May 2, 2019

"You were arrested because you happened to be in Jack’s house when Roman Polanski raped 13-year-old Samantha Geimer. How did you feel about that?"

"Well, see, it’s a story that could’ve happened ten years before in England or France or Italy or Spain or Portugal, and no one would’ve heard anything about it. And that’s how these guys enjoy their time. It was a whole playboy movement in France when I was a young girl, 15, 16 years old, doing my first collections. You would go to Régine or Castel in Paris, and the older guys would all hit on you. Any club you cared to mention in Europe. It was de rigueur for most of those guys like Roman who had grown up with the European sensibility.... I think they’re still doing it.... And frankly, I think there’s a whole element of guys who will get up to what they want to get up to. I didn’t think Brett Kavanaugh was all that believable. And yet this whole thing continues to be whitewashed and whitewashed and whitewashed. On the other hand, there is a thing called a male imperative, and it is maybe stronger than any #MeToo movement, because it happens at birth. I have a great 3-year-old nephew who made his way over to my umbrella rack the other day and pulled an Irish walking stick out and said, 'I am the leader of the universe.' Girls don’t do that."

From "In Conversation: Anjelica Huston On growing up in Hollywood, the cost of beating Oprah at the Oscars, and why Jack Nicholson doesn’t act anymore" (The Vulture).


Jaq said...

She assumes Kavanaugh is guilty because all of her interactions with men has been with liberals.

David Begley said...

You are an idiot Anjelica. As a high school kid, Kavanaugh had s calendar. CBF lied and lied. They all lied.

tim maguire said...

I didn’t think Brett Kavanaugh was all that believable.

Context suggests to me that she is using "Brett Kavanaugh" as shorthand for "the asccusations against Brett Kavanaugh."

Anonymous said...

Poor rich girls raised like that in homes with John Huston as a father. It is all she knows and she thinks all men are like that... Sad.

These women derive their power only from their powerful father's and boyfriends so they assume all women are weak and reliant on men, like them.

Michael said...

Anjelica always knew how to use her own particular sex appeal. And she's not so far gone that she doesn't get at least a tiny bit of the truth in all that -- the male imperative that starts at birth, as she calls it. The rhetoric is anti-patriarchal, but the observation that men have a sex drive and it may be anarchic is at least a piece of reality.

Anonymous said...

Did she know, and accept, that the American teenager was in another room at Jack's, being raped by the French sophisticate?


MadisonMan said...

I Have seen young girls proclaim themselves leader of the Universe -- or words to that effect. I guess Anjelica doesn't know many midwestern girls.

Anonymous said...

She is a piece, a thing men act on, by circumstance of her birth. She accepted that role as a woman and has profitted handsomely ...

Slut. Nttawwt

I wonder if Jack used to instruct her to blow his friends, poolside.

Lyle Smith said...

Doesn’t every princess get to have the kingdom in the end?

gilbar said...

It's SO NORMAL to her for 40 year old men to have sex with 13 year olds, that she assumes that a 17 year old would have sex with a 15 year old?

Mr. Forward said...

I am the pilot of my own narrative
I am the leader of the universe

Sebastian said...

"I didn’t think Brett Kavanaugh was all that believable."

Sure, because Catholic boys in America grow up with that clubby Euro sensibility and would think nothing of drugging and raping 13-year-old girls. But at least, as far as I know, BK did not stand up and applaud Polanski, as Hollywood stars did. He has that going for him.

Lyssa said...

“Girls don’t do that.”

My almost 4 year old frequently proclaims that she is queen, therefore, she can tell everyone else what to do. Of course, she’s Queen Elsa, while I’m just lowly Princess Anna.

Bay Area Guy said...

I am the pilot of my own hot tub.

RNB said...

"Girls don’t do that." Yes, as is well-known, girls and women do not have egos. *KAF*

William said...

Her take on things is extremely idiosyncratic. I'm not sure to whom her words will cause the most offense. I'm kind of offended, but, by Hollywood standards, she's only mildly dissolute. I give her some credit for remaining loyal to old friends.

