May 17, 2019
"I think it’s absolutely fine. I think that’s something that perhaps some people will have a problem with. I have no problem with it whatsoever. I think it’s good."
Said Donald Trump, when asked — in an interview, by Fox News’ Steve Hilton — what he thought about Pete Buttigieg's running for President while being openly gay and standing on stages with his husband onstage.
Some people = ? Mike Pence?
Is it likely he will be dropped for 2020?
Buttigieg says his sexual abnormalities are the fault of a supernatural being. That's the kinda guy I want for president.
Yeah, I never got the “Trump is a homophobe” bit? I guess you could make an inference (an incorrect one) based on the Transexuals in the military ban but otherwise, nothing.
I assume it’s the “I’m liberal and gay and I hate Trump therefore he must hate me and who I am.” phenomenon.
I would expect Mike Pence to take a "judge not" stance.
Trump is amazingly pro-gay; more so even than Obama.
But the left cannot acknowledge it.
Runs counter to the narrative.
This shouldn't surprise anyone who has been paying attention.
President Trump was pro-gay before the Democratic Party was.
And "I'm proud to be gay" was an applause line at the GOP convention that nominated President Trump.
Even Mike Pence isn't nearly as anti-gay as he's made out to be -- if he was, the left wouldn't have to keep making things up to paint him that way.
The media will declare Trump's statement homophobic.
I’m not fine with it, but I am fine with Trump being fine with it. Politically valuable with zero downside.
Don't fall for it. It's just another evil, Hitleresque trick.
Howdy and doody on the cover of the last time magazine, just like the vanity fair fanboi cover of o'rourke, it's as dated as a Hudson hawk poster from 1990.
Good for Trump. "I think it's fine" is a fine baseline.
Trump sees him as a patsy who will be easy to beat up. What's not to like ?
Our Coastal Media Elite doesn't know real people of Faith, as evidenced by the question and the first comment on this post.
Phil 314 said...
Yeah, I never got the “Trump is a homophobe” bit? I guess you could make an inference (an incorrect one) based on the Transexuals in the military ban but otherwise, nothing.
Most L's, G's, and B's I know aren't crazy about the T at the end. It a totally different issue that activists lumped in with them to take advantage of their existing organization and general societal good will. It's a cynical ploy, a hijacking.
Trump is right-wing. The issue now is to strike down political congruence ("="), and make civil unions inclusive on principle, rather than the current quasi-religious Pro-Choice standard.
off topic
Barr interview will be on FOX at 8CDT
Worst. Hitler. Ever.
Agreed that this is no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention to Trump for the past 20+ years.
"I think it's absolutely fine." Really, Donald, really?
Trump talks, Taiwan listens?
Trump's statement surprises me not.
But Buttigieg is totally out of touch if he thinks parading his "husband" around for his political rallies will help him. People voted for Obama out of a sense of mis-placed guilt. Butty won't get that vote. There are a LOTTA people who think his lifestyle is way way out of bounds. And with no track record or promise to Make America Great Again, he will bomb completely.
The media will declare Trump's statement homophobic.
My thought. We'll learn from some self anointed authority I have no problem with it is code for I'm very homophobic.
and Boot Edge Edge gets stoppage time on his 15 minutes.
Buttigieg is totally out of touch if he thinks parading his "husband" around for his political rallies will help him
Most people are tolerant, but hesitate to normalize transgenderism in its many colors. The establishment of a Pro-Choice policy ("=") does not help its resolution.
Trump has no problem whatsoever with his opponents saying and doing crazy shit. He thinks it's absolutely fine.
Why aren’t they asking the candidates on the left?
It would be fun to hear some of them try to be more pro-gay than the next.
"I’m not fine with it, but I am fine with Trump being fine with it. Politically valuable with zero downside." +1
Mike Pence probably wouldn't object, either. While Christians believe that homosexual acts are wrong in the eyes of God, we don't dislike homosexuals.
