This is not normal
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 2, 2019
ADDED: Why did Aaron Rupar (whoever he is) put the video up twice, replying to himself, as if in a conversation with himself, agreeing with himself that he is amazed.
These oranges are replicating. Viral as hell and you cannot stop...
... you're mesmerized, and you don't know why.
I Hear origins.
Oh no - Impeach!
Oh noze! He must be impeached!
Constant comment.
Oh FFS....
People are absolutely losing their minds over Trump.
Does this ever end?
Some people need to get a life.
I like Althouse's title. Much more indirect and sneaky than Let's All Change the Subject Before James Clapper Is Subpoenaed
Orange Man Mystifies.
Sounds like origins to me and I was expecting oranges.
When you’ve visited all 57 states you learn many new pronunciations. Trump should be praised like Obama was for his forays into lingually virgin territories.
He is getting more and more repetitive when he speaks. Like a talk radio host.
When it's cheery blossom time in Orange, New Jersey, we'll make a peach of a pair. Although we can't elope, please honey do be mine....
Nonapod said...
Orange Man Mystifies.
If Dōgen was on twitter, I'd expect "Orange oranges the orange."
Dōgen converts nouns into verbs and uses them to predicate the same noun, in order to say, e.g., "the sky skys the sky." This allows him to escape the subject-predicate dualism of language and point out that, for example, spring "passes without anything outside itself."
Like the man who discovered that he was speaking prose his whole life, perhaps Trump is always talking in koans.
I was expected a nukular orange.
The media went bananas over the Russian Collusion lime, but they mangoed the story. Now the truth about the oranges must be investigated, kumquat may.
People are absolutely losing their minds over Trump
I used to believe this. Now I believe people were incredibly fucked up before and Twitter is a display case.
You can almost see what is happening behind the scenes and in Trump's own jumbled mind in that video.
Trump says "oranges" when he means "origins," and then repeats the mistake. And he can read the expressions on the faces of what is usually about two dozen press corps members, photographers, audio people and selected White House staff. He knows he's said something bizarre, and tries to revert to "beginnings."
Trump then struggles to get to a single "orange-ins," and then for a fourth time repeats "oranges."
Althouse you didn't mention Trump's equally bizarre reference to his father as having been born in Germany, and then doubling down on the wonderful place in Germany where his father was born. Fred Trump was born in New York City. Trump's grandfather was born in Germany.
Although in Trump's book The Art of the Deal, Trump had yet another weirdly made-up story wherein his father "came from Sweden as a child." (Perhaps a reflection of Fred Trump's own falsification of his background to sell apartments in New York during WWII.)
I think that simplistic, blunt, colloquial Trumpist street-language is called for here: the guy's got a screw loose.
The "orange" thing even bit Inga in the rear in the Hagedorn thread.
Orange man occupies head space. YOU CANNOT LOOK AWAY!
Origins repeated over and over. I demand the origins of the origins be investigated all the way back to its origin. I suspect we will find it is a Presbyterian cult going back to Scotsmen supporting William of Orange. Even today the football team from Knoxville, Tennessee wears orange.
Orange is the new normal
When I first saw the headline and still from video I thought this was about a new makeup choice.
Blogger Henry said...
I was expected a nukular orange.
I assume you're referring to Jimmy Carter here, which of course makes sense because the man couldn't (wouldn't??) say "nuclear" (nu-klee-er). Which was weird on it's own but even more weird when you find in in Wiki bio that he was a nuclear tech (or more) during his time in the US Navy. So that whole time in the Navy he was saying "nukular"??
Orange should be embraced.
Orange is a great color.
Orange is a tasty fruit.
Orange a summer color.
Orange is the color of protest...
Of 'protestantism'...
Orange is pragmatic.
It is not quite red, but can be.
It is not quite yellow...
The color of the sun at high noon.
Orange can change.
Orange is soft, but don't make orange angry.
Orange is a welcome.
Orange is a warning.
Driven bezoomny by Trump, the spoogy chellovecks creech with their govoreet Tweets.
Every day, like clockwork.
I am Laslo.
This is so cool. Look at how he is getting his message out. People who sigh and turn away when he comes on are actually sitting through his argument that the beginnings of the Russia investigation should be examined.
Human nature is an unruly beast.
The juiciest story of the day so far.
You start by investigating the oranges, but eventually you'll realize it was all about the strawberries.
In The Godfather you recall what happened every time oranges were featured in a scene....
Now that special counsel speculation has ended its more difficult for lefties to get your required daily allowance of Vitamin Hate.
