June 29, 2019

At the Saturday Night Cafe...

...talk all you want.


narciso said...

What are they trying to tell us:


Mark said...

Watching a rerun of Dallas, season 3, episode 25. Everyone is outraged after Asian fields were nationalized soon after they bought oil leases on those fields from Ewing Oil. Everyone thinks J.R. knew nationalization was coming and that he cheated them. They are all mad enough to kill.

He's going to get himself shot if he's not careful.

Narr said...

God's teeth! That WaPo list of books is just . . . sad.

It's my own fault for clicking it

Big Mike said...

I've just watched a new commercial for Gillette razors. Nothing about toxic masculinity. Subject is a firefighter who has to shave daily, but who has skin problems, and he really, really likes the new Gillette razor.

Good for him, but I'm never coming back.

Mark said...

Forty years later, Cliff Barnes is still a weasel.

Hubert the Infant said...

I just read a New York Times appreciation of Herman Wouk. Then I read the readers' comments. How can those people be living in the same universe that I am? Apparently, Winds of War and War and Remembrance were warnings about Donald Trump. Who, apparently was appointed President on a technicality -- which, I assume, was the Electoral College.

We are in trouble.

wildswan said...

Antifa mob beats up independent journalist Andy Ngo and sprays him with something, steals his camera and throws milkshakes on him. Someone should ask Kamala Harris if she would use the Federal government to protect civil rights on the right and prosecute these Antifa thugs if the state refuses to do so.


PS. I think she lost the election at that debate by calling Joe Biden a racist. It shows what she would do.

n.n said...


Reddit speaks truth to fascism, and diversity or color judgment (e.g. racism) matters.

David Duffy said...

When I need to do a home improvement project I haven't done before, I look for a YouTube video on the topic. Everyone of these videos, from fixing a ding in the drywall to taking the skirt off a washing machine to replace the belt, is on a channel by some white guy about my age or a little younger.

When I'm interested in making some unusual object, like my own bow and arrow or a homemade water purifier, it's on a channel by some white guy about my age. If I want someone to compare the performance of different objects, say a pistol caliber round or a glue that will hold metal to wood, it's on some YouTube channel put there by some white guy about my age.

Is it wrong to notice the age, race, and sex of people who are interested in the same things I am interested in?

narciso said...

I think she dialed to eleven, even the dem base isnt that woke. Watching another artefact from that era the buck Roger's series was certainly firmly anchored in the 70s, even though set 500 years later

n.n said...

a new commercial for Gillette razors. Nothing about toxic masculinity

Once you go Pro-Choice (e.g. diversitist or color judgment), the road back is littered with injustices, collateral damage, and a trail of dreams.

Ken B said...

Big Mike
If you use double edge blades try Rapira Platinum Lux blades. As good as Gillette Blue and almost as good as PolSilver, but much cheaper.

n.n said...

Is it wrong to notice the age, race, and sex of people

No. The issue is diversity or color judgment including affirmative discrimination.

Howard said...


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

hold the 'Maya/27mph' jokes--

Texas Medical Professional: Migrants Quarantined with UNKNOWN Disease, 10-Year Old Girl Found With 20 Types of Semen In Her


Big Mike said...

@Ken, I have been shaving with Schick Slim Twins since not long after they were introduced.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

rigging/scripting the Meuller testimony?


chickelit said...

Andrew Sullivan has a compelling new column out about immigration from his POV as a legal immigrant. Western Liberals aren’t gonna like it.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Yes, China Hacked Clinton’s Email Server, Congressman Confirms

Gohmert is the first lawmaker to publicly confirm that China was the foreign actor that hacked Clinton’s server. President Donald Trump is the only other official to have made the same claim.


narciso said...

It's an easier list who didnt have then:

narciso said...

Ah that's a pivotal episode in the series, if memory serves

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

NPR resurfaces 1975 interview with Biden supporting constitutional amendment to end court-ordered busing.

Is Gropin' Joe falling out of favor?

Ken B said...

Big Mike
Schick make good blades. I had been a fan of Gillette for some time but now ... They won’t miss me much, though, double edge blades are so cheap.

David Duffy said...

There's always exceptions: I'm also interested in growing vegetables, which is mostly posted by ladies.

narciso said...

It would have been awkward in 2008, now in 2019, they dont really care.

Bay Area Guy said...

Is busing a current issue today?

Of course not.

That's just how the left operates. Scour your entire life, find something, arguably connected to race, point finger at the subject and accuse him of racism!

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

well why is NPR bringing this up now?
didnt Jo Sniffengroper deny he ever did such a thing?

