April 20, 2019

"Should a White Man Be the Face of the Democratic Party in 2020?"

A blunt headline at the NYT.

The article forefronts this quote from a young woman: "Personally I’d love to see a woman... If people are being catty and holding gender or race against a candidate, it would break my heart."

So I infer the NYT answer to the question is: Yes, of course, that would be fine, if it's the right white man.

We now know that, apparently, Joe Biden is going to enter the race. And it is a little embarrassing that, according to recent polls, the top 4 candidates for the Democratic nomination are white males. I think the NYT is trying to help readers accept that rejecting white maleness should not be a priority. The radical feminist in me wants to say: Yes, yes, it's never the right time to reject the white male. But this isn't the right time for the radical feminist, is it? This is the right time for quoting random young women who casually waft the notion that it would be CATTY to insist on a woman candidate.


It doesn't take a radical feminist to call sexism on that word. What the hell, NYT?
Is a white male the best face for an increasingly diverse Democratic Party in 2020? And what’s the bigger gamble: to nominate a white man and risk disappointing some of the party’s base, or nominate a minority candidate or a woman who might struggle to carry predominantly white swing states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania that both Barack Obama and Mr. Trump won?
Yes, of course. It's always one version or another of that story.

The linked article is long. I'll just give you one more quote:
“Trump will run over a woman,” Carl West, 64, said as he walked to see Ms. Warren at the historic Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma. “He’ll just run a woman into the ground.”


Shouting Thomas said...

HIllary Clinton just proved that the stereotype of women is true.

Two and a half years of Hillary’s Revenge for being rejected.

Stereotypes are usually true, aren’t they?

Michael K said...

Al Sharpton. The embodiment of the modern Democrat Party. His time has come.

Eleanor said...

Given the current state of the economy, Stupid, Trump is going to run over any of them so this is one of those "give someone a lifetime achievement award" nominations. Which one is Bob Dole?

Shouting Thomas said...

These words you use, sexism and misogyny, are lies.

There is no such thing as sexism and misogyny.

It’s vicious, evil Marxist bullshit. All of it. Cure yourself of it.

Jupiter said...

"It doesn't take a radical feminist to call sexism on that word. What the hell, NYT?"

A "young woman" said that. And it is impossible for a young woman to be sexist. Just like blacks can't be racist. Just physically impossible. I don't remember, it's something to do with power differentials, or history of oppression or something. But anyway, it's 100% true. Sorry to have to chicksplain that to you, Honey.

David Begley said...

Exactly what is catty?

Bob Boyd said...

2nd look at Blackface?

Tommy Duncan said...

"Is a white male the best face for an increasingly diverse Democratic Party in 2020?"

Is qualification for the presidency skin deep for Democrats and feminists?

Or is this the NYT putting the best face on a weak field of candidates?

Beto is pretty. Why is he struggling? For that matter, why is Kamala struggling?

Hagar said...

I don't know about being "the face of the party," but the President is also supposed to actually govern the Executive Branch.
Does any of the women so far presenting themselves as candidates remind you of Mrs. Thatcher, or even Theresa May?

TrespassersW said...

Who the hell cares about the candidate's experience, philosophy of government, policy positions? Bah!

What really matters is their melanin and (self-identified) gender/sexual orientation.

tcrosse said...

Exactly what is catty?

How does catty differ from bitchy?

Jupiter said...

Shouting Thomas said...

"There is no such thing as sexism and misogyny."

Now, Shouting. There is most assuredly sexism, I have been a victim of it. And there's plenty of misogyny around, to go along with the misandry and misanthropy. Let's not throw the baby out along with the abortionist.

John henry said...

How come nobody ever asks if a non-Democrat should be the Democrat Party candidate?

Except for 4 months in 2016, Bernie! has always been loud and proud about distancing himself from the Democrat party.

Someone should ask himif he would continue his temporary party membership if elected.

Or if he would revert to being an independent after election.

John Henry

The Godfather said...

Should “a” white male be the nominee? No certainly not for the Democrats! Do qualifications count? Do policies count? Does experience count? No, no, and no! Skin color and chromosomes count! That’s what Hillary ran on, and the Dems should keep running on them until the voters get the message.

Jupiter said...

Bob Boyd said...
"2nd look at Blackface?"

Hey, and what about "chickface"? Isn't drag a form of gender appropriation?

Curious George said...

"But this isn't the right time for the radical feminist, is it?"

