২০ মে, ২০১৯

"Please be sure that you are treated fairly."

Can that be in the running for a list of Trump's famous quote? Please be sure that you are treated fairly.

I like that he (seems to) see that as his role, making sure that you, America, are treated fairly.

And I can't help seeing a subtext of his thinking that he himself is not treated fairly. If he said that out loud, I believe his next words would be "but that's okay...."

১০৩টি মন্তব্য:

rhhardin বলেছেন...

You can't change just one thing. It might be that taking tariffs off just results in more US producers and no price change to US farmers.

J. Farmer বলেছেন...

Damn, thought this tweet was about me for a second. Oh well.

Trump is obviously not treated fairly. But no president is these days. They are lionized or villainized. Beatified or demonized.

Chuck বলেছেন...

The simple reason for this small victory for free trade is that we removed tariffs on steel and aluminum. Which was a rotten idea in the first place. And it probably cost the U.S. automakers a few billion in disruption costs.

And what we got out of it was, what exactly?

Do not tell us that the newly-modified NAFTA agreement was what we got. There are very few new advantages to the U.S. in that agreement. It is of course not a bad agreement. NAFTA itself wasn't a bad agreement. Just ask the U.S. automakers about that. The new NAFTA needed an update, and that's just what we got.

It's your blog, Althouse, and so you are of course free to focus on Trump's communication stylings. But the substance of this is so blandly, obviously, another example of Trump's bluster fooling a wide swath of credulous, cultish, supporters.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Trump actually fights to win for his own people while the rest of the DC Swamp mostly fights for the foreign government that arranges to bribe them the best. No wonder they want him impeached now without waiting for another election. He is costing them a fortune in collecting their cash cuts of international corrupt deals. That was the old Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama sell out method used since 1988.

And egad! Trump's bold style of actual loyalty to his own country's middle class voters is being copied now in several other countries, like Australia last week.

Anne in Rockwall, TX বলেছেন...

Chuck said...

It's your blog, Althouse, and so you are of course free to focus on Trump's communication stylings. But the substance of this is so blandly, obviously, another example of Trump's bluster fooling a wide swath of credulous, cultish, supporters.

Hey Chuck, daily drinking this early is not good for your liver, or your brain.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Who thinks sweet Mayor Pete Buttigeig would chose to fight for us the way Trump fights for us? He would make Jimmy Carter look like a patriotic tough guy. But Mayor Pete seems to be the Globalists' chosen one to defeat the bad orange man who fights them and keeps on fighting them until he beats them. They want someone who surrenders to them.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"It's your blog, Althouse, and so you are of course free to focus on Trump's communication stylings..."

You may have noticed, I don't do economics. I'm not offering material on that subject. If economics comes up, it's only because it's in there mixing with a topic I do cover. My opinions on trade deals are not interesting. They're not anything at all, and there's no way they could be. I've got nothing on that, so no use thinking I should be providing that. It's like you went into the bakery and asked to try on shoes. The bakery people are wearing shoes, but....

roesch/voltaire বলেছেন...

Yes not many real changes to NAFTA, but our snowflake president has to inset a line that points to his view of how the so called enemy of the people treats him, and now we can chew on that instead of facts in the new agreement.

J. Farmer বলেছেন...

Just throwing my two cents in, I prefer Ann's sort of curated approach. Keeping niche and to her interests has undoubtedly kept it going. The pundit's disease/Andrew Sullivan style of having an opinion on EVERYTHING seems prone to burn out. And always be weary of people with strong opinions about everything. Especially if delivered in a slick style. Cough, Christopher. Cough, Hitchens.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse said...
"It's your blog, Althouse, and so you are of course free to focus on Trump's communication stylings..."

You may have noticed, I don't do economics. I'm not offering material on that subject. If economics comes up, it's only because it's in there mixing with a topic I do cover. My opinions on trade deals are not interesting. They're not anything at all, and there's no way they could be. I've got nothing on that, so no use thinking I should be providing that. It's like you went into the bakery and asked to try on shoes. The bakery people are wearing shoes, but....

Yes, exactly. I get that. I got that even as I wrote that comment.

