April 11, 2019
"Why is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez mocking this Fox News interviewer?"
"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says this short interview with a customer in a diner didn't 'go quite as expected,' and someone else says the interviewer seemed 'confused.' Really?"
This is what we get when everyone gets to speak "their own truth". "Their truth" doesn't have to be based in what observably happens. It can be based on how they feel.
Yep. Totally straightforward interview. Everyone did fine and then the yapping dogs of twitter started doing what they do.
Even the GND supporter seemed to view raising taxes -- at least on some folks, if that's what economists sorted out -- was the last resort means of funding the GND.
Seemed to me the interviewer was trying to fit as many voices in as completely and concisely as possible in the time allotted for the remote segment.
Someone needs to tell that kid that Boomer entitlements will blight his prospects before climate change or the GND even get started.
The expectation on the left is that everything be choreographed to leftwing perfection.
That wasn't bad.
Amazing that youngsters that have not a clue about WWII blithely spout off about how they would gladly endure what the people endured in WWII.
Gas rationing books, Tire rationing. Steel and aluminum rationing. Food shortages. Meat shortages. Fresh vegetables and fruit? forget about it. Collage? only for the idle rich.
Its called history, and this guy only knows what AOC tells him. That's scary
The young adult with the reasoning and knowledge of a 7 year old accepting conditions he can't even imagine let alone understand.
The TV guy said the fast talker wanted to talk about climate change then the TV guy invited the fast talker to talk about climate change so the fast talker did.
Oh, the question. I guess Donkey-Chompers assumed that the Fox TV guy thought that some guy in a diner who wanted to talk about climate change would say that climate change was bogus because he was some guy in a diner and Trump supporters eat in diners rather than fancy upscale restaurants because they're poor because they're stupid so the Fox TV guy must've been suprised and confused by the answer he wasn't expecting or he wouldn't have let the guy get a word in edgewise in the first place like a Dem would do.
President Trump should take one block in AOC's district and one block in Pelosi's district and tell the GNDer's to make those areas GND compliant. You know, a pilot project.
I wonder if AOC or Pelosi would be re-elected.
Ah, sorry, Dude, but I went through a war, and this climate change business is bullshit compared to any war. By the way, define "climate change."
Maybe she can talk about the guys pulling her strings and talking into her earbud.
Climate change means giving the Left control of the lifeblood of all modern civilizations--energy.
Fox News has always included articulate comments from both sides; this was viewed as proof that Fox was right-wing because other outlets only allowed the left to look good.
The kid was doing a good job of repeating AOC's arguments and the reporter was trying to make sure that the fact that taxes would be raised was emphasized.
Fox news lets people speak.
If you don't pimp the leftwing narrative, the rest of the DNC-hack-Press (CNN, MSNBC, CBS, Joy Moron Behar, NBC, ABC, NPR etc...) they cut your microphone.
The U.S. civilian GNP has grown throughout America's previous wars.
Look at the current video clips from Syria. That is what "war" looks like.
Raising taxes to do battle with the climate? Wait until they hear about the Yellow Vests.
The guy who probably doesn't make much is volunteering for higher taxes?
That seems legit.
Notice how the guy says raising taxes on "some folks". Nobody on the left thinks THEIR taxes are going to be raised.
The narrative is actually in the follow up questions and the summation. Note the follow up on new taxes as opposed to say, industry disruption or losses of personal freedom.
And the summary statement was that Josh wanted to “raise taxes” to pay for it. He could have said Josh views Climate Change as the equivalent of world war. But of course if we had follow up questions that simply clarified as opposed to confirming our audience biases that wouldn’t work for our bottom line.
However, I see no “confusion “ in the interview. Both interviewer and interviewee were both pretty clear one what they wanted to say and ask. And to reiterate a previous comment, it seemed a bit rehearsed.
PS I was waiting for the guy sitting next to Josh in the trucker hat to say “Man, you are so full of shit!”
However, I see no “confusion “ in the interview. Both interviewer and interviewee were both pretty clear one what they wanted to say and ask.
Yes, a kid who does not pay income tax wants to raise taxes on "some people."
Got it.
Mockery based on incomprehension is the lifeblood of social media.
Because he's from Fox.
How to look confident while saying inane things.
