“We have such an amazing community of artists here, and I thought the aesthetic didn’t really represent our community,” [artist Carrie] Woodburn said. “It feels very aggressive.”The best criticism is that when people see the cars, they may think federal agents, which is not what they are.
Attorney Jennifer Welsh Zeiter said at the last council meeting that she found the police cars “exceptional” and questioned the loyalty of anyone who objected to the American flag display. “They are so filled with hatred toward this ... office of the president of the United States and the current occupant of that office, that they cannot see through their current biases to realize that a police vehicle with the American flag is the ultimate American expression,” she said.
April 14, 2019
"People are screaming that the American flag on a police car is somehow or another ... hurting people’s feelings who might be immigrants or visitors."
Said Councilman Peter Blake, quoted in "Putting American flags on police cars sparks backlash in Laguna Beach" (LA Times).
Imagine the deterrent effect of painting the Stars and Stripes all along a new border wall!
Laguna Beach? A really beautiful, expensive, artsy-fartsy beach Villiage with no blacks, no crime and where the only "people of color" are the maids & gardeners?
Yes, flag problems are a concern......
It IS trolling, but only because the Usual Suspects are so whack now.
Someone needs to tell them to grow up. Noone cares about their "feelinz".
Sounds like a good landing spot for illegals.
Now the US Flag is the Confederate Flag.
Relax Jake. It's Laguna Beach which lost 20% of its population in the AIDS epidemic.
Perhaps Democrats can ban the US flag.
No borders, no wall, no America at all.
“It feels very aggressive.”
If it 'feels' very aggressive to this snowflake, it is she, not the flag, that is the problem.
"... to realize that a police vehicle with the American flag is the ultimate American expression,”
Really?? Municipal police are The Ultimate American Expression?
Maybe if the police vehicle is a Chevrolet, with apple pie depicted next to the flag.
[Carrie] hand-crafts one-of-a-kind Leather handbags and adornments for the body and home.
"Her pieces are woven with prayer and intention for connecting deeply to our organic nature."
There's more where that came from, but my Ctrl+C key is melting.
This is not unique. You will find anti-flag, anti-4th of July, anti-patriotic anything, or most often a total absence of any national symbolism, all over California public schools. Sometimes this makes the news, but in truth it is the daily reality.
This is not a phenomenon limited to some wealthy, neurotic liberal enclaves, but the norm even in working class communities across California. Laguna Beach is no different from Hayward and Fremont, from Oakland, Richmond or El Cerrito.
Really? A flag on a POLICE car makes people think it's the Feds? How stupid are these people?
When radical animal rights activists come after her she'll have to call the police.
"The best criticism is that when people see the cars, they may think federal agents, which is not what they are."
You may be right about that. But best in this case does not equate with compelling.
The party campaigning on Trump's divisiveness and their singular ability to bring the country back together can't stand to look at the American flag.
“We have such an amazing community of artists here, and I thought the aesthetic didn’t really represent our community,” [artist Carrie] Woodburn said. “It feels very aggressive.”
I wonder if the 'artists' ever, even once, consider how they live so freely as individuals in this society? How did it come about, and what stands between their freedom and the barbarians who would run over their lives if given half a chance?
hurting people’s feelings who might be immigrants or visitors.
If you put sticks in the Mexican desert with American flags attached, would these immigrants walk towards them, or away?
Party of Science my ass.
I’ve seldom seen a police car without an American flag slapped on it somewhere. It is laughably easy to prod the Left into self-parody.
Sad about Laguna Beach. When it was a vanguard community of upper middle-class gaydom, it was both very pleasant and genuinely, but sanely, tolerant. Whole lot of goose-steppin’ goin’ on now apparently.
Althouse’s theme today seems to be impotent Leftist high-chair pounding in the face of theTrump Colossus.
These people hate America. It has noting to do with feeling protective toward Illegal aliens and foreigners. The idea that foreigners would come here and be upset at the stars and stripes logo is insane. Are you upset to see the tricolor when you go to Paris? Does the Israeli flag disturb when you visited Israel?
This must be "Liberals sure are morons day" at Althouse.
These flag haters have the intellectual heft of Inga
An American flag in America is beyond the pale. They are progressing to ever liberal heights of absurdity.
Patriotism, or American identity, is embarrassing to the dominant culture in California. The US as a nation-state with a distinct character and values, with unifying symbols, is actively rejected.
This, by the way, is not a bottom-up movement. The immigrants, the lower classes, those Hispanic communities, all of them are open to what once was the ubiquitous nationalist propaganda of the US public schools. They WANT to be American, they want their schools named for George Washington. They want that social advance of belonging to the most powerful tribe in the world.
This is rather a top-down directive, from the establish ed American elite, imposed through the hierarchies.
The next "True Conservative" LLR Hot Take: "The Extremely Conservative Case For Why The American Flag Really Is A Symbol Of Hate...And Everyone Should Vote Democrat"
Hating America is just an artistic fad. No one expects artists to have unconventional opinions, that would be truly disturbing.
