June 19, 2019

"Despite weeks of hype from the president and his campaign, the official kickoff rally for a re-election campaign that he has been running since the day he took office was, in the end, just another rally."

"Mr. Trump had no new campaign message to unveil. He had no new theory of the case to mount against any of his potential opponents. He instead spent much of his time relitigating his outrage against Hillary Clinton’s email server, promising that he would build a wall that was 'stronger, bigger, better and cheaper' and talking about the 'Russia hoax.' When Mr. Trump seemed to sense that the crowd’s energy was sagging, he quickly started polling attendees about what campaign slogan he should use."

That's Maggie Haberman and Annie Karni in "What We Learned From Trump’s Orlando Rally" (NYT), and I agree. I looked forward to the big announcement rally, and I mostly zoned out because I've watched many Trump rallies and this was just another one. I recognized all the riffs.

The NYT article is an 8-point list of observations. What I quoted above was #1: "It was just a rally."

ADDED: It's conceivable that Trump is engaging in some devious trickery, seeming as though he's got nothing new and he'll just be running on autopilot. Maybe he's got all new stuff — or will have it — and he's waiting to drop it when the time is right, and that's not now. If he puts out the new material now, 20 Democratic candidates will rip it apart, and the Democratic race will be about their capacity to counter what will be his actual 2020 campaign. If he withholds it, the Democrats will have less to talk about, and they'll pick their nominee based on who's best suited to fight the Trump of the past.


David Begley said...

The loons on Morning Joe were saying the same thing. It’s like they get talking points from the same source.

Oso Negro said...

The Rolling Stones have been making money on "I Can't Get No (Satisfaction)" and "Honky Tonk Women" since the 1960s. I think Trump's greatest hits will sustain him through 2020. But who knows? Maybe American yearns for Joe Biden.

RNB said...

And if Trump had announced some big new policy innovation, the headline would have been: "Trump attempts to escape from failure of current policies!"

Fernandinande said...

Orange Man Bad is the official space-drink of NYT astronettes!

Ann Althouse said...

"The loons on Morning Joe were saying the same thing. It’s like they get talking points from the same source."

I didn't get any talking points. I just watched it myself and formed my own opinion. Are you calling me a loon? Maybe you are the loon.

Bob Boyd said...

This is the same trick Hitler used. Lull people into complacency with boring rallies, then Bam! into Poland. Works every time.

Darrell said...

"Loon" is aimed at the NYT.

readering said...

Most campaigning politicians give the same speeches over and over like stand-up comics give the same set. The problem is televising and reviewing them. I guess in end everyone who cares to will here Trump set at least once and orange man heads many times.

AustinRoth said...

He is just the President ...still!

The NYT cannot forgive him for that

traditionalguy said...

They are re-cycling the reasons for people to hate their beloved General and President Dwight Eisenhower whose term has only been a boring repeat of peace and prosperity and peace and prosperity under USA's world dominance. No Asian Land Wars, no economic crashes, no excitement ( other than ordering the 101st Airborne to assist enrolling a few black kids in Little Rock.) We need to get the country moving again!!!

Craig Howard said...

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Ann Althouse said...

""Loon" is aimed at the NYT. Obviously."

It's aimed, obviously, at Morning Joe. Less obviously, at everyone speaking as if they've got the same memo. I'm calling bullshit on that, because I know I'm not speaking from talking points. It's my honest and direct observation. To slough it off as talking points from the same source looks like denial to me.

Kevin said...

Shorter NYT: How can we report on Trump’s event while reinforcing all the Democratic talking points?

Russia hoax in quotations is a nice touch.

It may be a hoax, but it’s not a hoax-hoax.

Birkel said...

Nobody would call Althouse a loon.
Just predictable Left.

Darrell said...

What part of Warren's shtick is fresh? Biden's?

BamaBadgOR said...

The speech was too long. My guess is because his staff wanted to cover policy points and get some video for the 2020 campaign. The best part was the first part - pure Trump without the staff-induced blandness. While Trump may have been at his best reviewing golden oldies, I believe one of his campaign themes will be how the Dems have attempted - and are continuing to attempt - to corruptly negate his presidency and his supporters' 2016 vote.

Kevin said...

Will every speech this election cycle be reported as just another speech?

Or is this meant to contrast Trump’s repetitive enumeration of his successes with Dems’ inclusion of new promises for every audience they address?

Kevin said...

The loons on Morning Joe were saying the same thing. It’s like they get talking points from the same source.

They all read the NYT before going on the air.

Bay Area Guy said...

Nobody cares what Maggie Haberman thinks about a Trump rally.

readering said...

I do. She has a lot of followers on Twitter.

Joaquin said...

There were more people standing inline to use the bathroom than at Sleepy Joe's rally.
This election will be wonderful yawner.....................

narciso said...

Pass thr rizzotto, maggie;

Tommy Duncan said...


