Many have written to ask us why we didn’t give the allegations more attention on our website and in print. (The Times published an 800-word story on Friday evening, but did not promote the story on its home page until late Saturday morning and did not run a print story until Sunday.) Some questioned whether the lack of prominence showed too much deference to the president’s denials, or whether it even suggested misogyny or an unwillingness to believe a victim’s account.So the Times, even in its "overly cautious" approach, was more aggressive than required by its own policy. It ran the story, just not conspicuously. Then, when criticized for that, Baquet interposed a new rule:
The Reader Center took the concerns to The Times’s top editors and sat down with Dean Baquet, the executive editor. He said the critics were right that The Times had underplayed the article, though he said it had not been because of deference to the president.... “We were overly cautious.”...
In The Times’s reporting on the Weinstein and O’Reilly cases, editors developed an informal set of guidelines for when The Times would publish such allegations. Those guidelines include locating sources outside those mentioned by the accusers who not only corroborate the allegations but also are willing to go on the record.
[T]he Carroll story, Mr. Baquet said, was different because the allegations were already receiving broad attention.... “We were playing by rules that didn’t quite apply,” Mr. Baquet said. “They’ve allowed us to break major stories, from Bill O’Reilly to Harvey Weinstein. But in this case, it was a different kind of story.”That is, when they are breaking the story, they look for corroboration, but when the story is already out there, they can cover the fact that there is a story that is already public. The news is fit to print because somebody else printed it? Or is that about who is getting accused? No...
The fact that a well-known person was making a very public allegation against a sitting president “should’ve compelled us to play it bigger.”It's about who the accuser is? And E. Jean Carroll is "a well-known person"? I'm skeptical. Baquet seems to be avoiding saying that the NYT should help out the Trump-hating side but it's hard to believe that's not what pushed him to say they were "overly cautious."
I had to look up who E. Jean Carroll is. Wikipedia:
Elizabeth Jean Carroll (born December 12, 1943) is an American journalist and advice columnist. Her "Ask E. Jean" column has appeared in Elle magazine since 1993, and was ranked one of the five best magazine columns (along with Anthony Lane of The New Yorker and Lewis Lapham of Harper's Magazine) by the Chicago Tribune in 2003....Okay. I'm impressed. I see Baquet's point. She is "a well-known person"... circulating in a sphere I don't visit. Popular writing about sex and relationships.
Carroll's column became known due to her opinions on sex, her insistence that women should "never never" structure their lives around men, and her compassion for letter-writers experiencing difficult life situations. Amy Gross, former editor-in-chief of Elle and currently the editor-in-chief of O, The Oprah Magazine, describes the "Ask E. Jean" debut as "though we had put her on a bucking bronco and her answers were the cheers and whoops and hollers of a fearless woman having a good ol time."
NBC's cable channel, America's Talking, produced the Ask E. Jean television show based on the column from 1994 to 1996 (at which time the channel became MSNBC). Entertainment Weekly called Carroll "the most entertaining cable talk show host you will never see." Jeff Jarvis in his review in TV Guide said watching E. Jean and her "robotic hyperactivity drove [him] batty". He went on: "However, then I listened to her and couldn't help liking her. E. Jean gives good advice". Carroll was nominated for an Emmy for her writing for Saturday Night Live (1985) and a Cable Ace Award for the Ask E. Jean show (1995).
Carroll also runs the website, based on the Elle column, where users can type in questions and receive instant video answers on topics such as careers, beauty, sex, men, diet, "sticky situations", and friends. Users can also join the Advice Vixens, where advice is provided by other users. "Top Campus Sex Columnists" features college advice columnists from across America.
In 2002, Carroll's "The Cheerleaders", which appeared in Spin, was selected as one of the year's "Best True Crime Reporting" pieces. It appeared in Best American Crime Writing, edited by Otto Penzler, Thomas H. Cook, and Nicholas Pileggi (Pantheon Books, 2002).[14]
Carroll has been a contributing editor to Esquire, Outside, and Playboy magazines. Her focus is "the heart of the heart of the country". For an April 1992 issue of Esquire, she chronicled the lives of basketball groupies in a story called "Love in the Time of Magic". In June 1994, she went to Indiana and investigated why four white farm kids were thrown out of school for dressing like black artists in "The Return of the White Negro".