It will kill me to kinda-sorta side with the snowflakes on the question, but my reason would be different. They are local cops, and I don't quite see the reason for local cops to wrap themselves in the American flag. It's entirely symbolic, of course, but symbols are symbols for a reason. Sticking the American flag on a local cop car lends them a level of authority that they really shouldn't have.
By the way: I'm a reserve sheriff's deputy in my rural county. I'm bats*** crazy in love with this country and I'm far from being anyone's leftist.
Hating America is not just an artistic fad.
You people really have to keep up.
This is rather the norm, the expected, default state in all US education. In all mass media. In all major corporate cultures.
If you are not plugged in you simply have no idea about the extent of the rot.
Should have clicked through before this. It's not an American Flag as such. It's an American flag inspired graphic used as the colored fill for the letters that spell police. It's large and it's ugly. And in my opinion not a very respectful use of the flag. The best argument against it is aesthetic, rather than political.
Also, the "could be the feds" argument is a little bit better than I thought, since the graphic makes the "ice" in police stand out.
buwaya said...
This is not unique. You will find anti-flag, anti-4th of July, anti-patriotic anything, or most often a total absence of any national symbolism, all over California public schools.
California kids get suspended for wearing patriotic t shirts to school. It makes all the illegals feel unsafe and beat up the Americans. Therefore the Americans need to be suspended. Can't suspend a POC.
Just get rid of the police in Laguna Beach. Let the people there take care of the crime themselves. This is what people did for 200,000 years.
It’s surprising anyone joins the police in these places. It’s not worth it.
The photo of the car shows an American flag outside the police station. Does that need to go as well?
(Althouse: Would the same best criticism apply--confusion with federal authorities anywhere state of local officials display the flag?)
They need a flag for sanctuary city police cars.
I recommend a white flag. Or an ISIS flag.
Those will come in handy soon
I used to live in Newport Beach. (Which is just north of Laguna Beach.) Laguna Beach is very beautiful and you have to be really, really rich to afford to live there. Also, it's one of the few cities in Orange County with wall to wall parking meters. My doctor moved his office there and I had to feed the meter whenever I had to go to him.
Founding Goddess: Carrie Rae Woodburn
"Carrie is an Artist, Energy Healer Practitioner, Teacher of Mystery and Alchemist of Movement, Energy and Form."
This is just a thinking out loud sort of comment, but maybe people who are scared of the US flag within the borders of the United States, its protectorates, its military bases, or its consulates would be more comfortable living outside of those areas.
Perhaps we should encourage them to be elsewhere by denying them jobs where they are uncomfortable and providing transportation to "safe areas" outside of those areas.
Preachers rail the loudest about sinners during times of religious ferver, when the last amount of actual sinning is going on. It's human nature--putting the fear of God in people who already fear good brings in the most donations.
Its interesting about the use if the American flag on public service vehicles, and even on uniforms. This was not common pre-9/11. On firetrucks for instance, it certainly began on 9/11, I remember this very welk, as I used to take the boys on our Sunday ride by our local fire station. After 9/11 every vehicle sported a flag, even the ambulances. They still have them.
I think this was a general thing across police and fire vehicles, a fashion among their personnel, a bottom-up thing from the rank and file. In time it became an ongoing reaction by the rank and file against the world view of their civic leaders, as the firemen and policemen still are not on board with their culture and politics. It is a natural expression of the troops, typically visible but silent, against a leadership they distrust.
Consider the case where the NYPD turned their backs on De Blasio.
In the case of the SF Fire Department, even in 2001 they were mostly not white. It is not a natural thing, this suppression of American identity. Those hispanic and Asian firemen had the natural instinct to American identity. It is their leadership and their educators that are trying to suppress it.
Shakti Woman Emerging
"Through embodiment of her Feminine Authority she discovers the Divine Mother rising through her as Form. Witnessing herself fully embodying her feminine and masculine principles in balance, she emerges in her Sovereignty. Shakti Woman teaches right use of power and to honor the impulse of our womb."
This image is powerful because they used womb-impulse engines on Star Trek.
Shakti Woman Emerging - almost forgot the best part: $3,200.
loudogblog said...
I used to live in Newport Beach. (Which is just north of Laguna Beach.) Laguna Beach is very beautiful and you have to be really, really rich to afford to live there.
LOL, As opposed to Newport Beach where you just need to be average really rich.
(I went to grad school at UCI, 40 years ago. At that point, you just needed to be middle class to live in Irvine. )
but yes, i agree about Laguna Beach...
I say let them have it their way . A hammer and sickle flag on a red car.
No borders, no wall, no America at all.
Be serfs, not free, no happiness to see.
Stick a fork in US. We're done.
Graphic is so so, it was somebody trying to make the police cars more artsy by filling the letters of police with a stylized us flag.
Lots of virtue signaling by those against it, very over the top.
And for you non-Californians, Laguna Beach is in Orange County - an hour south of LA, an hour north of San Diego.
Up until recently, OC was practically a middle-class, Republican paradise. Nice affordable homes, good public schools, low crimes,lotta surfing and sunshine.
