April 3, 2019

"Tonight I was in a hotel bar in Midtown when you came on TV. Very Important Men in expensive suits spoke in hushed tones..."

"... and contorted their faces into various forms of 'worried' as they watched. I freshened my red lipstick and carried on. It was glorious."

Tweets Nicole Sanchez at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who responds, but not to Nicole Sanchez, to one of those VIMs with worried faces:
If you’re a guy in a $ suit that feels some type of way when you see me on TV, maybe you’re limiting yourself to thinking working people’s gain must come at your loss.

After all, mega corps have gained at the cost of working people for so long, many can’t think of any other way.
AOC didn't take the prompt to say, Yeah, I hate those guys, and I aim my red lipstick at them and glory in their anxiety. She looks to the guys — depriving Sanchez of her sisterhood boost — and tells them they are included. Let the businessmen come to me. All are saved!


Henry said...

Is resting worried face a thing?

I see people in suits on the train. Some of them are probably Very Important Men. A lot of them are underpaid bank tellers and worried salesmen.

Unknown said...

The tweet is nearly incomprehensible. Why would anyone understand or conflate AOC or her statements as good for the working man?

Curious George said...

Fake news. Never happened.

rehajm said...

After all, mega corps have gained at the cost of working people for so long, many can’t think of any other way

What does that even mean?

Not Sure said...

Women bartenders always give their attention to the VIM in expensive suits and ignore the bad-tipping members of the sisterhood.

rehajm said...

Who is this freshened red lipsticked woman carrrying on in a hotel bar? You know what they say about freshened red lipsticked women who carry on in hotel bars? They say you're probably a hooker.

Expat(ish) said...

I must be running my life wrong - I spend very little time thinking about the internal life of other people. Well aside from my wife and kids, but even then, not so much.

I spend a lot of effort observing their behavior and trying to understand what's going on.


nob490 said...

To AOC every unfortunate story involves conspiracy, or racism. It is exhausting to be scolded 24 hours a day.

My guess is people will stop listening. He said, optimistically.

Tommy Duncan said...

The press again fails to capture the arrogance of AOC. She is morally superior and unfailingly wise.

rightguy said...

AOC has delusions of adequacy.

Paul Zrimsek said...

You'd think someone capable of grasping the idea that the workers' gain doesn't have to mean the corporations' loss would also be able to grasp the idea that the corporations' gain doesn't have to mean the workers' loss. But you'd be wrong.

Henry said...

If you’re a guy in a $ suit that feels some type of way when you see me on TV, maybe you’re limiting yourself to thinking working people’s gain must come at your loss.

This response is about class, not race.

The underlying idea is -- the economy is not a zero-sum game -- is something capitalists believe. So much agreement!

Nonapod said...

On the one hand she seems to be inferring some sort of a no-zero-sum situation (mean ol' VIMs vs "working people") and then implies a zero sum situation (mean ol' "mega corps" vs "working people"). It's like she has a partial idea but then doesn't complete the necessary logical steps to complete the thought. It's weirdly fascinating.

Quaestor said...

Let the businessmen come to me. All are saved!

This moved the darker regions of my mind to make thousands of bizarre connections. This was one.

Then there's the Occasional-Cortex messianic intersection... Cats don't especially appeal to me, but lions do have their place in an enlightened society.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Here she comes. Miss Venezuela. Isn't she Lovely.

n.n said...

It's not VIC, Very Important Corporations, not VIN, not even VIM, it's VIP, Very Important People, without delusions of diversity, including color judgment, and sexist chauvinism. #HateLovesAbortion

Ignorance is Bliss said...

If you’re a guy in a $ suit that feels some type of way when you see me on TV, maybe you’re limiting yourself to thinking working people’s gain must come at your loss.

Workers at Amazon's NYC headquarters were unavailable for comment...

Fernandinande said...

Nicole Sanchez at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

¿Dónde está mi libro de tortillas suaves?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I mention this a lot and pardon me for doing so. Here in ultra left progressive Boulder Colorado the vote split is 70/30 prog, and our local government is 100% leftwing Prog.
Google has a new campus here. Big wealthy massive shiny new corporate corporation campus. Meanwhile, small and medium sized mom and pop businesses are increasingly strained by the ever increasing property taxes at their commercial and light commercial business locations. These small Businesses are forced to move farther and farther away from the center of Boulder, to escape the madness, and keep their business going.
Pretty soon - Proggy town will be all corporate because no one else but deep pockets can afford to set up shop here. Isn't that ironic?

And all the leftwing idiots who are loyal to the leftwing proggy cause, keep voting for more.

When I hear local proggy leftists singing the praises of small business - I want to spit in their lying faces.

Big Mike said...