In "The Loves of My Life" (June 1995), she tracked down her old boyfriends and moved in with them and their wives. Bill Tonelli, her Esquire and Rolling Stone editor, has commented: "All of E. Jean's stories are pretty much the same thing. Which is: ‘What is this person like when he or she is in a room with E. Jean?' She's institutionally incapable of being uninteresting."
For Playboy (February 1988) at the height of the "Sensitive Man" era, E. Jean told her editors that "modern women run around complaining that they want a primitive man, so I thought it would be fun to come to New Guinea and find a real one." Carroll hiked into the Star Mountains with an Atbalmin tracker and a Telefomin warrior. She became the first white woman to walk from Telefomin to Munbil in the former West Irian Jaya, and nearly died.
For Outside, Carroll wrote about (among other things) taking Fran Lebowitz camping and going down the Colorado with a group of "Women Who Run With No Clothes On". Several of E. Jean's pieces for Outside have been included in various non-fiction collections such as The Best of Outside: The First 20 Years (Vintage Books, 1998), Out of the Noosphere: Adventure, Sports, Travel, and the Environment (Fireside, 1998) and Sand in My Bra: Funny Women Write from the Road (Traveler's Tales, 2003).
E. Jean Carroll has written five books:
Female Difficulties: Sorority Sisters, Rodeo Queens, Frigid Women, Smut Stars, and Other Modern Girls (Bantam Books, 1985)
A Dog in Heat Is a Hot Dog and Other Rules to Live By (a collection of her Ask E. Jean columns, Pocket Books, 1996)
Hunter: The Strange and Savage Life of Hunter S. Thompson (Dutton, 1993)
Mr. Right, Right Now (HarperCollins, 2004)
What Do We Need Men For?: A Modest Proposal (St. Martin's Press, 2019)
I'm interested that Trump said about her that she's not his "type." I think people assume that means he doesn't like the way she looks, but reading about her work, I'm inclined to interpret Trump's comment to mean he doesn't go for women who are too sharply opinionated and vocal about relationships between men and women!
The irony is that The Times' reluctance to run with the story looks to have been the right call. Unfortunately, that it increasingly appears not to be true is not being taken as vindication of the caution. Because Trump, probably.
She was Miss Indiana University and Miss Cheerleader USA. That is his type.
What I get from that “bio” is that she’s an attention whore.
I'm amused that I have no idea what Ms. Carroll's allegations are. And I still don't.
I can't believe the Times is embarrassed they're not publicizing her more. She's insane. I'm pretty sure she's concocted a fake, but accurate story of sexual assault that represents how men like Donald Trump behave. I can almost hear it falling out of her mouth. I suspect it might if she keeps granting interviews.
How much omelet does the times have with avenattis charges, also how have they foloower up with fairfax, clinical detachment
Left Bank, she was in her fifties at the time of this incident.
Trump might as well as said I don't go after old ladies.
So she’s been a bullshitter for a long time like Trump and Dean and The NY Times.
She’s got some free publicity for her book, which Trump tips his cap to.
Dean didn’t publish because he knew it was free publicity. Make her take an ad out next time.
The fact that a well-known person was making a very public allegation against a sitting president “should’ve compelled us to play it bigger.”
I hardly think this is an arguable point, in the abstract. Just reverse the terms. The less public the target and the less public the accuser, the more restrained the media will be -- and has to be, legally.
I don't know about the phrase should've compelled" though. Have some agency, Dean! Use "could've"!
And though we know Les Moonves is a jerk, I suspect her story about him was also fabricated. More fake, but accurate storytelling.
She's mentally ill. The way the media are using her is nothing short of abuse.
E. Jean Carroll: "I think most people think of rape as being sexy."
Dweeb: "Let's take a short break"
Crazy chick: "Think of the fantasies"
Figures. She seemed nutso in that interview with Anderson Cooper.