The fast talkin' socialist in a diner is Jack Vandeleuv.
"His" linked Facebook page is "New venue and time for Green New Deal Town Hall in Kansas City!" I think he claims to be their "comms manager"...?
And he's an "Information Specialist" with the Johnson County Library. He can help you find a book!
Why would we expect AOC to have a rational take on anything. The interviewer even went out of his way to allow the interviewee to emphasize and clarify his point of view. He didn't challenge, act incredulous, or in any way try to undermine the kid's opinion. I thought it was very respectful both ways although it was clear to me the young man was primed with what he considers to be the "truth."
AOC's perceptions are apparently skewed in all things if she found the interviewer confused or dismayed. She is more disturbed than disturbing, but in time that could change.
I think CO2 bonds would be a great idea. Get on it US Govt. And while we're at it, encourage everyone to plant victory gardens.
I don't think AOC has any complaint there. She is just trying to be (ir)relavent. Of course, the chap sounded brainwashed.
It's a very good blog post by John Althouse Cohen.
Does he do the same with Trump's most weird and crazy Tweets?
Why is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez mocking this Fox News interviewer?
Answer: because she's an ignorant little twit.
The interview subject responded to AOC and is enjoying his new Twitter fame:
I'm the guy in the video, and this has been the most surreal day I've had in a very long time.
The screen grab of the interview is now his Twitter avatar.
It's too much to expect that he might correct AOC's mob with something like: "The reporter wasn't surprised or confused by my answer. He knew before he asked it on camera what I would say because we spoke off camera. He was actually quite professional."
It's a very good blog post by John Althouse Cohen. Does he do the same with Trump's most weird and crazy Tweets?
Why would he try to compete with the most powerful and widely read media outlets in the country? They've got that beat covered.
A superpower granted to every SJW/Leftist politician and MSM pundit is the ability to read minds of everyone they hate. They invariably can see into the soul of anyone espousing policies they disagree with, to the confusion, sexism, racism, homophobia, psychopathic personality lurking within. If you doubt this power, well they can look deep into your soul, too.
AOC may have been confused by the reference to tax increases. The kid didn't read the FAQ about how Modern Monorail Theory is going to pay for everything.
I agree with CJinPA. that this interview was staged and pre-rehearsed. Not sure what the Fox reporter was trying to accomplish since I don't have the full context.
The norm for people in AOC's bubble is to denigrate conservative views before someone can fully express them. She was surprised that the Fox interviewer let the lefty speak.
It is another example of how this political rock star is ignorant and uninformed. She is a great example of how colleges teach kids WHAT to think rather than HOW to think. They become confused when something does not fit the narrative.
The key point in the young idiot's answer was the part where he said taxes would be raised on "some people". I have news for this moron- the GND would raise costs on everybody, and likely would result in literally no reduction in temperatures.
Indeed, the program's effects would be higher on those with lower incomes.
Too bad there weren't enough people to tax back when the glaciers started to melt. We could have stopped it!
This interviewed young man has been carefully taught a fake Science based on doctored data then run on a rigged computer program. If anything he said was true, then he would be right.
This is what is known as the appeal to prejudice. AOC assumes, as do many of her followers, that Fox only will interview people they agree with. She presents an interview that refutes this prejudice but tries to show it as evidence for her prejudice: “see? it didn’t go as planned, the brave truth teller messed him up, and he was stunned! That proves he was hoping for a Fox talking point.”
I think it’s clear this was prepared, and he was trying to get several different answers in quickly at the end. JAC is much sharper than AOC.
One of the more ludicrous aspects of the GND is its requirement for the wholesale replacement of existing systems that have been developed over decades, which have already been paid for once and which are largely optimized as regards life cycle costs and utility for their owners/users. Those supposed green replacement systems, whether planned building upgrades, energy generation and distribution, vehicle manufacturing and life cycle support, national infrastructure, or green whatever are not being pursued to provide any utilitarian or cost benefit beyond securing “green” variants of the systems that already exist and already work. Rather than comparing the GND to the effort required to win WWII, it would be more like having already fought and beat the Nazi and Japanese fascist dictatorships using conventional weapons and tactics, only to form our own fascist dictatorship so the country could be forced at the point of a bayonet to spend the next 10 or 12 post victory years refighting the same war using new and improved, politically correct weapons and tactics to accomplish that which has already be accomplished. And, if anyone thinks it would not require a fascist dictatorship to pull off, just consider what it would take to cause each and every one of all 320 million Americans to cough up $300,000 to cover his or her share of the GND's $94 trillion estimated cost. And all so a commie bartender from the Bronx and her Democrat enablers can feel good about saving our country from itself.