Ronna McDaniel
‏Verified account @GOPChairwoman

@realDonaldTrump has raised a record breaking $24.8M in less than 24 hours for his re-election. The enthusiasm across the country for this President is unmatched and unlike anything we’ve ever seen!

Quayle said...

From what I can see, this Trump character perpetually under-performs and miscalculates right up until the point where he wins. The great mystery to me is how, after 2016, the "he is behind in the polls" line carries any weight or respect at all.

Dan said...

I thought it was a great coming out speech! Not sure what you listened to. He said he was going to continue his current successful policies.

tcrosse said...

The crowd at a rock concert want to hear the old favorites, and get upset if all they hear is new material.

Bruce Hayden said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

That's a reference to when she and all her pals would send their copy to Russian agent John Podesta for vetting

Bruce Hayden said...

But then, which of the Dem candidates is going to be able to even try to touch this performance? About the only ones I see jazzing up a crowd are Crazy Bernie, Bobby O’Rourke, and maybe one other. Maybe not. Begley, who sees them in person more got have a better idea. Yeh, it’s boring, but no one else can do it.

Why might that be important? One of the most potent weapons that the Dems have here is that the MSM has effectively othered Trump and the Republicans. You constantly hear about how Trump or some other Republican is an extremist, racist, sexist, homophobe, anti Semitic, etc. they don’t have the numbers. Trump and these Republicans are far closer to the center of the country than most of the Dem candidates, etc. they have spent years now trying to convince the country that only retards, Neanderthals, and bigots vote Republican, and in particular, for Trump. And this sort of classism does work - I think that it explains very well why my native CO was locked up 2016 for Crooked Hillary. They would vote any day for the most corrupt Presidential candidate of a century to avoid voting for anyone as gauche, as socially unacceptable, as Trump. Their identity as smart, good, educated people just prevents it.

How do you fight this constant attempt to “other” Trump by the Media? I think that one answer is to turn political events into public happenings like rock concerts. Except that Trump is better than a rock band here. He can pack far more venues than anyone else on the national stage can. How can you feel othered, and too embarrassed to vote for Trump, when there were tens of thousands others just like you chanting together at that Trump rally you attended? And over the next year and a third, there are going to be dozens, probably nearing a hundred of these events around the country, building a shared experience with millions of his supporters. Where when you see someone walking down the street with a MAGA hat, you compare notes to see which Trump events they attended. Similar, maybe, to what you see with people wearing rock concert T shirts.

And throughout the campaign, whenever the press goes gaga about a Dem political event, will be the elephant in the room that this event is tiny compared to the Trump rally held just down the street. Of course, it was just one more Trump rally. They want you to ignore that Trump is building a phenomenon with his political rallies, and the more he holds and fills, the harder it is going to be to stop him.

Swede said...

If you thought it was going to be something else, then let me save you some future trouble.

Of course it was "just another rally". The next one will be, too.

And every single one after that.

Economy hot? Check.

Democrats batshit crazy and out of control? Check.

Impeachment the most stupid idea ever? Check.

Building the wall? Check.

Appointing conservatives to the courts? Check.

Deregulating the shit out of everything? Check.

Democratic presidential candidates fumblefucking over each other trying to out-left the other guys? Check.

I think he made a pretty good case to his base, and anybody else who was listening, as to why he should continue being president.

These are the messaging points that rev up the base, easily fills venues, and ensures they'll get out and vote.

Why would it be any other thing? To convince you and other liberals to vote for him?

Why would he waste his time?

Maggie's going to be quite bitter (still) for the next 5 years.

Ambrose said...

Why would he change his message or his policies - they've been working

cubanbob said...

Typical NYT bullshit. Trump is trumpeting a good economy. The Democrats are offering Communism Lite. For sane Americans, there is no choice. Now one campaign promise I really want Trump to carry out is to Lock Her Up and throw away the key.

Michael K said...

I didn't get any talking points. I just watched it myself and formed my own opinion. Are you calling me a loon? Maybe you are the loon.

I think this is just residual pain and anger from that thread yesterday.

Relax, Ann. It was just a rally. Of course 150,000 people requested tickets. But who's counting ?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If he actually could deport all the illegal entrants, he'd win in a landslide.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“It's conceivable that Trump is engaging in some devious trickery, seeming as though he's got nothing new and he'll just be running on autopilot. Maybe he's got all new stuff — or will have it — and he's waiting to drop it when the time is right, and that's not now.”

Ah that Trump, a stable genius.

BamaBadgOR said...

Addendum: Exactly. Trump has no reason to announce new initiatives now.

Wince said...

When Mr. Trump seemed to sense that the crowd’s energy was sagging, he quickly started polling attendees about what campaign slogan he should use."

