May 1, 2019

"Singing to the tune of Beauty and the Beast’s famous opening number 'Belle,' Rainbow blazes through the various talking heads in the Trump administration, with his main ire focused at 'Barr.'"

Billboard explains this video, which is so silly that I believe it's equally fun for Trump haters and lovers:

My favorite thing is Rainbow's repeatedly calling Barr "Roseanne."


rehajm said...

Yes. Laugh through your tears.

Achilles said...

Barr is humiliating democrats in committee hearings.

The House committees voted to have staffers question Barr because they are cowards and they are too stupid to hang in that discussion.

Sheldon Whitehouse looks is a complete moron. Nadler is crapping his pants right now because he knows Barr will make him and his fellow democrats look stupid on TV.

rehajm said...

Sheldon Whitehouse IS a moron.

Achilles said...

Billboard explains this video, which is so silly that I believe it's equally fun for Trump haters and lovers:

Equally fun?

I just watched the video.

It is stupid. You should be embarrassed to find this amusing. It is taking advantage of stupid people who vote for democrats.

It deceptively edits peoples words and takes them out of context. It makes false assertions.

Yeah lets make fun of a coup attempt. There is nothing funny in this video. There are currently hearing going on right now in the Senate.

Democrats are losing their shit because the indictments are coming.

Michael K said...

The left, including the Fox News daytime types, are going apeshit about Mueller's complaints. Weissmann is an angry partisan who cried when Hillary lost, and should have been disbarred for the Arthur Anderson prosecution.

He is the author of the letter complaining that Barr did not go far enough.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left didn't get the outcome they banked on, so know they must crucify the messenger.

Amadeus 48 said...

"I believe it's equally fun for Trump haters and lovers."


Nasty, bitchy, stupid, confused.

Rufus Rainhat--or whatever his name is--wants to diminish, deflect, and dismiss one of the greatest political crimes in US history--the use by senior officials in the Obama administration of the organs of state security to derail and perhaps destroy a political opponent.

It's not funny.

Otto said...

Question " what was the uglist moment at the Barr hearing? An old hag go on a tirade. You could see the hate coming from every pore of her body. Civility bullshit in hateful spades.

Amadeus 48 said...

Michael K--we have to start facing the fact that it is not Weissmann--it's Mueller. He sent the letter. He signed the letter. He wrote the letter. Weissmann is his factotum.

It's Mueller.

Amadeus 48 said...

Otto--which old hag?

Bilwick said...

"Randy Rainbow." Perfect.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

.and now: "Trump eats your soul in small bites"

Henry said...

He's been studying Harold Lloyd.

Henry said...

Funny. His name really is Rainbow. It was the father than changed the name.

Lance said...

I didn't make it half-way through. Multiple, repeated lies: "hypocrite", "Trump crapped his diaper", Trump hired Barr to cover for him, etc.

As for funny, this doesn't even rise to the same level as Samantha Bee. Which is saying something.

Amadeus 48 said...

Harold Lloyd had the good grace to remain silent.

Achilles said...

Amadeus 48 said...

It's Mueller.

Mueller was running the FBI when the original Uranium One investigation was whitewashed and flushed.

All of this shit is going to come out public over the next several years.

Mueller and the other "LLRs" like Comey are just as corrupt as the democrats flipping out at Barr right now.

Bay Area Guy said...

Well, I love Althouse, but her taste in comedy sometimes....well, ....

As for the Senate Judiciary Committee, Barr was a rock.

The Senate Dems, particularly, Mazie Hirono and Blumenthal, are delusional, uncivilized, slander artists.

But Barr is so good, it doesn't matter.

Barr also gently ripped Mueller for: (a) failing to make a decision on obstruction and (b) sending Barr a "snitty" little letter complaining that the media narrative was not getting the important nuances of the Report right.

Too bad, Bob. You're a tool of some bad people and you choked.

Curious George said...

Do you know what will be hysterical? When all those involved in this coupe are put against the wall and shot. I'll laugh and laugh and laugh. And shoot for the stomach....long, painful death. All of them.

Clyde said...

Amadeus 48 said...
Otto--which old hag?

Pretty sure he was talking about Hirono. She's a really hateful nasty piece of work. The next Republican Senator up kind of apologized to Barr about him being "slandered up one side and down the other" by her.

