The "blindside" isn't anything he said or any startling new policy that brilliantly goes to the left (or to the right) of Kamala.
By the way — complete sidetrack — is it disrespectful to write "Kamala" (without the "Harris")? It seems we're getting awfully close to using just first names for all the candidates — Joe, Bernie, Pete. But do we hold back for the women? And if we do, is that bad for the women? I think we do hold back — though clearly we called Hillary "Hillary" — and that holding back expresses the idea that women are more sensitive and need protection. That perversely reinforces a sense that women are not tough enough to be President. Kamala Harris has the most distinctive first name of the entire group, and she has the most boring, generic last name.
I had to hit the down button 20+ times to get to the end of the Wikipedia list of famous people with the last name Harris. There are a lot of them, but it's actually hard to think of an interesting character with the surname Harris...

There's some risk going with the first name, but the men in the race are on a first-name basis, and haven't we been calling our Presidents by their first names? Oh, maybe not. Trump is Trump (and he used to be "The Donald"). Obama was Obama (and Barack is a very interesting name). I guess we called Carter "Jimmy," but that's not the example to copy.
What about Ike? That's the ultimate presidential nickname, but was that supposed to represent his first name or his last name? I realized I did not know and could not figure it out on the sounds. There's no "k" sound in Dwight or Eisenhower. I had to look it up:
Dwight David Eisenhower was born on October 14, 1890, in Denison, Texas, the third of seven sons. His mother originally named him David Dwight but reversed the two names after his birth to avoid the confusion of having two Davids in the family. All of the boys were called "Ike", such as "Big Ike" (Edgar) and "Little Ike" (Dwight); the nickname was intended as an abbreviation of their last name.Ha. Like the old Dr. Seuss story...
Have I ever told you that Mrs. McCaveHarris Tweed. Harris is interesting as a first name. Can you even think of anyone famous with Harris as a first name?
Had twenty-three sons and she named them all Dave?...
She often wishes that, when they were born,
She had named one fo them Bodkin Van Horn...
And one of them Sneepy. And one Weepy Weed
And one Paris Garters/And one Harris Tweed...

I've reached a deadend to my sidetrack, so I must proceed to the "blindside" and get out of here. The "blindside" is just that Buttigieg — Pete — is getting support in Kamala's home state California:
Democratic strategist Garry South says the growing buzz about Buttigieg’s success in wedging his way into California’s lucrative fundraising base has shocked many longtime politics watchers in the state.Fundraising. Rich people in California. They're just fundraising now, not — like Trump — getting out there in rallies and stirring up crowds. If I were a rich Democrat looking to fund a candidate, I'd be watching Trump — look at the Panama City rally he just blew through in his spare time — and wondering who can match that intense, exciting campaigning?
“I think the amazing thing is that nobody is ceding California to Kamala Harris ... no one is abandoning California to the native daughter — which tells you something,’’ he says. “Why would he come out here and spend four days if he thought she had California locked up?“
Are the Democrats even doing rallies? I can't find full-scale rally with Kamala Harris on YouTube (not since her announcement rally from back in January). I see her at a fundraising dinner with the NAACP, but only a little clip, interrupted by an announcer saying that Kamala gave a "fiery campaign speech," but nothing actually fiery. I want to see the equivalent of what Trump repeatedly does, throws himself out there before a big crowd and really inspires them. Here's 2 minutes of Harris before a crowd from a few weeks ago. Where's a full-scale and recent campaign event? Why isn't this material out there? Is it being withheld?
Back at the Political "blindside" article:
Buttigieg’s May fundraising schedule includes four events alone Thursday in the L.A. area, including at the home of Gwyneth Paltrow and her husband, Brad Falchuk. Co-hosts include actor Bradley Whitford and John Gile, who has been in LGBT leadership on the Democratic National Committee and served on the Obama and Clinton presidential campaigns.Well, Politico got Melissa Rivers to chatter, but she's a Joe Biden supporter. What's she up to?
