I believe it will be Crazy Bernie Sanders vs. Sleepy Joe Biden as the two finalists to run against maybe the best Economy in the history of our Country (and MANY other great things)! I look forward to facing whoever it may be. May God Rest Their Soul!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2019
he needs 18 more good months of the economy which would be a record if it happened
Muhammad Ali
"Ha!" to Muhammad Ali.
Isn't "May God Rest Their Soul" a little off-base in this setting?
May God Rest Their Soul!
Heh. The liberal press (I apologize for the unnecessary adjective) will claim that Trump is calling for assassinations! The singuar noun "soul", however, may refer to whatever remains of the Democrat Party's metaphorical soul. Either Biden or Sanders will filet that soul rather nicely.
It was nice of Trump to use the Democrats preferred pronoun
He’ll probably get 18 more months of a good economy.
Conrad Black is even more confident,.
I just say "Don't get cocky."
The sensible majority of Democrats note that their party, on the heels of the Russian-collusion disaster, has completely bungled the border-and-migration issue and has gone down in flames with the claim that it is a crisis manufactured by the president. They have watched in silent horror as their party has been stampeded to the left, and the search is already under way for a moderate candidate.
The crazy left will not allow this.
A man who made billions building things and managing large work forces and projects versus two who made millions on thousand dollar salaries through the graft of corruption in our government. Pretty easy choice even if they all had exactly the same policies, which of course they don't, and that's another thing that should make it easy for any reasonably intelligent person who wants honest government. Neither Democrat could come out clean from an investigation like Trump has been put through for 2 years. Biden, especially has real payola skeletons.
Have you noticed how many Democrats make millions on government salaries that could never produce such wealth? Seems a little fishy and almost a defining characteristic of a Democrat in government.
"Crazy Bernie Sanders" and "Sleepy Joe Biden" are good. And he is a master, while I remain a mere peon in this vast game of life.
I have been using:
"One-Percent Bernie" and "Hair-Sniffer Joe."
Mine are more colorful and potent. "One-Percent Bernie" just flows off the lips, like a fine Chardonnay. "Hair-Sniffer Joe" will no doubt make Dems cringe.
It was jovial because he said Sleepy instead of Creepy. I'm convinced he genuinely likes Joe Biden. My only evidence is his tweets, which I know isn't much. But there it is.
Crazy Bernie Sanders has the ring of truth to it for many people. The folks that are offended by that nickname, namely Bernie's supporters, would never vote for Trump.
President Bone Spurs has such a deft touch in targeting his rivals with nicknames.
Oh, I see what Chuck did there!
Ilhan Omar Republican Chuck: "President Bone Spurs has such a deft touch in targeting his rivals with nicknames.
LLR Chuck is so defensive about his own lack of service to his nation that he spent hundreds of words on this very blog attempting to justify his decision not to serve when all he had to write was something along the lines of "I didn't serve".
Trump gives a lot of money to charity. He's a charitable chap.
Cannot say the same for big government whore(D) tax payer funded government whores.
I'd like to see an analysis of the change in wealth of some politicians before holding office compared after to after, and then compare those between Republican and Democratic ones. It seems to me that the Republican don't seems to profit anywhere near as much from the job as Democrats. The Clintons, The Obamas, Maxine Waters, Harry Reid, and many others went from barely wealthy to enormously wealthy very quickly. How day do dat?
It is impossible to miss the obvious: Biden took 5 deferments to avoid service in Vietnam.
Number of LLR Chuck criticisms of Biden for that? Zero
Number of LLR Chuck criticisms of Bernie for supporting the Soviet Union and honeymooning there and going shirtless with his commie pals there? Zero
If your first assessment of this set of facts is that Chuck is operationally aligned with the far left, you would be correct.
Much as it saddens me to say this, I fear that President Trump is mistaken.
It’s Creepy Joe Biden.
"Crazy Bernie" does, in fact, work really, really, well.
He has tons of photos looking, frankly, like a crazy, old wild-eyed man. .
Think of Dr. Emmett Brown in the old "Back to the Future" movies.
