I'm reading "In reversal, Biden opposes ban on federal money for abortion" (AP).
I thought the whole point of Biden was that he was the one that other people would vote for. If he squares up his positions with the other Democratic candidates, the Biden's reason for being a candidate collapses.
I was going to say the Democrats are screwing up their "other people" reasoning, but I see that it's pretty clever of all the non-Biden candidates to lure him into surrendering his big advantage. Well played!
He has to win the primary before he can win the general. It worked for Hillary, but one of the reasons she was such a bad general election candidate is because everyone knew should we say whatever the listener of the moment wanted to hear.
The radical left have that poor man by the short hairs. Biden is a coward. He has flipped on nearly every issue. *Even saying that he thinks Pence is a nice guy. The leftwing totalitarian gay mafia threatened him over that one.
Biden is so far from the current Democrat "Base" that he is out of sight.
I bet we are closer to a time when the government forces some women to have an abortion than we are to the world portrayed in A Handmaid's Tale.
Oh you bet:
"lure him into surrendering his big advantage"
Are we sure this is an actual reversal or did he just plagiarize someone else's position statement?
Party of the big tent...
#Tolerance #Diversity
Republicans pounced, framing Biden’s change in position as a gaffe.
Some Republicans POUNCED! But others SEIZED the opportunity to criticize.
Yet the circumstances highlight the risks for a 76-year-old former vice president who’s running as more of a centrist in a party where some skeptical activists...
Pretty slick how the media often portrays Biden as a "centrist" candidate opposed by "activists" but never get around to labeling these non-centrist activists. No warning labels for the hard left.
Probably the latter, loom he lied about whi caused his wife's accident his standing in lawschool.
Bullied is right. With more federal money for abortion there'll be less little girls for him to sniff. It took some tears and an intervention, but the presidency is worth more than a fetish....and they said he could at least keep swimming naked. That helped.
....nothing to be lost by abandoning your principles, amirite?
I first thought Biden was attempting to garner some evangelical votes. Lasted all of 24 hours. He saw the light.
He will say anything. I bet we could get him to agree to change the name Sunday because it sounds like son day, which is structural sexism. #Offspringday
Maybe AA has it backwards. Maybe this is a brilliant move by Biden. He is proving to the base that while he may look like a moderate he is really their puppet, and they need not fear he means what he says.
I'm poor, but I really want a gun to protect myself. Since it is my constitutional right, when can I expect the Government to give me one???
Here's the question one must answer affirmatively to support Biden: Can he beat Trump?
Nothing else matters. Not his policies, not the consistency of his policies, not the leftism or centrism of his policies, definitely not the pretzel-like illogical self-contradicting nature of his policies as stated at any point in time. Can he beat Trump?
If you think the answer to that one question is a yes, vote for him.
Don't be surprised when proven wrong.
Biden’s big advantage is that he’s been chosen by the people that do the choosing.
Blogger Michael K said...
Biden is so far from the current Democrat "Base" that he is out of sight.
This is what they would like you to believe. The reason he is way ahead is that the base is actually more to the center. Calling the progressive/socialist wing the base is inappropriate as it is not wide enough to be a "base". Being louder does not make your numbers larger.
I think he can safely convert himself to anti-Hyde, pro GND, medicare for all, and still hold the true left-of-center to right-of-center base. That is what politician do. They do it because it works. Biden has the base and he will keep the true base because no one else will appeal to them. The true mistake is not Biden going all progressive, it is all the centrists going hard left, where the numbers are actually smaller than they thought and already crowded, e.g. Gillibrand and Harris.
He also supports using federal money for child sniffing.
That's not how it works, you must worship the state, any chocolate ration they chose to give you, you must be grateful.
Yes absolutely! But in Joe's administration you're only going to have the choice of a shotgun. Single shot. .410 gauge. Nothing fancier I'm afraid.
They can't afford fancier while giving 1st trimester abortions on demand.
