June 10, 2019

At the Let's-Get-Outta-Here Café...


... you can join the crowd or strike out on your own.


MikeD said...

The post's headline is most likely due to preponderance of "men in shorts"?

Big Mike said...

I always go my own way.

stevew said...

It is my wife's birthday today. I'm playing hooky from work this afternoon and going what ever way she wants. Glorious sunny and warm day here northeast of Boston. Only negative is the extremely high amount of pine pollen in the air.

Michael K said...

We are in CA for my daughter in law's birthday and my daughter's baby shower. Home today where it is 104.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Give a girl a chair, and she'll put her legs up and kneel on it. Like the art, obtuse.

henge2243 said...

I love that room in the Met.

Lucid-Ideas said...

"These legs were made for kneeling
Not sitting on the bench
One of these days these legs will kneel while looking at your sketch"

Hagar said...

If Mexico will stop helping the illegal alien invasion by providing free transportation through Mexico, etc., just that will be a huge improvement.

However, the main difficulty is still that the problem is created and organized from within this country.

Apparently everybody has given up on the idea of enforcing the provisions of our own Constitution and bylaws.

Hagar said...

Eventually someone of "stature" will enter the Democrat primaries for the presidential election next year.
Perhaps Mitt Romney and/or Paul Ryan?

Lucid-Ideas said...

In other NY news...

Bill proposed to legalize prostitution in NY.

"For us, this is a bodily autonomy issue — our bodies, our choice — but more than that, it’s an economic issue. And it’s personal," Jessica Raven, one of Decrim NY's organizers, wrote in a Daily News op-ed Monday.

So? Like dieting?

Robert Cook said...

I like Thomas Hart Benton's weirdly serpentine paintings.

Rabel said...

Guy in the background picking his nose looks familiar.

I know, I know, just scratching an itch.

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

You gotta love how this turned out. The leftist hobby of vicious lying racism is finally getting the price tag it deserves. $11 million so far in damages with $22 million more on the table as punitive awards. That is real social justice.


Narr said...

b-20: Harbinger of future developments, let us hope!

Coinkidink, the place in Oberlin has the same name as the place here (which actually does have the world's best doughnuts).

Yes, I've sampled every other candidate!

Jaq said...

That was some win by Rory. He peaked a week early though.

bagoh20 said...

When it comes to justice, I used to think judges were more reliable than juries, but I have been cured of that illness. Too many leftists in robes these days. Don't they teach anymore that judges are there to follow the law, not make it? As with many things, TDS is shining a bright light on the lawless bias of the judiciary. If Obama did it, it was fine. If trump does it, it must be illegal.

Virgil Hilts said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Churchy LaFemme: said...

Bill proposed to legalize prostitution in NY.

Bill de Blasio?

That's one way to get some attention for the campaign.

Achilles said...

Gavin Newsom provides free health care to Illegal immigrants inCalifornia.

"California was poised Monday to become the first state to provide health care coverage to young, low-income adults living in the country illegally after legislative leaders provided a thumbs-up to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s $98 million plan targeting almost 100,000 low-income adults."

We all know these illegal immigrants are voting in California. There is no other reason to do this.

The Democrat party is a complete fraud trying to undermine the rule of law and the foundations of our Republic.

Achilles said...

bagoh20 said...
You gotta love how this turned out. The leftist hobby of vicious lying racism is finally getting the price tag it deserves. $11 million so far in damages with $22 million more on the table as punitive awards. That is real social justice.


That is a trashy website.

It may be posting an actual news story with actual facts, but Ann only reads classy stuff like the New York Times and WAPO.

Even though they don't post actual news items...

No it doesn't make any sense.

Achilles said...

Chuck Grassley outs himself as a globalist douche

DC is full of enemies and traitors to this country.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Legalinsurrection.com has scrupulously detailed history on the Oberlin thingy.

Achilles said...

Most of the people I am around on a daily basis voted for I-1639

I know family members that probably voted for this:

As per RCW 9.41.094, effective July 1st, 2019, “A signed application to purchase a pistol or semiautomatic assault rifle shall constitute a waiver of confidentiality and written request that the health care authority, mental health institutions, and other health care facilities release, to an inquiring court or law enforcement agency, information relevant to the applicant’s eligibility to purchase a pistol or semiautomatic assault rifle to an inquiring court or law enforcement agency.”

Fuck these people. This is not OK.

tcrosse said...

Please exit through the Gift Shop.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Dennis Miller:
Who will win the Stanley Cup this year? No doubt, Stacey Abrams.

Ralph L said...

Shorts and boots look pretty butch together, if that isn't an oxymoron.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Dude on far left appears drunk and ready to fall over. Being NY a slightly awkward awareness will permeate the crowd and direct eyeballs for approximately 1-2 seconds until most assume this is one of those 'live performances' whereupon a small section - mostly locals - will go back to their business (knowing full well what's going on) while others shuffle nonchalantly from the room before the studio agent bearing releases they expect appears.

Ahhhhh. The Big Apple.

Humperdink said...

"Who will win the Stanley Cup this year? No doubt, Stacey Abrams."