MayBee said...

" 'I am the leader of the universe.' Girls don’t do that.""

Do they not?

traditionalguy said...

In France it was normal for the teenage girls in Paris to be sexually active at clubs from age 12 up. And that would be with men who were 20 years + older playboys and not with the 14 year old boys. Such is their peer pressure, which we do not put on our teens. But the RBGs of the cultural dictatorship we call Justices on the SCOTUS are looking for a way to make that boundary Un-Contitutional too.

Anonymous said...

He took her anally.
Very European.

Drugged her first.

Anonymous said...

How many abortions has Anjelica had?

Very European, sexually.

Michael said...

She's John Huston's daughter. Nature and nurture in flagrante delicto.

William said...

In Ireland during The Troubles, many of the great houses were burned to the ground. These houses represented the Protestant Ascendancy, the oppressor class. People felt good riddance to bad rubbish. The problem is that these stately homes were built by Irish carpenters and workmen and represented to some extent the achievements of the Irish people. It was a sad waste to burn such fine things to the ground.........Something like that seems to be going on with perv directors like Roman Polanski and Woody Allen. They made some great films, and their achievements are not strictly their own. Crimes and Misdemeanors is a haunting film, and Angelica Huston gives a fine performance. How much should our disapproval of Woody Allen weigh in our appraisal of his films and the performances of the actors in them?........All the actors in the Bill Cosby show have seen their work erased.

rhhardin said...

I own lots of DVDs and couldn't say which have banned actors or directors and which don't. I can't tell actresses apart anyway.

rhhardin said...

Actresses become distinguishable to me when they get old, though. Much more interesting characters then.

Wince said...

She should try spending time with some decent people.

wendybar said...

Anjelica was a doormat for Jack, yet she doesn't believe Brett Kavanaugh? Maybe she hung out with the wrong guys.

wild chicken said...

Great interview. Anyone read it?

. I was talking to Clint Eastwood, and she literally came between us with her back to me.

God I hate that. What's a graceful way to handle it?

Bob Boyd said...

I have a great 3-year-old nephew who made his way over to my umbrella rack the other day and pulled an Irish walking stick out and said, 'I am the leader of the universe.' Girls don’t do that.

Hillary is still doing it.

MikeR said...

World's biggest collection of total losers. All pathetic. Why in the world would anyone want to have anything to do with them?

rhhardin said...

The actress age and interest effect probably has to do with the kinds of roles they get. That is, not arm candy. The arm candy films are about men.

Helen Hunt in As Good As It Gets, Emma Thompson in Last Chance Harvey or Stranger than Fiction.

JPS said...

Lyssa, 7:40:

"Of course, she’s Queen Elsa, while I’m just lowly Princess Anna."

Having seen that movie more than I would have chosen for myself, may I just say that Anna is much cooler than Elsa? So you've got that going for you.


I quite liked Emma Thompson in Stranger than Fiction. Also in that clip where she's interviewed about her flying habits and climate change activism. ("Do you fly coach?" "I bloody don't, no!")

HoodlumDoodlum said...

So boys and girls ARE different, then?? It's laughable how frequently our betters seem to get this wrong, often within the same conversations--they'll blame different outcomes on discrimination or some external factor since it's settled science that boys and girls are the same (and any perceived differences are the result of our own prejudice) and then a few moments later make a statement like this one that boys are fundamentally different in some visible and important way--typically in a way that demonstrates they are worse than girls.

Are demands for even the pretense of consistency sexist, somehow?

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Typically poor reasoning skills on display here, too: in even the most lurid (and wholly unsupported) accusations against Kavanaugh he wasn't said to have been anything remotely analogous to the men Huston tries to compare him to.

Was Kavanaugh a wealthy and powerful person at the time he was alleged to have committed some crime--some international figure of fame able to use his position to abuse unsuspecting underage women picked for that purpose? No--he was a high school or college kid interacting with other high school or college kids. No part of that attempted analogy holds up.