And now I suppose that I can complete my thoughts a bit better. Trump's Tweet encouraging American sellers to "make sure you are treated fairly" is a form of his getting the last word in an argument that he did not win. Trump has essentially retreated to the status quo ante, but he wants people to think that he got something and that in the future they will want to act on their own to protect their Trump-won advantages/fairness.

I know that you "don't do economics," Althouse. Just like you "don't do healthcare reform." I don't think Trump does, either. I didn't mean to open a technical debate on tariffs. I only meant to observe the most obvious omission in Trump's communication on this subject.

MBunge বলেছেন...

Unlike the Trump-haters, just about everybody who actually knows anything about trade says USMCA is a significant improvement over NAFTA and they give credit to Trump for making it happen. Did Obama say anything about improving NAFTA in eight years? Did Hillary?


narciso বলেছেন...

Whose side is state on?


jaydub বলেছেন...

"You may have noticed, I don't do economics." Well, neither does Chuck, except as a segue to his tedious Trump bashing.

"My opinions on trade deals are not interesting. They're not anything at all, and there's no way they could be. I've got nothing on that..." Ditto for Chuck, but he has to opine anyway because that's how he rolls.

Tommy Duncan বলেছেন...

Chuck said: "It's your blog, Althouse..."

But the blog is all about you, isn't it Chuck?

I found it ironic that Chuck accuses Trump of wanting to get in the last word.

narciso বলেছেন...

Iran has a giant megaphone:

Jerry বলেছেন...

Narciso - I'm thinking that State's got it's own agenda, that rarely coincides with the good of the country as a whole.

We saw that in the rebuilding of Iraq - seemed like they kept making the same mistakes over and over, and once the mistake was seen to be one, there was no way in hell they were going to do something different. Hil as SoS didn't produce anything that could be seen as 'good' - with Libya in flames at the end of it.

But hey, I've just watched it from the sidelines instead of accepting the overall narrative of it. Obviously the narrative is far more important than reality...

Darkisland বলেছেন...

Blogger Dick said...

The simple reason for this small victory for free trade is that we removed tariffs on steel and aluminum.

Well, yeah. PDJT has been about eliminating all tariffs. Tariffs only cause distortions.

He is only putting tariffs on China to get them to eliminate tariffs on their side.

Free trade, Baby!

I do like the idea that the recent tariffs on China has caused them to stop funding the swamp. Fopdoodles hardest hit.

John Henry

Tina Trent বলেছেন...

The customer service is getting better.

narciso বলেছেন...

Yes they wanted the old line baathists like pachauri, the company wanted midlevel Republican guards like al sammarrai and defense wanted the London and Syrian exiles.

Drago বলেছেন...

Chuck, like all lefties, is in a meltdown panic over Barrs activities and Trump somehow finding that economy "magic wand" that Chuck's "magnificent" obama claimed did not exist.

I believe that panic is what caused Chuck to publicly and explicitly call for non-martyr-creating assassination of political leaders.

Which surprised no one by the way.

Captain BillyBob বলেছেন...

Trump loves the USA and the working people that make it great, can't say the same about most of the rest of our elected betters.

Howard বলেছেন...

Althouse feeling Dronald's pain. That's okay. It's difficult to resist once you are under his spell

mikee বলেছেন...

Mexican and Canadian soybean exports to China are going to increase in 3, 2, 1....
Hypocrisy is bearable when in service to a greater ideal, like profit for US farmers.

narayanan বলেছেন...

Chuck says - Trump has essentially retreated to the status quo ante.

and what about the other players on the joust - Sir Chuck-a-lot?

Unless you can show we are going to be in "stalemate" of sorts - what is your point?

Chuck বলেছেন...

Tommy Duncan said...
Chuck said: "It's your blog, Althouse..."

But the blog is all about you, isn't it Chuck?

Judging by most comments pages, it is "Drago" who thinks this blog is all about me. And to an only-slightly lesser extent, a dozen other commenters seem to think this blog is all about me.

It is no problem for me, precisely because it is not my blog. It's a problem for anyone who wished/hoped for reasonably moderated comments pages.