“The "orange" thing even bit Inga in the rear in the Hagedorn thread.”
No, it was in the Cafe thread, get the oranges of my comment correct.
@C Hayes --- True. And George W struggled the same. Dialect. I'm not sure why anyone gets all wound up about it.
Orange you glad he didn't say banana?
Thanks Laslo, that was really horrorshow.
Judging by the polls, talking about the oranges of the Russian Cauliflower hoax apples to be berry fruit. He'd be plum nuts not to appricot the grape potential of this lime of inquiry.
"I think that simplistic, blunt, colloquial Trumpist street-language is called for here: the guy's got a screw loose."
Maybe, but orange you glad he doesn't obsess over you the way you do over him? Screw loose, indeed!
I'm a little surprised there isn't an examination of the origins of the word orange by Althouse. Orange the color is a rather recent invention, as most colors along the magenta to orange swath of the spectrum were, up until the 15th century, simply red or sometimes yellow-red, until the fruit from Spain became widely known and its name adopted for the color that is a mix of primary pigments red and yellow, or on your RGB monitor by a mix of 100% red with about 65% green light to create orange.
LLR Chuck and the rest of the leftists advancing the days lefty talking points (and lies, as required) have no idea how moronic and hilarious they come off.
Its fantastic and it just keeps getting better.
Pecan Pies!!!
Whatever you do, dont mention the "magnificent" obama -- "corpseman" because that will drive certain LLR's to distraction, attacking children and possibly back into therapy.
And don’t talk about setting “presidents” either!
Inga: ,And don’t talk about setting “presidents” either!"
Why not?
After all, they might be "Fallen heroes — and I see many of them in the audience here today."....
-- B. Obama, Earth-bound "magnificent" "sort of a god"
And no, I dont care if my making fun of obama makes LLR Chuck and other pro-dem lefties cry.
Did you know we have Navy Corpse men?? I bet you didn't....
Orange you glad he didn't say banana?
Groan ...
I must have told that Knock-Knock joke a hundred times as a kid. I stopped when threatened with my life.
wendybar: "Did you know we have Navy Corpse men?? I bet you didn't...."
And he said it multiple times!
Who can forget how our resident LLR's and lefties scrambled to defend obama during that little contretemps?
One of my favorite Bidenisms was this one:
"Look, John’s last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the number one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S,” the Democratic veep nominee said at a morning rally in Athens."
And just think, Biden is a big big fav of the Lefty billionaire funded LLR clique-rs!
"... lingually virgin territories."
I see what you did there. Cunning...
I dont blame LLR Chuck and his lefty allies trying to find something to latch onto after the failure of their commie-ish Stasi-like coup.
They have never looked so pathetic.
Sarah Sanders should flood the White House briefing room with pecan pies and oranges just to see if it can drive the lefties and their lap poodle LLR automatons into rage-induced comas.
What are you people smocking? Covfefe?
Speaking of Corpseman...
"It was my great honor to deliver a message at the Marine Core Air Station Miramar to our GREAT U.S. Military, straight from the heart of the American People,” Trump wrote. “We support you, we thank you, we love you – and we will always have your back!”
I didn't notice until it was pointed out.
For my work, I do a lot of speaking to groups. If I say so myself, I'm pretty good at it (the feedback I get concurs). But there are certain words that I mangle without realizing it, such as saying "breafast" for "breakfast". Sometimes someone will point this out and have a laugh at my expense. I'll correct the mistake for awhile, but will repeat when my guard slips.
Well Trump always compares apples to oranges in this twisted logic and his base licks up the juice.
Blogger Amadeus 48 said...
“This is so cool. Look at how he is getting his message out. People who sigh and turn away when he comes on are actually sitting through his argument that the beginnings of the Russia investigation should be examined.”
Here is the reality - the Obama Administration weaponized our intelligence, national security, and law enforcement capabilities against their political opponents, then the Dems used their control over most of the media, combined with their Deep State assets, to cover it up as long as they could. And as someone pointed out elsewhere today, if this sort of behavior is not penalized significantly, they will have gotten away with it, and it will repeat, become the norm, and we, as a country, will become a banana republic. Which may be better than becoming a socialist paradise, which seems the intent of much of the Dem party elite these days, but not by much. My view is that if we are going to survive as a republic, the following, at a minimum, should go to prison:
CIA Dir Brennan
DNI Clapper
FBI supervisory agent Strzok
DAG Sally Yates
IRS supervisor Lois Lerner
Probably the following:
Crooked Hillary
Her aides Huma Abedelin and Cheryl WhateverHerName
AG Lynch
AG Holder
IRS Commissioner under Obama
DoJ Atty Andrew Weissman
And maybe the following:
AAG Bruce Ohr
FBI Dir Comey
ATF Fast and Furious participants
FBI Atty Lisa Page
UN Ambassador Samantha Powers
NSA Susan Rice
No doubt, there are a number of others I have missed. But the only way that we will ever eliminate the sort of corrupt abuse of power that we have experienced over the last decade, and esp over the last three years, is to scare the sorts of people who would be tempted to follow and replicate it by sending the perps to prison. Currently, the only people facing prison time are their victims, like Gen Flynn. That is precisely the wrong message to send to future top federal office holders.
