June 13, 2019

Cory Booker: "@RuPaul stole my look."

I saw that because I went to the Cory Booker Twitter feed looking for something that Sarah Hoyt at Instapundit called "too stupid for words." But she linked to a Washington Examiner article about it and though that article displayed the tweet, the video in the tweet didn't play and I wanted to hear it. Is it stupid? Watch the whole video before reacting:


Jaq said...

I would vote for RuPaul POTUS over Cory Booker, any day. He is an intelligent man.

Phil 314 said...

Looking back all the years now I wonder was there ever a “there” there with a Cory Booker?

Was he this inane all along?

Jaq said...

He’s finally free to be himself, I guess.

rehajm said...

Get those girls out of Broga™ class!

(That girl thinks her Broga™ Yogi is a 10! Hehe...)

MayBee said...

I think the term "school to prison pipeline" is stupid. But I am involved in trying to get yoga into prisons and addiction centers. Yoga is a wonderful tool.

iowan2 said...

Re-inventing the wheel, and then claiming you really invented the wheel.

How about we start the school day with calisthenics (yoga), Meditation, (Prayer) and meaningful message(Pledge of Allegiance)

I have a better idea. How about future Presidents of the United States learn about Federalism, and then explain to voters what constitutional, Article two powers, allows the President to have any input into anything happening in a classroom.

rehajm said...

Ru Paul is starting to get some granny.

MayBee said...

I can't follow the Sarah Hoyt link you've provided. I get an error that the server has understood the request but refuses to fulfill it.

rehajm said...

'School to prison pipeline'. Heh. Towards the end of his career my father was in charge of a mill he said was like a halfway house for people on their way in to prison.

Danno said...

These kids did not appear to be ghetto kids, but middle class black children of successful parents. You can see they have learned to respect the adult teacher and be open to learning.

tim maguire said...

However dumb it sounds, if it works, then it works. They say it works, I didn't check.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Supposedly during the year they have been using this, the school has not had to take stronger disciplinary action on any students.

I call shenanigans on that - I expect that they are "cooking the books" and made a decision not to discipline students/not to report if they had to, much like the Broward County school system did.

Which is not to say that this wouldn't be effective with some students, or isn't worth experimenting with. But no way is it 100% effective.

ga6 said...


WHEN CORY BOOKER SPEAKS AND NO ONE PAYS ANY ATTENTION, DID HE MAKE A SOUND? Cory Booker says elementary school yoga can help end the ‘school-to-prison pipeline’ .

n.n said...

Everything old is new again. Progress.

JackWayne said...

Does anyone remember “midnight basketball”? Same song, different verse. Just as stupid for government to be doing.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The silly part isn't the yoga, or the calm, or the meditation and the deep breathing - that's all good. The silly part is the idea that THE PRESIDENT needs to make this a policy platform at all.

If the yoga works to calm kids down, then the local schools can decide. The idea that we need a State Run Nanny Mommy as president is ... *eye roll*.

h said...

Yoga and teen behavior. If an idea sounds really really stupid, but it works, then it is a good idea. If an idea sounds really really clever and it doesn't work, then it is a bad idea. People on the right are very quick to point out that liberal interventions that sounded plausible didn't work for what in retrospect seem to be obvious reasons. But if we can't anticipate why things could go wrong, why should we believe that we can anticipate why things could go right?

Jaq said...

Since Democrats are almost exclusively in charge of the most problematic school districts in the country, why hasn’t this happened already?

Jaq said...

I can’t stand to read Sarah Hoyt more than a sentence. It’s like this word machine just spews vacuous treacle endlessly following the first occasionally modestly interesting point.

J. Farmer said...

Anyone remember when John Hagelin ran as a third-party candidate on a Transcendental Meditation platform?

JRoberts said...

Just as significant progress on any issue is always "one election away", so too is meaningful public school improvement just "one tax increase away"

BTW, until I saw the picture of the two together, I always thought RuPaul and Cory Booker were the same person.

gilbar said...

didn't Spartacus REGULARLY practice some form of Yoga? (or calisthenics , or something?) before going into the arena? or was that T-Bone? I can never tell them apart

Was he this inane all along?
Yes! Yes he was!