Alas, illegal immigration and the general spread of California leftism is transforming it into something different and worse. It's the similar process that transformed San Francisco and Detroit into the shitholes they are now.
In the case of Laguna Beach, its possible that some of the residents, at least, have figured out that patriotic symbolism on their police vehicles is to a degree the police rank and file thumbing their noses at the residents.
Not that either side here would admit it. Its something Tom Wolfe wouldn't have missed, nor would he have missed the disingenuous arguments, and the layers of hypocrisy.
The good news is that there are no US flags on the Sharia patrol cars Muslims are driving in New York to police offenses against Islam. Progress!
I recall that during the Obama years there were rightist people who would not fly the flag. They also bought lots of beans and rice and stored them in their garages. Plus they were buying bullets. What did they think was coming, the apocalypse? Speaking of outright nuttery....
Laguna Beach is beautiful and the best way to experience it is in your own vehicle driving by to the next beautiful beach.
A half century later I have actually become sympathetic to "America, love it or leave it."
San Francisco isn't a shithole (other than the actual shit). Its an extremely expensive place to live and work, the residents are collectively richer than ever, and the facilities are, other than the indulgence of some inconvenient thousands that don't belong there, as clean and efficient as they have ever been.
It is however a remarkably sterile, impersonal, disconnected, asocial place. In a wealthy neighborhood it often seems that the place has been cleaned out by the body-snatchers.
Much of it works like a rooming-house for temporary residents.
"The proposed graphic that the council unanimously approved in February was a more muted version of the design that now appears on the cars, according to a city staff report. In February, Pietig called the proposed designs a “cloud-like look.”
I wonder, did Althouse ever write a blogpost about the people I described @12:16? I know I spoke several times here of the phenomenon I observed in my deep red county during those years. I’m quite certain that most here will deny this happened, but only a few days ago someone here actually admitted he didn’t fly the flag during the last couple of Obama years.
You forgot that Michelle Obama was NEVER proud of her country until her grifter husband got elected.
Inga, your comments over the past couple of weeks have been hilarious.
You disgraced yourself with 2-1/2 years of lying over the Russia collusion scandal.
And, without skipping a beat, you’re babbling like you hold the high moral ground.
You’ve suffered a psychotic break with reality. You humiliated yourself here. You don’t even seem slightly aware of this.
A sane person in your shoes would hide under a rock for quite a while.
“America, love it or leave it."
Indeed. And America was always great, didn’t need Trump at all to make it greater. I recall telling a neighbor of my daughter’s here in deep red Waukesha County that refusing to fly the flag because of Obama being President seemed a bit unpatriotic, I was very gentle.
Such bullshit Maddow Inga.
I'm a non-leftwinger and I flew the flag all the time during Obama. I don't care who is in office. "rightists" as you say, don't care either.
And, Inga, you just spend over 2 years accusing Prez Trump of being a Russian agent and traitor.
You were lying outrageously. You just refused to accept the results of an election.
How does that compare to that flag business?
And America was always great,
Not from January 2009 until January 2017. In those years we had a president whose administration couldn't even stand up a simple web site.
didn’t need Trump at all to make it greater.
Yes it did.
Lay low and do penance.
"San Francisco isn't a shithole (other than the actual shit)."
Literally, in the Tenderloin and near the Civic Center it is.
Figuratively, you are exactly right when you say, it is "a remarkably sterile, impersonal, disconnected, asocial place. In a wealthy neighborhood it often seems that the place has been cleaned out by the body-snatchers."
No sane family would raise their kids there.
I have a colleague who has rented the same beautiful apt in Pacific Heights since 1977. Under rent control, he pays $2K/month. Without rent control, he'd be paying $20K/month.
That type of distortion runs throughout the city. It is a left-wing Shrangi La. If you live in or own a place in Pacific Heights or the Marina, life is good. If you inherited a 5 unit apartment place in North Beach, or the Sunset, life is very good. But, for the the other 98%, it's pretty rough.
I can't improve on your description of a city "..cleaned out by body-snatchers." That hits the mark.
Where’s your apology, Inga, for the two years of vicious, treasonous lies?
Shouting Thomas...
Like this?
(From Nostradamus Inga)
"After reading this thread, I think you nutbags are are going to lose whatever marbles you still have left when the Mueller report is made public. I think whoever ends up in the role of President before 2020 might need to declare martial law, until you Cultists get yourselves deprogrammed. Have hope, there might still be a normal life after Trump for you poor souls."
--Inga. **Some really good shit.
btw- The patriotic people in my hood' - some of whom are on the left, they fly the flag whenever patriotic holidays occur. No matter who is in charge at the time. I give them heaps of credit for that.
If your patriotism is fair-weather and depends on who the C-n-C is, you're an idiot.
They should vote to disband their police dept. they don’t need no stinkin’ Authority.
In contrast to San Francisco, Laguna Beach is picturesque and delightful. You go for a weekend visit, you enjoy the sand, the sun, the art galleries, the restaurants, and you will forget about politics.
Good people and a good community, although they vote stupidly.