Is she going for best of seven?

narciso said...



Bilwick said...

I missed the Tony Awards last night. Did they have the usual Two Minutes of Hate?

narciso said...

Next question:


Achilles said...

narciso said...


This is all going to be settled in 2020.

Democrats will succeed with vote fraud or they wont.

If they lose 2020 the democrat party will melt down particularly when the apparatchiks start getting indicted.

The democrat party is made up of national socialists and international socialists and a bunch of idiot sheep that are slowly catching on to what is happening.

Trotskyites and Stalinists are allies until they aren't. Then all the Trotskyites are murdered.

rhhardin said...

in the email. The question is whether to click on the link. QUOTE

14 Red Flags for Elder Financial Abuse

As much as we wish it weren't true, there are fraudsters out there who like to target us, our family members and neighbors, which is why it's so important to get the knowledge we need to help combat their efforts.

As we celebrate Safe Banking Week of Seniors this week, we've collected 14 Red Flags for Elder Financial Abuse from the American Banker's Association Foundation. Follow the link below to see what you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones.

narciso said...

maybe their appeal is decidedly more selective:


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Terrorists linked to Iran were caught stockpiling tonnes of explosive materials on the outskirts of London in a secret British bomb factory, The Telegraph can reveal.
The plot was uncovered by MI5 and the Metropolitan Police in the autumn of 2015, just months after the UK signed up to the Iran nuclear deal.


narciso said...

funny how that works, eh, but they were really focused on more important members,


narciso said...

he's an associate of oliver stone, from the time of jfk and Nixon,


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Is This For Real?

Hillary Clinton was "tempted to make voodoo dolls of certain members of the press and Congress and stick them full of pins," she writes in a new memoir of her 2016 presidential campaign.


narciso said...

seriously does she not know who are the experts in the dark arts, folks with a motivation to display those skills,

rcocean said...

Can I hit a home run - rather than strike out on my own?

narciso said...

it's a strange bearded spock universe,


Kevin said...

I'm just going to leave this here for rhhardin:

A Harris Poll conducted for Axios found that 55 per cent of U.S. women between the ages of 18 and 55 would rather live in a socialist society than a capitalist one.

That number was 40 per cent overall, including men, suggesting men are far more suspicious of communal ownership and control of everything in American society.

Daily Mail.

narciso said...

now the interesting thing of course, re isikoff, was winer, who started out working for john Kerry, in the witchhunt against the contras, was his confirmation source re steele, he also represented Russian interests, through apco, he may have even been a prime mover in magnitsky act, as well as having been officially the envoy to Libya, this starts to look like the multilevel chessboard in star trek,

narciso said...

of course what percentage of women, are that age, and then multiply it by 50% of the population, but it is a lightly simmering frog time,

narciso said...

they will likely squirrel this:


Titus said...

Welcome to the fabulous east coast.

Titus said...

Isn’t it incredible. City life!

CWJ said...

Robert Cook,

I agree. Didn't know the Met featured any of his work.

narciso said...

are they doing this for their girl friends/mistresses


h said...

I'm a little off topic (to the extent there is a topic here). But I've noticed that one can bring a WaPo comment thread to a halt by agreeing with everyone and just putting their words cutting and pasting into a single post that looks so obviously stupid that nobody want to like and nobody wants to respond in opposition because that opposition would be opposed to almost everyone in the thread.

narciso said...

well the post and the times, are in a competition for irrelevance,


Churchy LaFemme: said...

So. Second week in June.

Where's the durn IG report?

h said...

responding to Unknown at 6:15. Only two outcomes are possible: (1) the IG report will document why Trump must be removed from office; or (2) the IG report will demonstrate why further investigation is necessary to document why Trump must be removed from office.

Birkel said...

AG Barr appears to be leading a serious investigation of government corruption.
I wonder if it will be more significant than the WSJ reporter-written Steele Dossier or the corrupt Weissmann (née Mueller) Report.

Maybe Inga will be along soon to tell us only Barr knows what's in the report.
Or maybe the IG.

madAsHell said...

Hillary Clinton was "tempted to make voodoo dolls of certain members of the press and Congress and stick them full of pins," she writes in a new memoir of her 2016 presidential campaign.

Her ghost writer was a plant from the Onion??

madAsHell said...

I understand that Hillary's new book is titled "Twat Happened"!

Michael K said...

I'm just going to leave this here for rhhardin:

A Harris Poll conducted for Axios found that 55 per cent of U.S. women between the ages of 18 and 55 would rather live in a socialist society than a capitalist one.

How many had husbands ? I assume few.

narciso said...

I figured that was about 10% of the population

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Rocket Man's half bro a spook?

narciso said...

Allegedly for us and the Chinese, according to sources.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Ouch! Dracula bit him?

Did Malik Obama really tweet this re Barry?
"Count Dracula bit him...and he became without life, empty, cold and heartless...feeding on the obsession for power"

Fen said...

A Harris Poll conducted for Axios found that 55 per cent of U.S. women between the ages of 18 and 55 would rather live in a socialist society than a capitalist one.