Kevin said...

Shouldn’t we first address the politics to prison pipeline?

Hillary famously did yoga and still violated a bunch of laws.

Browndog said...

Turning inner city black boys into suburban white liberal millennial women to reduce crime is the kind of innovative thinking this country has been waiting for.

Just think of their potential if they had their own Pinterest account.

rehajm said...

I always thought RuPaul and Cory Booker were the same person.

That was Cory Booker and T Bone.

AllenS said...

If you've ever met, or know, any young thugs from welfare mothers (2, 3, 4, 5 generations) you'll go with "too stupid for words."

MayBee said...

BBaH said:

The silly part isn't the yoga, or the calm, or the meditation and the deep breathing - that's all good. The silly part is the idea that THE PRESIDENT needs to make this a policy platform at all.

If the yoga works to calm kids down, then the local schools can decide. The idea that we need a State Run Nanny Mommy as president is ... *eye roll*.

Very true. It's very interesting that Trump hasn't done a lot of visiting of elementary schools like the Obamas did. I really prefer to get away from the trend of President as National Superintendent. School districts are the perfect place to start small.

rehajm said...

Letting them throw nerf balls at that Seattle yogi lady would be more effective. For all of us.

Fernandinande said...

Is it stupid?

Yes. All amazing results and ideas regarding schools turn out to be false.

Robert W. Coleman Elementary School

Slightly Higher than average "chronically absent".

"Disadvantaged [sic] students at this school may be [are] falling far behind other students in the state, and this school may have large achievement gaps."

"Test scores for low income students at this school fall far below the state average for all students." (= 1/10, the lowest).

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If you are black, you can shoplift in any progressive town, all you want. If someone attempts to stop you, YOU are the criminal. And YOU deserve a good beating. Then, after the beating stops, the angry white fascist progressive mob will attempt to DESTROY your entire livelihood. Using Maddow-esqe smears and total lies.
All at crazy progressive fascist US college called Oberlin.

"Ohio’s Oberlin College has achieved national notoriety for the zeal of its progressive activism. According to a 2016 story in the New Yorker, students have bombarded administrators with endless demands for accommodation, including abolishing midterms, banning grades below C, the addition of “trigger warnings” to classic literature and even an $8.20 hourly wage for engaging in activism. It isn’t surprising in this light that a hate-crime hoax, spurred by a shoplifting incident at a nearby business, was enough to put students in attack mode."

Oberlin Pays for Smearing the Town Grocer

"On Nov. 9, 2016, an African-American male Oberlin student attempted to buy wine from Gibson’s Food Mart and Bakery using a fake ID. Allyn D. Gibson, a grandson of the shop’s owner, refused to sell the underage customer alcohol, then noticed the student had two bottles of wine concealed under his shirt.

As Mr. Gibson called the police the student fled, dropping the bottles on the floor. A scuffle ensued when Mr. Gibson pursued him. Two African-American female Oberlin students, apparently accomplices of the suspect, joined in the physical confrontation. When police arrived on the scene, the three were beating Mr. Gibson on the ground.

None of these facts were ever in dispute, even among the three suspects, who all pleaded guilty to an array of charges. The first suspect swore in his plea statement that Mr. Gibson “was within his legal rights” to detain him, and that he did not believe Gibson’s actions were racially motivated. "

Ann Althouse said...

"Re-inventing the wheel, and then claiming you really invented the wheel. How about we start the school day with calisthenics (yoga), Meditation, (Prayer) and meaningful message(Pledge of Allegiance)."

That was the opening of the school day, participated in by the entire classroom.

This program is for students who got detention. What was detention like in your old-fashioned school? Did it effectively teach self-control to the students who misbehaved and had tendencies toward violence and an incapacity to follow society's rules? What was the "wheel" that this is a reinvention of? What I remember, having gone through old-fashioned school, is that the kids were sent to the vice principal's office where they were made to sit around, made to stay inside and sit during recess, and kept after school to sit while other kids got to run outdoors. If the regime of sitting didn't work, the threat was reform school.

tcrosse said...