Darkisland বলেছেন...

Will this cause govt revenue to go up or down? Revenue from tariffs will go down, most likely. But will revenue from other taxes go up even more? I suspect so but there is no way to know.

We will wait and see.

One of the things Mayor Pete said yesterday on Fox was that if he is president he will raise tax rates. He complained about PDJT lowering tax rates and that doing so contributes to the deficit.

Like Obama, he doesn't seem to care about actually raising tax revenues. He wants "fair" (his word) taxes. Whatever "fair" might mean. He doesn't seem to realize that PDJT's tax rate reduction raised US tax irevenues

If Mayor Pete had ever run anything at all, any kind of business, he would understand that raising prices (which is what tax rates are) can cause revenue to fall.

If McDonalds charged $10 for a Big Mac, they probably would not sell very many of them. There is always a sweet spot for prices that maximizes revenues.

Did PDJT find it with the recent tax cut? We can't know. He should cut rates further and see if revenues go up or down.

Will this cause govt revenue to go up or down? Revenue from tariffs will go down, most likely. But will revenue from other taxes go up even more? I suspect so but there is no way to know.

We will wait and see.

John Henry

narayanan বলেছেন...

mikee said...

Mexican and Canadian soybean exports to China are going to increase in 3, 2, 1....
Hypocrisy is bearable when in service to a greater ideal, like profit for US farmers.

are you saying China can save face and still get their Soy Beans made in the USA?

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

He doesn't seem to realize that PDJT's tax rate reduction raised US tax irevenues

The question is not whether tax revenues increased year to year after a tax cut, the pertinent question is whether the tax cuts stimulated enough economic activity to make up for the lower rates. Which it certainly did not do.

J. Farmer বলেছেন...


Iran has a giant megaphone:

The MEK, after intensive lobbying, were removed from the terrorist list by Clinton as Secretary of State in 2012. The organization has since been successful in recruiting a cadre of American cheerleaders like John Bolton, Tom Ridge, Rudy Giuliani, and Mike Pompeo. All three have publicly backed the organization, advocated on its behalf, and have even laughably proposed it as an alternative to the current Iranian regime. The MEK is, in fact, a bizarre cult based on Islamist/Marxist fusionism. It is widely loathed within Iran and enjoys practically zero popular support.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

I'm interested in how Trump will govern now that the Russia collusion hoax is dead and he can govern.

If he is re-elected in the face of another Democratic Party disinformation campaign and attempt at election rigging and wholesale vote fraud, Trump will have the opportunity to govern with the opposition dead and buried.

Let's hope for the best.

Drago বলেছেন...

Any "reasonably moderated" blog would tell racist admitted smear merchant posters who advocate for non-martyr-creating assassination of political leaders to leave the blog....

.........which is precisely what was asked of Friar Chuck.......

.....but Chuck did not absent himself.

Because he believes Team Dem/Left needs him here.

Drago বলেছেন...

Noted Bundy Case Liar Freder: "Which it certainly did not do."

It most certainly did.

Tell lefty/LLR liars that their hoax lies do not magically create collusion and obstruction and their feeble denials do not make economic facts disappear.

Michael K বলেছেন...

the pertinent question is whether the tax cuts stimulated enough economic activity to make up for the lower rates. Which it certainly did not do.

Amazing. The ignorance seeps out. The tax receipts increased dramatically. Do you suppose the money came from money trees ?

rehajm বলেছেন...

It's like you went into the bakery and asked to try on shoes

Not to step on that cause its quite funny...

Chuck goes into the bakery and chastises them for insufficient Trump hate and too much attention to the doughnuts.

Ray - SoCal বলেছেন...

Trump is focusing on China.

This is a way to reduce the impact on us farmers of the ongoing trade negotiations.

Does the new nafta only need to be approved by the senate? Or is this something that the house has anything to deal with?

Chuck বলেছেন...

Drago said...
Any "reasonably moderated" blog would tell racist admitted smear merchant posters who advocate for non-martyr-creating assassination of political leaders to leave the blog....

.........which is precisely what was asked of Friar Chuck.......