PDJT banned, rightly IMHO, transexuals in the military. Someone commented that some might see this as evidence of homophobia.
I agree that some might see it that way. I don't understand why. Are transgenders homosexuals?
Aren't most m-f transgenders attracted to men? If they really are women, as they claim, wouldn't that make they CIS normative heterosexuals, like about 96% of the population?
Ditto the f-m transexuals attracted to women. Aren't they heterosexual? For them to be homosexual/lesbian, one would have to believe that they are not really men, just because they claim to be and may have had surgery. (ProTip: Men can't get pregnant)
John Henry
Right, Mock. One of my brothers is gay. I love him but hate his lifestyle.
Trump and I are on the same page here.
The only issue I have is when one tries to make their homosexual orientation a feature and a virtue. How is that any different than fundamentalists who find virtue only in heterosexuality?
Mayor Pete has been neutralized, let's move on....
Similarly, Vulture is asking the hard hitting questions: How Gay is Rocketman? After describing every randy scene in the film, they declare, "not gay enough." Apparently some critics won't be happy until a mainstream biopic of a gay person includes closeups of full on insertion. Because apparently reducing gay men to their nether regions and bedroom activities is considered progress. Never mind they cast beautiful Tom Eagerton to play the role of a fat frump.
@Francisco D:
The only issue I have is when one tries to make their homosexual orientation a feature and a virtue. How is that any different than fundamentalists who find virtue only in heterosexuality?
I have a similar view to the entire concept of "gay pride." Being gay is not something you should be proud of or ashamed of. It's something you should simply accept and integrate into your life.
Very well put.
Incidentally, I feel like I’ve caught some gay vibes coming from Donald. It’s mostly in his mannerisms, and specifically they remind me of two elderly gay men from New York who I know. I mean, I guess it doesn’t mean anything, but if news came out that Donald was, for instance, bi, I wouldn’t bee too surprised.
Most L's, G's, and B's I know aren't crazy about the T at the end. It a totally different issue that activists lumped in with them to take advantage of their existing organization and general societal good will. It's a cynical ploy, a hijacking.
I agree. The whole Gender Dysphoria/ Transgender thing is abnormal psychology. Adults can be successful and transgender. But it is unusual and the present hysteria among children is dangerous. There will be lots of suicides among this group.
I have read that gays are uncomfortable with the transgender thing. Homosexuality is a normal variant that goes back to classical Greece and before. Transgender is an abnormal variant of homosexuality.
i guess he must have been listening during his presbyterian pastor's sermons...
@ Michael K - I wouldn't say that homosexuality is "normal", but rather that it is a common deviation that has been tolerated in many societies back to classical Greece and before. I would take issue with whether it has been a wise idea to attempt to "normalize" or mainstream this deviation. The same might be said of other sexual deviations. The mainstreaming of homosexuality opened the door for less common deviations to stake a claim for public acceptance. In my lifetime, the only formerly common practice that has been moved from the mainstream to the deviant category is relationships between older men and younger women. The Beverly Hillbillies early seasons included a joke about "18 and 97 or 18 and 98", that was about Jed's grandfather's age and the age of one of his wives. The Rolling Stones "Stray Cat Blues" is another, in which Mick varied the age of the "cat" between 13 and 15 depending on his mood. Either of those would cause scolding tongues and fingers to wag in 2019.
Trump was pro - gay way before Obama and Hillary "evolved". He also told transgenders that they could use whatever bathrooms they want in Trump tower.....but according to the "tolerant" left...he is a racist, a homophobe, and every other name in the book of lefty hate.
They let you grab them by the pussy, cock, or whatever. Release the cock hats!