Kamala’s Dad Wrote Essay Revealing She Is Descended From Slave Owners


Original Mike said...

"Gohmert is the first lawmaker to publicly confirm that China was the foreign actor that hacked Clinton’s server."

The notion that her server wasn't hacked was always unbelievable.

Original Mike said...

Not that it mattered much. The point that she was vulnerable due to her reckless behavior is much more important than whether or not she got lucky.

Big Mike said...

@Ken, based on my experience since throwing away my can of Gillette, Barbasol is superior. Like you, Gillette will not miss little old me. But I suspect I am a long way from alone.

Ray - SoCal said...

Andrew Sullivan’s column was a great read.

And after I was looking at categories in Netflix, and I noticed an lgbt category among the 10 or do categories.

I feel like I’m being hit over the head on the issue.

For a while there were all these stories in the daily mail about trans models.

I’m a very live and let live guy, but please get out of my face.

narciso said...

No, everything in the star wars cantina must allowed to flourish also jabba's palace.

eddie willers said...

I’m a very live and let live guy, but please get out of my face.

As been said: The love that dare not speak its name now can't shut the fuck up.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

of course!
this was posted for all the weasels who insisted it was never confirmed.
Not that it will matter--they will just throw milkshakes mixed with quick-drying cement in your face anyway.

narciso said...

Imagine if you reported your house had been broken into, but you cant examine the front door or the safe, we will furnish you photographs

Big Mike said...

Please everybody! The Clinton server was (1) a high value intelligence target, and (2) so poorly secured that any country’s cyber intelligence organization could have hacked it, therefore it is wildly unlikely that only China’s did. But Original Mike is right — her reckless exposure of classified information is the crime, regardless of whether anyone hacked her server or not.

Big Mike said...

I watched CNN’s program about Apollo 11. CNN also plans to do a special about the rise of a white supremacy movement. I infer that the walkaway movement is starting to bite.

gadfly said...

@Bay Area Guy said...
Is busing a current issue today? Of course not.

The Roberts Court outlawed mandatory busing based on race in 2007. What else do we need to know?

Drago said...

Original Mike: "The notion that her server wasn't hacked was always unbelievable."

The far left and LLR-left bought it hook line and sinker.

And still do.

narciso said...

What is this CNN you speak off, is it some rare artefact

bagoh20 said...

Do blogs have "owners"? Because that makes me feel like property.

Original Mike said...

"The far left and LLR-left bought it hook line and sinker."

They clung to it, as if it absolved Clinton. I suspect only the dumb ones actually bought it.

bagoh20 said...

Has any reporter ever asked Hillary why she thought that her and her lawyers alone had the right to delete thousands of subpoenaed emails? How about asking why evidence like cell phones were destroyed, hard drives erased? Can they just ask? Is that not important?

Can you imagine the media not going on and on about that if Trump did it, but Trump never did anything like that - not even close. I don't think Trump would ever get himself in that kind of position in the first place. He and Hillary are very different types of people in this regard. I can't imagine Hillary not doing things like that, which is one reason it was so easy to vote for Trump, even with all my reservations at the time.

walter said...

Chuck never said he was for that bagoh.
(But it falls into the illustrative and large category of things that Chuck! will not focus on)
I mean, prove that he did!

gadfly said...

Big Mike said...
@Ken, I have been shaving with Schick Slim Twins since not long after they were introduced.

Twin blade shavers are a dying breed - just as my supply of Merkur twin cartridges are coming to an end. Nothing matches the sharpness of Merkur MII blades in an original Gillette Trac II Razor- but Merkur closed their blade factory in Solingen, Germany more than 10 years ago.

If memory serves - and that ain't always so - the Schick Slim Twin has a pivoting connection to the razor handle - like the Gillette Atra.

buwaya said...

Althouse is a bit like Facebook I suppose. If you are not paying for a service, you are the commodity. I doubt there is significant money in this though. I take it to be a sort of hobby, on the part of Althouse.

Ray - SoCal said...

Andrew Sullivan column, scroll down for the The Gender-Theory Backlash. The first oart

Live link:
The Democratic Candidates Are in a Bubble on Immigration

My mag

He brought up the fact lgbt acceptance is going down since Obama executive ordered some trans rights. His hypothesis is a backlash, that may affect beyond trans, but gays and lesbians, that per him have different interests.

narciso said...

Like speakers corner in hyde park I realize the mediums are considerably different.

narciso said...

Ah the fruits of civility:

walter said...

I'm heartened by Gadfly's willingness to dirty his hands re blade selection.
Baby steps.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

we would like to ask this question:

does a pregnant woman 'own' the baby?

