From "Liberals’ frustration with Pelosi rises over her response to Omar dispute" (WaPo).
Also in WaPo, "Bernie Sanders’s campaign escalates fight with establishment Democrats in reprise of 2016 party rifts":
“I think this time around he wanted to make sure that people understood that he wasn’t just going to be a punching bag,” said Sanders’s campaign manager, Faiz Shakir.... “He’s comfortable having the fight within the party or outside the party, in general. That’s Bernie Sanders.”...Over at the NYT, "‘Stop Sanders’ Democrats Are Agonizing Over His Momentum":
“I think his tone in general is too Trumplike. It’s based on anger,” said Greg Hale, a longtime Democratic presidential campaign adviser who worked for Clinton in 2016. “We all need to be together and we need to have a positive message, not a negative message.”...
“Establishment Democrats have to stop holding him back,” said Linn Anderson, a graphic designer from Youngstown, Ohio, who attended a town hall Sanders participated in Sunday. Asked whether she felt there was still animosity coming from Clinton’s allies, Anderson responded, “Hell yeah.”
How, some Democrats are beginning to ask, do they thwart a 70-something candidate from outside the party structure who is immune to intimidation or incentive and wields support from an unwavering base, without simply reinforcing his “the establishment is out to get me’’ message — the same grievance Mr. Trump used to great effect?...Top-rated comment at the NYT:
That prospect is not only spooking establishment-aligned Democrats, but it is also creating tensions about what, if anything, should be done to halt Mr. Sanders....
“There’s a growing realization that Sanders could end up winning this thing, or certainly that he stays in so long that he damages the actual winner,” said David Brock, the liberal organizer, who said he has had discussions with other operatives about an anti-Sanders campaign and believes it should commence “sooner rather than later.”
But to some veterans of the still-raw 2016 primary, a heavy-handed intervention may only embolden him and his fervent supporters....
If the Democratic "establishment" does anything to stop the nomination of Bernie Sanders, I will never vote for a Democrat again in my life. Let the best candidate win, and if Bernie loses the nomination fair and square by not winning enough primary votes, then obviously he shouldn't be the Democratic nominee. but if there is anything with super delegates or some other shinnanigans, then Dems will be hurting their own chances of winning in the general election.And what delight Trump will take — publicly and amusingly viciously.
1 – 200 of 235 Newer› Newest»Trump’s strategy is working.
Divide and conquer.
when we ask to be at the table
New people should get priority over people with more experience?
What is it the leftie youngsters always say about Republicans? Dumpster fire?
Democrats are a dumpster fire.
Remember when speaking of Democrat division there’s also the Howard Schultz wing of the party and the Bill Weld win of the party.
Do the Clinton's still control the votes of the Dem super delegates?
If they do, they control the process. They will decide who the Dem candidate will be.
Never Bernie Dems.
Pelosi is old. She’s lost five steps.
Angry Old Rich White Woman.
She can’t keep up with Trump’s humor and affection for the United States.
She’s a scold. Like Warren.
I'm not as certain that the neo moonbat arm of the Democrat party has as much support as it might appear. Their messages have been amplified by the main stream media and social media, but I'm uncertain about how broad their support really is among the general Dem electorate.
Blue on blue open warfare... is there anything more fun and glorious to watch?
Kinda reminds me when the Dems and the Media (BIRM) kept saying the GOP we needed to a “moderate” which apparently meant a milquetoast squish with no core values, so we saw Romney and McCain. Fun times.
Pass the popcorn
The Clintons are finished. And Obama doesn’t give a shit.
It’s Omar and AOC’s party now. And they are Bernie Broads.
*Needed to run
To truly honor our diversity is to never silence us.
Two literal LOLs so far today.
When did mild criticism become "attacks"?
(Yes, it's a rhetorical question.)
The Left in our country are barely American. Their chief aim is simply to undo the American experiment of liberty and limited government to create some socialist utopia that will fail like all socialist Utopias.
Problem: liberals and moderates are also in their way. So, they'll turn on Pelosi in a hearbeat. Nancy tolerates them because she needs their votes.
So, the unpleasant mating dance continues.
And we laugh.
And Trump smiles.
the democrats are going to nominate a communist. But he loves you!
It’s not that the Far Left support is broad. It’s that it’s fervent.
True Believers.
Antifa beating on Dem Soccer Moms
All this looks queued up to hand the nomination to a non-Washington politician. Perhaps the governor or former governor of a Western state? Or the mayor or former mayor of a mid-sized city? Ban the Senators and Representatives and you can choose from 2 of the former and 3 of the latter.
It's hard to overstate how weird a phenomena Congresswoman Omar is. I lived in in MN-5 for a long time and it was a long term hold for pre-woke, Humphryesque Dems (DFLers in the local parlance). Don Fraiser and Marty Sabo were libs to be sure, but they'd easily sit down and make nice with the local movers and shakers at Cargill, 3M, the big banks and General Mills. They reliably won the district 70/30. Never any problem, comfortable win every time.
Keith Elisson had the district for a few terms and I don' know his margins of victory but I'm sure they were comfortable too.
Ilhan Omar comes along and as an absolute fire breather in a district that contains the largest Jewish community in the state and wins 80/20. . . . . . . .80/20!!! Wrap your mind around that. She's way more out of the mainstream and wins by an order of magnitude larger.
If I was Pelosi, I wouldn't know what to do either.
we are ignored.
If you're ignored, then you're not silenced.
Even Nancy Pelosi is getting tired of the lamentations of their women.
“I think his tone in general is too Trumplike. It’s based on anger,” said Greg Hale
I can easily understand Trump's anger at having been the target of espionage and disinformation by Obama administration holdovers. But what does Bernie have to be angry about? He parlayed being a perpetual purveyor of bad economic ideas into being a millionaire with two residences and a дача, oops, I mean vacation home. His wife is under investigation for bank fraud, but he has enough clout within the Democrat party to prevent them from indicting her, so I ask again. What does he have to be angry about?
Honestly, I still think it's 50/50 Clinton gets in late and rigs the nom again.