It's tedious to have to constantly point out, but our "elites" are shamefully stupid; it's embarrassing that the people we consider celebrities and people of influence are such idiots.

Charlie said...

As Whoopi once famously said, it's not rape-rape.

Jaq said...

: May 01, 2008 2:36 PM ET | Last Updated: May 1, 2008
It is now illegal for adults in Canada to have sex with a partner under the age of 16, one of the new provisions of the Tories' violent crime law that came into effect on Thursday

Up until 2008, it was legal for an adult to have sex with a 14 year old until the Tories spoiled the fun.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Making Nephews Great Again

Bay Area Guy said...

I really enjoyed, Prizzi's Honor -- great little flick. The Prizzi books by Condon are great, too. But I never undertood the appeal of Angelica Huston, sorry.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

she was a 2nd rate Morticia.
She couldnt hold a candelabra to Carolyn Jones

Leland said...

Is Anjelica saying she was raped in France when she was 15 or 16? Or is she saying Polanski only hit on Samantha Geimer? I think we need to ask Anjelica's definition of "hit on you", like what a pimp does?

Her morale equivalency to Kavanaugh suggests Geimer was more than hit on by Polanski, although I'm sure she was probably hit too.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

AGain - if Blasey baby talker ford (who is too afraid to fly and hired lie detector coaching) is telling the truth, the worst thing Kavananugh did was, AS A TEEN, roll over on top of her, no penis was involved. Then the pal jumped on the bed and everyone went flying. Not that I buy it because it's really great that she has no witnesses and that it never mattered to her until later in life... If that is a crime - what do we do with Bill Clinton?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Billy Jeff.

Earnest Prole said...

It’s a great, honest, quirky interview, something you rarely see anymore because young lefty girls and old conservative men both try so very hard to be triggerable.

Jack Klompus said...

She's pretty compelling as "the other woman" in Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Jaq said...

both try so very hard to be triggerable.

Calling lefties out on their bullshit isn’t being “triggered” or trying to be “triggering,” It’s entertainment. It’s fun. Sometimes people who can’t keep up don’t understand that part.

Saint Croix said...

I have a great 3-year-old nephew who made his way over to my umbrella rack the other day and pulled an Irish walking stick out and said, 'I am the leader of the universe.' Girls don’t do that."

Once you hit 40, men don't really do it, either.

Maybe a few of us.

You got to watch those bastards.

Swede said...

That helps clear up why Hollywood was so dead set against Kavanaugh.

They do it, so of course he did it, too.

Bay Area Guy said...

Hollywood is a leftwing cesspool.

Yeah, we all grew up on the movies, and loved them.

But all that nastiness did not usually bubble up onto the screen.

That ended in the 60s. Polanksi helped end it with Rosemary's Baby (raped by the devil) and Chinatown (raped by the father).

Probably, the drunken and/or stoned Hollywood rapes were simply par for the course in Tinsel Town.

Also, these airheads are too stupid to give any insight into political issues of import.

When you read an interview by Anjelika Huston, you're just kinda stunned as to how shallow she is. Oh well.

Infinite Monkeys said...

But to go accidentally on drugs, I’d hate that.

Not for long.

Michael said...

Anyone here remember the 70s? What Houston said about Hollywood applied to American society at large. There were a plethora of teen girls hooking up with middle aged men. Driven in part by new sexual liberation coupled with the divorce explosion which left many girls growing up without a father and seeking a daddy figure.

Conversely, at 18 I had a summertime affair with a 43 year old wife of a prominent local businessman. Years later learned he was screwing the 17 year old sister of my good friend.

Scott M said...

"It was de rigueur for most of those guys like Roman who had grown up with the European sensibility."

Tish...that's French...(insert sound of rapidly planting arm kisses without consent)

Scott M said...

she was a 2nd rate Morticia.

How does it feel to be utterly and completely wrong? ;)

Rick said...

The discussion is age difference in sexuality and she throws in Kavanaugh? Did she think they were difference ages?