Now we have Shep Smith and some "former prosecutor" who are parroting the Democrat talking points. Another nasty piece of work.

Otto said...

"Otto--which old hag?" - crazy mazie

chuck said...

A fitting tribute to a unfunny age. Humor is dead on the Left.

Bay Area Guy said...

You have to slog thru these hearing to fully understand how pernicious and delusional the elected Dems are.

They lie and distort as easy as the breathe.

Mueller chose not to indict Trump or anyone associated with Trump on Russian collusion or obstruction.

The Dems are bent outta shape on this.

To his discredit, Mueller wrote a lengthy book report on obstruction, leaving the door open for an indictment by the DOJ. The Dems are trying to run with this.

But, Barr shut the door on this too. No indictments. And he made clear that this isn't based on the legal principle that you can't indict a sitting President, it was based on the lack of evidence.

So, now the Dems are furious at Barr. What else is new?

Plan A - indict Trump or Trump, Jr.: Fail
Plan B - impeach Trump: Fail
Plan C - Beat Trump in 2020 election (use Mueller book report to smear him)

If these Democrat idiots would focus on Plan C (the election), instead of lawfare, we'd all be better off.

Amadeus 48 said...

Hirono is conducting a one-woman campaign to defeat the stereotype that Asians are smart.

Achilles said...

27 seconds of Mazie Hirono being embarrassingly stupid and AG Barr putting her in her place with one word.

AG Barr is right over the target.

He better not show any mercy.

Ann Althouse said...

I don't have a problem with Barr.

But I know Trump haters are suffering a lot and Randy Rainbow brings some very silly, lighthearted fun to their gloom, and I think he knows that's all he's doing. It's not mean-spirited.

It's just plain silliness, and I'm not embarrassed at all to be amused by silliness.

Ann Althouse said...

I did watch some of today's hearing, but I'm not interested in investing any more of my time in the ridiculous Russia hoax that's preoccupied us for 2 years. That's the kind of ridiculousness that's not amusing at all. I know Congress has to perform some theater, but I don't have to attend the show. I'd rather watch Randy... or just about anything.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

When the indictments start the left and the MSM (but I repeat myself) are going to start screaming about Trump using the power of the government to go after his enemies. They are laying the ground work for that now. No matter what happens this cannot end well. The left cannot let the first African-American President be implicated in a political scandal of this magnitude. He is supposed to go down in history as a secular saint. A Lightbringer if you will. They will certainly sacrifice Hillary if that is what is required, but not before a hell of a fight.

That is if there are indictments. I'm still skeptical on that. However, considering the way the left is going after him and his family, Trump may have no other option than the destruction of the deep state if he and his are to survive.

tcrosse said...

These days Barr goes nowhere without the epithet "hand picked".

Ron Winkleheimer said...

These days Barr goes nowhere without the epithet "hand picked".

I guess its supposed to have the implication that choosing Barr is nefarious. But, the Prez picks the AG. Aren't they all "hand picked?"

MadisonMan said...

He has a pretty good voice, and as a parody song it was pretty good.

It's like he doesn't know what reality is though.

Amadeus 48 said...

Let's be clear about this: Mueller didn't recommend indicting Trump because he lacked sufficient evidence. Because he couldn't, he didn't. Because he didn't, he couldn't.

So, under DOJ regulations, he was supposed to let the "obstruction" matter drop. No report, no exoneration, no explanation. Instead, he declined to make a decision on obstruction and kicked the matter upstairs to Barr--with a report laying out the facts and law that he refused to act upon. This was a cynical move by Mueller to hurt Trump. The only reason there is a Part II is that Mueller refused to do his job on obstruction, probably so he could write Part II, knowing that Barr was going to release Part II because of the public interest in the investigation.

Barr outsmarted Mueller by announcing the headline conclusions--that there would be no criminal actions based on the Mueller Report--weeks before the Mueller Report could be properly redacted. Mueller saw that Barr had dismissed the controversy before the media lynch mob could properly form up, so he wrote a letter--leaked on the eve of Barr's testimony--objecting to the way the press was treating his precious Part II smear job.

These guys are having a knife fight in public view.

tcrosse said...

Aren't they all "hand picked?"

One can imagine what Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch were picked with.

Otto said...