Now, truth be told about San Francisco -- it's stunningly beautiful too. Stay away from the "shithole" parts, and stick to Nob Hill, North Beach, the Marina, the wharfs, and it's quite lovely. Again, no more than a weekend. Living there, will slowly drive you crazy. And, if you consider that SF politicians Pelosi, Feinstein, Kamala Harris, and Gavin Newsom are trying to do to the country, what they've already done to SF and California, run for your life!
Laguna Beach CA - say no more.
CA needs to break off at the fault line and float over to NoKo.
Trump’s friend is a winner too at the Masters. The TIger is back. Up 2 with 2 holes to go. First time I have cried in years.
No one believes Inga's tall tales about conservatives refusing to hoist the colors. Maybe she's thinking of that neighbor she had that stopped flying his American flag because Inga kept lighting it on fire.
Just light the damn fuse already.
Bay Area Guy said...
"In contrast to San Francisco, Laguna Beach is picturesque and delightful."
My daughter goes to school there, Lagona Beach.
When she graduates she can't wait to get out of cali.
I went to Mexico City and was horrified by the monstrous Mexican flag that flew in the main plaza.
The hate America first crowd in action.
The best criticism is that when people see the cars, they may think federal
Boo hoo. Who cares.
If you aren't doing anything wrong. Haven't broken any FEDERAL laws, what difference does it make what you think? If you are an ILLEGAL invader into the country...yah...maybe it would bother you. But not as much as it bothers the rest of us that you are breaking the laws.
The only proper response to The Artist would be "you must of confused us with someone who gives a crap on what you think". The common theme with these offended types is that they narcissists, that their feelzs, thoughts, whatever are what counts and yours, not at all.
"My daughter goes to school there, Lagona Beach.
When she graduates she can't wait to get out of cali."
Yeah, I hear ya. I have a son, who is plotting his exit from California. I came here nearly 50 years ago in that big migration westward from NYC. Was a wonderful place up until the Dems got power and went batshit crazy. SF went crazy in the 70's with Jim Jones, and Harvey Milk and the AIDs epidemic. Oakland went crazy with the black panthers and drug violence. And the madness kept spreading throughout Northern California.
It's still great for me, but only because I got lucky and bought stuff decades ago. Today, I have no idea how a young person can make it here.
As a conservative, I know of no one, not a soul, who took down his US flag when Obama was in office. I think you create things out of whole clothe to fit your delusion.
A flag on a police car means police support for ballgames.
A police car on a flag would be worrying.
"The best criticism is that when people see the cars, they may think federal agents, which is not what they are."
Because a significant number of the left's electorate are illiterate and/or illegal?
Placeholder:It will kill me to kinda-sorta side with the snowflakes on the question, but my reason would be different. They are local cops, and I don't quite see the reason for local cops to wrap themselves in the American flag. It's entirely symbolic, of course, but symbols are symbols for a reason. Sticking the American flag on a local cop car lends them a level of authority that they really shouldn't have.
Thanks for saying this. I've made the same point in other situations, and your post reminded me that it should apply here too.
Inga: "I recall telling a neighbor of my daughter’s here in deep red Waukesha County that refusing to fly the flag because of Obama being President seemed a bit unpatriotic, I was very gentle."
This, like, totally happened....
(Wink wink)
I'll bet Buzzfeed could find at least 17 totally "real" anonymous sources to "verify" it!
Too, too funny.
It just keeps getting better and better.
RK: "I went to Mexico City and was horrified by the monstrous Mexican flag that flew in the main plaza."
It was almist as big as the mexican flags the democrats wave during their pro-illegal immigrant protests in CA.
There was one flag the did surface on a regular basis during the Obama administration - the Gadsden flag.
Latest lefty/LLR-lefty hot takes: those darn conservatives are just too reluctant to fly American flags!!
When your best criticism is that you're stupid maybe you should consider whether another approach might be better...like becoming less stupid.
HE DID IT!!! Tiger won the Masters! :-)
I recall that during the Obama years there were rightist people who would not fly the flag.
Sure you do, except the word isn't "recall" it's "fantasize".
Speaking of outright nuttery....
No kidding.
I was so anti-Obama I would not even defecate during his two terms, so I did have something in common with Inga, being full of it. It's all better now.
If some people can't tell the difference between a police car and the Border Patrol, they aren't assimilated enough to be here in the first place.
Tiger won the Masters!
That was a great tournament. I wish Finau and Molinari didn't fall apart quite so much. I don't remember another major win where he fought off so many players with a chance to win, the high point Was Tiger charging back after Cantalay took the outright lead.
Fun fact: this is the first major (of 15) he's won when not leading or tied going into the final round.
not only would some rightists not fly the American flag to protest Obama, some actually put up a Nazi flag instead.
“Why would someone fly a Nazi flag to protest Obama?
A physician has hoisted a Nazi naval war ensign outside of his home, in what he says is a protest against 'Führer' Obama. He is not the first.”
“I recall that during the Obama years there were rightist people who would not fly the flag.”
Did. Not. Happen.