.....but Chuck did not absent himself.

I believe that I am on the record opposing the assassination of Donald Trump.

Is this becoming "The Assassination Hoax"? I specifically, explicitly, said that I oppose the assassination of Donald Trump. Just like Trump said that he opposed Nazis and white supremacists in his second or third statement addressing the violence in Charlottesville.

What is it about my plain language opposing the assassination of Donald Trump are you failing to understand?

rehajm বলেছেন...

the pertinent question is whether the tax cuts stimulated enough economic activity to make up for the lower rates.

Thats just the thing-as a question its a fun political political purple nerple but it isn't all that pertinent considering the alternative is high tax rates and unemployment, slow growth, malaise, government 'stimulus' and unfair transfer payments. In a divided nation the one thing left and right unanimously agreed upon was that society sucks.

Chuck বলেছেন...

rehajm said...
It's like you went into the bakery and asked to try on shoes

Not to step on that cause its quite funny...

Chuck goes into the bakery and chastises them for insufficient Trump hate and too much attention to the doughnuts.

No; this blog post was all about Trump from the start. So my comment was more like going into a bakery and asking them about baked goods.

Althouse made the point on her own behalf much better than you did. She distinguished between Trump communication and Trump trade policy. But its all Trump in any event.

Darkisland বলেছেন...

Blogger Dick said...

I believe that I am on the record opposing the assassination of Donald Trump.

But you are also on record as saying, on various occasions that PDJT should be:

1) Impeached

2) Arrested


3) Jailed

You never seem to have any idea what he did wrong other than offend your sense of style.

In America the policy is that FIRST there is a crime, THEN you find out who committed it, THEN you take them to court and ONLY then do you punish them.

You seem to feel that there is no need for any of that other stuff. It is one of the reasons I doubt you are actually a lawyer other than playing one in internet forums.

John Henry

Francisco D বলেছেন...

It is no problem for me, precisely because it is not my blog. It's a problem for anyone who wished/hoped for reasonably moderated comments pages.

Every time I think that Chuckles is really annoying me, I have to give credit to Althouse for taking his bullshit.

Was he a student who criticized your teaching methods and failed the course?

Darkisland বলেছেন...

In America the policy is that FIRST there is a crime, THEN you find out who committed it, THEN you take them to court and ONLY then do you punish them.

Should have said "Then you take them to court and prove them guilty" before punishing them.

Though some might argue that the act of taking them to court is punishment in itself whether proven guilty or not. Sometimes on purpose: "Well, we can't prove that (Flynn, Trump, Stone, Joe Smith) did anything wrong but we will drag him through the courts and bankrupt him and ruin his reputation just because Hilary lost and we don't like who won."

John Henry

Drago বলেছেন...

Durbin Cuckholster Chuck: "I believe that I am on the record opposing the assassination of Donald Trump."


Weasel wording from a weaselly smear merchant.

You explicitly approved non-martyr-creating assassination of Trump.

Its not surprising you would recognize the problem with advocating such a thing so now, as with your racist posts and admitted Smear Merchantry, you deny what you wrote.

If you didnt you would not be our Chuck!

Achilles বলেছেন...

Tariffs and taxes have the same function.

Having lower tariffs on foreign goods than on domestic goods is suicide.

Darkisland বলেছেন...

Blogger Francisco D said...

Was he a student who criticized your teaching methods and failed the course?

I've often wondered that myself. 5-10 years back there was a commenter here who was an Althouse student (as are we all, some might argue) who used to complain here about her teaching methods.

It always seemed to me a particularly stupid thing to do.

I have no recollection of who it was but the whiney writing style was, IIRC, similar to Dick's. Could they be the same person under different names?

John Henry

Darkisland বলেছেন...

Lost of American fascists (progressives) think our tax structure shoudl be more like Europes. They seem particularly enamored of European Value Added Taxes which are we call sales taxes here.

Perhaps PDJT could throw the fascists a bone by calling them "Value Added Taxes" instead of tariffs.

How much better it would sound for him to say "I am going to place a 25%VAT on all goods from China" than "I am going to place a 25% on all goods from China."