“[Buttigieg] does interest me, because he’s so multifaceted,’’ says Melissa Rivers — the former star of the cult favorite show “Fashion Police” and Donald Trump’s “The Apprentice” with her mother, the late Joan Rivers.
A Joe Biden supporter, Rivers notes that many of her Hollywood friends who have long expected to back Harris are feeling torn these days over their growing attraction to the newcomer mayor.
“It’s going to be very hard. If you don’t like that he’s gay, you’ll like that he’s a military guy,’’ says Rivers, who says she’s been deluged with fundraising invites. “If you don’t like that he’s a military guy, you’re going to like that he’s a mayor. It backs people into a corner because there’s nothing to attack him on.’’
ADDED: Speaking of nicknames:
Looks to me like it’s going to be SleepyCreepy Joe over Crazy Bernie. Everyone else is fading fast!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 10, 2019
"Buttigieg’s success in wedging"
= joke material
Everyone these days always says “Trump” but I still catch myself saying the “The Donald” nearly every single time. ��
It backs people into a corner because there’s nothing to attack him on.
It’s almost as if he learned something from his Marxist father about Gramsci and inserting yourself into respected institutions.....
You can’t attack him because there’s no there there! It’s genius!
It's always helpful to know what the Beautiful People are thinking!
Also good to know we have d-list celebrities deciding who will be the Dem candidate!
Harris Faulkner on Fox News: beautiful and wicked smaht.
I guess we called Carter "Jimmy," but that's not the example to copy.
Carter took the Oath as "Jimmah" so we were obliged, were we not?
The other Ike was the outlaw "Ike" Clanton. In his case, the Ike was short for Isaac. Having all the Eisenhower boys called Ike was convenient, at least.
You like sidetracks, Althouse, so: Did Joan and Melissa have the same plastic surgeon or what?
The "blindside" is just that Buttigieg — Pete — is getting support in Kamala's home state California
IOW, it was a clickbait fake-news headline.
"But do we hold back for the women?"
It doesn't matter. Women will be "offended" whether we do or we don't. It's become a tactic. A very tiresome one.
Every time I hear the name Kamala I think of the professional wrestler, 'Kamala, the Ugandan Giant'. To avoid giggling about her slapping her belly before she crushes someone and charges of racism I use Miss Harris or Willie's Girl.
Harris Wofford, health care reformer and Democratic Senator from Pennsylvania. He was the flavor of the month upon being appointed in 1991 to fill the seat of John Heinz, and he beat Dick Thornburgh in a special election.
"Buttigieg’s success in wedging"
Malta's gotta be famous for something, right?
It backs people into a corner because there’s nothing to attack him on.
Except on issues.
Apparently they're bragging about how they believe that Wokemon points are more important than issues and ideas. Sad.
Democrats are now the Hollywood rich and the NAACP, plus, of course the SPLC.
Voters ? Oh we can manufacture them.
"Buttigieg’s success in wedging"
Trump would give him a wedgie.
I used to work with a highly annoying kid named Isaac. I called him Ike a couple times and he said he didn't like the nickname, asked me to stop using it. I called him Ike at least once a day for the rest of the time he worked there.
To compete with Buttboy ya gotta have eyes in the back of your head. He might insult you in Norwegian, or sumthin.
At this point there's no shame in picking more than one candidate. Eff it- pick away!
The Donald attacks from all four directions at once. Nobody running for the Dems can get one direction right. Ms Harris is a creation of top down political power system that she thinks must bow to her threats of legal accusations. She will get no votes doing that. The population is way ahead of that in its perception of what a leader needs.
Buttigieg 2020
Likes dick, hates Donald.
The dem candidates are so fragile. Trump will blow the nominee over with one gust.
Good Lord !
It’s “Disrespectful” to only use Kamala Harris’ first name. But we’re “holding back” from doing so and that (the holding back) “is bad for women”?
I’m starting to think Shouting Thomas is right. The Professor is just so caught up in this feminism/gender issues everywhere worldview.
She’s running for President. She deserves all the same criticisms and commentary as the rest of them get.