She's just too interestingfor TV.
Right after the Maddow-lie that Trump is a Russian spy collapsed, this.
So there's no corroboration for her accusations, but that's okay because she's a '"well-known person"...circulating in a sphere I don't visit'?
This is no different from the breathless "breaking news" attacks of the past three years.
Well if CNN brings on someone who says "rape is sexy" it just simply must be true.
This is a banana.
"E. Jean Carroll: "I think most people think of rape as being sexy." Dweeb: "Let's take a short break" Crazy chick: "Think of the fantasies":
Didn't seem crazy to me at all.
People do think about rape in a sexual way and Anderson Cooper didn't have the time or the capacity to explore the topic. Rape is a form of violence, and Carroll had already said that and Cooper had echoed her statement. Then she took it to a challenging level, and he bailed. To call her crazy is just you bailing on a challenging topic you don't want to have to deal with.
Can we bring in Juanita Broaddrick for a more detailed discussion?
Fern @ 8:41 - lol.
"You're fascinating to talk to"
She was coming on to him. She needs some Cooper.
"Well if CNN brings on someone who says "rape is sexy" it just simply must be true."
Yeah, well, that didn't happen. You're spreading an untruth about her.
He-said-she-said decades after the fact only counts when there is someone to destroy.
Note the times, left that statement out of their report.
Wow. You people are LYING about her (or you lack the capacity to absorb and understand plain English).
“But in this case, it was a different kind of story.”
A not true one?
Baquet is covering for the paper. They made the right decision not playing the story up, but he has to pretend to apologize for not doing so because his target audience and staff are so anti-Trump that they can't pass up any scandal allegation, no matter how unfounded.
hi! a bit off topic, i'm sure; but, what ever happened to Justin Fairfax?
I guess the Single Standard (Democrats Always Good, Republicans Always Bad) answers that, doesn't it?
Cooper: "you don't feel like a victim?"
Carroll: "I was not flung to the floor."
Cooper: "I think most people think of rape as a violent assault..."
Carroll: "I think most people think of rape as being sexy...think of the fantasies."
How is that spreading an 'untruth'? How is 'most' truth?
This is an avocado...
How so professor, she makes an extraordinarily inflammatory charge with little evidence to outlets who have covered with a pillow and sprayed with buckahot.
hmmmm ..... woman takes a man she is not in a relationship with into a dressing room in an upscale department store to try on lingerie....
totally NOT believable!
The entrance to dressing rooms in the Bergdorf lingerie department are kept locked. Only a salesperson can admit a customer. I know this because E. Jean CARROLL herself said so during one of the cable shows on her media blitz while wondering aloud how a man got into the dressing room with her.
Ann Althouse said...Wow. You people are LYING about her
Are you talking about the "rape is sexy" line? It's not quite what she said, but it's close enough to not be a lie. She said most people think of rape as sexy. Which is absurd. A strange fantasy and it is certainly not lying to conclude it is projection (which there is almost certainly an element of).
She also said she didn't think the accusation would get so much attention. Which supports the idea she just wanted to throw out something salacious to help book sales. Which doesn't mean it's not true, but it does mean she was careless about the accusation. Which brings us back to "sexy." she hasn't had sex since the alleged Trump encounter in '95.
"Rape is sexy"? If you say something like that on national television it's a sign that you're lacking a filter, and if you lack one filter that stops you from saying everything going through your head, people may think you lack others.
There's a confusion of roles here. If you bring serious allegations, you have to be behave seriously. You can't play at being Camille Paglia if you want to be credible (word of the year 2018).
She agreed to model lingerie, she says. He penetrated her, she says, but doesn't like the term rape...
Tell you what? You buy and listen to her book, althouse, and catch up with our conclusions. Logic 101.
The friends she allegedly reported to at the time will not come forward and use their names to confirm her story.
Use some skepticism?
She's a Marxist feminist ideologue like you, Althouse.
Which means she believes in lying for the cause, just like you do.
She's not writing about "relationships." She's writing Marxist feminist tracts.
wiki -- "In June 2019, Carroll accused Les Moonves and Donald Trump of sexually assaulting her in the mid-1990s."