I really hope Crazy Bernie wins the Dem nomination. I will cross over to vote for him, definitely.
>>How day do dat?
Our congress voted to exempt themselves from insider trading regulations.
Reid used his insider knowledge to make some VERY profitable and perfectly timed real estate purchases.
Hillary made her fortune in cattle futures. :)
From Snopes (no friend of Trump for sure):
Trump received his fourth and final college deferment on 16 January 1968. After graduating from Wharton, he was reclassified 1-A on 9 July 1968. Trump underwent an Armed Forces physical examination (with a result listed only as “DISQ”) on 19 September 1968 and was reclassified 1-Y (qualified for service only in time of war or national emergency) on 15 October 1968.
According to a statement from the Trump campaign, the 1-Y classification stemmed from Trump’s having bone spurs in both heels:
While attending the University of Pennsylvania’s prestigious Wharton School of Finance, Mr. Trump received a minor medical deferment for bone spurs on both heels of his feet. The medical deferment was expected to be short-term and he was therefore entered in the military draft lottery, where he received an extremely high number, 356 out of 365.
The details of that medical exemption remain unclear and controversial, and most draft-related government medical records from the Vietnam era were not preserved.
Despite the supposedly “short-term” nature of Trump’s disqualifying physical condition, on 17 February 1972 he was reclassified 4-F (not qualified for military service), presumably due to the abolishment of the 1-Y classification the previous year."
The 1960's called and want their "scandal" back.
Interesting, since I think Hillary is swimming along with the others but masquerading as dead in the water like a log. But that log is an alligator. So Conrad Black says Dem people are launching campaigns that slide down the slipway and sink; but to me Hillary was lurking there and snip, snap, quickly pulled it under. After all, according to Shattered, in the runup to 2016 Bill went about the country sinking primary contenders and maybe it's happening again. On the other hand Trump knows a lot we don't know. Maybe the Death Star has a hidden vulnerability. Just now I was reading that there was no evidence seen by the FBI that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton intentionally exposed classified material because the FBI was not allowed to see the emails that were intentionally placed on an insecure server because the emails that were intentionally exposed were classified so that we know there were intentionally exposed classified emails but also we do not know it. Schrodinger's cat. Comey allowed this sort of nonsense. As did Brennan.
“May God rest their souls”
What does Drumpf have in store for them? A drone attack?
Anon: "What does Drumpf have in store for them? A drone attack?"
Possibly an Eric Swalwell Nuke attack.
Isn't "May God Rest Their Soul" a little off-base in this setting?.
Perhaps he should have gone with the standard Southern butter won't melt in your mouth put down.............Bless their hearts
Like a lot guys who didn’t serve in the military, Chuck is indignant that Trump and Clinton and Romney didn’t serve either.
Chuck is a pussy.
“Trump gives a lot of money to charity. He's a charitable chap.”
Yes, that’s why the Trump Foundation was shut down in an agreement with the state of New York. “Shocking pattern of illegality”.
They're less inclined to respond then in the early heyday of Presidental twitter tweeting surprising tweets at everybody. Sanders was on Fox the other day? Harder to drive the narrative with all the new candidates running around and going on TV.
He wants to be in the room where it happens. The room where it happens. The room where it happens. No one really knows how the game is played. The art of the trade. How the sausage gets made.
Can you imagine listening to Bernie squawking day in and day out for four years? He sounds like a borscht belt comic with the worst jokes ever. Whenever I see him on TV, I keep expecting a hook to come out from stage left and drag him off stage.
Trump is really good at trolling with his tweets. He has mastered the ability to have the tone be brusque enough to irk the Left, but not be too overly mean to turn off those in the middle. I think he does with his constant tweets, off-the-cuff comments to the media, and performance at rallies. It is especially easy to see how he does it at successive rallies. He is constantly tweaking what he says and how he delivers his message. I honestly don't know how I can go back to any other person as president after Trump. Whoever is next is going to feel so stale and fake.