If the American flag triggers you
If the American flag "stands for" something evil in your eyes
If the American flag bothers you
If the American flag stirs up bad feelings in you
Then YOU are the one with a problem, a prejudice, a lack of comprehension, a misunderstanding of History, a lack of intelligence, and possibly all five afflictions and more.
HE DID IT!!! Tiger won the Masters! :-)
Click. I turned it off yesterday and didn't even bother today. It's not that I don't like Tiger. The media coverage is so over-the-top, it's insufferable.
First final round I've not watched in at least 40 years.
I just did a Google Search and Duck Duck Go Search, and nothing about anyone refusing to fly a US flag during the Obama administration. First time I have ever heard about it. Lots of anti Left stuff against the American Flag.
Dilbert Strip that's relevant, about fake quotes:
only a few days ago someone here actually admitted he didn’t fly the flag during the last couple of Obama years.<
These delusions are typical of some lefties. I know of cases where home owner associations and the like ordered flags to be taken down.
You could show us ONE example of this or maybe you should quiet down until the Mueller report shuts off your delusions for good.
"the best criticism"? WTF are you smoking?
So one jughead apparently flew a Nazi-type flag during the Obama years and that's the same as bitching about the US flag.
You really are a stupid person.
Inga said she "witnessed" these non-flag flyers. But the cut & paste job is a story about Norfolk, VA! Inga so full of shit. There is no corollary on the right to the millions of flag haters on the Left.
Not. Even. Close.
Inga: :Why would someone fly a Nazi flag to protest Obama?"
Hitler was famous for using state intelligence and law enforcement agencies to spy on domestic political opponents....
...just like obama did against journalists, journalists family members, members of the Senate and House, domestic opposition candidates as well as mount a frame up disinformation campaign against that opposing candidate followed by extending that "insurance policy" campaign against a duly elected President-elect and then President.
“It is time to take a stand and make a statement—It is time to, “Wake Up America!” After a full day of research and discussions with a former Assistant Attorney General, a decorated Vietnam Veteran and most of my neighbors– I have decided to fly my American Flag” Up Side Down” until the Obama Administration is cleaned out and -GONE!“
“On Wednesday morning after learning that President Barack Obama was re-elected to a second term, Hoelzel raised his flag upside down for the first time at this home. Veterans Day just happens to be his fifth day of what he plans to be a four-year-long protest, and it's also the day neighbors began to take notice.“
I think Laguna Beach should paint all the police cars all to look like "General Lee" in "The Dukes of Hazard".
“Phillips C. Hall is dismayed by what he views as the demise of America. His discouragement is expressed in the American flag on a pole in his front yard.
Old Glory flies at half-staff. Hall lowered it after the U.S. Supreme Court's recent decisions in favor of the Affordable Care Act and gay marriage.
The flag is a barometer of Hall's displeasure with the state of the union. He first lowered it in 2012 when Barack Obama was re-elected.”
The American flag represents a community of states. #HateLovesAbortion
Question: "How do you know when someone doesn't fly the US flag?"
Answer: "When you don't see it."
Inga would rather not discuss the blog post article...a municipal issue.
She's gone full whatabout..with LINKS.
"I don’t think that using the Nazi flag to protest Obama is really a trend," said Mark Potok, a Senior Fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center, in a phone interview. "The bottom line is the ludicrousness of someone who compares the ideology of President Obama with the policies of Nazi Germany which resulted in the deaths of over 70 million people. It’s just ludicrous.”
This is the best part of links. Remember the left not only claimed Trump is Hitler but Bush also. So the guy who made a scam of suing the KKK for his benefit instead of the victims is nevertheless saner than leftists.
But I bet he never applied this standard to himself or the left either. Left wingers only apply standards to others.
I have decided to fly my American Flag” Up Side Down” until the Obama Administration is cleaned out and -GONE!“
That makes sense and is nothing to do with your comment about NOT flying the flag. Did you think you were making a point?
Flying the flag UPSIDE DOWN is a signal of being in danger and in distress. The United States was in extreme distress from a President who wanted to remake America into his distorted vision. A patriot who loves his country would fly the flag upside down.
Upside down flag = distress and a call for help.
Inga, now do lefties burning flags and while you are at it, how about kneeling during the National Anthem?
Too too funny.
It just keeps getting betterand better.
They could adopt a flag depicting a witch that flew over the rainbow, a symbol that has captured their imagination over the trimesters and centuries.
“It feels very aggressive.”
We wish.
But all it is, is progs doing their prog thing.
At what point will "moderates" realize that everyone to their left hates America?
Inga is your neighbors flag flying again now that BHO is out of office? Is there a photo of it?
The local sheriff's department has an "In God We Trust" emblem on the rear of their cars. And guess what? It was on there during Captain O's rule and reign.
Attorney Jennifer Welsh Zeiter said at the last council meeting that she found the police cars “exceptional” and questioned the loyalty of anyone who objected to the American flag display.
This seems a logical assertion. The argument was that the flag shouldn't be shown because it means something the "community" doesn't support. Since the flag represents America it's an admission she doesn't support America and believes she has this in common with her community.