It never is. Never, ever, ever, never. Never.

Shouting Thomas said...

I could almost like you Althouse, if you would stop with the catty bitching about feminism.

You’re a rotten little girl when you go there.

stevew said...

Go ahead, choose your candidate based on superficial characteristics like race and gender and sexual preference. Don't bother with things as mundane as ideology, government purpose and functioning, federal policy, or international relations & affairs. Then watch as Trump stampedes to a second term.

Bob Boyd said...

This is called painting yourself into a corner.

sinz52 said...

“He’ll just run a woman into the ground.”

Not necessarily.

There are many women, past and present, whom Trump could not "run into the ground":

Susan Collins
Joni Ernst
Nikki Haley
Diane Feinstein
Sally Ride
Grace Hopper
Margaret Thatcher

and last but not least, Ann Althouse.

The problem with the female Democratic candidates is that unlike the above women, at least 80% of their image is defined by feminist identity politics. Take the feminism away from them and there's not much rationale to their candidacies.

William said...

Mayor Dinkins was NYC's first and only black mayor. One and done. All the subsequent mayors were white. DeBlasio gets an asterisk because he married a black lesbian, but he's noticeably white.......Maybe the Dems, in the inner recesses of their hearts, feel that the election of Obama fulfilled their Easter obligation towards racial harmony. Now they can vote their heart's desire which is for the candidate with the best hair who most reminds them of JFK.

Mr. D said...

There will be a woman POTUS. But no woman running at the moment will be POTUS.

tcrosse said...

There will be a woman POTUS. But no woman running at the moment will be POTUS.

Odds are that the first woman POTUS will not even be a Democrat.

Fernandinande said...

But this isn't the right time for the radical feminist, is it?

Nope. It's never the right time.

Bob Boyd said...

Dems need to find a woman who will laugh at the joke about how many feminists it take to change a light bulb. That would be a start.

tcrosse said...

Carly Fiorina managed to give as good as she got from Trump, IIRC. I would have love to see here arm-wrestle Hillary.

traditionalguy said...

White male Socialist good. White male capitalist bad. White male Warmist good. White male warming Denier bad. Could white maleness be an excuse to destroy your enemies?

Bob Boyd said...

Biden must have been oppressed by the white patriarchy at some point, surely...

Howard said...

Uncle Joe gave the finger to #meetoo and the millennials still love him.

Michael K said...

There are many women, past and present, whom Trump could not "run into the ground":

Susan Collins

What? Did you learn that joke at your mother's knee?

Lucien said...

What if Mayor Pete announces that he identifies as a Malay woman? Wouldn’t that solve everything?

Bob Boyd said...

Think of it this way, Dems.
Nominating a white male is like hiring a lawyer. You don't have to like the son of a bitch.

Anonymous said...

I'm a lot more concerned that we live in a time when being white or even more so a white male is supposed to be "problematic". The NYT using "sexist" language when discussing women in politics is an utter triviality relative to the very ugly racial animosity being stoked these days.

I assume that anybody fussing about the former is oblivious to the latter.

Shouting Thomas said...

I’ll vote for Trump. His performance in office has been superb.

I’ll vote against any candidate on any level who blabbers the idiot Marxist bullshit about “sexism” and “misogyny.”

Birkel said...

So the NYT is writing off the second largest voting bloc? And many of the people in the largest voting bloc are married to people in that second bloc, btw.

This is bad strategy. And terrible math.

Bay Area Guy said...

If the Dems focused more on policy, and less on skin color, they'd be, well, less racist.

Ann Althouse said...

No comments allowed on this one at the NYT.

Seeing Red said...

And I will vote to have him back up over her.

Seeing Red said...

Uncle Joe gave the finger to #meetoo and the millennials still love him.

That’s because it’s bullshit.

Sebastian said...

“He’ll just run a woman into the ground.”

A Kinsley gaffe: this is what Dems really think about strong, "equal" women. Hence the need for women-are-special feminism.

Seeing Red said...

Exactly what is catty?

How does catty differ from bitchy?


I sense a theme.

Lurker21 said...

Beto benefited from major media promotion. And now Pete does. Non-White or non-male candidates could benefit from the same boost if they got it.

But they haven't gotten that glowing coverage yet. Is that something that is going to happen in the future? Or have the media already looked at Kamala and Cory and Kirsten and the others and found them wanting? It looks like Liz Warren has already become old news.


