"We still gotta go out there and make a living. Enjoy your family, enjoy your friends, bang your chicks and make your money.... We're both excited because we both don't give a shit what anybody thinks about anything.... I decided not to run for president because it would be embarrassing for everybody else losing. It would be too easy."
Said Andrew Dice Clay quoted in "Roseanne Barr Joins Andrew Dice Clay for 'Mr. and Mrs. America' Comedy Tour."
Good for him. Good for them. I see too that Louis CK got a standing ovation this week. Good for him. Good for all of us.
Cue the protests outside the show.
Cue the outrage.
Most importantly: cue the milkshakes.
I am Laslo.
Excited to see how successful this tour will be.
Might even spend $ myself if they come to the Midwest.
Exactly what is needed in this country of political correction outrage and crisis's.
Speech codes and speech police *man the stations, antifa brownshirts*
Don't we preemptively need the "That's not funny" tag?
They'll sell out everywhere, of course. To people who are dying to see someone say "fuck you" to the fascist political correctness of the whimpering thought police. I have a long list of words for them to be sure to say. Ah never mind, those two do not need it. Yea!
A great big middle finger to the SJW crowd. I wonder if there will be protests? I'm sure these two would love nothing more than to have the free advertising of people picketing their show.
Trouble is, if liberals are running the country, people's lives will change. And not for the better. Turning into Venezuela is not an appealing thought.
What they need is the USA Diversity Tour. White Black Brown Yellow and Red and let it fly like the old days. Equal opportunity insulting. An Ode to Don Rickles.
While he has a point, who governs does make a difference to my wallet. Hillary promised me that she would raise my taxes to 65%. I believed her. Trump promised me he would lower them. I didn't believe him but I figured at least he wouldn't raise them. On balance, I was proven wrong about Trump. I am paying a bit less. Next year every Democrat running promises me that they will raise my taxes. I believe them. I have a train to pull and the more of my money I get to keep, the easier it is to pull the train and the easier that is, the happier I am.
we both don't give a shit what anybody thinks
"Roseanne Barr tearfully apologizes for [non-]racist tweet: 'I've made myself a [whatever]'"
As Althouse highlights, this is for the hick characters in the other calm down thing-y.
Amen Cuban Bob! There are basically three things I want from a president: a strong economy, a secure nation and personal freedom. Every Dem running is diametrically opposed to those three interests so there is zero chance I will vote for a Dem anytime soon. All the campaign rhetoric is just pap and bullshit as far as I am concerned.
I agree totally and have told people this many times--it doesn't matter who wins because the marginal difference between one president vs. another will not bleed meaningfully into people's actual day-to-day lives.
I've never convinced anyone.
I've also told many people that it is inappropriate in a constitutional republic built around the idea of human rights with a concept of limited government to get so emotionally caught up in who the current president is.
People always respond, "yeah, but Trump is different!"
No, he isn't.
All I want is massive Keynesian spending that spikes the economy today while putting the bill on future folks' credit card, lowering of life expectancy and a gov that drains the swamp by picking winners and losers and attacking the enemy of the people, based on rents/benefits re political donors.
I've never convinced anyone.
Yah. Right or left, it doesn't seem to take. Notice the "the dems will destroy us" commentary upstream.
* * *
But my first reaction is "How old is Andrew Dice Clay?"
Seems like an old person thing to not care so much.
anti-de Sitter space said...All I want is massive Keynesian spending that spikes the economy today while putting the bill on future folks' credit card,
Well then, you're in luck! Because that's what you're going to get no matter who wins.
"Calm down with your political conversations. Whoever is running the country, nobody else's life changes."
The Progs have decided that's a bug, not a feature.
Candidates who will not eradicate something forever, or deliver something without cost or fail for everyone, need not apply.
Hard to imagine Roseanne Barr agreeing with that viewpoint. Diceman is not the brash, obnoxious New Yorker that we need now.
Whoever is running the country, nobody else's life changes.
I doubt Drew Sterrett understood Barack Obama's election was going to screw up his entire life. But that's what happens when the left wins. We get a nice seeming face hiding the pathologies driving the witch hunts.
picking winners and losers and attacking the enemy of the people, based on rents/benefits re political donors.