But wasn't that during the second hour of the rally, Tucker Carlson segue into Sean Hannity, during the "whatever they can get" guy?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Lotta loons around Trump rallies. Did you really watch those people? I’d say they were cultish, besides loony, maybe one needs to be a loon to be a cult member? At this point, who cares?

Tommy Duncan said...

"Just another Trump event" is a high bar.

Last night's event dwarfed the size and enthusiasm at the Democrat candidate rallies. Thus the predictable sour-grapes comments.

M Jordan said...

Trump’s speeches are too long, too rambling, and too predictable. But they work. Trump riffs his way into new material then, once found, works it into the fabric. Every speech introduces some new thing which oft goes unnoticed. I didn’t watch last night’s speech but I’m guessing there’s some new wrinkle in it that will grow into the fabric of his campaign.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Trump’s speeches are too long, too rambling, and too predictable. But they work.”

Indeed they do, with his cult members.

Rit said...

I too was disappointed. When Trump didn't walk on water, heal the spinal injuries of those attendees in wheelchairs and raise the dead it suddenly became clear to me that this was just another rally.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Trump deleted a single e-mail from his PRIVATE SERVER, he would be put to death.

Worth repeating.

wendybar said...

Or maybe you just don't get it....https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2019/06/does_anyone_doubt_that_trump_is_the_emrockyem_of_american_politics.html

Fernandinande said...

This is how you get more Trump (h/t Sailer)

"Let's call this what it is: an attempt to remake the demographics of our country by cracking down on immigrants. That this threat is coming from the President of the United States is deeply reprehensible and an affront to our values. We will fight this." https://t.co/AUShhjLh1H — Kamala Harris

Drago said...

I really appreciate the insight and opinion of our resident Hoax Dossier/Hoax Collusion Truther Cultist Inga.

Tell us Inga, and dont be shy, why is it you still believe the hoax dossier is 100% true?


Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...

"Lotta loons around Trump rallies."

The correct term is "deplorables". The "loons" attend Democrat rallies, "deplorables" attend Trump rallies.

For clarity, there are lots of "deportables" at Democrat events.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

I heard the president of the United States of America directly accuse the previous president, the democrat party challenger, and the democrat national party of orchestrating and personally participating in an attempt to frame the president for crimes that they themselves committed. If that was the same old same old, it sure sounded charged with a new dynamic. The president accused Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and the entire Democrat party, of treason, and he promised to expose them to The American people. Pretty yuuuge, I thought.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The correct term is "deplorables". The "loons" attend Democrat rallies, "deplorables" attend Trump rallies.”

Sure, correction: Loony Deplorables.

Fernandinande said...

deeply reprehensible

Tommy Duncan said...

Rit is correct. Unlike Biden, Trump failed to cure cancer at this rally.

Drago said...

You can always tell when Inga hasnt found prime cut and paste material to use and has to depend on herself for postings!

Hilarity and astonishing levels of non-self-awareness/projection always ensues!

But only always.


traditionalguy said...

Yesterday was the full moon. So lunacy reigned for the moment in time. How boring can the Deplorables be, repeating the same old we are the people act. That is the same crowd whose ancestors followed Washington,Jackson and lincoln acting as if they actually think for themselves. What lunatics they have become after 50 years intense mind control worked on them by the Enemy of the People has been erased by that Bad Orange Man.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga - the one woman Trump hate cult. She is still butt-hurt over Hillary losing. Inga was so excited the night of the 2016 election. Now, Hillary will never be president. hahahahahaha.

TreeJoe said...

A few thoughts:

1. One of the main missions of a pollster is to identify how messages resonate. The prevailing MSM theory is he was fired because his polls showed Biden beating Trump. That's just a stupid talking point in the MSM. It's possible the reason no new messages were shared here is directly tied to his firing of the pollster.

2. I might expect some expanded messages here but I can't point to anything and see Trump as failing from his own actions. Economically? Certainly not. Foreign policy? No. Build the wall? Yes, albeit with clear partisan reasons why. Immigration? Yes, albeit with clear partisan reasons why. Cleaning the swamp? Please continue.

Trump gets 24/7 negative media online and on TV. 24/7. Let me go to cnn.com right now and pull from the stuff that headlines the top of the first page....

"Fast checking trump's orlando campaign rally....featured more than 15 false claims over 76 minutes" - that's their most important story...

NBCnews subheadline at top of first page, "Trump refuses to apologize to central park 5"

...I could go on, but why?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“What lunatics they have become after 50 years intense mind control worked on them by the Enemy of the People has been erased by that Bad Orange Man.”

He’s a miracle worker!!

cubanbob said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
“It's conceivable that Trump is engaging in some devious trickery, seeming as though he's got nothing new and he'll just be running on autopilot. Maybe he's got all new stuff — or will have it — and he's waiting to drop it when the time is right, and that's not now.”

Ah that Trump, a stable genius."

Compared to the Democrat-Communists running, he is.

TreeJoe said...

Ack, didn't finish my thought...