Note to prospective founders of political dynasties: You can now have children with ambiguous sexuality, but do not give your children names with ambiguous spelling. America is getting tired of looking up whether it's "Corey" or "Cory," "Kirsten," "Kristen," "Kiersten," "Kjersten" Kirstjen" or "Kristjen" -- or at least I am.

RK said...

In lefty Madison it seems to be ok to be a white male construction worker (they nearly all are). But for POTUS, we have reservations.

dbp said...

The democrats don't need to run a minority to win, they need a minority to govern. Obama would have never accomplished much without the magic anti-impeachment force-field of being black. The same field works for women and homosexuals, though to a lesser extent, IMO.

Bob Boyd said...

Bring back happy Hillary. Those wascally Wussians won't fool her twice.

Hillary 2020
This time for sure!

Anonymous said...

“He’ll just run a woman into the ground.”

A woman will be President someday, but not because a party refuses to nominate a white main. That road leads to man men and some women rejecting the bias

Let some party put forward a Thatcher, Rice, or Kirkpatrick and the voters will see a strong woman of convictions, not a skin tone and gender... Haley, perhaps...

rehajm said...

The obsession is getting Obama voters to show up. They think they need those people who don't vote but voted for Obama to turn out. Barber shop black guys won't vote for a white woman. They'll stay home.

Suck it up again, feminists....

rehajm said...

The first woman President should be a conservative.

I'm Full of Soup said...

1- Biden - retarded but smart enough to collect a fed govt paycheck for 45 years & a draft dodger
2- Sanders - possibly the only lazy Jew in recorded history but ambitious enough to collect a govt paycheck for 30+ years & also a draft dodger.
3- Buttigieg - sneaky socialist like Obama but also checks the gay, veteran boxes.
4 - Who is #4?

Seeing Red said...

Barbershop black guys might show up for the white dude who put more money in their pockets.

Nichevo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nichevo said...

The linked article is long. I'll just give you one more quote:
“Trump will run over a woman,” Carl West, 64, said as he walked to see Ms. Warren at the historic Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma. “He’ll just run a woman into the ground.”

Well, yes, if "a woman" will rely on time-honored principles of dog-does-not-bite-bitch to attack without requitement, she will be sorely disappointed, sorely vexed, and just plain sore.

Phil 314 said...

“How does catty differ from bitchy?”

Canine vs Feline. The ultimate division in this world, not Left/Right, not coffee/tea, not boxers/briefs,

It’s Cat vs Dog.

That’s why I’m not cat person

Robert Flandrau said...

As a strong conservative and supporter of president Trump, I believe that he would destroy any man who runs against him. Only a woman has a chance of defeating him at the polls.

sinz52 said...

The current crop of male Democratic candidates for President include Sanders, Biden, Buttigieg, Beto O'Rourke, Cory Booker, Eric Swalwell, and Julian Castro.

Beto O'Rourke had a sizable following, but Pete Buttigieg seems to occupy that same lane so he may take Beto's support away.

Swede said...

They'll ask this question, but some of them still remember that they need to lure white males back into voting for them.

This ought to make them come running!

Jeff Brokaw said...

All this focus on identity politics is **so** flattering to our culture!

Lewis Wetzel said...

The most diverse candidate would be a half-Black, half-Hispanic lesbian woman with a felony record and a learning disability, who is also a professional poet of "queerness."
Go for it, Dems!
If this hypothetically perfect candidate has lost a close loved one to a global warming incident, or was assassinated by Putin, she would be even more perfecter.

bgates said...

A straight white Christian man will be the face of the Democratic Party forever.

The boot stomping on it will rotate among blacks, women, Muslims, gays, etc.

Yancey Ward said...

If I were a Democrat, I would be worrying more about the face of the party being a moron.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Look, you guys are forgetting that the Trump is a master of ju-jitsu.
So Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg are the Dem prez & vice prez candidates. Impossible to beat, you say.
Hardly, I reply.
At the R convention, Trump and Pence appear on stage together, both wearing assless chaps, and announce that they are the first gay couple to run as president and vice president.
Why even bother to have an election?

Bay Area Guy said...

We need a few more "bimbo eruptions" to thwart the Biden campaign.

Note: For you youngsters, "bimbo eruptions" was the term used by Bill Clinton's Democrat campaign staff to deal with women coming out of the woodwork to claim Bill had either boinked them or sexually harassed them. Two points: (1) obviously the Dems were focused more on winning, less on supporting these females. (2) Obviously, this was before the #metoo movement, because, No, back then you did not believe all women.