That's the system we've had since 1965 and even before. You've got it backwards, as usual.
I think women have been put in charge of the internation standard joke kept in Paris.
""Calm down with your political conversations. Whoever is running the country, nobody else's life changes.
BULLSHIT. The people running the country are always making decisions that change and impact our lives. I live in California for fucks-sake the most intrusive government you can imagine.
They tell us what we can and cannot do on our own property. What we can eat or not eat. What kind of things we can buy or not buy or how much of what we can buy we are "allowed" to buy. You have to have sprinklers inside your house and solar panels on top of the roof.
Try to build a garden shed on your own property or put up a ready made metal carport. The permitting process is expensive an onerous. PLUS if you allow those assholes on your property to inspect the projected garden shed be prepared to have multiple things on your property red tagged and be forced to tear down existing structures. Thousand upon thousands of dollars.
Not change your life. BULLSHIT!
Sure, the older I get the less impressed I am by the passion and commitment of the young, and anyone my age who obsesses about our polshitical system gets dropped from my dance card quickly.
I was 19 in '72, a long-haired pot-smoking smart-ass college student, giving old Black women rides to the polls in my VW Beetle-- a first and last time in such a conveyance for most I think. I naively thought McGovern would be a good prez, but even then there was such a miasma of unexamined, verging on infantile, leftism among the Dims that I started looking for a better approach.
Now I "throw away" my 1/153,000,000th quantum of a decision on third parties
"Calm down with your political conversations. Whoever is running the country, nobody else's life changes We still gotta go out there and make a living. Enjoy your family, enjoy your friends, bang your chicks and make your money.... We're both excited because we both don't give a shit what anybody thinks about anything.
So why didn't you say "Democrats/Liberals need to calm down" ? Instead you said "Americans/People need to calm down". Afraid they will throw acid in your face? Yah, they got you cowed. You can't even name the people responsible that you want to "calm down"
"We're not afraid! ...of those people we're afraid to call out by name..."
Clay: "The congressmen hiding in the dugout need to calm down!"
ADC definitely makes a good point about politics up there.
This will play well in Peoria. But, this will not play well with others on any American university campus. I double dare them to try and play Berkeley, just to make an artistic statement.
Kay said...
ADC definitely makes a good point about politics up there.
But he is too much of a pussy to be honest about the real problem.
jaydub , thanks! I always vote my wallet. Money doesn't come from heaven (or at least not for me).
Some people here commenting on this blog worry about the national debt. I don't. It's an exercise in futility. If you are a taxpayer and especially a net taxpayer as long as you remain one you will be paying taxes and the debt will never go down and neither will the spending ( of which most hardly benefits you) so why vote to pay more? Trump spending a gazillion dollars and blowing the national debt to Mars but not raising my taxes or any Democrat running who promises to spend even more than Trump and sending the national debt past Saturn while robbing me blind? Most choices in life should be this easy. By the way, has anyone seen a Democrat running proposing to spend less money and reduce the debt? I haven't.
Enjoy your family, enjoy your friends, bang your chicks and make your money
Is this some sort of pro-polygamy joke? He has a wife and kids and a bunch of "chicks" that are "his" to "bang?" What happens when they get pregnant? Are they some sort of second or third or fourth family? Or something darker?
I would take political advice from ADC over AOC.
"Is this some sort of pro-polygamy joke? He has a wife and kids and a bunch of "chicks" that are "his" to "bang?" What happens when they get pregnant? Are they some sort of second or third or fourth family? Or something darker?"
Your reading comprehension is great. He's talking to "YOU" -- the multitudes.
I'm not sure what Ahmed is getting at. My Arabic is rusty but it's either "long-life, many grandsons!" or "curse of dogshit!" I get those confused.
Easily confused
Achilles said...
Kay said...
ADC definitely makes a good point about politics up there.
But he is too much of a pussy to be honest about the real problem.
6/24/19, 11:26 AM
It's also his Diceman schtick...throwing it in there to remind folks he's just a comedian...of sorts.
As a guy trying to revive his career, it's in his best interest to smooth over political divisions. More audience.
However, if you look at the Dem competition to tax more while making more and more "free"/forgiven, it should inform voters of the risk to the economy should one of them get power.
