May 18, 2019

"Everyone's too... everyone's too too too too..."

Said Bill Maher on his "Overtime" show, receiving a lightweight apology from Fran Lebowitz, who'd just said something on Maher's "Real Time" that the producers told her they were getting "blowback" about on Twitter:

Deadline gives the background on what led to that.
Asked whether Trump should be impeached, Lebowitz insisted “Impeachment would be just the beginning of what he deserves.” That’s when she suggested we turn him over to “the Saudis, his buddies – the same Saudis who got rid of” WaPo columnist Jamal Khashoggi. “Maybe they could do the same for him,” she had said....
What's interesting about the apology scene is that it's not even an effort to appear sincere. Lebowitz is mocking the producers for watching Twitter and telling her to apologize and Maher immediately takes over to criticize people in general — "everyone" — for being too sensitive. Good. There are too many bullshit apologies, too much fear of offending, and not enough tough comedy.

I wonder exactly what the producers said. I'm imagining You saw what happened to Kathy Griffin.


tcrosse said...

I am too too. Are you too too too? Are we both too too, we two?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Nobody should care what that old biddy thinks. She's only semi-famous because she shot John Lennon.

Michael K said...

Khashoggi has been canonized by the left when he was an agent of Qatar and an enemy of the Saudis.

He was not "a columnist."

narciso said...

The post was still interviewing his fiance who worked for a qatari affiliated Turkish thinktank

Fernandinande said...

She's only semi-famous because she shot John Lennon.

I thought she was the transgender man who shot Liberty Valance, but your thesis explains these lyrics -

I am too too as you are too too as you are me too
And we are all too too together

AllenS said...

Char Char Binks for the win.

chuck said...

> Khashoggi has been canonized by the left

Of course. The left has considered the US the great Satan for almost a 100 years.

gilbar said...

If Trump was to say:
"I regret that people misinterpreted; they misinterpret Everything"
{directly quoting Fran}

Would that mollify people? I'm guessing NO??

sykes.1 said...

She lives in NYC, which is the hot house of Jewish radicalism. She hears talk about killing/butchering Trump and his family every day, and she thinks it is normal conversation.

Her comments border on criminal incitement. If she lived in the Midwest, she might be interviewed by law enforcement, but living in NYC she want be.

She might have felt authorized to incite murder, because Maher, himself, is a vicious, virulent anti-White, anti-Christian bigot, whose speech is larded with similar comments.

Both should be de-platformed.

MacMacConnell said...

Sad, I remember when Fran Lebowitz was funny.

wild chicken said...

Yeah I used to like her.

Paglia kinda takes that space on my head now.

Sebastian said...

At least these progs, with their sincerely insincere nonapologies, honestly show that they don't believe their own BS. Of course progs should be able to call for the murder of nonprogs. Of course only deplorables would object. Of course everyone's too too, when it comes to nonprogs trying to hold progs accountable for their "jokes."

Anyway, the urge to kill anything and anyone that stands in their way has been a feature of the left since 1789. From the Vendee to Fran: progress.

Gahrie said...

I wonder exactly what the producers said. I'm imagining You saw what happened to Kathy Griffin.

How about: "The Secret Service is on line one for you Ms. Lebowitz."

Laslo Spatula said...

"...Maher immediately takes over to criticize people in general — "everyone" — for being too sensitive. Good. There are too many bullshit apologies, too much fear of offending, and not enough tough comedy."

The problem is the disproportion of offenses and the offended.

Some people are offended when people casually talk about assassinating the President. And some of those people write something on Twitter.

Other people are offended by anything that doesn't agree with their vision of Social Justice: wrong pronouns, wrong speakers at colleges, wrong restaurants for public officials to dine in without being accosted, wrong rallies to attend or wrong photographs to take without getting hit in the head with a bicycle lock.

I blame this on the fact that not enough people have to worry about getting punched in the face.

Get some more face-punching going and we can begin to recalibrate what to get offended by.

I am Laslo.

gilbar said...

Laslo said...
Get some more face-punching going and we can begin to recalibrate what to get offended by.

"an Armed society, is a Polite society"
Robert A Heinlein

Browndog said...

It's hard to quantify, but it 'blows my mind' that a large percentage of the left would very much like to kill Donald Trump. Dead. Spill his blood, and enjoy it.