Hillary famously did yoga and still violated a bunch of laws.

But it kept her out of jail, didn't it?

The Crack Emcee said...

It's pretty confusing: Liberals used to complain schools were pumping out little cogs for capitalism's machinery. Now they're trying to pump out little empty-headed cultists - black ones - and it's "no worries" from anybody.

I hate these people.

Nichevo said...

Don't be jealous, Tenderloin, I'm sure he'll give you a reach around. Besides, both of you are ripping off Geoffrey Holder.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


"On a different campus on a different day, it is unlikely a simple shoplifting case would have gained much attention. But the incident occurred the day after Donald Trump was elected president, in the wake of which Oberlin students appeared ready to build on the school’s history of left-wing activism to exercise their angst. Thus this otherwise unexciting crime became their cause célèbre.

Alleging these suspects were actually victims of racial profiling, students launched a campaign to destroy Gibson’s, a fifth-generation family business that had served the Oberlin community for more than 130 years. They organized protests, distributed leaflets accusing the Gibson family of racism, and worked with school administrators to impose financial sanctions on the bakery. Demonstrations became so aggressive that police say they considered calling the riot squad to restore order."

Michael K said...

If the regime of sitting didn't work, the threat was reform school.

I had to write "I will not throw snowballs" 500 times on the blackboard after I hit a nun with one. Second grade,

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


"Oberlin administrators agreed to boycott Gibson’s, which had long held catering contracts with the college’s dining service, and they allowed students to skip class to participate in protests. The Gibsons alleged that the administrators guided student-government leaders in promoting a resolution to condemn the bakery and Gibson family. Oberlin’s dean of students, Meredith Raimondo, handed out a flier accusing Gibson’s of having a “long account of racial profiling and discrimination.”

The Gibson family claims administrators told them they’d reinstate the catering contract if they dropped charges against the three shoplifting students and promised to contact the school, not police, if other students stole from their store in the future. The family refused and instead sued Oberlin and Ms. Raimondo, seeking $12.8 million at trial on numerous counts including libel, interference with business contracts and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

As a result of the protests, boycotts and lawsuits, the Gibson family business, which had survived two world wars and the Great Depression, suffered greatly. Its owners took no salary for two years, and nearly all the staff had to be let go. In their closing arguments, Mr. Gibson’s lawyers lamented that without a ruling in their favor, the beloved Oberlin bakery could be forced to close."

Lucid-Ideas said...

So totally NOT gay. Entirely hetero, no-homo. With a Hollywood starlet as his bae. Did I mention NOT gay?

Nichevo said...

Crack, welcome back! As I'm sure you understand, it's merely a question of who, whom. Whose ox is being gored. Cogs are fine as long as they're cogs for their machine.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

MEREDITH RAIMONDO. Remember that name.

Where are the protests against this ugly white B?
Perhaps she just needs some yoga? Or, perhaps, she should be prosecuted and fired- and her life destroyed for her Maddow-esque lies and smears.

Nichevo said...

MEREDITH RAIMONDO. Remember that name.

Any relation to Justin?

MikeR said...

Doesn't bother me that they're doing yoga. Why should it? Lots of school activities.
It also seems unlikely that this will "end the school to prison pipeline", but who knows?
It would be stupid to be confident in the results.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Never underestimate the power of the leftwing fascist.

Ask Adam Schit and Rachel Maddow. They understand.

Michael K said...

But if we can't anticipate why things could go wrong, why should we believe that we can anticipate why things could go right?

Because schools were run with discipline and attention to learning for several hundred years, if not thousands, and the urban thuggery has developed since the schools adopted leftist dogma ?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


"On June 7 a jury awarded Gibson’s Food Mart and Bakery, as well as the Gibson family, $11 million in compensatory damages. After punitive damages are decided this week, Oberlin College could owe the Gibsons an additional $22 million.