All together now:

VAT good, tariffs bad,
VAT good, tariffs bad,
VAT good, tariffs bad,
VAT good, tariffs bad,
VAT good, tariffs bad,
VAT good, tariffs bad,
VAT good, tariffs bad.....

Continue bleating for 5 minutes. Non-fascists are excused.

John Henry

Kevin বলেছেন...

Sometimes you come to comment only to find the discussion is all Chucked up.

Then you sigh and go elsewhere...

Drago বলেছেন...

Poor Chuck. His mask slips so often now he cant keep track of them all.

His first typical Post-Mask-Slip Go-To is simply deny he wrote it.

When that inevitably fails he attempts to minimize what he said and/or redefine the pkain meaning of words (very very lefty-like in that regard).

When that inevitably fails he attempts to say he was just riffing off what someone else wrote.

When that inevitably fails we reach my personal favorite of all the Chuck Mask-Slips Mitigation Tactics: this is the one where LLR Chuck tries to put his own literal words into Trumps mouth!!

I cant begin to express how gloriously Chuck fails in this stage!!

The pretzling of logic and words and facts is amazing to behold!

But a good time is always had by all.

Chuck বলেছেন...

You dumb fucking assholes keep mischaracterizing things that I wrote. QUOTE ME, if you want to argue about what I wrote.

Better yet -- and I am channeling the blog hostess here -- quit your obsessive commenting about me. Try to address the subject of the blog post.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Yes not many real changes to NAFTA, but our snowflake president has to inset a line that points to his view of how the so called enemy of the people treats him, and now we can chew on that instead of facts in the new agreement.”

Yep, he’s President Distraction, his cult members don’t ask questions. So what else is new?

narciso বলেছেন...

The Chinese have kept out us exports behind tariff walls, they observe no environmental or labour standards which they pledged to do when they joined the WTO, on top of that they trade with Iran with Sudan North Korea zimbabee

rcocean বলেছেন...

Just for the record: I don't give a shit what "Chuck" thinks this blog should be about.

Sheridan বলেছেন...

There are many, many readers of this blog (Althouse knows the unique page views, I think) who choose not to comment. But they pay close attention not only to Althouse's topics and observations but also to the comments. I suspect those unidentified readers have formed strong opinions about the nature and quality of those comments and the people who made them. Most annoying to me though are commenters who appear to comment with less than "good faith". Kinda like the guy who shits in the public swimming pool, jumps out, wraps himself in a towel then points at the floating turd and loudly exclaims to the crowd "somebody took a dump in the pool! How can Althouse allow this! Something must be done!".

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“What is it about my plain language opposing the assassination of Donald Trump are you failing to understand?”

Cultists only hear their Cult Leader, all other voices are not heard.


Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Inga, you're back!

I figured you'd bowed out permanently in light of your two and a half years of deliberate, flagrant lying about Russia collusion.

You've decided to disgrace yourself again?

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Now, who's likely to be a cult follower?

Somebody who believes a loony disinformation campaign that features whores peeing on a bed in Moscow?

Darkisland বলেছেন...

I can quote our hostess too.

"Don't be such a dick"

John Henry

narciso বলেছেন...

Us policy for the last 30 years, is to ignore every depredation China has inflicted upon our infrastructure, whereas the establishment view has been to 'lie back and think of england'

TJM বলেছেন...

Trump, unlike the Dems, is for the little guy. Dems are bought and paid for by the Chinese and the Soros crime machine.

Darkisland বলেছেন...

Blogger narciso said...

The Chinese have kept out us exports behind tariff walls, they observe no environmental or labour standards which they pledged to do when they joined the WTO, on top of that they trade with Iran with Sudan North Korea zimbabee

All true, Narciso. The biggest problem though, is that they use the dollars we pay for microwaves to finance the swamp. They own more than $1 Trillion of the national debt.

That is $1 trillion that the govt has frittered away on useless programs. They can't take it from us in taxes, we would not stand for it. So they get the Chines to take is from us via trade then lend it back to us at interest.

Value Added Taxes (A/K/A tariffs) on China reduce their ability to do this.

