May 10, 2019

"Watch. It'll be headlines tomorrow...."


Michael K said...

It does make you wonder who writes the script for all these robots.

Achilles said...

Democrats DEMAND Barr break the law.

Barr says "No."


These pieces of shit know what is up but they are counting on their voters to be really fucking stupid.

rehajm said...

It's a need. Need it. Gotta get that dopamine. Now.

traditionalguy said...

The CIA Propaganda Officehas them all on its payroll.Talking Points Forever. But now we all laugh at them.

stevew said...

Oh, FFS, I haven't laughed like that in a while!

"Approaching", "Hovering", "Constitutional Collapse, um, ah, no, Crisis"

Fortunately I finished my coffee before I read this post and saw that video.

Achilles said...

Michael K said...
It does make you wonder who writes the script for all these robots.

CBS: Shari Redstone

NBC/MSNBC: Brian L. Roberts

ABC: Disney Family

NYTs: Carlos Slim

WAPO: Jeff Bezos

5 people with some input from their Billionaire peers.

Achilles said...

traditionalguy said...
The CIA Propaganda Officehas them all on its payroll.Talking Points Forever. But now we all laugh at them.

The CIA is a tool just like the politicians are tools just like the media are tools.

You need to look higher.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Curious George said...

"Michael K said...
It does make you wonder who writes the script for all these robots."

Wonder? No. It's easy. The Democrats do.

mockturtle said...

Do any of these morons realize even for a nanosecond what a parody they are?

Big Mike said...

These pieces of shit know what is up but they are counting on their voters to be really fucking stupid.

If it wasn't for fucking stupid, would there be any Democrat party at all?

Fernandinande said...

Predicting the sounds that the scribblers and socialists will emit is a bit like predicting what kids would say to "Who wants candy?"

mockturtle said...

Brings to mind Disraeli's remark concerning the difference between a disaster and a catastrophe:

"If Mr. Gladstone fell into the Thames, that would be a disaster. If someone were to pull him out, that would be a catastrophe."

Yancey Ward said...

I don't think I have seen a bunch of people more in need of an overdose of ExLax.

Michael K said...

5 people with some input from their Billionaire peers.

Buwaya seems to think there is a force directing all this. I tend to think it is groupthink.

There is a small number of people, probably 100,000 or so, who have made fortunes as the USA was hollowed out to be a colony consuming finished goods and exporting raw material, like wheat and soybeans. That was the classic colonial system of there 19th century. The UK has the same system with greater London making all the money and the rest of the country in decline even worse than ours. The furious reaction to BREXIT is analogous to the anti-Trump hysteria here.

Both involve rice bowls being threatened, The UK needs a Trump but is un likely to get one. Hungary is luckier.

The Chinese and their 5G networks, which is a result of US colleges as much as anything, are a greater threaten but nobody talks about it.

Achilles said...

Big Mike said...
These pieces of shit know what is up but they are counting on their voters to be really fucking stupid.

If it wasn't for fucking stupid, would there be any Democrat party at all?

I would like to posit a belief that our electorate is not actually that stupid.

There were millions of illegal votes in 2016 and they turned multiple districts weeks after the election in 2018 with illegal votes. Orange county and Arizona were blatant acts.

I don't think as many people actually vote for democrats as the numbers show.

bwebster said...

I'm the type of person who, as a college freshman (1971-72), subscribed to Time, Newsweek, and US News & World Report, and read all three cover-to-cover each week. During the six years I lived in Washington DC (1999-2005), I subscribed to both the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal; I got up at 6 am every morning, brought them in, and paged through the entirety of both newspapers while fixing and eating breakfast.

Nowadays, I have a set of news websites (including, still, the WaPo and the WSJ) that I skim through once each day (emphasis on 'skim'). Having done that, I can pretty much predict what news [so-called] is going to lead and how it's going to be presented.

I likewise have a set of blogs (including this one) that I look at several times a day, largely as aggregating filters for anything that's interesting or that I might have missed.

The state of 'news media' nowadays is pretty discouraging. They would pretty much flunk the class on 'Composition and Reasoning' that I took as a freshman in college.

henge2243 said...