And she's largely right.
"No Borders, No Wall, No USA at all!"
Its not like these folks haven't told us what the end point is. The Laguana Beach Left are reprising the role of the French aristocracy, spoiled sullen and resentful at the Sun KIng's turning them into well-fed courtiers, who led the Revolution only to find they were first up on the guillotine.
It's actually worse than imagined. For every one person who chose to not fly the American flag, there were a million who did, and at every official function they would raise the flag, stand at attention, and pledge allegiance to the community for which it stands. This despite dreams of redistributive change that promised to deny life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for social progress.
At what point will "moderates" realize that everyone to their left hates America?
What makes you think this is a difference between leftists and "moderates"? The "moderate" Dem candidate for office believes Republicans want to put blacks "back in chains" returning them to literal slavery. The key distinction between the left and "moderates" in today's usage is that "moderates" only let the crazy out when they think their comments won't be made public.
National socialist does not sound very right wing...
Am I missing something?
Nazi was short for National Socialist
That was short for:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
Or in English:
National Socialist German Workers' Party
So flying a Nazi era naval flag sounds pretty left wing to me.
Yeah, lagu a beach. I lived there for 2 months in 66 in my hippie days.
They had this crazy giant swede who was the official town bum. I mean "greeter".
So nutso they made a giant statue of him to scare small children.
Seriously, anyone, legal or not, who is scared of the flag on a police car doesn't belong in this country.
Now if they are scared of the lb cops, that is a sign of intelligence. Unless they've become kind let and gentler in the intervening years.
John Henry
"In God We Trust"
Has been replaced by certain special and peculiar interests with: In Stork We Trust.
Recall when Obama lit up the exterior of the White House with the gay flag colors. Not sure, but I believe it was to reach out to the evangelicals. You know, to end divisiveness.
I**a said she "witnessed" these non-flag flyers.
I have to admit I didn't fly the flag either but, then, I never fly it. I do have a US Flag sticker on my vehicle. She could also say truthfully that I never spoke out against Hitler, as I wasn't born yet. Sins of omission, I guess.
Another cut and paste that doesn't make Inga's point ,Got it.
Off to Figaro's Marriage
here was the founder, a more down to earth figure than hitler,
“they may think federal agents, which is not what they are.”
At least they won’t think Democrats
Trump Derangement Syndrome has led us deep into the Heart of Darkness. Where will it lead us? What additional horrors will we encounter? Will we descend even deeper into the collective subconscious? Will we eventually find our Mr. Kurtz? The horror, the horror!
It is perfectly appropriate that police cars have the American flag on them. Their police powers extend from the Constitution of the United States. The police are the most visible representations of the State that we are likely to come in contact with.
I see Inga has shat the thread.
American flag hurts immigrants or visitors? Really? Let's think about this a moment.
If you are an immigrant and you are hurt or angered or afraid of the flag of the country that you are voluntarily moving to.....why would you move to a place that you feel afraid or hate?
If you are a visitor and you don't like the flag or what the country you are visiting represents....find another place to visit.
It would be as if you came into my house, without my invitation, and decided you didn't like my decor and demand that I change my house to suit YOU? Really? Don't let the door hit you on the way out. GTFO. Thanks.
To be clear, this is not a case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
This anti-national, or anti-American, syndrome goes back a long way, back to the Cold War, and in California anyway has been fully operational in the schools for twenty years.
DBQ, if you recall, Althouse found it offensive that a German athlete had the bad taste to carry the German flag at the close of the Winter Olympics last year. So I guess there are some tender souls to whom national flags pose some kind of threat.
A physician has hoisted a Nazi naval war ensign outside of his home, in what he says is a protest against 'Führer' Obama. He is not the first.”
I'm old enough to remember when referring to the current POTUS as Hitler was a good thing. Seems like it was just yesterday.
In fact, it was. Today, too.
yes, you get a taste of it in Thomas Pynchon's work, notably vineland, which was a hot mess in 1990. about some hippy stragglers, but even in his magnus opus, gravity's rainbow
an amusing bit about vineland, is this was the work, salman rushdie was commissioned to review, yet other events got in the way,
I lived in the USA for 20 years. Not once was I threatened, discomfited, angered, or annoyed by seeing an American flag.
In the days, weeks, and months following 9/11, fire trucks would roar through Berkeley with large American flags tied to their ladders waving gloriously to every resident. A few protested it was a jingoistic gesture that might make Muslims feel bad. The Berkeley Fire Department said (paraphrasing here) "Fuck you; if you don't like it put out your own damn fires." It also didn't hurt that unionized public employees in California are essentially untouchable.
People might get confused and think that they're in the US instead of California.
Here's a municipal bit if one wants to go off on a tangent:
Presidential photos taken down at Edison Tech High School
By Melanie Johnson
PUBLISHED 8:48 PM ET Jan. 17, 2018
ROCHESTER, N.Y. -- A Rochester city school is placing restrictions on where photos of U.S. presidents can be displayed.