@ Mr. Wibble - I think it is a result of feminism alright, but I think it starts with first wave feminism and pushing age of consent laws back in the 1890s, then second wave feminism pushing raising the age of consent back in the '60s and '70s. Third wave feminism seems intent on entirely suppressing male sexuality, so men aren't supposed to be attracted to women whose age is "too different" from their own. Some common dating apps will not permit a participant to even view (at least men) others whose age varies much from their own. So much for sexual freedom, eh? I think that a related phenomenon is that of young women teachers having sex with their under-age students. I can understand that they need to get their ya-ya's out, but they would be better served (in a number of ways) by hook ups with older men. At minimum, they would not be facing prison time.
I am certainly one of those people who don't believe that "T" goes well with G, L, or B. Sexual orientation and gender identity are not meaningfully connected, in my view. Homosexuality does not require profound transformation of the body through hormones and surgery and does not require the redefinition of basic pronouns. The only thing gays and trans have in common is they are both sexual minorities, though even though the numbers are highly askew. Gays are around 3% of the population while trans are a fraction of a percent.
And on the subject of Ancient Greece, it's helpful to remember that what is often termed "homosexuality" is not really what is meant in the current era. In Ancient Greece, particularly Classical Athens, homosexuality was mostly a form of organized pederasty. And even then, there was debate over the degree to which men should have physical relationships with their charges.
Name, apparently, is destiny... Trump as a verb implies great power and control... Booty Judge implies power and control, as well, no?
I wouldn't say that homosexuality is "normal", but rather that it is a common deviation that has been tolerated in many societies back to classical Greece and before.
So it's a standard deviation. ;-)
In Ancient Greece, particularly Classical Athens, homosexuality was mostly a form of organized pederasty.
In Asia, as well.
That’s all we need is some bitchy gay couple flouncing and mincing through the White House on the way to a state dinner going {clap} {clap} PAR-TAY!!
"Buttigieg says his sexual abnormalities are the fault of a supernatural being."
What sexual abnormalities? That he is gay? That's not abnormal. There are gays everywhere, in every culture, throughout history.
What supernatural being? God? Well, every politician, whether sincerely or not, has to bow before that supernatural being to appease the primitives among the American electorate, (a majority of them).
"I'll be on the stage with Melania, you'll be with "Waylon Smithers".
I wouldn't say that homosexuality is "normal", but rather that it is a common deviation that has been tolerated in many societies back to classical Greece and before.
So it's a standard deviation. ;-)
Very good, Mock.
"I have a similar view to the entire concept of 'gay pride.' Being gay is not something you should be proud of or ashamed of. It's something you should simply accept and integrate into your life." a healthy world.
However, given that gays have long been made to feel shame for being gay, and have suffered real consequences for it, gay "pride" is merely an attempt for gays to throw off that shame, the fear of being discovered, and to reach a state of calm and untroubled acceptance of their homosexuality. Just as "Black Pride" was meant to counter the feelings of shame, fear, and oppression suffered by blacks in a highly racist and violently punitive society.
"People voted for Obama out of a sense of mis-placed guilt."
Not in the least. People who voted for Obama (I wasn't one of them) voted for him with passionate enthusiasm...both times. Their passionate enthusiasm blinded them to the reality that he was just another establishment politician and president, a loyal servant of the military/industrial/financial complex.
"Right, Mock. One of my brothers is gay. I love him but hate his lifestyle."
Why? What impact does it have on you? If he's happy and at peace with being gay and with his "lifestyle" (I'm not sure what people mean when they say that...who they have sex with?), why should you be bothered by it?
What sexual abnormalities? That he is gay? That's not abnormal. There are gays everywhere, in every culture, throughout history.
Murderers too. Completely normal. Various gods made them do it.
Anything which severely interferes with reproduction can be considered an abnormality, whether its albinism or taking a vow of celibacy.
Well, every politician, whether sincerely or not, has to bow before that supernatural being to appease the primitives among the American electorate, (a majority of them).
How many of them say crap like "God made me smart?" Or "God made me decide to raise the Fed's interest rate"?