Have you noticed how many Democrats make millions on government salaries that could never produce such wealth? Seems a little fishy and almost a defining characteristic of a Democrat in government.
I have a theory that Trump will wait until mid 2020 to release his tax returns for ten years.
Call it "Mueller II." Maddow got a leaked tax return from 1995. You could see the air leak out of her as she read that he had paid $25 million in income tax that year.
He might even release copies of x-rays of his heel spurs, just for Chuck.
Yes, that’s why the Trump Foundation was shut down in an agreement with the state of New York. “Shocking pattern of illegality”.
Yes, the Clinton Foundation is still trying to collect bribes in advance, I'd like to see an honest audit of the Haiti scam.
I’m curious to see activities of The Clinton Foundation as well. New York State is slightly less curious, instead emitting an odor of political asymmetry.
My thought exactly
About 40 minutes ago I was x-rayed for a possible bone spur on my ankle. I do not find bone spurs to be one bit funny.
Speaking as a Vietnam Era draftee, I do not find it objectionable that Donald Trump received a medical deferment. I am not aware that anyone in the Althouse commentariat who is not a Vietnam or a Vietnam Era veteran has standing to complain.
Lots of attention lately towards a candidate who has not declared & it's unclear he's in for sure.
“While attending the University of Pennsylvania’s prestigious Wharton School of Finance, Mr. Trump received a minor medical deferment for bone spurs on both heels of his feet. The medical deferment was expected to be short-term and he was therefore entered in the military draft lottery, where he received an extremely high number, 356 out of 365.
The details of that medical exemption remain unclear and controversial, and most draft-related government medical records from the Vietnam era were not preserved.
Despite the supposedly “short-term” nature of Trump’s disqualifying physical condition, on 17 February 1972 he was reclassified 4-F (not qualified for military service), presumably due to the abolishment of the 1-Y classification the previous year."
With a lottery number of 356, the switch from 1-Y to 4-F in 1972 was irrelevant. My draft number was half his, and after I went 1-A that same year, they only got up to maybe 60-80 that year, and they quit drafting in maybe September. The thing that got him out of the war was the 2-Y in 1968-1969, because even in the worst draft years, they never would have gotten as high as 356. Most of the guys I knew with numbers that high dropped their 2-S student deferments, knowing that they were essentially draft proof. Of course, back in 1968, American lives were still being squandered by LBJ grossly mismanaging the fighting the war. It was only after four years of Nixon fighting to win that I could graduate from college and not expect to spend my last several months in the rice paddy’s in Vietnam.
Seems like Drumpf isn’t too happy with Fox News for hosting a town hall for Sanders. I hear Buttigeig is probably going to be on Fox too soon.
President Bone Spurs has such a deft touch in targeting his rivals with nicknames.
This comment is Chuckt.
OT but is about Trump. Anyone see this?
The Trump administration will allow lawsuits in U.S. courts for the first time against foreign companies that use properties Communist-ruled Cuba confiscated since Fidel Castro’s revolution six decades ago, a senior U.S. official said on Tuesday.
The major policy shift, which will be announced on Wednesday, could expose U.S., European and Canadian companies to legal action and deal a blow to Cuba’s efforts to attract more foreign investment. It is also another sign of Washington’s efforts to punish Havana over its support for Venezuela’s socialist President Nicolas Maduro.
May God rest Trump's soul. However, he strikes me, and most people, as hedonistic and soulless.
Anonymous: "Seems like Drumpf isn’t too happy with Fox News for hosting a town hall for Sanders."
Wrong again, even with the evidence in plain sight via Trump's tweet.
Trump's tweet was amusing and jocular.
The far left/dems/left/LLR-left chose to mischaracterize it even though there it is for all the world to see.
Color me shocked that these lefties/LLR's would do such a thing!
President Bone Spurs has such a deft touch in targeting his rivals with nicknames.
Chuck, you see why that nickname is ineffective for targeting Trump, right? You just called him President! You're talking past the sale.
This is why Trump has such a high chance of re-election. He's already President! Before his election nobody knew what he would be like. Effective, ineffective, crazy, dark, Hitler, etc. After his election, you know. You may not like it, but you know.