The decision by Principal Walter Larkin Jr. came after a group of teachers complained that the school failed to acknowledge Donald Trump.
Instead of adding displays featuring the current president, the school has instead decided to remove pictures of all presidents in hallways, library and the main office.
“I think this is a very discriminatory practice. It puts way too much power in the hands of one person and it creates so many problems that could be avoided by just saying look he`s the president,” said Edison engineering teacher, Donald Murphy.
“For them to want to put up a picture of a man that symbolizes hatred, bigotry, and put it around a school that contains majority of minorities being African Americans, Chinese, Japanese, what have you, doesn’t make sense,” said Joseph Collins, a parent.
WALL, N.J. — High school yearbooks that featured digitally-altered photographs of students supporting President Trump will be reissued, the school district superintendent said.
A few protested it was a jingoistic gesture that might make Muslims feel bad.
Liberals like to take offense on behalf of others. They also like to think that the enemy of their enemy is their friend.
on a similar note:
I've been to Laguna Beach. Stopped in at the world famous Boom Boom Room (now closed). Still got the t-shirt.
No, I'm not. Knew the owner. Went in in mid-afternoon. No crowd, no gay sex on the bar.
I remember when Abbie Hoffman wore a flag shirt on the Merv Griffin Show and he was electronically blacked out of the screen.
"It is however a remarkably sterile, impersonal, disconnected, asocial place. In a wealthy neighborhood it often seems that the place has been cleaned out by the body-snatchers."
We're seeing this slowly coming to pass in NYC. If we're lucky, we'll always retain at least some of the city's grit and funk.
@mockturtle, do you remember the approximate date of that post?
Big Mike: Presumably it was the morning after the Winter Olympics closing ceremony which was Sunday, February 25. There was a lot of comment on her post, as one might expect.
"National socialist does not sound very right wing...
Am I missing something?
Nazi was short for National Socialist
That was short for:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
Or in English:
National Socialist German Workers' Party."
You're missing that the Nazis were neither left wing nor socialists, their name notwithstanding.
Would you consider "The People's Republic of China" or "The Democratic People's Republic of Korea" (i.e., North Korea) to truly be "people's republics" or "democratic" just because of their names?
There is Nazi the national socialist. There were also principles of diversity, redistributive change, White... Jew privilege, social justice, community without borders, atheism, cannibalized-child for medical progress, and a doctrine of Pro-Choice (e.g. life deemed unworthy of life) for social progress or the wicked solution, a final solution.
"Would you consider "The People's Republic of China" or "The Democratic People's Republic of Korea" (i.e., North Korea) to truly be "people's republics" or "democratic" just because of their names?"
Nope, nor would I consider the Affordable Care Act affordable. I speak from personable experience.
"Nope, nor would I consider the Affordable Care Act affordable. I speak from personable experience."
Neither is non-ACA Health Care. That's capitalism!
national socialism, at it's outset, did intend nationalization of industry, taxes on higher incomes, it was not particularly hospitable to Christians, the knight of long knives, that wiped out much of the SA including the esser wing, did allow certain modifications, but still control of industry, under the gleischastaung (coordination)
IDIOTS. We are overrun with IDIOTS.
Sticking the American flag on a local cop car lends them a level of authority that they really shouldn't have.
What Is the difference if you're arrested?
Also how are the oath different?
OK, then put Mexican flags on the cop cars, and that will make those illegal beaners happy-- along with their SJW white cuckolds.
Anyone remember when the Central American hordes were first headed to our borders? Many were carrying their native countries' flags. Now, I find that offensive! If they are seeking asylum from a 'dangerous place' like Honduras and Guatemala, why would they fly their national flags?
Cook said:
You're missing that the Nazis were neither left wing nor socialists, their name notwithstanding.
Would you consider "The People's Republic of China" or "The Democratic People's Republic of Korea" (i.e., North Korea) to truly be "people's republics" or "democratic" just because of their names?
No, but I *would* consider that FASCISM is not a right-wing thing, that government controlling vast areas of the economy (fascism), is goddamn close to government OWNING the means of production (socialism).
As Mussolini put it re fascism: :"All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state."
American conservatives have never argued for an economy constructed along those lines.
Why? Because they are antithetical to freedom, capitalism and limited government.
Reddit be damned.
I can understand why they were carrying their national flags.
This was a gesture of ethnic and community unity, in that they knew they could best achieve their goal by maintaining organization, to avoid deserting each other, and to arrive at the US border as a mass. They were Hondurans and would stick together as Hondurans.
No, such people have no inherent affection for the US, as a state, a culture or a society. Nobody sold them on the US as a philosophical ideal, nor on Americans as a people, nor on American culture. These migrations are purely a matter of economics and personal or family ambition, modest though these ambitions usually are.
To be clear, this was the state of mind of most immigrants to the US, ever. Those people at Ellis Island did not feel American, and many of them went into enclaves where they could remain Italian or German or Jews of the Pale, for as long as possible.
There is a lot of romantic mythology about immigration, on both political sides.