Good thing she waited to tell us. So sexy.
That rape line sounds like something Shouting Thomas says all the time. Just saying.
Maybe it's a generational thing, but I cannot comprehend the higher level she's trying to take her rape to. This isn't a philosophical exercise. It's something that is supposed to have happened to her.
Okay, even "I think most people think of rape as being sexy...think of the fantasies."
It doesn't go well with the message she wants to make. Naturally, it's going to make people suspicious about her story.
I'm sure Donald Trump wants to keep this crazy lady in the spotlight as long as possible. I don't know why there is a critical mass of menopausal shrikes who believe men have any possible interest in raping them, but they tend to form the core of the Pussyhat brigades. More than her specific looks or politics, her age is why she would have been off the menu for Trump decades ago: Melania Trump is only 49 now! I wonder if Althouse is aware of the "wall" concept, and how it relates to men abruptly losing interest in women past a certain, undefined age.
Not that it matters. Carroll can see Russia from her house while thinking rape is sexy, and that's how she's going to be remembered as this meme circulates through the Internet. Maybe the Democrats are actually going to keep pushing this, but when Anderson Cooper cuts off your interview, it's not looking likely.
"Wow. You people are LYING about her" Huh. Ann, I don't think you are connecting to how much of a nutcase she sounded like. Anderson Cooper agrees with me.
She is a NUTCASE, but the CNN's of the world need a new "it" girl to bash President Trump 24/7 since RUSSIAN COLLUSION failed.
Yep, what Lurker said. Confusion of roles.
I watched the orginal MSNBC interview. What a complete whackadoodle. I did enjoy the part where her eyes got very wide when the interviewer told her that there is a possibility of recoverable DNA on the coat. Her explanation of why she wouldn't press charges was out of respect for all of the women on the border who get raped every day was priceless.
Do you have unreported rapes in your past you haven't reported, ladies of a certain age?
Did you fear police, or fear men would not want you after a rape? Why not teport?
The left are digging and they no longer care about credibility. Fling some shit on the wall, see if it sticks.
It was pretty clear that she did not adopt the whole idea that "rape is sexy," but said [some] people believe that. Given her background, she likely has substantial support for that claim.
She may be a dingbat, but not based on that comment.
Althouse, don't try to think too much about what Trump meant when he says something like "she's not my type."
Because Trump has used that line with others among his 22 sexual misconduct accusers.
Moreover, Trump claimed that Stormy Daniels was not his type. The same Stormy Daniels who was paid $130,000 to keep quiet about her sexual affair with Trump.
Given Carroll has come across as a loon whose main priority is selling a book, for once I can say that the New York Times made the right call.
Jussie Smollet
E. Jean Carroll
Christine Ford Blasey
Who can we call a liar?
Saying that people think of rape as sexy is about as uncontroversial as statements come.
People - normal men and women - have rape fantasies. That doesn't mean they want to be raped, or to rape someone.
It's just that in today's environment - where "what you can say" is utterly disconnected from "how the real world works" - we're supposed to be outraged at such inconvenient truths.
Not my type. Not my first choice.
And you folks say SHE'S crazy!
Perhaps she needs a date with Bernie?
"A man goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy. A woman on her knees, a woman tied up, a woman abused.
A woman enjoys intercourse with her man — as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously.
The man and woman get dressed up on Sunday — and go to Church, or maybe to their "revolutionary" political meeting."
--Free Stuff 4U Bernie Sanders
You guys figure out what to think about the woman and/or her allegations. I'm still trying to noodle out why more reasoned people don't completely reject the NYT. How fucked up is this NYT 'make up' policy and the fucked up NYT people who NYT-fucked this up?
Is it the crossword puzzle?
"I'm skeptical."
Jeez, Althouse. This is the effing New York effing Times we are talking about.
"Baquet seems to be avoiding saying that the NYT should help out the Trump-hating side but it's hard to believe that's not what pushed him to say they were "overly cautious.""
It's hard to believe!