I wonder why anyone would listen to people who've been shown to be so consistently wrong.

AllenS said...

Here's the best example of Obama, who does not know what he's talking about --


effinayright said...

That guy who appears just before Matt Lauer and Obama at 2:10 looks like Rachel Maddow without sher make-up.

Go look again.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Repubs are such dopes.

Why aren't they putting video online that show where the unredacted report can be examined in a secure room? Why don't they show video of the visitor's log to that room which shows none of the Dems have even visited the secure room to look at the unredacted report? Mitch McConnell should be shouting this from the rooftops every stinking day in front of news cameras.

Repubs must Force the news media to report this!

Achilles said...

Michael K said...
5 people with some input from their Billionaire peers.

Buwaya seems to think there is a force directing all this. I tend to think it is groupthink.

No. Buwaya is correct. They are all owned and directed. The same people that told Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio what do do tell Wolf Blitzer and Nancy Pelosi what to do. They all donate to the same group of people. Those people have their various groups of voters to lie to.

For example GE was earning Billions and owned Barrack Obama. Without the crony deals GE is now bankrupt.

There is a small number of people, probably 100,000 or so, who have made fortunes as the USA was hollowed out to be a colony consuming finished goods and exporting raw material, like wheat and soybeans. That was the classic colonial system of there 19th century. The UK has the same system with greater London making all the money and the rest of the country in decline even worse than ours. The furious reaction to BREXIT is analogous to the anti-Trump hysteria here.

Correct general idea but a little off.

This entire struggle is between the 1% and the .0001%. The 0001% have corrupted our media and the educational and political institutions.

The 1% are the drivers of US prosperity. It was the unshackling of the 1% that makes the US the force that has raised billions from poverty.

The .0001% hates the 1% and hates prosperity. They are the funders of government. They are pushing open borders. They are pushing "free" crony trade. They push higher taxes that don't affect them at all. They push more regulation that crushes US competition.

Nonapod said...

Constitutional Crisis? That bole is very hyper.

Limited blogger said...

Now I know how Yankee fans feel; and why they have the attitude they have.

henge2243 said...

"That guy who appears just before Matt Lauer and Obama at 2:10 looks like Rachel Maddow without sher make-up."

Rachel Maddow looks more butch than that woman.

pacwest said...

I just dropped by to say that I heard there was a constitutional crises. Has anyone else heard about that?

narayanan said...

Both involve rice bowls being threatened

More like Caviar and Champagne for the 0.001% rather than rice-bowls for the lowly

bagoh20 said...

I don't know how many times I've watched that parade of arrogant assholes tell us that Trump will never be President, but it never gets old. I love the self-assured opinions of themselves they display while totally destroying their actual credibility, and they learned nothing from it. They are still at it. today There does seem to be a defining characteristic of these people that they do not seem able to learn from mistakes - their own or others'.

bagoh20 said...

CNN should have a show called "Constitutional Crisis". It will have at least 6 more years.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Corrupt Hillary losing is the Constitutional Crisis-- To these creeps in the Democratic Industrial Media Complex.

They have no idea that THEY are the speaking walking talking constitutional crisis themselves.

William said...

The media has had some limited success in puffing the reputation of Obama and diminishing that of Trump, but these machinations have served mostly subvert their own credibility. We are all Covington kids.

Michael K said...

The .0001% hates the 1% and hates prosperity.

No, they love their own prosperity. Rice bowls is a metaphor but they can be filled with caviar and champagne,.

The same people that told Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio what do do tell Wolf Blitzer and Nancy Pelosi what to do. They all donate to the same group of people

I don't think we disagree here. It's just that that 000.1% are in groupthink. What we have developed over the past 50 years, since Lyndon Johnson, is a fascist system that can also be called crony capitalism. They have found it easier to work with Democrats. I'm not sure why but Democrats are the party of government. Republicans used to be the party of businessmen but most legislators of both parties are career politicians with no work experience outside of government,.