But I suppose for some, age can absolve concern.
I was listening to Dennis Miller's podcast over the weekend and he's basically not giving a shit anymore.
"it doesn't matter who wins because the marginal difference between one president vs. another"
Obamacare anyone?
Professor Terguson : You remember that thing we had about 10 years ago called the Obama Administration? And how we failed to make a single joke about it for eight long years? How come we didn't send out best comics on SNL to make jokes about that big-eared son of a bitch as he was tearing apart our healthcare system?
Professor Terguson : [rips a desk apart] Then take the fucking show apart
Professor Terguson : sketch by sketch and nuke them back into the fucking stone age forever? Tell me why! How come? Say it! Say it!
Thornton Melon : [incensed] All right. I'll say it. 'Cause Lorne Michaels was too much of a *pussy wimp* to let Dennis Miller and Roseanne Barr go in there
Thornton Melon : and blow out those Commie bastards!
Professor Terguson : Good answer. Good answer. I like the way you think. I'm gonna be watching you.
Thornton Melon : [chuckling to his classmates] Good teacher. He really seems to care. About what I have no idea.
Thread winner!
Many are spoiled by America's good days up to 1988, and want to pretend they will never need to be defended from Globalist attack. Boy is that wrong.
I hope they play The Lillian and Dorothy Gish Theater ...
here's a twist, traditional guy, a book tying Charles manson to the company and mk ultra, mind you they are not that competent,
Miller did have a funny bit about how when he's hobnobbing in his celeb circles, he ends up excusing himself from Lefty conversations so often he figures they all think he has a bladder disorder.
Cutting taxes is probably the #1 reason that I would crawl across glass to vote for Trump this next election and to vote against the Dem nominee who will have to have promised to raise taxes to get the nomination. The economy is still hot, and none of that can be attributed to Obama, who oversaw the longest recession of the last 80 years, doing essentially everything wrong, in terms of the economy. The only President worse economically over the last century or so was FDR. I expect that we should be due for the next recession not long into the next election, and the last thing that our economy needs, at that point, is another economic ignoramous in the White House raising taxes as we hit that part of the economic cycle.
I see two things driving their desire to raise taxes. First, and foremost, Trump raised them. That is enough for many of them because OrangeManBad, regardless of economic consequences. And, of course much of the money funding Dem candidates comes from very rich people living in big cities, in high tax states, who are finally having to pay their fair share of federal taxes, due to the cap now on SALT deductions. It is to uncap that deduction that those millionaires and billionaires are more than willing to increase federal taxes on the rest of us.
I wish him luck, but there's no way I become an Andrew Dice Clay fan. That's a bridge too far. I'm also not that keen on Roseanne although she definitely got screwed over.....Remember that George Carlin but about the seven forbidden words. There's no way a comedian could point out the absurdity of the current forbidden words and have a career.
OMG! Does this mean that Trump won’t Make America Great Again?
I don't know: if a president raises taxes to confiscatory levels, turns the US into Venezuela del Norte, and then steals my guns to boot--wouldn't our lives change then . . . and not for the better, either?
Alphabet is well positioned to progress the distribution of disinformation to liberal levels.
Trump Order Seeks Disclosure of Hospital Prices
Breaking one Obamacares order after another. Progress.
Total of tax as % GDP has not gone down AFAIK.
It was just slightly redistributed.
Note the remarkable stability since WWII, in spite of many changes to tax policy.
This has data only to Jan 2018, there is quite a lead time on this update.
But the likelihood is that the % GDP has gone up a bit due to the removal of exclusions.
"It is to uncap that deduction that those millionaires and billionaires are more than willing to increase federal taxes on the rest of us."
Right, folks w/ hundreds of millions (or more) are impacted by that deduction. The DJT tax is a real struggle. So you glee re the tax changes resulting in their suffering is justified. Wise tax man, you be.
Carry on.
Sux to be rich.
"Right, folks w/ hundreds of millions (or more) are impacted by that deduction."
A lot of "folks" are impacted by that deduction. Not as much as one would think, given that its manageable by adjusting how one realizes income, etc. But it does matter some. Everything happens on the margins. Relatively speaking it also impacts the mid-rich more that the extreme-rich. Lets say the top 2% care more than the top .01%
"given that its manageable by adjusting how one realizes income"
Ya think.