On Sunday, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), the other Muslim congresswoman, went so far as to accuse the Democratic leadership of using people of color to highlight diversity but ignoring them when it mattered —
Lololol she didn’t know this before she ran?
o truly honor our diversity is to never silence us
They then should be thanking Trump for bringing her words to national attention.
I know it was AOC that said “I’m the boss now” but the meme would be much funnier to me if it was Omar and she was saying “I’m the captain now”...
Ah, forget it, someone would just claim it’s racist, or Islamophobic. Of course the left thinks anyone who isn’t left is deplorable, so F them.
The Will Rogers quip may be close to a century old, but it has seldom been more appropriate: "I'm not a member of any organized party. I'm a Democrat."
Their inability to run their own party will not for a second cause the Progs to question their ability to create a utopia using the same methods if only they had the power.
I'm not as certain that the neo moonbat arm of the Democrat party has as much support as it might appear. Their messages have been amplified by the main stream media and social media,
Agree completely. They are going to regret this nonsense. I still think Harris has the big money behind her but Bernie could burn all that down. He's got all these kids with student loans and useless degrees who want free stuff.
The radicals could lose Congress for Nancy.
The GOP is almost as good at missing an opportunity as the Palestinians but this may be a slam dunk.
They put us in photos when they want to show our party is diverse,' Tlaib wrote, retweeting messages claiming Democrats used women of color as 'props.'
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Next time you're asked to be in a picture, here's a word to use, Representative: "No."
Congresswoman Omar is. I lived in in MN-5
"The Somali community in Minnesota is denouncing a video from the [Somali] terror group al-Shabaab that specifically mentions Mall of America as a potential target of an attack. The video has MOA security, Bloomington, Minn. police and the FBI on high alert, but it also has local Somalis fearful of profiling."
The guy who tossed that poor kid over the railing is supposedly a Somali immigrant [in Omar's district?] who went to that mall intending to kill somebody because he was tired of being rejected by People of Gender.
It’s not that the Far Left support is broad. It’s that it’s fervent.
The question is how much do all the noises coming from the peanut gallery affect the mindset of the more general Dems electorate? What percentage of Dem voters really support the more fanciful ideas put forth in the Green New Deal? What percentage think reparations are a super great idea? Is it 10%? 20%? 30%? Has the Dem party's own overton window really been pushed as far as we've been lead to believe?
There are 18 people competing in the Dem Hunger Games.
Bernie has more than enough support to win the nomination.
Anti-American, intolerant, class warrior, racists. Nice party you got there.
"The Left in our country are barely American."
Who is an American?
What a diverse party. People who love America and people who hate America. Jews and people who hate Jews. Socialists and those who like freedom. What a diverse party.
They're all going for the soap opera audience.
"...local Somalis fearful of profiling."
That's what we need to worry about. The backlash to tomorrow's killing.
heir messages have been amplified by the main stream media and social media,
No small part of their audience is made up of conservatives who drop by to point and laugh, and link for others to do the same.
If Bernie’s Coalition stays home in a general election, Trump will win 40 states.
If Bernie is the Dem nominee, Trump will win 40 states.
The Dems are in a difficult spot.
Pelosi is spending her time kowtowing to Omar, AOC, and Tlaib and part of her time trashing them.
Pelosi isn’t skilled enough to pull this act off.
And the DNC doesn’t have the juice to Get Bernie.
Socialists and those who like freedom. What a diverse party.
I think you wrote “freedom” when you meant “free stuff.” Plantation owners liked “free stuff” too, like the output of their enslaved workforce.
Trump holds a lot of leverage over a certain kind of Democrat, because they insist on being for whatever he's against, no matter how awful, and against whatever he's for, no matter how good. This gives him great scope for manipulation.
She and AOC are on more magazine covers than the Supermodel First Lady! WTF?
If the Dems keep this up, they will be absolutely blown out of the water in 2020
You know who had diversity? Sybil.
Pelosi should stop wasting her time for the good of the party. They need another shellacking like 1972 or 1984 to bring them back to their senses.
Is this real, trustworthy, accurately-reported news?
If this were a story about grassroots Republicans expressing dissatisfaction with Trump's leadership of the Party, would TrumpWorld be discussing the details and merits of the story? Or would they be writing all of it off as Fake News; completely illegitimate having come out of completely illegitimate sources like WaPo and the NYT?
I couldn't care less about the Democratic Party base. But I am fascinated with the selective outrage of Trump fans when it comes to their belief in current news reporting.
I think the level of racial tolerance in America reached a peak a couple decades back. We could have moved beyond that and become even more color blind (which is now a bad term), but we will not unless we can rid our culture of the new racists who don't even have enough shame to wear a hood.
"The Left in our country are barely American."
Who is an American?
John Wayne was, Pilgrim. So is Clint Eastwood. So are most folks at a NASCAR race. So are Moms who work their tails off and raise their kids. So were all my volunteer little league coaches. So are all the Vets who wore the uniform and served honorably.
There's a buncha Americans, Cook. C'mon now. Don't get esoteric on me.
Look how openly our culture now accepts racism. We openly disparage white people, blame them for everything we don't like, and some are now proposing that we rob white people and give the money to POC, based on nothing but skin color. We haven't been this racist since Jim Crow.
I really hope Trump wins in 2020, so I fear that this may just be my confirmation bias talking, but: if this were a normal election with the economy still rock solid and Trump holding the advantages of incumbency, a smart Democrat would skip this round and leave it to some no-hope sacrificial lamb (like John Kerry) and concentrate on 2024. You know what they say about wrestling with pigs... Joe Biden seems like a natural for the "we've gotta run someone" role. And then Oprah swoops down in 2024 with Barack and Michelle pushing hard at every campaign stop and cruises into office over a decent but not particularly compelling Mike Pence without even having to get all that nasty, so she can "bring the country together" and preside over 8 years of sunshine and flowers and free cars for everyone.
“ “We all need to be together and we need to have a positive message, not a negative message.””