"A veggie burger in every Lettuce wrap
A shotgun in every closet
An abortion for every fetus"
- Joe "Herbert" Biden, President of Clown World 2.0
The left threatened to put him chains.
Biden is clearly an idiot. Would a thinking person not have learned from Trump's campaign? The GOPe tried and failed to bring Trump over to their version of 'conservatism'. That Trump did not bow to the Party's sacred cows appealed to voters.
And if you use the shotgun you will be penalized if you kill the perpetrator like in the uk.
Ha ha. Being a sleepy flip-flopping loser to Trump in the general will be a fitting way for Joe to fade away.
Prediction: Joe Biden won't linger on, all butthurt and alone like Hillary does.
A2 said..."Biden's reason for being a candidate collapses."
Not sure if Biden is smart enough to think this through. Also, the so-called quiet Dems are not active enough to exert their power of numbers to make him the endorsed candidate.
I wrote a little Biden ditty:
If it hadn't been for Gropey-old Joe
The Dems would’ve been finished
A long time ago
Who were you touching, why not take it slow?
Who were your sniffing, Gropey-old Joe?
He’s groped ‘em all wherever he’s went
The little girls’ hair smelled so heaven-scent
The media covers so no one will know
And pushed him to ‘front-runner’
Go Gropey-old Joe!
If it hadn't been for Gropey-old Joe
The Dems might’ve been spared
Losing twice in row
Who were you groping, why won’t you go?
Stop petting and sniffing, Gropey-old Joe!
Mockturtle, I think I just said what you did, stated another way.
Man, is he dim.
"Paris is well worth a Mass" - Henry IV of France, 1593
"The White House is well worth an abortion." - Joe Biden, 2019
If Biden was truly in favor of the Hyde Amendment he would've stuck to his guns. Again, Biden gives off this "Moderate" aura but his record on everything except some foreign policy and business stuff is pure Left. He's always been as Left as he could be.
In a weird way, he reminds me of Clinton, who in 92 gave off a "moderate" vibe as the Arkansas Gov, but of course was really just as Left as Hillary. Fortunately for the USA, the R's controlled congress for 6 of his 8 years.
I listened to his talk and he's gotten stupider. If that's possible.
I'm starting to wonder if the Democrats really want to beat Trump. Why are they letting weirdos determine so much of their offical policy? Have they collectively become delusional? Has Trump driven them into such derangement that they truly believe that what's trending on Twitter and being reported by CNN somehow represent the concerns of real voters? Can they really be that far gone?
'That Trump did not bow to the Party's sacred cows appealed to voters.'
It worked for Trump because the GOPe often ignored the sacred cows of their base. The Dems rarely screw its supporters.
Yes they are this insane, it's an echo chamber bigger than a Dyson sphere,
Biden thinks he understands Obama's "blank screen" campaign posing, but clearly doesn't understand that he's not the kind of screen anyone wants to project on to. So, failing that, he needs to be courageous and transgressive. And there's no way that's happening.
Nonapod ponders: I'm starting to wonder if the Democrats really want to beat Trump.
Indeed. TDS has been the strongest unifying force the Dems have had in decades. They look forward to four more years of it. The media wouldn't know what to do with themselves without Trump.
How does that go again? Oh yes: "We know what you are now we just have to establish a price for your services"
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others."
-Groucho Marx
They will have him eating babies next.
How about federal money for free vasectomies and tube-tying for anyone who wants it?
Oh no! Cannot go there. Killing a fetus is cool. Procedures that don't involve death = crazy talk.
It's almost like Biden's being different is only branding and isn't actually true.
A moderate is someone who hasn't flip-flopped yet.
No, it is just meaningless.
I repeat; No one, not even Joe Biden, knows what Joe Biden will say next.
Why are they letting weirdos determine so much of their offical policy? Have they collectively become delusional?
Yes, Next question. Look at the lefties around here.
Don't worry about facing the voters, Joe. Worry about facing the Lord.