Kamala, the Ugandan Giant
The name "Kamala" reminds me of H.P. Lovecraft.
It’s going to be very hard for a Democrat. If you like that he’s gay, you'll hate that he’s a military guy. If you like that he’s a military guy, you’re going to hate that he’s just a mayor. It backs Democrats into a corner because there’s always something to attack him on.
I see wedging and think "oh there must be a ginger getting married."
I matriculated at PSU at the same as Franco Harris. My mother would listen to Penn State's football games on the radio. I came home one autumn weekend and my mother casually remarked "That O'Harris guy is a pretty good football player".
Harris Teeter is a good name, even though it is two guys.
What gets to me are all the talking heads that "informal-first-name-drop" high government officials in the news try to demonstrate their familiarity and insiderness.
"Bob" Meuller. "Bill" Barr. "Jim" Comey.
"Know 'em all, bla, bla, bla."
"Harris Wofford"
Notable eyebrows.
I'm waiting for the first illegal alien candidate to throw his or her hat into the ring.
Kamala Harris' middle name is "Devi". That's a pretty cool name. Looking at her Wikipedia page, she has an interesting heritage/family story. Apparently descended from a Jamaican slave-owner if Wiki can be believed. Both her parents are very highly accomplished in their fields.
Kamala, then and now.
Don't be a giant wrestler.
Don't be a Democrat seeking the White House in 2020.
"give 'em Hell Harry"
"Tricky Dick"
"Ronny Raygun"
Most of our Presidents, for a long time haven't gone by Mister
Thanks for the Zonker Harris picture.
"Honest Abe"
Karmala has somehow survived the oppression of being born to a mother who is a breast cancer surgeon and a father who is a Stanford professor.
How's a girl to get along when her parents are pulling down half a million a year?
Imagine how she's suffered.
Why, Althouse, are all the feminist icons poor little rich girls like you?
Gay trumps Black among affluent White folks. Far more comfortable. Though Gay has lost it’s novelty much quicker than Black. Which isn’t surprising, because Gay’s normalization is more of a homecoming than an acceptance of outsiders. Black people must stand puzzled, wondering how in the hell they wound up with the short straw again.
Proof that life is unfair: "The Far Side" and "Calvin and Hobbes" are no more while "Doonesbury" grinds on.
You can’t attack him because there’s no there there!
How good a job did he do as mayor of a small, Midwestern City? Do the black people who live there love what he’s done for them or hate him? Are South Bend’s crime unusually good? Or, per capita, do they resemble Chicago’s?
She didn't see him coming??
Harris has only made a few appearances in Iowa. Beto is spending lots of time there along with one of the Castro brothers. Big mistake.
Joe has only made three appearances. And have I got a question for Sleepy Joe!
The Gerald R. Ford birth site is in Omaha. There is a marble plaque listing the birthplaces of all of the presidents. Carter was first listed as "James Earl Carter." It had to be changed to "Jimmy" at his insistence.
The Democrat base wants a "historic" candidate. I think Hillary and Obama exhausted the black and woman categories. That clears the way for a gay candidate.
Can you imagine 4 years of 24x7x365 gender bender news/commentary/opinion?
Can you imagine a Putin-Buttigieg summit?
Just to extend your sidetrack and prove that everything goes back to Donald Trump. Harris tweed comes from the Isle of Lewis and Harris. The Northern half is called the Isle of Lewis which is where Donald Trump's mother, Mary Anne MacLeod, came from. She grew up in the town of Tong (Tunga in gaelic). What a funny and interesting name for a town. It sounds very exotic and like it should be in the western Pacific not the Hebrides.
Nobody said...
You can’t attack him because there’s no there there! It’s genius!
It's Judo! The only exposed thing to belittle him with, is his underdog status (beneath his husband); and to attack him on that, shows you as a homophobe: which is Exactly what they want to happen
We have candidates that identify as female. Some identify as people of color. We have one that identifies as a homosexual male. Two? that identify as persons of age, and identify as male.