John Henry

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga comes to defense of fellow Lefty Chuck.


Drago বলেছেন...

“What is it about my plain language opposing the assassination of Donald Trump are you failing to understand?”

Your previous plain language supporting it.

Naturally, lefty Cultists like Inga only hear their Cult Leaders and fellow travelers (like Chuck), all other voices are not heard, and are happy to pretend history began 15 seconds ago.

Ill bet Inga is still running around with her Collusion "Shears" and screeching "you dont know what (insert name of latest lefty/LLR desperate hope here) knows!!!"

Drago বলেছেন...

Dark: "All true, Narciso. The biggest problem though, is that they use the dollars we pay for microwaves to finance the swamp. They own more than $1 Trillion of the national debt."

Too true.

The Chinese also directly own too many politicians, such as Biden who astonishingly proclaimed China is not a competitor!

Looks like LLR Chuck-approved Biden has already had his "the 80's called...." moment.

narciso বলেছেন...

So give me alternatives how to deal with China, not the vapor war we've been getting for 30 years.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Cultists only hear their Cult Leader, all other voices are not heard.

Inga the Bedpan Queen is back in da house!

She has changed her game from cutting and pasting articles she didn't understand to throwing childish insults.

Her value is in showing how stupid and infantile the Left has become over the years.

Michael K বলেছেন...

They seem particularly enamored of European Value Added Taxes which are we call sales taxes here.

One significant difference as I understand it. The VAT is not a single sales tax. It is applied at each step of the process of making a product. The result may be a higher total tax than a single sales tax.

narciso বলেছেন...

Yes they are very much in the spirit of the sheriff of nottingham:


narciso বলেছেন...

Who knows:

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

I think Japan will start buying our beef after a long time.

The business of America is business.

Drago বলেছেন...

narciso: "So give me alternatives how to deal with China, not the vapor war we've been getting for 30 years."

It is easily seen that a production AND consumption economy like the US where we are capable of consuming 80 to 85% of all goods we produce can easily outlast the Chinese economic threat where China can only consume 10 to 15% of what they produce.

And holding alot of our national debt is not the powerful leverage many believe it is.

The only way the US could lose the trade war where our goal is SIMPLY fair trade (China into the WTO was a massive self-inflicted wound in our part) is for the US, with ALL the advantages, to just surrender for no reason.

Which is precisely what the left/LLR's and our global competitors want.

Because they all want a full blown return to America as the worlds piggy bank which exists to be raided while the US simultaneously provides all military capabilities which the left/LLR's want to keep at the disposal of Brussels.

Michael K বলেছেন...

A column that would be a good one for Inga and Chuck to read, but, of course, they won't read it.

It will not surprise me in the slightest if the Brexit party gets comfortably over 50% of the votes and over 50% of the seats (as we have just seen in Australia people now routinely lie or don’t answer opinion pollsters when they feel like the establishment hates them). My guess is that just about every leave voter in the referendum who votes in the EU elections is going to vote for the Brexit party and that, now that there is a reason to vote in them and a cause, they are going to turn out for these elections in numbers that they haven’t for most EU elections.


In fact allowing the losers to come up with one way after another to try and delegitimise an election they lost is bad on its own because the ability to “throw the bums out” is a key feature of democracy. If voters can’t trust that their votes will be respected they are likely to resort to other methods of expressing their displeasure with the current set of rulers and that is something that these rulers may come to regret. The good news is that the New AG seems to be doing his job and turning over any number of stones that various parties would have preferred remained unexamined.

It is unclear to me how many of the plotters will end up in the poor house or jail – sadly I suspect most will skate – which means that the distrust of government which fired up the Tea Party and the Trump campaign is not going to dissipate. So far, and so long as some perp walks occur fairly soon, that distrust has not mutated into violence but it could. The wrong person (Comey say) pulling a “don’t you know who I am?” schtick to the wrong crowd could be just the right spark that leads to a broad selection of new lamp post decorations drawn from the senior ranks of the administrative state, congress and the media.

Michael K বলেছেন...

And holding a lot of our national debt is not the powerful leverage many believe it is.