Ya see how times change for Democrats?

Come meet Joe Biden! He'd love to sniff your hair!

Lurker21 said...

How does the Times feel about a white mouse being the face of the Democratic Party in 2020?

mccullough said...

Trump would win the Dem primary against this field.

Lambs to the slaughter

mccullough said...

Let’s be honest. Beto is going to do well with the Dem females.

mccullough said...

Beto the Boyfriend. He’s got the Julia Vote locked up.

Bay Area Guy said...

Well, it's Biden v Bernie for the Dem nomination. All females and candidates of color must sit in the back.

God I hope Bernie wins.

chickelit said...

Trump seems invincible at this point and has garnered more (male) black and latino vote than last time around while the Dems have continued to purposely alienate white males. The decisive cohort in 2020 will be females of all flavors. "What do they want"? is the question. I think the media knows this, hence their continued focus on RH Hardian soap operatics.

Gahrie said...

I think the NYT is trying to help readers accept that rejecting white maleness should not be a priority. The radical feminist in me wants to say: Yes, yes, it's never the right time to reject the white male.

A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle. All penis in vagina sex is rape.

Michael K said...

The Wall Street Journal is worried about Bernie beating Trump.

Now I remember why I canceled my subscription

A 79 year old Socialist whose honeymoon was in the USSR..

n.n said...

Sex, gender, and diversity in the district of corruption.

Sam L. said...

Ms.Warren is eminently "walkable".

Yancey Ward said...

"Trump would win the Dem primary against this field."

Yeah, basically. This is why I thought Schultz should run in the primary rather than as an independent. A sane white guy taking some contrary positions against this field would win the nomination in a cakewalk.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Trump clearly wants it to be Biden and I’m guessing that’s who it’s going to be. Given that Biden is almost certainly dirty, and given that Trump almost certainly has the deets on that dirt, Biden looks like a dive by the Donk power brokers. Trump will pass in four or five years and they can preserve their resources for whatever GOPe pushover follows Trump.

stevew said...

Michael K said...
The Wall Street Journal is worried about Bernie beating Trump.

I can see never-Trump Republicans voting for Bernie over Trump due to their belief that they can use POTUS Sanders to continue the things they like that Trump has been attacking, and that they can stop him from doing all the crazy socialist/marxist crap he goes on about.

mccullough said...

Biden isn’t going to win the nomination unless Obama comes out and endorses him in the primary.

Biden will be called a racist, sexist, etc. He’ll defend himself by saying he was Obana’s VO.

The Socialists don’t care. They don’t like Obama.

This primary is going to be nasty.

And Trump is going to be there tweeting every day. Stirring up the shit. Yojimbo.

Paco Wové said...

"Let’s be honest. Beto is going to do well with the Dem females."

And Mayor Pete is going to do well with the white Dem males for the same reason.

Zach said...

Who is this nominee supposed to be?

Gillibrand's campaign is a nonstarter.

Harris seems out of step with the Democratic electorate.

Klobuchar is a nonstarter, out of touch with the Democratic electorate, and was fatally wounded by the staff abuse and the comb story.

You can say that the top four candidates are white men, but another way of putting that is that nobody else has managed to do better than fifth place.

I mean, it's all well and good to say that Harris is an appealing face from a big state with a tough on crime background. But if that's what the electorate is looking for this year, why can't she crack 10%?

Rory said...

"Trump would win the Dem primary against this field."

Yeah, I thought it would be really good to get him the Libertarian nomination, but he may be able to do better.

The combination of McAuliffe begging off and Joe jumping in seems kind of ominous. Hillary Clinton will run unless her health absolutely precludes it, and McAuliffe is the sort of loyalist who would run in her place if she could not run. Biden's more the patsy who gets knocked aside at the last minute. So expect the Biden China dossier to pop up just before the convention.

Zach said...

I mean, if you're polling behind a small city mayor from a small state, you should be rethinking some things.

That's true even if Buttigieg can't go the distance.

Back in 2015, Herman Cain and Ben Carson had their turns at the top of the polls. Neither of them would have been a good nominee, but in retrospect sirens should have been going off in the Bush, Cruz, and Rubio campaigns: there are a lot of voters who are willing to look past you and consider someone they usually wouldn't go for.

cf said...