I know the polls were shit in general at forecasting the 2016 election, but didn't they overestimate female support for Hillary even worse?

(okay that's a horrible sentence, my Eng Lit teacher is rising from the grave to haunt me)

Need MOAR Coffee!

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

“Russian agent” Jospeh Mifsud is actually an American Asset?


Fen said...

...wooooh....by an even greater degree.....whoooh...

Did anyone else hear that?

narciso said...

And UK Italian worked with Saudi and Moroccan services

Fen said...

h: one can bring a WaPo comment thread to a halt by agreeing with everyone and just putting their words cut and paste into a single post that looks so obviously stupid

Ahhh I think we're going to be good friends. What are you drinking?

narciso said...

Blackburn the British researcher was tracking mifsuds outfit the link campus as connected with events in Bangladesh

Ralph L said...

Hillary must have hung out too much with Sally Quinn--and Eleanor Roosevelt.

narciso said...

And mrs papadopoulos had ties to mifsud as well pitella, who is a European socialist

Gahrie said...

They're going after that Christian baker in Colorado again, for the third time. Trump should invite this guy to the next State of the Union.

stephen cooper said...

Whoopi Goldberg was sort of hot back in the day, and I would not have been surprised if Jean-Luc had preferred her to Dr Crusher.

But that was a television show and did not reflect reality all that well, despite the efforts of the hardworking people who tried to make it a show that would be lucrative for them back in the day and that would not be forgotten in what was then the future (and which is now no longer the future, and in which it is mostly a forgotten show, certainly not in the top 100 of "tv shows" that are talked about by the sort of people who take about TV shows ....) (but it was a well produced show ..... the mellow - and who among us does not understand mellowness? - background music, the personalized cinematography, making a STARFLEET ship look like the elite offices of the longed-for elite law firm, the longed-for "university hospital" or even the longed-for state of the art submarine so many people born in the 1950s and 1960s and 1970s would have been so happy to work at, after their long years of studying and taking tests to get them into an elite law firm, a longed-for "university hospital", or after doing well at Annapolis, an assignment to one of the state of the art submarines ---- Sad! ----

Why do I bother pointing these things out?

Because we need to give up our illusions that we are special because we are smart, or Starfleet material , like poor little Wesley Crusher, or gifted with empathy or some similar superpower that we never worked for ..........

none of us are special except insofar as we remember that God created us, sorry to burst your bubble but if you think you are wonderful (and you probably are. most people are, or if they aren't, could be) and if you think you are wonderful because of your virtues and your special approach to the world (well, not many people are wonderful by their own efforts, being wonderful is not something that one often accomplishes without the help of GOD and his ANGELS), well, then you are only half right.

none of us are special except insofar as we remember that GOD created us.

and GOD created everyone else, GOD created us - you, and me, and everyone you have ever met - of course but GOD also created everyone else too, let us root for each other, pray for each other, and offer up whatever hardships we cannot avoid , with hope and prayer in our hearts, for each other.

Proverbs 8.

Mike Smith said...

Time to rethink passenger side airbags: http://www.mikesmithenterprisesblog.com/2019/06/it-is-past-time-to-rethink-passenger.html

le Douanier said...

Don't we have something like two murders an hour?*

And, yet somehow it's a few master bakers that get y'all so excited.

Odd ducks. IMHO.

*No, I'm not counting the gals who murder, as many cons see it, their kids.

Michael K said...

mrs papadopoulos had ties to mifsud as well pitella, who is a European socialist <

She is a lawyer who speaks five languages and worked for the EU president. She is left of Popadop but her only connection to MIfsud was the same outfit in London. She started after Popadop left.

I'm going to send his book to my FBI daughter. We listened to the audio book driving today. MY wife was ready to assault the radio.

Michael K said...

*No, I'm not counting the gals who murder, as many cons see it, their kids.

Interesting. So you don't think fetus is a human ? At 12 weeks? At 20 weeks? At 40 weeks?

narciso said...

There are so many loose ends in this story, only the most tangential leads to russia.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

mrs P was pitella's niece, then not, then his "niece".
like vinogradova was a'niece'??

Gahrie said...

Don't we have something like two murders an hour?*

And, yet somehow it's a few master bakers that get y'all so excited.

Some of us are capable of being upset about more than one thing at a time....

n.n said...

Homicide. Murder... not under the Twilight Amendment and faith, and Pro-Choice quasi-religion ("ethics").

Human life from conception. A presumptive consciousness from around 5 weeks. Fetus as a technical term of art used by professionals to distance themselves and women to reduce stress engendered by Planned or selective-child.

narciso said...

Um no Stephen cooper, now denise Crosby on the other hand,,Jennifer hetridge who was a guest star.

stephen cooper said...

"Interesting" said Michael K, do you think they are human at 12 weeks, at 20 weeks, at 40 weeks .....

at the first moment of their life they are a precious creature, just as individual as any of us.

