I don't think that was a jab at George over his height. Trump, as a tall man, is not above lording it over those shorter than himself, considering himself superior because of his height, or generally taking his tall privilege for granted, but I don't think he meant it in that way, and I don't think George took it that way.

Notice he said, "You're being", not "You are". I think he meant George was being somewhat, but not completely, wise, that is, tricky and unfair. If he were simply calling George short, he wouldn't have "which is typical for you." That would make no sense. Being short isn't TYPICAL, for George, or a state of being subject to change; it's simply what he is.

n.n said...

Little wise guy of the mob-kind. Little rascal of the gang-kind. Moderation of the kind.

readering said...

Of you already love the stuff that comes out of Trump's mouth you'll love more of the same. If not?

Swede said...

He's a tiny little shit, isn't he?

Nichevo said...

Swede said...
He's a tiny little shit, isn't he?

6/14/19, 7:34 PM

Have you been hanging with Peter Buttygag? A five foot human stool is enormous!

Michael Fitzgerald said...

I marvel at our great president's admirable restraint. How he doesn't just punch that little faggot silly is beyond me.

madAsHell said...

Gee Whiz, Swede! How'd you get your nick-name??

ken in tx said...

I think this idea that talking to and listening to somebody is a criminal act, needs to be ruled on by the supreme court. It doesn't sound right to me.

Swede said...

My grandpa was called Swede. When I was born I was called "little Swede".

Which rubbed my mom's family wrong because they're Norwegian.

madAsHell said...

Which rubbed my mom's family wrong because they're Norwegian.

Perfect!! Your story Trumps my sarcasm.

Gospace said...

It is not a crime to talk to Russians, Chinese, North Koreans, and depending on the year, other persons of other nationalities. It is not a crime to get information from them, whether or not they're agents, military, civilians, or otherwise.

It is, however, required that if you hold a clearance that you report any such contacts- after the fact - to the appropriate security agency or to your chain of command. It's also important to recall that some answers you give to questions are canned, and not deviated from, whether you're talking to a Communist agent of a foreign government or a member of the U.S. press, as if there was any ideological difference between them for most of my life. Some of the canned answers I had memorized were- "Deeper than 400 feet." "Faster than 20 knots." "I can neither confirm nor deny the presence of nuclear weapons on board a vessel of the United States Navy."

There were a few times I had brief conversations with Soviet merchant seamen in overseas bars. I reported each one. We were also supposed to report any conversation where people pushed us for information, whether they were friendlies or not. Especially if they were good looking women, aka potential swallows. Never had any of those. Paranoia is virtually a security requirement.

If someone offers to set up a meet with you to give you information, well, different rules come into play. First- how high up are you? If you're really low on the totem pole- you report first and ask for instructions, even if there's time criticality. If you're a decisionmaker, you decide if you're going to meet. You might or not inform others beforehand, but you will make notes. And afterwards, you'll follow standard reporting protocol.

If you're a civilian, and don't hold a security clearance, not a single one of these rules apply. Even if you're part of a political campaign. They apply to me until the day I die. Saying a civilian who doesn't hold a clearance can't meet up with foreigners and listen to what they have to say would be blatantly unconstitutional. Even if it's dirt on a politician. Saying that you can't approach and pay a foreigner to dig up and supply such information, OTOH, can be made illegal. And, BTW, that's what Hillary and her campaign did.

One of my sons was just denied a U.S. visa to travel to China and Uzbekistan. For touristing, not business. He's a civilian, never had a clearance. He's associated with 5 close family members with TS or S clearances. Apparently that makes him a security risk. You're not informed why a visa was denied, it's simply denied.

veni vidi vici said...

"If the alleged horse thief gave a false alibi, even if he was later found not guilty of the underlying crime, he would have still committed the crime of perjury."

Please, can we try as a nation to work harder to prevent authoritarian pricks like Stu Gatz over there from ever having the reins of power?

Thanks in advance.