So we don't have African Americans, and women, and homosexuals. We have an amalgam of people that self identify.But even then, they are forced to self identify into strictly rigid standards of identity.
I did learn that I can't disagree with Mayor Pete because if I do, I would be a homophobic, anti patriot.
Maybe I won't pay attention to any of these self identifiers. Unless they want to tell me how they are going to sustain what we have today. None of them have made the claim the are going to sustain, or improve our nations safety, freedom and prosparity.
Does Harrison Ford count as a Harris?
Back in the 90s, when feminists and gay activists took over the HR office, the only rung on the quota ladder a white guy could get his foot on was pleading that he was gay.
The first white guy I met running this scam was the son of a very influential and rich Vermont doctor who owned a massive estate.
That guy became one of my company's Diversity trophies. (No matter how hard we tried we couldn't find any black men to fill our quota positions in the executive ranks, so what are you gonna do?)
I often became suspicious of these white quota queens and wondered if they were faking the gay for promotion and gain.
Cede California to Kamala Harris!? Why? Is there some perception that she was really popular there among liberals? I would have thought she's also remembered as the merciless Attorney General who didn't care about justice, just about scalps (oops, Elizabeth Warren reference).
The Marketing Department is delighted at the warm reception of the new Mayor Pete product by the target audience.
That's one thing about Trump; he won't blindside you. You'll see him coming a mile away, and only your prejudice and bias of Trump will blindside you.
I thought of Harrison Ford too.
Harassing Harris. Kinky Kooky Kamala. KKK.
I find it interesting that Dems think that Harris somehow gets California as her home fiefdom in a national race because...why? She happens to be from there. But she doesn't play very well outside of California. So naturally other candidates are going to raid Cali.
SleepyCreepy®- dibs!
Cede California to Kamala Harris!? Why? Is there some perception that she was really popular there among liberals? I would have thought she's also remembered as the merciless Attorney General who didn't care about justice, just about scalps (oops, Elizabeth Warren reference).
My liberal relatives in CA think she was a dreadful AG and would never vote for her.
Peewee is a drab dreary little beta male prog drooling the usual insipid prog ideology slathered in guilt mongering. His superpower is he's a democrat party member. The rest is identity politics. Dennis kucinich was the last Democrat party member with any integrity.
"Looks to me like it’s going to be SleepyCreepy Joe over Crazy Bernie. Everyone else is fading fast!"
Doesn't it sound like he's calling a horse race?
The Maltese are known for, twice, having been through the fire, intense enemy attack, and prolonged siege, showing patience and endurance under adversity, besides unshakable loyalty to their legitimate overlords. And for being reliably Catholic.
Buttigieg does not strike me as being of that old school.
Does anyone wear Harris tweed anymore?
Our Homophobe in chief keeps stepping on his gay hate. Mayor Pete has President Trump backed into a corner now!
Great news today: My Administration just secured a historic donation of HIV prevention drugs from Gilead to help expand access to PrEP for the uninsured and those at risk. Will help us achieve our goal of ending the HIV epidemic in America!
"What gets to me are all the talking heads that "informal-first-name-drop" high government officials in the news try to demonstrate their familiarity and insiderness. "Bob" Meuller. "Bill" Barr. "Jim" Comey."
I remember when they used to write "H. R. 'Bob' Haldeman."
Harris Faulkner on Fox News: beautiful and wicked smaht.
She's the best!
Does anyone wear Harris tweed anymore?
@mockturtle, I'm a mathematician. There are three tweed sportcoats in my closet (but no tacky elbow patches). Only one suit -- a year round black suit that can be worn to funerals, including, someday, mine.
Kamala: Pete! What are you doing here?
Mayor Pete: Um...
Kamala: You could have called.
Mayor Pete: I...uh...
Kamala: I feel blindsided.
Mayor Pete: I guess I forgot. Things are a little crazy right now.
Kamala: Well fuck. I mean, I was totally going to call Gwyneth, but now...
Mayor Pete: You should still call her. She likes you.