Robinson Crusoe had pity for the cannibals of the Caribbean because they did not know what they were doing

I feel so sad for those people who think that it is ok to be content with the violent end of so many unique creatures

If you are "not pro-abortion but I think that it is not for me to say" you are complicit

If you mock pro-life people you are on the same side that every cruel regime that ever existed would want you to be

do not mock pro-life people, that is the pathway to hatred of the innocent, that is the pathway to contempt for those who you are supposed to love and cherish

please don't do it again, fi you have done it before.
and if you have not done it before, please never do it.

le Douanier said...

Doc Mike,

Killing truly viable kids is bad, but that jabber is not a foothold for leveraging re keeping gals from almost all abortions that actually occur, in the real world (look at stats). The only things that make sense re very late are self-defense, i.e. the mom is goin' down. Or, there is no viability cuz of problems.

BTW, if abortion is illegal, and a gal has one, do you think the gal should face a murder charge? It is insane/illogical to believe that a fetus is a person and then let the mom get away w/ murder. Letting the hitperson take the fall alone.

Hence DJT's confusion re the guy who has tingly pants. Not to be confused w/ the guy who is into pant creases.

stephen cooper said...

Whoopi Goldberg was rather kind-hearted looking in her youth.

I have dated lots of hot women and the ones I remember most fondly are the ones who looked kind-hearted

le Douanier said...

Nobody frisks ya if ya got a tingle in yur well creased pants.

Just sayin'

le Douanier said...

If ya got well creased shorts, yur probably lookin' for a good friskin'.

Not that there's anything wrong w/ that.

Fen said...

Stephen: Whoopi Goldberg... Starfleet... Proverbs 8.

Okay that was well done. You must have an Angel on your shoulder.

narciso said...

The judgement will be harsh inded:


stephen cooper said...

Fen thanks for the kid words

but, I am a loser

but ....

an amusing loser

seriously, I know what Whoopi looks like to those who love her

God loves us all ...

stephen cooper said...

thanks for the kind words

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Feminist Sophie Lewis:
“We need to think about abortion as our right to stop doing gestational work" "Abortion is in my opinion ... a form of killing that we need to be able to defend. I am not interested in where a human life starts”

Fen said...

only things that make sense re very late are self-defense, i.e. the mom is goin' down.

I've noticed the "self-defense" line creep into pro-abortion arguments recently. I think it's imprecise. The fetus has no malicious intent, it just wants to escape being chopped up and vacuumed out.

BTW, if abortion is illegal, and a gal has one, do you think the gal should face a murder charge?

If the baby is delivered and she strangles it with the umbilical cord, she would be charged with homicide. So why is it okay for her to slice and dice the baby 24 hours earlier?

It is insane/illogical to believe that a fetus is a person and then let the mom get away w/ murder. Letting the hitperson take the fall alone.

Likewise, does it make a difference if she asks the doctor to strangle the child for her?

BTW, how did we let the conversation get to the point that a woman can shamelessly wail about "my body, my rights" as she destroys another body and violates it's rights?

narciso said...

She was a minor league comic in the 80s, but has ended up a shrill bitter woman in that witches cauldron called the view, I dub it the spew.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

We need to think about abortion as our right to stop doing gestational work

That's what your knees are for. Didn't your momma warn you? Close your legs together.

If you don't want to take another human life, don't create one.

If you CHOOSE to have intercourse and risk pregnancy, you are responsible for the reproductive choices you already made.

Just like men are. No one asks what the man wants, he has no reproductive rights. He is expected to be a wage slave for 18 years. And will be thrown in jail for not providing, even if he is unemployed. Because men are held responsible for the choices they make.

Why is it right for her but wrong for him?

And how can women expect to be regarded as equals when they are held to a lower standard?

Fen said...

Don't we have something like two murders an hour? And, yet somehow it's a few master bakers that get y'all so excited.

Odd ducks. IMHO.

How can you get all wet over two murders/hour while thousands of Angolans are dying daily?

Quack! Quack! :)

cacimbo said...

NPR is now shilling for Huawei. Sickening how the same "journalists" who claim Trump bad mouthing them is an attack on freedom of the press will defend regimes that really do threaten the life and freedom of journalists.


rcocean said...

"Whoopi Goldberg was sort of hot back in the day"

If by "hot" you mean, had two boobs and was prettier than Charles Barkley. Well OK.

Fen said...

I am a loser

Nah. You are imperfect and you were made that way deliberately. There is no purpose without strife, no growth without failure.

But you already know this :)

Just be careful of False Modesty, she's a ballbuster. I should know.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

was the steele dossier a placeholder until (botched) charlemagne?

narciso said...

And the times was a week ago and time magazine two weeks ago, you see how they dont give a farthing over corporate espionage and worse. But there have been 8 lobbyist retained by huawei.

rcocean said...

BTW, the BIG NEWS on CNN is that 82 y/o John Dean has testified before Congress on Russia Trump and proclaimed that.....wait for it....ITS WORSE THAN WATERGATE!!

I know its SHOCKING. If it wasn't for the fact that John Dean -in the Last 45 years - has proclaimed EVERY POTUS Republican Scandal WORSE THAN WATERGATE!!! - it would be a total surprise.