How is that viewed legally/ otherwise?
'Owned' or in custody of? Can a baby be 'property'?
Mother and father joint 'ownership'?

walter said...

If miscarriage inducing assault happens, depends if the woman is en route to Lamaze or abortion appointment.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

how much of a stake does the father have in the baby?
Or not at all?
Mother is in sole possession? Sole discretion?

narciso said...

Questions you arent allowed to ask:

readering said...

Becoming more plausible that Johnson will follow Netanyahu in being unable to form government after seeking to win race.

Fen said...

Do blogs have "owners"? Because that makes me feel like property.

But you're really rockin that cocktail dress. Wanna dance?

Fen said...

J.R. knew nationalization was coming and that he cheated them. They are all mad enough to kill. He's going to get himself shot if he's not careful.

We could only dream.

narciso said...

And that's he got shot at the end of the episode, nationalization of oil fields was rare even in that era, Libya had done it in 69, maybe Iraq under the baathists

narciso said...

Heck Iran, but that happened some years befire, one Soviet republics like Azerbaijan

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

Chuck: I have no idea why you continue to do this; these weird, off-topic lies about me. And doing it so repeatedly.

I know, you have no idea, and that's very peculiar. How did you pass the bar?

Chuck: "I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."

I mean, what reason would I possibly have for smearing you, hurting you, and prejudicing people against you? It makes no sense. Baffled I am.

As for Titleist Gate, I think everyone here is concerned about the seriousness of it. Why, it's on par (haha) with Trump's lie that his father was born in Germany when in fact he was only *conceived* in Germany. Most of us were still reeling from the implications of that ATROCITY when BOOM! we find out Trump lied about which golf ball he uses!

So you're gonna have to give us time to assimilate all this very important proof from your dossier of "Trump's 1,000,000 Lies". There are already rumors circulating that Trump called in sick one day when he really just wanted to binge watch Hogan's Heroes reruns. Its...just too much. I'm ashamed that I supported him over Hillary Clinton.

Fen said...

And on top of all THAT, one Thanksgiving Ivanka asked Donald what time it was, and he said it was 6:45...

When IT WAS REALLY 6:43!!!

I can't even...

Fen said...

Turkey Gate (assuming Titleist Gate doesn't bring him down)


See, I think he was either careless, or had his watch set wrong. But YOU claim he KNEW it was really 6:43 and deliberately misrepresented the time as 6:45 so Ivanka would pull herself away from the football game and finish up the Turkey dressing.

I'm suspicious of you claim to such intimate knowledge of the Trump household. Who is your source? I bet you just made all that up. Post your source or shut up.

buwaya said...

Mexico nationalized its oil industry in 1938, probably the first. Waugh was quite unhappy about it.
Iran did it in 1951, which led to the coup against Mossadegh, but the nationalization survived him. Brazil did it in 1953.
Iraq in 1961, Indonesia in 1963, Venezuela 1976, etc.

"Dallas" writers may have been referencing the Venezuela affair, displacing it to "Asia", but it was a pretty constant thing in those days, or a matter of recent memory anyway.

Lawrence Person said...

Post debate Twitter Primary update.

Know which Democrat gained the most followers following the debate? Andrew Yang.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

It's an interesting metric.

But one that is opaque and wholly manipuable by one, hardly disinterested, entity.

gadfly said...

Blogger walter said...
I'm heartened by Gadfly's willingness to dirty his hands re blade selection.
Baby steps.

My description of my choices, Walt - just my way of helping you make a fool of yourself.

Mr. Forward said...

It’s 3 AM. Do you know where your President is?

rcocean said...

Notice the almost total news blackout on Trump's very successful G-20 summit? Now, he's met with Kim at the DMZ and walked into North Korea for some talks. The SK President praised Trump and said it was a bold action.

rcocean said...

Trump's press conference yesterday was a masterpiece. He was very serious, very Presidential. Some dumb Kraut reporter asked him about Climate change and he gave a very mild but intelligent response. He was very nice to both Harris and Biden. It was very classy.

rcocean said...

BTW, why are people still writing about "Bussing"?! Whenever I see this, I experience actual physical pain. Is this due to "Spell check"? Or have people become stupid?

tim maguire said...

Lawrence Person said...
Post debate Twitter Primary update.

Know which Democrat gained the most followers following the debate? Andrew Yang.

I think Yang is one of the more interesting Dems and I wish him well, but I think this analysis ignores the effect of changes in name recognition—he may have (and probably did) the best by this twitter metric simply because the largest number of people were hearing about him for the first time. He still has less than 5% of Biden’s following.

Humperdink said...