I think the big tech companies have allied with Democrats because of H1B vias that have allowed them to use tech workers as indentured servants. Meanwhile, China has outstripped us isn real technology while people like Zuckerbergh and Bezos have been getting rich from consumer stuff like Amazon and Facebook. Real technology like Andy Grove (who was Hungarian), or Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard created is not happening now in this country,.

Instead we get Boeing, which has been a tech leader, is now run by marketing types who did not want to charge customer for more training of pilots and now may have killed the company, The same thing happened to Ford Motors in the 60s when accountants and lawyers took over and pushed the engineers out of running the company.

Skeptical Voter said...

One might think that "Journolist" was still alive and well for the Democrats. Of course it's kind of tough for all but the number one on Journolist. Unless you are the lead dog, the view never changes--just sniffing up the next journodog's backside.

But what the heck, if you are somewhat short in the functioning brains department, it's easier than thinking for yourself.

JAORE said...

Right after uttering the phrase "Constitutional crisis" and the lights went out, half these bozos Googled up Constitution to see what that was.

The other half were equally ignorant, but too incurious to care.

Nonapod said...

China has outstripped us isn real technology while people like Zuckerbergh and Bezos have been getting rich from consumer stuff like Amazon and Facebook. Real technology like Andy Grove (who was Hungarian), or Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard created is not happening now in this country

I'm not sure what you mean by "real technology" in this context. Are you talking about manufacturing and/or fabrication of products? Sure, a lot of that has obviously been outsourced to places like China, South Korea, Taiwan, India, and Indonesia. But if you're talking about actual innovation and development, then no. Most of the stuff that we think of as "technology" in the modern world is still primarily concieved of and designed within the US.

Achilles said...

Michael K said...

No, they love their own prosperity. Rice bowls is a metaphor but they can be filled with caviar and champagne,.

Obama was correct in a way when he said at some point you have made enough money.

The .0001% don't get anything by making more money. Nothing in their life will change. These people are operating on a different level. Another billion dollars changes nothing for them.

They work for power and control. They lose money on their media empires. They fund the non-profit sector which doesn't earn them anything. It pushes agendas. They gain no money by funding Women's Studies departments. But it pushes their agenda to divide our society.

They push policies that reduce their wealth as well as overall wealth. California has the greatest wealth disparity in the country. New York is right behind. They want rich and poor with a domesticated technocratic class as has existed throughout history.

More than anything they want to eliminate the 1%. The 1% is the greatest threat to their power.

This means reducing overall prosperity and eliminating the economic miracle of free market capitalism.

mockturtle said...

Instead we get Boeing, which has been a tech leader, is now run by marketing types who did not want to charge customer for more training of pilots and now may have killed the company, The same thing happened to Ford Motors in the 60s when accountants and lawyers took over and pushed the engineers out of running the company.

You may or may not agree with me, Michael K, but IMO the field of medicine has been taken over by MBA-run corporations. And I don't know even one young person today who plans to study medicine, even those whose parents are physicians. Physicians are no longer encouraging their offspring to pursue careers in medicine. Sad. And if we didn't have foreign imports, we wouldn't have any doctors at all.

Achilles said...

Michael K said...

I don't think we disagree here. It's just that that 000.1% are in groupthink. What we have developed over the past 50 years, since Lyndon Johnson, is a fascist system that can also be called crony capitalism. They have found it easier to work with Democrats. I'm not sure why but Democrats are the party of government. Republicans used to be the party of businessmen but most legislators of both parties are career politicians with no work experience outside of government,.

The .0001% know what they want. They are not stupid.

This conflict has been occurring since the United States was founded. Far longer than 50 years.

Differentiating between democrats and republicans looks at this from the wrong angle. For example the Whig party generally held the position of the political right during their time. The Whig party was corrupted by the aristocracy as all institutions eventually are. That is what money and power do. The wealthy wanted to continue the institution of slavery and the voters did not. Finally Whig voters tossed them out and the Republican Party formed to end slavery as the republican voters wanted.

The Republican party has followed the same path. It became more and more a pet of the .0001% culminating in the Bush/McCain/Romney years. This time the republican voters retook the party rather than reforming it.

The democrat party was always the last refuge of the aristocracy housing the slavers, the segregationists, and today the globalists.