He's the Robert McNamara of Presidential Scandals. No matter how often he's wrong, Dean is still a "respected Expert"

narciso said...

No you aren't a loser, Stephen cooper, like all of us you have fallen short, maybe not achieved all that you wanted, you have some interesting perspectives, you ponder things as do I, but yours is more the voice of experience, whereas mine is second hand.

Fen said...

bad mouthing them is an attack on freedom of the press

A day may come when journalists long for a return to Trump's harsh words as we hang them from lamp posts tarred and feathered, but it is not this day.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The press can bad mouth The Covington teens, Trump, anyone on the right, and even bad mouth innocent people who were involved with the tea party.

No one can bad mouth the press.

Those are the rules in leftwing asshole 'merica.

cacimbo said...

@narciso I don't pay for the Times but knowing their history it makes sense. Still depressing to hear/read.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Remember when ABC's Brian Ross ran with a 100% unsubstantiated story that indeed happened to be completely false, but he did it in order to pimp the leftwing narrative. ?

He did that a lot actually. Finally, the shithead was canned. I think. eh - he's probably still on the payroll.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

.. you can join the crowd or strikeout on your own.

AA--been thinking of Hill/DNC?


narciso said...

Pretty much so


Well they were in the forefront of attacking Chiang and helping mai come to power, if course herbert Matthew's David halberstam ray Bonner (spare from being executed by the paramolitaries) Harrison Salisbury

narciso said...

He was hired at law and crime, sidney schanberg did some good work at the end,

narciso said...

That was re Brian ross


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

@stephen cooper
"it's not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game"

You(we) are not called to be successful necessarily, but to be obedient.
Consider your pioneer and perfecter of your faith--humanly successful?
consider this-- we are charged with alleviating poverty, yet "The poor will always be with you".
A task where 'failure' is built-in. But we do it anyway out of obedience.
Even in obedience you(we) will be imperfect.

"But when the perfect comes, the imperfect will pass away"

narciso said...

That's not what he meant, he was referring to the opportunity to listen to his Word while he was on earth, and ultimately the opportunity to seek redemption.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

success wasnt meant in terms of material wealth, hence the examples

JackWayne said...

Leaving the astral plane behind, we in Houston want to see GS lose

narciso said...

As with everything, is not to let success be an end in itself

narciso said...

This is just a test case


Fen said...

Powerline has poked my newest pet peeve with this headline:



I don't mean to be unfair to them, but I see too much of this - all talk no action. Every day another Outrage Porn clickie for the advertising revenue. Either pick up a rifle of STFU.

We have a conservative class who's only purpose seems to be to lament the Fall of the Republic, a tragic comedy in 3 parts, read by the esteemed...

Another day, another outrage, more radicalization. But don't you DARE talk about turning this cold war hot. Just maintain at a simmer... and consume through my Amazon portal!

Same difference I have with Professor Jacobson over at Legal Insurrection. I kept asking what was the red line that would necessitate advancing into an illegal insurrection. Never got a response, never entertained the question. Felt like establishment contempt: "would not be sporting!" as millions of your fellow citizens are enslaved to Marxism.

I think that if the Rule of Law failed Jacobson, he would just quit. Game over. Maybe there is wisdom in that - if the Republic cannot sustain itself without violence, does it deserve to exist?

Me? I'm with Solzhenitsyn:

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” ― The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

StephenFearby said...

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
“Russian agent” Jospeh Mifsud is actually an American Asset?

Linking to:

Italy sacks Intel chiefs over Mifsud – Brennan Russia Hoax fiasco
written by L.J. Keith Jun 8, 2019


...which links to an earlier June piece by the same author:

"...Joseph Mifsud was not a Russian Agent.

On the first page of the Mueller report, he asserts that Joseph Misfud was a Russian Agent. Mifsud was the one who reportedly first mentioned to George Papadopoulos that the Russians had Hillary’s emails. Except that Joseph Misfud is an Italian intelligence asset, who worked closely with British intelligence, the CIA and FBI. (Nunes: FBI Has “Something To Hide” On Joseph Mifsud, He’s Not A Russian Asset)

So why are Mueller and Weissmann asserting that the mysterious Joseph Mifsud is a Russian agent when they know that is not the case? Because it destroys their narrative. Mifsud was an American asset. And Mifsud set up Papadopoulos to begin with. They knew that."

"...So if Joseph Misfud is not a Russian agent, and he is not, then why does Mueller say he is on page one of their report. This eviscerates the credibility of Mueller and the entire probe."


The Papadopoulos sentencing statement included this assertion:

"...The defendant’s lies undermined investigators’ ability to challenge the Professor [Misfud] or potentially detain or arrest him while he was still in the United States. The government understands that the Professor left the United States on February 11, 2017 and he has not returned to the United States since then."

If it is true that the Mueller/Weissmann team actually knew Misfud was not a Russian agent, but instead worked for western intelligence, this material lie should put them in legal jeopardy.

In other words, the hunters could become the hunted.

They may argue that they were forced to do this to protect sources and methods. But that doesn't cut it.

Fen said...

We didn't love freedom enough...

Guys, the lament has already been written. Do something new.