Kamala: She said that?
Mayor Pete: Oh yeah. She asked if you have a cat.
Kamala: What did you tell her?
Mayor Pete: I said I didn't know, but that it wouldn't surprise me. Gwyneth got excited and said that's what she thinks. Then she hugged me.
Kamala: She hugged you?
Mayor Pete: Yeah.
Kalmala: Well that's pretty cool.
Mayor Pete: Right?
Kamala: What else did she say?
Mayor Pete: She said she didn't think you steam know...and that it makes her sad.
Kamala: Oh. Well its not like I'm anti-steaming or anything...I just...I don't have one of those...what are they called?
Mayor Pete: To bad Chaste isn't here, he would know. He knows all that stuff. Anyway, you should call her.
Big Mike: My late husband wore it. Excellent quality and wears like iron. But one doesn't see it much nowadays.
I can't find full-scale rally with Kamala Harris on YouTube (not since her announcement rally from back in January). I see her at a fundraising dinner with the NAACP, but only a little clip, interrupted by an announcer saying that Kamala gave a "fiery campaign speech," but nothing actually fiery.
You're not supposed to see those speeches, because they're customized for the specific Diversity Group in the audience. The set of voters the Dems are targeting is the intersection of a lot of small sets of groups that don't share any common interests. It's a tricky move to execute, and it's essential that each group be pandered to in relative privacy.
Adam Sandler wrote a catchy SNL tune called Sloppy Joe - all about the school lunch meal we all loved.
It turns out that we can use the same tune for Biden:
Sleepy Joe,
SleepyCreepy Joe
That’s an ear worm that will not quit. And Trump’s a genius at the verbal kill-shot.
Can't believe nobody has mentioned Ike Turner.
She grew up in the town of Tong (Tunga in gaelic). What a funny and interesting name for a town.
The Irish town where "The Quiet Man" was filmed, and which is still a big tourist spot for fans of the film, is Cong.
>>What about Ike? That's the ultimate presidential nickname, but was that supposed to represent his first name or his last name?<<
Huh? Phonetics and placement made that pretty clear to me. I mean, the nickname wasn't "Dike"...
For the Hollywood gang it's a casting exercise to find someone to play the first openly gay president in a sitcom. Presumably the script will be written by the same bunch who wrote the script for Obama
I grew up with two Harris sisters who were very beautiful. Yowsa!
The homosexual man reduced to a transgender prop. The feminine female reduced to a feminist wave. It's diversity in progress.
The Summer after my first year in college, I was on a crew that re-roofed their house. I was so distracted by them that I almost fell off the roof a couple of times.
The Irish town where "The Quiet Man" was filmed
John Wayne's BEST movie! you can learn A LOT about life from that movie!
You could all her Kamala Brown.
I am surprised that isn't her Trumpname.
Democratic strategist Garry South says the growing buzz about Buttigieg’s success in wedging his way into California’s lucrative fundraising base has shocked many longtime politics watchers in the state.
Who could have seen Hollywood celebrities rushing to host fundraising dinners with the openly-gay candidate?
Steve Martin's character in L.A. Story is named Harris Telemacher.
Good movie.
This has no real bearing on anything.
But do we hold back for the women? And if we do, is that bad for the women? I think we do hold back — though clearly we called Hillary "Hillary" — and that holding back expresses the idea that women are more sensitive and need protection.
As usual, Althouse gets her analysis wrong because her outrage meter when it comes to impugning women tends to be more hair trigger than a prisoner getting out after 20 years in stir with a hard on.
To wit: women are afforded more respect as a matter of course than men
a) because of vestiges of chivalry. I address men far more informally than I address women and the dynamic inside a male institution (outside of the Priggish Brits) tends toward more fraternity.
b) women tend to bitch, whine, moan and nag if they are not afforded extra deference AND will work to cut off sexual access to men if they do not 'toe the line', either for themselves or by gossip.
In general, NAWALT.