Trump has to be ecstatic that the Mueller Report is coming out. Barr's pre-release conclusion letter totally took away CNN and MCNBC's reputations and half their audience to the point that the Murdock family is now giving their FOX News a Trans Surgery making it into a substitute for the liberal Fake News boys.
And the panic mounts in DC.
Trumpit: "May God rest Trump's soul. However, he strikes me, and most people, as hedonistic and soulless."
Trumpit wrote this while standing on a mountain of human baby "parts" the lefties like to sell for a profit.
@wwww, per the Emerson poll that Althouse blogged, all the women put together only come up to 15% or so. Biden and Sanders together poll over 50%. Trump is trying to goad Biden into declaring, then if he is the nominee all sorts of political ads showing him creepily touching young girls will be released, coupled with political ads showing the numerous Biden gaffes.
God have mercy, indeed.
Drumpf isn’t sounding all too jovial here.
"So weird to watch Crazy Bernie on @FoxNews," Trump tweeted of the town hall featuring the Vermont senator that ran on Fox News Monday night. "Not surprisingly, @BretBaier and the 'audience' was so smiley and nice. Very strange, and now we have @donnabrazile?"
"Many Trump Fans & Signs were outside of the @FoxNews Studio last night in the now thriving (Thank you President Trump) Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, for the interview with Crazy Bernie Sanders. Big complaints about not being let in-stuffed with Bernie supporters. What's with @FoxNews?"
Cranky Trump: "Drumpf isn’t sounding all too jovial here."
Tsk tsk tsk
You're trying too hard here.
Relax. Someday a story you won't have to twist just might come along and you won't have already exposed yourself as an Inga/LLR Chuck moron already.
This is called "planning for success".
wwww: "Lots of attention lately towards a candidate who has not declared & it's unclear he's in for sure"
Yeah, it's Trump driving all the attention towards Biden, not Biden dangling this or that and lefty media being all over it.
Similar to the transparently false lefty narrative that its those darn conservatives forcing all the AOC/Omar/Tlaib coverage and not the wall to wall lefty/MSM/LLR over the top praise and magazine covers and TV appearances and MSM lefty narrative boosting of their lefty messages.
Too funny.
Biden and Sanders together poll over 50%.
1) n-value was below 400 in that poll.
2) It's name recognition. Nobody normal is paying attention this early. Not everyone has declared. Not just talking about Biden but chat about Kerry and Terry what's his name, and who knows who else? Don't believe Sanders had declared at this point in the cycle.
3) Ads would be ineffective because nobody normal is paying attention now.
I give Biden 70% chance to get in 30% chance of staying out.
Biden's weakness isn't the hands on approach to women and children- it will be his vulnerability on the Ukraine thing- that is a real potential scandal that would crater his campaign, and he is on video bragging about parts of it.
It was jovial because he said Sleepy instead of Creepy.
Yes, but watch the media continually slip up and say "creepy" as the campaign goes along.
Remember when they started adding "crooked" to Hillary?
Biden has enough name recognition and a donor network that he can enter the race at a normal tome. He’s hanging on the fringes so as to deter donors from backing another candidate. It’s a reverse Jeb! strategy. Jeb! locked in the donors early to elbow out others.
The Sleepy Joe sobriquet evokes Low Energy Jeb. Biden doesn’t have the stamina for this. Like Jeb!, he’s a paper frontrunner. Backed by the establishment but without energetic support.
Was just thinking this morning about how Joe has yet to announce.
Either he's using the delay as a ploy to keep people talking about him (see: this post)
Or there is a lot of backchannel pressure going on to not run that he's trying to clear up before he's officially in the race.
For the good of the party, it's better if they show him what they've got before he announces and has to withdraw, no?
The Sleepy Joe sobriquet evokes Low Energy Jeb. Biden doesn’t have the stamina for this.
Trump is employing the time-tested three bears strategy.
Biden is too sleepy.
Berine is too crazy.