My point above was he gets 24/7 negative coverage and yet has reasonable chances of successful re-election.

Why significantly change his current messaging? Seems fraught with risk without a clear benefit.

Drago said...

If just 1% of Ingas claims regarding Trumps rallies was correct, CNN would fall all over themselves to SHOW the entire rally to help sabotage Trump.

But CNN ran away from the rally and the reasons are obvious.

Hoax dossiers.

Hoax Trump rally cutaway reasons.

Hoax collusion.

Hoax psych 101 "analyses".

With Inga and her vagina-hat wearing, defecating on police cars, infanticde-supporting buddies, its Hoaxes all the way down.


n.n said...

Democrats are still flying a model plane from yesteryear. Can they spy, can they collude, can they obstruct, can they gerrymander and invent, can they burn and dunk witches and warlocks to cross the finish line? Here's to progress.

Temujin said...

Of course it was just another rally. It's what he does. Just another rally with a filled arena and people pouring out of the stands, into the concourses, and to the outside. People who waited 4 days to get in line. This after 2.5 years of an all-out assault on this guy from all ends of the world: from our own FBI and CIA, to the Russians & Chinese directing social media (and formal media), to the corporate offices in Silicon Valley, to the directed throngs coming out of Guatemala.

And this is what is so clear to me after last night. All of those who did not get how or why Trump got elected, STILL don't get how or why it happened and how or why it's about to happen again.

After the last couple of years, I cannot even imagine the heart-wrenching wails we'll be hearing in November of 2020. I'd like to say it'll be entertaining, but it won't be. It'll be disturbing.

traditionalguy said...

Just read The Professor's add on. She has been to the War College.

Drago said...

Inga: "He’s a miracle worker!!"

Blame it on obama dummy. Obama said it would take a "magic wand" to hit 3% growth....AND Trump found the Magic Wand!!

Its a miracle!!

Dave Begley said...

One thing I have learned is that Real America hates the Fake News with a passion. And for good reason.

Here's one thing that the MSM won't talk about. With the Trump energy program we are now exporting oil and gas. Gas in Omaha is $2.39, WTI about $50 bbl. If Crooked Hillary would have been elected, we'd have $120 WTI, $4.50 per gallon gas and sky high power bills.

Russia and Iran would have even more money to terrorize the world.

Fuck the Fake News.

cubanbob said...

Michael Fitzgerald said...
I heard the president of the United States of America directly accuse the previous president, the democrat party challenger, and the democrat national party of orchestrating and personally participating in an attempt to frame the president for crimes that they themselves committed. If that was the same old same old, it sure sounded charged with a new dynamic. The president accused Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and the entire Democrat party, of treason, and he promised to expose them to The American people. Pretty yuuuge, I thought."

Indeed. The most impressive thing in my mind Trump could do is to get AG Barr to prosecute all these criminals. Drain the swamp. It would also be a be a great caution to the Republicans to straighten out and fly right. Corruption is the worst issue we have in governance at all levels. Once it gets too far along we face becoming a Latin American country. keep in mind that one hundred years ago Argentina was one of the richest countries in the world.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Breaking News: Donald Trump unexpectedly finds a new way to disappoint the NYTs!!!

Dave Begley said...


"I didn't get any talking points. I just watched it myself and formed my own opinion. Are you calling me a loon? Maybe you are the loon."

"Loons" modified Morning Joe.

As to his speech, yes there was repetition but do an Althousian analysis of the transcript. The energy piece is clearly new. He did talk about what he was done.

With all due respect, you got caught up in the format and his personality.

He also has a format that he goes with and a winning point in any speech is bashing the Fake News.

Also new was attacking the Dem candidates.

I know loons. You, Ann Althouse, are no loon.

Dave Begley said...

And what President - or any politician for that matter - doesn't start running for re-election the day after they are elected?

The Godfather said...

Nobody else has said the obvious, so I will. Trump isn’t running for the nomination- he’s already got it. The Dem would-be’s are running for the nomination. When the Dem nominee has been decided, then the real Presidential campaign will begin. Wake me then.

Drago said...

Godfather: "Trump isn’t running for the nomination- he’s already got it."

Nonsense. That other guy declared for the nomination.

I think.

I can't remember. His name eludes me.

I think he is still alive.

Possibly. Maybe.

....if I could just remember his name....

Caligula said...

"@realDonaldTrump has raised a record breaking $24.8M in less than 24 hours for his re-election. The enthusiasm across the country for this President is unmatched and unlike anything we’ve ever seen!"

And, NYT reporter, how do the numbers and enthusiasm at that rally compare with those seeking the Democratic nomination? For that matter, how does this compare with those in the middle of Obama's first term?

Does NYT have some software that auto-filters actual journalism (such as covering a Trump rally) into this "Really, really we do despise Trump: and also his supporters, and all his works!" drearily predictable output?

Dave Begley said...