This historic case received scant media attention during the trial. My publication, Legal Insurrection, was the only national outlet to be present for the entire trial, because we felt Gibson Bros. v. Oberlin College was emblematic of tensions in American culture, particularly the “town vs. gown” divide that pits activist colleges against the places that host them.

In this case, Oberlin students and administrators appeared happy to smear a family-run institution in pursuit of a “social justice” agenda. Ignoring the facts, they attempted to destroy a business without concern for the damage they were inflicting on a family and workers in their own community. "

That's the modern left in a nutshell. Once they decide to destroy, facts and truth do not matter. The leftwing fascist is built to destroy.

Lars Porsena said...

JackWayne said...
Does anyone remember “midnight basketball”? Same song, different verse. Just as stupid for government to be doing.
6/13/19, 7:54 AM

Damn! You beat me to it.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Well, doing some Yoga couldn't hurt.

But it certainly isn't the key to stopping the failed public school experience from channeling juvenile delinquents (read that as urban blacks, hispanic gang bangers etc) to prison. There are a zillion other contributing factors that can't be solved by Yoga poses.

Perhaps getting back to actual teaching of subjects, trashcan the PC bullshit and implement some discipline in the schools. Now that would probably do more than just a Yoga exercises.

rcocean said...

All Trump has to do is show this picture 24/7 and he wins. Booker will never be POTUS.

gspencer said...

That suit can walk itself back into the closet at the end of a long day.

Kevin said...

Did it effectively teach self-control to the students who misbehaved and had tendencies toward violence and an incapacity to follow society's rules?

That was never the job of the schools back when America was great.

tcrosse said...

Under Socialism, suit wears you.

iowan2 said...

Did it effectively teach self-control to the students who misbehaved and had tendencies toward violence and an incapacity to follow society's rules?

The "old fashioned" metric was parents taught self control, and curbed violence, and instructed on following society's rules. All that was done so the child could gain access to the classroom. That access was a privilege. Parents had to prepare their children for that initial step into organized education.

Government is demonstrably terrible at parenting. I have an open mind to any examples of success in that realm.

If we are so debased as to think educators can address these issues, why wait until after trouble has started? Why only apply a process that is supposedly a common good, to only troubled youth? Something so basically beneficial should not be deprived of all the students. Like preventative medicine, do the things to lessen the chance of illness. Not treat the symptoms.

What we are talking about is behavior modification. Even good kids will take benefit of the process. A process that has a better chance at moving the needle if started before trouble erupts.

The experts told us Meditation (prayer), and exercise (yoga) were superfluous. A waste of time. Now we are to believe these experts, that this entirely new, and never before imagined process is the answer.

iowan2 said...

This does not address the other problem with Booker. As President, what Article Two Constitutional Power, is Booker going to use from the Oval Office to address any of these issues?

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Well, as long as they are doing Mindful Yoga and are hearing lots of Positive Affirmations, I guess it's okay.

Of course, if they progress to Goat Yoga, Hot Yoga, or Transcendental Yoga, it might be time to worry.

pacwest said...

Somebody has been watching too many Kung Fu reruns.

wildswan said...

This is a middle school and those kids aren't gang-bangers. I hope it helps them but I can't see that success with sweet little ten- and eleven-year-olds predicts success with 16-year-olds who have joined a gang. Will they do yoga breathing when someone challenges them?

Birches said...

They're still pushing this after Parkland?

Seems tone deaf.

Shouting Thomas said...

Does this violate the separation of church and state?

There is a religion underlying yoga.

I do yoga, and it is very helpful for dealing with stress and quieting one's mind.

I'm Catholic, so I long ago consulted Church teaching about whether doing yoga conflicts with Catholicism.

The answer... Not so long as you regard it solely as a system of exercise.

Francisco D said...

I had to write "I will not throw snowballs" 500 times on the blackboard after I hit a nun with one. Second grade,

It isn't much fun being a kid in Chicago if you can't throw snowballs.