Trump is juuuuust right.
Crazy Bernie. That name sticks. Good luck in the suburbs, Crazy Bernie.
President Bone Spurs has such a deft touch in targeting his rivals with nicknames.
Fopdoodle was taken.
Kevin: "For the good of the party, it's better if they show him what they've got before he announces and has to withdraw, no?"
Joe already knows what they have on him because he knows what he's been up to.
The story of the pressure he exerted on Ukraine to dump the internal investigator looking into the Ukrainian company that handed his son $3M to be on the board is simply another shot across his bow: hey Joe, think twice before you get in.
My money on that one is the Clinton Never Say Die Camp pulled that off as a warning. Not that, in the end, it will do Hillary any good.
Michelle is the Chose One whose "appearance" is already scripted and will be rolled out for maximum effect near the end of the primaries or at the convention.
Joe, whether in or out now, will be long long gone by then. Back to his teeth guy, and his hair plugs guy, and his botox guy, etc.
wwww shows how to make a prediction and never be wrong.
Tomorrow it will or will not rain.
Fopdoodle is an excellent nickname because of the accuracy.
How many of you went to a dictionary to confirm?
Crooked Hillary
Lyin' Ted
Low Energy Jeb
Adam Schitt
Crazy Bernie
Sleepy Joe
Pistol Pete?
Horny Harris?
Darn, I fear I'm just no good at this.
Trump's a jovial idiot this morning. He is running scared.
victoria: "Trump's a jovial idiot this morning. He is running scared."
Ah yes. That tired lefty assertion.
Just like when Trump was "running scared" of Mueller.
Just like when Trump was "running scared" of fake indian Li'l Tomahawk Warren.
Just like when Trump was "running scared" of fake hispanic Robert Francis O'Rourke (married to billions).
Let me guess what comes next with you 1-dimensional thinkers on the left/LLR-left: The "Bernie Walls Are Closing In!!!" and You Don't Know What's In Bernie's Campaign!!
It just keeps getting better and better.
The God Emperor is laughing at you Vicki.
He will be sending some MS13 Angels to your town soon. Enjoy.
One exit poll had 56% of all men voting for Trump. If Michelle was the alternative, I could see it flipping—
to 65% for Trump.
I have to admit, having the FBI use taxpayer money to make payments to Christopher Steele (11 TIMES!!) to help create Democrat opposition research which is then turned around and laundered and then weaponized into a US govt law enforcement and intelligence assault against a domestic political opponent is all a pretty gutsy move on the part of our lefties/LLR-lefties.
Big Mike said...
I am not aware that anyone in the Althouse commentariat who is not a Vietnam or a Vietnam Era veteran has standing to complain.
As a Vietnam veteran draftee, I agree. STFU Chuck.
Also, I don't see Slow Joe Biden getting in. He does not seem very enthused about the matter either.
And why wouldn't Trump be jovial watching Beto try to explain his lack of charitable giving and then coming up with an answer that not a single democrat will defend (but a LLR Chuck would be happy to I'm sure): His own self is the charitable giving he (beto the lesser) is offering to our poor downtrodden country!!
It is truly to laugh.
"Pancho Vanilla" is good for Beto, but I take no credit, that is another member of the Commentariat. Please self-identify.
"Senator Paleface" for Elizabeth Warren is of the same vein.
AllenS: "Also, I don't see Slow Joe Biden getting in. He does not seem very enthused about the matter either"
Human sloths like Creepy/Sleepy Uncle Joe can often be mistaken for being unenthused when, in reality, they are just politically sloth-like...and cowardly.
The mere thought of Hillary running in 2016 sent Creepy Uncle Joe to the showers, despite the potential opportunity of being close enough to Hillary to smell her hair.
Alas, so many missed opportunities for Uncle Joe.
"Roberto Rourke" for Beto is mine.
You hear about the Irish Walmart salesman?
Paddy O'Furniture
I miss no drama Obama.
I believe it will be Crazy Bernie Sanders vs. Sleepy Joe Biden
No. It's going to be Bernie vs the opposition of the week.