I suspect if the GND gets past the unicorn fart sniffing stage it's not going to be WWII that is being refought, but Civil War II.
Ken B.,
Wow.... There is damning with faint praise, and then there's saying someone is sharper than AOC!
I think it’s clear this was prepared, and he was trying to get several different answers in quickly at the end. JAC is much sharper than AOC.
The reporter even SAYS 'You told me earlier you support the New Green Deal..."
Keep in mind, the CongressLady got this from, and parroted the opinion of, the left-wing Media Matters for America.
The message here for me is that AOC is really as clueless as she seems. There is no hidden plan behind her public statements. Democrats used to be dangerous because their public positions were pro-America, we love everybody, we will help the downtrodden, etc. Privately, they were power-hungry manipulators.
Today, AOC and most of the presidential candidates are living in a bubble of their own making. There is no clever behind-the-scenes maneuvering to get their electoral victories. What you see is what they are. I don't think the middle-of-the-road voters are going to like what they see.
The left is not used to interviews where the views of the interviewee rather than the interviewer are presented and clarified, that is, news rather than fake news.
AOC is not comfortable with “her folk” documenting their delusions and propensity for profligacy. Distractions are in order.
Ken B said: “JAC is much sharper than AOC.”
At some level, isn’t everybody?
AOC is likely to be a one termer. I'm very interested to see what she does afterward. Does she move to a college dominated district where she could win (I vote Madison)? Or does she take the late-nite slot on MSNBC?
Blogger AllenS said...
Ah, sorry, Dude, but I went through a war, and this climate change business is bullshit compared to any war. By the way, define "climate change."
Just because the Vietnam war was bullshit and all your comrades died in vain for the big lie doesn't mean Climate Change isn't real.
Comparing how we paid for WWII with how we can pay for The Green New Deal is so lame. There was an unequivocal end game for WWII, the total defeat of the Axis forces. There is no end game for The Green New Deal, specifically climate change. Who will decide when we’ve spent enough money to stabilize the climate?
According to a 2009 Forbes article, “The number of people paying income taxes expanded tenfold, from 3% of the population in 1939 to 30% by 1943…Spending on nondefense programs was cut almost in half, from 8.1% of GDP in 1940 to 4.4% in 1945.” I would love to see the number of people paying income taxes expand tenfold. Maybe we could draft those “unwilling to work” to help fight climate change, after all, it would be for their own good and it would raise the number of taxpayers.
Back in the 80's when I worked in the field drilling for energy, we measured borehole CO2 with an infrared detector. This is why you cucks are called deniers. BTW, we always checked the calibration by switching to atsmospheric which was 350-ppm back then. It's 400ppm now.
Also, the temperature data was confirmed 5-years ago by a team of skeptics with money from the Koch Bros. That's another reason why you people are called deniers. Fortunately, the Millennial will cancel out the deplorable in 2020. Darwin's a bitch.
I thought moderating comments was supposed to filter out shit like this.
"It's not for the majority of folks who just want to [ANY COMMUNAL ENDEAVOR THAT BRINGS FULFILLMENT TO MANY], it's for the small minority of assholes who ruin it for others."
Chuck said...
It's a very good blog post by John Althouse Cohen.
Does he do the same with Trump's most weird and crazy Tweets?
Thanks, Chuck. If you click the name of my blog at the top of the page, you'll go to the homepage, where you can see that my latest blog post criticizes Trump for tweeting false information about his approval rating. And yesterday I did a blog post criticizing Trump for making an argument about immigration (on Twitter and elsewhere) that has little basis in reality. At the bottom of those posts, you can click the "Trump" tag and see other things I've posted about Trump.
Howard said...