I thought you had beaten the I-can't-believe bug, but apparently not. It's so sad!
Fresh from wishing that the President would be murdered if only it wouldn't become so politically inconvenient, and that the only reason the President would look after vaccine-skeptical moms is that his family is affected by autism, our wide-stance chuckservative speculates that an aging whore is Trump's type.
Only... didn't -she- have to pay $300K to the President? This guy treats hookers as cash machines! Short of smacking them with a bat like someone playing Grand Theft Auto (the older, better versions), most people can never manage such a feat.
D: Lads, President Trump is magic.
Apparently Trump's encounter with her left her cross-eyed after the sexy rape incident. She does make Elizabeth Warren look more attractive, so there's that
"People do think about rape in a sexual way"
Evading the point: she said "most" people. On what basis would you defend that claim?
Is rape a common sexual fantasy of older women, perhaps attracted to the president, or his power?
If rape is about power not sex, is the same true for women who cry tape when they stand to gain money, publicity, and their version of power?
Fascinating interview by Charlie Rose with Trumps accuser in 1995.
Professor Althouse, you can't just walk away after throwing out chum to the commenter sharks! Do most people in your social circle of well-to-do lawyers think rape is sexy? Do you?
This is what legendary threads are made of!
Trump saying "Not my type" is Q-Trump. He's pointing out he was never interested anyway.
To the Marxist Maddow ear, that's some sort of admission of guilt?
She described a first degree rape. She said she fought, and it hurt and she ran away. He banged her head hard against the wall. He stuck it in her while she fought him desperately. She pushed him off her and ran out the store.
Regarding types.
Talking about her as a "type". It's an excessively odd way to respond to a rape charge. Men rape their enemies. He was not proposing marriage. Yet, it is how he responded to Stormy Daniels. He told multiple people she was not his "type." She was not his "type" so it could not have happened. That was his excuse about why it was impossible that he did not cheat on Melania shortly after she gave birth.
The woman on the airplane who accused him of assault -- he laughed about her not being his type at a rally. He laughed about how she was not his type. It all happened years ago, so the woman is quite elderly now. Again: she was not his "type" so he could not have assaulted her.
He has said the same thing for all of the woman. This includes all adultery and all rape and all sexual assault accusations: (1) They are not his "type" . (2) He never met any of them, ever. (3) He then reiterates how "that woman" is not his "type" so he would "never."
Wow. You people are LYING about her (or you lack the capacity to absorb and understand plain English).
I guess we know who Ann is NOT voting for in 2020.
Maybe Carroll is on to something. Bernie Sanders publicly uttered the same idea of "rape fantasies".
"if rape is about power not sex"
I recall a case years ago, in Chicago, where a young man raped a very elderly, disabled woman. Some rapists rape women for the power rush. Doesn't matter what the elderly woman looked like.
Some rapists rape women because the man is angry at that woman or women in general.
I'm curious, Althouse, why you chose to blog this aspect of the E. Jean Carroll story. What interested me most was Trump's defensive assertion that he never met her. Which was one of those classic Trumpian lies, for which there was of course photographic proof that they had met.
Just like saying, "She's not my type," it is a standard Trump retort; "I've never et this person in my life." And it is a pure falsehood in this case. What else is Trump lying about in all of these cases?
How so professor, she makes an extraordinarily inflammatory charge with little evidence to outlets who have covered with a pillow and sprayed with buckahot.
Hey Chuck. I am not in the news at notable gatherings. Yet I have been photographed many times with people I have never met. I have no clue as to who they are. Your point is...?
"What interested me most was Trump's defensive assertion that he never met her."
Why is that interesting? He says that about all of them. I'm sure it's what he said about Marples to his first wife after Trump flew up Marples to their vacation in Colorado and Marples ran into their children.
First, he says he would "never" because she's not his "type." Then he denies he ever "met" her. It's what he always says. Nothing new here it's his SOP when caught.
Jussie Smollet
E. Jean Carroll
Christine Ford Blasey
Who can we call a liar?
They are more than liars. They are cynical manipulators who play on the emotions of people who have been abused.