It's Pete's turn in the rotation but many others are going to get a start.
readering: "I miss no drama Obama"
Do you miss the East German-like spying on domestic political opponents the most, or weaponizing the IRS against political opponents?
I miss having a president.
Just this week we learned obama's FBI was providing direct payment to the democrat's oppo researcher Christopher Steele during the very time he was colluding with Russians in the Kremlin while at the same time doing work on behalf of Russian oligarch with direct ties to Putin.
Open collusion with Russia by the entirety of the Hillary campaign, the DNC and the obama admin.
But, you know, thats all. No biggee.
I call him skippy Kennedy because hes the kind of kid they would have adopted his father in law is a big time investor from chicago.
Joe's kin had the Chinese aviation company but into a major parts manufacturer then of course there is burissima oil.
Theres the theory that the first email was to prevent Hillary's coronation.
Perspective from a wiseman
...and then there are those who seem to miss me!
maybe this link works better:
Speaking as a Vietnam Era draftee, I do not find it objectionable that Donald Trump received a medical deferment. I am not aware that anyone in the Althouse commentariat who is not a Vietnam or a Vietnam Era veteran has standing to complain.
I enlisted in 1975, just after I turned 17. Officially, that makes me a "Vietnam -era" veteran, but the last American troops had left Vietnam when I was only 15. So the designation is kind of bogus. But I did serve for 7 years, and I really don't care if a Presidential candidate served or not, unless he's criticizing others for not serving. Trump hasn't done that, so he gets a pass.
I periodically check comments to see if die hard trumpists still love Trump. Seems they do.
Of course Trumpists still love the best economy of our life, and many other great new accomplishments, but why would anyone still be against the guy who brought it all to us against all predictions? It's almost as if some people prefer unemployed minorities, lower wages, higher taxes, and bad trade deals. Why would any intelligent person prefer that?
some of the highlights from the podhoretz interview:
"I periodically check comments to see if die hard trumpists still love Trump. Seems they do."
And I check NYT/WaPo/AP/CBS/NBC/ABC/CNN/MSNBC/NPR/PBS to see if they've changed.
But nope. Orange man still Bad. But then liberals NEVER change. And they never learn and they never forget.
Its funny how the libs yammer about serving in the armed forces is no biggy until it is. They love to use the chickenhawk argument except when it blows back in their faces with Obama and Clinton. Wasn't it Howard Dean mocking GW Bush's TANG service up until they dug up his deferment from a back injury skiing? Who cares if Trump didn't serve at least he's not starting any new wars and he's actually trying to get out of the old ones.
readering said...
I miss no drama Obama.
4/17/19, 3:25 PM
Got to put in the trigger time. 300 rounds a week at your local range and you should be good to go.
Buttigag is the new MSM/liberal darling. He's everyone's new boyfriend. He's awsomely Gay, good-looking, young, super-smart, a Christian (the right kind), a Midwesterner, and a Vet (sorta of).
Let's just hope there's no Kevin Spacey type scandal in his closet.
Noted WW2 Historian (/sarc) readering: "I periodically check comments to see if die hard trumpists still love Trump"
I will support any politician who effectively stands up against would be Stalinists who weaponize govt against domestic political opponents.
Plus I can never support the Party of Infanticide and gleeful selling of baby body parts.
But hey, thats just me.
It's Pete's turn in the barrel
readering: "...and then there are those who seem to miss me!"
We miss you every bit as much as the Poles "missed" their Soviet "friends"....
bill Clinton "dodged" the draft literally. Bush-II served in the Air national guard. Obama was too young. Bernie Sanders was Vietnam War protester (draft status unknown), Biden was a HS and College Athlete but was deferred because of "asthma". Mitt Romney sold bibles or something. Cheney went to divinity school or maybe he was having his annual heart attack.
Talking about Trump and his "bone spurs" is rather absurd.
adering said...
I periodically check comments to see if die hard trumpists still love Trump. Seems they do.
I periodically check leftist blogs to see if they have figured out reality. Nope.
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