No clearer example of civility bullshit being used in an attempt to enforce discipline. Like Trump though, the Golden Shower Left doesn’t do that. They simply don’t have the tools.
shinnanigans is a great spelling. Makes the word Irish, like shillelagh.
Shenanigans is a wonderful word, of mysterious origin.
Shenanigan seems to have originated in California at about the time of the Gold Rush....
...The word looks Irish, and there was no shortage of Irishmen in the California diggings, so it’s plausible to suggest the Irish word sionnachuighm as the source, meaning ‘I play tricks’, which is pronounced roughly as ‘shinnuckeem’.
Others argue it comes from an East Anglian dialect word nannicking for playing the fool. Yet others guess at a link with the Spanish word chanada for a trick or deceit, which is another half-way plausible source, considering California’s history. Yet another theory was put forward in 1948 in American Speech for an origin in German schinnagel for a nail that holds the rim to the wheel, which produced the German slang terms schinageln, to work, and Schenigelei, a trick.
And to all the carpers I say, echoing someone else, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
Staffer: Speaker Pelosi, Representatives Ocasio-Cortez and Omar are here to see you.
Speaker Pelosi: Release the hounds.
@Bay Area Guy -- You forgot apple-pie-bakers and Chevrolet salesmen.
But I am fascinated with the selective outrage of Trump fans.
I couldn’t find any outrage, at least up to 10:46. I found a lot of amusement, possible hints of bemusement, but no outrage.
Did you see Pelosi explaining how any Democrat at all could have won those seats?
Those seats belong to the party.
The people inhabiting them are inconsequential.
I don't understand people who get into politics and then whimper and whine because people say mean things and criticize and ridicule you. It seems like the last kind of job one should try and get if being liked by everyone is really important. I mean, go be a nurse or something, I think everyone likes nurses don't they? Don't be a politician. Oh, sorry, I meant "public servant" which is part of the problem I think, treating politicians like they're laboring to deliver the common good. Only by mistake.
"But to some veterans of the still-raw 2016 primary, a heavy-handed intervention may only embolden him and his fervent supporters...."
"Fervent"...? Wow, the NY Times reserves that to indicate subjects with an irrational, religious-like zeal. It is used almost exclusively to target folks on the right. This signals the editors do not favor the old white guy.
Watched the Bernie show on Fox last night. I have to admit I don't understand the attraction, especially for younger folks. Maybe he represents some kind of angry old helicopter dad for a generation that has never known true independence from their parents?
"treating politicians like they're laboring to deliver the common good. Only by mistake."
And only after a generous skimming off the top. It's truly amazing what Americans allow their politicians to get away with.
"I think his tone in general is too Trumplike. It’s based on anger"
Trump = anger? We're blessed with the cluelessness of the opposition.
"...she hasn’t done enough to defend freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar..."
From what? The consequences of her own words? There ought to be - needs to be - used to be negative consequences for public Jew-hatred.
I can see Althouse rationalizing a vote for Klobuchar, maybe for Mayor Pete or even Creepy Joe. But not Bernie.
If the far left does not line up behind Nancy Pelosi then where are they going to go? The GOP doesn't want them. Jill Stein might welcome them, but the record of third parties here in the US isn't all that great -- the last one was, wait for it!, the Republicans displacing the Whigs in 1856 through 1860.
“Anti-American, intolerant, class warrior, racists. Nice party you got there.”
“The Left in our country are barely American."
So those Democrats/liberals who are currently serving in the military are anti American or barely American? Maybe you should call the Pentagon and express your fears that these Democrats/liberals are dangerous and should be thrown out of the military.
After 8 straight years bowing to the Hussein Obama Muslim Brotherhood chapter living in the Whitehouse as their leader the Dems feel free to openly be Jew hating jihadists. Bernie and Pelosi are restraining them. Those two just want a New World Order Dictatorship of the Proletariat needed to fight CO2 emisions.
We all need to be together and we need to have a positive message, not a negative message.”...
"Anyone who disagrees with me is a greedy racist" cannot ever be a positive message.
I would remind you that extremism in the defense of socialism is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of social justice is no virtue!
Ilhan Omar won her seat 80/20? That is indeed a wonder that requires a lot of explication.
Nor does Pelosi's "A glass of water with a (D) after it would have won that seat!" explain how the "glass of water" (AO-C) won her primary election.
And I do enjoy seeing Pelosi on TV News proclaiming that she is not "one of those crazy Democrats!"
The Republican base did the same thing the Democrat bass is doing.
In 2012 republican voters made it clear they wanted anyone but Romney. But the donors spent massive amounts of money and viciously attacked all the other people in the race and the machine got Romney over the line.
Then Romney lost an election he should have won.
In 2016 Democrat voters didn’t want Hillary. The machine nominated Hillary.
Hillary lost an election everyone thought she should have won.
“Who is an American?”
Those who love Putin and borscht and Trump?
Chuck poses a hypothetical in just another episode of selective TDS outrage "But Truuuuump"
If you actually sit down, have a cup of coffee, and ask a Leftist what they actually believe and what they would do if they were King, you get all sorts of weird, dislocated shit.
Tax the "rich"
Free schools
Free medicine (healthcare is a right, not a privilege)
Abolish racism
Abolish war
Fight inequality
More money for schools
More money to fight climate change
No borders
Abolish hate speech
Abolish war
Abolish football
Abolish the CIA
Abolish the Electoral College
Abolish Walmart
Charge Henry Kissinger for war crimes
No more fossil fuels
Everyone ride bikes and drive a Prius
Government jobs for everyone
Government child care for everyone
They don't seem to understand that the process of "getting" all this stuff, would destroy the fabric and foundation of the country -- and lead to horrific war (see Venezuela, 2019; see China, 1948).
Sometimes, after gentle probing, they admit that, yeah, "getting" all this stuff may destroy the country, but, heck, that's a necessary compromise for the greater good.
I talk to these people. I live in their neighborhood. I have BBQs with them. Yes, intellectually, they are that clueless.
Bobber Fleck said...