You people don't think we will be able to have fun at the expense of a Adderall addicted lameass retarded? The chokes on you
I hear him say "origin" and "origins". Not orangin or orangins.
Trump pronounces slightly differently than someone else might. You should hear how people in the South say oranges compared to people from California. Aawh-angis or Ore-anges soft R or hard R
Now pronunciation differences are ground for impeachment? Geeze is there anything Trump will do that they won't criticize??
r/v: "Well Trump always compares apples to oranges in this twisted logic and his base licks up the juice."
Well the dems always compares non-existent russian conspiracies to actual conspiracies in this twisted logic and their base licks up the russian hooker urine-infused lie-juice.
"It was my great honor to deliver a message at the Marine Core Air Station Miramar to our GREAT U.S. Military, straight from the heart of the American People,” Trump wrote. “We support you, we
thank you, we love you – and we will always have your back!”
No wonder Trump gets such large majorities of combat arms veterans.
They love him right back.
To be fair, obama was just as loved by the Iranian troops.
And here's a limerick to commemorate the occasion
Well Trump he said twice "oranges,"
Howard: "You people don't think we will be able to have fun at the expense of a Adderall addicted lameass retarded? The chokes on you"
Hmmmm, forced to recycle that one....precisely as LLR Chuck is attempting.
And Preet-y went all tweety today warning the lefties not to think the SDNY was going to remove Trump....
So many dreams...fading so fast....
One would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at the lefties and their fully house-broken LLR's.
Juggling is one of those utterly useless skills that I never bothered to master.
Good on this fella, though. I'm sure he brings lots of joy to others.
I'm not familiar with anyone's suggesting that mispronouncing "origins" was grounds for impeachment. I am not suggesting that.
I am suggesting that Trump is a nutcase, and that this episode is just fun for what it's worth. It's fun, laughing at Trump.
It's not policy. It's not law. It's just humor, very much at Trump's expense.
The comments here that suggest that we Trump haters think this is grounds for impeachment all get our Trump Derangement Syndrome Derangement Syndrome tag.
Also; the Era of That's Not Funny tag.
Also; the Era of This is Fucking Insane that the Trump Cultists Can't Hear "Orange" When It is On A Freaking Audio/Video Recording tag.
Also; the Please Don't Run That Old Bit About How Trump Makes These Mistakes On Purpose Because He Wants To Get Our Attention tag.
A slightly mispronounced "origins" does not detract from the accusation against the perpetrators of the lies about Russian collusion.
Adam Schiff-republucan Chuck: "Also; the Please Don't Run That Old Bit About How Trump Makes These Mistakes On Purpose Because He Wants To Get Our Attention tag."
The last thing lefties want is truth in advertising.
Correct mikee.
What we are seeing is LLR Chuck and Inga and the rest of the lefties spinning wildly as their Stasi-coup ploy becomes more and more exposed.
We know how to defend ourselves against oranges, but what about a pointed stick?
I heard "origins", but then I am usually primed to hear the word I expect to hear given the context, so it might be the case I can't hear "oranges" which is so close to being a homophone to "origins". However, it is equally likely that a Trump foe will also hear what he wants to hear.
Just sitting here saying the words to myself quickly, I would start to lose the tongue tip closure on the upper palate that produces that "n" sound- mostly cause by moisture loss when talking rapidly.
Bob Boyd at 9:31 a.m. CDT,
You, sur, when the thread and the innernet four the day!
I am suggesting that Trump is a nutcase, and that this episode is just fun for what it's worth. It's fun, laughing at Trump.
I'm suggesting that the people who want to even take a moment's time to discuss Trump's pronunciation of the word "origins" and pretend that he actually said "oranges" in order to laugh ..... are the real nutcases.
Wasting time and energy on a non issue, when there are more important and immediate issues to address only shows the obsessive nature of the TDS types.
Trump can be amusing and sometimes can be laughed at. But....really? Give it a rest once in a while.