Robert Cook bleats: However, given that gays have long been made to feel shame for being gay, and have suffered real consequences for it, gay "pride" is merely an attempt for gays to throw off that shame, the fear of being discovered, and to reach a state of calm and untroubled acceptance of their homosexuality. Just as "Black Pride" was meant to counter the feelings of shame, fear, and oppression suffered by blacks in a highly racist and violently punitive society.
Cookie, the Gay Pride parades I've had the grave misfortune to witness displayed many of the features of the lifestyle for which shame is justified.
Pedophilia has existed in every society and throughout history. Does that make it 'normal'?
(I'm not sure what people mean when they say that...who they have sex with?), why should you be bothered by it?
Cookie, has it ever occurred to you that how many people they have sex with might be part of it? Or how many restrooms they have used as recreation rooms?
Homosexuality doesn’t bother me. What does is the demand that I call it normal. I’m enjoying the profusion of tree blossoms at the moment. What’s the point?
"Buttigieg says his sexual abnormalities are the fault of a supernatural being."
Uh huh. How about we look at better ways to filter estrogen out of the recycled water supply? Buttigieg is getting heat flashes.
Remember how lead pipes contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire?
Yah. That.
I live in NYC. I've known a great many gays. It doesn't take any particular effort to be tolerant of them.
However, given that gays have long been made to feel shame for being gay, and have suffered real consequences for it, gay "pride" is merely an attempt for gays to throw off that shame, the fear of being discovered, and to reach a state of calm and untroubled acceptance of their homosexuality. Just as "Black Pride" was meant to counter the feelings of shame, fear, and oppression suffered by blacks in a highly racist and violently punitive society.
Thanks for the lecture, Cookie.
Are you missing your 4th grade classroom?
"I'm not sure what people mean when they say that...who they have sex with?), why should you be bothered by it?"
He said as Bisexuals vectored AIDS into the heterosexual community.
Cook is wondering why he wakes up on the floor every time he pokes the electrical outlet.
Hey here's an idea - let's push people with bad credit to get home loans with teaser entry rates that will baloon! Genius.
this is how it's bothersome
"because my life will be ruined and I'll be imprisoned if I dont bake their fucking cake"--Fen
@ Michael K - I wouldn't say that homosexuality is "normal", but rather that it is a common deviation that has been tolerated in many societies back to classical Greece and before.
It's pretty common in ancient history. There are cultural factors as well. In classical Greece, at least in Athens, women ("Good women") were kept in an almost harem-like isolation, even after marriage. It was said in Athens (by Pericles) that a woman's virtue was to have her name never mentioned in public. In those societies, men had more access to other men and especially boys. This is also characteristic of Muslim societies where alpha males may accumulate harems, excluding young men from access to women.
You can choose normal variation or "deviation" if you wish but it has always been fairly common,
Cook: White pride is merely an attempt for whites to throw off that shame, the fear of being discovered, and to reach a state of calm and untroubled acceptance of their race.
Thanks Cook. It sounds so much better when you say it.
Personal unhappiness seems a low price to pay for performing ones biological and social duty. "Shame" is a lever for social control, in a communal species.
It is a negative value to the community for some numbers of persons to achieve "calm and untroubled acceptance" of their behaviors and temptations. The principle here applies across a vast range of such behaviors.
The specific behaviors, or tendencies, about which people are permitted to be "calm and untroubled" about in any culture, at a given time and place - well, there are no rules here, no consistency. This is a chaotic emergent phenomenon.
How much respect is a distanced analyst supposed to grant to any given case of chaotic phenomena?
Micheal, I seem to recall reading that in ancient Greece, if an older man assumed the role of the bottom, it was considered shameful and he was shunned. I want to remember that my source was suspect but that memory is foggy. Did you ever come across that? Is it true?