I would remind you that extremism in the defense of socialism is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of social justice is no virtue!
Those who love Putin and borscht and Trump?
Don’t knock borscht. Try The Russian Tea Room in Manhattan.
Too many white people in the Democrat party. And the NYTs.
Bernie Sanders Released His Tax Returns. He’s Part of the 1%.
I am laughing my ass off. What a joyous Spring it has been!
'However, when we ask to be at the table, or speak up about issues that impact who we are, what we fight for & why we ran in the first place, we are ignored. To truly honor our diversity is to never silence us.'"
The campus hierarchy is asserting itself. It's not enough for them (and everyone) to participate. In order to earn the non-racist seal of approval the decision must be made solely by those with the greatest victim status.
"The far left’s frustration with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is on the rise, as liberal advocates and lawmakers fume that she hasn’t done enough to defend freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar..."
The electorate's frustration with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is on the rise, as Real Americans (h/t cookie) fume that she hasn't done enough to criticize Rep. Ilhan Omar...
stroganoff noodles, borscht not so much, sanders actually went to the soviet union in the tail end of the cold war, he is much like Jeremy Corbyn, who had ties to stb (Czech intelligence) and Michael foot, who apparently a soviet agent, his father was governor of india, or some such, like Philby pere who was a functionary in the arab quarters,
You left off the guaranteed minimum income.
"Sometimes, after gentle probing, they admit that, yeah, "getting" all this stuff may destroy the country, but, heck, that's a necessary compromise for the greater good."
Gov Moonbeam said something along those lines re one of his policies.
Well, at least they're starting to admit that there is a far Left....
Indulging color judgments was one baby step for racists, sexist, genderists, classists, etc. One progressive leap for people. Diversity breeds adversity.
The democrats have found out that (like the clintons) they can make a ****-load of money running for the presidency. We will not see less than 10 candidates for the rest of our lives in an open primary or one running against a republican.
Informal Althouse poll -- which nickname is better?
1. "One-Percent Bernie" or
2. "Hair-Sniffer Joe"
You can vote for more than 1:)
And I do enjoy seeing Pelosi on TV News proclaiming that she is not "one of those crazy Democrats!"
The conflict is between Dems who believe incrementalism achieves more by vastly reducing political opposition and Dems who believe incrementalism is no longer necessary because their institutional power can override any opposition.
The conflict is tactical, there is effectively no difference between Pelosi and AOC on the substance.
If they try to shaft Sanders this time, he will run third party.
I don't think they have to stack the deck to stop him this time, but the urge to do so may be irresistible.
"but we will not unless we can rid our culture of the new racists who don't even have enough shame to wear a hood"
A burka is a lot like a hood. And in so many ways.
Proposal for Bernie's 2020 slogan: You'll Never Get Tired Of Winning.
"However, when we ask to be at the table, or speak up about issues that impact who we are, what we fight for & why we ran in the first place, we are ignored. To truly honor our diversity is to never silence us."
What she fails to understand is that, when she's fully "at the table", there are 434 more place settings sharing the table with her, and at each one sits another Representative just like her, with all of the same empowerment and agency.
She isn't really asking for a place at that table. She is demanding to sit at the head of the table and dictate to the others what will happen.
" ‘Stop Sanders’ Democrats Are Agonizing Over His Momentum" sez the NYT.
It is a beautiful agony. Bernini would understand.
Honestly, I still think it's 50/50 Clinton gets in late and rigs the nom again.
I'll take this bet for any amount of money.
said David Brock, the liberal organizer, who said he has had discussions with other operatives about an anti-Sanders campaign and believes it should commence “sooner rather than later.
David Brock, a "liberal organizer"? How about "David Brock, insane hit-man for the Clinton Machine" is closer to the truth. There are very few folks out there more associated with the Clintons than Brock. That's like saying "Huma Abedin, liberal organizer".
The NYT should be ashamed of itself for that falsity in labeling.
Blogger Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...
Watched the Bernie show on Fox last night. I have to admit I don't understand the attraction, especially for younger folks.
He may come across old and cranky, but if your grandpa is promising free stuff, you look past that.
I think he would be shredded by Trump in a one on one after his lame "you make more money" regarding his own proposition.
"You left off the guaranteed minimum income"
My bad, thanks.
I also forgot abolish the Second Amendment. Darn.
One-Percent Bernie is on a roll! The Dems are trying to take him out - again!
Who is an American?
That’s easy. It’s what we’ve been arguing about since 1815.
cruises into office over a decent but not particularly compelling Mike Pence
I'm not so sure it will be Pence. Nikki Haley is a possible. Candace Owens is even a possible if she gets a bit more traction.
That little Congresswomen who first pulled the thread that unraveled the Russiagate conspiracy copied be a comer. I can't remember her name but she is from the east somewhere,
the towers are in his district
Yancey Ward: "If they try to shaft Sanders this time, he will run third party.
I don't think they have to stack the deck to stop him this time, but the urge to do so may be irresistible."
Michelle Obama is the Chosen One and is being positioned to step in at the convention post-First Ballot as the Party Unification Candidate after it becomes clear no other candidate can get to 50%+1.
The dem establishment will insist all minor candidates not release their delegates until Michelle is "drafted" "for the good of the Party", despite her "reluctance"...
One Michelle scenario caveat: Barr exposes ibamas spying....
Seen on Twitter: “Gotta love white people talking about “how smart” Pete Buttigieg is. Cory Booker was a Rhodes Scholar & went to Stanford. Julián Castro went to Stanford and Harvard. Kirsten Gillibrand went to Dartmouth, UCLA and speaks Mandarin. Amy Klobuchar went to Yale. They are ALL smart.”
Uh, no. Education does not equal intellect.
If we let that stand, the admissions committees for these universities will be deciding who’s Presidential material based on high school GPA, essays they wrote at 17, and points for affirmative action.
we shall see:
Bernie will be the new president. Just come to terms with it now, so when it happens you won’t be so butthurt. Most butthurt will be Trump of course, he’ll claim illegals put Bernie over the top, then he’ll claim it was all a set up orchestrated by the deep state.