For example, slithering reptiles of women are given single names because their draconic hide is thought sufficiently impervious to small slights. Hillary, for example, has survived an extraordinary number of attacks and yet, like Smaug, sits on her pile of gold, venting noxious fumes and bile to surround herself with The Desolation of Clinton.
You have to use Harris with Kamala.
Otherwise people hear Kamala and silently add "toe".
Why, Althouse, are all the feminist icons poor little rich girls like you?
Not that rich. She never had the chance to riot at Middlebury.
Well there is an interesting character with the surname "Harris". Frank Harris, author of a five volume 1,000 page long erotic autobiography 'My Life and Loves" was an Irishman, born in 1855 and living to the ripe old age of 76. He founded and published a magazine, chronicled the escapades of Oscar Wilde etc.
My Life and Loves was thought of as pornography--precise details of every Victorian virgin, maiden, or grateful old woman he ever had sex with. Hot stuff for teen age boys in the late 50s, when it was banned not only in Boston but danged near everywhere else in the USA. I got my copy in Europe.
That said, the detail is so astonishing that one must conclude that Harris told the truth only when his imagination ran out. That same remark would apply to many Dem politicians these days. Adam Schiff I'm looking at you.
Hillary, for example, has survived an extraordinary number of attacks and yet, like Smaug
HEY! don't you be dissing Smaug like that! There is no comparison between the two!!!
Next up, Joe blindsides Harris in California.
Then Bernie.
And just wait until they all blindside Warren in Massachusetts.
We might not be able to win with a Californian. People think we’re crazy.
Let’s go with the heartland!
Speaking of blindsided, Gillibrand still hasn't qualified for the debates.
She'd better go Klobuchar on her staff to get those numbers up!
Let’s go with the heartland!
There's got to be some unknown Democrat out there we can pitch as the party's savior!
Ann Althouse said...
' "Buttigieg’s success in wedging"
= joke material'
You're overlooking the obvious James Bond riff:
"Booty Gig. Peter Booty Gig."
The Dems do not do rallies, presumably because they can't fill a phone booth. They will get a lot of votes and their electorate seems pretty motivated, but they just don't go to events.
An interesting contrast to the old Democratic Party where the unions and political organizations would turn out tens of thousands of people for Labor Day rallies and election-eve torchlight parades.
Hollywood types and college professors don't go in for that sort of thing, I think. Too common, ugh!
I can think of things to dislike about Buttigieg. His campaign so far has been about who is more Christian, and he basically said God would never be on the Republican's side. That turns me pretty damn off.
Tulsi Gabbard is relatively unknown and seems relatively sane, for a Democrat, which is probably why she is polling at less than 1%. She’d probably be less bad than the rest of the Democrat field, but I wouldn’t vote for her (or any other Democrat) on general principles.
Whenever I hear the name "Harris," I think of the detective from "Barney Miller".
I feel like there's a famous character with the first name of Harris that I should be aware of, but I can't make anything specific come to mind...
Otherwise people hear Kamala and silently add "toe".
Some of us hear Kamala and silently add chameleon.
Butt-wedge-wedge. I kind of like it!
Kamala was the name of the prostitute who serviced powerful men in Siddhartha.
If you really want to know what Hollywood sees in Peewee, it’s that Hollywood has gone whole hog on Gramsci, it’s way more important to them than money, because, as a famous man once said, “at some point, you have enough money."
If culture shapes politics and economics, then what artists, intellectuals, and scholars do is absolutely crucial to any political program. Joe Buttigieg explained it this way: “Ideas matter at least as much as the direct exercise of power and frontal opposition to it.”
“Joe was interested in the idea of the public intellectual,” Chris Fox said. “Not simply an intellectual as someone who has ideas, but someone who can make ideas work. And he raised a public intellectual in Peter.”
Mayor Pete, for his part, clearly understands the importance of culture. But he deploys it for civic, not partisan, ends.. - The Nation (I left in that last bit for a good belly laugh.)
This is the kind of trenchant insight that Nobody gives you guys.