Buwaya, my ancestors arrived as British Colonists and came mainly for religious freedom, although at least one was sent from Scotland by Cromwell. Whatever the reasons, their writings show that they were happy to be here, hardships and all.
There is a lot of romantic mythology about immigration, on both political sides.
The early Irish, before the potato famine, were fleeing oppression by the English. They could not own land and were severely discriminated against. That had some features of economic migration but it was more. Big families like the O'Briens converted to Protestantism and retained their property and freedom. Their ancestral hime is Dromoland Castle, now a luxury hotel. The present family home, a mansion on the same property, is behind the hotel.
One of the English dukes owned 40,00 acres of Ireland but lived in London, He was a government Minister about 1905 when my ancestors were in Illinois.
May ancestors came about 805 and one family settled in New York State a few m likes from the St Lawrence River and the other branch settled on the Canadian side of the St Lawrence,
1805, not 805.
the knight of long knives, that wiped out much of the SA
In leftist mythology, there can be only one. It's an inherent limitation in central, single-systems of governance, which combined with diversity, chauvinism, political congruence, progressivism, and the Pro-Choice "religion" (i.e. code of ethics) is toxic to what, who they deem to be deplorable, inconvenient, or profitable.
I've been to Laguna Beach. Stopped in at the world famous Boom Boom Room (now closed). Still got the t-shirt.
The owners of "The Little Shrimp," that was ground zero in the AIDS epidemic, were patients of mine, Brothers and, I assume gay, but they sold out early and moved to Hawaii.
Dang, arrived late at this post. Don't like the American flag? Fuck off and get out. Triggered? Fearful? Fuck off and get out.
I travel a lot in France. I see a lot of French flags there. On French buildings. In France.
What do the French say to me when I am triggered, or fearful, or angry?
Fuck off and get out.
What do the French say to me when I am triggered, or fearful, or angry?
Fuck off and get out.
In French, I presume...
I live in Texas... if you come here and are offended by the American Flag then go back where you came from. 95 percent of Texans I have no doubt will agree with me. The other 5 percent are just snowflakes in Austin.
I saw a picture of the police cars on Drudge. They are black Ford Explorer SUVs with white door panels and POLICE in large letters across the white door panels as though cut out of a waving American flag. That is, the ‘P’ is mostly blue with stars and by the time you get to the ‘E’ it has a red band across the top and bottom with white in between. Artistically speaking I think it is a bit overdone, and I don’t think I would like to cruise around in sunny Southern California in a black vehicle. That said, I think mccullough is onto something. If the police cars trigger you then don’t call 911 in case of a home invasion. Don’t call. 911 If some criminal sticks a gun in your face and jacks your car. No sense being victimized twice, once by a criminal and then triggered by a police car.
And for gosh sakes don’t commit a crime yourself.
So in response to a demand for citations where "rightists" refused to fly the US flag, we get (a) a story about someone flying a Nazi flag (trying to signify we are heading toward totalitarianism under Obama) and (b) a story of someone flying the US flag upside down (signifying the country is in distress under Obama) and (c) a story of someone flying the US flag at half mast...
Totally absent from all these stories: the slightest hint of anyone refusing to fly the American flag.
"Maybe if the police vehicle is a Chevrolet, with apple pie depicted next to the flag."
If your mom is the police officer, that works out. :)
Cook: You're missing that the Nazis were neither left wing nor socialists, their name notwithstanding.
Ignorant remark. You do realize that film existed in the 1930s, yes?
There is video of Hitler and his subordinates giving speeches advocating the "wonders" of socialism.
Cook: Would you consider "The People's Republic of China" or "The Democratic People's Republic of Korea" (i.e., North Korea) to truly be "people's republics" or "democratic" just because of their names?
Of course not. But I bet you consider the "Democratic" Party to be democratic, even though the DNC and its superdelegates have hardly been that over the last 3 (4?) elections. LOL.
But your fallacy is "all apples are fruits so all fruits must be apples". Yes, people put adjectives in from of horrors to make them more palatable. Like your own "Democratic Socialism".
But again, all that is irrelevant - Hitler et al are on video explaining why they are socialists.
(wait till Cook finds out the racist slave-owners were Democrats). Sub-human, they called them. Just like they tagged the 45 million "clumps of cells" they have aborted. Same pattern repeating itself over and over.
Inga: I recall telling a neighbor of my daughter...
Would that be the healthcare expert or the military expert? Or the judicial expert? I keep getting your stable of imaginary offspring mixed up.
If you want us to pretend along with you, try spending less time yelling at strangers on Althouse and more time playing with all those "grandchildren".
I'm naming this daughter Ischaeyde. She was the inspiration for ZZ Tops "Legs", although there are conflicting accounts of which one was her boyfriend. And she does this wicked thing with her hips at the KitCat Club.
Hey, if you are going to involve us in your fantasy narrative, we get to direct too.
California is California, well known as the "left" coast because they are all nuts. They will not be happy unless and until you can only fly some other countries flag and not the American Flag. By then there will be no America.
I suspect they will still be un-happy living in another sxxx hole they created run by the left and exactly like, Cuba, Venezuela and that they are demanding.
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