You should always ask yourself: What would the left do unrestrained? What do they want to do, if they could.

Charlie said...

I would have tremendous respect for the weird dude with the glasses if he just said, "fuck you, I'm not apologizing. Suck it!"

Charlie said...

Hang on, being told that's not a dude.

Bob Boyd said...

Its not the tough comedy that bothers me, its the double standard. Try saying something like that about Obama.

Temujin said...

I want to be annoyed by this. Really- I was ready to be annoyed. But I have no idea who Fran Lebowitz is. Nothing. So I looked her up. And I find that she's nothing more than a 3D printed out figure from a template of Manhattan Liberals. I looked at her past quotes. And I see nothing that makes me think she could not just be any random Manhattanite (or Brooklynite) taken off the street and had a mic planted in front of zir face.

I have nothing to say about Frank Horowitz, or his brother Fran.

narciso said...

Heh, and remember the rodeo clown was run out of town on a rail,

hiawatha biscayne said...

good one, charlie. o liked it.

hiawatha biscayne said...

I liked it, not o liked it. moving too quickly without enough coffee.

Saint Croix said...

Not watching the video, but I did read a partial transcript here.

What struck me was her prejudice against old people.

If I had to guess at the next class of humanity who is put outside the law, I would suggest very old people.

The one thing that might protect them is that the Supreme Court is made up of very old people.

In an alternate universe, the Supreme Court is made up of 16-year-olds. And children have a constitutional right to abort their parents.

Crimso said...

'He was not "a columnist."'

Note that is a quote from the linked piece, not what Lebowitz said. In the exact quote I saw she called him a "reporter." If she can't get something so basic and so crucial to the entire story correct, then maybe she should shut the fuck up.

narciso said...

Robert Lacey was publishing most of his stuff abroad I did find inside the kingdom rather inciteful.

Lucien said...

I thought Fran Lebowitz was the dead girlfriend in Animal House (spoiler alert). Loved her in “The Nanny”, though.

Francisco D said...

You should always ask yourself: What would the left do unrestrained? What do they want to do, if they could.

Everyone should read Atlas Shrugged. Ayn Rand understood how Marxism disguises itself.

cronus titan said...

No apology necessary. This is who she is -- an ugly person musing about the death of another person. THere's a lot of that in the Democratic Party. It is reflection of frustration that they cannot beat him.

The Democrat media complex has invested completely in a failed narrative. They know that, and all that is left is assassination fantasies. Since they discussed nothing else for two years, they ceded the policy field to the nutjobs like the freshman congress members. Go with it.

chickelit said...

She looks like Howard Stern but without the kink.

Original Mike said...

"the same Saudis who got rid of” WaPo columnist Jamal Khashoggi. “Maybe they could do the same for him,” she had said"

Chuck would not approve. Not because murder is abhorrent, but because it would make Trump a martyr.

Krumhorn said...

Not terribly surprising speech from folks who are more than happy to dissect a baby with a curette. Just another day at the leftie office.

- Krumhorn

jaydub said...

Lucien beat me to it. I suspect the dead girl version of Fran Lebowitz looked more alive than the one here.

chickelit said...

Her Wiki page has lots of photos that look even more like Howard Stern. She is described there as a "modern Dorothy Parker." I think Dorothy Parker would be offended.

MBunge said...

How do Lebowitz' words qualify as comedy? She's just saying something hateful about someone she hates.


Michael K said...

I thought Fran Lebowitz was the dead girlfriend in Animal House

That was Fawn. This woman is no fawn.

Sydney said...

Before I read the post, I thought that was a photo of Howard Stern.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Sad to think that this oral diahrrea gets her praise/points in some arenas. The world gould do well without her.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

I wish Trump was a tyrant, and I wish he'd have people like Fran Liebowitz and Bill Maher fed into woodchippers. That would be funny. That would be justice. That I would watch!

John henry said...

We need to stop calling these "progressives"

The is no difference between American Progressivism of the past 100+ years and Mussolini's Fascism.

We need to call a spade a spade. We need to call these folks what they are.

John Henry

rcocean said...

Leftowitz has to be the ugliest woman, I've ever seen on TV. That face would crack a mirror. I assume she's about 4-10 too. An ugly dwarf. Like Maher. And the inner ugliness matches the physical ugliness.

