April 27, 2019

"Trump is not the first president to take a liking to [the NYT photographer Doug] Mills, who views the attention as flattering—if a bit embarrassing."

"'It’s awkward,' he says, with a laugh. Mills acknowledges Trump makes for a good subject, though. 'I always say that President Obama was the most photogenic because you couldn’t take a bad picture of the guy. He had a great smile, great skin, great teeth, the whole dynamic of him,' Mills says. 'Trump is the most iconic. You can look at any picture of him and know right away it’s him, even from afar. His hair, his coat, his hands, the size of him. No recent president has been as mindful as Trump of how the press captures not just what he does, but how he looks doing it.... Trump also has on occasion peered at the cameras and laptops of press photographers, commenting on photos before they’re submitted to editors. After meeting with British Prime Minister Theresa May last summer, Trump noticed Mills and groused that a photo of his had made the president look like he had a 'double chin.'... Sometimes, Trump pushes for the angles he prefers as part of the give-and-take of a photo shoot.... Mills—a wire-style shooter focused on the president’s day-to-day activities, rather than portrait shoots—doesn’t find the president to be in the least controlling.... Mills... gets along with Trump, who is less chummy with his press corps than previous presidents.... Mostly, it is Mills’ iconic imagery that has captivated the president—and the public. A longtime former Mills colleague likes to say you can judge a picture by whether, decades from now, a news reporter could use it to write a 1,000-word article. Many such photos of the Trump era in Washington are likely to have Mills’ name under them."

From "Meet the Photographer Donald Trump Can’t Shut Up About
For all of his cries of 'fake news,' the image-obsessed president has singled out veteran shooter Doug Mills for his work—and can’t keep quiet about him"
at Politico (with lots of great photos). Mills word for The New York Times.


Shouting Thomas said...

When lefties manage their own style and appearance, they are courageous explorers of identity and brilliant at "branding."

When President Trump does it, he's a controlling, overbearing husband.

robother said...


robother said...

I mean, "picture" for the New York Times.

Two-eyed Jack said...

For all of his cries of 'fake news,' the image-obsessed president has singled out veteran shooter Doug Mills for his work—and can’t keep quiet about him.

Did they consider alternative sub-heads?

For all of his 'cries' of fake news, the image-obsessed president has singled out veteran shooter Doug Mills for his work—and can’t keep quiet about him

For all of his cries of fake news, the 'image-obsessed' president has singled out veteran shooter Doug Mills for his work—and can’t keep quiet about him

For all of his cries of fake news, the image-obsessed 'president' has singled out veteran shooter Doug Mills for his work—and can’t keep quiet about him

For all of his cries of fake news, the image-obsessed 'president' has singled out veteran 'shooter' Doug Mills for his work—and can’t keep quiet about him

For all of his cries of fake news, the image-obsessed president has singled out veteran shooter Doug Mills for his 'work'—and can’t keep quiet about him

For all of his cries of fake news, the image-obsessed president has singled out veteran shooter Doug Mills for his work—and can’t keep quiet about 'him'

Michael K said...

Trump, who has shown little interest in controlling the daily media narrative with a single message, has opened more White House meetings to the press, more often and for much longer durations than his immediate predecessors. “Where’s the pool?” Trump will often bark, referring to the rotating group of journalists who cover him, photographers included. “We have more access to him than any president I’ve ever covered,” says Mills,

Too bad Peggy Noonan doesn't have as much insight.

Fernandinande said...

"Meet the Photographer Donald Trump Never Tweeted About"

For all of his cries of 'fake news,' the image-obsessed president

Two sentences = at least two instances of fake news.

rhhardin said...

I took a good photo of Stravinsky (1963) but he never mentions it.

Mountain Maven said...

Trump owns and operates the media.

JAORE said...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Everyone needs to recognize that the MSM is DNC. Work forward off of that. Yes, they are there to trip you up and twist it all.

Art in LA said...

What is a “wire-style shooter”?

The Godfather said...

"image-obsessed president" is redundant.

wild chicken said...

Well, duh. I think of Trump as a perfect American avatar, but "iconic" is closer and more succinct.

But one mustn't say anything remotely flattering about such a vulgar man.

LA_Bob said...

Great article. Interesting, amusing, and quite devoid of negative content about Trump. Very refreshing.

Achilles said...

He is growing on the press.

Even the press will tire of their masters soon.

Some of them anyways.

madAsHell said...

Trump is a rock star. I'm told that not only did he sign some Obama-bashing resolution in front of the NRA, and then he threw the pen into the crowd.

Like Keef, and a guitar pick!

Yancey Ward said...

How many of the our recent presidents were not image obsessed? I would wager that the number is zero since Eisenhower.

William said...

The real challenge for a photographer is to take a flattering picture of Hillary. Under studio conditions with proper lighting, it can be done, but at public events with natural lighting, it's vexsome. About the best you can do is to make her appear somewhat human.......I have yet to see an unflattering picture of Melania or Ivanka, and it's not for lack of trying. Some pictures of the sons make them look slick and those are the ones that usually get used.

Seeing Red said...


They’re the ones who can’t shut up. Orange Man bad. Trump obsessed.

Phil 314 said...

Would have liked more photos in the article.

Bay Area Guy said...

Don't forget - the guy was a bona fide TV star. A lotta folks used to watch, "The Apprentice".

rcocean said...

Take away? Orange man always bad. Even when he likes the press.

Narayanan said...

,,,,,and then he threw the pen into the crowd.,,,,

Did it go from mound to catcher.?

rehajm said...

You can look at any picture of him and know right away it’s him, even from afar. His hair, his coat, his hands, the size of him

Also, he's the black one.

narciso said...

oh so this is interesting:


narciso said...

sorry about that:


Humperdink said...

Will the press cease mocking Trump's coiffure if Biden wins the nomination?

narciso said...


Achilles said...

So you think the NYT will be chided for putting obvious anti-semitic crap in their paper the same day an anti-semite goes shooting up a Synagogue and calls Trump a "Jew-loving anti-white traitorous cock-sucker?"

Will Miller keep working for a paper that keeps pushing such hate?

rcocean said...

92% of all MSM articles are: "Orange man bad". No doubt if Trump cured cancer tomorrow the NYT headline would be "Trump ignores heart disease in selfish bid for Medical Patient vote".