"If Trump deleted a single e-mail from his PRIVATE SERVER, he would be put to death." Yeah, that's worth repeating.

Bruce Hayden: Booker is the only one with real performance skills but he doesn't draw a crowd. Kind of a Rhodes Scholar-preacher thing he does. Bernie has his fans, that's for sure. Beto is just plain exhausting.

Prediction. As the US Attorney starts indicting people in the next few months, the whole tenor of the campaign will change. The Fake News will be on defense. Perfect timing.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Perhaps Inga thinks it is racist of Trump to have found the Economic "Magic Wand" that obambi claimed it would take to hit 3% growth.

That darn Trump!

Just add it to the LLR Chuck/Nadler list of reasons to impeach. (Remind me again, which clause of the Constitution forbids the finding of economic magic wands?)

Dave Begley said...

Isn't this new stuff? Was Maggie paying attention?

“Our radical Democrat opponents are driven by hatred, prejudice and rage. They want to destroy you and they want to destroy our country as we know it. Not acceptable. It’s not going to happen.”

gilbar said...

serious questions about 'just another rally'

How many people were there? Looked like it was filled to capacity, but how many?
How many people were at the LARGEST democrat rally anywhere in the country?

How many people were at the ten largest democrat rallies so far?
How many people were at the last ten Trump rallies?

I really don't know the answers to these; and would like to know

Aggie said...

I didn't read the article. Did it mention the crowd count? And about the vast majority of the crowd happily standing outside the stadium during the rally, seeing on the screen, peaceably? Aside from a handful of snotty reporters, it looks like Trump has a substantial and willing audience for his message, whatever it might be. I guess there is some Reporter's Law that a kick-off rally should conform to their ideas on style, appearance, and susbstance. But when it comes to conforming to the Media's Rules, Trump doesn't do very well, does he? And yet for most other people, compared to the other candidates he does very well - doesn't he?

Drago said...

Admit it Inga, if your earth-bound fake messiah obama told you, via a hoax dossier naturally, that it would take a Magic Unicorn for the US to become the biggest energy producer in the world, the secret inner you would start looking in the sky and wondering when this can-do President would come whizzing by on a horned steed...


Charlie Currie said...

He'll announce his new campaign policies at next year's state of the union.

Drago said...

Dave Begley: "Isn't this new stuff? Was Maggie paying attention?"

Yes and yes, which is why the MSM is scared to show it.

I expect wall to wall coverage of every dem at every rally with a simultaneous 100% blackout of Trump events going forward.

CJinPA said...

Agreed. I was surprised at how standard it was and tuned out.

But surely he has something up his sleeve...

gilbar said...

Dave Begley said...
With the Trump energy program we are now exporting oil and gas. Gas in Omaha is $2.39, WTI about $50 bbl. If Crooked Hillary would have been elected, we'd have $120 WTI, $4.50 per gallon gas and sky high power bills.

Yes, but; think of how high her Tesla stock would be now if she'd been elected?

Quaestor said...

Mr. Trump had no new campaign message to unveil.

What wannabe candidate among the Dems has a new message to unveil? All of it, excepting Princess Fauxcahontas' economy policy stolen wholesale from President Trump, is same bullshit they've pedaled for twenty years ramped up to 11.

For as long as I can remember Democrat political messaging has been like classic Cadillac body styling. New for 1959, TAILFINS!!

Drago said...

CJ: "But surely he has something up his sleeve..."

Trump certainly teed up the coming hoax collusion revelations, amongst a few other things.

I find it very interesting that Horowitz, now working with Barr and Durham, had to delay the release of his report at the very same time reports are emerging of a wave of FBI/CIA/other dept whistleblowers coming forward because they believe in Barr and Durham.

Very very interesting.

Ice Nine said...

When Trump's agenda has been, is, and will continue to be fixing *everything* that needs fixing in America, it is kind of hard for him to announce a new agenda.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“But surely he has something up his sleeve...”


I'm Full of Soup said...

Althouse - chill will you.

In sports talk radio and in politics, there are those who form an opinion on an issue on their own like you generally do. And there are those who wait til they hear all the other opinions out there and pick one as their own. That is not you.

But you do have potential, although I'd say it is only a very slim potential, to become a far left loon. :)

Anonymous said...

I guess in end everyone who cares to will here Trump set at least once and orange man heads many times.

Nice of you to lend narciso your phone, readering.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump haters exceed the president in hyperbole

narciso said...

That's the babelfish setting from colloquial urdu.

narayanan said...

I'm Full of Soup said... Althouse - chill will you.

In sports talk radio and in politics, there are those who form an opinion on an issue on their own like you generally do. And there are those who wait til they hear all the other opinions out there and pick one as their own. That is not you.

But you do have potential, although I'd say it is only a very slim potential, to become a far left loon. :)

I will add - Fixating on FEMINISM and RACISM is the gateway to that

Qwinn said...