Is she the Photographer, who ever swoons over?

rcocean said...

Its amazing how MSNBC and the liberal/left not only say vile things about Trump, what they say, doesn't even make sense.

Trump isn't "Buddies" with Putin or Saudi Arabia, anymore than Obama was. I know it was million years ago, but remember when people like Maher were saying Trump was "buddies" with Kim (NK)? Of course, that was before Trump was a "Madman" who was going "Blow up the world" over NK.

rcocean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AllenS said...

If we ever bring back the death penalty, I think that this Leftowitz dude needs to be thrown into a live volcano.

Howard said...

I thought Fran lebowitz died in a kiln explosion in 1962

Bob Boyd said...

this Leftowitz dude needs to be thrown into a live volcano.

That might anger the Gods and cause an eruption. I mean, it wouldn't exactly be a sacrifice, would it? Even if the dude is a virgin, which is certainly possible.

Gunner said...

Franny gives credence to those who believe in witches.

Howard said...

Yeah you got it at the crown was a bit extreme I'd much rather see Trump humiliated on The biggest loser more appropriate to his stature

Fen said...

Asked whether Trump should be impeached, Lebowitz insisted “Impeachment would be just the beginning of what he deserves.” That’s when she suggested we turn him over to “the Saudis, his buddies – the same Saudis who got rid of” WaPo columnist Jamal Khashoggi. “Maybe they could do the same for him”

Althouse: "not enough tough comedy."

Please point to the part you found to be comedic.

What I heard:
Bill Maher: People questioned Obama. They are racists.
Bill Majer: People threaten Trump with death. Get over it.

Same old game.

chickelit said...

@Fen: Just remember that Althouse loved Kathy Griffin and she paid good money to see her yuck it up about Trump.

Skeptical Voter said...

I dunno. Loud mouthed jerks are going to jerk off. Same old, same old. And they do tend to flock together; hence Bill Maher interviews Fran Lebowitz.

Francisco D said...

Before I read the post, I thought that was a photo of Howard Stern.


My first reaction as well.

daskol said...

I don’t think she was joking.

William said...

It's not the humor. It's the hypocrisy that drives you up the wall. There's not a chance that any of them would ever say a word in Roseanne's defense.....I give her a teeny bit of credit. She's willing to make fun of Biden and Butigieg. You don't see that very often. The humor, though, was markedly less barbed than that pointed in Trump's direction..... The allegations against Fairfax are much more credible and criminal than those directed against Kavanaugh or Thomas. It's physically impossible for Maher or Leibowitz to make a joke about Fairfax, however. There was an error in their programming system.

Paul Zrimsek said...

Good name for the show. Maher's shift ended years ago.

Danno said...

If Fran was paying any attention in the last couple of years, she would realize that Jews are looked at as totally expendable to the left and they don't want them on their team any more. Anti-semitism is rampant on the left both in the U.S. and worldwide.

wild chicken said...

Danno I think they do realize that at some level and that's why the over the top statements.

"Please don't throw us in the ovens; we're sooo on your side!"

Fen said...

f Fran was paying any attention in the last couple of years, she would realize that Jews are looked at as totally expendable to the left and they don't want them on their team any more

Oh hell. Let's make Fran the Canary in the Coal Mine and test that theory. For comedic value. Put out a few tweets that Fran is drawing Muhammad Cartoons, fake quotes of Fran calling for Palestine to be exterminated like a parasitic infection, etc.

One good incite deserves another. The Left keeps calling out Lone Wolf Lone Wolf!* but forgeting that some of the monsters out here are not liberal.

Lone Wolf was a code phrase often inserting into KKK speeches, calling on individuals to murder the Klan's enemies without implicating the organization

Ann Althouse said...

Spy's classic "Separated at Birth" feature compared Lebowitz to Oscar Wilde and George Eliot.

That was quite a while ago.

To me, she looked like George Burns (but partly because of voice and mannerisms).

Night Owl said...

Assassination talk routinely comes from the left and they are out and proud about it. I never heard right wing comedians, newscasters or elected officials fantasizing about or encouraging the assassination of Obama, and it would have been BIG news if they had so I'm sure it didn't happen. This is primarily a left-wing obsession.