If you’re a guy in a $ suit that feels some type of way when you see me on TV, maybe you’re limiting yourself to thinking working people’s gain must come at your loss.

If one is wearing a $ suit, then probably one is aware that economics is not a zero sum game (except in the minds of socialists).

Nonapod said...

Her statement is nonsense that doesn't survive any real scrutiny, but that doesn't mean it's not effective at winning a certain set of people to her side.

To put it in Scott Adam's terms, she's a persuader. She frames things in positive, accepting language by basically saying that the VIMs can be welcomed too. But there still has to be a villian, in this case it's nefarious "Megacorps". As any Hollywood screeenwriter knows, amorphous corporations are always an easy villian. They're unspecific and impersonal and even inhuman despite being actually composed of humans.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Bored to death by AOC and "news" about her, which is content-free by design and stupid by virtue of the subject matter. When if ever has a freshman congresscritter got so much press for so few coherent thoughts?

JaimeRoberto said...

I'll take "Things that didn't happen" for 500, Alex.

wendybar said...

She's a dope. Anyone who thinks otherwise in nuts too. They can have her. Little girl runs her mouth too much and is going to burn out in less than a year. The backlash against her dumbness is already happening. One site I follow (UrgentAgenda.com) calls her Little Evita. It fits.

jaydub said...

I'm with Curious George: never happened. But, I do cringe every time I see a commie like her in a position of leadership. It's more about, "what the eff were her constituents thinking?" Just how many times does this ideology need to be killed?

wendybar said...

Anyone who thinks otherwise IS nuts too!...Fixed it!!

robother said...

VIMs from Midtown NYC have nothing to worry about from AOC, so long as they contribute to the cause. Indeed, they will be delighted to contemplate the fate of their competition who didn't.

Francisco D said...

For all of my lifetime, politicians who publicly champion the working class are really trying to take control over society's producers.

Ayn Rand understood that quite well.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

This response is about class, not race.

Americans despise discussion of both of these topics. The only time class comes up in normal conversation (other than as school related noun) is when American's describe a fellow citizen as having or not having it. We don't divide our society the way leftists wish we would. Not by race. Not by class. I would outlaw the race box on all official forms and private ones too if I could. It worked wonders for higher ed in California. And we still have a very diverse student body without the artificial construct of "race" to consider.

Bob Boyd said...

Who is this freshened red lipsticked woman carrrying on in a hotel bar?


Bob Boyd said...

AOC didn't take the prompt to say...

Do you think Chiquita Khrushchev composes her own tweets?
I'd bet some Very Important to AOC Men composed both the tweets.

chuck said...

Savonarola came to a bad end.

Henry said...

We don't divide our society... Not by race. Not by class.

Our society is divided by race and class, quite profoundly. The difference between left and right is a) the reasoning of cause and b) how we talk about it (or whether we won't).

Howard said...

AOC lives in you people heads like Drumpf does in Hillary lovers

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"When I hear local proggy leftists singing the praises of small business - I want to spit in their lying faces."

Shaking down corporations is much more profitable. Parasite 101.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"AOC lives in you people heads like Drumpf does in Hillary lovers"

Bless your heart, haven't been on Twitter much, have you?

Boxty said...

If one is wearing a $ suit, then probably one is aware that economics is not a zero sum game (except in the minds of socialists).

Corporations seek monopoly power all the time. The big tech firms literally conspired to keep wages down with no-poaching agreements. What they might know doesn't always correspond to their behavior.

People keep taking AOC literally rather than seriously which is a mistake and one of the reasons Trump won in 2016.

RobinGoodfellow said...

Suffer the businessmen to come into me.

RobinGoodfellow said...

Blogger rightguy said...
AOC has delusions of adequacy.

Sir, consider that stolen!

mikee said...

" mega corps have gained at the cost of working people for so long"

Odd, I thought mega corps paid their workers to come work at mega corps.
This is the principal failure of understanding on the Left, and by AOC: Value can be created by satisfaction of mutual interests to the satisfaction of both parties. The world isn't a zero-sum game, a pie of fixed proportions we must share; it is a kitchen in which we can all make more pies, better pies, bigger pies, forever.

Yancey Ward said...

Delusional, both of the tweeters- AOC is being mocked. People who are being mocked don't like it, and they don't like to acknowledge that it is actually being done to them, but that is what is actually happening.

Rick said...

After all, mega corps have gained at the cost of working people for so long, many can’t think of any other way.

Hiring someone is "costing them"? It's interesting the people most locked into their idiotic worldviews criticize others for an inability to "think of any other way".

mikesixes said...