It goes back to the old rule of who has a problem. If you owe the bank $10,000, you have one. If you owe the bank $10 million, the bank does.

Drago বলেছেন...

FD: "Her value is in showing how stupid and infantile the Left has become over the years."

LLR Chuck also performs well in that role.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

A “small win” is still a win and I’m not tired of winning yet!!!!!

Jim at বলেছেন...

I believe that I am on the record opposing the assassination of Donald Trump.

Bullshit. And everybody here knows it.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

@Michael K Thanks for the link. The upcoming EU election and probable general election should be a lot of fun!

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"You've decided to disgrace yourself again?"

I'm not on Facebook anymore, but that would be a great reply to a "friend request" in many cases.

JaimeRoberto বলেছেন...

While reading the Mueller report, especially the second part, I was struck by how often Trump appealed to fairness. It's seems to be a big thing for him. Whether he is just using it as a cynical tactic or whether he truly believes it probably depends on your opinion of him. I'm guessing it's a bit of both.

Michael K বলেছেন...

In Australia, the Liberal (conservative) party has 76 seats elected and one possible more for a clear majority.

The ALP went all in on "climate change" and lost, US Democrats should pay attention but I see no sign they do.

Birkel বলেছেন...

The new trade agreement amongst US-Mexico-Canada does one thing in particular. Namely, it stops China from sending goods to either Mexico or Canada to be stamped as made in the intermediary country to escape trade concerns. So goods manufactured in China will be shipped directly and subject to US restrictions.

That was precisely why the Trump Administration wanted to deal with Mexico and Canada before dealing with China. And it's also why the Trump Administration is intent on stopping European auto manufacturers from using Chinese manufacturing assembled in Europe to be shipped to the United States.

The goal is to isolate China in its trade dealings with the United States. And therefore many manufacturers will relocate to Asian countries that are not subject to US trade restrictions. Many of those countries will act as counter-weights to Chinese ambitions for regional hegemony.

Smear Merchant Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, is a fool.

Drago বলেছেন...

Birkel: "The new trade agreement amongst US-Mexico-Canada does one thing in particular. Namely, it stops China from sending goods to either Mexico or Canada to be stamped as made in the intermediary country to escape trade concerns."

Correct! Trumps deal closed the NAFTA loophole which is why Li'l Justin was spending all his time sending his negotiators to capital hill to try and stop it.

Canada was acting as a pure pass through for China and Europe to dump goods into the US while locking the US out of their markets.

Look at what has happened to Canada's economy since the deal went thru.

China basically told Canada to get lost.

narciso বলেছেন...

just a simple misunderstanding:


narciso বলেছেন...

seems like 1920 all over again:


walter বলেছেন...

Speaking of fair treatment:
Chuck said..."I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."

Kirk Parker বলেছেন...


Chuck also said something along the lines of opposing the assassination of Trump IF it would make him a martyr... I'm too lazy to search for the exact wording since I've got Chk blocked via KillFile and so it's not actually easy to search for it.

This is what some here are reacting to--it wasn't a categorical rejection of assassination, but rather a highly qualified one.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Kirk Parker said...

Chuck also said something along the lines of opposing the assassination of Trump IF it would make him a martyr... I'm too lazy to search for the exact wording since I've got Chk blocked via KillFile and so it's not actually easy to search for it.

This is what some here are reacting to--it wasn't a categorical rejection of assassination, but rather a highly qualified one.

Right. And so there is no language from me -- zip, zero, nada -- "calling for the assassination of Donald Trump" which is what the obsessive maniac Drago alleged about me.

I literally wrote, "...I would hate to see Trump get assassinated..."

The Trump Assassination Hoax.

narciso বলেছেন...

Its almost impossible to find a Burger King anywhere around here

n.n বলেছেন...

The Chinese have kept out us exports behind tariff walls, they observe no environmental or labour standards which they pledged to do when they joined the WTO, on top of that they trade with Iran with Sudan North Korea zimbabee

That's a good summary of where we stand, and why "free trade" is a choice that provides short-term relief, while avoiding the underlying issues.