Back in the 80's when I worked in the field drilling for energy, we measured borehole CO2 with an infrared detector. This is why you cucks are called deniers. BTW, we always checked the calibration by switching to atsmospheric which was 350-ppm back then. It's 400ppm now.
SO WHAT? No one denies that CO2 concentrations are increasing. What we skeptics say is that there's no evidence that (a) humans are responsible for the increase, and (b) that the minuscule increase in atmospheric temps has anything to do with the increase.
Then there's this article from the other day, which shows that three million years ago the CO2 concentration was 450 ppm , and the Earth's climate did not veer out of control:
Note the fine print in this climate alarmism article: it notes that Antarctica was green back then, and predicts that it might become so again, in a few centuries. BUT it ignores that between three million years ago and now the Earth has experienced TWO Ice Ages. So, without human agency, the Earth has warmed and cooled several times in the recent geologic past.
So much for historical inevitability.
Howard is such a charmer.
The earth has had many, many ice ages during the last 2.8 million years, 4 in the last 800,000. We are getting "due" for the next one.
During the 20th century, as CO2 steadily rose, why were the 40s to 70s a cooling period? What was that ol' CO2 doing then?
Don't get freaked out about .04% of the atmosphere. Puny hominids, your star laughs at you! Keep the planet warm!
If AOC didn't exist, Republicans would have to invent her.
This character believes the World is about to become uninhabitable, and his solution is to raise taxes a little and build some trains? So that when the World becomes uninhabitable, it will be the fault of the Chinese and the Europeans, not the Americans?
AOC is just reverse-Trump. Same idiocy on policy, same political talents to whip up her base. You ignore her at your own peril, according to Scott Adams. All that matters in 2019 is the ability to whip up votes, not how intelligent you are.
I'd like to see the polling that shows most people think global warming = world war 2.
Everyday is another example of AOC's immature, uninfomed, not very bright, ego driven persona.
Has she said anything resembling investigation, study, and thought?
iowan2 - how is Trump any more mature, informed, bright or non-ego driven compared to AOC? You just overlook those flaws because you prefer his policies. Let's not pretend that the orange man in the White House is Ronald Reagan.
atsmospheric which was 350-ppm back then. It's 400ppm now.
Also, the temperature data was confirmed 5-years ago by a team
Howard what is the proper CO2 and Temperature average for the planet?
Alex said...
iowan2 - how is Trump any more mature, informed, bright or non-ego driven compared to
President Trump has more than 4 decades of accomplishments to his credit. As President his policies has fired up an economy that Obama said would never again break 2%GDP. He hasn't involved the US in any nation building and is pushing to bring home troops from overseas as we speak. Trump has single handedly strengthened NATO to a position of power it has not had since its inception, working on negotiating trade deals more to the advantage of the US. Immigration is still a problem, because Democrats would rather Central Americans die, or suffer sexual abuse and human trafficking getting here, than secure the boarder and reform our immigration policies.
AOC believes we can eliminate all fossil fuels and cow farts in 10 years.She has accomplished exactly nothing.
If you have to ask, your not paying attention.
John Althouse Cohen said...
Chuck said...
It's a very good blog post by John Althouse Cohen.
Does he do the same with Trump's most weird and crazy Tweets?
Thanks, Chuck. If you click the name of my blog at the top of the page, you'll go to the homepage, where you can see that my latest blog post criticizes Trump for tweeting false information about his approval rating. And yesterday I did a blog post criticizing Trump for making an argument about immigration (on Twitter and elsewhere) that has little basis in reality. At the bottom of those posts, you can click the "Trump" tag and see other things I've posted about Trump.
Thank you very much for that reply. I'll do it. I expect it will be interesting.
Maybe she really didn't think he was confused. Maybe she just wanted to trick us into watching the video. If so, it worked.
iowan2... yes Trump has accomplishments, but his current approval rating is 42% which is not all the MSM's fault. Orange man keeps tweeting idiotic things and throwing his own cabinet officials under the bus for no good reasons. His administration is utter chaos for NO valid reasons. That is on him, not AOC or the media. If he had spent the last year just being competent, his approval rating would be 50% now.
Also re: Democrats, whataboutism won't win elections. Ben Shapiro has been very adamant on this.