It's hard to understand how AOC got a degree in economics without understanding this: In a free market, nobody sells anything (including their labor) unless the money they can get for it is worth more to them than the thing they're selling. McDonald's and Amazon don't have press gangs kidnapping people to row their galleys. The "mega corps" that she hates have gained by buying the labor of people who have gained by selling it. That's how markets work.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Can we stop with the "degree in economics"? She took some credit courses that were categorized as 'Economics' as part of here total curriculum. It wasn't even a 'minor'. And these few credits might have even included such 'economics' courses as 'The economics of gender" and similar titles that are out there now.

Getting this right also eliminates the confusion of "how could a person with . . ." formulations. She doesn't. She doesn't know real economics. That's how.

Rick said...

It wasn't even a 'minor'.

She is reported as having a degree from BU in "international relations and economics". Where is your information from?

FIDO said...

Some women really are pathetically stupid. I wouldn't mind so much if supposedly smarter women did not celebrate their idiocy because 'vagina' or 'feminism'.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Rick: they are misrepresenting her credentials and redefining words to make he sound more important. And I'm not your research assistant. You'll retain it better when you find it for yourself.

Leland said...

When the day comes and she asks; I won't cry for her.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

AOC, typically, has turned the equation on its head. The guys in $ suits are not limiting themselves to thinking working people’s gain must come at their loss, because that implies that they think wealth is a zero sum game. This is, in fact, how anti-capitalists alone view economics-- if a suit guy is rich, some working class schmuck has to be poor. This is not how capitalism works. Capitalism synergizes the production of wealth so that everyone benefits. Because this is patently true, anti-capitalists like AOC always focus on relative wealth, not absolute wealth. The "working class" person of today is wealthier by orders of magnitude than any emperor of the past. Capitalism did this.

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wince said...

Please explain the difference between a "worried face" on men in very expensive suits, and "I'd like to bend her over and fuck her brains out" face on men in very expensive suits?

If she thought the latter would advance her bad men in expensive suits narrative better than the former in the moment, I'm sure she would have communicated that instead.

Pianoman said...

I'd be more worried if AOC aimed her chompers at me. Those things look lethal.

Jim at said...

Way, way, waaaaay too much attention is being given to this bint.

She's simply a better looking Alan Grayson.

dreams said...

Yeah, those two young women know what's best for us. Venezuela...

Aggie said...

Witnessing AOC's congressional aptitude is like watching a toddler in the driver's seat of a piece of heavy equipment. What can the Democrats be thinking, prematurely awarding the authority of these committees to such an obviously incapable person? She is not ready yet.

In light of her position, there is no reason to expect her to be wise - she's too young an inexperienced for us to have that expectation. But I find myself reflecting that, for a 30-year old, she is remarkably immature. How long will it take the electorate to come to the conclusion that she's vacuous and untrainable?

buwaya said...

The interesting thing is that very important men in suits is why AOC is in Congress.

She was the candidate backed by big money in her race, and she beat a traditional Democrat "machine" politician who was well connected to ethnic voters. I found it very surprising that the working-class Puerto Rican vote actually went to her Irish opponent. She was backed mainly by the expanding yuppie population in her district.

Matt said...

I was willing to give AOC the benefit of the doubt over the last few months becausdle she's young. Then came her MSNBC townhall. This lady is as dumb as they come.

I'm getting really f'ng tired of the promotion of idiotic policy ideas as being not-idiotic simply because they are promoted by brown Vagina-Americans.

Bay Area Guy said...

Socialist waitress of color takes Manhattan by storm!

bagoh20 said...

AOC is one of those people that you don't bother arguing with, becuase 1) they wouldn't listen, 2) they won't learn, 3) there are people out there actually worth your time. She is a fool, as are all socialists who, while surrounded with a century of counter evidence, cannot learn from it. They don't even want to. I am thankful for her being a Democrat, and so vocal with her foolishness. It's a gift conservatives could never manufacture for themselves. It's a severe loss for her constituents, but a gain for the rest of us.

bagoh20 said...

Those men are probably remembering a tragic mistake they made one time with someone like AOC. It's that feeling you get when you swerve into the other lane while adjusting the radio, and realize how close you came to disaster.

Howard said...

shorter bago... the bitch won't shut up

rehajm said...

She took some credit courses that were categorized as 'Economics' as part of here total curriculum. It wasn't even a 'minor'. And these few credits might have even included such 'economics' courses as 'The economics of gender" and similar titles that are out there now.

She's claiming the minor and I can't find where the claim has been debunked. Interestingly the BU website still shows past years curriculums and requirements, going back to the 2010-2011 academic year (the year AOC is said to have graduated).