Maybe AA has it backwards. Maybe this is a brilliant move by Biden. He is proving to the base that while he may look like a moderate he is really their puppet, and they need not fear he means what he says.
Yes. If he is elected, his administration will be no different than any other Democrat administration. The candidates (with the possible exception of Bernie) are just figureheads.
Very much so:
Well played!
I here am I thinking that taking advantage of the mentally disadvantaged is bad form.
Poor old SloJo, at least he needn't fear encroaching dementia. Dementia has already done its worst.
@Althouse, things you don’t get:
In the course of his long political career Joe Biden has been on both sides of just about every issue under the sun, sometimes he’s flipped multiple times on the same issue. This is just the latest in a long string of flips and flops.
Biden is as dishonest as the offering to sell you a Rolex watch on a street corner.
Biden is dumber than a box of nails.
Sorry, Ms. Althouse, but I don't see how this costs Biden anything in the primary. It might cost him in the general election, but even that isn't really all that clear to me.
Joe Biden's whole political career could be summed up as copying whatever the Cool Kids are saying or doing.
"Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated."
Wait till Biden finds out he's an old toxic straight white male.
Pre-order your 2nd Purge Popcorn now! through the Althouse-Amazon portal.
These are the same Abortion Cultists that shamelessly accused Bret Kavanaugh of leading a gang rape club in college. Nothing is beneath them - they want sex so bad they are willing to kill babies for it.
You've come a long way Baby! So has tech. Buy a vibrator. You'll be much more satisfied, and they won't have to vacuum baby limbs out of your uterus every 6 months.
I wrote a little Biden ditty
Love it.
Gonna learn it by heart with Rednex "Cotten-Eyed Joe" playing in the background.
Biden has no path and this is just the beginning of why.
Biden needs to learn what his Deeply Held Beliefs are, and quick, or he's gonna get left behind.
The tell is the phrase "running as"....
How about running on you ACTUAL positions and plans, not as a weather vane for polling data?
Can he beat Trump?
Sleepy Joe had been a DC swamp dweller since 1972. Let me get my toes out...
48 years
Trump will humiliate him.
48 years
Almost 5 decades
Half a century
Biden is Swamp Thing
That would be a great RNC ad.
Swamp Thing shambles out of the lagoon
(voice over re 48 years in DC swamp)
slips his hands around a teenage girl's ..er ... shoulders.
No swamp thing was essentially good, dr. Arcame was the evil one.
How the fuck can anyone identify as a Democrat these days?
You have corrupt Imelda-Hillary blowing the election.
You have a failed coup attempt on the legitimately elected President of the United States, mere months after questioning whether he would accept the results of the election.
Your new leader is an Establishment Flunkie of 50 years who gets creepy around female teens.
If I was a Democrat, I would have eaten a shotgun by now.
Any Dems here want to explain themselves? Something is terribly wrong with you people.
Can we arrange to have the #MeToo spokesvictim introduce Biden at the convention?
The short answer they aren't jailed for doing coke in public, like bidens daughter, or cashing graft like the other one, they aren't assaulted sneered at on TV, nothing they do really attaches to them in social media or the fake one.
In this instance, couldn't we be more like Europe?
"In the 22 other states of the EU, abortion is legal without prior authorisation, although the specific laws differ, especially in relation to time limits. In most of these countries, abortion is only allowed in the first 12 weeks of a pregnancy, but this cap varies from 10 weeks (in Portugal, for example) to 24 weeks (in the UK and the Netherlands, for example). That is while some countries, such as Germany, require a reflection period of a few days."—France 24
Francisco D said... Yes. If he is elected, his administration will be no different than any other Democrat administration. The candidates (with the possible exception of Bernie) are just figureheads.
Exactly. Nobody in "The Base" really cares who is elected, as long as it is a D. They are looking for the most electable, whether Biden, Hillary, Al Gore, Henry Wallace or Jubilation T. Cornpone. The policies pursued by the next Democratic administration will not depend on who is the titular president.