Have furries existed throughout the long history of humanity, and are they only now gaining sufficient confidence to throw off the shackles of a repressive society? How about Anthony Weiner? Did his particular form of sexual orientation remain buried within our libido,inchoate and unexpressed, until the invention of the internet?.....I've got the vague suspicion that the energy of our sexuality has moved from the drive shaft to some kind of flywheel. Sex has moved from the home furnishings to the toy dept.
+2. Deviant behavior plain and simple.
Communal survival often requires personal unhappiness, sacrifice.
This is consistent throughout history, and indeed throughout nature.
The "pursuit of happiness" American thing is something that has always bugged me.
Its literal meaning is inhuman.
Buttigieg does not expect to win. His aim is to normalize homosexuality and homosexual marriage on the political stage within the framework of his liberalized Christianism. With the gay mafia it’s always about Christians and will continue to be even as “Islamicized” Democrats throw them from the rooftops.
Even so, I’m sure many people will not find the picture of the President of the United States being sodomized in Abraham Lincoln’s bedroom appealing. I suspect Trump sees that too.
buwaya, your concept of making choices for long-term personal and societal success is EXACTLY what Locke had in mind when he coined the phrase "pursuit of happiness" that was later borrowed by Jefferson for the Declaration of Independence: "[Locke] points out that happiness is the foundation of liberty, insofar as it enables us to use our reason to make decisions that are in our long-term best-interest, as opposed to those that simply afford us immediate gratification. Thus we are able to abstain from that glass of wine, or decide to help a friend even when we would rather stay at home and watch television. Unlike the animals which are completely enslaved to their passions, our pursuit of happiness enables us to rise above the dictates of nature. As such, the pursuit of happiness is the foundation of morality and civilization."
Gay-Pride Parade Sets Mainstream Acceptance Of Gays Back 50 Years
"I'd always thought gays were regular people, just like you and me, and that the stereotype of homosexuals as hedonistic, sex-crazed deviants was just a destructive myth," said mother of four Hannah Jarrett, 41, mortified at the sight of 17 tanned and oiled boys cavorting in jock straps to a throbbing techno beat on a float shaped like an enormous phallus. "Boy, oh, boy, was I wrong."
Being gay is pretty boring now. All the high profile lefty gays have moved on to Trannyism as the thing they care about. The "T" has taken over and made "LGB" its biatch.
"Murderers too. Completely normal. Various gods made them do it."
Well, of course! Did anyone, ever, say murder is abnormal?
Limited blogger said, "Mayor Pete has been neutralized, let's move on...."
One down, twenty-odd to go...
Kamala is neutralizing herself. Biden's still trying to figure out what "neutralize" means.
Homosexuality doesn’t bother me. What does is the demand that I call it normal.
What is the point in aspiring to be normal in life?
I have always set my sights much higher.
Unfortunately, CF, the long form, the footnote, was left out.
The dependence on “reason” is also a problem.
In human affairs reason doesn’t work very well. One should rather say “rationalization”, as the usual case is that reason is the word used to justify decisions or conditions arrived at by other means.
"Anything which severely interferes with reproduction can be considered an abnormality, whether its albinism or taking a vow of celibacy."
How is homosexuality (or celibacy) an interference with reproduction? The human race is profligate in its rate of reproduction. There's no necessity for every human being to reproduce. Animals in the wild who cannot find mates don't reproduce. It's all part of the norm.
"How many (politicians) say crap like "God made me smart?" Or "God made me decide to raise the Fed's interest rate"?"
That's just their way of saying, "I was born like this." (But, politicians do inject "God" into a lot of public issues that, if he existed, he would have no interest in.)
"Pedophilia has existed in every society and throughout history. Does that make it 'normal'?"
Yes, in that it exists in every society and throughout history, it is normal.
This doesn't mean it is desirable. Just as murder is normal but not desirable, pedophilia is normal but not desirable.
Murder is quite normal of course.
Why then is it so looked down upon?
Who decides what is “desirable”?
And what process is followed in making such decisions?