OTOH, you do read about athletes making many tens of millions a year. Is that W2 income? YIKES!
Didn't campaigner-DJT jabber a lot about carried interest?
Its interesting that one of the fundamental points about current US politics is the high-mid-low split of the people. This is not acknowledged by the political propaganda on any side, but it is both obvious and interesting.
The Republicans have lost the backing of the very wealthy (.1%-to the top), this is now an almost exclusively Democratic bloc. And they have lost the 1% in large part, generally because of cultural issues. The Republican party is now mainly a party of the middle class, and upper working class, generally the block from the 60th-2nd percentiles. The Democrats retain the bottom of the income range, so they have the classic high-low mix against the Republican middle.
Rarely if ever admitted in political controversy.
"Ya think."
Don't you? Even I have to. How much more someone who has a dedicated staff of accountants and tax lawyers.
I had thought that the reason all tax changes net benefit the richest was cause they got influence re the gov.
But nope. Buw lets us know that all these changes (esp incl the R policies) are because these rich folks are lib Ds.
It's the hard working real Americans who are the Rs. Right in the middle, and up to upper-mid.
And then there's the Ds who are poor.
Buw, wonders why this truth (as he sees it) is not spoken out loud. Quite a mystery he gots goin' on there.
“Right, folks w/ hundreds of millions (or more) are impacted by that deduction. The DJT tax is a real struggle. So you glee re the tax changes resulting in their suffering is justified. Wise tax man, you be.”
Not sure of your point there. Many more people got net tax cuts than got tax increases, under the Trump tax cuts. Yes many of them are deplorables. Live with it. And that SALT deduction was being funded by the rest of us who don’t live in high tax states. If you want to live in someplace like LA with it’s typhus, rat, and illegals problems, or San Francisco with its homeless shit problems, or NYC with 1/4 of its bus riders now job ping the turnstile, or Chicago with its murders and wilding crowds, then fine, do it. Just don’t ask the rest of us to fund that choice with unlimited SALT deductions.
No worries Sitter.
Just make more "dough" and support your lovely state.
"Buw lets us know that all these changes (esp incl the R policies) are because these rich folks are lib Ds."
They are in fact. Look around. They drive the social zeitgeist. They fund everything.
Tax laws tend to affect most those with less ability to shelter income. The US tax system is extremely "progressive" by world standards, in spite of payroll taxes. Other countries directly ding their poor-middle class much more. In the US tax law changes tend to hit the top 2-20% more than anyone.
"It's the hard working real Americans who are the Rs. Right in the middle, and up to upper-mid."
Its so, in every study of the question since the 1990's at least. You disagree? On what grounds?
I am one of those that got hit by SALT. And about half of our income is W2 so I am a case in point of that (barely) 1%
So Bruce,
You're saying that yer fer making mooocher states more mooocher-y?
Got it.
"You're saying that yer fer making mooocher states more mooocher-y?"
An interesting question rarely argued in good faith unfortunately.
Because the US is not in fact a group of independent countries, both corporate and personal incomes from operations and assets across the US are reported disproportionately in certain places, that is, where incorporated, where the HQs are, or where the owners live.
But the actual business operations are distributed. Disney sells its IP across the US and collects revenues across the land. But it reports it mainly out of CA, and the Feds report tax receipts from CA. So it appears that the entire business activity of Disney is generated in CA. There is a great deal more like this, worse with industrial companies. The bulk of their work may be in places like Ohio and Alabama, but it appears to the statistics that only their HQ exists.
A great national divorce would clarify this situation.
"On what grounds?"
Rich folks like their dough.
Sure, they're highly educated. Hence being rich, and hence voting against type cause of seeing the DJT flim flam.
And, the pooRs went the other way. They were into DJT.
Coolest is being anti-DJT but then having him, as expected, get played by the swamp re tax policy to make you richer. Not so cool for R farmers goin' broke cause of the deal farter. Likewise normal families who will eventually get stuck w/ the credit card bill and lots of interest.
Start by mocking Taylor Swift. Love it.
Leftwing civil servants are all totalitarian assholes.
They work for us, but, you'd never know it.