I have a sense of humor but not about killing a sitting president during a time when the country is polarized, and while some in the intelligence community aided by most of the media are still attempting a coup as we watch. So I didn't watch the video because I didn't want to be annoyed.

But let the left keep yukking it up about killing Trump and his family and punching his supporters. That's just too, too, too, too, too funny!! Almost as funny as watching their faces when Trump won in 2016. ( I think I'll go watch one of those videos.)

Francisco D said...

That was quite a while ago.

Yes. Her look has changed to a really short version of Howard Stern.

The voice does seem like George Burns, but I would have to see her with a cigar to get the mannerisms.

Seeing Red said...

You should always ask yourself: What would the left do unrestrained? What do they want to do, if they could.

100 million and counting.

Fen said...

Just remember that Althouse loved Kathy Griffin and she paid good money to see her yuck it up about Trump.

The Wife and I liked her show D List. Although I had to suffer through the Fag Haggotry.

Weird how Griffin was a genius at reading the Hollywood Elite but completely blind to "flyover" country. She operated in a bubble, stepped outside and got smashed. Hubris?

She is dead to me now, although I sent her a nice letter explaining much of the blowback she was getting was because we couldn't reach the other politically obnoxious Hollywood Elites, so she had become the Whipping Boy.

Fen said...

So I didn't watch the video because I didn't want to be annoyed.|

Yah, lately I find myself avoiding such drek because I don't want to become even more radicalized. Doc hasn't come back with "do you have a bucket list?" yet, but if that day ever comes, a lot of Lefties will be leaving this world with me.

Meantime, stay cool and frosty. For the Wife.

Humperdink said...

Maher has a TV show, presumably highly rated or it wouldn't have survived as long as it has. And people, myself included, wonder why more people do not see society going down the tubes.

n.n said...

The last 12 trimesters, full of witches, warlocks, and babies, too, was comedy gold.

Rabel said...

I watched it, and judging from the body language and hang-dog looks of Maher and the cast there was more going on than "blowback" on Twitter.

Those guys had just received a hard slap-down from management and were responding like whipped puppies.

Which is good, I guess.

Earnest Prole said...

Fran Lebowitz is hardly a modern doctrinaire leftist; more like some cranky old chainsmoking opinionated New Yorker of the old school. Dial up some of her old interviews on YouTube -- she's a hoot.

robother said...

I have never held it to be true that beauty is only skin deep. On the other hand, Fran's ugliness does seem to come from her heart.

Darkisland said...


I used to teach a 600 level business course called Business, Government and Society which was abou how the 3 should interact together. Emphasis was on how business should act under the broad general rubric of "Social Responsibility"

We did a lot of case studies. For example, the tobacco industry and how they should be.

Atlas Shrugged was required reading with a paper due at the end of term. I used sections during the course. For example your namesake Francisco D(Anconia) on the root cause of money.

I did this for more than 20 years and had lots of people like it, lots hate it, few neutral. I did get a lot of complaints to my boss. All because students felt it unreasonable to be required to read a 900 page book in a 12 week term. My boss's response? Basically, "Suck it up you pussy and stop whining." I don't think he ever read the book but he fully supported my right to use it.

The few times they turned me loose on freshman economics, I strongly encouraged that they read Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" I told them they would learn more economics from that book than if they took a dozen econ courses.

I think AOC should read both books.

John Henry

Big Mike said...

Whether Fran Lebowitz likes it or not, Trump has more Jewish children and grandchildren than she does.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, can you explain the lefty obsession with murder? They’re on your side of the political center, not mine.

Jim at said...

I need to know if handing Trump over to the Saudis to be killed is a good thing or a bad thing depending upon his future martyr status.

Etienne said...

As an old curmudgeon, may I add:

"I don't have cable, therefore I don't have HBO, therefore I am reliant on Althouse to describe to me what I am missing in my life."

So there is that...

P.S. Who is this fk'n J-word anyway? Is she on CNN?

Michael Fitzgerald said...

"Asked whether Trump should be impeached, Lebowitz insisted “Impeachment would be just the beginning of what he deserves.” That’s when she suggested we turn him over to “the Saudis, his buddies – the same Saudis who got rid of” WaPo columnist Jamal Khashoggi. “Maybe they could do the same for him,” she had said...."

If this isn't Trump derangement, nothing is.

Bilwick said...