"John Wayne was, Pilgrim. So is Clint Eastwood. So are most folks at a NASCAR race. So are Moms who work their tails off and raise their kids. So were all my volunteer little league coaches. So are all the Vets who wore the uniform and served honorably.
"There's a buncha Americans, Cook. C'mon now. Don't get esoteric on me."
Nobody else?
The video has MOA security, Bloomington, Minn. police and the FBI on high alert, but it also has local Somalis fearful of profiling."
"I think what they have in mind is to create fear among our mainstream community to be afraid of us in the Somali and Muslim community," said the Director of Somali Education and Social Advocacy at the Brian Coyle Center Abdi Bihi.
I find it humorous that the community center in the heart of Minneapolis's Little Mogadishu neighborhood is named after a gay dude.
Bernie for turd party. The ultimate fart-in.
"'treating politicians like they're laboring to deliver the common good. Only by mistake.'
"And only after a generous skimming off the top. It's truly amazing what Americans allow their politicians to get away with."
What are you talking about? The politicians are not skimming off the top. They're being paid directly by their rich corporate donors to deliver the goods to the wealthy.
"There ought to be - needs to be - used to be negative consequences for public Jew-hatred."
When has Rep. Omar expressed publicly hatred for Jews?
The revolution, like Saturn, devours its own children.
I can't wait to see Trump do a presser wearing his Conan quote T-shirt:
What is Best in Life:
"To crush your enemies. See them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of the women."
-Conan the Barbarian
Well, if former Hillary campaign advisors are concerned, he's probably on the right track. They're second only to former ¡Jeb! campaign advisors in their reverse-weathervaning abilities.
"There's a buncha Americans, Cook. C'mon now. Don't get esoteric on me."
Nobody else?
Our friend Cook is having problems with the concept of "American." He wants me to name 300 million Americans and their American traits? No, it will take too long.
Let me try an analogy. Do you have a problem with the concept of "Chinese"? They often live in China. They often have dark brown hair. Egg Foo Yung is one of their many delectable dishes.
Similar concept.
""To crush your enemies. See them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of the women."
The slogan of a psychopath.
As Glenn Reynolds says, "All the Democrats have to do is not act crazy, but they can't manage that."
Robert Cook at 12:03PM: When she said Jews have divided loyalties and buy influence with Benjamins. When she tweeted that Israel had hypnotized the world. If you don't recognize those anti-Semitic tropes, you must also think "the N-word" is nothing but a corruption of the Spanish word for "black," and carries no deeper connotation, and a "faggot" is a bundle of sticks to burn. I envy your naivete, but you have no business in a conversation on ethnic slurs.
Americans often live in America.
Some Americans live abroad.
I think we've nailed this down.
You're being purposely obtuse, of course. To call a segment of the population "barely American" suggests you have a definition of "who is an American" quite apart from simple legal citizenship.
Who would you exclude from being an "American" (or a "real American") based on their views? That you would imply such a possibility causes me to wonder if you are really American.
Bushman of the Kohlrabi, 10:55:
"I have to admit I don't understand the attraction, especially for younger folks."
I'm not on the left, nor young anymore, but here are things I think would appeal to me if I were.
First off, he made a point of standing outside the Democratic Party, because they weren't far enough left and perhaps because he felt they weren't principled enough. When you're younger and into politics, there's a greater tendency to see things in terms of imperatives. Get older and more world-weary, you get more comfortable with compromise. Here's a guy in his late 70s who basically never did - and now a significant mass of the party is moving his way. That looks like, well, winning.
Second, he just seems more sincere and less calculating than the huge majority of politicians. Look at 2016. The nominee-to-be tells a highly select audience that you have to have a public and a private persona. Sanders gets out there and tells whoever wants to come see him what's on his mind. And if you don't like it, well, that's still what he thinks.
Now, I find what he thinks to be loopy, and I think it would be a disaster if he became president. But if I were on the left I'd probably love him.
Informal Althouse poll -- which nickname is better?
1. "One-Percent Bernie" or
2. "Hair-Sniffer Joe"
3. "Pancho Vanilla"
Kudos to Nancy Pants!
On 60 Minutes: "I do reject socialism as an economic system. If people have that view, that's their view. That is not the view of the Democratic Party."
Unfortunately for Pelosi, there's a big segment of the Democrat Party who does hold that view.
> “I think his tone in general is too Trumplike. It’s based on anger,”
Trump doesn't seem angry to me. I think the Democrats will eventually run into trouble in their fight against reality.
Looks like the right wants a purity test to determine who are real Americans. Why aren’t you recoiling from calling your fellow Americans barely American” or “anti- American” based on what? Support for Trump? Are you seriously trying to push the notion that those who have differing political views are less American than you? What have you become? Look at yourselves.
"Robert Cook at 12:03PM: When she said Jews have divided loyalties and buy influence with Benjamins. When she tweeted that Israel had hypnotized the world. If you don't recognize those anti-Semitic tropes, you must also think "the N-word" is nothing but a corruption of the Spanish word for "black," and carries no deeper connotation, and a 'faggot' is a bundle of sticks to burn. I envy your naivete, but you have no business in a conversation on ethnic slurs.
My reading of her remarks was as a criticism of the undue influence Israel has over American foreign policy, a result, at least partially, of the efforts Israel's lobbyists and their campaign donations. This is no more inflammatory than to say the oil industry or Wall Street have undue influence over American policy due to their lobbyists and lavish campaign donations. What is AIPAC but a special interest group (one of all too many in Washington) trying to influence American policy in ways preferable to them? Do you deny this is true? There are certainly Jewish groups who support Rep. Omar.
“Unfortunately for Pelosi, there's a big segment of the Democrat Party who does hold that view.”
You don’t have a clue as to what a big segment of Democrats think, despite saying you do. Your comments prove you are talking through your ass.
Americans are unplanned. People are unplanned. Diverse clumps of cells are planned for profit (PP).