'I am the leader of the universe.' Girls don’t do that."

Girls do do it though. In fact modern feminism consists of little else.

In fact we look down on boys who don't start moderating this behavior by maturity while the feminists most outraged by this spend the other half of their time exhorting women to develop the habit as they get older.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

The origin of "toe the line" is from ships' crews assembling for inspection with their toes touching the seam of a plank. The metaphor refers to standing in an orderly fashion and and submitting to authority. There is no "towing" the line.

Earnest Prole said...

It’s entertainment. It’s fun.

Indeed it is. But here’s the thing: Much of what Huston said in the interview was a “fuck you” to current lefty culture, but you wouldn’t know that by reading all the dopey, superficial comments here.

Yancey Ward said...

For me, Huston was best in The Grifters. Was also the movie that John Cusack, and Annette Bening did their very best roles.

Yancey Ward said...

And I agree with Tim Maguire- the context makes me doubt the meaning of that section- indeed the entire interview makes me doubt that people are interpreting this correctly. In any case, even if she meant it exactly the way it is written, the context is telling me she doubts both sides' stories and simply couldn't know the truth anyway, despite her personal feelings.

tim maguire said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tim maguire said...

Thanks Yancey, I was beginning to despair of anyone picking up on that. The sentences before and after the Kavanaugh comment only make sense if, by "Kavanaugh," she means the Kavanaugh accusations or scandal or kerfuffle. Not Kavaugh the person.

Tina Trent said...

The Peter Bogdanovic interview after Huston's is fascinating. Nasty people, but fascinating. His battle with Hugh Hefner, letting Orson Wells live in his house while Wells vaccumed up ice cream -- these people just squatted together in mansions. Hollwood misfits.

elkh1 said...

Bret Kavanaugh was a Hollywoodian? A European? Why did she bring him up?

She is not very smart. Has a few axes to grind, I suppose.

Earnest Prole said...

the context makes me doubt the meaning of that section


Skippy Tisdale said...

"Up until 2008, it was legal for an adult to have sex with a 14 year old"

During that period, I wrote a song which began:

I can't get enough of 16,
I can't get enough of 16,
I can't get enough of 16,
Livin' in Canada.

Verse two was I can't get enough of 15...

Verse three was I can't get enough of 14...

Followed by the bridge:
My little girl makes you feel so fine,
You'd swear to G-d your fucking nine (followed by a little girl's high-pitched screech)

Then repeat verse three.

True story.

Robert Cook said...

"Bret Kavanaugh was a Hollywoodian? A European? Why did she bring him up?"

Don't be obtuse. He was another man who took advantage of women.

Kelly said...

I thought she was fantastic as Morticia Adams, she and Raul Julia had real chemistry. It’s interesting her husband didn’t have medical insurance and she’s now broke. I wonder why with Obamacare and all.

Robert Cook said...

"Context suggests to me that she is using 'Brett Kavanaugh' as shorthand for 'the asccusations against Brett Kavanaugh.'"

Context suggest to me she means "Bret Kavanaugh."

Robert Cook said...

"I thought she was fantastic as Morticia Adams, she and Raul Julia had real chemistry. It’s interesting her husband didn’t have medical insurance and she’s now broke. I wonder why with Obamacare and all."

Her husband died in 2008. There was no Obamacare. He was just one of tens of thousands who died yearly for lack of health insurance.

Yancey Ward said...

I didn't see Earnest Prole's comment (probably wasn't there when I loaded the window the first time as I read the thread). Yes, the interview is a fuck you to lefty culture. I don't know how that could be missed if you read it.

Scott M said...

There is no "towing" the line.

If you think that, during the entirety of the age of sail, nobody ever made that pun, I've got a couple of time-share opportunities for you.

William said...