Howard said...

Start your own Militia, Fen. Quit whining about others. If you build it, they will come.

narciso said...

Because mueller is a lying sack of cow manure, this has been true since he worked for William weld (whose family started in the opium trade) through bcci well you know the litany of those whose careers and even lives he destroyed Joseph Farah Is somewhere in the middle

Fen said...

Richard Fernandez over at Belmont is in the zone again. Nothing but net:

We were so hubristic as Americans we failed to recognize that over long history China's been invaded and conquered so many times that they have a unique ability to absorb those invaders and slowly change them into Chinese. We thought we'd turn them into Americans but in reality we're becoming more and more -- not Chinese -- but certainly like the Chinese Communist Party, a Marxist-Leninist organization hybrid of what the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany was

narciso said...

Nothing as elaborate as that:

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

Howard: Start your own Militia, Fen. Quit whining about others.

LOL get fucked you marxist piece of shit.

And be careful what you ask for. You are not invisible.

narciso said...

Fernandez comes from the phillipines, like our friend buwaya, and they had at least a decades long Maoist insurgency facing them, and of ths few Americans who ran across them wS the late colonel nicholas rowe.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Bush nominated and stood through the GJOAT Thomas.

The Greates Justice Of All Time by a charlatan of the firstest degrees.

It really does make sense, but I certainly aint God, and I have little to say from which righteous learning could be foregonely unless considered ultra-hopeful.

stephen cooper said...

God loves us all .....

one day, maybe, you will have read the best and most wonderfully written novels of your day, and you will say, well, that was good, but that was not enough ..... there is more to truth than that novel described ......

or, one day, you will hear a breathtakingly beautiful oration over the soul of a good person, and you will say ....

hey that was a nice speech but I was lucky enough to know someone who cared about me more than the person who was eulogized today ever cared about anybody ..... (seriously, many of us go through life caring less for others than we should ,,,all of us have been to funerals where we hoped we were wrong, where we hoped that the recently deceased were better people than they seemed to be .....sorry to be so brutal, but life is a challenge )

one day, maybe tomorrow, maybe years from now. maybe aeons from now, you will understand this in your heart in a way that you never expected to understand anything in your heart ....
because God loves you, not because God loves people, in general, or because God loves the people you remember from your youth, but because God Loves YOU.....

you will understand this:

God created you to be someone who helps GOD when God wants to show kindness to others.

I know this because I know what it means to be someone that nobody cares about. Maybe you know what that feels like,maybe not.
God Himself does not know what that feels like, God himself is grateful to me that I feel no resentment, that I am happy to explain to Him what it means to be a loser, albeit a loser who wants God to triumph in his long-standing quest to explain to everybody this one fact:
God loves us all.

Like I said, I know what it means to be someone who nobody cares about, and such knowledge is brutally painful, and I long ago decided to offer up such suffering for those who needed someone to care about them.

God loves us all, I have said that a few times, and maybe you think I talk too much, that I repeat myself ....

but I have seen the look of joy in the eyes of someone who did not know God loves us all, when I explained it simply, when I explained that, yes, God loves us all ....

God loves us all.

Dante himself probably only saw that look once or twice.

Maybe I have seen it , maybe I have not.

I don't care anymore, I only care about whether you have seen that look in the eyes of God, that look when He feels grateful that you, who have suffered in whatever way you suffered, decided nevertheless to accept, for once and for all, God's offer of friendship and brave companionship

la nuestra ultima esperanza esta la justicia de Dios

walter said...

anti-de Sitter space said...BTW, if abortion is illegal, and a gal has one, do you think the gal should face a murder charge? It is insane/illogical to believe that a fetus is a person and then let the mom get away w/ murder.
Put this on a non-tissue blob/human viability continuum.
There are instances of babies being torn from murdered moms and subsequent charges.

walter said...

(making it seem that life is dependent on, as Comey would fulcrum it, "intent".)

Lewis Wetzel said...

The top executives of more than 180 companies have signed a letter that says abortion is essential in order for people to be successful in their businesses.
“When everyone is empowered to succeed, our companies, our communities and our economy are better for it”

To misquote Chief Dan George: "We thought about it for a long time, 'Empowered to Succeed.' And when we had thought about it long enough, we declared war on the companies."

stephen cooper said...

I have seen the look of joy (as referenced in my 11:18 comment) in the eyes of someone who never expected to know such joy ---- that look of joy when we understand God loves us -----

and I don't care about how much you think I am some person who says things that you are contemptuous of on the internet webs ........ join the club, 100s of people have told me on the internet that they despise me, because I say what I say, maybe I say it clumsily, so there's that, but I am going to try and say it without clumsiness right here, right now:

no matter how rich you are you would give away all your riches to have seen just once someone with that look of joy in their eyes

trust me on that

Guildofcannonballs said...

The only reason I deighned to comment:

Oft evil will mar evil.*

*Go on now, look it up, you ain't got you no damn eyes.'

Well okay no joking no more that way, sorry.

God bless us all, everyone.

Original Mike said...