She’d probably be less bad than the rest of the Democrat field, but I wouldn’t vote for her (or any other Democrat) on general principles.
Hawaii has 4 electoral votes, which pretty much rules out a candidate from there. Another reason why Harris would be a favorite in theory.
I shop for groceries at Harris Teeter.
"Mayor Pete blindsides Kamala Harris in California."
That's some role reversal. Usually Petey is the one ass up and face down.
"There's got to be some unknown Democrat out there we can pitch as the party's savior!"
Unknown, she ain't, but Hillary is moving her slow thighs to New Hampshire.
"Hawaii has 4 electoral votes, which pretty much rules out a candidate from there. Another reason why Harris would be a favorite in theory."
Makes no sense. The Democrats will get California no matter who the candidate is. Clinton won the nomination from Arkansas BTW...6 electoral votes.
Joseph Mifsud in Lee Smith’s terrific story, The Maltese Phantom of Russiagate
Looks like Malta is having a moment.
"Mayor Pete blindsides Kamala Harris in California."
'Blindsiding' as in coming in from behind?
This would make more sense with Mayor Pete and the 'blind side' of a MALE Dem contender.
If you're asking for lube you don't want it bad enough.
I am Laslo.
I like "Donny Two Scoops". That was a great power move. It brings to mind Ronald Reagan who wrote in his diary (pp) "The problem with Al Haig was he kept forgetting who was the president".
Kamala was the name of the prostitute who serviced powerful men in Siddhartha.
That's right! Her parents were prophetic.
If you're asking for lube you don't want it bad enough.
I am Laslo.
I'm still laughing at that one. Thanks.
Makes no sense. The Democrats will get California no matter who the candidate is
Good point. Clinton got elected because Mario Cuomo decided Biush was unbeatable and then Perot showed up.
A confluence of unlikely events,. Nobody wanted the D nomination that year,
My college roomate had an affair with her poly sci prof and he exclusively wore Harris tweed suits. The fact that he totally got away with f'ing his student amazes me now.
As far as Kamala Harris is concerned, we haven't seen or heard much from her lately. Is she in shock that the world did not fall at her feet? All that sex appeal did nothing? People don't want to be seduced by female candidates? IDK However she comes across as very nasty during her Senate performances, so maybe that's it. She's unlikeable. So much for the failed NYT's favorite.
In other news:
RJ Chatt recalls: My college roomate had an affair with her poly sci prof and he exclusively wore Harris tweed suits. The fact that he totally got away with f'ing his student amazes me now.
Use to be almost de rigueur for male faculty when I was in school. My uncle by marriage was a History prof and left my aunt after thirty years of marriage to live with a student. She was devastated. Of course, it didn't last and his life went rather sideways while she re-found her high school sweetheart and they've been happily together for twenty years. The prof recently died and she told me she went to visit him in the hospital. While I'm sure she was gracious and sympathetic, there was no doubt a hint of schadenfreude lurking in there.
Cory Booker must be pissed! He got himself a fake girlfriend to pretend he wasn't gay because he thought it would hurt his chances and now the gay guy is heading to the front of the pack because he's gay. Oh the irony
"Harris Tweed. Harris is interesting as a first name. Can you even think of anyone famous with Harris as a first name?"
I would like to think Harrison Ford's father was/is named Harris, so much so that I won't look it up.
I don't want to be disappointed.
Every time I hear the name Kamala I think of the professional wrestler, 'Kamala, the Ugandan Giant'.
I knew I wasn't the only one.
"Can you even think of anyone famous with Harris as a first name?"
He's not super famous but there's Harris Yulin, the actor.
A recent entry is Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor.
It's hard to find a person more interesting than new atheist Sam Harris, except for Christopher Hitchens or Richard Dawkins.
Wikipedia lists 16 people named "Harris _____", including Senator Harris Wofford (D-PA, 1991-1995). One is a woman.
One of these days, some media drone will mispronounce Mayor Pete's last name as "Buttplug" and all Hell will break loose. Is that why most everyone uses his first name rather than his last?
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