Life is good that the groupthink has not obliterated distinct descriptions of reality like "catty" and "bitchy". They are immensely useful.

I would differentiate between the two as this: "catty" is upper body action, more polished, cerebral, even wry, brief and cutting like the slender sheathed blades young high-class Chinese women wore as jewelry hanging between their breasts when they went out.

And "bitchy" is down low, below the waist, dull, monotonous, redundant like rhetorical mud-wrestling.


Gahrie said...

Hillary enters the race after Labor Day as the "unifier", and wins the Dem primary.

Yancey Ward said...

Here is how I see the Dem primary working out as of today:

Iowa- 1st Sanders, 2nd Harris, 3rd Biden
New Hampshire- 1st Sanders, 2nd Harris, 3rd Warren.
Nevada- 1st Harris, 2nd Sanders, 3rd Biden
South Carolina- 1st Harris, 2nd Biden, 3rd Sanders
SuperTuesday March 3rd collective delegate total- 1st Harris 2nd Sanders.

After Super Tuesday it is a two person race Harris and Sanders, and Harris will have the nomination sewn up by the end of April.

mccullough said...

Biden is a loser.

He’s got Jeb! written all over him.

Biden is going to spend six months apologizing and groveling for all the comments, positions, and touching he did over the last 50 years and then he’s going to drop out.

He’ll burn through the stupid Dem establishment donor money just like Jeb! did to the GOP establishment donors.

Sleepy Joe. Trump already knighted him with the low energy nickname. Kamala will be calling him Sleepy Joe in the first debate.

Yancey Ward said...

Harris will have the big tech money backing her the entire way. Sanders can compete because his base is loyal and they donate actual money to him, so he isn't dependent on big donors. All the other candidates are dependent on small donors who aren't particularly loyal to the end, and big donors who clearly will only want to back people who can win.

mccullough said...

Biden will do well with black voters. His entry in the race hurts Kamala. Her attempt to kick him in the shins with the Groping Joe stuff failed.

Biden is going right after her if he’s smart. But he’s stupid. The dumbest guy in the race by far.

Yancey Ward said...

Here is Politico on where the big donors are placing their bets in the Dem nomination.

mccullough said...

Harris will win California. She’s the Kasich of the Dem primary field.

The NY Times knows she’s going down now. Biden is going to eat into her donor base. Starve her of funds.

Crazy Bernie is the man to beat. He’s got a rock solid base. He did well last time. He’ll do better this time. And the other candidates are afraid to attack him because they know he has a fervent following.

Crazy Bernie is the opponent Trump wants to face. The Barry Goldwater of Progressive insanity.

Yancey Ward said...

Also, at some point, Obama will give an endorsement, even if it is just to the donor class.

mccullough said...

It’s going to be great to watch these candidates burn through the money of the Rich White Progressives only to lose to Crazy Bernie.

Crazy Bernie is going to confiscate their wealth. He scares the shit out of them. A Crazy Communist who’s been howling at the moon the same commie-tripe for 50 years is getting traction with their children and grandchildren.

Kamala and Joe are no match for Crazy Bernie.

The end of the Dem Party is here.

mccullough said...

Obama will ignite a civil war among the Left if he endorses in the primary.

Trump is going to help us really enjoy this shitshow.

Antifa is fully behind Crazy Bernie. Portland and Seattle are going to burn like Watts and Detroit in the 1969s as the crazy white People storm the barricades for Bernie.

mccullough said...

I hope the BernieBros and BetoJulias can all just get along.

The Young. Bless their hearts

Larry D. said...

And that's what identitarian logic gets you. The only acceptable candidate must be mixed race (Asian, Hispanic, Black, and European); queer, transgender (thus hitting both male and female boxes). And an avowed Socialist-Warmist.

Fen said...

The answer is Kamala Harris.

1) she identifies as a black female (and very passable)

2) she will let you do things with her body for the chance of being promoted to POTUS

Fen said...

The only acceptable candidate must be mixed race (Asian, Hispanic, Black, and European); queer, transgender (thus hitting both male and female boxes)

You Ableist!

Fen said...

As "woke" as Disney pretends to be, Monica Rambeau was the first Captain Marvel (MCU) and yet they refused to make a black female actress the leader of the Avengers.

Whatever that reason, I think it's the same reason America won't elect Kamala Harris.

Bay Area Guy said...