That wasn't theater by mazie but pure unadulterated hate. It was ugly and irrational.

Amadeus 48 said...

I'll never forget when JFK "handpicked" his brother to be AG. If Trump had handpicked his sister, we wouldn't be having these problems.

TJM said...

Barr made mincemeat of the Demtard senators. They are too stupid to understand how bad they looked. Graham should boot the cow from Hawaii off the committee. She is scum

Michael K said...

Mazie Hirohito certainly showed low standards Hawaii has to elect idiots as Senators.

Took her time with speeches and slanders. I saw two questions of the "When did you stop beating your wife?" variety.

Michael K said...

Harris also showed her vicious nature and why she is unelectable to high office.

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...
I don't have a problem with Barr.

But I know Trump haters are suffering a lot and Randy Rainbow brings some very silly, lighthearted fun to their gloom, and I think he knows that's all he's doing. It's not mean-spirited.

It's just plain silliness, and I'm not embarrassed at all to be amused by silliness.

It is not silliness. These people truly believe they should have power no matter how depraved they are and they are willing to destroy our republic to get their way.

Randy Rainbow is trying to change the truth through propaganda. He is using the tools he has at hand to do it. He is doing it so his political tribe can gain power and continue to abuse the institutions of our country and destroy our freedom.

His goals are evil and his "humor" is mean spirited.

This is not OK. These people are not just breaking the law. They are destroying the foundations of the country and doing it on purpose. The Russians wanted to undermine our faith and confidence in elections and they couldn't have a better ally than Randy Rainbow.

You can sit in your bubble and call it silly. Most Americans sit in their comfy little houses and have no idea what hell waits for them outside this country, or in this case, from within our country. They have never had to face the alternative or sacrifice anything. Venezuelans gave up their guns and with it their freedom ten years ago. They have been paying for that ever since.

Never mistake it is a bubble you reside in.

Amadeus 48 said...


After Althouse's comments above, I re-watched Randy Roofie's song and dance. It's not silly enough. I have a number of friends who, over-dosed on lashings of Maddow, Matthews, Mika, and Joe, would think that Randy Roughstuff's routine about Barr is just right, and Randy Roundhose is speaking truth to power.

Not me. It's nasty, bitchy, stupid, and confused.

Althouse, I am a huge fan of yours, but this is coming at the wrong time.

Maybe I'll be in a better mood tomorrow.

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...
I did watch some of today's hearing, but I'm not interested in investing any more of my time in the ridiculous Russia hoax that's preoccupied us for 2 years. That's the kind of ridiculousness that's not amusing at all. I know Congress has to perform some theater, but I don't have to attend the show. I'd rather watch Randy... or just about anything.

Nietzsche an analogy to describe two groups of people: The Eagles, and the people who'd rather watch Randy... or just about anything.

Being a lamb is fine.

Most people are lambs. Especially Republican voters.

dreams said...

I don't care for effeminate silliness and I'm pretty sure most men don't either, maybe it's a girl thing.

Yancey Ward said...

The hearing today did clarify some things I had wondered about. Particularly interesting was that Barr pressed Mueller to make a judgment on the obstruction, and Mueller declined to do so.

My theory for some time was that Mueller and Rosenstein had been in agreement on recommending prosecution on the obstruction theories for almost 1 1/2 years, but Rosenstein withdrew his agreement when McCabe revealed that Rosenstein was part of the 25th Amendment plot, offering to wear a wire on Trump. Now, it is entirely possible that Rosenstein was being sarcastic and that McCabe misinterpreted that, but that never mattered- the story alone completely undermined Rosenstein's standing as neutral arbiter going forward. In other words, Rosenstein couldn't be the public face of an obstruction indictment given that he appeared to be part of a coup right from the start.

When Sessions was fired and replaced, I think Mueller and his team regrouped and planned the report at that point to toss the question into the lap of Sessions' replacement- outline the obstruction and let that set the narrative for impeachment without having to take the silly position of actually having to defend an obstruction indictment. I think where Mueller miscalculated, and it shows in the leaked letter from March, is that Mueller hadn't really considered the possibility that Barr would make the judgment for him if he was unwilling to do it himself. That decision, which Barr made sure Rosenstein stood behind in a very public way, probably annoyed the hell out of Mueller and his team- it completely destroyed the narrative they wanted to set, and thus the letter and the leak. Barr shut it all down today in a very effective way by demonstrating and basically saying explicitly that Mueller abdicated his job by not making that decision- something Andrew McCarthy had argued a month ago- by not making a decision, Mueller demonstrated that he was never needed in the first place.

narciso said...

yes it's called ben smithing, minimizing things that should be of concern, and focusing on things of lesser important, with a laser beam,

narciso said...

that assumes mueller has a thread of ethical concern, yancey ward, and I don't regard rosensten with great regard either,

Bay Area Guy said...