The Godfather:

While I see your point, fact is, the Democrats are only distinguishable by what victim identity group they claim to belong to. That's it. Nothing else. Aside from that, they're all just barreling as far Left as they can, even "moderate" Biden. So who cares who the Dem nominee is? Unless one thinks that the claimed victim group *should* matter, and one victim group should win, and another shouldn't. Actually, no, that won't matter to Dem voters either, they'll still vote (and commit fraud) for the Democrats, because it's all they know.

Amadeus 48 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dave Begley said...

The MSM is in full opposition to Trump. They actively want him out. Any fair minded person has to completely discount what they publish and broadcast.

Dave Begley said...

Why doesn't WaPo or NYT do a "think" piece with this headline: Trump's Energy Policy will save Americans (fill in the blank) Millions this Summer."

eric said...

Ann's anger this morning seems out of character for her.

As to the rally, I think that's what we will get for the campaign. There isn't going to be something new. He knows what the base wants and that's what he's trying to give

Dave Begley said...

One half-way fair thing that was said on Morning Joe is that Trump has not tried to expand his base. But by that they mean, in effect, caving to the Left which doesn't get him additional votes.

In any event, the race comes down to the following states: WI, MN, OH, MI, NC, PA and FL.

madAsHell said...

He's going to run on his accomplishments.......and that's new!!

Patrick Henry was right! said...

There was actual, indisputable proof of the Journolist. Talking points going out to the leftist mouthpieces from their masters.

Does our hostess think they quit doing it???
Just because she, on this occasion, thought the same thought as the leftist mob?
Not her best effort-and her best efforts are very, very good.

Molly said...


One thing new and I'm surprised Althouse missed it: The intense emotionality--not of the crowd, but of Trump. He seemed to mean everything in a new way. When he spoke of his family, and at other times, he looked as if he had tears in his eyes.

In that regard it was very different from 2016; this time it's more real to him, he's doing it now (Presidenting), and he knows where he's taking the country, and he wants to keep doing it. For once, it seems more about the country than him (and I say this as a huge Trump fan). But I saw that difference last night.

iowan2 said...

One of the first comments here noted that if President Trump had rolled out a new agenda, the talking point would be, "even the President is calling his first term a failure."

President Trump is addressing all the concerns of the nation. All of them. The most important, according to "experts"..."it's the economy stupid".
GDP, consumer confidence, un-employment, trade.

All President Trump has to do is point out the Dems are promising to reverse all the economic gains made in TWO short years.

I am at a loss as to what else the President should have covered, that he is not already working on.

Ray said...

Trump is a builder. Any good builder knows that a building must have a solid foundation. Last night was him laying the first course of his foundation. He will complete on schedule. Timing is everything.

Ray said...

Tommy Duncan: "Rit is correct. Unlike Biden, Trump failed to cure cancer at this rally."

"WASHINGTON, D.C.—Shortly after Joe Biden promised to cure cancer if he is elected president, presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren attempted to one-up her opponent, promising to cure smallpox as one of her first actions upon taking office.
"We will fend off the smallpox attacks of the white man," she said while sipping "fire water" in a live video posted to her social media accounts. "If I am elected, I will find a way to end this scourge on our people and send the white devils back across the great sea where they came from."......
"A vote against me is a vote for the smallpox blankets the white man used to oppress our people!" she concluded.""

The Babylon Bee

Jim Gust said...

This is from Powerline:

Quotable quote (also via Bruce) “They went after my family, my business, my finances, my employees, almost everyone that I have ever known or worked with, but they are really going after you. That’s what it is all about. It’s not about us. It’s about you. They tried to erase your vote, erase your legacy of the greatest campaign and the greatest election probably in the history of our country.”

That seems very new to me. Potent.

traditionalguy said...

The sum message of all the Dems' Media has become , " Turn Trump off because he only does boring re-runs of his MAGA speeches." Which is non of their business. The problem is his New Message coming out this month of a huge world wide criminal operation to traffic drugs and young children for sex perverts being run for 50 years by top CIA officials and their paid off and/or blackmailed American Politicians. The scale of its reach in DC is astounding, run by Bush to Clinton to Bush to Obama.

Nothing to see here. Move along. And maybe we need to focus on a story about space aliens.

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...

It's aimed, obviously, at Morning Joe. Less obviously, at everyone speaking as if they've got the same memo. I'm calling bullshit on that, because I know I'm not speaking from talking points. It's my honest and direct observation. To slough it off as talking points from the same source looks like denial to me.

The NYT's didn't want to deal with what Trump said.

Neither does Ann because Ann foolishly holds the NYT's up as the only "non-trashy" source of news available to her.

There are several new and powerful quotes:

"It turned out to be a great political movement because of you. A great movement. A movement made up of hard working patriots who love their country, love their flag, love their children, and who believe that a nation must care for its own citizens first. Together, we stared down a corrupt and broken political establishment and we restored government of, by, and for the people."