BTW, in case anyone is interested in trans-national comparisons -
I have gathered quotes for Spanish private medical insurance (we have to go private because we have not contributed to the public system, and we are not exactly destitute). Spain has insurance companies that sell private medical insurance, entirely independent of the public system. As usual these are meant for foreigners especially retirees like us, for the wealthy who don't want to wait in the public system, etc.
So, for a "gold plated" plan, for a retirement age couple, we are seeing quotes for under $300/month.
BTW Buw,
What is the total GDP of Arkansas and what is the total profit for Walmart? Reconcile. According to yur jabber that income would be booked re Arkansas.
Math is tricky.
"and hence voting against type cause of seeing the DJT flim flam."
From my POV, seeing who these people really are and what they do for a living, their welfare is tied up in the complications of your system of governance that has created many ways to leach incomes from the costs your governments and legal system have imposed through deliberate elaboration. Think of them as parasites living in the distressed sores of an afflicted animal.
They know on which side their bread is buttered.
"On what grounds?"
"Rich folks like their dough."
It does not respond to why you object to the class structure of the US political alignment.
There is one Walmart.
There are 1000 companies in the F1000
Consider the distribution of Federal corporate tax revenues by state.
Which is not easy to find.
well these are the rates,
anti-de Sitter space said...
BTW Buw,
What is the total GDP of Arkansas and what is the total profit for Walmart? Reconcile. According to yur jabber that income would be booked re Arkansas.
Math is tricky.
6/24/19, 4:36 PM
Buwaya, why are you listening to, let alone casting pearls before, this drooling swine?Doesn't it hurt you to try to translate his jabber (a word I taught him and which he uses endlessly) into English? For the life of me I cannot understand why some people TRY to talk badly.
"let alone casting pearls before, this drooling swine?"
Pearls? Hardly.
"For the life of me I cannot understand why some people TRY to talk badly."
It is an affectation. Especially in text. People who speak with accents do not attempt to write with accents, unless they are writing in a literary character, or playing some game. As we have here.
I wonder what Joseph Conrad sounded like, in English. I suspect he sounded like a Pole.
Thanks Narciso.
But what we need is Federal Corporate tax collections by state.
If we're gonna go w/ that:
Buw is more of a Mary Anning thing-y.
Like almost all here.
Not that there's anything wrong w/ that. Oldies but goodies.
"But what we need is Federal Corporate tax collections by state."
In 2018, you think yur gonna find that it's corporate taxes that are the big haul for the gov re ALL revenue?
PB&J also know by other handles is not a serious commenter.
The truly rich have other interests, many driven by culture. Eric Schmidt said his wife was very concerned about abortion.
People who run businesses, especially small to medium, tend to be quite conservative. Singling the front of a paycheck makes you tend to care about these things. Most leftists, I assume, cash paychecks, not write them.
you are very civil at all times, buwaya, you remind me of my grandfather in some ways, he was more self taught, then technically trained but he had a great thirst for knowledge and imparting same,
I read Nostromo, then I read costaguana, which is paris educated Colombian take on the story, then I read anne mcleans translation, I found the last the most on point,
People who speak with accents do not attempt to write with accents,
I saw Kamala Harris on TV today and she was affecting a negro dialect speech. Another Hillary-like characteristic.
“Nobody else’s life changes.”
Tell that to people who had given up hope of ever finding a good job during the Obama administration, and are now drawing a good paycheck.
you would think they would make this easier to calculate,
"In 2018, you think yur gonna find that it's corporate taxes that are the big haul for the gov re ALL revenue?"
No, but it is the clearest way to identify structural reasons for different rates of tax collections.
Your bigger causes for differential collections will be concentrations of very rich people making money mainly from rents, that is, from ownership. That will be a mess to extract as a factor. Won't happen to anyone's satisfaction until the US breaks up and every entity has to file returns in every polity.
Another factor, minor probably, is bracket creep, as pay scales in places like CA and NY are higher than Alabama, for the same "real" income - the international comparison PPP thing. But Fed rates don't take PPP into account.
"from ownership"
A lota time that's ownership of capital (nuttin' to do w/ capitol). It's property rights. Incl IP, too.
I don't think Bruce and Doc Mike are wearing authentic aviators.