Kirk Parker বলেছেন...

We can read between the lines, dummy.

"I would hate for [X] IF it meant... [otherwise: silence]"

Drago বলেছেন...

Kirk Parker: "This is what some here are reacting to--it wasn't a categorical rejection of assassination, but rather a highly qualified one."


LLR Chuck is now attempting to pull the same denial/redefinition nonsense he pulled after his racist postings, threatening postings, smear merchant admission, rumor-mongering attacks on children, etc.

You would think a self-annointed brilliant lawyer, brilliant theologian, brilliant economist, brilliant political prognosticator as LLR Chuck has positioned himself to be would be more careful with language.


I wonder if Chuck will get a visit from the Secret Service?

All things considered he should.

Drago বলেছেন...

Durbin Cuckholster Chuck: "I literally wrote, "...I would hate to see Trump get assassinated..."'

Go ahead "counselor", give us the complete quote!


Gee, its almost like you are trying to hide something......

Drago বলেছেন...

Note to self: Admitted Smear Merchants do not like being called out after letting the mask slip.

walter বলেছেন...

Yeah. To avoid martyrdom, one can hope for death by natural cause.
Conserving Conservatism.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Right. "I would hate to see Trump get assassinated if it made him a martyr." And assuredly, the assassination of Trump would make him a martyr in the eyes of TrumpWorld.

Therefore, I would hate to see Trump get assassinated.

Drago বলেছেন...


walter বলেছেন...

Best Tweet of the day per The Bulwark:
Donald J. Trump

· May 17, 2019

My Campaign for President was conclusively spied on. Nothing like this has ever happened in American Politics. A really bad situation. TREASON means long jail sentences, and this was TREASON!

David Jolly


Your senior campaign personnel and family members met with Russians and you plead for their support from an open mic.

You're correct Mr. President. Nothing like this has ever happened in American politics.
6:28 AM - May 17, 2019

Drago বলেছেন...

"I would hate to see Trump get assassinated if it made him a martyr."


"I would hate to see Trump get assassinated."


Kirk Parker বলেছেন...



You are absolutely correct, at the very most you can say that the two statements DO NOT CONFLICT with each other.

But the perceptive reader (hint: not Inga, Freder, and their friends) is certainly going to ask: "If you believe the UNqualified version of the statement, why would you make the QUALIFIED version instead?"

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Therefore, I would hate to see Trump get assassinated.

Given that Chuckles pretends to be a LLR lawyer, he should logically know that you is only against Trump's assassination if if he were to become a martyr. In other words, he would like him to be assassinated, but don't want him to become a martyr.

You should have worked harder in law school Chuckles. You are not a lawyer (if you actually a lawyer) that any sane person would hire.

Relax. Have another drink or seven.

Drago বলেছেন...

KP: "But the perceptive reader (hint: not Inga, Freder, and their friends) is certainly going to ask: "If you believe the UNqualified version of the statement, why would you make the QUALIFIED version instead?"

The very very very qualified version was vomited up first in a fit of honesty.

It was only later, upon reflection, after realizing his grievous error and exposing himself (Again!!) did our Dud of a fake conservative offer up the unqualified version in the desperate hope that no one would notice the difference.

Some "lawyer"......LOL

Fen বলেছেন...

Chuck: Right. "I would hate to see Trump get assassinated if it made him a martyr." And assuredly, the assassination of Trump would make him a martyr in the eyes of TrumpWorld. Therefore, I would hate to see Trump get assassinated.

Such equivocation. It all depends on the definition of IS for Mr Muh Principles, who doesn't even have the spine to come out a say he support the assassination of the President of the United States.

So, not only a traitor but a pussy as well.

Fen বলেছেন...

Cuck: I literally wrote, "...I would hate to see Trump get assassinated IF..."


Rusty বলেছেন...

"Mexican and Canadian soybean exports to China are going to increase in 3, 2, 1.."
They can't meet the quality or the demand. We produce better quality and more. hence the barganing position.

Jeff H বলেছেন...

A president of the United States of America, who actually cares about how American citizens are treated. How...refreshing...for the 21st Century.