What Yancey Ward said above @ 3:48 pm.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mazy Hirono and Kamala Harris proved themselves total embarrassments in the Senate.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The total Un-redacted version is available to a small number of democrats and R's. NO Democrats have taken Barr up on that. NOt one. wow. funny. odd. why?

Instead, they wish to hammer the big lie.

Hilariously, Brian Williams, the disgraced liar, and his side-kick pack of leftwing liar- hacks, said that "collusion" was not what this thing was about.
LOL - the chutzpah

2+ years of Rachel insisting that Trump was a Russian agent - and goes poof.

Yancey Ward said...

The question at hand it this- why did Mueller refuse to make a recommendation? Here is why- he couldn't show that there was a crime whose investigation was being obstructed, he couldn't show any area of the investigation that Trump's actions actually obstructed. In the end, all Mueller had were criticisms Trump leveled at the investigators for conducting what did turn out to be a witch hunt. In addition, Mueller doesn't want to have to defend recommending charges for thinking about terminating the Mueller team, most of which weren't really about shutting down the investigation, but instead about getting a team not filled with actual political enemies run by and FBI director from the previous Democrat Administration and a friend and mentor of James Comey. Mueller didn't want to have to defend such blatant conflicts of interest in a public way.

If you don't believe me, read Volume 1 of the report- it eviscerates the Russian Collusion theories one by one. Indeed, Volume 1 makes pretty much all the various angles of interaction look like entrapment ploys by known FBI and CIA informants. Even worse, it pretty categorically refutes the entire Steele Dossier item by item, even those things that amount to proving a negative and Mueller refuses to name the Dossier at all, just referring to it obliquely.

What Mueller wanted was to outline the obstructive behavior and tie Barr's hands with it without having to defend it. Barr refused to play that game and made the decision himself, and publicly. That is why Mueller wrote the letter, and it didn't work either.

I think Mueller is kicking himself today- he realizes he should have made a recommendation and put Barr in the position of refuting that, but Mueller was a coward- he didn't want to have to defend such a weak argument, so decided not to make one.

narciso said...

it was Stanley pottinger who discovered felt's leakings but didn't do much about it,

Yancey Ward said...

"that assumes mueller has a thread of ethical concern, yancey ward, and I don't regard rosensten with great regard either"

I assume only that they had only self-interest in mind. See my second comment about Mueller directly- no ethics at all invoked. I already did the same for Rosenstein, though I have to infer his actions in the matter until Barr took over. What made decide Rosenstein is part of this is that he tried to leave before the report was sent to the DoJ- Barr stopped that, and rightly so. A shit sandwich maker needs to take bite.

I don't think Mueller will agree to testify before Congress, but I hope he does- he can only hurt the Democrats now.

Michael K said...

I think Mueller is kicking himself today- he realizes he should have made a recommendation and put Barr in the position of refuting that, but Mueller was a coward- he didn't want to have to defend such a weak argument, so decided not to make one.

He was also probably fending off the rabid dog that is Weissmann. Weissmann is distinguished for having a rare 9-0 Supreme Court reversal of a case he tried, Arthur Anderson.

Browndog said...

Ann Althouse said...

I did watch some of today's hearing, but I'm not interested in investing any more of my time in the ridiculous Russia hoax that's preoccupied us for 2 years

I sincerely doubt this holds up.

This "ridiculous Russian hoax" was in fact, a coup, and history will not dismiss it. Althouse may try.

Doubt she'll succeed.

dreams said...

I think Trump haters should suffer, people should suffer the consequences of their bad behavior. The Trump haters have made a lot of people suffer the last few years and they don't just hate Trump, they hate our country too.

dreams said...

Robert Mueller is just another crooked FBI hack, look at his record.

narciso said...

in other news:

Browndog said...