The governor of Washington, Jay Inslee, is on the presidential campaign trail. His platform is, of course, opposition to climate change. This is a very real political issue, despite the relative uncertainty of the science (IMO). I'm not opposed to reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, but I am opposed to turning our economy upside down in an effort which will likely never have a tangible benefit. How will we know when we've "won"? Even supposing that we elect a chief executive that acts to invoke something like the GND, does that have any impact on developing countries, or India, or China...? How does one stop entropy?
Blogger Tomcc said...
The governor of Washington, Jay Inslee, is on the presidential campaign trail.
If I lived in Seattle or Olympia, I'd want to do something about the climate, too.
Seattle is dying but he is for bigger things, sort of like Bloomberg. Being Mayor or Governor is so dull.
His administration is utter chaos for NO valid reasons.<
Turn off CNN. Before you go completely nutso..
Todd Piro: Here's someone who supports the GND and doing something about global warming.
Inteviewee: Here's why I support the GND and doing something about global warming.
Left Twitter: Hoo Boy! That did NOT go as expected!!
You can understand the left's confusion about a news program that airs points from across the political spectrum.
On their preferred channels, any non-progressive position is labeled hate speech and suppressed out of "decency".
I came here for the ratio, I am not disappointed.
Just because the Vietnam war was bullshit and all your comrades died in vain for the big lie doesn't mean Climate Change isn't real.
Which was your war? Panama? Grenada? Lebanon? Heckuva job, Howie!
yes Trump has accomplishments, but his current approval rating is 42% which is not all the MSM's fault.
At the exact same week of Obama's reign, his approval was 43%. His media reporting is exactly inverse of President Trumps 90+% negative, Obama 90+% postive.
Orange man keeps tweeting idiotic things and throwing his own cabinet officials under the bus for no good reasons. His administration is utter chaos for NO valid reasons.
President Trump does his own wet work. If he wants to convey a message, he does it. Sometimes via twitter. LOTS of people don't like it. It got him elected and twitter is part of the reason his approval at 42% with 90% negative media coverage
Since the advent of radio, and more with TV, Presidents communicated by press releases. Not always from the oval office, but maybe a think tank. Maybe a Congressional committee chair. He might have his chief of staff direct a staffer leak to a friendly reporter. The Majority leader might feed a reporter a bit of fiction to prod a cabinet member. The point being there were lots of ways to motivate and communicate to the voters, to congress, to your party, to the cabinet. All keeping the President above the fray, out of the muck of retail politics. Giving the impression the President is way to engaged in statesmanship to lower himself to such juvenile and icky stuff as reprimanding an underling that is straying from his administrations agenda.
President Trump is not politician. He is not scripting his every movement about how it will affect his future in politics after he leaves office. President Trump is a successful business man and is doing now what has worked for him in the past. Handling issues as they come up quickly, directly, with unambiguous messaging. This is chaos only to those that have never worked for a living, and only know the DC way.
More on the President Trump chaos
There was a good story a month are so ago about how available President Trump is. It quoted both Democrats and Republicans by name, that would call the White House hoping to ask a question and have some staffer return his call with a response from the President. More often than not, they were put in direct contact with the President. If not, the President always returned their call. They all said President Trump listened, asked good questions and gave honest responses that have always been honored in word and deed. Believing the media fake news about chaos, means you've been gas lighted.
Blogger Alex said...
AOC is just reverse-Trump. Same idiocy on policy, same political talents to whip up her base
How did you make your first billion, Alex? Asking for a friend.
It's bullshit wars all the way down to Vietnam, Nichevo. I was in during the Cold war, Iran hostage crisis, Lebenon and Grenada fortunately never deployed.
Howard: This is why you cucks are called deniers
No, you liken us to Holocaust Deniers because your models are broken and you've abandoned the Scientific Method, ie. you're pounding the table.
“When the facts are on your side, pound the facts. When the law is on your side, pound the law. When neither is on you side, pound the table.”
And it's so curious how all your solution to prevent Global Warming is the same as your solution to prevent Global Cooling. More Marxism.
Howard: I was in during the Cold war, Iran hostage crisis, Lebenon and Grenada fortunately never deployed.
Liar. You never served.
I didn’t mean to damn JAC with faint praise but I see how it could look that way! Actually, while AOC is an ignoramus she isn’t stupid.
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