Both my wife and Althouse initially gave CBF the benefit of the doubt because of their own past experiences. That is despite the fact that there was ZERO evidence to support her allegations. I do not know where Althouse wound up on that issue, but it took my wife awhile to agree that CBF was a fake.
'Carroll: "I think most people think of rape as being sexy..."'
Psycho bitch.
"What else is Trump lying about in all of these cases?"
Some men get away with stuff because their wife believes the lies. Or the "wife" agrees to "look the other way". It's SOP, and it works for him.
Total denial, followed by "no fat chicks!"
They are more than liars. They are cynical manipulators who play on the emotions of people who have been abused.
Add: For political gain.
& he said it about the People writer who interviewed him in Florida after the birth of Barron, who ran away from him. He says the identical thing about all of his accusers.
John Ray said...
Hey Chuck. I am not in the news at notable gatherings. Yet I have been photographed many times with people I have never met. I have no clue as to who they are. Your point is...?
My point is that as a massive, perhaps sociopathic liar, Donald Trump does this frequently. It isn't just his aberrant sexual encounters. Trump recently denied knowing Matt Whitaker, and said he had never met Matt Whitaker, which the White House's own records debunked.
wwww said...
"What interested me most was Trump's defensive assertion that he never met her."
Why is that interesting? He says that about all of them. I'm sure it's what he said about Marples to his first wife after Trump flew up Marples to their vacation in Colorado and Marples ran into their children.
First, he says he would "never" because she's not his "type." Then he denies he ever "met" her. It's what he always says. Nothing new here it's his SOP when caught.
Uhhh; yeah. You were trying to defend Trump? Lying is his SOP.
For most of her career, Ms. Carroll has taken aim at love in one form or another—in her advice column, “Ask E. Jean,” and through her matchmaking service, Tawkify, which she founded in 2012.
Ms. Carroll spent last summer at Stanford University’s startup accelerator working with tech specialists to hone Tawkify’s digital bonafides. But she went away unsatisfied. “We learned that you have to turn love into data,” Ms. Carroll told me, rolling her eyes. “That’s something that I’m totally against.”
That sentiment may explain Ms. Carroll’s latest endeavor, a mobile game she invented called Damn Love, a lampoon of dating apps (by, ahem, Dorothy Parker Brothers Games, LLC). It came out last month on Apple and Android devices, and the object of the game is simple: to break couples up by answering a series of questions as maliciously as possible, like Cupid with a poison arrow.
"Ms. Carroll’s insouciance doesn’t come easily. “Here’s how I write the advice column: I take my wrists and put them on the table and I take a knife and I just slice myself open,” she told me, after we’d wrapped up our archery lesson, over Amy’s burritos and an assortment of nuts. The dogs sat nearby, waiting for Ms. Carroll to toss them the shells. “My readers don’t suffer nearly as much as I do trying to answer them. I really have to take the bows and arrows and put them in my room so I don’t kill myself.”
Still, Ms. Carroll said, there are really only two answers to every question: “Do it” or “Don’t do it.” And there are, she added, only four questions: “How do I get love?,” “How do I get rid of love?,” “How do I get love back?,” and “What does it all mean?”
When Ms. Carroll needs advice, she goes to Thoreau. Her favorite book is Walden, which is in keeping with her particular brand of individualism—unmaterialistic and almost transcendental in nature. Ms. Carroll lives deliberately. She doesn’t cook much, her freezer is loaded with microwaveable stuff, and she mostly stores sweaters and dog food in her oven. She shops for clothes at the local tackle shop. “I don’t need Bergdorf Goodman,” she told me.
A Walk in the Woods With E. Jean Carroll
"She's not my type" sounds like a terrible response to a rape allegation now, but it also sounds just like what some guy would have said fifty years ago - during Trump's formative years. I don't think such a response carries weight either way. It's not a denial with much real substance, but it's hardly proof that something happened.