Blogger narciso said..."Um no Stephen cooper, now denise Crosby on the other hand,,Jennifer hetridge who was a guest star."

Jennifer Hetrick. "Nice legs... for a human."

Gahrie said...

Hey guys...if you know anyone who's been accepted to Oberlin, tell them to start looking elsewhere. They just got hit with an $11 million verdict that is about to triple to $33 million, and their insurance company is saying that they won't pay. I've read elsewhere that the hit will probably be enough to put them out of business.

Score one for the bakers.

narciso said...

Also Erin gray from some years earlier, on buck Roger's you really cant argue the point.
I didnt actually come around to seeing star wars still about 3 years after it came out.

Gahrie said...

no matter how rich you are you would give away all your riches to have seen just once someone with that look of joy in their eyes

Haven't been there, but I've been close.

When I taught middle school, I used to teach remedial math on vacations. (We were year round at the time, and had mini "summer schools" during the breaks.) Normally I taught Language Arts and Social Studies. I wasn't the greatest math student myself, definitely my hardest subject. I was given around twenty kids at a time, all of whom were significantly behind in math. (7th graders who hadn't memorized the times tables, and could barely handle long division.) Every once in a while something would click for one of those kids, and he(or she) would look up at me with this incredible look on their face, eyes bright. "I get it now" they'd say and quickly do the next problem to prove to themselves they really did get it. Trust me, that never happens in English or History. I miss it.

narciso said...

Yes it's a great feeling it's harder to do know with the shells bearing the mind arson as well as rotten core that makes solving problems near impossiblem

effinayright said...

rcocean said...
"Whoopi Goldberg was sort of hot back in the day"

If by "hot" you mean, had two boobs and was prettier than Charles Barkley. Well OK.

I suspect Ted Danson was clinically blind when he married her, so he probably went with two boobs and a familiar orifice.

effinayright said...

stephen cooper said...
Whoopi Goldberg was rather kind-hearted looking in her youth.

I have dated lots of hot women and the ones I remember most fondly are the ones who looked kind-hearted

I bet it helped that they put out on the first date.

Dave said...

I had a girlfriend who was very kindhearted looking. I had a chance to talk with her years later after she was married with two beautiful kids, and she let me know she was super excited about her husband's life insurance policy. I really like him. He's a super nice guy.

Yancey Ward said...

"On the first page of the Mueller report, he asserts that Joseph Misfud was a Russian Agent"

I am too tired to look it up to make sure my memory is completely accurate, but I think Mueller does something else than make that bald assertion- Mueller very carefully writes that Papadopoulos "had reason to believe" that Mifsud was a Russian agent. If this memory is correct, then what Mueller did is far worse than a mistake- it means that he knew Mifsud was not a Russian agent and was very careful to, first not lie that he was, and second to hide the fact Mifsud wasn't a Russian agent.

Yancey Ward said...

One gets the impression that Toronto might well regret not finishing Golden State off tonight. When they took that 7 point lead, they seemed to let up just a bit defensively.

Fen said...

Via the Mandatory Airport Ministry of Truth:

The BirthStrikers have decided they can't bring children into a world where scientists predict climate change will bring bigger wildfires, more droughts, and food shortages for millions of people.

They aren't doing this to save the planet, and they will likely continue to have sex and risk pregnancy in blasphemy to their Righteous Crusade.

No, they are doing this to rack up a few more virtue points (I'm sure they will remind everyone who will listen about their "brave and noble" sacfrifice). What we have here are a bunch of douchebags who have been such selfish assholes in their personal life that they need to adopt this cause as Indulgence (of the old Catholic faith) to excuse any further acts of douchebaggery on their part:

"So maybe I made a pass at our babysitter, but I BELIEVE in saving the planet, so I can't be a total loser, right?"

If their mirror could laugh...

heyboom said...

anti-de Sitter space said...

The only things that make sense re very late are self-defense, i.e. the mom is goin' down.

You are aware that in late-term cases where the mom's life is in danger that it doesn't make one bit of difference if the baby is taken out alive or dead, right?

Kevin said...

I’m just going to leave this here for Chuck.

There’s a debate going on inside conservatism between the insufferable sissies who insist that we Normals are morally obligated to submit to being crushed by the leftists who hate us and want us enslaved or dead, and actual conservatives. Maybe I’m simplifying this intellectual dispute a bit – wait, no I’m not. You either want to defeat the liberal elite that despises us or you don’t. It’s those of us who seek to win versus the Never Trump losers, and there’s no middle ground.

Win or lose. Pick one.

The Never Trumpers are willing, even eager, to lose, regardless of the consequences for you and me. They would thrive in defeat. After all, there’s always a place for a slobberingly loyal conservativish opposition, right over there at the liberal elite’s kiddie table.

I say we should fight to win and preserve our liberty.


Jaq said...

To misquote Chief Dan George: "We thought about it for a long time, 'Empowered to Succeed.' And when we had thought about it long enough, we declared war on the companies."

I think about that scene from time to time too.

Big Mike said...

@Gahrie, Oberlin has more than $800 million in its endowment.

Jaq said...