The hair dye is seeping through. Soon every word will be "orange".
Dust Bunny Queen said...
I'm suggesting that the people who want to even take a moment's time to discuss Trump's pronunciation of the word "origins" and pretend that he actually said "oranges" in order to laugh ..... are the real nutcases.
Wasting time and energy on a non issue, when there are more important and immediate issues to address only shows the obsessive nature of the TDS types...
Well, yeah. Healthcare reform is a lot more important. It needs to be addressed now. Trump has been saying since he started campaigning for the presidency that he would fix health care, and even that he was the one and only guy who could fix it. That it would be easy. That he would make sure that "everybody is covered." Trump would make it so that costs and premiums would be lowered, deductibles and co-pays and co-insurances would be covered. Trump said all of that more times than I can count.
But he never had a plan. He never even had the intellectual curiosity to get involved in the details or the negotiations of a plan. He is not qualified, by skill, training, experience or intellect to negotiate a plan.
Health care would be important to practically everyone in the USA. Trump won't do it. Trump will exhaust himself and his audience of morons, talking about a border wall. Because he's a low-information leader for a following of low-information voters.
Bob Boyd at 9:31
Well played.
It needs to be addressed now.
Chuck is going to singlehandedly turn the House into a Republican majority. Go for it Chuck !
This is so ridiculous that only someone like Chuck could say it.
Trump will exhaust himself and his audience of morons, talking about a border wall. Because he's a low-information leader for a following of low-information voters.
Speaking of morons. Does someone pay you to post this crap ?
It needs to be addressed now. It being health care.
Chuck. You do realize that is the job of Congress? The President can suggest but he cannot make law.
If you want it addressed, I suggest that you tell Congress to get off of its asses, stop with all the ridiculous bullshit investigations and do their jobs.
Chuck, I'm happy to talk about what a Republican health reform might look like
It is just that so much bullshit has been written and said about this that it is very hard to accept anyone as serious when they don't say serious things.
We had a health care "system" in this country that 85% off the population was satisfied with. It was too expensive but the distortions are mostly related to bad incentives. Some of those are due to trial lawyers like you, Chuck. Some are Tragedy of the Commons situations.
Democrats and Socialists, which didn't necessarily mean the same, like the ONE BIG SYSTEM for the solution of any problem.
It does not occur to them that free markets work.
I heard Trump likes salad with Russian dressing. Pass it on to Maddow.
“Democrats and Socialists, which didn't necessarily mean the same, like the ONE BIG SYSTEM for the solution of any problem.”
Be fair. Obamacare, true to its socialist roots, was really a two or three tier system. One tier for the poor, one for the middle, and. No real change for the elites. My understanding is that Congress was originally supposed to be covered by it, but Obama kindly gave them a waiver. And if he did, rescinding that waiver is what Trump should have done when he still had a Republican House, in order to get them to clean up the mess that Palsi, Reid, and Obama foisted off on most of us. Heck, rescinding the rest of the coverage waivers, for unions, big companies, etc, would probably done the same. As is, the right people haven’t been feeling the pain that the rest of us have ($1500 a month for my partner, and her primary meds were up-tiered this year, for another $300 a month). All they really needed to have done was expand Medicaid, and that would have covered most of those without coverage who were the ostensible justification for the ACA, but because of the rest of the stuff they larded onto it, coverage now is only marginally better, Doctors are quitting their practices, and premiums are soaring.
And Dr K is right - the healthcare/healthcare insurance mess isn’t going to be even addressed again until Republicans get control again over both Houses of Congress and the Presidency. The Dem House, listening to their wackiest members, led by the ignoramous known as AOC, has essentially signed onto her Medicaid for All disaster plan. No way are they going to sign on to anything looking the least bit like reform, with their crazy socialists driving their party.
Juggling is one of those utterly useless skills that I never bothered to master.
Good on this fella, though. I'm sure he brings lots of joy to others.
I learned to juggle when I first found out I would be a father. Still have the juggling bags (not oranges) around. when they were old enough to express themselves clearly the reaction was, "Sure Dad, that's swell, but I'm reading a book right now."
Orange you glad Hildebeast(still) isn't the president?
Bruce Hayden said...
And Dr K is right - the healthcare/healthcare insurance mess isn’t going to be even addressed again until Republicans get control again over both Houses of Congress and the Presidency. The Dem House, listening to their wackiest members, led by the ignoramous known as AOC, has essentially signed onto her Medicaid for All disaster plan. No way are they going to sign on to anything looking the least bit like reform, with their crazy socialists driving their party.