Did she succeed in having sex with a Borneo tribesman? There are some unkind comments about her here, but who among us would actually trek to the New Guinea highlands for an unusual and authentic sexual experience. Being raped by a billionaire in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room is in some ways just as adventurous and fantastic as having sex in the jungle with a savage. I wonder if Fran Liebowitz hit on her during their nude rafting trip. I hope that's in her next book.
Wow. You people are LYING about her (or you lack the capacity to absorb and understand plain English).
Althouse, Do you realize that you are being emotionally manipulated, once again?
I think the tribesmen have standards
The Murdoch boys drove Ailes to his death, so fox can become garbage media like the times that hit the state mandated euthanasia of that Ghanaian woman.
It took seven years for kitty Kelley to insinuate rape against Reagan and adultery by his wife with Frank Sinatra, and mo Dowd mainstreamed it into the times
"First, he says he would "never" because she's not his "type." Then he denies he ever "met" her. It's what he always says. Nothing new here it's his SOP when caught."
Gee, a man who has met thousands of people can't remember someone he met decades ago.
That's really hard to understand, I suppose, if you are a loser who seldom meets anyone.
chuckles, you become more pitiful with each post. What a sad, groveling lapdog of the left you are.
Blogger exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...
"First, he says he would "never" because she's not his "type." Then he denies he ever "met" her. It's what he always says. Nothing new here it's his SOP when caught."
Gee, a man who has met thousands of people can't remember someone he met decades ago.
That's really hard to understand, I suppose, if you are a loser who seldom meets anyone.
chuckles, you become more pitiful with each post. What a sad, groveling lapdog of the left you are.
I've already been through this with other shit headed Trump cultists.
I am not claiming that Ms. Carroll was raped by Trump. I have no idea who is lying about that. What I am claiming is that it is a stone cold lie when Trump says that he never met E. Jean Carroll. And that it is a lie that Trump didn't need to utter, except for his own weird reasons.
Trump could have simply denied the incident. Said that it wasn't true, that the woman had never made any such claim about him in decades, and that she should not be believed.
Trump didn't do that. Trump did the Trumpy thing of claiming that they never met. As he's done before, falsely, many times. I wanted to put up the Matt Whiataker story to get this discussion away from sex and rape and return it to the precise matter of Trump's credibility when claiming that he never met someone. Trump doesn't say, "I don't recall that person." Trump declares, "I never met that person."
And the retort that Trump meets thousands of people every month does nothing to help Trump. If you are meeting more people than you can remember, you ought to be careful about claiming who you did or did not meet. Matt Whitaker and E. Jean Carroll are not part of a 13,000 person crowd at a rally. Whitaker was the acting attorney general for a time. Carroll is a minor media figure in New York who was photographed at a private event with her husband and the Trumps, in conversation.
Trump has gone beyond being our constant BS'er-in-chief. I am going to call him elephantshitter.
Remember this was 95. She looked like his wife and was a former beauty queen who was willing to try on lingerie for him. Except that is outrageous for being his attempted defense.
Seeing the rogue alpha males rush to Trump's defense is funny in a sick way. Like a boss who says women who smile and look pretty in LinkedIn profiles are all sluts asking for sex.
We need more women in office. And neutering automatically applied to sexual offenders to see if we can start cutting down on this for future generations. And we need Trump out of office.
is she related to Lewis Carroll ?
'Seeing the rogue alpha males rush to Trump's defense is funny in a sick way.'
Says the soiboi with a lightsaber in his avatar... lol
And we need Trump out of office.
"Gary" seems to be sick in the same way Chuck is sick. Spewing all over the blog like a drunk puking in the street,.
I see we have some new regulars now that the election is getting closer, all of the same variety. Like clockwork.
When I see garbage charges like this it makes me think it was a mistake to not reduce Blasey Ford into rubble for libel/slimeing Kavanaugh. It is still seen as a viable political tool of the left when all else fails and will continue until one of their own gets treated to the same behavior.
From one of Gary's blogs:
Noisy - violent
Is it torture or pleasure? Chloe Camilla lets herself be given a huge number of orgasms.
Rape is only sexy when it's consensual. I'm sure Anderson is familiar with that scenario. He should have jumped right in to clarify.
Otherwise it is violence. Change my mind.