He was also probably fending off the rabid dog that is Weissmann. Weissmann is distinguished for having a rare 9-0 Supreme Court reversal of a case he tried, Arthur Anderson.

He wasn't fending off anyone.

Mueller let Weismann write 200 pages of "collusion" in his report, as did he let Weismann write the talking points that was leaked last night to discredit Barr.

Oh, and Weismann was Meuller's first hire.

narciso said...

that is definitely true:

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

It's just plain silliness, and I'm not embarrassed at all to be amused by silliness.

a collective sigh of relief here at Ingachuck'stoothlessARM

Jason said...

Althouse: "It's not mean-spirited."

Watch the section where Kellyanne Conway appears and tell us how that isn't mean-spirited."

"Your husband hates you."

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

These days Barr goes nowhere without the epithet "hand picked".

AG's are like noses-- they're always hand-picked.

Achilles said...

“Did you or anyone, either you, or anyone on your staff memorialize your conversation with Robert Mueller?” Blumenthal asked Barr.

“Yes,” replied Barr.

“There were notes taken of the call,” Barr said in response to Blumenthal asking who took the memos.

“May we have those notes?” Blumenthal asked.

“No,” Barr promptly replied.

“Why not?” Blumenthal shot back.

“Why should you have them?” Barr replied.

Michael K said...

He wasn't fending off anyone.

Yeah, I was probably being too generous.

Weissmann is a skunk. We had lunch with a cousin of my wife's who went back to USC as an adult, got her CPA and worked for Arthur Anderson. I think she was really traumatized by the experience. 5,000 others lost their jobs. By the time the USSC reversed the decision, the company was gone.

Jason said...

I gave it halfway through and had enough.

Good comedy must be grounded in truth. This mincing little shitbird makes up more straw men than a Raggedy Ann doll factory.

Gay cattiness humor has it's place, but it still has to be rooted in truth.

Now, Paul Lynde... now THAT guy was funny!

Achilles said...

Barr just told the douchebags on the House Committee to go pound sand. They wanted to have a bunch of staffers and "experts" hold an inquisition and try to catch him in something they could construe as a lie to force him out.

It is time for these traitors to hang.

It is time their supporters were defeated and routed.

It is time for the people who voted for them to feel shame.

Randy Rainbow is doing exactly what his Russian and Chinese allies want him to do. They couldn't do a better job undermining our system of government than he is.

Bay Area Guy said...

Barr essentially bitch-slapped Mueller today, and he deserved it.

Punting on the obstruction question was a chicken-shit maneuver and it has boomeranged against Mueller and Weissman, because Barr outsmarted them both and decisively acted (declining to prosecute).

Barr 2, Mueller 0

Browndog said...


Weismann wrote the obstruction, not collusion part of the report.


narciso said...

the full link in the tinyurl,

narciso said...

comey's mini me, whom he leaked those tell tale memos to,

narciso said...

they are at the captain Terrill phasing,

Bay Area Guy said...

Why are the Democrats so angry, one asks?

Because, there is:

1. No collusion (absolute fact, established by Mueller)
2. No obstruction (punted by Mueller, finding by Barr)
3. No Indictment of Trump (absolute fact by Mueller on 1; authorized judgment by Barr on 2)
4. No Impeachment (political judgment call by Pelosi).

So, suffering from 2 years of butthurt from the Trump upset win in 2016, their rear-ended rash has not been cured by Mueller, but exacerbated by Barr instead.

Let the protracted butthurt continue!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary lost. Get over it.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Oh look, a transgender cross between Peewee Herman and Jimmy Fallon, with an extra helping of lisping effeminate faggotry. For Democrat party members only.

Known Unknown said...

Imagine if a woman led Hillary's successful campaign to win the White House -- she'd be exalted from all corners and have umpteen glowing hagiographies from the New Yorker to People Magazine.

Kellyanne Conway pulled it off and is relentlessly shit on.

Trumpit said...

"Faggotry" is as bad as calling an Afro-American a n*gger. Your homophobic comment is repulsive. You won't get off scot-free so long as I bear witness to your foul nature. The LGBT commodity won't put up with your hate either.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Hey, look who crawled out of the cesspit- What's up, Tbag? Faggotry is not a version of the slur you like to say. A proper relation would be "faggotry"="coonery" a fake way blacks act, and a slur approved by democrat party negroes like Spike Lee, Lamont Hill, and Joy Reid. LOL@ the rest of your rant, cocksucker. anti-American Democrat party homos like you and this sissy bitch oughta be thrown from the roof of a high-rise.