We used to terrorize drivers. Several times a motorist got out and attempted to chase me down - not a chance of catching me.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"school to prison pipeline"

The existence of the phrase itself is utterly damning of the Left's last 50 years of education policy. It seems like the last thing the smart Leftist would want to do is mention it at all.

gerry said...

After decades of state-subsized destruction of two-parent families, a little yoga can go a long way, eh?

Our culture is now completely infantilized.

Wince said...

The kids in this program seem exactly of the right age for this to have some benefit.

Many of the children that attend Coleman are from broken families with one or more parents in prison, if their parents are around at all. Some children are homeless or are not fed regularly. The meditation program has made a significant impact on disciplinary issues at the school.

"School to prison" really does not describe the endpoints of this so-called "pipeline". Why not the "welfare state to prison pipeline"?

Well, you already know why "we" don't call it that.

When we talk about ending the school-to-prison pipeline...

You're talking the bigotry of low expectations.

As if any attempt to impose any expectations or consequences along the "welfare state to prison pipeline" is the cause of the dysfunction in their lives.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I taught “at risk” students for years and think this story is BS. In my experience students who are disruptive in class, tend to be disruptive in detention, and would likely clown around in a “yoga” class.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Thanks to Joe Biden, cancer is going to be cured, and now, Cory Booker is fixing school discipline issues and overcrowded prisons!! 2019 is turning out to be a great year!!

Wince said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
I taught “at risk” students for years and think this story is BS. In my experience students who are disruptive in class, tend to be disruptive in detention, and would likely clown around in a “yoga” class.

That's why I thought they were of the right age, and probably still receptive mindset.

n.n said...

Our culture is now completely infantilized.

Illinois governor signs abortion protection bill pro-life groups call a 'death penalty'

Denial of human evolution. Summary judgment (a.k.a. witch trial). Cruel and unusual punishment (from around one month). A Pro-Choice quasi-religion. Twilight faith (i.e. conflation of logical domains). Wicked solution.

It's a progressive process.

Anonymous said...

"thoughtful, innovative and commonsense"

An idea can be thoughtful and innovative, but it can't be innovative and commonsense. "Commonsense" is something that "everyone knows"; "innovative" is something that "nobody thought of before".

Stanford degrees ain't worth what they used to be.

FWBuff said...

Or maybe the kids in detention could go to a Bible study with a special instructor and then spend some time praying about turning the other cheek and loving their neighbor?

buwaya said...

Sarah Hoyt is one reason I don’t blog. She’s a very smart lady, and has a lot of interesting things to say, notably about Portugal and SF literature.
But it’s not enough to carry the volume of material she has to generate.
Althouse has found a much more sustainable formula.

Bay Area Guy said...

I have no beef with RuPaul. Never found s/him talented or interesting, but so be it. S/he apparently found s/his nitche in Hollywood.

As for Cory Booker? Well, if your Presidential campaign is wallowing at 1%, why the hell not try something, anything?

Ken B said...

Bad logic. No one says you should blog every thought you have. Just blog the interesting ones.

As for Booker.
The phrase “school-to-prison pipeline” is stupid enough to mark you as a fool even if you follow it with an explanation of a new theory of quantum gravity.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

From Nasty to Namaste, by Snoop "Downward" Dogg

if everyone goes gay, will that reduce crime?

"School-to-prison" sounds like "farm-to-table"

Howard said...

Brazilian jujitsu would work better

RigelDog said...

School-to-prison-pipeline is one of the many iron concepts/dictates that have been recently inserted into our society without debate or explanation. It's just there now. How I long to ask those who are responsible for its creation: What is it about going to school that allegedly leads young people to prison--school to prison pipeline means the school is causing criminal behavior, right? Doesn't that mean that these juveniles would be less likely to commit criminal behavior if they were loose on the streets?

William said...

"They fuck you up, your mum and dad.". That's only true if you have white, middle class parents. In all other cases , it's the schools that fuck you up.....This is the obvious solution to broken homes, absent fathers, and psycho friends. It's a wonder they didn't think of this before. Probably the white, middle class school administrators conspired to keep this program out of the schools.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

maybe a cap-and-gown ceremony when you matriculate
from juvenile detention to the Big House

William said...