It is insane/illogical to believe that a fetus is a person and then let the mom get away w/ murder.

I don’t believe that the unborn baby is a legal person, and therefore I don’t think that abortion is murder, I have that position because I don’t want the police involved in every miscarriage, but I don’t kid myself that the baby is just some kind of less-than-human ‘fetus.’ I hate this kind of dishonest argument. Honest discussion faces reality, it doesn’t hide it.

Not to mention, that perhaps some day we will face some kind of fertility crisis not foreseeable now, and it may make sense to make abortion a crime, just like we may have to bring back the draft some day, God forbid, so making it some kind of inalienable right is stupid as well.

Jaq said...

Basically the Russiagate thing started out as attempted entrapment into a collusion charge and ended up as an attempt to provoke an obstruction charge.

“We gave you a republic, If you can keep it!” - Ben Franklin

Jaq said...

Once Oberlin gets the verdict out of the hands of a jury, and manages to get it into the hands of the elites again, AKA, some kind of appeals judge, look for it to be overturned. That’s how the deep state works, it’s there to keep a lid on democracy so the people don’t get any ideas about how they should be governed.

peanut butters is. right a second time, why should we care if we can be financially ruined because some SJW decided that shoplifting was allowed, and property was theft in the first place, and enforcing our. rights is racism when there are murders taking place every minute, mainly, of course, and disproportionately in cities run by Democrats? Run by people we wouldn’t vote for, most of us, on a bet.

Rusty said...

Howard said...
"Start your own Militia, Fen. Quit whining about others. If you build it, they will come."
Fortunately he doesn't have to. Every citizen with a gun is a member of the militia.

Hagar said...

and the "obstruction" basically consists of yelling, "Hey! I didn't do any "collusion"! in Trump's inimitable style.

Browndog said...

Blogger Hagar said...

and the "obstruction" basically consists of yelling, "Hey! I didn't do any "collusion"! in Trump's inimitable style.

A few days ago, I saw a video clip of John Dean on CNN talking about this very thing.

He said Nixon was being Impeached, in part, for not cooperating with the impeachment process.

Jaq said...

On the very first day of Pride Month, British police accosted a group of lesbians protesting against transgender activism, asking if they were a "hate group." The lesbian group Get the L Out made a stir last year at the London Pride parade by marching with a sign reading, "Transactivism Erases Lesbians." On Saturday, the group protested transgender activism again in the northern city of Bradford, with signs reading, "Lesbian = Female HomoSEXual."

You mean it’s “hate” to claim that there really is no such thing as a “lesbian in a man’s body”?

Jaq said...

I feel like I’m in that scene in 1984, sometimes, where the detective, or whatever he is, keeps holding up four fingers and demanding that Smith see three, not just say there are three, but see three.

BudBrown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

He said Nixon was being Impeached, in part, for not cooperating with the impeachment process.

If that’s all they had, which is the case now, people would have laughed in their faces.

stlcdr said...

Started listening to BBC World Service. It's just NPR with British accents.

FullMoon said...

one or more of her attackers shut her up by fracturing her skull with a lead pipe and mutilating her face with a brick.

During the half-hour just prior to their attack on Miss Meili, the Central Park Five and their two-dozen-plus comrades participated in multiple random beatings of other passersby in the park. For example:

Shortly after 9 p.m., they punched and kicked an elderly Hispanic man into unconsciousness before stealing his sandwich and pouring beer over him.
A few minutes later, they shouted “Whitey” and “Fucking white people” while attempting to assault a white couple who were riding a tandem bicycle.
Three minutes after that, they beat a 52-year-old male pedestrian.
Within another five minutes, they threw rocks and sticks at a 33-year-old white man named David Good, who managed to flee the scene.
Five minutes later, they struck a 30-year-old white banker named David Lewis, who likewise was able to flee.
And a few minutes after that, they beat a 40-year-old white schoolteacher named John Loughlin into unconsciousness.

Then they turned their attention to Trisha Meili.

Narr said...

Nob.@538 pretty much sums up my views on abortion, as a philosophical or ethical issue.
I don't know how to turn those preferences into practical policies, though.

Among many things I don't know

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Started listening to BBC World Service. It's just NPR with British accents.

Except to go with the NPR worldview, add a shocking ignorance of how governance in the US works. They have never understood state vs federal issues and that there are some things the President just can't do.

On the plus side, they will have stories from third world countries that will never make NPR.

BJM said...

This may be off-topic, but I just read the comments of professional bloviator Sam Donaldson, way past his sell-by date, proclaiming support for the new book by witless Jim Acosta.

Check out this statement:

"Now, none of us likes personal criticism, particularly a president trying to do arguably the toughest job in the world while "the nattering nabobs of negativism," as Vice President Spiro Agnew once put it, are picking at his failures as well as reporting on his triumphs."

How stunningly ignorant must Sam be to characterize the press' relationship with President Trump in this manner?

I keenly await a full recap of the mainstream media's reporting on his triumphs.

The lack of self-awareness by these people is just galling beyond words.

narciso said...

Donaldson was doing Acosta's shtick 30 some years ago,

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