Michael K said...
cruises into office over a decent but not particularly compelling Mike Pence
I'm not so sure it will be Pence. Nikki Haley is a possible. Candace Owens is even a possible if she gets a bit more traction.
I want to see Dan Crenshaw.
I wont hold that he is a former seal against him too much. That just means he knows how to keep his hair nice and likes to be on TV.
We live in interesting times. The progress of redistributive and retributive change exhibits the tell-tales signs of Hutu-Tutsi socialization.
All the moral preening about being true Americans and being pro Israel doesn’t make you any more American than any other American. It means you hold a political view that even 75% of voting American Jews don’t agree with.
Nikki Haley or Candace Owens would be great from my point of view, but the American people seem to like to try something different after 8 years, most of the time. So, from a prognostication viewpoint (not that there's any objective evidence I'm any good at prognostication) I'm guessing it's Oprah (dear God, just don't let it be Michelle, I might actually move to Canada).
Robert Cook said...
Who would you exclude from being an "American" (or a "real American") based on their views? That you would imply such a possibility causes me to wonder if you are really American.
America is founded on the principle that our freedoms and rights are given to us by god, not by the government.
First amendment:
Freedom of speech, association and religion.
College campuses are teeming with little leftist shits that are not American. You are free to disagree with me. You are not free to attack harass and silence.
Second Amendment:
The second amendment is clear and unmistakable in it's intent. Americans all have the right to defend themselves most especially protect themselves against the government.
If you believe in gun control you are not American as this country was founded.
Fourth Amendment:
We have a reasonable right to privacy.
President Obama and Hillary spied on a political opponent.
Democrats rank and file as a party who still support the party are not American.
Michelle Obama is the Chosen One and is being positioned to step in at the convention post-First Ballot as the Party Unification Candidate after it becomes clear no other candidate can get to 50%+1.
Hillary is going to enter the race after Labor Day, saying the same thing.
gahrie: "Hillary is going to enter the race after Labor Day, saying the same thing."
Not if the Obamas forbid it.
Remember that study just a week ago about the massive split between Social Media Democrats and Real World Democrats?
Pelosi very much does, and she's acting accordingly.
"Anonymous" certainly sounds like a certain someone we all know...
"Looks like the right wants a purity test to determine - "
Please take your meds.
I have a few theater friends that are Bernie Bros, and I can tell you that they were super pissed at what happened in 2016.
The Dems are playing a very risky game if they try to use superdelegates to ice out Sanders again.
He might not win anyway. But the process needs to appear "fair and square". Bernie Bros aren't going away.
You don’t have a clue as to what a big segment of Democrats think, despite saying you do. Your comments prove you are talking through your ass.
Obviously, this touched a nerve. Care to actually address the point? Because according to a lot of polls, you’re the one who’s talking out of his ass.
"When you're younger and into politics, there's a greater tendency to see things in terms of imperatives. Get older and more world-weary, you get more comfortable with compromise."
Sometimes compromise becomes complicity, as with the Democrats.
As for Bernie, he should retire.
"Who would you exclude from being an "American" (or a "real American") based on their views?"
Marxists. We are stupid for not shooting them in the streets. It will come to that eventually.
If you loved America you wouldn't be trying to "fundamentally transform" America into Venezuela.
That little Congresswomen who first pulled the thread that unraveled the Russiagate conspiracy copied be a comer. I can't remember her name but she is from the east somewhere,
Maybe your thinking of Elise Stefanik? She's actually the congresswoman for my district (the northwest corner of upstate NY)
“Marxists. We are stupid for not shooting them in the streets. It will come to that eventually.”
Robert, it looks like the purity tests are now on the table.
“Marxists. We are stupid for not shooting them in the streets. It will come to that eventually.”
We live in interesting times. Historically that would have saved a few hundred million lives after birth and about the same number earlier in our evolution. Still, we have not progressed so far left (with some notable exceptions) to normalize mass abortion fields, nor succumbed to the weirdness and depravity of warlock hunts and trials.
"America is founded on the principle that our freedoms and rights are given to us by god, not by the government."
Of course, that was a bit of rhetorical flourish. There is no god. They just meant human being have natural rights, which government cannot rightfully remove. This was confirmed by a mess o' slaveowners.
"Fourth Amendment:
We have a reasonable right to privacy.
President Obama and Hillary spied on a political opponent."
Yes, and the NSA (and other US spy agencies) are spying on all Americans all the time. Do you rail against them? Did you criticize the Bush administration for its part in that? (Not that it didn't precede or follow the Bush Administration). Are Bush and Cheney not Americans in your view? Do you agree Edward Snowden is a real American for revealing this crime against the American people?
"'Who would you exclude from being an "American" (or a "real American") based on their views?'
"Marxists. We are stupid for not shooting them in the streets. It will come to that eventually."
Okay. So we can mark down Fen as another "not a real American." Obviously a Stalinist.
My reading of her remarks was as a criticism of the undue influence Israel has over American foreign policy, a result, at least partially, of the efforts Israel's lobbyists and their campaign donations. This is no more inflammatory than to say the oil industry or Wall Street have undue influence over American policy due to their lobbyists and lavish campaign donations.
So to summarize Cook changed her words eliminating the inflammatory rhetoric and then concluded it was no more inflammatory that average. This shows why nothing ever matters to Cookie: he simply ignores anything that doesn't fit his worldview.
I don't think a Michelle or Hillary or even Oprah will come off the sidelines to rescue the Dems at the convention in June 2020. The protest would be thunderous -- they didn't get any primary votes! Democracy! Emoluments!
The Super Delegates will try mightily to sink Bernie, and throw the support to Biden or Harris. Will they succeed? Who knows?
My hope (which is gradually evolving into a falsifiable prediction) is this:
1. Biden chickens out. Too worried about future Hair-sniffing eruptions.
2. Bernie seizes the lead -- just as Trump did in 2015-16, as the remaining primary vote is highly splintered among the 18 clowns.
3. Howard Schultz runs as a sane third-party to challenge Bernie.
4. Hilarity and mirth ensue.
Inga in a few of her sock-puppet roles.