For a minor in Economics:

Students majoring in other fields in CAS (Ed: College of Arts & Sciences) and minoring in economics are required to take CAS EC 101 or 111, 102 or 112, 201 or 211, 202 or 212, and three other courses from EC 320 through EC 699, to be chosen in consultation with their economics advisor and the advisor in their major field. Students must earn a minimum grade of C in courses taken toward the minor. No more than two of these courses may be transfer courses.

So she would have had regular or advanced Micro/Macro at a minimum, then the sky's the limit. She could have taken beefy electives like EC325 The Economics of Poverty and Discrimination in the United States, EC521 Development Policy (Analysis of the problems of economic development, with emphasis on economic growth, macroeconomic stability, income distribution, and structural change), and EC 396 Soviet Economics (Yes, it was an option). EC 401 Senior Independent Study was also a choice, as were 'transfer courses'.

RK said...

The VIMs just thought she was hot.

Fen said...

Nobody tell Cortez why women paint their lips and blush their cheeks.

bagoh20 said...

I'm sorry, but those courses in economics taught by professors with little or no business experience just sound like they would be absolutley useless in teaching you anything applicable to real life and usable in a real way to create functional policy or understand actual market economics. I may be wrong, but I imagine a professor who spent 8-10 years doing little else other than jumping through academic hoops set up by others who did the same thing, and none of them ever had to leave the building to get where they are. That is not going to give you the wisdom to give advice about systems outside that building, let alone tell people how to live their lives. I guess what I'm saying is AOC, talk to the hand.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

wendybar: . One site I follow (UrgentAgenda.com) calls her Little Evita. It fits.

Is the originator of that nic latino? Yes, obviously Evita refers the despised Argentinian woman, but the use of the prefix "little" interests me. It common in Italian and Latino communities, so I'm wondering if Little Evita was coined by one of the very people Cortez claims to represent instead of some Evil White Male ;)

And yes, it's perfect. Somebody beat Trump with that branding.

JAORE said...

Find the city/county/state with the largest wealth gap as decried by the left. Now check out the political party that has run that entity for (in many cases) decades.

I'll wait right here until you find the answer.

Fen said...

For all of my lifetime, politicians who publicly champion the working class are really trying to take control over society's producers

And the same pattern repeats here - recent article quotes several of her constituents complaining that they can't get through to Cortez to resolve the types of problems that people usually go to their congress-critter for, ie while she lectures about Global Warming Doom the sinkhole on Main is getting worse while Country drags their heels.

I can't find that rule. Something close to "the more your local officials talk about things like global warming, less less you can expect in municipal services like sewer and road repair" ... lil help? Google Fu apparently does not like the quote

rehajm said...

I'm more worried she saw EC 396 Soviet Economics as a 'how to'.

Jaq said...

I think that the best thing that we could do for working class Americans is stop flooding the labor market with cheap competition. She’s trying to create a “reality distortion field” just like the lady with the black turtleneck did. It will work out the same way.

AndyN said...

Maybe they think someone else's gain has to come as the result of their loss because AOC has explicitly said she wants to raise their taxes.

Drago said...

Matt: "I was willing to give AOC the benefit of the doubt over the last few months becausdle she's young. Then came her MSNBC townhall. This lady is as dumb as they come."

But "smart" enough for the entirety of the LLR fake conservative set to march forward and present "The Conservative Case for AOC and Her Super Cool New Green Deal".

Because that's what Uncle Lefty Billionaire Funder-Sugar wants.

Paco Wové said...

Am I supposed to know who Nicole Sanchez is?

DavidUW said...

For some reason things like this always remind me of Pilate in Jesus Christ Superstar, singing, "He's just misguided, thinks he's important."

Or "You probably think this song is about you"

Gk1 said...

Fen, you are looking for Victor Davis Hanson's quote "The more you hear about Global warming and other matters outside the control of the local govt. the more likely you will see urban decay, poor roads and infrastructure"

buwaya said...

"Yes, obviously Evita refers the despised Argentinian woman"

She was despised by some, but idolized by more, probably, and long after her death.
Peronism was popular, and remains popular, to some degree. Its popularity goes in waves.
It is an ideology of paternalist (or maternalist if you like) statism. It is yet another flavor of the corporatist "third way", in the same lineage of and heavily influenced by Italian fascism, though as Argentina has no real tradition of irredentism or imperialism, that complication is absent.

Leaving aside the matters of personality cults, which really did and still does apply to the Perons, Peronism is very modern.

narciso said...

Corporativist, like Nasser and Saddam, one might bring up getulio Vargas, perons counterpart

narciso said...

In the 30s and 40s.

Fen said...

Fen, you are looking for Victor Davis Hanson's quote "The more you hear about Global warming and other matters outside the control of the local govt. the more likely you will see urban decay, poor roads and infrastructure"

Thank you. I owe you one.

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