“They went after my family, my business, my finances, my employees, almost everyone that I have ever known or worked with, but they are really going after you. That’s what it is all about. It’s not about us. It’s about you. They tried to erase your vote, erase your legacy of the greatest campaign and the greatest election probably in the history of our country.”

"We stared down the unholy alliance of lobbyists and donors and special interests, who made a living, bleeding our country dry. That's what we've done. We broke down the doors of Washington backrooms, where deals were cut to close our companies, give away your jobs, shut down our factories, and surrender your sovereignty and your very way of life, and we've ended it. We took on a political machine that tried to take away your voice and your vote."

"We went through the greatest witch hunt in political history. The only collusion was committed by the Democrats, the fake news media and their operatives and the people who funded the phony dossier, crooked Hillary Clinton and the DNC. It was all an illegal attempt to overturn the results of the election spy on our campaign, which is what they did and subvert our democracy."

Leland said...

Trump's announcement is to meet requirements to be on primary ballots. His winning the primary is assured. The real kickoff will be the convention or, if your prefer, the indictment of a few FBI and DOJ officials.

Clyde said...

Why would Trump need a "new" campaign message, unless you are talking about going from "Make America Great Again" to "Keep America Great"? Trump doesn't need to promise a bunch of new stuff/free stuff like the Democrats will; he just needs to promise to keep doing what he's been doing and just run on what he has accomplished, which is quite a bit considering the Swamp and Media headwinds he's had to fight. Drain the Swamp, expose the miscreants in our permanent government that have abused their power, and keep the prosperity going for most Americans. He needs to pump that message up to 11, and he'll get re-elected.

mockturtle said...

"What We Learned From Trump’s Orlando Rally"

The answer: Nothing, of course, because the MSM are blind and deaf to Trump's message. And so it will be for six more years.

dreams said...

Regardless of what the liberals say, Trump will win re-election in a landslide.

Limited blogger said...

Are you suggesting we're tired of winning?

Yancey Ward said...

Wouldn't New Trump be sort of like New Coke?

mockturtle said...

Trump is at ease with himself, with his position and with the American people in a way I've never before observed in an elected official.

Yancey Ward said...

If Trump isn't careful about running a brand new campaign, he just might lose again.

n.n said...

Now that the witches and warlocks have been impeached, he can proceed with a conservation of state. That said, hopefully Iran will not be the second coming of Libya, Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Russia - hopes and dreams, etc.

Sebastian said...

“They went after my family, my business, my finances, my employees, almost everyone that I have ever known or worked with, but they are really going after you . . . We went through the greatest witch hunt in political history. The only collusion was committed by the Democrats, the fake news media and their operatives and the people who funded the phony dossier, crooked Hillary Clinton and the DNC. It was all an illegal attempt to overturn the results of the election spy on our campaign, which is what they did and subvert our democracy."

Which is true and not a repeat of the previous campaign. They tried to undo the election and take him down. The next election will in part be a verdict on that scandal, to my mind one of the three greatest in America history.

So far Althouse and the Althouses have shrugged their shoulders: a coup attempt? oh well. What would the deep-staters and DC Dems have had to do to lose Althouse once and for all?

Jim at said...

Maybe he should've promised to stop the rising seas.

Yancey Ward said...

He could have promised a cure for TDS, but that might have set Chuck off.

Beasts of England said...

'If Trump isn't careful about running a brand new campaign, he just might lose again.'

Clearly he has no path to 270 electoral votes. Again!! ;)

Jim at said...

She is still butt-hurt over Hillary losing.

Nope. The stupid wench - get this - voted for Jill Stein.

Rosalyn C. said...

I noticed Trump kept to his prepared speech, didn't digress. That was different. He's a pro now. But as he predicted, some people would find that polish too predictable and boring.

I thought the most notable moments of the rally were when Melania entered with her blazing yellow dress and when Trump brought Sarah Sanders up to the mic and introduced that she might be running for governor of Arkansas. So much for the accusation that he is all ego and self centered. Honestly, the rally was like the other ones, a love fest for patriots and impressive for the continued connection Trump has with his supporters. The rhetoric is not that important.

Dave Begley said...

In the general election Trump will absolutely hammer the Dems on the Green New Deal. He'll make it funny like he has in the past (e.g. Taking the train to Hawaii), but this is very serious stuff.

New York has joined CA and gone full Confederate on this with super strict and aggressive reductions in carbon.

The climate change loons really would destroy America.

AOC is Trump's main weapon. She alone is his margin of victory. Unlike incrementalists and pros like Barack and Hillary, she went all in and declared an emergency with the immediate need to act and re-order the entire economy. Big mistake.

pacwest said...