It would be humorous to watch Twitter censor Trump's tweet outbursts. I suspect some enterprise hacker might attempt to bring the Twitter universe to it's knees. Or worse, the DOJ or FEC might start poking around in a large way.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

How long until extreme left-wing nihilists start throwing "milk shakes" with dangerous chemicals and biologicals?

stevew said...

You might give Harry's a try, very inexpensive. I've been using Harry's for about two years now - I switched because I was tired of paying high prices for Gillette. They work great for me.

I see that the NYT's attempt to stir up outrage with their report of Trump joking with Putin about election meddling failed miserably. Willing to bet Trump's exemplary performance at the G20, and the follow-up presser, simply overwhelmed that half assed story. Kamala's racism charge and attack on Biden sucked a good amount of the NeverTrump oxygen out of the room too.

Big Mike said...

@rcocean, what was the question the “dumb Kraut reporter” asked and how did Trump respond? Do you have a link? Google won’t find it for me (duh!)

Humperdink said...

I see the lefties are in full outrage mode this morning as Kamala's ancestry has surfaced.
Parallels her meteoric rise after having called Biden a child rapist, slave owner, kiddie porn purveyor, and serial killer. Birtherism! Birtherism!!!

Mr. Forward said...

Got bussed on the bus
Just the two of us
Didn’t make a fuss
My hair was a muss
Didn’t make me cuss
Got bussed on the bus.

Rory said...

Costco is selling triple blade razors that are almost eerily good. I have a very heavy beard, and I'm on my third cartridge this year.

Humperdink said...

In 1969, as a freshperson at PSU, there was a major effort to bring in a large influx of minority students. It was amusing to watch all of the students self-segregate. In the dorms, the dining halls, football stadium, basketball arena, everywhere. I didn't understand it. The walls remained up for 4 years.

Rory said...

"Has any reporter ever asked Hillary why she thought that her and her lawyers alone had the right to delete thousands of subpoenaed emails?"

They were switching back and forth, used personnel guidelines in claiming the employee had the right to determine what was work-related, but then hid in discovery rules to produce everything on unsearchable paper. I'm betting David Kendall has some piece of paper from some corrupted bureaucrat, affirming that the government would accept it any way they wanted to produce it.

stlcdr said...

Blogger Limited Perspective said...
When I need to do a home improvement project I haven't done before, I look for a YouTube video on the topic. ...

Is it wrong to notice the age, race, and sex of people who are interested in the same things I am interested in?

6/29/19, 10:02 PM
There is a YouTube channel ‘seejanedrill’ for home improvement type stuff with a non-white male! Has some fundamental tricks which may seem obvious to some, but she has great tutorials.

But you are correct. Almost all the informative - stuff you can use - is middle age (or thereabouts) white males.

Humperdink said...

Can't remember the website, I think "Ask a Pro" or something like that, on how to repair to my garage furnace. Cost $40. They were terrific. Correct diagnosis, advised part needed, how to install and then followed up.

I should add I am pretty handy, it would not be for everyone.

Hagar said...

Again, Mike Morell, former acting director of the CIA, and General Hayden, former head of the NSA, both have been on national TV stating that they assume every country in the world "with a competent intelligence service" - presumably also their own - hacked Hillary!'s server and have copies of all her communications - coming and going.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Please everybody! The Clinton server was (1) a high value intelligence target, and (2) so poorly secured that any country’s cyber intelligence organization could have hacked it, therefore it is wildly unlikely that only China’s did. But Original Mike is right — her reckless exposure of classified information is the crime, regardless of whether anyone hacked her server or not.”

The other thing to keep in mind is that she set some sort of record on the number of countries that she visited as Sec of State, and in pretty much every one of the >100 countries, a foreign govt controlled the airways over which at least some of her email was transmitted. Which meant transmitting her email credentials over those airways. Maybe her security detail could provide a secure connection for her laptops in these foreign countries, but she was also accessing email from her various cell phones. There, they could have been set up fairly securely - the law firm that I was working for at that time had a paranoid IT person, and as a result we had fairly secure email on our Blackberries, then iPhones. But that required a secure server with faithfully updated security updates, which she did not have with her illegal private email server.

Marcus Bressler said...

When my AC failed last year, I searched YouTube and with information gleaned from there I was able to diagnose the problem (a failed capacitor). I ordered the part for $38 from Amazon (free shipping), got it in two days, installed it and AC fixed. The YouTube videos were all white males of varying ages except one was an Hispanic guy. Strangely enough, I didn't have my "Sort by Race" filter on, so I didn't notice at the time. I saved a $150 service call and a $80 (at least) part charge plus tax on both.


Bruce Hayden said...