Steve said...

"I believe it's equally fun for Trump haters and lovers."

I've been reading this blog regularly since you first were guest host on Insta and this is the most wrong I think you have ever been.

It isn't clever. It is worthless camp. It raises nothing new for us to think about. And his singing sucks. Completely irredeemable.

I'm off to listen to Proud to be an American. You should give a listen, it's equally fun for everyone.

Kelly said...

I heard Raninbow (oh brother) on the Sirius Broadway channel, last year I think. They were still finding the need to cheer each other up over Hillary. His shtick is making fun of the orange man and his YouTube channel is filled with this kind of thing. Hours of fun!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

American media and the corrupt democrat party are a disgrace. A total embarrassment.

Trumpit said...

"Hey, look who crawled out of the cesspit- What's up, Tbag? Faggotry is not a version of the slur you like to say. A proper relation would be "faggotry"="coonery" a fake way blacks act, and a slur approved by democrat party negroes like Spike Lee, Lamont Hill, and Joy Reid. LOL@ the rest of your rant, cocksucker. anti-American Democrat party homos like you and this sissy bitch oughta be thrown from the roof of a high-rise."

You must be banned from commenting. Your threats of physical violence should not be allowed. It's a crime demanding prison time.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

"It's a crime demanding prison time."
Oh, yeah, that crime under the "sticks and stones" criminal code. By the by, me saying that you and that rainbow asshole should be thrown from a roof is not a threat, it's merely longing for justice.

Drago said...

I distinctly recall an incident where LLR-favorite Jerry Nadler waited until he thought no one was looking and he unhinged his jaw and swallowed whole 2 democrat House interns.

And then a buick...

Gunner said...

Gays like this Rainbow guy would blame white Christian people even if every Muslim shot up a gay bar tomorrow.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

I want to be nice, but you motherfuckers do this to me.

Trumpit said...

"I want to be nice, but you motherfuckers do this to me."

You don't want to be nice. You're a racist, homophobic, coward making threats to strangers on the internet. You must be stopped here and now before you hurt someone who crosses you path.

Trumpit said...

"Gays like this Rainbow guy would blame white Christian people even if every Muslim shot up a gay bar tomorrow."

Stop blaming blacks, Muslims and gays for your shortcomings. Trump must do the time if he did the crime. He's not the law nor is he above it.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

T-bag, you know who you are sounding like? Yeah, you know. Your rhetoric is seriously deranged..."You must be stopped here and now"... lulz... You're out-clowning yourself tonight homie, literally karate chopping up the townies at the pizza place who are making fun of the fruits. I can't tell if you're Batman or Billy Jack in real life.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Disney recycles!!
Thought Felonia Von Pantsuit would win, made robot for Hall of Presidents,
Then used the same Hill-bot for Potus Maximus !!

Bob Loblaw said...

Barr is humiliating democrats in committee hearings.

They're humiliating themselves. And their states (lookin' at you, Mazie Hirono). When you're playing at that level you're not supposed to look like you're desperately clutching at straws even if it's true.

I don't think you can support the president and appreciate this kind of stuff. It's just too far from reality to be funny.

Crazy World said...

Agree wholeheartedly with comments on the disaster and embarrassment to California and Hawaii that Kamala and Maize are. Witches..

tim maguire said...

I made it about 30 seconds. Ignorant lefty talking points set to a bad show tune is not my idea of a good time.

tim maguire said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tim maguire said...

Every time a lefty brings up the constitution, I’m reminded of a line from the old (Russ Smith) New York Press:

“Americans’ reverence for the constitution is matched only by their ignorance of its contents, with which they generally disagree.”

Danno said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Danno said...

Does anyone actually tune-in in to this effeminate stereotyped gay? Titus?
Thay fella, Have you theen my butt plug?

I didn't even last the 30 seconds tim maguire did.

Nichevo said...

Billboard explains this video, which is so silly that I believe it's equally fun for Trump haters and lovers

Take off your clothes, Ann.

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