I saw several newish things in what I watched last night that may be the route he is taking for this campaign. While the spygate thing is old, he amped it up to include pretty much the entire Democratic Party. It's not just Comey and all anymore. He is shifting blame to the Dems in general. He made several comments that pointed out that the Republicans have to get control of all three branches. I expect him to do a lot of work in future appearances to get the votes for Republicans in House and Senate seats. If the Dem's get control the country is doomed. It's not just about Trump anymore. Vote this time or the long slide down starts. This time it's life or death for the Republic.

Not new themes granted, but I'd not seen him swinging this hard before. I'm assuming he is emboldened but what he knows about spygate, and is making sure the blame gets shifted to the entire Democratic Party instead of the few that are going to be outed.

Dems, not just a few, are the enemy of freedom. Vote Republican is what I heard. IMO he was swinging a lot harder than previously. I thought the rhetoric was up from an eight to a 10. I'm sure he can manage a 11 1/2 later down the road. Fear and anger are great motivators and the Dems don't have a lock on them.

Anonymous said...

One of the most important aspects of making a sale through advertising ( a rally is advertising) is repetition of the important points so that they become imbedded in the audience's subconcious. I am wiling to bet that Ann can repeat almost verbatim the most important points that Trump made last night. First, she knows it was a rally and I'll bet, if pressed, she will admit that it was a big, enthusiastic crowd. Second on re-reading her piece (I won't pay to read the NYT) she admits that she has already absorbed Trump's talking points re; Hillary; Mueller; the Wall; etc. and is ready and waiting for the "next big thing". How about getting the USMCA through Congress, a possible China deal, another Scotus appointment. Ann's is sitting on the edge of her seat waiting for Trump to wow her.I am quite sure that he will.

John henry said...

I'm gonna get some red hats and t shirts made up that say:

Nancy sez:

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, Jobs,

Let's vote for jobs!

Nancy being Nancy pelosi of course.

I'll print up some little cards with the YouTube link.

John Henry

John henry said...


Don't forget that New Coke was a smash success

It amplified the greatness of the "classic" Coke and demonstrated its irreplaceability.

The point of a "new" Trump would work to amp up the awesomeness of "classic" Trump.

John Henry

n.n said...

Aerodynamically unstable. Highly maneuverable. A smart system. Conventional models will be outclassed and find it difficult to compete, let alone achieve political supremacy.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

oops--looks like Maggie "went into the tunnel"

sorry, Magz-- you had your chance, it seems

ChuckUnderscore said...

The Trump haters gonna hate. Who cares.

rcocean said...

When do Presidents running for re-election campaign on something new? Absurd. They campaign on their record (if its a good one) and continuing on their policies.

In nov 2020 people will decide. Do they want more Trump or what's behind Curtain No. 2?

Bilwick said...

Trump could have just said, "Look at the opposition. Same gang of scum who want to raise your taxes."

rehajm said...

Elizabeth Warren doesn't understand basics of US tax policy. She believes if GE doesn't have tax liability in a reporting period GE doesn't pay taxes.

Why does Trump need to change?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

maybe David Begley viewed them as loons regardless of the day's news,
and by "them", meaning official news outlets, not individuals.

David is not The Begley Rat !

rehajm said...

Ann's an original loon.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Forgiving student loan debt is a smart political choice to include in the platform, even if it's horrible policy. That would be a huge attraction to a lot of the under-40 crowd.

wbfjrr2 said...

Althouse is a style over substance academician, so she’s fine with the NYT’s daily lying to her.

As for Haberman, why would anyone read the obvious propaganda she spews? Just another mediocre hack at the NYT.

Michael K said...

Let's vote for jobs!

Isn't that one of those three letter words?

Marcus Bressler said...

Well, the Hostess is a loon when it comes to racism and feminism, so why wouldn't someone suspect she signed on to the loons at the NYTimes and Morning Schmo's delusional take?
Don't mind me, I'm only preening. (I know people who get snippy like that but only when they are morning drinking)

I live two hours from Orlando and would have like to go see the greatest president in my lifetime live, but I may get another chance closer to the election when I have a few bucks saved from my Trump Tax Cut.


Fen said...

I heard the president of the United States of America directly accuse the previous president, the democrat party challenger, and the democrat national party of orchestrating and personally participating in an attempt to frame the president for crimes that they themselves committed. If that was the same old same old, it sure sounded charged with a new dynamic. The president accused Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and the entire Democrat party, of treason, and he promised to expose them to The American people. Pretty yuuuge, I thought.

And somehow Maggie Haggerman and Ann Althouse missed that. Go figure.

DEEBEE said...

Moron Maggie is bored and wants to be kicked out of her boredom. But this boring strategy worked against Crooked Hillary, so why change. Trump obviously is not an intellectual wanting to be tickled by the newest idea like Moron Maggie. As to the timeliness of Crooked Hillary Schlick— check out some of the responses from participant in “impeach Trump” rally. Mueller did not reach them.

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