"Miss Indiana University and Miss Cheerleader USA."
When, 1963? As opposed to the 48-year old he allegedly jumped while he was married to a 33-year old Marla Maples in 1996?
Next we'll be hearing that Trump jumped a 70-year old Irene Ryan backstage at Pippen in 1972...
The store must love the publicity it’s getting, That dressing room is going to be a tourist attraction now.
LLR and Durbin Cuckholster Chuck, like all lefties, is in Full Kavanaugh-Smear mode, precisely as LLR Chuck proudly declared he would be.
Fortunately, as with all of LLR Chuck's previous lies and smears, this latest one will convince no one.
I am going to guess that in about 24 hours, once the LLR-leftists realize this latest hoax has collapsed, LLR Chuck will revert to his bread and butter: attacking children.
Think of all the real victims of sexual assault who have to watch these lefty/LLR lies get pushed across the airwaves and recognizing immediately how it hurts their attempts to get justice just because the Michael Avenetti-republicans like LLR Chuck will do anything to return dems to complete control of our govt.
And the retort that Trump meets thousands of people every month does nothing to help Trump. If you are meeting more people than you can remember, you ought to be careful about claiming who you did or did not meet. Matt Whitaker and E. Jean Carroll are not part of a 13,000 person crowd at a rally. Whitaker was the acting attorney general for a time. Carroll is a minor media figure in New York who was photographed at a private event with her husband and the Trumps, in conversation.
You are a seriously disturbed man, Chuck.
Get sober and then get psychiatric help.
(from linked article above)
She was Miss Cheerleader USA in 1964 and went to Indiana University in Bloomington, where Hoagy Carmichael wrote the love ballad “Stardust,” one of her favorite songs. “Of course I had many old lovers at Indiana,” Ms. Carroll told me matter-of-factly, “each of them more brilliant and Olympian than the last.”
Question: why the accusation surfaces now? Carroll doesn't seem to be a Trump supporter, why didn't she accuse him during his last campaign to stop him? Why now? To sell her book?
Those who really believe the rape accusations against Kavanauagh would believe her. But those people are brain dead.
Those who printed the story without promoting it, sensed it was a lie but printed the story to damage the president.
The rest of us, the normal people, recognize the lie and the promotion of the lie is a hit job.
Jussie Smollet
E. Jean Carroll
Christine Ford Blasey
Who [else] can we call a liar?
Either the 2500(original FBI figure right after the Kavanaugh hearings) or the 5000(more recent FBI estimate--but unconfirmed) women that claimed Kavanaugh raped them. Reported by calls to local FBI offices. Plus fucking Chuck.
It's a good thing Donald Trump hasn't been a public figure for the last 40 years or so. Because none of this would've ever come to light.
Starts to look suspicious around the 2,300 mark...
Adam Schiff-tepublican Chuck: "Matt Whitaker and E. Jean Carroll are not part of a 13,000 person crowd at a rally."
20k+ at the Orlando rally.
Chuck is suffering from democrat rally-numbers goggle effect where dem events with 15 attendees looks like 150,000 and 20k+ plus republican events have attendence filtered by half at a minimum.
So far the best part of this whole thing had to be the look on Anderson Cooper's face when he was interviewing her.
It was a cross between "is this nutcase dangerous" and "I'm going to murder my producers after the show".
Althouse is missing a big thing.
E Jean said that most people think of rape as sexy, and made an exclamation about the fantasies. She did not literally say she thinks rape is sexy but she certainly gives an impression. After all, she didn’t cite statistics about the frequency of rape fantasies, she cited the fantasies themselves. That really does seem to suggest she finds them sexy. I say most people find beef tasty. Then I cry “think of the stews!” Would you conclude I like beef? Or at least beef stew? You would.
So your commenters are engaging in hyperbole. You do that from time to time. You characterize the message behind the literal meaning. So are they doing. You need to pay attention to more than just what you can diagram in a sentence.
AA expressed amazement at *The news is fit to print because somebody else printed it? *
Why not? Story is already framed. Easier to claim : We're just publisher.
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