Names change. That's about it.

Michael K said...

I list the last 50 years because that is when government got this big and it was worth the effort to control it instead of building an industry like Tom Watson or Andy Grove.

We had a flirtation with Fascism under Wilson and another one under Roosevelt but, except for the war, the government wasn't worth the effort to control. Now, like a Socialist country, it runs most things of any size. It's more Fascism that Socialism because the owners own it but government is the biggest customer. Lyndon Johnson erected the monolith.

dreams said...

I feel like the walls are closing in.

FIDO said...

There is a Constitutional Crisis. The Dems refuse to accept a legitimate election where they don't win.

Fen said...

"I feel like the walls are closing in."

It's the beginning of the end!

Ray - SoCal said...

Funny video, and one that gets you thinking.

Thanks Althouse!

What a strange time we live in.

Or is it because now we can just see how strange things are, where before we did not have the means to do so.

mockturtle said...

Or is it because now we can just see how strange things are, where before we did not have the means to do so.

Could be. Remember when the internet was just becoming hugely popular and the MSM were warning everyone of just how 'dangerous' it was? They wanted audiences captive to their fake news indefinitely.

JackWayne said...

Root Cause Analysis tells us that it can’t be the people. They just use the system they have. Therefore, it’s the system that is at fault. Stop blaming the people for what they do and start understanding that they do what the Constitution allows. Until we mature politically and start using the constitutional process properly, we will always be in “crisis”.

Yancey Ward said...

Look, if you are having a constitutional crisis, then you probably need an enema.

TerriW said...

You know how you can say a word over and over and it begins to lose all meaning?

That's what makes this video particularly funny -- after the first few dozen or so repeats, it becomes gibberish.

(Sorry for autopsying the frog.)

H said...

It does make you wonder who writes the script for all these robots.

Have you ever been in a choir where various choir members try out for a solo part? It's not always the same person who has the best voice for that particular solo. But when members of the choir hear that one "best" voice, they all know it. (There may be a moment in which a choir member, or a small group can sway the general opinion by a quick and firm show of support -- "Oh yeah, that's it!")

That's how the media echo chamber works. One person has a specific way of describing an event or circumstance ("constitutional crisis") and others immediately recognize the power of that description. So it gets repeated. It's not always the same person who comes up with the magic description, just like it's not always the same voice that is the universally acclaimed "best soloist". And the more that others accept the particular description as "perfect" the more it becomes a perfect description.

wildswan said...

Achilles said...

"This conflict has been occurring since the United States was founded. Far longer than 50 years."

That's how I see it but I go back to even before the US was founded. It was the reason why the country was founded. Great Britain wanted to use the North American colonies to fund its armies in the Caribbean and other imperial ventures but it claimed it wanted to tax the North American colonies to protect the North American colonies. There were colonial governors, such as Hutchinson of Massachusetts, who knew of the whole plan but concealed or attempted to conceal it and there were patriots who came to understand what was going on and resisted the taxation. This resistance became the American Revolution. Just like globalism vs. the American nation right now.

rcocean said...

"If Mr. Gladstone fell into the Thames, that would be a disaster. If someone were to pull him out, that would be a catastrophe."


The Godfather said...

And yet . . . a whole lot of people still get their "news" from the TV networks and/or whatever "wire" service their local paper subscribes to. Even if they have computers, they get headlines from Yahoo or AOL or whatever. What did they hear in the last 24-48 hours? "Constitutional crisis" caused by Trump. Did they hear sensible people explaining why there's no "Constitutional crisis", and the problem wasn't caused by Trump (or not solely by him)? They did not.

I want to see some counterpunching. How about some indictments of former DOJ, FBI, and CIA officials? For real, political crimes. Maybe that's coming. Now that we have a real Attorney General. But it needs to come soon.

Larry J said...

“Blogger FIDO said...
There is a Constitutional Crisis. The Dems refuse to accept a legitimate election where they don't win.”.

The Constitutional Crisis is when a sitting president uses the power of the FBI and the Intelligence Community to spy on his political opponents. The Constitutional Crisis is the attempted coup the Deep State has been trying to pull off since the election.

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