And why should anyone respect the deciders, or the process?
"Thanks Cook. It sounds so much better when you say it."
I would say, "Don't be puerile," but then, you would never say anything.
The human race is only occasionally profligate in its successful rate of reproduction.
This is episodic.
Indeed, in the case of humanity Malthus could have been empirically refuted even in his day.
Fernandistein said...
What sexual abnormalities? That he is gay? That's not abnormal. There are gays everywhere, in every culture, throughout history.
Murderers too. Completely normal. Various gods made them do it.
"Murder is quite normal of course.
Why then is it so looked down upon?"
Because it creates distrust, suspicion, and fear, disrupting the ability of any cohort of humans to live and work together for common survival, thus harming the survival of the group, and, by extension, the species.
Really? And you, once a member of an organized, trained murder organization?
But this is not true Cook.
Murder, under sanctioned circumstances, was quite common in dynamic, expanding societies.
It is still common, and “natural”, in those pockets still outside the full governance of the modern global culture.
mockturtle said...
Pedophilia has existed in every society and throughout history. Does that make it 'normal'?
It is like you people have no empathy whatsoever.
@Mockturtle - Well, three standard deviations if we are gonna be all statistical.
Robert Cook said...
Really? And you, once a member of an organized, trained murder organization?
We killed enemies of freedom. The taliban had a particular affection for killing gay people I found detestable.
You are part of a murderous death cult.
We will wipe you and your death cult out before we let you have power in this country.
"We killed enemies of freedom. The taliban had a particular affection for killing gay people I found detestable."
I assume our resident intellectual atheist (from New York btw) will let you know how you were a duped victim just looking for a job.
"You are part of a murderous death cult."
Which one is that?
"Murder is quite normal of course.
Why then is it so looked down upon?"
"It's a hell of a thing, killing a man. You take away all he's got and all he's ever gonna have." ~ William Munny
So it's the worst possible form of theft, which is the basic human crime that most others are based on. Theft, and by extension, murder are only logically criminal in capitalist societies since in socialist ones everything is community property, including your life - all expendable for the good of the masses.
Deviant behavior, plain and simple.
"You are part of a murderous death cult."
Cookie asks: Which one is that?
You mean you are part of more than one murderous death cult?
"You are part of a murderous death cult."
You are part of a rapist cult.
If that's the way you want to talk.
Stay out of the inside of another person's body unless you've been invited in. Your belief that you can go in there and do what you want is what I'm calling rapist in a world where you want to say murderous.
Murderers too. Completely normal. Various gods made them do it.
Various gods and mortal gods, too. In fact, the latter were/are more common.
As for murder, and homicide generally, it can be defined on a liberal scale, and frequently is for various conceptions of "progressivism" and "conservativism". #PrinciplesMatter #HateLovesAbortion
I have bad news for you. None of you people are normal. I mean look at yourselves. It's a freakshow!
Even the Pro-Choice quasi-religion sets a threshold for elective abortion. What happens to a woman and her child once the latter reaches the age or state of "viability"? It's either a forced birth, or a planned child, followed by evacuation, and disposal or recycling of her remains.
"You are part of a rapist cult."
It's not really a cult. We don't even have a leader. There is an office with a chair and a desk, a mouse pad, a stapler and Wite-Out, but I never see anybody in there.
"So it's the worst possible form of theft, which is the basic human crime that most others are based on."
Is it? And what is so wrong about theft, if it exists within community standards that permit it? The argument given here seems to be simply an assertion, in several ways.
Human cultures are and have been extremely diverse. And a lot of alternate systems seem like they could be, though they have not yet manifested.
"And what is so wrong about theft..."
It's pretty much impossible to even imagine a society where theft can be normal within the membership. There would soon only be one big guy with everything and the rest would starve, and then he would die too. This is true of every form of life, even the microscopic. Theft would be constant self-destruction - unsustainable. It's how you destroy something, you drain it, suck it up, devour it. There have been and are cultures that permit theft, but only of outsiders' stuff, becuase we either don't want them to survive or we don't care if they do.