Why can't she ever play someone smart?
Oh yeah.......
"So to summarize Cook changed her words eliminating the inflammatory rhetoric and then concluded it was no more inflammatory that average. This shows why nothing ever matters to Cookie: he simply ignores anything that doesn't fit his worldview."
I didn't change her words. I didn't even purport to be quoting her. I summarized my understanding of her critique. What actual words of hers do you think were particularly inflammatory or suggestive she has anti-semitic feelings?
"So we can mark down Fen"
We? You and your Marxist pals?
And lookie who is making a list of people he deems as un-American? Lol.
Blogger Hagar said...Ilhan Omar won her seat 80/20? That is indeed a wonder that requires a lot of explication. Nor does Pelosi's "A glass of water with a (D) after it would have won that seat!" explain how the "glass of water" (AO-C) won her primary election.
I agree but don't most people use the term 'box of rocks' rather than glass of water?
You have to understand that in San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi is virtually a conservative, and she has many years of experience staring down and marginalizing crazy-ass far lefties.
Cook: "Democrats/liberals who are currently serving in the military are anti American or barely American?"
Just last month you were calling them parasites, living off the taxpayers during peacetime.
Now they are your prop to shield your fellow marxists.
I didn't change her words.
Sure you did. You summarized and that summary omitted the most objectionable fact of her accusation: that American Jews are acting for the benefit of a foreign power.
Do you believe it unobjectionable to assert Omar is acting on behalf of the Caliphate? Do you think she admits that?
I think of Inga day and night. I can’t sleep because Inga invades my dreams and makes me hot and sweaty. When I don’t see Inga’s name in a thread I have to call out to her, Inga oh my Inga wherefore art thou?
Cook: "Fen as another "not a real American." Obviously a Stalinist."
3rd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division.
Operation Desert Shield
Operation Desert Storm
Operation Restore Hope
Your turn, Marxist scum. :)
An acquaintance of mine tells me livermoron is a wonderful person.
"I agree but don't most people use the term 'box of rocks' rather than glass of water?"
"Bag of hammers" is more civil. It implies that at least there is some value if properly used, which is true if you also have a box of muzzles on hand.
Pelosi is old and washed up.
She is a wealthy liberal who represents a city of wealthy liberal.
Omar and AOC and Tlaib don’t need Pelosi. She’s just an old rich white eomam to them. A had been.
Your bona fides don't prove you're not a Stalinist.
But, let's put that aside. Let's say you're not, technically, a Stalinist. Whatever you are (or have been), that you assert American citizens should be shot down for what you consider to be deplorable beliefs proves you are not an American. (Or, you're an American citizen who has renounced American ideals.)
You are never going to convince Cookie that people who all but cite the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, but are on his side when it comes to Israel, are antisemitic. The reason being that to admit that would be to call his own motivations, which are pure as a pre-Columbian North American snowfall into question.
Of course any criticism of George Soros is profoundly antisemitic. As is criticism of any liberal cause which has Jewish leadership of any kind. Notice though that it’s not antisemitic to go after Bernie. Tells you something about what the people who run the media want you to think.
"Bernie Sanders Released His Tax Returns. He’s Part of the 1%."
Without ever having a real job. No wonder he thinks stuff is free.
If we all pursue Bernie's path to wealth, is that sustainable? Are there enough idiots out there to get us all into the 1%, which would then be the 100%. The richest 100% of the country! That's socialism - we are all equal. It's genius really. Why has nobody ever thought of this before?
"Cook: 'Democrats/liberals who are currently serving in the military are anti American or barely American?'
"Just last month you were calling them parasites, living off the taxpayers during peacetime.
"Now they are your prop to shield your fellow marxists."
I didn't say that. Someone else here did.
"Of course any criticism of George Soros is profoundly antisemitic."
Not at all.
"As is criticism of any liberal cause which has Jewish leadership of any kind."
Not at all.
"Notice though that it’s not antisemitic to go after Bernie."
Why would it be?
Cook: "that you assert American citizens should be shot down"
I said Marxists should be shot dowm. You keep moving goalposts.
And American citizens are not necessarily real Americans.
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were American citisens.
I’m a real American, my blood runs red white and blue and when I fart it sounds like “Trump!”
Someday, Nancy Pelosi might realize that "loud" does not necessarily mean "numerous."
Michael K @11:52 AM: Either would be fine with me, but what about Tom Cotton? He seems to have the intellect and passion to make it happen, if he cared to. You wouldn't be vexed by Trump-style own-goals with him. ("Unforced errors", for you tennis fans, I know you're out there.)
Separately, Mr. Cook seems to be a bit PMS'd today. I am given to understand that the therapy gets easier with time, at least until trans-menopause sets in.
Maybe that's what it is, come to think of it.
Robert Cook said...
Yes, and the NSA (and other US spy agencies) are spying on all Americans all the time. Do you rail against them? Did you criticize the Bush administration for its part in that? (Not that it didn't precede or follow the Bush Administration). Are Bush and Cheney not Americans in your view? Do you agree Edward Snowden is a real American for revealing this crime against the American people?
I have been telling people the government is listening to every call they make and reading every text and email they send for longer than Snowden has. We developed those capabilities when hunting down Taliban and Al Quaeda scum. Meta data is a joke. Every single word is recorded.
For the record, fuck the Bush family. They have been uniparty tools from the start. I thought that Bush II had good intentions after 9/11. But his silence in the face of obvious Obama and Hillary criminality and their support of Hillary over Trump convinces me they knew what was intended with the Patriot act.
The Bushes are part of the cabal trying to destroy our country and our freedom.
Robert Cook said...
But, let's put that aside. Let's say you're not, technically, a Stalinist. Whatever you are (or have been), that you assert American citizens should be shot down for what you consider to be deplorable beliefs proves you are not an American. (Or, you're an American citizen who has renounced American ideals.)
You cannot be a marxist and be an American as this country was founded.
They are fundamentally opposed ideologies.