We need to seriously vote for Bernie in the primaries. He will bust up the DNC just as Trump busted up the GOP (for the better, in my opinion).

The Dem money/donor guys hate Bernie. They know Bernie's not joking when he says he wants to go after the billionaires. Manhattan, Beverly Hills & Pacific Heights are rich leftist enclaves, but they feel Crazy Bernie is too uncouth. He might actually confiscate their wealth, and, well, that can't happen.

Trump beats Bermie soundly in the General. The country's not gonna vote for an aging socialist, but hordes of clueless millenial Dems will!

It's time to jump on the Bernie bandwagon - at least for the next 9 months.

FleetUSA said...

If Biden announces in C'ville, he's playing the race card....that's all they have.

bgates said...

Biden isn’t going to win the nomination unless Obama comes out and endorses him in the primary.

I think the endorsement on its own would be enough.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Yancey Ward: "Also, at some point, Obama will give an endorsement, even if it is just to the donor class."

The obama crew is waiting to see how the counter-investigation goes.

If the continuing dem/LLR/Media coverup is moderately successful, Michelle will emerge late in the primary season to pick up the dem nomination, even if it pisses off Bernie fans on the left.

Nichevo said...

I really don't think that Michelle Obama wants to be President. She'd wisely prefer to eat her waffle, I'm sure.

Bay Area Guy said...

Pochahontas is calling for President Trump to be impeached.

She thinks he is in heap big trouble.

I think she should focus more on the 4 white males in front of her, who are obviously oppressing her.

Paco Wové said...

"She'd wisely prefer to eat her waffle, I'm sure."

Or sip her white wine.

rcocean said...

4 white males are popular because:

Bernie - Its his turn
Biden - Name Recognition
Mayor Pete - Awesomely Gay
Beto - People think he's Hispanic.

As for the others. Except for political obsessives no one really knows who Booker, Harris, Kochblaur, or Gillbrand are. Warren is a silly woman who lied about being an Indian.

John Althouse Cohen said...

The New York Times graphic implies that Jews don't add ethnic diversity, even though we've never had a Jewish president and it's at least open to question whether being Jewish is a bigger obstacle for a presidential candidate than being female, black, or Hispanic. The chart could have noted Jewish candidates in 2004 (Joe Lieberman), 2016 (Bernie Sanders), and 2020 (Sanders again).

rcocean said...

As for Feminists its just the same old crap. They're all against sexual harassment, voting for a woman, etc. EXCEPT when it hurts the Democrats - then its different.

Tina Trent said...

The Edmund Pettis Bridge has seen far less bloodshed than the congressional district John Lewis has run into the ground for 30 years.

Bay Area Guy said...

With all this white male oppression in the Dem Party that the NYT has correctly identified, it might be time for Stacey Abrams to step up and help defeat this Democrat white male patriarchal oppression.

You have to break a few eggs (well, maybe a lot) to make an omelette.

Bilwick said...

Why not? Karl Marx was white, wasn't he?

Bay Area Guy said...

By the way, How many white males are on the Board of the New York Times? White hispanic Carlos Slim doesn't count, unless and until he comes out as gay.

Alex said...

It'll be lovely watching the Democrats tear each other apart from now until eternity over identity politics. I don't understand why any white male in 2019 would vote for a party that actively hates them. Boggles my mind.

Also East-Asians(Koreans, Japanese, Chinese), why are they voting for a party that support quota systems in universities & hiring that hurts their people? Again mind-boggling.

The Democratic coalition is going to fracture, mark my words over identity politics.

Clyde said...

Trump would not run over Warren! He would send her to the Happy Hunting Grounds.

iowan2 said...

The headline should be." How to pick candidates using race and gender".

Clyde said...

Lucien said...
What if Mayor Pete announces that he identifies as a Malay woman? Wouldn’t that solve everything?

No, that would just make him bisexual. *rimshot*

Try the veal. I'll be here all week.

Mea Sententia said...

"The radical feminist in me wants to say: Yes, yes, it's never the right time to reject the white male."

This line above puzzled me. Don't radical feminists actually want to say the opposite? "Yes, yes, it's always the right time to reject the white male." (or even reject all males)

Radical feminist Mary Daly dreamed of a world where 90 percent of men and boys had been eliminated. That's rejection.

cubanbob said...