So this is a typically sensible comment by the typically sensible Bruce Hayden.
The question then is, "Why was Trump spouting off last week about how they were going to do health care and the Republican Party would be known as the Party of Health Care?" Trump backed down only when Mitch McConnell said that he "informed the President" that the Senate would not be taking up health care reform this year.
Under any circumstances -- even if the Republicans were to regain something like a 10 or 20 seat majority in the House, and hang onto the Senate (all of which is probably a best-case scenario for the GOP in 2020) -- health care reform and getting 60 votes in the Senate will be an almost incomprehensibly complicated affair.
But Trump keeps talking about it like it will be easy and it will be just so totally great for everybody.
Be fair. Obamacare, true to its socialist roots, was really a two or three tier system.
Disagree.The "System" was all based on cross subsidies and a broadened Medicaid. The Democrats were planning to force all the employer based plans to join the exchanges but they chickened out when they realized the unions would be hunting Democrats with dogs if they tried that.
The insurance lobbyists who wrote the bill with a bunch of 25 year old lawyer staff members made sure the Mandate would be there to force everyone into the ONE BIG SYSTEM, which was supposed to shift all that money around from the middle class to the the welfare class.
One thing is important to understand. Insurance companies HATE health insurance. It is a money loser.
The only thing they like, and were hoping to duplicate with Obamacare, was being an "Administrative Service Organization," which means processing claims that some one else would actually pay, With Employer plans, it is the employer. With Obamacare it was the feds. ie Taxpayers,
Yeah, he said "origins" clearly every time. What this hyperventilating journ0lister Democrat party member recognized, and what scared him into the squid ink escape of "shithole countries- er, oranges", is the mention of the Obama administration being the source of the Russian conspiracy lie. Trump is going after Li'l Barry, and Democrat party members are going to scream and cry... Fuck them.
Michael K said...The insurance lobbyists who wrote the bill with a bunch of 25 year old lawyer staff members made sure the Mandate would be there to force everyone into the ONE BIG SYSTEM
But..AOC says she just got insurance for the 1st time via her new gig....
But..AOC says she just got insurance for the 1st time via her new gig....
Minimum wage jobs will do that. After all, Biden and Bernie have NEVER had a real job,
But Trump keeps talking about it like it will be easy and it will be just so totally great for everybody.
Chuck, I've been resisting response but you might think about the fact that repealing Obamacare would just restore the market that existed before 2009. Not totally true because the Democrats destroyed a lot of the pre-existing economy but it would recover if left alone. They never dared to attack the employer based system which is 75% of it.
All they did was hurt the small group and individual market, which will recover if left alone,. Kids like my daughter would buy catastrophic care policies ion they were allowed to exist,. They were about $200./month before Obama/Pelosi/Reid got into them.
Obamacare was just expanded Medicaid,.That should be block granted to the states,.
Blogger Dust Bunny Queen said...
Chuck. You do realize that is the job of Congress? The President can suggest but he cannot make law.
Then why does Trump keep making promises about health care? He promised to “repeal and replace” Obamacare. He made that promise about 200 times, right? Trump went into specifics; he talked about “covering everybody.” Trump talked about lower costs, lower premiums; and he even talked about maintaining requirements for insurers to cover preexisting conditions. Trump, not McConnell was spouting about when a bill would be considered and how it would make The GOP the party of health care.
You say that it is Congress’ job to write healthcare laws. But then why was it ever called “Obamacare”?
Michael K said...
But..AOC says she just got insurance for the 1st time via her new gig....
Minimum wage jobs will do that. After all, Biden and Bernie have NEVER had a real job,
She likely had a massive subsidy available but felt that subsidy should be 100%.
I've encountered numerous similar over the years. After complaining to me, if I shared a route to a manageable coverage source, they explained they were conceptually against paying for it.
“But..AOC says she just got insurance for the 1st time via her new gig....”
Wasn’t she on her parents’ policy until a couple years ago? My memory is that you could stay on their policies until 26 or so, and she is only a couple years beyond that.
He promised to “repeal and replace” Obamacare. He made that promise about 200 times, right?
Come on, Chuck. You know better than this. McCain took great pleasure in stopping the repeal after running for re-election on a promise to repeal it. He also ran on the Wall and lied there too.
I know you hate Trump. although I am stumped on your reasons. The Congress refused to work with Trump, partly because they are part of the swamp, like Ryan, and partly because, like you, they have sort of a primal hate.
Also, some of them might really have bought that fake dossier and thought the Democrats might actually force him out. That is what has happened with North Korea and if you can be honest you know that.
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