“Again, Mike Morell, former acting director of the CIA, and General Hayden, former head of the NSA, both have been on national TV stating that they assume every country in the world "with a competent intelligence service" - presumably also their own - hacked Hillary!'s server and have copies of all her communications - coming and going”

The question then is why didn’t those agencies have copies of her emails? And the answer is that they may well have.

Something that has bubbled up over the last day or two is that apparently Comey had a copy or two of her emails, including all the missing ones, in his office safe when he was fired. No doubt he probably would have tried to clear out that safe at the time, but was fired when he was away from it, presumably preventing even the temptation of such. They were apparently transferred over to the State Dept (which presumably owns them), which is under court order to sanitize and release them - which they are better than half a year late doing. It is thought that he might have gotten the emails from the NSA.

Hagar said...

The answer is that they do have.

If Congress wants to know what was in them, they know who to ask.

Bruce Hayden said...

Sometimes though you have to watch multiple YouTube videos to find what you want. Last week we built a couple of legally unnumbered MSRs (modern sporting rifles). Great fun, though a bit tricky with anodized lower receivers, since anodization is a good insulator and we needed a 5 volt circuit for calibrating the milling machine. Had to watch a couple of different ones there, and then with the actual build. First one just didn’t explain things well. Second one was great until we got to the place where the stock was attached. The guy in the video was installing and old style fixed stock, and we had a new style collapsible one. Actually installing it is fine. The problem is that there is a tiny spring and detent held in place by the old style stock to secure the rear takedown pin. It used to be fairly simple with the old style - you just installed the buffer tube to the lower, then the butt stock over it, securing that spring and detent. But now they are combined, with the buffer tube and rear butt stock now integrated. So, of course, I installed the spring, then screwed on the stock, but munched the end of the spring when it was almost completely screwed in. Cut off the last 1/4” of the spring, and watched another video. Turns out that you put the spring in last. You screw in the stock as far as it will go into the lower receiver, go 1/4 turn beyond where you want it, insert the detent and spring, hold it with a knife, as you rotate the buffer tube back 1/4 with the tab on the ring now retaining the spring. Tighten the nut, and you are done. Easy once you see the right way to do it, and I was able to replace the spring in a couple minutes.

What is scary to me is that Google owns Youtube, which was made clear when I found a bootleg copy of the movie my partner missed last night there. Google was exposed last week by Project Veritas as working hard to make sure that Trump loses in 2020 (their video pulled down in short order as violating Google’s privacy). They have also been demonitizing gun related channels. I fully expect that these videos that we found so helpful there to disappear in the near future. After all, guns kill, and we can’t have the deplorable proles having the means to protect themselves from big brother.

Michael K said...

They have also been demonitizing gun related channels. I fully expect that these videos that we found so helpful there to disappear in the near future. After all, guns kill, and we can’t have the deplorable proles having the means to protect themselves from big brother.

Yes, I use the videos to help field stripping the pistols I have and my younger son has built two MSRs with legal lowers he bought prior to the California ban.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Re Andy Ngo, since I've been deplatformed from Facebook and Twitter, I'll say it here: Be careful what you wish for, Lefties.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

You can't just boycott Gillette. You have to boycott ALL of P&G. They sell a lot of products, so you have to pay attention, but they also have a lot, or enough, competition in every category.

MadisonMan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcocean said...

"@rcocean, what was the question the “dumb Kraut reporter” asked and how did Trump respond? Do you have a link? Google won’t find it for me (duh!)"

He basically asked how Trump felt being the lone person disagreeing there was climate change and how he could keep his position when it was 19-1. Trump answered by saying the USA had done more than enough, and we had the cleanest air, water, etc. He could have been much more brutal, given the stupidity of the question.

Fen said...

What is scary to me is that Google owns Youtube, which was made clear when I found a bootleg copy of the movie my partner missed last night there. Google was exposed last week by Project Veritas as working hard to make sure that Trump loses in 2020 (their video pulled down in short order as violating Google’s privacy). They have also been demonitizing gun related channels. I fully expect that these videos that we found so helpful there to disappear in the near future.

"All this has happened before. And will happen again."

It's almost as if we need to cast ourselves in the role of Christian Monks during the Dark Ages, shepherding all this knowledge for the day these Crazy Years end.

Fen said...

, since I've been deplatformed from Facebook and Twitter, I'll say it here: Be careful what you wish for, Lefties.

Yup, banning me from FacePlant has only accomplished two things:

1) Blinded them to different opinions that will prevent another 2016 surprise.

2) Radicalized me into hating all Lefties in general. I can hit center mass at 500 yards and build IEDs in my sleep. Taking civil discourse off the table is unwise.

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