Blogger John Althouse Cohen said...
The New York Times graphic implies that Jews don't add ethnic diversity, even though we've never had a Jewish president and it's at least open to question whether being Jewish is a bigger obstacle for a presidential candidate than being female, black, or Hispanic. The chart could have noted Jewish candidates in 2004 (Joe Lieberman), 2016 (Bernie Sanders), and 2020 (Sanders again)."

Lieberman is an actual practicing Jew. Sanders is a Communist who definitionaly is an atheist. Sanders rejects Judaism and sides with anti-Semites like Congresswoman Omar. No doubt is in tune with Jeremy Corbyn of the British Labor Party which also has a Jew problem.

Fen said...

Just like Brie Larson, when the Democrats say they want to open X up to minorities they mean OTHER white people should step aside. Not them.

Alex said...


Your intersectionality score: 18
You are more privileged than 63% of others!

Fen said...

"The Democratic coalition is going to fracture, mark my words over identity politics."

My favorite example. And with sprinkles because the "woke" are so tone deaf about it.

Fen said...

"The radical feminist in me wants to say: Yes"

But the Furion in me...

Jim at said...

The current crop of male Democratic candidates for President include Sanders, Biden, Buttigieg, Beto O'Rourke, Cory Booker, Eric Swalwell, and Julian Castro.

How dare you leave out Jay Inslee!

n.n said...

Diversity or color judgments a.k.a. "identity politics", including: racism, sexism, genderism (e.g. orientation, indoctrination, corruption), etc.

Robert Cook said...

"Sanders is a Communist who definitionaly is an atheist. Sanders rejects Judaism and sides with anti-Semites like Congresswoman Omar. No doubt is in tune with Jeremy Corbyn of the British Labor Party which also has a Jew problem."

Sanders is no Communist. His rhetoric aside, his votes reveal him to be a conventional "leftish" Democrats. You don't know that Sanders is an atheist "definitionally," even if he did identity as a Communist. There's no law saying a communist can't have religious beliefs.

What is Jeremy Corbyn's "Jew problem,"aside from the fact that his political enemies are trying to undermine him with accusations of anti-semitism? Where evidence suggests that Corbyn is anti-semitic?

Temujin said...

Better question: Should an American citizen be the face of the Democratic Party in 2020?

Anonymous said...

The dichotomy here is that while you cry about another white man being elected, you're ignoring that you're using "white man" as a reason not to vote for them. You are, in fact, practicing discrimination.

Voting or supporting someone BECAUSE of their race or gender is just as bad as not voting or not supporting someone because of their race or gender.

It is hypocrisy at it's finest.

Vote for what they stand for, not the bits between their legs or the color of their skin.

Tarrou said...

I don't think the Democratic Party should run a white man in 2020, or ever again. In fact, they should withdraw the nominations for every white man who holds public office and offer their seats to POC, on a progressive stack basis.

Beyond that, the Democratic party should not accept votes, donations or support of any kind from white men. Make it clear to whites they are not welcome in the party, unless they are women or identify as women. It's the only way forward. Time for Democrats to renounce white supremacy once and for all.

Birkel said...

Robert Cook demands you accept as fact there is No True Scotsman.
Hell, Robert Cook thinks Marx lacked sufficient commitment.

jeremyabrams said...

See, when we look at selecting a republican candidate, as we did from among a field of 17 candidates that included women and African Americans in 2016, we talk about whether to go libertarian with Paul, constitutionalist with Cruz, establishment with Jeb!, 9/9/9 with Cain, and so forth.

With democrats, we look at their skin, sexual proclivities, and chromosomes.

My wife is Japanese and my sons are, to me, simply my sons, but where and how will they be slotted if the country is remade, and Balkanized, under democrat principles?

mccullough said...

Who is Harvey Weinstein raising money for this time?

mccullough said...

How much support do these Dem candidates need in the polls in order to qualify for a Trump given nickname?

Sanders and Biden are the front runners. They each get a nickname — Crazy Bernie and Sleepy Joe.

Maybe CNN and MSNBC should limit their Dem debates to those candidates who Trump has nicknamed.

bgates said...

Comrade Cook two weeks ago:

Of course Trump has no belief in God. If he professes to, he's lying.

Comrade Cook today:

You don't know that Sanders is an atheist

I guess we could call him farsighted, in a sense. If a political figure is distant from him ideologically, Cook can see into his heart in sharp focus: Trump's faith? Nonexistent! Trump's motives? Avarice! Hubris! Malevolence! Nothing else!