Have people of the left finally come to the conclusion that collective farms don't work? Collective farms starved millions. As bad ideas go, this is relatively innocuous. I hope the activists get behind this idea. Also ban plastic straws. There are many useful causes the left can take up without starving millions.

bleh said...

Being forced to do yoga would've been pretty severe punishment for me as a lad.

David53 said...

No, just no. I taught at Title I elementary and middle schools for 4 years. That was 20 years ago, I know it's a lot worse now. "These types of thoughtful, innovative and commonsense practices" won't work with the majority of already messed up kids in public schools. In one of my schools if the yogi was trying to sooth a particular kid, another kid would grab the yogi's burning incense and poke someone with it.

In one of my schools a kid brought some matches to school and set a girl's hair on fire. True story. One girl would get so out of control we would have to call her Mom who would come and literally lay on top of the child until she calmed down. I'll never forget one Dad who came to pick up his boy at the end of the day, he had vanity license plate holders that said, "Pimpin' Ain't Easy."

Drago said...

Cory Booker is ferociously "heterosexual".


rehajm said...

The silly part is the idea that THE PRESIDENT needs to make this a policy platform at all

I was thinking it was more of a First Lady kind of policy. Like school lunches...

rehajm said...

(Write your own Booker joke.)

ALP said...

Michael K: I had to write "I will not throw snowballs" 500 times on the blackboard after I hit a nun with one. Second grade,

You went to school with Matt Groening, creator of "The Simpson's"? YOU are the inspiration for the opening scene with Bart Simpson writing on the blackboard???

Assistant Village Idiot said...

For all incredible educational interventions: call me when they scale up.

Yancey Ward said...

"Do downward facing dog, bitch!"

Yancey Ward said...

This program probably can't hurt, but it is likely not going to make one whit of difference either.

Michael K said...

YOU are the inspiration for the opening scene with Bart Simpson writing on the blackboard???

Probably the nuns who taught him. That was a standard punishment. I did see one kid get his mouth washed out with soap in 1st grade,

Skippy Tisdale said...

"Illinois governor signs abortion protection bill pro-life groups call a 'death penalty'"

If for Progressives, it's okay to kill an unborn child, then it should also be okay to kill a criminal as well. So why aren't they pro death penalty?

Skippy Tisdale said...

""School-to-prison" sounds like "farm-to-table""

I prefer Farm-to-Toilet.

JaimeRoberto said...

I'm not opposed to it if it works over time, but I didn't see any details on that. And I sure don't want to see some costly top down program from the federal government for this.

buwaya said...

"That was a standard punishment. I did see one kid get his mouth washed out with soap in 1st grade,"

We had the bamboo stick.

MadisonMan said...

My takeaway from the image with RuPaul: Cory Booker is short.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

the yoga positions in our school were the "wedgie", the "noogie" and the "downward-facing swirly" but these weren't approved by the faculty

tcrosse said...

My takeaway from the image with RuPaul: Cory Booker is short.

Either that or Ru is wearing Boogie Boots.

JZ said...

They did look and sound like well behaved kids, not the kind who end up in detention. I can see a place for yoga and physical Ed and recess with young kids.

gilbar said...

Vermont Gov. Phil Scott, a Republican, signed an extreme pro-abortion bill into law on Monday, permitting abortions to be performed up until the moment of birth in the state for any reason whatsoever.

"Safe"? "Legal"? and "Rare"?
i thought i'd heard someone tell me yesterday, that there 'was no such thing' as a late term abortion?

daskol said...

I've been teaching my kids 4-7-8 breathing to help them get control of their emotions when they get angry/upset/hysterical. Too early to tell if they'll take to it, but I think that was based on yoga. Works pretty well for me.

narciso said...

we had the paddle at our high school

RK said...

"School to prison pipeline" my big white ass. Black parents just suck. That explains it all.

Bob Boyd said...

All T, no Bone.

Earnest Prole said...

Who can deny Cory Booker would make a super-fabulous President?

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