The interview contains a put down of Oprah. We won't see that again in our lifetime.......Angelica has a very strange consciousness. The offspring of Hollywood royalty are very different than you and me, and not just in the sense that they have more money and lurid sex. I saw that show Carrie Fisher did about her childhood. The world she grew up in was crazy and, if you're well adjusted in that world, you're crazy in ours.......I saw a documentary about Ingrid Bergman. She frequently abandoned her kids, but they all turned out all right. The nanny she had hired was sane and stable and stayed with her kids throughout their childhoods. The most important decision a Hollywood celeb can make regarding the child's future is the choice of nanny. It's even more important than bribing the sailboat instructor.

Jaq said...

Don't be obtuse. He was another man who took advantage of women

What evidence do you have for that? None of her “witnesses” could recall anything like that. The house that she described matched that of her boyfriend at the time, etc, etc, etc. All we have is a foggy memory and false memories are extremely easy to plant, especially if the person cultivates it.

In Cook’s America, the accusation will be the conviction, but don’t worry, as long as your politics are OK, you won’t be accused!

rehajm said...

I recall when the anal rape thing was being scrutinized there was some official report or some other, that detailed the sequence of events. When Bogdanovich ended up in the bedroom with the child it was Huston who repeatedly came to the bedroom door inquiring on his/her whereabouts, as if she had some feeling of wrong and was trying to prevent it. Interesting how she dismisses it now...

rehajm said...

Interesting that whole European sensibility thing to dismiss bad behavior. I predict that will make a comeback, perhaps when there are no more Kavanaughs that need smearing.

daskol said...

For me, Huston was best in The Grifters. Was also the movie that John Cusack, and Annette Bening did their very best roles.

I love that movie. She's great in a lot of things, but was notably terrific on Transparent, too.

Yancey Ward said...

Yes, Daskol, she was very good in that, too.

Yancey Ward said...

I heard that Transparent is being revived, but don't know if it really is.

n.n said...

#MeToo #HerToo #SheProgressed #HateLovesAbortion

Robert Cook said...

"What evidence do you have for that?"

His responses and manner suggested a guilty man to me.

tim maguire said...

Robert Cook said...
"Context suggests to me that she is using 'Brett Kavanaugh' as shorthand for 'the asccusations against Brett Kavanaugh.'"

Context suggest to me she means "Bret Kavanaugh."

Only if you want it to. There’s no flow to the thought if that’s what she meant. The sentences around it don’t make sense.

Fen said...

"God I hate that. What's a graceful way to handle it"

Place your left foot in the back of their left leg, just behind the kneecap, and kick down HARD until you hear an audible POP!.

Then you say "Ooops, didn't see you there" and dial 911.

Fen said...

Cook: Don't be obtuse. He was another man who took advantage of women.

Name one.

daskol said...

Transparent got cancelled because star Jeffrey Tambor was apparently insufficiently transphobic.

Gretchen said...

Angelica acts like Polanski's rape of Samantha was no big deal. I review. Polanski brought a very young looking 13-year old home, gave her a quaalude and booze. He raped her orally, vaginally an anally. She said "NO" each time. Polanski is a child rapist. Houston knew this was likely to go on.

Kavanaugh is nothing at all like Polanski, even after a couple of six packs. No woman who could prove she knew him said a single bad thing about him. Not one woman he dated.

Houston is a disgusting old whore.

Michael said...

Anjelica's testimony at the time was that, coming back home, she saw the closed bedroom door and pounded on it. Samantha could easily have cried out, could she not? A simple, Help Anjelica!, for example. Let me out of here. This may be one of the reasons why the investigation found there was some element of complicity on Samantha's part.

Also, sex is complicated, people are sensitive to a lot of crosscurrents, and Samantha at 13 may yet have known a little more about what might come from this session than the simple scenarios depicted in some comments above. She wrote a book about it a few years ago that I have never read but which seems to go a little easier on Polanski than many were expecting. She mostly seems to feel this has all gone on waaaay too long and damaged EACH of their lives longer than it had any need or reason to.

One thing this Huston interview makes clear is that Anjelica made her own choices in her life and doesn't express much regret over them. That alone might be considered a rebuke to leftwing victimhood-enthroning.

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