So Biden is just like his conservative opponents and wants to force everyone to abide by the morals of our government.
It is funny that conservatives think once the federal government has control over something that in the long term it will ever do what they want it to.
Every time the bureaucracy and institutions move left. It is a natural law.
Why do you retards keep giving it power?
So what happens when Michelle steps in - A big sigh of relief?
They will have him eating babies next.
Fried fetus, dismembered, decapitated, served with fava beans and a nice Chianti.
#PlannedChild #CecileTheCannibal #CulinaryProgress
It's already on the menu in some Chinese and African locales.
that was the nine knaves on the court, and we see where that mindset leads in Canada, and the uk, the state must be worshipped and the family must be dismantled or at least subjugated,
All these wacky comments. But, hey, I want Biden to drop out, so . . . .
Wow, that was too fast. I wanted his campaign to be over, but not until he had been thoroughly embarrassed in a couple of debates and one or two primaries.
"All these wacky comments....... "
That's rich when discussing any post where Joe Biden is the topic..
"If you don't like my Deeply Held Beliefs, I have others." -- Slow Joe Biden
Fen: where do I send you the Democrat voter registration form?
Nowadays, any politician says "Safe, legal and rare" the twitterflakes liable to decry their
immoral stand on the beef industry.
If it wasn't clear before, this shows that Democrat candidates are just figureheads, at the mercy of pressure groups within the party. They'll do anything to get elected. Their opinions are constantly evolving. One shouldn't take anything they say at face value.
Achilles: Every time the bureaucracy and institutions move left. It is a natural law.
Hey how is your blood pressure? :) Bulwark article I'm not linking to:
"Just Because You CAN Defend Steven Crowder Doesn’t Mean You HAVE To. It's easy to stick up for someone’s right to say something, anything. But free speech is about more than owning the libs."
via Ace
So much for "Muh Principles". I'm looking forward to watching the Left turn on them.
"What's that? Did you hear someone screaming and clawing at the front door? Nah.. nevermind... do you have any fours?"
But, hey, I want Biden to drop out, so . . . .
Not good enough. You have to denounce the pedo 14 times and write 500 words distancing yourself from him and the Democrat party, else you're a pedo just like Biden.
That's how it works for us whenever Richard Spencer opens his mouth.
I think Richard Gephardt was the predecessor in this along with al gore in 1988, but the party was much less feral then, it's gone full moloch, full disfigurement,
In this instance, couldn't we be more like Europe?
With the left it is all cherry picking- More like Sweden here, more like Cuba there, More like Canada for that other thing. More like that place I took a long flight to where walked on the beach last Summer, too...
Herr "Pluggs" Sniffengroper is just the non-scary wrapper
to the Dem Nut-Bar they really want in.
I've never considered the idea that a politician could be "bullied" into holding a position. It tends to be more of a "pander" thing.
Joseph robinette Biden...anagrammed...
joint bribed sheep horn
jibed obese inept thorn
better enjoined bishop
Think of all the possibilities...
No Dem will beat Trump (unless there's a serious recession), so the Dem game plan should be to run a Presidential candidate who, while losing, will bring out moderates who will also vote for Dem candidates for Congress and Senate. "Biden" could be that candidate. I say "Biden" in quotes because that ideal candidate isn't the real Joe Biden but an imagined moderate Democrat. The real Joe ("put you back in chains") Biden just stood up.
I've never considered the idea that a politician could be "bullied" into holding a position. It tends to be more of a "pander" thing.
Depends on who holds the purse strings and how tightly they are held.
"If he squares up his positions with the other Democratic candidates, the Biden's reason for being a candidate collapses."
Typo coins "The Biden"?
He's framing this shift as a response to some states' greater abortistrictions.
Headline from the NYT: Why Biden Suddenly Reversed His Stance on Abortion Measure.
Do you even have to read the article to know the answer?
Apparently Pauline has the right to force Peter to pay for her abortions.
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