But with anyone closer in spirit to what Vladimir Illych and the boys brought to Moscow in the good old days, things get blurry for him. Any connection between Communism and the man whose 2016 campaign was described by the CPUSA as a wonderful development for 2016 and beyond in many ways? None that Cook can see. Does Jeremy Corbyn's long-term friendliness with Hamas have anything whatever to do with anti-semitism? The accusations come from Corbyn's political enemies, which means they come from Cook's political enemies, so their motives are laid bare to Cook - lies and slander, the lot of it! On the other hand, Hamas itself is appreciative of Corbyn, and Hamas is no enemy of Robert Cook's, so the meaning of their actions is opaque to him. Is it even fair to describe Hamas as anti-semitic? Robert Cook for one couldn't say.

cf said...

US Feminism in the 21st Century "hasn't turned out the way I'd hoped". It is surely true that women leaders in the Democratic Party are not worth voting for. They wear High principles like a robe and then strip off the rule & process of law when it suits them. Hillary is epic in female tomfoolery, the evil of careless power. Gillibrand is a blade of grass in the wind, proven to be no constitutional principles champion, yikes.

if this is the women's movement, give me Men.

{MEanwhile, China was reading her emails in real time when clinton was at state, what do we know of the damage that caused, and we never heard the end of what congressional offices had security breaches from the Democratic IT brothers. where did that case go?}

The democrats need some real men, that's for sure. the ladies are getting plenty of turn and they aren't good enough.

n.n said...

Yes, absolutely. It was a [Republican] white man who stood for human rights to defeat slavery. Who stands for civil rights to oppose diversity and other forms of bigotry. Who stands, again, for a basic human right to life and opposes human sacrifice and planned profits. The Democrat Party is overdue for a reconciliation with its infamous progression.

Gretchen said...

The candidate will be Kamala Harris. She is the female Barack Obama. Bonus she got political jobs by sleeping around because girl power.

They will let the guys rile up the base, then cut them off at the knees. They cannot run a white male. They will whine Trump is being mean to Harris, because girl power.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

the fasces of the Democrat party

Narayanan said...

Are Presidential Debate mere traditional or required element?

Can Kamala pick Joe for VP and send her white boy out to take Trump to the *woodshed*?

Gahrie said...

There's no law saying a communist can't have religious beliefs.

There is where the Communists are in charge...

Robert Cook said...

"I guess we could call him farsighted, in a sense. If a political figure is distant from him ideologically, Cook can see into his heart in sharp focus: Trump's faith? Nonexistent! Trump's motives? Avarice! Hubris! Malevolence! Nothing else!"

Yes, Trump's behavior betrays who he is. Matthew 7:16--"Ye shall know them by their fruits." By his behavior and childish insults it is easy to see Trump as a damaged,pathological narcissist who cares nothing for anyone or anything but himself.

As for Sanders, he might well be an atheist, I have no idea. I don't think it is an insult to say someone is an atheist. My dispute was with the notion that if Sanders were a Communist he would "definitionally" be an atheist. (Given that Sanders does not show evidence of being a Communist, the dubious assertion is moot.)

Gahrie said...

My dispute was with the notion that if Sanders were a Communist he would "definitionally" be an atheist.

Cite any prominent Communist who wasn't. I am quite unaware of any religious Communists. Or any Communist system that did not consider the religious to be threats to its existence and persecute them.

Unknown said...

Bernie is the "Boaty McBoatface" candidate


Blacks will pas on him and Mayor Butty

narciso said...

Well the sandinistas commandeered the left faction of christianity


Rory said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rory said...

Marx's work was in "materialism," which is just the philosophers' word for what theologians would term atheism. It's not so much that communists can't be religious, as that communism is itself a version of atheism.

FIDO said...

The Problem that the Radical Feminist in Althouse doesn't realize is that the problem isn't 'woman'. The problem is 'Feminist'. All your candidates are hateful, shrewish wahman on record as disdaining and disrespecting white men, demanding vast adjustments to the rule of law and special pleading for wahmen.

And...this may come as a shock, but they are still a pretty strong part of the electorate, something Hillary seemed to have forgotten.

EVERYONE who is not a white man on the Democrat side of the race, have been flaming sexist racist assholes. It is not that society has disqualified them. It is that they have disqualified themselves by making themselves unelectable and dislikable.

So how did this happen? The Left are douchebags.

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