And Marxists murder. It is intrinsic to their belief system that the government suppresses, takes, and redistributes. This does not happen unless you think the government can use it's monopoly on force to force people to it's will.
Atheist Marxists are the greatest murderers over the last few centuries and throughout history. They replace god with government and claim they have no religion. What they have is a religion without morality and it leads to astounding atrocity.
The country we fought for believes we have right god gave us.
Robert Cook said...
"America is founded on the principle that our freedoms and rights are given to us by god, not by the government."
Of course, that was a bit of rhetorical flourish. There is no god. They just meant human being have natural rights, which government cannot rightfully remove. This was confirmed by a mess o' slaveowners.
We killed a lot of democrats to end that bullshit.
Then democrats used the government to pass Jim Crow laws which further eroded individual rights and broke another founding principal of equality under the law.
Nothing is ever perfect. But the US is better than anything that ever came before it and it still is today.
Why am I not surprised Cookie is an antisemite?
Not at all:
The article completely misses the point. Omar and AOC are trying to take over the party with extremely far left (and hateful in Omar's case) rhetoric. They are not playing like junior members of the party and are challenging Pelosi's leadership. Trump has every right to highlight their crazy talk and it makes the Dems look bad (not that they need help). And Omar is doing a pretty good job of imitating an enemy of the country.
How is that different from Obama being feted in 2007 while Chicago burned? Nothing ever changes with the slimball media.
Of course Omar and the DNC want to move the party to the extreme left. How will this help them win swing states in 2020? It seems more like circle-jerk behavior, than any grand political strategy to win permanent power.
Unknown said: "And Omar is doing a pretty good job of imitating an enemy of the country."
She's doing more than imitating it, my friend.
"Why am I not surprised Cookie is an antisemite?"
Ha! As if.
self awareness is not his thing:
Just protecting your allies right Cook?
No thoughts about whether Omar would agree she holds her own positions to benefit a foreign power? I rather suspect she would believe that racist don't you?
So why do you suppose she thinks Jews - and only Jews - hold their opinions at the behest of a foreign power?
Well, we may have some morons in America, but Russia has a majority of morons -- 70% of Russians approve of Stalin.
well he did threaten to nuke reluctant gun owners,
we can mark down Fen as another "not a real American."
My reading of his remarks was as a criticism of the undue influence the left has over American domestic policy, a result, at least partially, of the efforts of their lobbyists and their campaign donations. This is no more inflammatory than to say the oil industry or Wall Street have undue influence over American policy due to their lobbyists and lavish campaign donations.
Obviously a Stalinist.
Look out, Fen, I think Cook is flirting with you.
Cookie says it's unAmerican to shoot Marxists.
Marxists and Stalinists have historically been quite open about being overt enemies of the United States, and have never shown any evidence of considering treason against the United States as being something they would hesitate from if it advanced their agenda. In fact, we have countless examples of their committing outright treason. Ann Coulter wrote an excellent book documenting many of those examples.
The death penalty for Treason isn't just "not American", it is in fact codified in the Constitution as very much American.
So, sorry Cookie, but since an adherence to Marxism practically requires overthrowing the United States as founded, about the only thing we need to add to "shooting Marxists in the street" to make it completely 100% American is to give them a fair trial first. Then we can shoot them in the middle of the baseball field while eating apple pie and singing the Star Spangled Banner, and the country would be better off for it.
these candidates are more absurdly dangerous, to even tax your gift of satire, bgates,
Cook: "America is founded on the principle that our freedoms and rights are given to us by god, not by the government."
That's not what inalienable means.
You keep this up and there won't be a second date, Marxipants.
Also, would it kill you to shave your legs?
ah it makes him all warm and fuzzy
like what the baader meinhoff did to hans schleyer in the 70s, and another head of an enterprise in the 90s
Bernie, the soft puppet Ernie, admits that everyone will need to pay more in taxes for all his plans for free shit.
yay free government benevolence!
And, for no particular reason, Ben Rhodes on election night, 2016. The cat has definitely got his tongue.
Rhodes was our Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications under Obama.
To sweep all 50 states, Fen would only need to do two things: blow the Marxist's brains out in Times Square, then walk across the street to Nathan's and buy a hotdog.
this was the first of the moderate democrats, 40 some years ago,
Cook: "But, let's put that aside."
Nah, let's not. If my service to America as a United States Marine earned me anything, it's that *I* get to decide that, not you.
The question was asked: what have you ever done out of love for your country. Other than attempt to "fundamentally transform" America into Venezuela.
I gave her 8 years of my life over 3 tours. And you?
Bernie, the soft puppet Ernie, admits that everyone will need to pay more in taxes for all his plans for free shit.
yay free government benevolence!
And after everyone is paying 105% of their income in income taxes, what will the federal tax receipts be then?
blow the Marxist's brains out in Times Square
That would be inhumane. Fortunately, there are human rights-approved, peculiarly liberal methods for aborting an inconvenient, profitable, even deplorable life. Perhaps not in the town square, but behind a legally and ethically impenetrable set of walls. Here's to progress.
Our friend Cook remains vexed by the fundamental question, "What is an American?"
Seems pretty simple to me, but, alas, we remain at an intellectual impasse.
Here's the Civics pamphlet they give to folks who want to LEGALLY become US citizens (i.e, wait in line, and obey the law).
It's pretty darn good! The Constitution, the rights and duties, our history, maybe Cook can study this and give us a book report?
People don’t think. Of course parties should have mechanisms like super delegates, and not just nominate the winner of the most primary delegates. Parties are supposed to have a core and a purpose. You might laugh at 5hat idea now of course, contemplating what we have, but that is how parties were formed originally, and not just in the USA.
Bay Area Guy is the idiot who said this:
“The Left in our country are barely American.” I’d say it was he who is confused about what constitutes being an American. Here’s a hint, no Trump loyalty test is required.
Is there a Democrat electoral college pact for primaries? So that the leading vote getter gets all the delegates? If they were serious there would be, wouldn’t there? And then Bernie could win with 25% of the vote.
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