No depth perception.
But, they can spot fish in a river, or barrel.
This thread is about polarization.
An amazing discussion of the effect of the Great Society on black families, plus other societies, such as Britain.
Thomas Sowell is an amazing national treasure.
Not interested in PB&J's blather.
"Thomas Sowell is an amazing national treasure."
He would not return a compliment.
Maybe you could start by deleting yur jabber re negro talk in this thread. As a start. And then you'll be very busy cleaning up yur legacy around here.
OTOH, he'll never know about any of this.
So, carry on.
"A lota time that's ownership of capital (nuttin' to do w/ capitol). It's property rights. Incl IP, too."
Yes certainly. The old economists called the mass of this "rents".
A mans reputation is made not by what others tell him, but what they tell each other. In that case he becomes not just a man, but a symbol rather separate from the actual man.
I think that's from Stendhal, re Napoleon.
It is indeed Heinlein's Crazy Years when Andrew Dice Clay is the adult in the room.
A man's reputation is made not by what he tells others re another, but by the delta re what he tells others re the other re direct re the other re what is told.
IOW, if you can't say it to someone's face, you suck dicks (but not if that's what you like, then you suck pussies).
Maybe Buw's version was better.
I dunno. I'm just spit ballin'. Baller is as baller does.
Tim Maguire wrote: "it doesn't matter who wins because the marginal difference between one president vs. another will not bleed meaningfully into people's actual day-to-day lives."
That's because they were all one member of a party. Is Trump a member of that party? If he was, why would they attack him so?
He's an threat to their existence.
By the way, this is what the uniparty has brought us since 1990s:
* Gay members of the military threatened with expulsion between the mid-1990s up until a few years ago.
* People encouraged to buy a house or houses with very little income got shafted in 2007/2008. The bankers walked free.
* Workers who built a lot of those houses before 2007/2008 had to deal with unemployment afterwards.
* The massive intelligence failures and willful blindness resulting in 9/11.
* The passing of NAFTA which hollowed out the middle-class.
* A time when you could work a summer job to help pay for a year of college, replaced by a massive debt load.
* Hidden inflation in the grocery store due to shrinking product sizes.
* The forced introduction of terrible designs for washers that no longer wash clothes well due to water restrictions.
Right now, the people who brought us this are shitting themselves daily because Trump is in office. I don't know how much he can do. I suspect little, unless we change the political calculus by supporting him and people like him. But I'm not going to give up just because of whiners.
"Hidden inflation in the grocery store due to shrinking product sizes."
The uniparty did that?
"OMG! Does this mean that Trump won’t Make America Great Again?"
Since Trump has already done it once, I suspect that that he can do it again.
There's a lot in what he says. For a lot of people, including those most passionate about politics, who the president is doesn't have much effect on their lives. If you're a coal miner, though, electing Hillary Clinton would have had a significant impact on your life.
In the American system, there's a lot of delegation. People assume that the president and Congress can't get much done, but the courts can push through massive changes, so people vote not so much to get the president or Congress they want but to get the (unelected) judges who won't threaten their interests or values. The political system delegates that power to the courts.
Similarly, for all the regulation of business, the government doesn't do much about some of the massive changes brought about by markets and new technology. Those changes really matter, but much of the time both parties, for better or for worse, stand back and let them happen - until enough people complain.
There's a lot in what he says
He's talking about the Soap Opera phenomena. 3 years ago, Inga was all spun up about Luke and Laura. I was concerned too, but I had a life to lead and lost track of it all. So I come back yesterday to see that nothing on the show has actually changed or moved, we're still not any closer to discovering What Really Happened to Luke and Laura. Or if we did, now their children are involved in General Hospital and it's the same song, second verse.
The only significant change is that Inga has been driven even more obsessively insane by Soap Opera than she was 3 years ago. She could have spent those 3 years fishing, like I did.
I think what he is misssing is that "Luke and Laura" give people like Inga validation. Their lives are meaningless so they need a "communist" or "Aliens" or "Trump-Hitler" to roleplay the bad guy so they have a windmill to tilt at. If Trump didn't exist, the Democrats would make him up, just as they made up Bleach-bearing MAGA-hatted "racists" patrolling Chicago at 3am.
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