When Trump does anything pro-Jewish or pro-Israel, Instapundit captions the story, "Worst. Nazi. President. Ever." Maybe Insty can caption this story "Worst. Homophonic. President. Ever."\
Probably won't stop the usual Two Minutes Hate at the Tony Awards, however.
Blogger Fen said...
Micheal, I seem to recall reading that in ancient Greece, if an older man assumed the role of the bottom, it was considered shameful and he was shunned. I want to remember that my source was suspect but that memory is foggy. Did you ever come across that? Is it true?
No, but that doesn't mean it could not have happened. Athens and Sports, for example, were very different societies. So was Macedon, which was considered barely civilized.
Sparta...not Sports. Damn
death cult = rape cult ?
how does this work?
rape vs consensual sex; abortion vs ...consensual abortion?
Cuck titillation by the gay... NTTAWWT
Robert Cook said...
"You are part of a murderous death cult."
Which one is that?
You are a socialist.
Ann Althouse said...
"You are part of a murderous death cult."
You are part of a rapist cult.
If that's the way you want to talk.
Stay out of the inside of another person's body unless you've been invited in. Your belief that you can go in there and do what you want is what I'm calling rapist in a world where you want to say murderous.
I think Althouse just jumped into a conversation she doesn't understand and said something really stupid.
We have all been there before.
Tim said
Most L's, G's, and B's I know aren't crazy about the T at the end. It a totally different issue that activists lumped in with
That squares with my perception. I imagine gay guys saying “I have a dick, I like it and I know how to use it. AND I’m a man. No confusion there”
But politics rules all.
"Stay out of the inside of another person's body unless you've been invited in" said the baby to the abortionist.
Again, women demanding we respect boundries they won't. What hypocrites.
Hs and Bs diverge in a mental gender attribute (i.e. sexual orientation), but do not share other attributes in the transgender spectrum, notably physical incongruity. For better or worse, the spectrum ("rainbow") is inclusive, albeit filled with too many labels, and progressing to engulf men and women, boys and girls, and earlier stages, too.
women demanding we respect boundries they won't
Only until the age or state of the child's "viability", which is approximately 5 moths or nearly 2 trimesters past the emergence of her consciousness, a heartbeat, arms, etc. That said, if anyone was to observe us so early in our evolution, they would swear that they had seen an alien. E.T, perhaps.
if the gay gene exists
how do new gays get made?
are there 'safe spaces' for unborn babies?
ICTA asks: are there 'safe spaces' for unborn babies?
Of course not. They don't deserve safe spaces. After all, they are nothing more than parasites, intruders and tumors. :-(
Blogger Michael K said...
You can choose normal variation or "deviation" if you wish but it has always been fairly common,
I was meaning to post on the use of the word "normal" but now you throw "common" into the mix.
Unless I am wrong somehow, homosexuality has never existed in more than 4-5% of any population.
4-5% is hardly common.
"Normal" has a very specific definition. Even in common usage it has a less specific but still well defined meaning. Normal means that it occurs in most cases. If 75% of people were gay, that would be common and normal.
If 50% were gay, you could make a case that it was common and normal but some might disagree.
5%? No way is that either common or normal by any definition of either word.
John Henry
I'm old enough to remember the 70s, when the Gay Lobby pushed for societal acceptance by claiming that being gay was just another "lifestyle choice". Of course all right-thinking people immediately jumped on that bandwagon. Even so, that PR campaign was unsuccessful.
So the next move was to say that it wasn't a "Lifestyle Choice", and we never said it was, you sick homophobe.
Instead, "born that way" became the new shibboleth. And all the right thinking people jumped on that bandwagon.
Gays and lesbians exhibit different clusters of destructive characteristics. I have yet to meet one of them with both oars in the water.
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