These people apparently see Trump as the Ultimate Evil, yet they're big fans of Der Staat. Google the word "Democide," read what you get, and then see if you see a contradiction here.

rcocean said...

"Fran Lebowitz is hardly a modern doctrinaire leftist"

She's a leftwing piece of shit who "Jokes" about Killing trump. But she's not a Stalinist -so she's OK. No one but the Left, would think that's a good defense.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

So what happened to Kathy Griffin? A six month vacation and then a one woman show playing across the country. And she has long before that started mouthing off. So, nothing. Nothing whatsoever happened to that rotten rude ugly prog cunt. Yet.

blnelson2 said...

I agree that the apology tours being taken are for the most part BS; however, in this case, she went way over the line wishing, no matter how much one dislikes him, the President of the United States dead. She should apologize. Or be ostracized if she does not.

Night Owl said...

@Althouse, can you explain the lefty obsession with murder?

That reminds me that the only people I recall fantasizing about Obama's assassination were leftists. The one in particular that I remember was Gore Vidal; Althouse had blogged about it back in 2009. Just a year into Obama's presidency and Vidal was fantasizing about someone shooting him. I always believed Obama had more to fear from the left than from the right when it came to assassination.

Maybe this assassination obsession is because politics is like religion to the left, and every religion must have martyrs.

Known Unknown said...

"Is she the Photographer, who ever swoons over?"

Annie - Photographer
Fawn - deceased girlfriend from Animal House
Fran - "funny" person

Any more Lebowitz/Liebowitz/Leibovitzes we need to catalogue?

Known Unknown said...

I still can't figure out what horrible policies Trump has enabled, outside of those also enabled by his predecessor.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

"Everyone's too... everyone's too too too too..."

Fran Lebowitz in a tutu.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Its not about comedians, it's about power.
Remember the rodeo clown who lost his job because he wore an Obama mask?

DavidUW said...

She is incredibly ugly.

Rick said...

Fran Lebowitz said she regrets that “everyone misinterpreted”

Don't worry Fran literally no one misinterpreted your comments. Or your "apology".

Rick said...

"Fran Lebowitz is hardly a modern doctrinaire leftist"

Likewise people who think ill of murderers who respect their mothers are extremists.

Fen said...

So what happened to Kathy Griffin? A six month vacation and then a one woman show playing across the country.

We deplorables have to be the worst Nazis ever. 24 hours and Fran isn't swinging from a highway overpass? Did ANYONE take notes the day we covered Object Lessons? Sheesh.

PhilD said...

"Maher immediately takes over to criticize people in general — "everyone" — for being too sensitive."

That's a good one, especially considering the whole Left is always on the lookout for something to be outraged by. One might call the Left an industrial outrage complex.

Think of when Palin was held responsible for Giffords' shooting because Palin used 'targets' on an electoral map, or that rodeo-clown, or what they did with Kavenaugh. And for Maher specific, when Maher vilified that Covington kid for smiling while standing still.

The hypocrisy is just mind-boggling.

Ps. 'Lucien said' "... Loved her in “The Nanny”, though.", that was Fran Drescher.

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wendybar said...

Fran is ugly.....inside and out. I thought she was Howard Stern, but she is an ugly copy.

wendybar said...

I wrote my comment before reading any of the others. Seems like there are a few of us who think alike.

Night Owl said...

That's a good one, especially considering the whole Left is always on the lookout for something to be outraged by. One might call the Left an industrial outrage complex.

We deplorables have to be the worst Nazis ever. 24 hours and Fran isn't swinging from a highway overpass?

Good points.

As usual with leftists Maher is projecting. The left are the ones who have been putting on non-stop outrage theater since Gore lost in 2000. Even when they win they still look for reasons to be outraged. The Obama years were the golden-age of racial hysteria for leftists.

Here's a dose of reality: Trump is popular enough with his supporters that if he were as malign a presence as leftists claim and right-wingers were as overly sensitive as the whiny left we'd be in a hot civil war by now. But instead, the "deplorables" are reacting quite calmly to the ongoing news that continues to ooze out about the coup attempt against Trump. If the right ever becomes "too too too too too" sensitive, the left won't be laughing about it.

Night Owl said...

(And I also thought that was a picture of Howard Stern, and my reaction was, "My goodness, what happened to Howard Stern!?")

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